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Cottage owners fear loss of property values
firnes-Advocate, August 12, 1992
Page 3
By Adrian Harte
T -A Editor
ZURICH - The authors of the
Shoreline Management Plan had
been concerned that the Lakeshore
cottage owners were not aware of
their proposal's effects on their
properties. Saturday moming, it
was evident that they finally had
their attention.
The second last in a series of
meetings to present the Ausable
Bayfield Conservation Authority
plan for public perusal drew about
300 property owners to the Zurich
community centre Saturday. While
aimed at Hay Township properties,
several came from further afield to
voice their opposition to a plan they
say could make their cottage prop-
erties virtually worthless.
The Shoreline Management Plan
proposes two risk zones along the
shore. A "red" zone closest to the
beach would preclude further de-
velopment and would discourage
changes to existing properties. A
"yellow" caution zone further in-
land would place restrictions on de-
velopment. Although the plan
makes many other recommenda-
tions to control and manage the ero-
sion of the shoreline, it was those
zones that caught the attention of
property owners. Most arrived Sat-
urday to find out where their prop-
erties are in relation to those lines.
"it's done awful things to proper-
ty values already...so I've heard,"
said one cottage owner who did not
want to be identified.
He said that since the red risk
zone calls for cottages destroyed by
natural causes not to be rebuilt, fire
insurance won't pay up if the cot-
tage hums down.
"A guy with a $300,000 cottage
is stuck out in the middle of no-
where. He can't sell it and he can't
rebuild," said the man, who ac-
knowledged his cottage is _further
inland than both risk zones.
"1 think most people feels it's an
intrusion into their rights," he said.
Robert and Barbara Maunz from
Michigan, owners of a. cottage in
Shangri La Beach discovered their
cottage lies in the "red" zone,
"It could end up our cottage and
three lots are worthless," said Rob-
ot -en, who said when he confronts
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Au -
"It's done awful
things to property
values already
,..so I hear"
thonty staff about the potential loss
of property values, they avoid the
"They're in a different world,
they are," he said.
"How can they call this erosion
when their policy is to let the shore
erode?" asked Tony Olive, owner
of a cottage in the Sunset Lane sub-
division north of Bayfield.
Olive called the Shoreline Plan a
"big farce" and challenged the
ABCA to show they have done
anything constructive for shoreline
protection. He argued that while
displays at the meeting portrayed
erosion protection measures as inef-
fective, he said some subdivisions
have had success with their shores.
Sunset Lane, he said, has success-
fully planted trees and installed
Olive said he has been ap-
proached by the Lake Huron Pres-
ervation Association, a group of
cottagers seeking legal recourse to
fight the Shoreline Plan, and he
said he is conside ing joining.
Murray Keys, Hay Township
deputy reeve, cautioned that the
plan, as presented, is still only in
draft form. He said he was encour-
aging property owners to fill out
the comment sheets because "those
concerns are going to influence the
final copy. It's going to affect it a
While Keys said the final plan
will have to be approved by the
provincial ministry and by the
ARCA board of directors, he also
said it must be approved by each
township affected before it be-
comes part of municipal bylaws.
The chances of it being approved
by Hay Township in its current
form are slim, he said.
"As soon as you adopt it, you
give them (ABCA) authority," said
Keys, who argued that the township
still wants to retain control over
planning. "I don't care whether it's
agreeable to us or not, we don't
want it to hecome law."
Tom Prout, ABCA general man-
ager, said he was pleased to finally
see so much public interest in the
"1 think the size of the plan scares
some people. We may produce a
pocket version," said Prout.
Patrick Donnell', , one of the au-
thors of the draft plan. said while'
many property owners at Saturday's
meeting appeared hostile, a few
also said they understood the need
to manage the shoreline, but "the
most vocal ones are certainly the
most negative".
Donnelly said the plan recognizes
the limitations to erosion control.
Many attempts to hold back the
ravages of the lake's high waters or
storms aren't always successful and
often end up causing more damage
to the shores of -neighbouring prop-
"The last thing we need is more
lawsuits up and down the shoreline,
subdivisions suing each other," said
Donnelly, referring to three subdi-
visions involved in legal battles in
the 1980s over charges that erosion
controls ended up cutting away oth-
er banks.
Such protection, he added,
doesn't always work, despite prop-
erty owner's claims.
"We haven't had any bad storms
since 1986, so everything that has
gone in since 1986 has worked," he
said. The next major storm will be
the proof.
Donnelly said he was "delighted'
with Saturday's response to the
meeting, even if most of the com-
ments were negative. Donnelly
said the development restrictions
make up only one page of the 150 -
page report, but attracted nearly all
the attention.
"Obviously, that's what we're Boo-
ing to be looking at when we go
back to our steering committee," he
Also he said, the fear that "red"
zone cottages can't be rebuilt -be-
cause of damage or other causes
was not the intent of the plan, said
Donnelly. He said the only inten-
tion was to prevent rebuilding
when a cottage is destroyed by a
Take -related cause: erosion or
storm damage.
"We perhaps didn't clarify what
the definition ' of natural causes
was," he conceded.
The last meeting is scheduled for
August 22, mainly for Stephen
Township and Grand Bend cottage
owners and will be held at the St.
John's by the Lake Church from 10-
2 p.m.
"Everybody's saying 'why com-
ment? it's a fair accompli' but that's
not true," said Donnelly. "We're
getting some really good com-
Property owners search shoreline maps of Hay Township to find out what risk zone their cot
tages fall into while Pam Hunter of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (left) lends c1
Tender for delayed storm sewer
Continued from front page
for the whole project, as originally envisioned.
"The whole reason for this project was to get rid
of storm water from a motel," said Mickle, who
demanded to. know exactly what percentage of
drain would beNoeeded if the project was short-
Kells then appeared aenoyed, asking council that
if the tender comes in whirr the allocated budget,
then why not do it?
Councillor Ervin Sillery of agreed to tender for
the full street length "to see whaprices come in".
"You don't have to accept a tender; observed
councillor Robert Drummond.
Mayor Bruce Shaw also noted that a Ministry of
Transportation 50 percent subsidy would likely be
cut back next year if Exeter didn't spend what was
already allocated to the town for the sewer.
However, a vote to tender for the full sewer project
was lost.
"Any other comments. Glen?" asked Shaw.
"Just that were going to be grossly underspent on
our MTO subsidy this year, meaning a big loss w
grant money," said Kdls.
Council then became concerned that the works de
partrnent would still be able to build the sewer itself
because it was already. budgeted. Kens told council
he recommended shosiening the project because of
lack of contribution from the motel.
Councillor Dave Urlin made another motion, to
lender for the sewer construction, minus the 100 feet
beside the Devries property where the motel was to
have been bunt.
The new motion was carried, with Mickle ac the
only protester.
Hensall approves Union Gas easement
EXETER - Hensall council voted
in principle Monday night to ap-
prove a request by Union Gas for
an easement on the easterly side of
lots at the Hensall Community
Centre adjacent to the railroad
Council heard from a Union Gas
delegation Monday night, com-
prised of members of both the
Chatham and London offices.
According to Ron Haley, Super-
visor of the Lands Department with
Chatham's Union Gas Office, the
company wishes to expand its lines
to service customers in 'Lunch.
Council approved the granting of
the easement adjacent to an already
existing Bell Canada easement, as
well as an 8" forcemain that goes to
the lagoons. In addition, Union
Cias also received permission for a
6 metre temporary easement for in-
stallation of the 114.3 mm gas line.
Union Gas hopes to begin con-
struction of the new line in mid-
In other council ,news, Hensall
also passed a new policy regarding
the retirement of village employ-
All full-time employees of the
Village of Hensal) shall retire on or
before the last day of the month in
which they reach ale age of 65.
Notice of the intention to retire
must be given in writing at least 90
days in advance of the proposed re-
tirement date.
All vacation credits must -be tak-
en prior to the employees official
retirement date. No pay for used
vacation credits will be m
tirernent nor will vacation wi
be granted after the official
ment date.
at re -
Patrick Donnelly of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (centre) explains the Shore-
line Management Plan to a group, f less -than -enthused property owners.
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