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Times -Advocate, July 29 1992
Osborne and You in ',9iY concludes with
Over 1600 people crowded
the South Huron Recreation
Centre for the beef barbecue.
it was the largest event eve-
ry catered by Cardiff's Barbe-
cue and Catering.
This Russell car was one of
two in Saturday's parade and
one of an estimated 10 still
in existence. The designer of
the Toronto -built car, Thomas
A. Russell, was bom in Os-
borne Township.
Janet Maes tries her hand at the nail driving contest Timer
and strokes counted. it wasn't as easy as it looked.
Beard growing contest'/ualg-
es Karen Brock and Joanne
Jaques had a hard time de-
ciding the winners of the six
categories. Thirty four of the
43 men who signed up for
the beard contest in January
were still wearing facial hair
for the contest Saturday eve
ning - several beards did not
Jesi.rnuch longer though.
,feegelloenterr Lal own
.Oob grown gets the length of
his beard checked in the
beard growing contest. As
much as the juges stretched
it, he only managed a second
place finish
The Hort family got dug in for the tug of war. Their opponents however, were equally tend
cious. Spectators ended up scattering as the line swayed under the pressures of competrtwr
In case_ you missed some of the special events during the weekend. or
are curious as to who were the winners, here are the official results of the
Usborne Sesquicentennial activities.
•Special reeeptitioas: Greatest distance travelled to
attend - Freida Zandberg n -Riyadh; Saudi Arabia.
Oldest lady - Janet Bray, 93. Oldest gent - Otis Saw-
yer, 92 3/4. Oldest resident - Venda Dayman, 86.
Youngest girl - Jaymee Heywood, July 8. Youngest
boy - Garret Alexander, July 10.
•Cbildren's tractor pull: Senior girl - Hilary
Hardman, senior boy - Colin Amos, intermediate girl
- Jennifer Veal, intermediate boy - Jeremy Baxter, jun-
rot girl - Tristen Caldwell, junior boy - Christopher
'Tug of War: First prize - Paul Stewart's Team, sec-
ond prize - Dougall Family Team.
•Nail Driving: Teen lady - Crystal Hovius, teen
gent - none, 20-35 lady Valerie Marshall, Michelle
Hodgert, 2.J-35 gent - Martin Overholt, Roger Dougall,
35-65 lady - Brenda Hovius, Bonnie Dawson, 35-65
gent - Herman VanWieren, Doug Fletcher, yenjor lady
- none, senior gent - Laverne Rodd, Oliver Jaques.
•Cbildres's box dscoratiag: Best decorated - Erin
Parker, Megan Parker, Justin and Nathan Cann (fust),
Zachary Dougall, Chandra and Alyssa Dougall, Miran-
da and -Matthew Matlrrcci (second). Most creative -
Sara Hammond and Jamie Johns (fust), Derek Elber-
ington and Tyler Heywood (second). Most artistic
home- Jessica, Vanessa and Kristy Bray, Jimmy Dun-
lop, Courtney and Chad Smith (first), Scott Loosely
and Tristen Caldwell (second) Most unique Uavrd
Thorson and Mike Sauro (fust), Timothy and Corey
Bilks (second). Most original - Suzanne and Ryan
Ballantyne and Matthew Johns (fust), Ashley Junes
and Janelle Hem (second). Most arusue structure•
Shannon Dawn Cooper, Amanda Bray, Kraut. Allen.
Kurt Passmore.
•Ellison Travel draw: Winners Lorne and Mitigate'
Hern for trip accommodations at Skydomc and Blue
Jays tickets.
•Draw winners: Early bird - R.W. Read, Saturday -
first Verna Rundle, second Larry Sharon, thud Mar-
garet Andruski.
•Home beautification: Farmstead - first B111 and
Louise Pincombc, second Murray Dawson Single
dwelling - fust Bill and Gwen Waghorn, second Jerry
and Kathy Broers.
*Beard growing: Best all round beard - fust Larry
Rundle, second Billy Joe Rowcliffe. Best trimmed
beard - fust Barry Miller, second Harry Dougall Most
colourful beard - first Larry Skinner, second Wayne
Hem. Longest beard fust -Sam Craig (13 cm), second
Bob Down (10 cm). Worst attempt - fust Peter Screda,
second Bruce Delbeidge. Best existing beard - fust
Terry Johns, second Steve Johns