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Times -Advocate, July 29, 1992
Mol • Nleuttirhof
On April 11, 1992 at Country
Side Reformed Church Cam-
bridge, Wilma, daughter of
Mike and Agnes Nieuwhof
and John, son of Gaby and
Margaret Mol were united in
marriage. Rev. Siebrand
Wilts uncle Of the groom offi-
ciated. Maid of honor was
Dianne Nieuwhof and brides-
maids, Marilyn Featherstone,
Maria Urquhart, Nina Gil-
mour and Angela Becker.
Best man was Paul Chap-
man with ushers Peter Dou-
gall, Mike Van Steeg, Clar-
ence Nieuwhof and Tom
Maien. Wilma and John are
residing in Cambridge.
Forthcoming marriage - Pau-
line, daughter of Mrs. Rennie
Brand and the late Simon
Brand, St. Marys and Edward,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius
Monden, of Mitchell are
pleased to announce their
forthcoming marriage . The
wedding will take place at
3:00 p.m. on Saturday, Au-
gust 1, 1992 at St. Patrick's
Church, Kinkora.
Forthcoming marriage Ken
and Betty Barnett of Elmvale
and John and Joan Oke of
RR3 Exeter are pleased to an-
nounce the forthcoming mar-
riage of their children Elnetta
Leanne to Edward (Ted)
Lorne. The wedding will take
place on Saturday. August 8,
1992 at 3:00 p.m. at St.
John's United Church, Elm -
Forthcoming marriage - Mr.
an Mrs. Ken Parker are
Pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
daughter, Lori Lynn to Scott
Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Crawford. The wed-
ding will take place Satyr
day, August 8, 1992 at Exet
er United Church at 3:00
N ursing Home
IILNSAL.1. - Sunday afternoon
lound several residents at the Clin-
ton Raceway enjoying the fresh air
and excitement. Cathy McClure
provided the ire passes anti Cecil
and Joyce Pepper helped with
Queensway Balung Club met last
Monday alteration and mixed up
cheese scones and raisin scones.
The fresh baked stent seems to lure
residents and staff alike to the bak-
ing room for a taste Nest.
Tuesday church services the last
two weeks were led by Rev. Henry
Van Essen of the Bethel Reformed
church, Exeter and Rev. Ver Hoeg
of the Chnsuan Reformed church.
Doug Insley loaned lits two vide-
os, "Seven Brides for Seven Broth-
ers" and "Oklahoma" to residents.
they were viewed by a large audi-
ence on both Thursdays. Everyone
thoroughly enjoyed them. Eileen
Ramme and Mary Roobal provided
hat arLiitttefeHOur.-T1te3itand-
soaks, massages, and polish felt
quite luxurious.
The day is started on Friday
mornings with Fun and Fitness.
The combination of exercises.
games and singing always scans
everyone off on the right toot.
Residents do appreciate the vol-
unteers who come in for euchre in
the Rest . L3omc sunroom. Rest
Home residents look forward to
their Friday afternoon Euchre.
Laming events
July 28, 2 p.m. Church Service
with Ztuich Mennonite Ladies; July
29, 8 am.. Men's Breakfast Club;
July 30, 2 p.m., Birthday Party
with Joyce Pepper and .Friends;
July 31, 2 p.m., Program with the
Hartsell Playground children.
Forthcoming marriage - Mr.
and Mrs.. William Struyke df
Exeter are pleased to an-
nounce the forthcoming mar-
riage of their daughter Maria
Ada (Mickie) to Mr. Yvon
Laurin. The happy event will
take place Friday August 21,
1992 at the Trivitt Memorial
Church in Exeter at 7 p.m.
Open reception to follow at
the South Huron Rec Centre.
Annual Zurich Pair again a success
S1 CWmel Oweeuey a big success thanks to the many
ZURICH -.The Zurich Fair was donations and volunteers. Proceeds
once again a success as sunny go to the building fund.
weather enabled everyone to take Persargtls
part in the various activities. Sheri Erb and Jeff Leis were
Becky Hartman of Dashwood, married at the Zurich Mennonite
daughter of Mike and Dara, was Church Saturday. The bride is the
chosen as this year's ambassador, daughter of Chuck and Tanya Erb
while winners of the prince and of Zurich.
princess contest were Natalie and Several relatives attended the Li -
Justin Laporte, children of Dwayne boiron family reunion on Saturday
and Theresa. held at the home of Bill and
Nineteen babies entered the baby Blanche Ducharme.
show and congratulations are ex- Grace Martin and )della Gabel re -
tended to all the winners. Judging cently attended an organ recital in
the event were Francine Vanasse of London at Aeolian Hall. Ruben
Zurich, and Susan Flynn and Deb- Adrian Smith of Hickory North
bie Lawrence of Hensall. Carolina was the recitalist.
Gomel sInR Carolyn Stark and daughter Cyn -
Everyone is invited to hear an this of Windsor visited with friends
evening of gospel singing which and relatives in the area for the
will be held at the Zurich Mennon- weekend. Debbie Denommc and
ite Church on Monday, August 3 Carolyn were among those who at -
beginning at 8 p.m. tend the class of '71-'72 reunion
Blue Water Saturday at South Huron District
Ladies of the Blue Water Rest High School.
Home auxiliary are reminded of the Three local couples were Messed
next meeting will be held Tuesday, with the arrival of children over the
August 4 at the home beginning at weekend at Clinton Hospital. Ai -
7 p.m. mee Colleen Schilhc was horn to
Yard and bake sale Wayne and Jody, their second
The yard and bake sale held at St. child; Sheldon James Patrick Clau-
Boniface Church on Saturday was sius was born to Craig and Jackie,
by Vanessa Cook
HENSALL - Recent visitors
with Ross and Donna Corbett were
their sister Cora MacFarlane of
Calling Lake Alberta and grand-
daughters Jennifer Cole of Lc duc
and Kristy Znak of Manning. They
also visited with many Taylor rela-
tives in the area and attended the
Taylor picnic in the Hensel) Park.
Steve and Pam Denne sons Tay-
lor and Trent of Gravenhurst. Pat
Pollington, Keith and Adrienne
Hamilton, Barb Preston and Anne
Sundridgc came home to attend
the Taylor picnic.
Seventy family members en-
joyed visiting. Cathy Paterson and
Marilyn Blake had some hilanous
sports for the young folk.
Two baby girls were the newest
family members attending. They
were Justine Taylor Hart daughter
of Bob and Jackie Hart, Clinton
and Mary Jo Corbett daughter of
Jeff and Sheila Corbcu.
Birthday wishes are extended 11)
Shannon Cook.
by Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - M the St. Thomas'
Anglican Church on Sunday, Paul
Acres led the service of morning
prayer in the absence of the rector.
The lessons were read by Robert
Parkinson and Sylvia Beatson. A
commentary on Psalm 21 was giv-
en by Parkinson. The guest organ-
ist was Joanne Blackler of Kirk -
At the Granton United Church
on Sunday, Pastor Normahie
Voakes' message was about Sim-
ple Cures for everyday ills based
on the lessons from 2nd Kings 5
and Colosaiar t2.
August is vacauon month and
regular services will resume Au-
gust 30.
Paul Harding has returned from
a holiday in San Antonio, Texa•
and his cousin David Denison at
cornpanted hint home to spend
some time with relauves in the
Granton area.
Elmer Hanlon has returned
home having spent several week
in St. Marys Memorial Hospital at
ter a fal I .
for next week's newspaper
Because of the holiday
Monday, all advertising
must be in our office by
Friday afternoon in order
for us to maintain our
publishing schedule.
Farm Fresh
Pick your own
ready picked
supplies last
Yellow beans, green
beans, beets, potatoes,
sweet corn soon
Michael and Diane
R.R. 3 Granton
their second son; Cynthia Ange-
lique Neilands was born to Jerry
and Diane Neilands of Hensall.
Joshua Anthony Brideau, son of
Ken and Roxanne, was baptized
Sunday at St. Boniface Church by
Father Peter Hayes.
Helen Homer, along with daugh-
ter and granddaughter Shelley and
Allison of St. Pauls, Alberta arc
visiting with her mother, Elizabeth
Grainger and family.
Anne Besozzi and son Steven of
San Francisco arc spending their
vacation with her mother, Gerry
Birthday wishes are extended to
Annette Denommc, Kim Keller and
Tammy Rau.
A surprise 60th birthday party
was held for Glen Neeb Sunday at
the home of his daughter Bonnie
Heather Consitt recently returned
home after a two-week vacation in
Scotland visiting with friends Jean
and Andy Willie and daughter Mar-
heck ,`tt' u '
hid Iloovip.
Itealty lioster?
Well. not really, Bonnie 'logs offers
a great affordable selection of children's weal
and Buster Brown kids shoes
are available at Panda.
Bonnie logs and Panda are both on the uPpe!
level at London's Westniount and part of the tee
stores that snake u11 London's -hast shoppire
selection. You'll love the difference.
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