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Times-Arivocate, August 5, 1992
Varna by Joan Beierling
VARNA - Rev. Phillips led the
Varna Goshen Combined Church
Service held at the Stanley Town-
ship Park on Sunday. The congre-
gation welcomed Rev. Phillips and
his wife Olive back from their
month of holidays. They were visit-
ing friends and relatives in Peterbo-
rough, Trenton and different areas.
Despite the threatening weather
during the service and the potluck
picnic held under cover in the pa-
vilion, the sun shone for the sports
which were held outside.
Anna Keys won the guess the jel-
ly beans in the jar. There were 317
in the jar and Anna guessed 320.
The oldest family there by years
was Harvey and Louise Hayter's
family. The "longest" family there
was the Laune family. This was
quite humourous because each fam-
ily all laid down and stretched as
far as they could till touching each
TIIANk you
TO All Wlio pARTICipATEd
iN liEtpiNg miff
FRiEdsbuttq DAYS 1992
Michael Lenting
Karen Mitchell
9:00 p.m.
August 15, 1992
Hensall Arena
Trinity Anglican Church
proudly presents the
-At The
Bayfield Arena
Gala Opening i pin -9 poi
Admission $5.00
10 am -nprn
Admission $2.01)
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Prestigious Dealers
*Furniture •Chute
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•Book. •Cinn.'
*Early Lighlurc,'
•lea Roam
other's toes or fingertips.
They had a bean tag toss which
was a lot of fun and involved both
young and old. It was ,a good way
of getting to know everyone in your
group and drew quite a bit of laugh-
Then the parachute came out and
several games were enjoyed with it
taking in all the children and a few
adults. Other games such as golfing
and throwing the bean bags in the
rings was enjoyed by the children.
A candy scramble finished the
games off. Everyone enjoyed the
Next Sunday church will be in
Varna at 10:30 a.m. for both Verve
Goshen. Please note the time
A speedy recovery is wished to
Joyce Armstrong after having sur-
gery and the community hopes she
, is soon home from hospital.
by H. Davis
By H. Davis
SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's
held a most successful bake and
yard sale on Saturday. Another one
is planned for Friday, August 21, 3
p.m. -7 p.m. also at the MacGilliv-
ray's yard.
Friends and relatives from St.
Patricks visited the C. Haskeu and
Son Funeral Home in Lucan last
week for the funeral of the late Wil-
liam Lambourn. His mother Sarah
Ann Atkinson Lamboum was a
member of SL Patricks.
There will be no service at St.
Patrick's on August 9. Parish ser-
vice will again be held at St. Thom-
as's, Granton at 10:00 a.m. Service
will resume at Si Patrick's on Au-
gust 16, at 8:30 am.
Mary Davis was a Sunday eve-
ning -dinner guest with Bob and
Heather MacGillivray and family.
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - Residents of
the Oakwood Park subdivision en-
oyed their annual cocktail party on
Saturday, hosted by Oakwood Park
Association president T.W. John-
stone at his cottage.
The weather cooperated so that
everyone got a chance to visit with
friends and neighbours usually
seen in more casual attire jogging
or swunmin on the beach.
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Lunch and Dinner Specials
Dance and Bullet
Sat. August 8
s, L L:
For information
(519) 565-2573
All proceeds for Church Need
and Outreach
All you
eat chicken
Reservations appreciated
Hwy. #21, just north of
St. Joseph
527 Min St.
Lioenced under L.LB.O.
Soup , Mixed or Caesar Salad
Chicken Parmesan (cheese sauce) $12.95
Breaded Shrimp /n Scallops $14.95
Sole Ammandine $14.95
Sauteed Garlic Jumbo Shrimp(10) $15.85 _
New York Pepper Steak (10 oz.) $17.95
Surf 'n Turf ( 6 oz fillet, 6 shrimp) 418.95
All plates fully garnished
5 to 6:30 e m .very ,Dayl
FOR HESEHVA I IONb c:ali 13L)-2UUb
That's the name of the
Hensall Playground's most
popular event of the year.
The kids spent all day
Wednesday finding new
ways of messing up their
clothing, hair and faces.
Here they all line up for a
pie throwing contest and
blast away to their heart's
By Gertie Fleischauer
ZURICH - Forty-seven attended
the Senior Diners Dinner Wednes-
day, July 29 at the community cen-
tre. Theresa Burr won the 50/50
draw. Tammy Antaya read two
Birthday cake was served for din-
ers having birthdays m July. Five
tables of solo and euchre were en-
Thames Road
by Rhoda Rohde
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - Sympathy of
the community is extended to Rev.
Charles Henderson in the recent
passing of his wife Ethel.
Several people from this commu-
nity attended the funeral of the late
Minna Rohde of Mitchell on Thurs-
day. Sympathy is extended to her
brother Tom Yellow, her husband
Alex and tinnily'.
by Mary Kooy
By Mary Kooy
CENTRALIA - Next Sunday at
the United Church a joint service
will be held at 10 am. with the
Rev. Claire Geddes as the sAecial
speaker with a reception and social
hour following the service. Rev.
and Mrs. Geddes moved into the
manse last week and we welcome
them to the village frau Goderich.
Ladies are asked to bring sand-
wiches and/or dessert for lunch on
At the euchre at Heywoods res-
taurant, prize winners were Lila
Smith, Jean Noels, Kay Armstrong.
Percy Noels, Howard Dolan and
Marion Mitchell. Next euchre on
August 10 at 2:30 p.m.
,pecrd►rlrr►g rrl I'uS1e'f ;
up to 30' in wrdtl r
Times -
Exeter 235-1331
Optimist dance in Zurich Satunlay
By Carmel Sweeney
- ZURICH - The Zurich Optimist
Club is holding a Much Music
video dance this Saturday at the
-Zurich Community Centre. There
will be a separate dance for pre-
teens from 6:30-8:30 p.m. (admis-
sion $5 at the door). The adults
dance will run from 9-1 a.m. ($10
at the door). Advance tickets'
costing 58 arc available from
Schilbe Pro Hardware, or Brad's
Hot dog sale
This Saturday, August 8, the Zu-
rich Playground leaders and chil-
dren will be having a hot dog and
pop sale in front of the Tender
Spot grocery store from 11:30
a.m. to 2 p.m. Proceeds will go
towards their summer activities.
The SL Boniface Pansh is hold-
ing a pork barbecue and corn roast
this Sunday afternoon. Supper i,
from 5-6 p.m.
Tickets cost $6 for adults and $3
for children up to 12 years. Pre-
schoolers attend for free.
The parish is also welcoming
Father Patrick Cope of England
who is spending August in Zurich
while Father Peter Hayes is away
on holidays and retreat.
CNE bus trip
Anyone interested in joining a
bus1nP-w- Canatlian National
Exposition in Toronto on Wednes-
day August 19 to sec 1991 Zurich
Fair Ambassador Aimdc Gelinas
compete in the provincial compc -
ution can sign up now at Scyler's
Foodland. Transportation for the
day -long trip is only $10.
Festival quilts
Those selling tickets for the
CWL Bean Festival quilt are
asked to please return then to
Therese Stark as soon as possible.
Those with unsold tickets and
money for the Rest Home Auxil-
iary quilt are also asked to return
them to Martha Ducharme.
Glad Day
Glad Day will be held in Zurich
this Thursday afternoon August 6,
and all day Friday. A table will
be set up between the bank and
pharmacy on Goshen Street
Money raised from selling the
flowers will go toward epilepsy
research. Anyone wishing to help
can contact Sharon McMohan at
Clerk leaves
A surpnsc going away party
was held for Zurich's acting mu-
nicipal clerk Steve Armstrong at
the Fire Hall Inst Wednesday.
Armstrong ha -.t the past six
months fillinb 7 Zurich , ierk
Maureen Simmons who has been
away on matemity leave.
Earl and Phyhs i)eichert cele-
brated their 40th wedding anni-
versary on Sunday with an open
house in their honour at St. Peters
Lutheran Church. Many friends
and relatives attended.
Glen Regier and Kathy Cove
were Hurried Saturday at St. Bon-
iface Church. The groom is the
son of Joe and Rose Marie Regier
of Zurich.
Best wishes for a speedy recov-
ery are extended to Marihec Ay-
otte who is a patient in St. Jo-
seph's Hospital, to Don Masse in
South Huron Hospital. and to
George Keller of Dashwood, a pa-
tient in University Hospital.
The son of Ken and Christine
Bnutter was baptized on Sunday
at SL Boniface Church.
A surprise buck and doe family
party was held Sunday in Dor-
chester at the home of Marc and
Cindy Gelinas. The Gelinas and
Sweeney families attended in hon-
our of a sister' Melissa Beer and
fiancee Neil Francis who are plan-
ning to be married in Zurich this
Members of the Zurich Men-
nonite Church enjoyed a family
picnic this Sunday at Ken Gas-
cho's park.
The family of Clare and Lucille
Masse held their annual family re-
union on Sunday at St. Peters par-
ish hall in St. Joseph. Approxi-
mately 145 attended, including
children, spouses, grandchildren
and great-grandchildren.
Birthday wishes go to Mozart
Gehnas Sr. for Friday, Came Ey-
bergen on Saturday, and Aimee
Gelinas on Sunday.
Michelle Gelinas of Vancouver
has arrived in Zurich to spend Au -
gust with her parents, Mozart and
Marie GeL'nas.
Farewell to our neighbour, An-
nie Becker, who proved to an
aparunent in Exeter last week.
April Kassirer to perform in Lucan
LUJAN - Popular mu-
sician April is bringing
her lively music to Lucan this
Her show features original, tradi-
tional, and rap music and covers
such topics such' as dragons, ele-
phants. pizza, and skateboards.
Forurerly part of the April and Su-
san duo this energetic performer
has won critical acclaim for her
three albums "Join in", "Home
Free", and "Dinosaur Tango".
Catch her 45 minute family con-
cert at the Lucan Community Me-
morial Centre Thursday August 20
starting at 10:30 a.m.
Admission is free and everyone
is welcome to this entertainment
by the Lucan Optimists,
runQrem Ontario Library Service,
Outreach Ontario, and by Middles-
ex County Library.
k �9.h.r paign Inst the village's
bylaw en-toraf n ,ht ofs9wflar with ha Num.*, nn ARA n„