HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-09-09, Page 19Care Professionals • t Times -Advocate, September 9, 1992 MP Pape 19 WITH OL.R $iO SPPE CALL ANYTIME Private, Non- commercial ads only Super Ads must be pre -paid Advertisers want one thing... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SJPER AD with us. For only one low fee of $10.00 we'll run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPER AD. You can take up to 40 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. If you do not get result., by the following weekend, call us on Monday and we'll gladly repeat the ad at no charge. And we'll keep running the ad as long as you want (Excluding real estate). TALK TO OUR AD -VISORS MON.-FRI. UNTIL 5 P.M. OR LEAVE DETAILS ON OUR ANSWERING MACHINE Plus Your Ad Will Reach :10,000 More Readers In The St. Marys Journal Argus At No Extra Charge The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employ- ment advertisements. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card infor- mation. Remember.,. if any advertisement sounds too good to be true, it is. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $9.00 per ' column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. $2.50 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges are based on the num- ber of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 15¢ per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes,20 words $6.00, 15¢ per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $10.00. 15c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $10.00 each additional word 150. IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 25¢ per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $10.00, each additional word 15c. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $10.00, additional words 10¢ each. D4tadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. ;-1-101:0‘L aliNM VISA Phone 235-1331 eaae4eate FASHION CONSULTANTS EARN UP TO 40% Full-time and part-time No. experience necessary Work your own hours For more information Cali Karen 235-2419 classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sporn Equipment, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Properly for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 1 Losi, Strayed MEDIUM SIZED BROWN SPOTTED mixed bleed dog - has clopped tail and looks like a pointer - wearing red fabric collar with Usbome dog tag - very friendly and ■ special family pet answers to Bess". Lost near Morrison Den on Wednesday, Sept. 2. If you have any information please call Peter Darbishire at 235-1459 or 5-2400. Reward. (37•) LOST AT CREDITON BALL DIAMOND m Sunday. August 30 - a man's brown Cooper baseball glove. If found call 294-6756. (37') 3 Situations Wanted BABYSITTING - any houn, $1.50 pa hour. Expenenoed mother. 235-3582. (36;37c) WISH TO BABYSIT in my home in Kirkton, any age on Osborne and Perth Trus Mutes. Call anytime. 229-6315. (37c) DOMESTIC HELP WANTED Live in Companion for active Senior Genllemer to assist with daily roulrnp. modem house in Sealorth beginning immediatelydnvers license preferred. references required Apply to Margaret Whitmore 527 1491 or Box 3996. c'o The Huron Expositor Seaforth, OnI NOK 1 W0 BE A MEMBER OF THE NURSING TEAM Registration for the London Area Certified Heatth Care Aide Program (Previous nursing experience not required) will be held Thus.. Sept. 10 at Meadow Park Nursing Home 1210 Southdale Rd. E. Registration 12 noon and 5 p.m. For information call New Skills Vocational School 705-721.1597 Do not call nursing home for information VAN BREE ;;LI DRAINAGE Farm Drainage Fence Rows Septic Tanks Water Lines Demolition Erosion Control Basements Trucking Gravel For free estimates call 828-3641, Ron or Paul T 3 Situations Wanted SEAMSTRESS: Available for all your sewing needs. Will mend, sew dresses for all occasions, curtains, pillows etc. Call 235-2859 for Cheryl (35tfn) BABYS' I IHR - Mother of two would like to babysit in her home. Located 4 km. southeast of Exeter. Phone 229-6820. (36;37c) STILL JUST THINKING about losing weight? Lase up to 2 lbs. a week by following Canada's Food Guide. No supplements, pills or pre-packaged foods. See me Monday or Thursday between 4:30 to 7:00 pm.at South Huron Hospital. Still just S1.00 per week. For more information call 263-2312.(36;37c) 4 Help Wanted WANTED - 89 overweight people lose 10-29 lbs. per month. 100% natural. Dr. recommended. We pay you. Serious callers only. 604-533-5576. (36-40c) PIANO TEACHER to come to teach two or more in Crediton. Possible one might per week. Phone Deb a 234-6396 after Spm. HENSALL UNITED CHURCH requires organinfpsatuti noir director. Salary to be negotiated. For information call 262-2020 or262-3505. (35-37c) PERSON TO WORK on hog farm, some experience in farrow to finish operation Phone237-3741 after 6 p.m. (35-37c) ALASKA JOBSIEam a 5 figure income fishing the 3 months salmon season. Also canswction canneries. oil fields, plus motel For immediate response all 1-504-646-4505 eat. K 135 24 hours. (35-38c) HELP WANTED IN RETAIL store in our Exeter Jervis Photo store, full time. Mail your applicationin your own handwriting to Jervis oto Inc., 15 Albert Si- Clinton, Ontario NOM 1LO. O. (36-38c) SUPER SALESMAN to sell products. Phone 519-655-2875 or 519-8930-7115. Salesmen are making 32000-S10,000 monthly. Reason if product is nes satisfactory a deposit will be returned in full by Champion Spark Plug Co. in States. (37:38c) FULL TIME EXPERIENCED CLEANERS required m Exeter. Please call 1-679-6289. (37c) 6 Services R&R Roofing & Renovations • Aluminum Siding, Fascia, Soffit • Eavestroughing, Chimney Rebuilding • Interior & Exterior Painting • General Repairs Ron Sn.lgrove, Exatar Ontario FREE ESTIMATES (519) 235-3103 WEDDING, BABY AND FAMILY PORTRAITS. Jervis Photo Inc. Clinton sod Exeter. Main St- across from Scotia Bank 235-1612. (13tfn) Butler Bros. SEPTIC TANK PUMPING PH: 227-4254 MUSIC POW YOUNG CHILDREN Time are are still a few placers for 4, 7 and 8 year old beginners. Keyboard. singing. rhythm, theory sad music games. Parent participation is required. Experienced qualified teacher in Z+irittt. Cs11 Laurie Bit A.Mus.T.at 236-7722 today. (37') Custom Round Baling 4ft.wide by34ft. high 6 Services LAWN-& GARDEN CARE PLUS • Grass Cutting • Flower Beds • Hedge Trimming • Eavestrough Cleaning • Light Deltveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 ANTIQUE WATCH and clock specialist now open for repairs. Buy and sell in Pon Franks. Open by chance or appointment Cap 243-1130.(37tfn) JACK SCHENNING CONSTRUCTION 294-0286 • New Homes • Additions • Renovations • Siding • Trimming • Decks • Driveways • Sidewalks • Barns & Sheds FOR PRIME POWER and nand -by electricity that wakes and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd: Reliability since 1936- Phone 519-655-2396. (30tfn) NEED A DDT Call 237-3539. (35-37c) HOME REPAIR - elearial, plumbing, punung carpentry etc. Call 235-0760 and - leave message. (36-39c) C Farm Machinery OLDER FOX HARVESTER. Phone 229-8709. TRACTORS TO RESTORE. Atlis Chalmers models. U.W.F. &B., Massey Harris 102 & 30 Rae Crop. Case Model S, Oliver 77 restored. Call Lows Martin 284-1275. 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 1974 HONDA CD 360 Motorcycle also 3-112 h.p. lawnmower, electronic typewriter, with word dictionary. Call 461-1649 ask for Paul. 1973 PARAMONT TRAILER, 3 bedrooms, newer roof, 68x12 located on *83 hwy. 6 miles east of Exeter. Trailer must be moved Call 229-8748 or 229-6205. 35' 1987 GLENELLE TRAILER. Phone 284-4817. 1978 PROWLER VACATION TRAILER 26' excellent condition. Complete with large garden shed. 234-6277 after 6:30 p.m. (36:37c) 18 H.P. EVINRUDE outboard motor, long shaft, electric cart, excellent running 5300.00 o.b.o. 1979 650 Yamaha Special excellent shape, in rusuung condition 5750.00 o.b.o. very low mileage. Call after 6 p.m. 284-4659. ALUMINUM BOAT - 16' pre. with roller trailer. Asking 5850. Phone days 237-3515; night 237-3527. (37•) 11 Cars, Trucks 1986 CHRYSLER LASER. 2.5 litre, manual. Five speed. Drive train excellent, collision damage to right rear quarter and trailing axle. Repairable. 5950.00 or offers. Will part out. Phone 229-6566 days or 229.6712nighta. (28tin) 1978 FORD F150. 5400.00 o.b.o. Phone 284-1992. 1985 HYUNDAI STELLAR, good condition, am/fin stereo cassette, air conditioning, power windows, power door locks, tih seas, enc. 32,500 fun. Call 284-1141 or 284-4073. 1980 Z28 CAMARO T -root, 4 speed., will certify, mint condition. Call 475-4910. Please leave message. 1987 BUICK LESABRE, V6, air, cruise, tilt, certified. 110,000 km:. 56,300. Ca11 461-0634 anytime. 11 Cars, Trucks 1980 OLDS '98 Regency Brougiham, good condition, certified for 52600. ('ll anytime 273-4077. 1989 GMC SHORT BOX - fleetside, 5 with overdrive, metallic midnight b c, new tires, topper, running boards, custom striping, well maintained, asking 57,600., price negotiable. Call 349-2884 anytime. 1977 SCOUT TRAVELER - 304 V8, auto, p.s., p.b., 99,700 miles. One owner. Clean interior, fibreglass top, roof vent, trailer hitch, exterior needs sane repairs. Asking S999 as is. 519-524-2832. (37•) 1979 DODGE, automatic, like new, 31,000 k. 6 cylinder, oiled, intermittent wipers, bauery 2 yrs. exhaust new, never used spare, new plugs. 51600 will certify. 1978 Ply. 118,000 miles, excellent condition, new brakes, 4 wheels, Certified. Phone 235-2888. 1981 GRAND PRIX. T -root, V8. auto, p.s., p.b., p.w-, AM -FM cassette, cruise control, 68,000 miles. 51895.00 certified. Call 235-0561. (37tfn) 12 Pets CHIHUAHUA, long coat, CKC, ta•ooed, home raised, ready to go, 2 mak, $400; one female 5450. Phone 284-1912. PUREBRED SCHNAUZER PUPPIES, minis non allergenic dewormed. 5250.01 Phone237-3579. (36;37c) FREE TO A GOOD HOME Spayed female Cocker Spaniel4 years old. Has all shots o .(37c) COLLIE LAB PUPS, 6 weeks, excellent temperament, nicely marked, rained with children. Mt Cantel 294-6547. (37c) 13 Musical Instruments GUITAR AND PIANO I -F 'SONS AVAILABLE. Beginner to advanced, all styles of music. Brad's Music Studio 235-1263. (12tfn) intitioxiang Exeter Chrysler Ltd. We rent cars and trucks. Low rates, Daily -weekly -monthly 136 Main N., Exeter 235-1525 L Algoma Tire (Exeter) Ltd. Over 25 year; experience Dunlop Tires Sales -balancing -truck & farm service 235-0330 EUM.r, 248 Main 8t. For your oonvartlano. calf 1.600.285.4247 Rob Dale Motors #4 Hwy. - Centralia Road 2286810 Sales & Service A quality used vehicles A safety checks ♦ electronic diagnosis A wheel alignments A competitive labour rates R.D.M. R.D.M. Len's Quality Collision -R' leaski ei Auto Body R.p.irs' • insurance rspslrs • Fr.. •aknates upon rot regrow • htsning •ssrCollio rpais 2 miles south of Dashwood Bus. 2374775, Fax 237-3179 Exeter Honda M 13 C3 "Doing more to serve you better" Acord- Prelude - Civic Sales -Service-Leasing 630 Main St. Exeter 235-1081, 1-800-265-7813 0 Apple Auto Glass Upholstery, Seat Covers. Convertible and Boat Tops, Sunroofs, Vinyl Tops 211 Bayfield Rd,, Goderich 1-800-567-1613 Corey Auto Wreckers Direct "Hotline' to 45 major wreckers. Late model - auto & heavy truck pads. We service and deliver throughout Huron County London no. chrg. 1-800-265-9250 1804 Gore Rd., London Ex( ter Collision (19881 Lt(i 24 Hr. Towing Torry Coulter Owner Car Rental C.nplsta collision servos a wnbody SSi. EEx«.'y'iOO r After hours: 2304839 235-0411 Scott Conant Varna, Ontario 40 2334297 Or 966-2728 Hay's Automobile Reconditioning • interior ahampookl8 • and • Exf.rid buffing azshins tnd.r- PICkav ald del �I1 1 Ont. • 324f99Ont. • 32419 Vr/ Su DAILY • WU3(LY • MONTHLY CALL US FOR INSURANCE REPLACEMENT NEEDS • Comply!. Arlo cianrig Con tre • 235-3381 or 238.5839,after hours dm., olds, exeter Bottom Une Pricing No Haggling or Dickering 686 Main S•, Exeter 235-0660 Huron Motor Pontiac - Prookfte.do.mc !t .dwiw dpi.. rri.its It. dr6..neV ��uwd ��� musks. 840 Male Ina Of 44: