HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-07-29, Page 18• Page 18 Times -Advocate, July 29, 1992 17 Wonted 1(t Buy - WE NEED CARS AND TRUCKS for wredung or resale, towing service available. Brock Auto Wreckers, CSeditan. Phone 228-6700. (4Otfn) WANTED - SPRING GRAIN STRAW, oats and barley, (no wheat). Fields must be clean. 40 mile radius of Baster. Cana (519) 227-4975. (31:33c) WANTED - CHINESE WHITE GEESE for weeding strawberries. Phone 228.6121. (31:32c) 18 Wanted GREY BARN BOARD, leave message at 227-1266. LOOKING FOR ANTIQUE FURNITURE, toys, signs, post cards, clocks etc. Anything old or interesting. Leave at 227-1266. WANTED - 99 overweight people lose 10-29 lbs. per month. 100% sutural. DT. recarnmended. We pay you. Serious callers only. 604-533-5576. (27-31c) J Exterior Renovations Any type: - Residential roof - Siding - Soffit. facsia - Trough - Porches. et. Free estimates 10 Discount to Seniors 235-0626 leave message 19 Property For Sole GRAND BIND Pineville/ Mobile Hosie Park, retiremat community, paved roads and strew lighu, year round being. Homes for sok, excellent cambium. Cable T.V., and dub house, pets welcome. Phone 8-5584 or 243-2294. (42dn) COUNTRY RANCH AT THE LAKE - Open House Saturdays/Sundays 300 - 5:30. To SL Joseph's - intersection hwy. 84 and 21 - see sign in from of store. This family built ranch offers quality and ooswaoie noes. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, whirlpool, central air -vac, ftteplace, oak kitdneat, eating bar, main floor laundry, 2 car garage with opaser, deck and beach. Phone 519-236-7215 after6:00 pm. (27-31c) HENSALL - PRIVATE - Immaculate 3 bedroorn brick ranch borne. largo: teed lot 75'x137•. Mostly maintenance free extenor. Full basement. Auadned garage. 5119,900. Call 235-1561 after 6 p.m. (30tfn) TOTALLY RENOVATED 3 bedroom house, new furnace. One block from Main SL Exeter. Phone 235-1647. (28tfn) - EXETER - Three bedroorn, 1 1/2 storey brick house on large _lot, 2 blocks from downtown. Price includes 5 appliances. Phase (31') 20 Property For Rent LARGE BRIGHT 2 bedroom apartment, laundry hookups, paved parking S485.00 per month plus utilities. Phme 235-1449 or 235-1950. (37tfn) Piano 'honing Special $50. includes minor repairs 235-3666 Triebner Electric Ltd. and Trenching Electrical Contracting Trenching for CaII 235-1756 anytime * water lines * drain tile * under- ground wiring Pearson Bros. Drainage R.R. #6 Forest Ont. Farm Drainage Specialists Septic Systems Erosion Control Waterlines Milk House Drains Backhoe Rental Basements "We guarantee you the best value for your dollar" For free estimates Call Days - 828-3641 - Ron Evenings - 786-4241 - Rick Wellington HURON COUNTY COMMUNITY CHiLD ABUSE C(X)KDiNATING COMMITTEE: (CCACC) is seeking a Coordinator for Kids on the Block. a physical and sexual abuse prevenuon program, presented in the County Public and Separate Schools, with use of puppets The successful applicant will be responsible for coordinating and training vol unteer\ for the program, arranging and facilitating presenlauons and speaking to interested community groups This is a 2 day -a -week position. Sept May. travel allowance included Interested applicants should have good organizational and public speaking; skills, the ability to relate well with a variety of agencies and good reporting and documentation skills Please submit resume in writing it, Debbie Selkirkpresident of C (.A C C P(1 Box 45( Cioderich. Dol N7A 4('7 Deadline for application is July 29/92 ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Please note that the following has a specific date and time for site visit to view the work. It is MANDATORY that contractors at- tend the site visit. Contractors to meet at ODC Administration Office, Huron Park. INTERIOR eAINTING - elm - TENDER NO. H1P92/31 SITE VISiT - Tuesday. August 414. 1992 - 10:15 a.m, To paint interior surface of cleaned, wood structure Individual Sealed Tenders for the above contracts will be re- ceived until 12:00 NOON LOCAL TIME ON Tuesday, August 11th, 1992. Tedder documents may be obtained from the Ontario Develop- ment Corporation, Huron Industrial Park, Huron Park, Ontario NOM 1Y0. For further information regarding these tenders please contact the Huron Park Office at the above address or telephone (519) 228-6657. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY AC- CEPTABLE. , Ontario MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, TRADE AND TECHNOLOGY 20 Property For Rent EXETER - ground floor apartments with fridge and stove. Call Olen Haver, Apartments 235-0349.(44dn) POR RENT 1, 2 and 3 bedrooent 'caimans, available immediately Phone 235-0537.(46tfn) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, ground floor, downtown Hensall, carpetd, bnght, paved parking, TV cable, special rate for senior citiaent. •13th Month Rent Free• Phone262-2230. (48tfc) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in Facia, clean, washer, dryer hookup. Paved periwig 5485.00. per month. Phone 235-1449 or 235-1950. (51tfn) LARGE LUXURY 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS with three appliance Laundry facilities in each unit. Ground floor units available. Phare 235-2961. (4tfn) BACHIiLOR APARTMENT 424 Main Street 5400.00 monthly. Includes heat and utilities. Please supply references and apply in person at The "limes Advocate. (9x) FIRST MONTH FREE- ELIZABFTII COURT APARTMENTS, Hensel!. One and two bedroom apartments with fridge, stove, heat and hydro. Laundry facilities on premises Mor more informauon and viewing opponunities call 262-2827 after 6 p.m. (21tfn) UPPER LARGE: 2 BEDROOM apartment fudge, stove included. Downtown Hensall- i465/month plus utilities. Phone 236-4365 or236-4961. (22tfn) BACHELOR APT. fridge, stove, parking and laundry facilities. Phone 235-1497. (24tfn) MAIN FLOOR of duplex. 2 bedrooms, one block from Mann SL Includes fridge and stove. 5475.00 per month. Available Sept. 1. Call 235-0800. Ask for Gary. (26tfn ) AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Nicely finished two bedroom apan.ment m quiet Exeter location. For information Call before 6 p.m 235-0800 - Ask for Jerry 2-2 BEDROOM APES FOR REN f. 1 -lower, 1 upper, fndge and stove supphed. Hrst and last month's rent to advance. Deposit required. References essential. Apply to Box 49P, do The Exeter Tunes Advocate, Box 850, Exeter NOM 1S6 (2) UPPER 2 BEDROOM apartment m Exeter Tr. Close to downtown. Call 236-7431 « 7714. (28-31c) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT 5325.00 plus utilities. National Trust. Availabie rmmediately.235-0530 (28-300 EXE I fiR - Large 2 bedroom duplex ground floor apartment. Large lot, great location, basanent. 5675 pa month includes utilities. Available Aug 15. Call 235-1214. (29ifn) EXE 1 hit - downtowrr, ground floor, smaller 2 bedroom, fridge, stove supplied. Washer, dryer hookup. Available now. 235-0302. (30tfn) BUNGALOW IN CEN'IRALIA 2 bedrooms. Immediate occupancy. Furst and .last month's nett Call 228-6780. (30tfn ) ZURICH - 4 bedroom bungalow avanlabic September 1. No smoking. No pets References required. Phone 747-517i, (31') APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, near Hurt)); Park. Fridge and stove, 5275.03 plus hydra Phone 228-6428. (3ltfnc) SMALL FARM HOUSE northeast of Hassall. Phone 235-1475 or 235-3333. (31c) GRAND BEND, one bedroom apenmatt, suitable for one adult, furnished, 5385.00 monthly, parking, utilities and cable paid Private entrance, no pas, references. Phone 238-2287. (31,32c) 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" atdttonum for rentals, including weddings. meetings, banquet scorn, lectures, exhibitions, films. etc. Kitchen facilities available. Phone 235-0318.(17tfn) AOR LEASE. - Retail space located dnwvntown Exeter beside Big V. 1950 q ft Tenni negotiable- Phone 519-565-5025 (31-34.0 CUSTOM ROUND BALING molt ,t lent t.t•nUt 3' to `' high and 4' wan' HAYQUTTING 10 1/2 cut WAYNE REGIER Crediton 234-6479 Custom Round Baling Ron Parsons 2 7430 Custom Round i Baling 4 ft. wide by 3.6 ft. high Scott Consltt Varma, Ontario 233-9297 or 666.2728 2', Wonted 1e Rent MEM -LUCAN area. House, 2 bedrooms plus, as soon as possible. References. Phme 1-850-0616 collect. (31,32•) FAMILY NEEDING HOUSE with 3 or 4 bedrooms in Exeter or surrounding ansa. Phone 1-947-2373. (31 Unc ) 25 Notice RONALD E. HOLCOMBE:, Victoria St., Centralia does not and has not represented or worked for OMNI Mortgage Services Ltd. For any mortgage information please do not hesitate to call Doan Caddy, Pres., at 432-6222. (31c) 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate o1 SAMUEL DIARMUID CAMPBELL McDOUGALL All persons having claims against the Estate of Samuel Diarmuid Campbell McDougall, late of thc Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, de ceased, who died on or about the 2nd day of May, 1992, arc hereby notified to send in to the undersigned personal representative of the said deceased on or before the 12th dayof August, 1992, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said personal representative will distribute thc assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which it shall k then have notice. Dated at Stratford, Ontario this 6th day of July, 1992 NEiLSON, BELL, SKINNER, ROGERSON & DUNPHY Barristers and Solicitors 1 Ontario Street, 4th Floor P.O. Box 542 Stratford, Ontario N5A 617 Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of SUSIE DEVINE Late of Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital. Strathroy, Ontario, formerly of the Village of Grand Bend, County of Lambton, retired housekeeper, who died on or about the 6th day of June, 1992. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are re- quired to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th of August, 1992 after which date the estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. RAYMOND & McLEAN Barristers, & Solicitors 387 Main Street P.O. Box 100 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitors for the Executrix 1t, l f'rinl Now e... NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of T1;NIE MARIE POLLEN Late of Exeter, Ontario, housekeeper, who died on or about the 13th day of June, 1992. CYeditbrs and others hav- ing claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th of August, 1992 after which date the estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. RAYMOND & MCLEAN Barristers, & Solicitors 387 Main Street P.O. Box 100 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of LEILA GRANDELINE FINKBEINER All persons having claims against the estate of Leila Grandeline Finkbeiner, formerly of 221 William Street, Exet- er, Ontario. NOM ISO, who passed away on or about the 10th day of March, 1992 are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 1st day of August, 1992, full particulars of their claims, thereaf- ter thc undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed. National Trust Company 1 Ontario Street P.O. Box 128 Stratford, Ontario N5A 6S9 RAYMOND & McLEAN Barristers, & Solicitors Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 For Rent Townhouse, Simcoe St. Exeter - 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, ten- ant choice gas or electric heat. - newly decorated - Available immediately Wellington Place Apartments William St. Exeter - 1 bedroom apartment - available immediately Ducharme Investments 236-4230 235-3511 27 lenders Wonted ERIC CAMPBBLL LINCOLN MERCURY SALES I.TD. 165 Main St. N. Exeter. Invitation to Tender proposed addition to ordains garage for • showroom, offices, parts and service ficilitie. Specification available en request Lowest or, arty tender not necessarily accepted. Closing August 10, 1992. (30:31e) 29 Garage & Yard Sales GARAGE SALE - August 1 and 2 9 a.m to 4 p.m. Rain or shine. Si. Joseph's Shores, Phase H. (31c) LARGE YARD SALE, Saturday, August 1, 8 a.m.-12 noon, 22 Sherwood Cr,,,,cent Exeter. Childeet's and some adult clothing, good quality, dean in good condition. Osh Rosh, dresses, snow stnu, Fritdter-Price toys, ice skates, car vactrom and auto shine power tools, games and much more. (31c) MULTI -FAMILY YARD SALE., Saturday, August 1, 8:30-?, S miles east of Exeter, 1/2 mule north of Winchelsea on County Rd. 011. (31•) GARAGE SALE, Saturday August 1, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 168 Helen Street, Dashwood, minor shine. (31c) GARAGE. SALE, July 31, 7-9 p.m., August 1, Saturday 8-12, 39 George SL, Exeter. (31c) GARAGE CRAFT and fake sale, August 1 & 3, 8 a.m., comer of Woodham and Hwy 23, MTS Farm Supply Yard. (31c) classifieds Phone 235-1331 HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T. (HC) 92-15 For the reconstruction of the parking lot and curbs at 35 Main St., Zurich Tenders will be received for the above contract until 1:00 a.m. local, time, Wednesday. August 16, 1992, by the Huron County Housing Authority, 44 East St., Goderich, Ontario N7A 1N3. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifica- tions may be obtained, quot- ing reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARI- LY ACCEPTED. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BiLL DOES IT ALL. COMING EVENTS COUNTRY CONCERTS: Garth Brooks, Clint Black. Allan Jackson, Doug Stone. Hank Williams Jr., Billy Ray Cyrus. For ticket packages, call Great Canadian Tours 613-546- 5997, 613-384-0796. CRAFT WORLD AP CRA7''S & GOUNIIIY Collectibles October 16.1 Metro East Trade Centre, Brock Road, Picker:ng 1 he largest show of its kind in Canada' lntormation (519' 351-8344. HAVELOCK COUNTRY JAMBOREE PARTY with Ronnie Hawkins, Good Brothers, Mac Wiseman, Jim, Jesse. Anita Perras, Terry Sumsiom, Aug. '14, 15, 16, 705-778-3353 days. 705-778.5206 nights. - ST JACOBS CRAFT SHOW AND SALE. Saturday August 22,9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sunday August 23, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Adults $2.50 Arena full of crafts! St. Jacobs Arena, lollow Hwy. 86, north of Kitchener -Waterloo CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Auctioneenng. Next Class Nov 21- 27 Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctsoneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. TRUCK DRIVER training AZ and DZ courses, also air brake, dangerous goods, defensive driving. log book and border crossing. Rodgers School, Ontario's oldest. Call 1-800-668-0031. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WE NEED A MORTGAGE BROKER or real estate broker to act as mortgage agent in this area. Call Iniransicon Financial Group 1-800- 268-1429 ask for 'J.R.• KLUSKUS SCHOOL, REMOTE AREA. Kindergarten - grade 10 preference. Category 4-5-6. Certified any province in Canada. Deadline: August 10, 1992 Send resume by fax: 1-604-992-3929 or phone. 1-604-992- 8186. HELP WANTED We need you to sell toys & gifts for C & M Gifts. NO INVESTMENT, NO DELIVERIES, no collection. Call 519-258-7905 or fax 519-258- 0707 for free info. SENIOR REPORTER FOR LARGE EASTERN Ontario weekly. Preferably 2 years' experience. Good compensation. Call Chris Must, Smiths Falls Record News. (613) 283-3182, fax (613) 283-7480. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Stra twat. Type - not quonset - 32x54 $7,344, 40x72 510,276: 50x90 $15,882. 60x126 $22,972 - other sizes available - Final summer ciearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. THE BEST BUILDING OPPORTUN' ' THE YEAR. DON'T MISS IT' Ontario Manufacturer Direct...Many types and sizes LARGE SAVINGS or models 30 feet wide tc 6C feet wide GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES Example 46x80 complete wrtr ends = 52 „ per square foot. After July 31st = $326 SAVE $2,098 BUY FACTORY DIRECT arc save _Call BUILDINGS 'R' US 1-800-6( - 5422 STEEL BUILDINGS A cheap Building offers rc flexibility. may even cos' more money 7 ne answer, Future Steel Thousands of people can't be wrong Cal 1-800-668-8653 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURF, VEHICLES U.S and Canadian low as Sit:. BMWs, Cadillacs, Chevs, Fords. Me•-;e';e'• Porsches, trucks, vans Amazing free recording reveals how 1-416-631-4666 BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, _OAtN:-- assistance programs (f ederal & Provinc,a your new or existing small busir,e•,' Information (514) 937-242.2 ext 98 MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY FOR HOMEOWNi_kS Pay Off Bills, Credit Cards' Star' New Business. Example Borrow $10,000. Repay $100.00 Monthly. No Qualifying Hassles Intransicon Financial Toll -Free 1-800-268-1429 VACATION/TRAVEL SOUTH CAROLINA -MYRTLE BEAC0 RESORT. Oceanfront condos, housekeeping included. Indoor/outdoor pools. whirlpools. saunas, tennis, putting green Summer rentals - from $505/week. Free brochure 1-800-448 - 5653. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Importer of BLUE LIGHT BLOCK sungiasses seeks energetic agents, distributors, retailers for best-selling, popular line of sunglasses 3 - year warranty, newspaper advertising support Active Accessories Inc. (416) 338-2422 Your ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so CaII This Newspaper Today!