HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-09-16, Page 6Visitors enjoyed
ZURICH - Pveryone enjoyed the
extra visitors Ate long Labour Day,
weekend brought to Hire Wider
Rest Horne. Patelly and friends had
many tales to Sell of summer activi
Wednesday evening the residents
joined in their favourite teams to
play rounds of crokinote, sMNltMle-
board, euchre and solo; which built
up an appetite for refreshments pro-
vided by the kitchen staff under the
direction of Kathy Steckle.
Rev. Merlin Bender of Lakeview
Conservative Mennonite -Church
was in charge of Thursday after-
noon Chapel Service. Father 'Peter
Hayes, looking quite refreshed
four his month vacation, celebtut-
ed Maas.
Thursday evening the sounds of
old time music filled the air with
tunes provided by "Max and the
Townitners" orchestra. Phyllis
Reichert, Max Duccharme, Doug In-
sley, Lloyd Otterbein, Doug Rau
and Jack Simmons kept the resi-
dents in high spirits with their live-
ly entertainment Guests for the
evening were residents and volun-
teers ffiwn Queensway Nursing
Home of Hensel!. After dancing to
their hearts content, which even
saw a few wheel chairs rocking, the
residents and guests cooled off with
refreshments of fruit bread, cheese
and squares served with their fa-
vourite beverage.
To complete their week, the resi-
dents gathered Friday evening in
the auditorium for bingo. Spouses
too, after hearing of their mates'
great wins, joined in to u, their
hand at lady -luck.
Next week, on the 17th, the resi-
dents look forward to providing an
evening of appreciation to last
terms Grade 8 students from St.
Boniface School and Zurich Public
School, plus students from South
Huron H.S. and Central Huron S.S.,
who so generously donated their
time after school in the evenings
and on weekends helping the resi-
dents the past year. The residents
wish than well in their secondary
school studies.
The residents look forward to at-
tending the Grand Cove Estates' an-
nual review on the 21st at Grand
Bend Legion. This time - "Any-
thing mss!"
The residents, staff and Board of
Forthcoming -amor e - Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Millar, RR1
Hensel! are pleased to an-
nounce the forthcoming mar-
riage of their daughter Joanne
Marie to Mr. Donald Earl, son
of Bill and Donna Perry, Exet-
er. The wedding will take
place on Saturday, Septem-
ber 26, 1992 at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon at Exeter Pente-
costal Church. Open recep-
tion at the Exeter Legion. 9
.Pbrthoornlgg-e - Dean
and Joanne McKnight 'are
pleased to 'announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
son Rob to Tammy, daughter
of Graham and Cecile Dann
of Petrolia on September 26,
1992 at 1 o'clock In St. Phil-
ip's Catholic Church, Petrolla,
Ontario. Open reception in
evening at the Dante Club
Hall, London Rd. Sarnia, On-
Forthcoming nine - Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Lewis and Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Dearing
would like to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
children Janet Marie Lewis
and Peter Allan Dearing. The
wedding will take place Sep-
tember 26 at 4:30 p.m. at
Zion United Church, Crediton,
Ontario. Open reception to
follow at the Lucan Communi-
ty Centre at 9:00 p.m.
Forthcoming montage - Du -
ward and Linda McAdams are
pleased to,,+announhre the
forthcoming marriage of their
daughter Kristine to Darren
Creces. son of Leo and Helen
Creces. The wedding will take
place on Friday, October 2,
1992 at St. Boniface Church,
Zurich. Open reception to fol-
low in Exeter.
Happy 6Wi Aav rusty
1111Mer - Warwick
Melanie Marlene Warwick,
daughter of Nancy and Jim
Warwick and Kenneth Sinclair
Miller, son of Margaafet and
Barry Miller were united in
marriage on July 18, 1992 at
Exeter United Church. Rev.
Deb Garter officiated. Maid of
honour was Janet Wilds,
friend ,of the bride. Brides
maids were Diane end Lor-
raine Warwick, sisters of the
bride. Wendy Hodgert, friend
of the bride and Shelly Miller,
sister of the groom. Ushers
were Steve Brock, friend of
the bride and groom, Rob
Miller, brother of the groom,
Sam Toornstra, future broth-
er-in-law of the groom and
Trevor Edwards, friend of the
groom. After a wonderful hon-
eymoon in Nashville, Tenn.
the happy couple we now re-
siding 117 LAeter.
Photo by Victor Alderson,
Grand Bend
w>wrrr y-;.sd. Wain Combs
Congratulations, dove end
best --wishes, mom and dad
on your 65th Wedding Anni-
versary on September 21,
1992 from your children -
Mrs. Shirley Doherty, Mrs.
Wilma .Smolanski, Keith
Coates, sarin -law Wally Smo-
lanski; grandchildren - Denise
and Christopher Greiner, De-
bra Doherty, Richard Doherty,
Brad and Cindy Coates, Tom
and Jill Coates, Susan
Coates; great-grandchildren
Joseph, Daniel and Zachary
Greiner, Cecily.CclaLes.
Zurich Senior
By penis H ieischatue r
ZURICH - A good attendance of
seniors met last Wednesday at the
Community Centre. Tammy An
taya welcomed all diners and visi-
tors and reminded everyone of up
coming events.
Kay Hay read a poem "The Little.
Log Howe". Two talented seniors,
Frieda Pipc, and Alice Brothers.
Crum Bruaecls treated the diners to
beautiful piano duets. A atsndine
ovation was given to both ladies.
Solo and euchre was enjoyed.
• . -. •
Titan our
kitchen to yours
By T.A. ghost writer 1eavenly Devine
Weights and measures
lire the standards used to
find the sites of -things. In
neatly all odmtMes of the
world, people now use the
medic system as the stan-
dard of measurement. The
United States and a very
few other countries contin-
ue to use the old customary
system of measurement, although in 1975, Congress passed
the Metric Conversion Act allowing for a voluntary changeo-
ver to the metric system. So much for volunteerism!
The metric system was developed in France in the 1600's but
wasn't fully accepted by other countries until the 1800's. it re-
placed the old English System wherein "three barleycorns,
round and dry" was the standard for the tach. Not much of a
standard when you take into consideration the differing sizes
of barley!
The original metric system took as its standard the metre, 1/
10,000.000 of the distance from the North•Pole to the equator
along the line of latitude which ran through Dumkerque. The
orlginal.measurement standards have been rtplaced by more
accurate ones, and thereris an International Bureau of Weights
and Measures which can change the metric system as neces-
sary to refine its accuracy.
1 have come across some strange weights and measures, such
as kilderkin, palm, perch and rood, all of which help me real-
ize the value of the metric system mode and more.
I also found in an old book I have, some farmers's short rules
• To find the number of tons of hay in a mow, multiply the
length of the mow in feet, by the width in feet and divide by
400 if it is well settled (500 tor new hay), and you have the
number of tons in the mow.
• To find the number of bushels in a grain box or bin, multi-
ply the length in feet by the height in feet by the breadth in feet
and then again by 8. Cut off the right hand figure and the result
will be the number of bushels.
• This is one of my favourites, ( and something that would be
very useful to use on those cattle which have been raised on
the range) to find the weight of cattle, multiply the distance
around the animal (back of the foreshoulder) in feet by itself,
and the result by 17.5 and you have very close to the weight.
For a more accurate result, instead of multiplying by 17.5,
multiply by five times the length of the animal in feet (measur-
ing from the forepart of the shoulder to the bone at the tail)
and divide this product by 1.6 for the average cattle, (very fat
by 1.425; very lean by 1.575) and you have the dressed weight
of the animal.
I have not yet learned how to convert recipes from Imperial
to Metric, but here is one that no matter how it is measured
Brenda thinks it will be a welcome addition to your entertain-
ment menu.
Ann's Cheese Fondue
Hollow out one round crusty loaf of bread. Cut the bits you
remove into .chinks and just before serving. bake.1haitn 10-15
__amtesin 14sp. eewxt 2 tap.,oil. Mix togisiberend place
in the hollowed out bread:
1 in cups sour cream
2 - 3 oz. pkg. Philadelphia Cream Cheese (You can use one
plain and one flavoured if you want)
1 tub Imperial Sharp Cheese
1 can minced ham
I2 cup minced green onions
1 tsp. worcestershire sauce
Wrap tightly in foil .and bake at -350 about 1 hour and ten
minutes. Stir and serve with the bread cubes. I think that it
might be nice with a variety of raw vegetables or crackers as
ansa Craig UCW
.ALLSA CRAIG - After the. au rn-
mer break the AilsteCtaigijnitsd
Church women met in OD/Sunday
School room for their September
meeting. The purpose of the UCW
was reviewed and the following
poem was read:
Continued witness is our goal
When onward now we press
We've had some very joyous times
As well as tines of stress
In study Lord teach us the way,.
Teat you would have us go.
In fellowship our growth is strong
The path for service know.
Christ is our hope our way our all.
So stand and counted be.
Renewed to wiuiess for our Lord.
In service full and free.
To prepare for the.woxship ser-
vice some relaxation .nmsic was
played and the hymn Weis Stand
Among Us" was sung, after which
Margaret Wilson conducted the
During.lhe.progtam all the ladies
discussed ,the many interesting
things they bad done during the
suiiumer months. Many .pictures
and souvenirs .were -,Chown. To
coachade the onantint aaatory anti
tied In-Praise.of last Dpip` Nothing
was Lead.
Marg Twaddle, , netaidant,
; �tltiVl.
Open Mon. - Sir
Closed Sweet,
• Cauliflowe . -
• Broccoli
• Cabbage
• Potatoes
• Sweet Corn ►
Baked goods, jam & honey
3 Ahura west of Fleeter on
-Uwy. 03 2874442
sided for the business part of the
meeting. LenieStokes made an ap-
peal for more quiltas as there are
lots of quilts to be quilted. Marga-
ret Wilson and Marg Tweddle
agreed to attend a Fall Workshop at
the Lambton United Church Centre
on Monday October 5.
Wilata McIntosh told of the
plans for the October greeting,
which will take place in the United
Church Resource Centre in Lon-
don on Tuesday, October 13 at 10
After reading the UCW Benedic-
uon everyone gathercd,a[gyld the
table for fellowship and a cup of
tea with cake and ice cream.
Subject to credit approval
Purchase any natu-
ral gas range or dry-
er, put on your gas
bill, no payments un-
til Feb./93. Purchase
a gas dryer and au-
tomatic washer - put
both on your gas -bill
- no• ayments until
Feb./93. Also works
with gas range and
refrigerator as well.
servsco What WP sell
Major Appliance L.enurr Ltd.
Hensall 262-2728 Ontanv
rhe Place to Buy Appliances
Open Monday Our 481h Year
Open Friday till 9 p.m
Directors extend a hearty thank you
to the Home's Auxiliary for provid
ing the Home with a "QFOAM Pall
Out Rollabout ('hair" foi use by
reehicl s in the hospital area. The
chair will provide much comfort
and plenurahle hours to residents
needing special care..
Reduced price
BLYTH - Due to our audience's
response to the tough economic
times the 'Myth Restive' is now of-
fering the 1993 voucher packages
at a reduced price. For a limited
time only. ('1111 September 12 '92)
the 1993 Voucher Packages arc on
sale for Only $44.00 - the lowest
price since 1990.
Already announced to open the
1993 'season is The Blyth and Dns
trier Cantnaatity Play, currently in
Ingress. This project is a theatre
event which is about and by the
people of our area. Last Christmas
we organized "A Village Christ-
mas" pageant and the "Yuletide
Yodel" that garnered lots of con
munity spirit and proved that there
is an amazing wealth of talent and
commitment to a community
event. Our hope is that the Myth
and District Community Park will
serve to build on this existing spir-
it and provide as stronger link be-
tween the local rural community
and the Blyth Festival and its audi-
ence. Get your vouchers today so
that you too will become a pan of
this unique adventure. You won't
want to miss it!
For Your
$5,000 - $24,999
30 day ----- 4.45
90 day 4.70
1 year 4.80
3 year 6.05
5 year 7.05
$25,000 -1199,999 ;
* Rates
Union rod
Apra !cawed
day 4.70
day 4.95
year ----- 4.90
year - 6.15
year 7.15
1' I I t I LT
Main St., Exeter,
Ontario 235-2740
for Guarltnteed In
Certificates as of
14/92, and are sub-
to change.
The Mutual Group
Facing Tomo, row
a • nrwba, al rid µAunt (i,a,•`
Motto UN at Gra
kluma 1>r.N or„r.awd lila u,aArOm*
Promotion Dates Wed. Thies.
and Hours: Sept. 23 24
10.6 10.8
2-8x10 's*
• 32 *allot Size. (2x1)*APPROXIMATEMLAsa1R MORS szoo sop i�N PM Park.
Package offer features our selection (1 pose) on traditiONI
blue background. Additional portraits are avaiiable.
HIS ti
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311 Main St., ftaceter