Times Advocate, 1992-07-22, Page 191111111111111111111111111
In the Estate of
All persons having claims against the
Estate of Samuel Diarmuid Campbell
McDougall, Tate of the Township of
Stephen, in the County of Huron, de
ceased, who died on or about the 2nd
day of May, 1992, are hereby notified
to send in to the undersigned personal
representative of the said deceased on
or before the 12th da • of August.
1992, full particulars of} their claims
Immediately after the said date the said
personal representative will distribute
the assets of the said deceased having,
regard only u) claims of which it shall
then have notice. Dated at Stratford,
Ontario this 6th day of July, 1992
Barristers and Solicitors
1 Ontario Street, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 542
Stratford, Ontario
N5A 6T7
Solicitors for the Executor
For Rent
Townhouse, Stmcoe St.
- 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, ten-
ant choice gas or electric
- newly decorated
- Available immediately
Wellington Place
William St. Exeter
- 1 bedroom apartment
- available immediately
236-4230 235-3511
In the Estate of
Late of Strathroy Middlerex General
Hospital St'athroyy, Ontario, formerly
of the Village of Orend Bend, County
of Lrambton, retired housekeeper, who
died on or about the 6th day of hate,
1992. Creditors and others having
claims against the above estate me re-
quired to send full particulars of such
claims to the undersigned on or before
the 24th of August, 1992 after which
date the estate assets will be distributed
having regard only to claims that have
then been received.
Barristers, 8 Solicitors
387 Main Street
P.O. Box 100
Exeter, Ontario
Solicitors tor the Executrix
In the Estate of
Late of the Township of Usbomc in
the County of Huron, who died on the
28th day of February, 1992. Creditors
and others having claims against the
above estate are required to send full
particulars of such claims to the under-
signed on or before the 23rd day of
Jul}, 1992, after which date the estate
assets will be distributed, having re-
gard only to claims that have then been
417 Main Street
P.O. Box 100
Exeter, Ontario
Solicitor tor the Administrators
27 Tenders Wanted
Exeter Invitation to Tender proposed
addition to existing garage fora showroom,
offices, parts and service facilities
Specification available on surest. lowest
or any tender not necessarily ace ed,
QosmgAugust 10. 1992. (30:31c)
New Home for Sale 2205 sq. ft.
' 4.bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths ' Cathedral livingroom
* Oak cupboards ' Double garage
• Gas fireplace • tnterloCi Ing brick driveway
' Open oak staircase ' Sodded and landscaped
rnNTACT Stoneyridge Developments Inc.
Jack Taylor 235-3293
to be held tor Casa Brand at Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton
Thursday. July 30 at 1020 a.m,
TRACTORS: Case 1490 4 wheel drive -tractor with cab heater air 1815
hrs., IHC 724 diesel, Zetor 6911 diesel with Bader, Allis W045 with
scuffler and plow
MACHINERY: NH 479 haybine, NH352 mixmill, NH 519 manure
spreader, IHC 37 baler, 4 flat racks on wagons, 30 ft. tube hay elevator,
2-4 bar side rakes, Winpower 25K continuous generator, Kongskilde 4
turrow semi -mount plow, Kongekilde 3. furrow.pbw, Kongskilde 11 ,ft.
cultivator, 16 ft. chain harrow, IH45 12 ft. cultivator, Keewanee t2 ft.
disc, 5 section diamond harrows, AC 12 f1. tool bar scuttler, 100 gal 3
point hitch sprayer, Luc know 7 tt. double auger snowblower, Innes 200
AR bean windrower, Oliver 504 12 ft. swather, 10 tt. hyd. fertilizer au-
ger, old gravity box on wagon, homemade single blade soil saver, old
bale stocker and fork, manure spreader suitable for trailer, manure
spreader axle with 900x20 tires, old 2 wheel trailer, quantity of steel and
cedar posts, 3 pt. hitch blade, some barb and page wire, Wisconsin 4
cyl. engine, Briggs 5 hp engine, Surge piston vacuum pump, water
trough, quantity of rough cut lumber, hydro fencer, 16 ft. 4 in. auger 3/4
hp motor, 12 ft. 3 12- auger 1/3 hp motor, electric welder cutting torch,
chainsaw 2 yr old, approx. 1000 tt. roll of 3/4' plastic pipe, milk cans,
16.9x34 tire, old cookstove, plus 2 wagon bads of misc. farm items too
numerous to mention.
-NOTE: Farms are sold, owner is retiring. Lunch booth
Terms Cash or cheque with proper ID.
OWNER CASE BRAND 482-7554 Clutton
to be held at Lobb Auction Building in Clinton tor several local consign-
yy��yy �y Q
1986 OhRoyal Brougham, 4r loaded selling tent.
ha Lirtooln towncar, 4 door, bottl being offered subject to reserve
bid. t977 Lincoln townoar, 12' x 6' tandem utility trailer with ramps and
j9ID1NG MOWERS - Allis Chalmers 608 LT, 8 HP 3 speed, MTD 8 HP
PRESSURE Reif Devil pofabie washer w/500 Ib. pressure
rated • mp 1 HP motor.
.. Fortress 2000 FS 3 wheel power chair with
...J - Wood upright freezer, Kenmore dryer, matching Ken-
more mon • colour washer and dryer, Beaumark almond Washer, har-
vest gold side by side fridge freezer, microwave, 2 portable Dolour TVs
electric cord n, electric stove. '
FURt4JTpIE C. Ornate carved frame trench provincial chesterfield
and chair, z KKroroeatiler ch.startislds and chairs, 4 oak dining chairs din
ing suite, antique love seat, antique dresser with mirror, teak weed cof-
fee and end tables, chesterfield and chair, oocasional chairs, table
lamps, piano bench, several chests et drawers 2 hail trees, marble sink
vanity, Wtby flange table, 2 exercise bikes, roil wound hi fi cabinet. and
Yak hi fi with cassette, player, rollaway bed, small china cabinet, srhple
door closet with mirror door, aluminum door 3 marts bicycles, Vier.,bicycle, small round chrome kitchen table, large collection of salt and
pepper shakers, dishes, glassware, small aitplianoes, 4 drawer filing.
cabinet, 5 metal shaft units, carpet, plus many other items too numerous
to mention.
Terms: Cash or cheque with ptcper ID
AINUOINer Repand Ltobb 482•7808
YARD SALE - Saturday, Jdy 25 - 8.12.
e6 Huron&. West Exeter. (SO*)
YARD SALE - Sat. July 25 - 270 Peyde
Blvd. Exeter. Knitting supplies and books000.
YARD SALE - 376 nein &. S. terser of
Jahn &. Leu of toys Lisle 'tyke, Riker
Aide, Asyschool Ninaando mown and
penes. P.P high chair, bedroom suite,
kitchen sus, furniture. Kits dodoes and
more. Saturday, July 25 -8 a,m -9 (SOc)
OPP seeking
public help
in locating
EXETER - The Exeter OPP are.
asking the public's assistance in
helping to solve two accidents in
which drivers of vehicles failed to
remain at the site.
The first occurred on June 27
when a GMC pick-up truck which
had been stolen from an Usbornc
Township man flipped over in a
ditch southwest of Exeter. Police
believe the driver may have been
injured and would certainly have
come out very wet and muddy as
the ditch was filled with water.
Sunday, July 19 at about 2 a.m.
police say a vehicle, believed to be
a cream-coloured Chevrolet Ca-
price, left the roadway on Conces-
sion 2-3 of Usbomc Township
south of Exeter and went through a
barbed wire fence. Debris from the
incident indicates the car was darn -
aged on the grill, has a broken win-
dow and scrapes all over the car.
If anyone has infomtation about
these incidents, they can contact the
OPP at 235-1300, or Crime Stop-
pers at 1-800-265-1777.
United Way
volunteers to
help spend
CLINTON - The Huron United
Way is putting out a call for volun-
teers to serve on its Agency Review
The purpose of the panels is to re-
view requests for funding from the
various organizations in the county
.--whirl-may qualify for United'Way
support. The United Way is look-
ing for 18-20 individuals to serve
on the six panels that will allocate
funds to member agencies.
The United Way said volunteers
should have numerical skills, arc
familiar with management theory.
and have good interpersonal skills,
but will be trained in how u1 go
about allocating United Way funds.
The agency says that volunteers
can expect up to a 20 hours a year
commitment to the panel, but that it
is a rewarding expenence of partic-
ipation in the community.
Interested people can contact
Glen Sauve at 482-7643.
Times-Advooale, July 22, 1992
Page 19
Milk quota cuts on the way
MISSISSAUGA - A national
maricet sharing quota (MSQ) cut of
at least three percent is expected on
August I. The start of the 1992-93
dairy year, as domestic butterfat
consumption continues to decline.
The exact size of the cut will be de-
cided at a late -July meeting of the
Canadian Milk Supply Manage-
ment Committee.
In Ontario, because of fluid skim -
off accountability, the cut will be
higher than the national average.
Producers who have shipped fluid
milk during the current dairy year
will have their MSQ holdings ad-
justed according to increased pro-
vincial fluid skim -off and changes
to individual butterfat test. individ-
ual MSQ adjustments may well dif-
fer from the provincial average.
Due to the rapid butterfat con-
sumption decline, the Canadian
dairy industry is getting closer to
the time when raw milk require-
ments will ba.lanoe fbr both butter-
fat and solids -nix -riot. The current
system balances requirements on
butterfat, with surplus SNF export-
The balance will occur in 12 to
18 months, according to projec-
tions. Efforts already are underway
at the national level to address is-
sues that will arise when this point
is reached.
Meanwhile, total milk marketings
to the Board declined by eight per-
cent in may 1992 compared to May
1991, the third straight month -over -
month decline. Nevertheless, it is
now projected that Orjario will still
be seven percent over its provincial
Not only has production pushed
up MSQ utilization, but butterfat
tests over the past eight months
have been higher. Also, there has
been no growth in Class 1 sales.
In spite of the apparent need to
cru back production further, some
producers may be reluctant to do
so. The main reason is the Board's
seasonality program. It requires
producers to fill at least 38.25 per -
cern of their annual MSQ during
the fust six months of the new
dairy year or temporarily lose the
use of a portion of that quota.
Reducing production further by
culling cows near the end of the
dairy Year removes some flexibility
producers might have to respond to
fall production requirements. Pro-
ducers could keep some flexibility
by diverting pan of their milk to
on-farm uses instead of culling one
or two cows. They could then re-
sume marketing of all production in
the new dairy year.
Producers have been reminded
again that the Board will not be is-
suing over -quota levy refunds for
the 1991-92 dairy year.
Preservation of rare
breeds a form of insurance
REGINA - Karakul sheep arc one
of the original and oldest breeds of
sheep. Native to central and south-
western Asia, India and southwest-
ern Africa, they are now so rare
they arc at risk of extinction. This
is one of the reasons Elinor Ewen
is carefully nurturing her flock of
about two dozen Karakul sheep on
a small farm 30 miles north east of
"The current value in raising reg-
istered Karakul sheep hes less in
the pelts of the lambs and the re-
markable wool of the adults, and
more in the fact that purebred regis-
tered animals of this breed may be
lost forever," says Ewers. "Ass
large-scale commercial breeders
impmve livestock types and, in re-
sponse to market demands, become
specialized, the ancient types arc
slowly being allowed to decline.
Once a breed vanishes. its particu-
lar virtues are irrevocably lost."
Ross Bricker, livestock develop-
ment specialist with Saskatchewan
Agriculture and Food, agrees with
Ewert. "We have to preserve the
Ilene pools .of _such rare breeds -as
our insurance for the future. They
offer diversity, a base for future se-
ection and adaptation.
"But the breeding and raising of
Karakul sheep is also an example
f finding and filling a market
idle," he says. "The Karakul's nat-
urally coloured wool is highly
prized by spinners and weavers
and, in the end, by consumers who
arc willing to pay the pncc for its
pique qualities."
Eight years ago, however, Ewen
d no intention of developing iter
serest in Karakul sheep into a
usiness. Her research into the ani -
al began with their intriguing his -
Farmland values drop
OTTAWA - Canadian farmland
values decreased in the last half of
The Farm Credit Corporation
(FCC) research shows a drop of 2
percent nationally between July 1,
1992 and January 1, 1992, the third
such decrease reported over the
past 18 months. Land values de-
clined in Ontario and the Prairies,
remained stable in the Atlantic re-
gion, and increased in Quebec and
Brush Columbia.
There was no change in farmland
values in the Atlantic provinces.
Quebec land values increased 1.4
percent the 7th consecutive modest
increase in that province, despite a
lower volume of sales. Ontario vat-
ues decreased slightly (1.3 percent).
following four consecutive increas-
es. The recession in non-
agricultural sectors reduced de-
mand in areas close to urban cen-
tres. and reduced the number of
off -farm jobs which tradiuoual1'
augnient farm incomes.
The volume of land traded was
relatively stable in Manitoba,
, where farmland values dropped 1.6
percent. In Saskatchewan farmland
values &creased 2,9 percent, de-
spite in increase in transactions.
Land values dropped 2 percent in
Hofla.sb ld Auction for
The estate of the late Miss Lilian Ulens on
Saturday July 25 at 11 a.m.
at The late residence Greenway Ont. on 81 Hwy. between Parkhill and
Grand Bend (Full list last week)
Complete restaurant dispersal for Wally's Chinese Restaurant. 126
Main St., Shelburne Ont. on Friday, July 31 et 10 a.m.
Coulter Auctions
Bruce Coulter 294.0585 Brett Coulter 294.6164
et'1S11 vest w.►
Order buyer for tats, feeders and stockers
Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily. Sorting cattle for
Talbotvllle livestock Exeliettlis Ltd. -on Frlgsys
Also PSN lip stows end vest listurtleY Moirologs 0,
t�ntia o c 441.1. •
iodu L Aird
I Open we
ekly Wesleyire te. -12 noon
For more information conloct: —
gany Ml kir, Owner Msesser
Of toe 262.2831, er $45,2717,
1 :.1
tory, but when she discovered their
rarity - less than 500 a year arc reg-
istered with The American Minor
Breeds Conservancy (AMBC) - she
resolved to play a role in the preser-
vation of a breed: she imported
The health of these animals has
been her first priority, and for this
reason she has not exposed them at
public shows or sales. This year,
however, the 1992 Canada Sheep
Classic was held in Saskatchewan
for the first time and she entered
some of her animals. Her decision
to allot, her sheep out of their
cloistered environment also result-
ed from the need to increase public
awareness about such endangered
Karakul sheep arc primarily bred
for wool, not meat, she says.
The skins are also valuable, and
are divided into three commercial
classes: the most valuable Broad-
tail, the skin of prematurely born
lambs; the tightly curled pelt of
lambs from three to .10 days old,
called Persian; and the wavy, fur -
like coat of lambs from two weeks
to two months old, called Caracul.
Ewert hopes the increased aware-
ness of these animals will not only
stimulate a greater demand for their
products, it will also ensure the sur-
vival of both them and the hun-
dreds of other endangered domestic
Bob Heywood 235-0874
Burt Lobb 482-9377
Wednesday. July 29 at 6 p.m.
;ieanny auction sate c' furniture and r:,Jsenc c; effects lo• _baa• anc Ethel
Johnston to oe Kele or iocatio•, a• ,13 Eas' Stree' Csooencr Ontann Wednesdd',
.,oidspot Indge, 30 Aamonci electnc stove. Westinghouse clothes dryer. Zenith 26
cotou' TY w'tt remota sma' condltione• dehumidifier rlumldttte• smaf bee•
fridge chesterfield and char dresser with mirror 3 -drawer chest single bed two -4
drawer chests round dining table and 4 chairs chrome table and chairs bottom for
buffe' tub stand electric lamps , oil lamps iantem -cups and saucers glassware
blankets and iinens etectnc lawn mowe• milt( car cream car gander loots et:
Good clean offennq plan to attend
Terms Cash or cheque wtir. proper 0
Bob Heywood 235-0874
Burt Lobb 482-9377
Thuradv Evertgw,July 23 at 5,30 n.m.
At the home of the Auctioneer (2 miles south of eter on Hwy. 4)
We will be dispersing consignments from several local homes and es-
tates including iances, furnishings, antiques and collectibles.
PARTIAL LISTING: Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table with drawer, 4 heart -
back caned dining chairs, dressers, antique blanket box, 2 - 1/2 round
tables. trunk, end tables, chaise lounge, fridge, jgvejv oirzcilat 1p 6
rc(�al( cupboard. (new), rocker, davenport, chitds table, ...en
chairs. stereo, rhes storage cupboard, credit .register, .humidifier, pro-
pane bar-b-que, swivel office chair, 2 matching swivel rockers with otto-
man, step stool, night table, lamps, vacuum cleaner, floor lamp, small fil-
ing cabinet, 4 folding wood and vinyl card chairs, chesterfield and chair,
new camping toilet and camp bunks, a nice selection of china and glass
plus small appliances and kitchen ware (from a Windsor estate) lathe
and extension, block and tackle, bedding, and hundreds of useful and
collectible items. (In case of inclement weather sale will be held at are-
Bob Heywood 235-0874
onbb 482-9377
Thursdaytip aterloo 51., Exeter�
We will be dispersing the entire estate of the late Mr. Harry Cole iracl.�n
excellent property, the estate car. boat and trailer and the contents of
the Gole home.
PROPERTY: To be sold at 6:30 contact Bob Haywood for viewing.
According to Plan 123 of the Twp. of Stephen, East Pt. lot A. west Pt lot
33 known as 31 Waterloo St. comprised of .51 acres - 74' frontage
300.3' depth.Home is hooked up to town water,1992 taxes 8878.00 A
away neo brick home with 3 bedrooms, dining room, eat in kitchen, full
basement, living roam with fireplace, attic room for expansion. de-
tached garage. Terms 10% down, balance in 30 days subject to a mod-
erate reserve.
ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD: 8 pc. oak dining suite with ext. table, 6
chairs and bullet,_ Mann►)hg�p t. i7pud jots* corner
china cabinet with glass doors, wing baa
airir,, shesixlwldand chair
with stool, nice set of nesting tables, Roxton maple round dining table
with 6 chairs, old blanket box and trunk, poster bad, several dressers,
chest of drawers, lamp and plant tables, single bed with boxspring and
mattress ,desk and chair, wooden and wicker rockers, sowing machine
with cabinet and stool, basement tables, mantel clock wooden works
clock signed "Columbus - Anno 1492,' parlour woodstove, antique
scales -wood, brass and marble used in W.S. Coles drug store,
fittids of snd 8 kho gr1.J_mamanila Witte ixrg, 1907 and *-
ers and us sa Directory forHuron sox and perch, sterol,
wicker, tins, oil tamps, old cigar boxes, cheese box, old advertis
items, China and glass including lovely Barveria berry set, Noritake , -
moge, Nippon, Wedgewood, Blue. Willow incl. pter, cornflower c ys-
tal, figurines, salver tea service and flatware, several nice paintings and
prints, lamps, brass tireplape accessories, crock, post cards, bedding,
frost•fre. fries, 24' eiac,-fang., Speed n wge
Quearinr washer Magna-
vox colour Tv, dehumidilter and humidifier, lawn chairs, books, kero-
ssanae star, small appliances and kitcchenware, lacros Mick, picnic
tick, ha . a
Alm old side, fish te-
ESTATE CAR, IQIAT,i)itMD &INSC. 1987 Mazda 628 4 door, 4 cyl., front
wheel drive, new brakes with 60,000 kris. selling as is subject to mod-
erate reserve, 16' alum. with trailer, 2 outboard s, lawn mow-
er, roto tiller, alum , lumber. Plan to #tend this� ts� and
well kept auction. ( ,at.arena M case 01 rain). Clip and paw a d.