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Times -Advocate. August 19, 1992
Page 3
wrap up
GODERICH - Despite what
was called the record arrival
time of police officers, an al-
leged nude swimmer managed
to escape custody.
According to the Goderich
Signal -Star, police officers were
called to Black's Point Beach
Tact Friday atter• reports of a
middle-aged woman swimming
1)espite an exhausuve search,
Ow swimmer was not found.
Several men combed the beach
promising to do thew utmost to
continue the search after officers
lett the area.
Root Bear
MITCHELL - T -ball players
in South Hibbert received a wel-
come surpnse recently. when a
bear in a red convertible arrived
at the South Hibben t -ball tour-
According to the Mitchell Ad-
vocate. the A&W Root Bear
thrilled children by arriving in
ume to hand out medals The
bear placed the medallions
around the necks of players and
aim) delivered mugs and pen-
re fected
WASH - The federal
government has rejected the de-
mand for Camp Ipperwash to be
immediately retnrned to native
control. and has also rejected ns
eventual return directly to the
onginal inhabitants of the Ston-
ey Point Reserve
As reported in the Forest Stan-
dard. the government sent a one-
page response to the recommen-
dation from the standing com-
mittee on abongrnalaffairs stat-
ing 'when the land or sone part
of it Is no longer required for
military purposes. the govern-
ment is legally obligated to re-
turn the land to the (Keele and
Stone Point, Band.' "at no
cost '
Stoney Point naive. Leel the
Department of National Defence
has no need for the land, and it
should be returned.
A meeung between the two
side.\ is expected later this
St: Marys
ST. MARYS - A pruposal by
Emily -Street iandoiniers ie. pay -
tor their own sewer system with
a little help trona Use wwn has
been tentatively approved.
At cording to the St. Marys
Journal Argus, at least 50 other
norms in St. Marys have been'
walung 2U years to get rid of
pruluuve sepuc tank systems.
The Emily Street group has of-
fered to pay more than $200.10
in up Iront costs w install a sew-
er lune if the town will finance
the rest of the bill. about
S60.000. The S6U.0(X►' would
eventuall} be recovered by
charging for new hook-ups
However, other homeowners
are worried about a double stan-
dard being created. especially
for those who can't afford the
Car lands in
living room
BLYTN - A Blyth family re-
ceived a rude awakening last
Wednesday when an out -of -
co ntrot car crashed through the
front room of their house.
As reported in the North Hu -
'ion Citizen. Witrgbam police
said a 16 -year-old young offend-
er failed to stop due to an al-
leged mechanical failure, trav-
elled through an inlersecuon and
across a lawn striking the (runt
wall and window of a home.
(Me member of the family had
been sleeping on the Irving room
couch, two leer Awn where the
car entered, but was not injured.
The young offender was
charged with failing to remain at
the scene of an accident and
(saving liquor readily available
in the vehicle.
Exeter man guilty of
narcotic possession
EXETER - Judge R.G.E. Hunter fined a 38 year-old Exeter main
$250 in Provincial court last Tuesday for possession of a narcotic
leunkhn Duchalme of 411 Main Si pleaded guilty to the charge.
The court was told that on July 24 an officer entered the home of
the accused and discovered one potted and one unpotted marijuana
In his defense, Du-
charme said the cannabis
was for personal use only.
he was not trafficking the
Judge R.G.E. Hunter
gave Ducharrne 9() days
to pay the fine.
Boateis rescued from Lake Huron
EXETER - Exeter OPP officers
invettlligated a number of incidents
this past week including a boating
accident on Lake Huron
Joe and Jackie Gleason of St.
Clair Shores, Michigan are sate at-
ttr the mast of their 18 -foot Hobi
C.at hroke white on the lake Sunday
afternoon, They were spotted in
apparent distress by a resident of
Lakewood Gardens who contacted
T1rc (GIpason's were well
equipped and made their way safe
lv to short
A windsurt'er was found along
the beach near the Bayview Golf
Course last week The owner may
claim rt by contacting the detach-
ment and describing it.
Thanks to the help of neighbour-
hood witnesses, Exeter OPP were
able to identify a 1983 OMC pick-
up belonging to Geoffrey Sanders
of Exeter as being that which struck
An Bowennan's vehicle while it
was parked in his driveway in Hu-
ron Park at 1.40 a.m. Sunday morn-
ing. Both vehicles received dam-
age as a result of the accident.
On Monday evening, Julie Lewis
of R2 Denfield struck a deer on
Highway RI causing minor damage
to her vehicle.
waw vsrr
Pick your own
Blueberries - $1.49 Ib.,
4 roads south of Melbome on County Rd. #9 -tum
right, go 1/2 mile
OPEN - Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Sunday
t - !
The \'lrnistr', of Health ;nanginr
the Ontario Drub bench: progran,
effective August 2
Thc. fl-lrntstrt .. tskt d. at:. _inue.peii-
dent group of health expert:- to rec-
ommend changes 1(1 the program. r1�
a result. some nev drugs art belay,
added, and others are .being taken off
Prescription drugs necessary Jut
serious health condition:- .w it
continue to be available. at ria)
direct cost. to those on tt1t• pr -c) -
gram. As well. over -the -� punter
products such as insulin i. dia-
betes are -still covered.
Among the product being
added to the program are a nev\
slob release drug to treat
Parkinson's disease. and a drug for
the treatment of shingles Products
like sunscreens, multiple \ ttamins
and antihistamines are armor i; those
\being removed.,
In total. the changes affect a
small percentage of drugs covered
by the program.
N•ill M KI 1 HI C,HAtic,I s?
of )\ t'r rt rri'_'rl
rllalrag'. neatti part pend-
�t-tr.� IItivv ()v t" 1 1)111101i
;..Ltd (►r. (rlt ( Inittrlt L)rur bench!
Pit iglett' alone
Us] ria\e ricer, pt'' eetll
L1rlrt,,;clll\ (JLIF1ri. lilt.. ptlst ii! Feats
Il t l ge \.\i hope to
1st's.'I ' Int' -(east it
`+ per cent
MURl 1 NI c)Itv1A 1 ION?
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