HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-09-16, Page 10governmentsought to be able to do more with its present legislation. Councillor Robert Drummond suggested council ncil voice some op- posittota -to ,i{ irwr40 =Which at11- "I know what the press is going w be saying," commented mayor Bruce Shaw. "Exeter council is Against the.en einem a=I " 1' Page 1() Times -Advocate, September 16, 1992 Lglon Masls second phi Cook -Off The Orlginai Road MIM Cafe team booth was put together by the Exeter (insurance Broker. The team won the prlte for being the "MOW MN Mining". Sunnysides>fnd tt e scant' Of atewt ung GNU iliongiasefillwortike daySittriittarwhen `the Exeter 14gion held their of Rd IMAM! M! Chill Cook ; Of. Fourteen tis cOMpeted'for top horlouni In the Wil. A wide variety of boast - fill names, such his Stde- winder'Chpi, Chi'Ne's last Stand, Blades of Fire, U-ki/il-it We chilli it, or Ring of Fire, could be seen on the booths. Prizes were >as`follows: 1st' Tall Texan, 2nd Side Winder, ''Sid 'Ring of Fire, 4th South Huron Recrea- tion. Centre 5th Hillbilly Heaven, Gth''hlurphy's Tavern, People's Choice -'Chine's last Stand, best decorated booth - Albatross Tavern, most entertaining team -:Ex- eter insurance' Brokers. IIPPr r. w 55 A Oink tank set up at the Chili Cook -Off Saturday aftemoon Despite claims of using some exotic moats. only a few was a popular spot for those wanting a chance to dunk town booths at the Chili Cook -Off went so far as to provide exam - police constable Liam Brennan. pies. Sources, however. say that nobody actually dared to use less than the best beef in their recipies. Too much legal process, says town council of Environmental Bill of Rights EXETER - An Envuonmeptal Bill of Rights proposed by the pro- vincial rovincial government has not met with the approval of keeter town While Hundey -mid -the bill en- courages citizens to "blow the whistle" on polluters, he said he was ooasamed by the process the Council, -who will be sanding -e'er- bill favours. "The thing that bottlers me about this is tbe,tapapbasis on going to court. ' The courts are already bogged down," said Hundey. "Ons t int; that bas always bugged me since I've been working with gogassment is the [cadency to cams MOO haws," he added, saying such laws overlap too much and the ter to the government to express thea cone ens with the plan. "What it says is society is chang- ing, society is evolving. There is better behavior in the business sec- tor." said town administrator Rick Huntley, who cited an iteptoved record of business and todarttry on environmental iswes. Hen&aIl craft pr —am HENSALL - 'lite Hetsall Recxea- tan, Parks and Community Centre Committee has mimed a new pro- gram for young children in the vil- lage, interested in crafts. Children between the ages of three and seven arc invited to the Hensel) Cotmiuruty Centre on des- ignalcd Saturday nxirmngs for Kid's Crafts The program beguis at 9 a.m. and runs until 11 a.ni. under the guid- ance of Marcia kegler and Jodi Taylor. The next edition of the club will be held September 26. For more information, contact the Hensel' Municipal oflux NEED AN MoD. .. as In motor doctor, call.. 524-2869 alert/Moe Repair The kistorlisalss.esilloP f lsolrb (IMO) litIfillsw mat- ing the Exeter and surrounding area, with s drop oft point ler your 1911MInienosa01: llrlidor.Sisal *Malin Stein South h1pMr,QAM10 With quick irrnamewidand em- Petkivealoins on repaicart0:tlsw motors. MK 2 fears In btisin te, the Motor Deolorosw ttAVs hs�tlnal NOT BE UNDIS$SOI.D. PRIESTAP (1990) Ltd. 224 $unapt Dr., Goderich (next door to Fisher Giese) • c... t PLANNING ACT, 1990 NOTICE OF PASSING OF AN AMENDMENT TO AN INTERIM CONTROL BY-LAW CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF EXETER TAKE N(JN ICE that the Council of the Town of Exeter passed By4itw NO. 21 of 1992 on the 8th day of September, 1992. under Section 38 of the Planning Act, 1990. MD TAKE NOTICE that any person oregency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Town of Exeter, not later than the 7th day of November, 1992, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the ob- jection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the Bylaw, de scribing the lands to which the By -taw applies, and a Dopy of the complete By-law are attached for your information. DATED at the Town of Exeter. in the County of Huron, Province of Ontario, this 10th day o! September, 1992. , EXPLANATORY NOTES NOTES BY-LAW NO, 21, 1992,10 AMEND BY-LAW NO. 44, 1991 By-law No. 44, 1991, passed on September 3, 1991., has the following purpose and effect (i) By-IaN No. 44, 1991, is en Interim Control By-law which prohibits the establishment of an adult entertainment par- lour within the Town of Exeter. (li) By --law No. 44, 1991, is an Interim Control By-law. Council has directed a land use study be undertaken during the time the By-law is in effect so that land use policies and zoning provisions can be considered for enactment. (iii) At the time of passage, By-law No. 44, 1991, was to be in effect for one year from the date of its passage. By-law No. 21, 1992, which amends By4aw No. 44, 1991, has the following purpose and effect: (1) As authorized by the Planning Act, 1990. By-law No. 21. 1992, extends the By-law period from one year to two years, with the result that By-law No. 44, 1991, will cease to be in _effectorl,September 3, 1993. Winners of the prize for the best chili, as judged by the offi cials, went to the Tall Texan team from Rockwood. From left are Les Winter, mayor Bruce Shaw presenting the prize, and Jamie Dawkins. Louise Auge paints the face of Tabitha Koebel a' the Legion Chili Cook -Off on Saturday NISA The September` 30th deadline is rapidly approach- ing. Call us for an in-home review and application assistance 229-6320 Gateway Business Services HARLEN WIESE Route #1 Fuitarton Ontario NOK 1HC ti tint well prepared resume will help you get the job you are looking fors arc. A resume detailing an applicant's work history and education is extremely heipful to an employer who is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy. Your personal resume should ,accompany your letter of application. Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resume LI Make it clear, concise and easy read - and no longer than two pages U The resume should be typed on h 1/2 x l 1' white pope, with enough .white space to prevent a cluttered look U &art with your name, address.and phone number U Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail th.• previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order - that is, last job first. U Use a separate paragraph for each position and precede it with the dates you held that. position U State the job title, a brief description of the responsibilities - and the results you achieved .0 The next section of your resume should come under thi sub -beading of "Education". Start with the highest degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the name of the institution at which you studied. Follow this with previous education attainments. At the end, list any sperifrc instructional courses you have attended in conjunction with your work. J Under the subheading "Affiliations'', het memberships and/or offices, held in professional or industry associations. Li Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests- list any activities which you feel.,will be of interest to the .employer - such as volunteer work, etc. Your letter of application and your mime will be the factors that make the employer appidembother to short Set you for an Interview. So inalsetkas impressive as you can - but stick to 401) facts. We can help you get an impressive and professional-lookintg res{Ime CII Debbie Lgrd,at ^�^r } 00 111 /A (r� \'4 ii u i j34 Main St. i',x*ter (li1S).¢S1 4