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Times -Advocate, September 9, 1992
Taylor - Wilkie
Deborah Jane Taylor, daughter of Jack and MaryJane Taylor,
Exeter and Ian Clair Wilkie, son of Stan and Anne Wilkie, Vic-
toria B.C. were united in marriage on June 19,1992 at Exeter
United Church with Rev. John Hilbom officiating. A reception
was held at the Oakwood inn Golf and Country Club. Deborah
and pan honeymooned on Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas.
The couple reside in Mississauga.
Alderson Photography
Forthcoming montage - Mr.
and Mi s. Bradley Page and
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Alton wish
to announce the marriage of
their children. Patricia Lynn to
Brett Allen Alton. Their mar-
riage will take place Septem-
ber 12, 1992 at the Church
of God in Grand Bend.
Evago ant - Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald McBride along with
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio D1Tom-
maso are pleased to an-
nounce the engagement of
their children Darlene and
Ben. the wedding will take
place et Exeter United Church
on September 19, 1992.
Open reception to follow.
Forthcoming mane - We
the families of Margaret Law-
son and Kenneth Baker Sr.,
are pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of our
parents on Saturday, October
10, 1992 at 3:00 p.m. in St.
Peters Lutheran Church, Zu-
rich, Ontario. Open reception
to follow at Dashwood Com-
munity Centre.
From our
kitchen to yours
By T.A. ghost writer Heavenly Devine
I have often felt a little
guilty. When my last child
went off to school in the
"big yellow taxi" I didn't
stand at the end of the lane
with tears in my eyes as l
was led to believe any nor-
mal caring parent should.
Admittedly, I was not so
callous as to jump up and
down and cheer as he was driven away, but it was not the hean
breaking affair other mothers had told me about. He was more
than ready and excited to follow in the footsteps of his siblings
and venture into the unknown world of - SCHOOL!
In the ensuing years, all of our children have adopted the
typical blase "What a bore', attitude toward school, however,
every first Tuesday after Labour Day they go off anxiously,
armed with new clothes, new books, new pencils and pens, to
begin a new chapter in their development.
In his book, All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kin-
dergarten, Robert Fulghum gives these rules on how to live. I
think they are one of the best recipes I have ever seen for hap-
piness and contentment.
Share Everything.
Play. fair.
Don't hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don't take things that aren't yours.
Say you are sorry when you hurt someone.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw
and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold
hands, and stick together.
Be aware of wonder.
Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even little seeds
in the styrofoam cups - they all die. So do we. And then re-
member the Dick and Jane books and the first words you
learned - the biggest world of all - LOOK.
Sunday School starts
this week in Crediton
CREDITON - The first session of the fall season of the Sunday School
at Zion United Church in Crediton gets underway this coming Sunday.
Under the direction of superintendent Harry Schroeder, Sunday School
will commence at 11 a.m.. immediately folbwing the regular worship ser-
A nursery is now available each Sunday 'erring during the regular
church service.
This pest Sunday morning's sermon delivered by Rev. Ed Laksmanis
was entitled, "Counting the cost and finishing the job".
Large attendance at Mud Run
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - The fourth Granton
Mud Run held on Saturday and
Sunday, at the farm of Emerson
Wallis just north of Granton, was
bigger and better than ever with an
attendance o[ about 1.300 people.
- The ruudders came from Strat-
ford, Kitchener, Goderich, Toronto,
Michigan and the surrounding area
with between 70 and 80 entries.
The dash for cash was won by
Chad Lambourn twice. The Gran-
ton U.C.W. took charge of the food
The mud run is sponsored by the
local Lion's Club with Kevin Ros-
borough of K&K Towing as - the
chief organizer.
At the St. Thomas' Anglican
Church on Sunday, the Reverend
Stephen Emery celebrated the Holy
Eucharist. The message was about
the sin and oppression encountered
on the walk of life and forgiveness
and._trengtlt through the Messiah.
A time of fellowship followed the
A parish confirmation service
will be held at St. Paul's, Kirkton
next Sunday at 11:00.
At the Granton United Church on
Sunday, Pastor Norntlalic Voakes'
sermon was entitled "Job Descrip-
Children baptized by the minister
last Sunday were Jenna Lynn Cook,
daughter of Cheryl and John Cook:
Derek Raymond Hanwick, son of
Diane and Kevin Hartwick; and
Taylor Catherine Jones, daughter of
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Cathy and Michael Jones.
Flowers were placed in the
church from the funeral of Edith
The St. Thomas' A.C.W. met at
the home of Olive K. Hodgins on
Thursday evening. Irene Robson
led the meditation on Learning
God's ways by trying them.
Readings were given by several
members and some upcoming
events were discussed.
Jonathon Weaver of Dorchester
has been holidaying with his cou-
sins Scott and Philip Hodgins.
Cyril and Henrietta Lewis of St.
Clair Shores, Michigan, visited on
Sunday with Muriel and Larry
Sympathy from the conununity is
extended to the family of Edith
Wesunan, formerly of Grunion who
died at Craighoime Nursing Home
in Ailsa Craig on Tuesday, Septem-
ber 2.
Jim and . Lynda . Hodgins. .Scott
and Philip recently enjoyed a trip to
the West Coast for several weeks.
Bob and Cheryl Martin hosted
the Martin family reunion at their
home on Saturday. Those attending
were Bob's parents Frank and Ger-
ry Martin and sister Margaret of
London, brother prat and Eileen
Martin and Keith of Calgary, sister
Louise Martin and son Brian of
Montreal, brothers Deanis Of Otta-
wa and Donald of Toronto.
Different. Strokes
Add some spice to your
dewratrng plans! You've used
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They're attractive, durable.
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remarkably easy to apply.
Try different strokes .,
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Cllnforth captures ear
CLINTON - Clinfotth 1 cap-
tured first place in this years 4-1i
Go For the Gold competition.
Right teams from across the
county were challenged with a va-
riety of questions from 4-Rproject
Members of the winning team
were Janet Vanden Hoven, Ethan
Wallace, Kevin Wynja, Barb Wyn-
ja and alternate Mike Salverda.
The final match was very close
with only a five point differential.
Members of the runner-up team in-
cluded Jeremy Becker Chris Wie-
gand, Jamie Hoffman, Dennis
Hodgins, and alternate Randy
Clinforth also won the skit/
demonstration competition.
Special thanks to Cargill Fertiliz-
er, Farm Credit Corporation, and
the Credit Union (Exeter branch)
who sponsored the event.
The purpose the the 4-H pro-
gram is personal development of
youth between 10-21 years before
January 1st of the club year.
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