HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-08-19, Page 5R �i�srNfss Times -Advocate, AUeust 19, 1992 Lvcan student studies trade in Singapore By Ray Lewis TA -Staff LUCAN - Loretta Fouan is about to armplete a very unusual sum- mer. Selected as one of only 20 students across Canada, Foran, an OAC (grade 13) student at Med- way High School, has just resumed from tudying trde and culture in -Singapore. "It was just a great experience," said Foran. "It was really interest- ing to see how we differed on thought." The month-long Global Vision "Our Competitive Advantage" pro - Loretta .Foran of Lucari displays a few of the trinkets she re turned with from her month-long excursion to Singapore. She nolds a pair or chlnese stones and a Singapore calendar. while in the background nangs the Singapore flag. Back in Time from the archives of the Times -Advocate 10 hears Ago August 18, 1982 - The tented city tor the 1982 International Plow- ing Match in Lucas is taking shape on the than of Allan Scott ac- cording to tented city chairman Mert Culbert Jack Underwood, a resident of Exeter has been named head of the agnculturat engineering Ocparunent at Ridgetuwn Agnculture Col- lege. Exeter council vowed opposition to a move to reduce representa- uon on Huron county council by ehminaung some deputy reeves 25 Years Alto August 17. 19(e - Tlhc lour Ugttstw Scholars at South Huron Das-, incr. High Schon: this year are Gwendolyn Ray, Ron Youngash, Chrtsune Mills and Sharon Buechler. This is the last year students will write grade 13 Deparuthent of Education exams A.E. Etcher, managing director of Ontario Developemnt Corpora- tion sees substanual industry coming to Huron Park by year's end. James MacDonald, principal of Centralia College resorts he is well pleased with aucillment for the first term with at least 100 students expected Debi Wooden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Wooden won a silver medal torr Grade VI ballet at the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music. She hada mark of 94 Hay township council has reached an agreauent with the Dash- wood fire brigade to provide protection to the Bltrewater Rest Homme and the enure northern part of the township because Zurich lumen have cut their services due to the lack of a fire retainer fees agree - men t SO Years Ago August 20, 1942 - The new Avalon Sandwich Shoppe opened this week in Exeter in the bwldurg fo nuerlyoccupied by ideal Meat Mar- ket. It will be operated by Mr, and Mrs. V. Wright of London. tanners of Huron county are being asked by the National War Fi- nance Couunnttee to loan the govermmait for the duration of the war, 10 percent of their pay cheques for milk, cream and other farm pro- duce The official opening of T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home in Dash- wood will be held on Sunday August 30 at 3 p.m. and during the foe lowuig week. Jones and May has a tew odd ladies and girls batting suits left id 79 cents each 100 Years Ago August 18, 1$92 - At Greenway several parties have complained to the Justice of the Peace about the foot race which passed luough here Sunday morning. Sad to think that the law of the fair Canada of curs will allow such conduct to go on ugmolestted. The new brick block building which bas been recently erected in (:"Alton by Mr. Jas. Clark is nearing completion, Mr. Clark intends occupying one of the apartments as a harness shop and the other will likely be used as a drug store. Fire destroyed the large grist mill on the banks of the Aux Saubtc River last week. The fire was oho of the largest known in Laver with kiss estimated at $22,000. The building was insured for $16,500 by seven insurance companies. Some big work, in the line of threshing was done on the farm of William Rattly and Son by Harry Jones Risley, Rftatu on taking Rini; meth to place the straw after it was delivered from ,tie Carriers. The wheat threshed well and wlll,averalge over 20 bushels to the acne. Tuesday aftetaoon near Centralia. a Heavy black doud was asen ac- utrnpanied by high winds and heavy tains. Dolmas lanai's Weft were Javtalied, aoea and lay stacks overturned And limy barns in Us - borne were unroofed. gram, is a joint program of the tbd- eral government and Canadian cor- porations. It is designed to give students a first-hand view of how trade is conducted in otter parts of the world, knowledge vital to Ca- nadian industries seeking to expand its markets. Foran was selected based on aca- demic achievement, languages abil- ity and work experience, after be- ing nominated for the program by her high school principal at Med- way. She was the only student se- lected from Southwestern Ontario. "i have a lot of people to thank for the excursion," said Foran. "Our MP Terry Clifford was espe- cially helpful." Having completed the trek, she is now obligated to do 100 hours of community work, much of which involves speaking engagements to various companies and high school economics classes 'on the cultural and business expectations of that region. Foran will also take part in a day -long seminar.for businesses, high school students and those ac- quainted with international trade in Ontario, along with the help of three other students from the prov- ince. Upon their return July 30, the venous groups were also required to write a report for the govern- menL Foran's excursion began the eighth of July when she left for a training session involving language -and culwre at Simon Fraser Univer- sity in Vancouver After five days. she embarked on a 17 -hour flight for Singapore to work with Cana- da's Consul General and High Commissioner in the nation state. According to Foran, weekends were their own to sightsec, but weekdays were filled with semi- nars The group travelled to Indo- nesia and Malaysia for a day , and spent much time visiting various companies, such as Singapore Air- lines, which helped sponsor the trip Time was also speert visiting a Canadian ship returning from the Persian Gulf, and meeting with Chris Tan, one of the world's top cancer research scientists. "it was a great learning experi- ence for both sides," said Foran, who noted the many misconcep- tions between cultures. "Everyone in Singapore spoke Rnglish, but they knew as much about Canada as I did about Singa- pore To them Canada is freezing cold, home of the ledmonton Mall and Skvdotnc." A; far as identity is concerned, Foran said many tend to group Can- ada with the United States. Most are at least aware Canada is a sep- arate country, but Foran visited man( areas where the) believed Canada to be part of America, Singapore is very service orient - ea. explained Ryan, because they have no natural resources, they MUSE rely on human resources. There is a strong growth triangle between Indonesia, Malaysia and Singanort. The latter has most of the money and skilled workers. while education is just starting to grow as well Schooling is strongly stressed. the students are veru focused. and nothing is allowed to get in the way of studies. she said. Students appy an,: are ranked academically to: school at ages 9, 11 and 14 and sent or various patios. Consequently the literacy rate is 94 percent u. Singapore compared to 85 perces: her: In addiuon, Singapore boast a 90 percent high school graduanoi, rat.. whereas it is ont\ 73 percere in Canute, "We nave a lot of diversions tron scnoo. like sports wherea the\ Texas trip added to Shootout prize list GRAND BEND - Any and all Ace makers in the Oakwood inn and Resort Million Dollar Hole -in - One Shootout finals will not only win a $ 1 million but also receive an all expose paid, !except transpor- tation), ansportation), trip to the Tournament ot Aces invitational next March in Houston, Texas. He or she will have the opportunity to win up to S100,000. for a holeen-one at that URIC It none of the 35 finalists gets a hole u+ one at the Grand Bend event this weekend, they stili wont be disappointed. The 35 cioaest-ur- prn prize hst has been finalized and the top prize is two seats on North- west Airlines to any Continental US destination Northwest fires (Courtesy Northwest Asnieres and Robert Q Travel). A full set of Dunlop golf clubs, television and golf equipment round out the prize hst Cantel will arse be donating etluipment and prizes. Wtscanstn guest Gene Kempter 1 country to loot: at the Grand bend Winter Carnival event as a tund mister for the US internauonal Snov Sculpune Competition. Kempier is no stranger to Grated Bend. As Executive Director for the US competiuox, he has been bead judge for two years at the Feb- ruary snow sculpture compeuuon in Grand Bend "Gene looks for- ward to teeing errand Bend in sum mer", said Lave Sheppard. !mond+ nater of the Shootout Shootout officials are expecting large crowds and suggest spectators atnvc early for a good viewpoint for the Hohes11 green area. and tee off area by the Oakwood Pub Guest announcer Jun Swaii and Pete James from CFPL TV London will share the MC duties through out the four-day event with Ban) Wright, News letrector at Fox FM in Sarnia ENE Rt.') 11 It ItN' WINirUW A clear winner when it comes to saving energy. y.,;. dr( $,' F. I(p.a-• , wti Uow, Irl .aUtt y.., .a dill 1111p1uve tel( .unliolt anti 11,u( yuu! huts(. , 1 yo want wen nlalntellan(C ane tua'.t let ueaning, yuu should u1l l(:, - guing tale. adduuuna', step ot al, el1Ctgy efhutla Wlnduv, Lust. , oja ide , rile feature, that ate anus' unputtant a yoke Kuuw Mtn' yuu Wall( 11011, yuui rev. window - limn indvwfkion keel• the benefit, of enClgy ell etre window, Ili r111n(t 1, ......e d 111x1' •�1 �:..�(U tlltlr,. _... , 7.o(1b11%((,tit, Arc energy effiuent window• stituctive' ll,uy,leili..l(� ...nu,, .•. ,t,d1 It you hale nein(, space Jruaung be sure wade about Unaano llydro s Ibwnr Sawa Window lnunuvr Una' 12 Let's give tomorrow a hand. 1.800-268-3202 don't," said Foran. Although she herself- is heavily involved in basketball and 'soccer, she feels it is one area we should learn from. The island itself is only 622 square kilometre, but has a popula- tion of 2.7 million. The govern- ment implements many make-work projects, which helps to keep the unemployment rate at 2.3 percent. "The government controls a lot in Singapore," said Foran. "They are very impressionable people, and everything appears perfect, but the) have a lot of rules and regulations which seem absurd to us For example, selling chewing gum is illegal in Singapoxc, punish- able with a maximum 510,000 fine in Singapore dollars and a year in jail Gum was banned because peo- ple were jamming subway doors with it and holding up the train. But it seems to he because of such rules that the country is quick - Iv moving up the economic ladder. Now that the country enjoys a high- er standard of living, the rules don't seem to bother them. the port of Singapore is now the most pmfita- hle in the world. "They seem to work together more," reported Foran. "We seem to have the attitude, if it isn't broke don't fix it. But they are constant- ly upgrading and improving, even it only to save 30 seconds a day." As far as trade is concerned, Fo- ran o -ran indicated she didn't see many Canadian goods while there, but thought it was in part because of our countries declining manufac- Ptape 6 tying base. The exception was the distinctive view of Canadian manufactured do-it-yourself log houses, which have become some- what of a fad in Singapore. 'it's really time for us to wake up before its too late. We should real- ly learn from than and begin to be more aggressive. Their Gross Na tieral Product growth rate is 16 times what we have. They have no natural resources and we have so much, but we're not doing any- thing. As for hex near future, Foran hopes to enter a business program at university. While tate agrees Singapore was an ideal world to visit, she admits for now she pre fern Canada. "You don't appreciate our country •until you've been away from it,' said Foran. "For example, in Sin gapore the status of women is ver' very low. Working women have some unless married, hut to see women in managerial positions e very rare." eeseseieel ID) rn ( • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Kine, Mills, Dunlop. Chartered Accountants Daniel B. Daum B.A. M.Acc. C.A ger 412 Mein Si. P.0 Box 240t Exeter, Ontario NOM 1.5- (5191 S'(5191 235-0345 Fax (519' 235-3235 John A.M. Norris (MAI OERLt. L)(j5 497 Main Street South, Exeter. Ontario N0h" I S Tel: (51-8) 285-3240 Fax: (519)235-3246 AUCTIONEERS FILSON & ROBSON` The Experienced Auctioneers that Guarantee You More $$ Considering A Sale or Need an APeral 666-0833 666.11167 Gall Collect Supplying You with ao Yrs. 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