HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-08-19, Page 4Page 4 Times -Advocate August 19 1992 Publisher: Am Beckett News Editor: Adnan Hann Business Manager: Don Smith Composition Simeon Deb Lord Publioetbns MsH qentetretion Number 0186 ailLiCRIPTION RAILS_ ____ tt ]thin 40 tidies (tit km.) addressed to wow tatter antler Nooses 130.00 ides $2.50 4.t.T. Outside 40 soles (es km.) to luny tatter amts. sde...e 130.00 oleins *21.26 (notal 51.25) • 8.59 OAT. Outside Canada 16L00 1111.311131111111111 Welcome to the world of NAFTA From a distance, the creation this year of one large Europe- an trading block seems like an ominous competitor in world markets. Europe quickly beeamethe world's largest open market. It seems like a good idea to us over here, but at the . same time we fear the North American Free Trade Agreement. - Of course. the British fear losing man- : ufacturing jobs to the Spanish under their open market system, just as we fear losing our manufacturing base to Mexico. And we will lose it, make no mistake : about that. We were going to lose it anvwa\ . Now it will just a little quick- : er that's all. Which gives us less time to prepare for the Conservatives vision of Canada's future. We are to become • the intelligence of the continent -head offices, design studios, research labs and have all our wonderful products • made for us in Mexico. There are high technology industries . in Canada. many of them well - concealed and out of view of the consu mer goods market. But the average Ca nadian factory worker is going to have a hard time understanding how we are to found a nation on low -market novel- ties like that CANADArm we see hang- ing out a space shuttle every now and then. Unless we can build them to do dishes in the kitchen, it's hard to make a living off them. Our auto industry, while Ontario s largest sector, is not our own. We as - 1 semble cars for the Americans or the 1 Japanese. Much of the design and en - gineenng is done elsewhere. As some have pointed out, it's hard to believe we're going to re-train all those Newfoundland cod fishermen wit) gees in engineering, science, or market- ing. How long will it take our education: system to adjust to a Canada in which no one can make a living running ma- chines that assemble electronic devices. stamp out plastic pats, or wire things tr•- gether. Most of tho: e jobs are in Mexi- co already and eventually the rest will be. Can Canada become a Switzerland`' Do we have a technological heritage that allows us to develop and make only the finest quality products for those who car, afford our higher labour costs? Can we create those new traditions'.' We'll have to. Not that we have much choice. Already saddled with a free trade arrangement with the United States, we have to go whole hog ane; stay with the game. U.S. competitors would soon have been taking advantage of duty free Mexican labour any wati We can't be left out in the cold. In the end, we might all be better off Mexico will certainly benefit from more jobs, better living conditions, and tighter environmental controls. Canada will just have to forge a new future, hopefu ly not by stripping of natural resources and selling them to those who will pro- cess them and sell them back to us Maybe we will end up better off in the end, but try telling that to the thousands who are going to see their plants close and their jobs head south in the next fev< years. • AD.H Readers asked to be judge Last week, I presented my pa- rental arguments against wear- ing hats indoors, when saying hello to people. etc. I challenged Alexander to give me one good reason tor keeping his hat on. He tried to beat me at my own game. He wrote a column and dated me to publish it. So here it is, with only a couple of corn - mas changed Alex's point I'm not a knight in armour By Alex Hesse] Have you ever wondered why so many young people are wear - mg hats? Have you ever worried about it? Well, my Dad has. At every meal, the first words he utters are: "Alex and Duncan, would you please take off your Wonr' So like good kids we take oxer hat.: off. This is when the prob- lem begins. 1 hate taking off my bat. Sometimes I beg and plead, but i am always forced to go bare -headed. The reason why 1 wear haus so much is because I love them. 1 don't only mean love. i mean LOVE. i love hats so iuuch that I have not only one, but eleven. My hat collection is impottant.to mc, and I'm .proud of it. It;in- cludes: New York Yankee's (base- ball). Dallas Cowboys. (foot- ball), Detroit Tigers (baseball), Atlanta Braves (baseball), Min- nesota Vikings (football), Notre Dante Fighting Irish (college football), Detroit Tigers «2 (baseball), Michigan Wolvennes (college basketball). Charlotte hornets (college basketball), and the Georgetown Hoyas (college football) Peter's Point • Peter Besse) Many people don't respect Ux value and irreplaceable charac- ter of the head garment. Maybe one reason hat wearers never want to remove their bats from their heads is because of the val- ue of the hats. They can cost anywhere Iron $ 10.00 to $40.00, but the most expensive hat I have purchased is 331.00. Another good sewn to wear a hat is if you suffer from messy hair. Hats neatly cover rooster tails, bad bairwats, al)1Ior any- thing else on your head you might wish to hide. Also people have been so madly accessed ,to .{bis beret bo - lama begause kw is a hat for .every personality. -Fools .wear a jesters bat. Adventurers wear a safari bat. Sports fans like my- self .wear baseball, football, bas- ketball, or hockey bats. Over ;the past few beaus, my Uad has given me some strange arguments, like "if you wear a hat too much you will gruv. bald. your head will start it smell And then there ate; some argt. 'Dents like: "it is polite to tans- your hat off.. Here are the pet, pie you are supposed to tail your hat off for. Elderly Ladle. and Gentlemen, someone of lie portance, or basically whyutit you are being introduced to What i want to know is the why is it so polite to go caples Is it because back in die clues days people were attracted t, messy. dirty. smelly, sweat • hair? 1 don't think so. If anyun- has the real reason, I am open tt suggestions. My brother Duncan has Jug' found out 1 was writing this eo. unit. So he rani to Inc with ht solution. Here it is: (he has bees studying the Middle Ages in tit grade 5 class last spring): in In Middle Ages when men wit, helmets, they had to take Weil off .when meeting people, st their face could be seers. They also took their niter' off indoors because the helmet were obviously hot inside. The tradition has continued on until now. A tradition that I wish.wa,, never maned. M y ,theory is whu l we start wearing helmets with masks, we should be able tt leave our bats on indoors. What can I say? Alex has en en me not only one.good reasut but several. i put it to yOu, ms Headers. .Who is right? Who wins? Should Alex and Duncan bc,aUowed to wear their hats in doors or not? You be the judge "Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely," ... Thomas Macauley Pubnohed !.on W.deeri y Monolog et 424 M.Ie 3t., Exeter, onterto, NOM 1.8e by /M. leerr i ebee.!lens Ltd. reNp ion.1aii4.236-1.sai ....T. 110,106210836 'How ao you manage to stay so calm with five of your kids home out of school all day?" Pinching till it hurts The unexamined life is not worth living Who said that" It's not that I disagree with the sentinten:, it's just some people take it to ex- tremes. 1 went to a ume-management seminar a couple of years ago. Someone as disorganized as my- self ought to pick up a few pointers, 1 thought Instead of finding new ways to arrange my work habits. 1 found a seminar leader obsessed with time the way some people are obsessed with dieting This guy was actually telling -me and the other hundred or so people in the church hall that he was having a hard time deciding on whether to shave before or alter showering. Shaving before Meant the aftershave got washed of'. Shaving after meant he had tit waste precious seconds wip- ing the steam oft the bathroom: mirror This, 1 suddenly reahzed. was a man who nad gone beyond the edge He did not appreciate the true immune o' shavmg ese meta, it is a daily ntual by which surge alit' -sharp blade is runt over the thruat and face, symbol - t uil: Lle arc: its challenges Snout() one escape cuts and die .Ill urenient..-_ie mail as.lhen ex- pected to splash raw pores with a eoncocuun of alcohol and per- fumes Straviitl: is not about slicing seconds off your day, This type of obsession is also evident in a newsletter that au rived un my desk this week T ile /'ennyPi ncher Preview is a Canadian counterpart to an American publication that be- came famous on WS- An Amer- ican family analyzed their lives to save every penny. living so frugally- they are now million- aires. Hold that thought ... By Adrian Harte The publishes and author of this Canadian effort is Danny .Desanko from Medicine Hat Al- berta At age 26 he claims to have penny -pinched his way to a cool quarter million dollar nest egg. The newsletter promises sub- scribers can discover all kinds of ways to save money Some ex- citing examples include weanng two pairs of panty -hose with up- posilc iegs an off alter they run - I can't say for sure. but 1 ima- guie this might not be enur+eiy comfortable We also team about buying shoes from the Salvation Army and having them repaired kir a freewill of .lilt:. .WSI Of . new shoes. Now wan a minute. Certainly . we car, breathe life into old socks and shoes by darning up Ute holes and mending the heels. but I like new socks and new shies. What tun is life if you can't have new sock and new shoes'' Letter to Editor The newsletter also gives us a precise breakdown in the hours of work saved, dollars saved, and time saved when taping mo- vies on the VCR as opposed to renting movies or going out to the movies. No. going ID the movies isn't cheap anymore, but watching them on TV just isn't the same. What would he a think of dropping two days pay on tickets to The Miserables' Nc, this penny-pinching stuff isn't for mc. I'm not saying i en- joy wasting money, but I'm pret- ty sure you always pay for what you get Money is just that thing we use to finance our lives - which is probably why we ne- er seem to have enough One assumes tilt penny-pincher does not fritter away those carefully saved bucks on bungee lumping. hang gliding lessons. a burger and fnes at the drive-in, or what- ever else might be frivolous and tun Penny pinching is son of like the guy .who polishes his classic hot rod every day 13y the unit he's got it gust perfect. he • tui afraid to drive it anymore But alright, so it's not for me Maybe a few Iteiptul hint. un how to get more money out of life are somethine you n. look - ing for. .One has to admit a cxr lain fascination fo' peopl( who own their houses mortgage -tree and who buy ears with east A subscription to the Penni Pinch- er Preview is $29 tui 12 month- ly' issues 'I be address is 1638 28 St. S.E. Medicine Hat Alber ta. They even have it tot -fru I 80) -66 -PENNY hotliee Cottagers not only to blame Lt:ar Sir. 1 take a eepuon to your editorial cottage owners need to look again" costumed ted in the July 29. 199: edition. The inkelliatiOn t,unburied therein is supply nes eurrect and i would like to point uul a few mans to you. You aloe that sandy soil is not Me best medium for ['hoeing out septic tank wastes. In point of fac t , sand is one of the best filters avail- able and is used in every water frl- uation plant to clarify our drinking wafer. n a recent report sent to me by the c:onsuking esigtneers on the Grand Bend area sewage treatment plant, it was stated that with re- spect to sesek systems located in sandy soils "no known studies, have been conducted to date to de- termine the Went of Catit urina- tion, if any, from septic systems." The problem with septic tanks is riot a problem limited to the lake shore. There are as manys or more town and Arm houses with septic tanks as okl or older then those be. lungingto Guessers. 11 the prob- lem lay solely with Jake front sep- tic oinks that we would expect to find their lake polluted all the time. In fact, pollution chiefly aris- pa Stier Main stumis when coriami • are washed into the lake rivers and municipal drains. iously, the problem is a cum- munity problem and is not the fault of any one gawp It is beyond elle low you can say that fanners arc quickly leaning and developing new ways to haadk problems but the same cannot be said of the collage owner. On what doy uu base this bold assesion tin the cuuuary, 1 would suggest to you that cottager's are more con- cerned about our lakes and astute] areas than most people. The Feder- ation of Ontario Cottagers is con slantry involved with gov- erntnent 10 unprovg ways w unyrovc con ditions through out couagc country including the con - l) trol Of coritarni- 11anLS from septi: systems and boats. he cottages along die lake Huron Shoreline have .asked to be included in a study for the capan- stivn of the Grand lived sewage treetment facility. In 'un, Ary own subdivision has ' ' ' 8,00:X1 trees on t acres o • ' in stet of - fort to mac a poaitivc cphtribtttion to this area. The Curb prom,istavailabk to all local rescdeuts, not just the cot - lagers. This cpnfinns thatthe prob- lem is not caused by uric gruup..4 Clearly, the spreading of liquid ma- nure un systematicdly tile -drained fields is a major close of dte prob- lems we are having. You are ggwtc right that it is las) to point a finger but the tact is it is much harder to pruperly assess die responsibility. It is apparent to rue that you did not attempt to do the in your editcxial and that is unfur Inflate because it only cxac.ubates the perceived differenees beteese aeasunal and year round resident., Yours very truly John Buechler Editors Nose Easperi5 we haw spnktn with agree that while sand dots filter particulate nuuter out of ckan water, it fiOCI a pour job as a filter mediwn for septa- liquids Conuuninas.d lryruds flow too quickly through sandy soil w allow time for the bacteria to di' hence the virtual ban on nein sab- division developments on l alp Nes rot's may shore High ruidall only aggravates the float problems While the couagers Mr. Buechler is jierani with need to be ap- plaifor their dons torpve Their ,sewage systems. the a t is many peopk build additions ,to their cottages. iiia!! cur(' bath- toarns. showers, dishwashers. and jvcsaits. or liccidito !i vt there yiw fond stadia giving a second thought so their a4ndersiud or otU- dalsd ,optic system The pollrr�ipn prob4un.,they assturN, comes tram someone else's k ckyard 44