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Times Advocate, 1992-09-16, Page 20
Times -Advocate, Soptotither 16, 1992 GREY BARN BOARD, leave message at 227.1335. LOOKING POR ANTIQUE FURNITURE, toys, signs, pat cards. dada etc. Anything old r iteresting. Leave message at 227-1335. MOUSE MR SALE - Modem brick cottage 109 lama St. Exeter. Available Nov.1st. Phone 235-2438. (37:38s) WHITE BRICK BUNGALOW on lot of average dee . with mawre landscaping located in Mitchell. Call 345-2589. (37:38c) 14 Gregus Court New home in Exeter, featuring spacious living room, 3 large bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, ensuite with jucuzzi, spacious eat in kitchen, main floor laundry, central vac, high efficiency gas fumace. Deck, brick drive and sodded lawn. Contact Gregus Construction 235-1647. EXETER STONEYRIDGE ESTATES New Home for Sale ;; 2205 sq. ft. • 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths • Cathedral livingroom • Oak cupboards • Double garage • Gas fireplace • Interlocking brick driveway • Open oak staircase * Sodded and landscaped PRIVATE SALE CONTACT Stoneyridge Developments Inc. Jack Taylor 235-3293 MC Re 1111111, 284 Main St. and Insurance Inc. Exeter, Ontario Grand Bend, Ontario (519) 235-2420 (519) 238-8484 BOATER'S DEUGHT Grand Bend riverfront, 4 bedroom bungalow on a mature treed lot with docking availab;e. Great view of river/harbour and walk about village. Asking $223,900. Call Al Vasily/Grrff Thomas 235-2420/ 238-M84. REALTOR OPEN HOUSE Sun Sept. 20 1 -3 p.m. 67 North Richmond St., Hensall - Three bedroom brick home in good condition. Hot water, heat, full basement. Priced right. CaII Bill Giifillan. Three bedroom home in desirable area, huge family room, central vac, nice yard with privacy hedge. See listing office for 6 months mortgage assistance or vendor cash back. Call Bill Gilfillan. LAKE FRONT COTTAGE Near Bayfield - maintenance free cottage on private, treed lot tiered for easy access to deck and beach. Features larce living room with stone fireplace/insert and 1 1/2 baths. $169,900. Al Vasily 238-8484. REDUCED TO SELL Open concept kv'ining area with Franklin woodstove. Three bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, great den and updated kitchen. Reduced to $119,WO in quiet Egmondville. Al Vasily 235-2420. LAKEFRONT $124.000 -located in Lakewood Gardens. 3 bedrooms, panoramic lake view. Open to offers. Al Vasi- ly 238-6399. FOR LEASE - 3 bedroom house, $950/month to qualified tenants. Call Bill Gilfillan. INDUSTRIAL- Tentage on wy. urvey available, all services are to property. Priced to sell. Owner will reply to all offers. Call Bill GdIillan. CORNER LOT IN HENSALL - fully serviced lot, excellent location across from public school. Owner will reply to all offers. Call Bill GiMiWln. . PRICE REDUCED LARGE LOT NWY,1113 - Suitable for prestige home and business. 130 ft. frontage x 460 ft. depth. 8111Giffillan. HWY. 4 BETWEEN EXETER AND HENSALL - Excellent property for your business plus land to build your home. Purchase below construc- tion coats. Call Bill to view. • FAST FOOD OUTLET with living quarters. Call Bill Giffillan. • APPROVED CONDO DEVELOPMENT - +1- 80 acre agrbproduct condominium project Call Al Vasily/Bill Whiten. • TWO SERVICED LOTS each approx. 1 - 1 1/4 acres. Asking $72,900 pm lot. Call Al Vasily/Bill Gitfillan. 811) Gilflian 235.0116, Murray Keys 235-2898 Al Vastly 2384399 BILI Fuss 236-7755 ROYAL L.EPAGE = MEMBER Associaje Broker Network •. nl.l..1.• t l e".,n •1, s ellr,Ire 19 Property for Sole GRAND BEND Pineview Mobile Home Park, tNituiatemt omwmrdty, paved roads and street lights, Oar mend living. Homes for sale, excellent condition. Cable T V., Pod end dub house, pets sodomite. Phone 238-5584 or 243-2294. (420n) 20 Property For Rent LARGE BRIGHT 2 bedroom apartment, laundry hookups, paved parkrrg 5485.00 per morrthus utilities. Phone 235-1449 or 2;3 5.1950. (37tfn) EXETER - ground floor apartrnenu with fridge and stove. Call Glen Haven Apartments 235-0349.(44tfn) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT' in Exeter, dean, washer, dryer hookup. Paved parking 5485.00. per month. Phare 235-1449 or 235-1950. (51tfn) LARGE LUXURY 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS with three appliances. Imu ndry (*militia, in each unit: Ground flour units available. Phone 235-2961. (4tfn) FIRST MONTH FREE- ELI AHI•'(TI COURT APARTMENTS, Hansall. One and two bedtoorn s with fridge, stove, heat and h 5-o. Laundry facilities on premises. For more information and viewing opportunities call 262-2827 after 6 p.m. (21t UPPER LARGE 2 BEDROOM apartment fridge, stove included. Downtown Hensall. 5465/month plus utilities. Phone 236-4365 or 236-4961. (22tfn) EXETER - downtown, ground floor, smaller 2 bedroom, fridge, stove supplied. Washer, dryer hodcup. Available now. 235-0302. (30tfn) LAKEFRONT HOME, south of Bayfield, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fumished. Available Septanber 1. No pea, 5450.00 monthly plus utilities. Phone 236-7564. (38c) HENSALL - Upper 1 bedroan 5288 plus utilities per month; 2 bedroom 5305 plus utilities per month. Includes stove, fridge, heat and hot water. Broadloomed. Na suitable for pets or children. First and last months rent Available immediately. 262-3146 after 6 p.m. (33tfn) COUNTRY SETTING - T'otatly redecorated, 2 bedroom main floor apt. New broadloom thtmughout, garden plot. Adults. 5350.00 monthly. Phone 235-0392. (34tfn) IN HENSALL, large 2 bedroom apartment, 5364.00 per month plus utilities. Phone Oke Woodsrmth at 262-2924. (34tfn) UPSTAIRS APARTMENT - Huron Park area. 2 bedrooms, fridge and stove 5275.00 plus hydro. Phone 228-6428 after 4:30. (38c) GRAND BEND - 2 bedroom fully fumited River Rd Mature non-smoking temanu. Monthly/yearly. $800 plus utilities. 1-519-542-9357. (38tfn) EXETER - Small ground floor one bedroom apt tmmL Available Oct 1. Phoneafter S p.m. 235-0659. (38tfn) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Exeter. One block from business section. Newly decorated, fridge, stove and laundry facilities provided. Spacots maintained yard. Private entrance, available immediately. Call 235-2546 or 235-3730. (3&) 20 Property For Rent iWO BEDROOM APARTMENT available in Exeter. Triplex dose to doe/Mains Co11236-7114 or 236-7431 after 6psn. (3S -98c) ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS, 'Astable immediately. Call Marlene M. Parsans sales rep 255--i1304, Einem Realty Inc. 235-1621 APARTMENT IN BRUCEFIELD 2 bedrooms, stove end fridge, heat included. 5395.00 per month. Available now. Phone 482-3026. (36tfn) BACHELOR APARTMENT - One roan phis bathroom with shower. includes same furniture: Available. 1/92. 5193.00 a month. Call Dinner 9-6. (361fn) UPPER LARGE 2 bedroom ap.n fridge, stove, utilities included. Downtown Exeter, air conditioned. Phone 235-0556 or 235-0853. References required. (38:39c) LARGE 3 BEDROOM apartment, downtown Exeter. Available Oct. 1st. 5425.00us utilities. After 4 p.m. 284-3174.036-38e) EXETER - 2 bedroom apanmmu, laundry facilities and heat indtsded. First and last month required. Call 235-3497. (36tfn) BACHELOR APARTMENT - Cable T.V. Also rooms for rent with kitchen and TV privilege. Phone 238-8742. (36-31k) GROUND FLOOR DUPLEX 3 bedroom, Exeter, downtown core, 8645.00 monthly plus utilities. Phone 235-3526. (37tfn) HENSALL • Two bedroom apar*ment in an attractive, well maintained 8 unit building with controlled entry and laundry facilities. 5460 per month. Available now. Call 262-2924. (37tfn) 2 BEDROOM CONDO - furnished, quiet adult building, recreational facilities. 8550 per month. Phone 725-4813 collect or 238-8027.(37.40c) HOMEOWNER would like to shaft home and expaues with other single or tingle parent. Apply to Box 55P, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter NOM 1S6. (38:39c) AILSA CRAIG - easy 1 bedroom suitable for single or young couple. $400 per month. Available now. 293-3883 or 293-3866. 08c) HAYFIELD - downtown, winterized cottage, one bedroom gunroom, storage , adults only. Suitable for seniors. S390.00 per month plus hydro. 383-1139 after 6:30 p.m. (38:39c) TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT available October 1. Fridge, stove, heat included. $388.65 per month. Parking and laundry fadlitiea available. Quiet sating. Phane235-3506 after 6 p.m. (38c) 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals, including weddings, meetings, banquet mom, )ectrues, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitten facilities available. Phone 235-0318. (17tfn) 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE - Available Oct. 1, 1992 - April 30, 1993. Call 238-2299. (35-39c) EXETER MINI STORAGE - Smaller spaces now available. Call 235-1767 for prones. (36-38c) G tA,c. gea• 235-1621 415 Main St. S.. Exeter NEW USING VILLAGE UVING 1 1/2 storey older frame home with 4 bedrooms, one on main floor. Single detached garage, utility shed and tool shed includ- ed. Great home for a young couple. NEW PRICE IMMACULATE CONDITION 4 bedroom family home, good lo- cation, nicely treed private yard. Large rear deck, covered front ve- randah and much more. A must to see at $119,500. ©O© GOOD VALUE - $87,000. MAIN FLOOR FAMILY ROOM ROOM FOR FAMILY BUSINESS tiit- LARGE TREED CORNER LOT • 4 BEDROOMS, DEEP LOT LARGE LOT I N SMALL LEASE FROM IMI. A WEEK Heather M.J. Chanyt" Marlene Parsons** Associate Broker 236-1732 236.1077 236-1804 Murray Wood '• 227 Bony Mawr Dsi,Sally2 Varna by jowl Beierling VARNA - Sunday, September 13 the Varna Sunday School received their seals and diplomas. Sunday School Superintendent Joe Laurie gave an introduction of the teachers and the individual classes. The youngest class taught by Luisa Ste- phenson and Brenda Consist were first to receive their awards. Stacey Consitt first year diploma, Came- ron Laurie second year seal, and Leanne Stephenson her third year seal. Next class taught by Joan Beierling and Debra Rathwell were Graham Laurie sixth year seal, Ja- son Beierling sixth year seal, Cara Stephenson sixth year seal, Andrew Laurie seventh year seal and Danny Rathwell fifth year seal. Pat Tay- lor's class were next with Michael Stephenson receiving his sixth year seal, Darcy Rathwell his seventh year seal and Valerie Laurie her tenth year seal. The senior class taught by Joe Laurie were Heather Laurie receiving her eleventh and twelfth year seal, Heather Beierling her twelfth year seal, Meggin Bart- liffc Reid her eighth year diploma and Kim Taylor her fifth year seal. Rev. Phillips congratulated all stu- dents and teachers and commented on all the years if totalled up. Sunday, September 20 is Varna Anniversary Sunday with Goshen 23 Wonted le Rent DRY STORAGE for 33 foot long 11 ft. high motor home. Phone 262-2124. (38:38c) 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JEAN FORSYTHE TAYLOR late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, housekeeper, who died on or about the 21st day of Italy, 1992. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate ate required to send full.paruculan of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of October, 1992 after which date the estate assets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims that have then been received RAYMOND & MCLEAN Berrisnors and Solicitors 387 Main Street P.O. Box 100 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitors for the Administratnx 29 Garage & Yard Sales ELIMVILLE MULTI -FAMILY YARD SALE. Septanber 19 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Chldrea's dealing, skates, toys, household articles. (311*) classilieds Phone 235-1331 joining to start at I1 a.m. Guest speaker is to be Rev, Doug Wright form Hensall United Church, Monday, September 21 it 7:10 the Session of Varna Is called le meet at the Manse. All mtmbetts are encouraged to attend. Contact Rev. Phillips if you are not able to as soon as possible. Thursday, September 24 at 7 p.m. the Trends will begin again in Br'uoeffeld Church. At the Varna U.C.W. meeting held September 3 the programme was led by Helen Taylor and Marg McClymont with the theme on "Meeting the Needs of Others". Speaker Norma Jean Reid Manager of Salvation Army Thrift Shop in Clinton Spoke about her job and also how she helps with the Food Banc. She answered any questions she was able to. Dates to remember are Thursday, October 1, all U.C.W. members arc to meet at the Varna Church at 11 a.m. and will be stopping off for lunch 4n Exeter with a shoe meet- ing to follow. Then on to Komoka to spend an afternoon viewing the display of porcelain dolls a lady makes. Contact Deb Rathwell if you are able to go. October 19 is the Fall Rally in Clinton at Wesley Willis Church. Varna ladies are in charge of the music. October 5 is the Fall Work - shop in Lambeth Church. Goshen U.C.W. invite Varna la- dies to their meeting on Thursday, September 17 at 7:45 p.m. Jim and Janet Papple, Ontario Co-ordinator for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank will be talking and showing slides of their visit to Africa where the grains are shipped. Men arc also in- vited to his meeting to share in their presentation. Foodgrains Bank is sponsored by many Canadian churches to help alleviate hunger in the world. Congratulations to Andrew Lau- rie on performing on the stage at the Western Fair on Sunday. An- drew had the experience of show- ing his talent of highland flinging to a huge audience. The Stanley township Midget Boys fastball team won the 'C' Di- vision Championship of the south Perth League on Sunday, Septem- ber 13 in Varna. This series was the best "two our of three" with each team having won one game prior to Sunday. This team was coached by Glenn Hayter. For Rent Townhouse, Slmcoe St. Exeter - 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, rec room - gas heat - Available immediately The Maples, Hensel) - 1 - 2 bedroom apartment - $364.00 /month - Heat included - Available Oct. 1, 1992 - 1 bachelor apt. $264.00/ month - heat included - available immediately Ducharme Investments 236-4230 235-3511 Tenders for - South Huron Hospital Renovations to Anne Street Entrance (Banker -bee Ac eeeibility) Exeter, Ontario Sealed bulk tenders will be accepted until 2 o'clock p.m., E.D.S.T. on Tuesday, October 6, 1992, (clearly marked as to contents) at the office of: South Huron Hospital Association 24 Huron Street West, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 Attention: D. Currell, Administrator General contractors may obtain drawinss end specifications from the office of Tillman/Ruth Architects, 318 Wolfe Street, London, Ontario N68 2C5 (Telephone: (519) £12- 1440) on friday, September 18, 1992, after 2 p.m. This project consists of the construction of en enclosed new en trance, containing a vestibule, stairs and a handicapped ramp to the basement and main floor levels of the hospital. Tenders must be accompanied by e 109x► bid bond, an agreement to bond from the bidden bonding company for e 5096 Performsloe bond end a 50% mstasrfal std Iasbour y- rnent bond. A deposit of 1160.40, in the form of a cilium, -rnecle payable to the Architects, Is required or each set of piens and specifications. This deposit 1s forfeit- ed if said drawings and specifications are not returned in- tact in good condition 72 hours following the date of tender closing. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be ac- cepted. Tenderers are advised that a mandatory site visit In connec- tion with this project will be conducted on Friday, September 25, 1992, and for this purpose all bidders shall assemble at existing main entrance to the hospital, Huron Street, at 0900 Hours on the above date. Tillman/Ruth Architects