HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-06-24, Page 301 trues -Advocate• June 24, 1992
Usbome Central Sclwnl said goodbye to its 1992 grade eight
class at a graduation ceremony Monday evening at the Kirk -
ton -Woodham Community Centre. Front row, from left, are
Jennifer Strang, Angela Hovius, Bridget Bradford, Wendy Par-
sons, Kelli Regier. Middle row, from left, are Alia Blackler,
Ron Simpson, Matt Glavin, Rob Lynn, Brad Hoogenboom,
Chris Wilhelm, .and Tammy Hutton. Back row, from left, are
Matt Bremner, Shaun Simpson, Bryon Ellerington, and Adam
CaIdweII family reunion
EXETER - Descendents of John D. Caldwell of Cupertino, Califor-
Caldwell, a Huron County :pio- nia.
neer,who emigrated, with :his.fatai- Ross W. Caldwell of Ottawa, and
ly from Ireland in the late 1840s, Rena and John E. Caldwell of Kip -
were invited -to the residence of pen have done extensive,ge nea1og-
Harry and Margaret Strang RR 3 iaal research on the Caldwell fami-
Exeter on Saturday. June 6. ly.
Some 50 descendents from Onta- 'Phe picnic was the culmination
rio and as distant as California at- 'of -effects of Carl D. Caldwell, Cali -
tended. Five first cousins of the forma, to locate members of the
William T. Caldwell .and Sarah William T. Caldwell family with
Chamberlain family, old time whom he had lost contact.
fanners in Hay Township area A heartfelt note of thanks was ox -
compared notes. 'they were Harry pressed by all for the generosity of
Strange -Exeter, Maybe& Cann, Margaret -and Harry Strang and J.
Exeter, Ross'W. Caldwell, Ottawa, Ross Caldwell for their efforts in
J. Ross Caldwell London,and Carl arranging the picnic.
Ansa Craig UCW meeting
AIISA CRAIG - The laughter of ie, the clown. They had balloons,
.little children filled the Sunday songs and games and before they
School _room of the Ailsa Craig want home each child had a paint -
'Muted -Chattel) hiue-lt When little c"hridren ed face.
and -.their mcthets came to the June Margaret Tweddle presided for a
meeting of the UCW. short business mewing. The mem-
The fun -began with a meal of hot bers were reminded to bring cook -
dogs _and ice -cream, and then the ies for the Cancer Society to the
children were entertained by Bim- church on June 28.
\Tarn.a by Joan Beierling
VARNA - Olive Phillips, Grace
McClinchey, Catherine Robinson
and .Margaret Hayter spent last
weekend wending the United
Church Muskoka C3onference at
Delawana Inn. Rev. Mamie Pater-
son brother-in-law of Rev. George
Phillips was the theme speaker for
the weekend.
Stanley Township Swim Program
will be held in Vanastra again this
year from July 13-24. Bus pick up
is in Varna and Brucefield and the
price is $37 per child. For further
information or to register phone
Sandra Robinson at 263-5307.
Daily Vacation Bible School
forms are available now. This will
:be held once again in Brumfield
'Church August 17-21 from 9 a.m.
-to 11:45 a.m. Please send or give
your forms to Linda Keys for Gosh-
en, Joan Beierling for Varna, Bren-
da Wright for Kippen and Rev.
Don Robinson for Brucefield. Min-
imum age is four by December
321, 1992. For any more informa-
tion please contact any one of thc
above people.
Special presentations were made
on Sunday in the Varna Church.
Mary and Bill Chessell were hon-
oured for their many years as care-
taker of the church and Charles
Reid was honoured for his many
years as member and Clerk of the
Session of the church and for his
dedication throughoat the years.
Flowers were placed in the
church by Shirley and Bev Hill in
memory of Shirley's father Aldie
Kelly Jayne Consitt, daughter of
Scott and Brenda was baptized in
Varna on Sunday. Rev. George
Philips performed the ceremony.
Following the church service, Scott
and Brenda hosted a family gather-
ing of 38 in all to celebrate Kelly's
• baptism.
Next Sunday, Rev. Clare Geddes
will be conducting the services in
Varna and Goshen. He took the ser-
vices last year at the end of June as
well. Rev. Phillips will be attending
a family picnic.
Staffa by Roberta Templeman
STAFFA - Last Wednesday, the
Hibbert United Church Women in-
vited moms and pre-schoolers to be
special guests for an outdoor noon
time picnic.
Those present despite the windy
weather, enjoyed hot dogs, cones
and lemonade in the shelter of thc
The group would like to thank
Gwen Christie, who purchased,
brought, cooked and served. Verkk
Mahon and Margaret Kemp assist-
Since Canada is celebrating her
125th birthday. the meeting opened
with 0 Canada and the children
were presented with ked Maple
leaves and email "Canada" [lag
During the business. donations
were made ,to the limed of Ste-
ward,: of Hibbert United Church
and Camp Bimini. The members
accepted responsibility for provkd-
ing cookies for Camp Bimini. 'lien
dozen cookies will be delivered to
Andrea Scott on July 26.
The organization will be respon-
sible for the church service for Sep-
tember 20 when Anne Marie Allen
will not be in Staffa. Florence
McPhail will assume duties of lead-
er in September.
Members arc invited to meet with
Staffs Women's Institute for their
International Affairs meeting on
June 24. at 7:30 p.m., when Robin
Dayrard will speak.
Rob and Bev Templeman attend-
ed the twentieth anniversary of
Robs graduating class from U.A.C.
held at Alliston on the weekend.
Mike and Mary Janc Parsons,
Cassandra and Stuart were Sunday
dinner guests of John and Mary
Louwagic, celebrating Cindy's fist
1 birthday.
The Onrnd Bend PuWIIC School held "their graduation ceremonies Monday night- amid a beauti-
fully decorated hall. Shown, on their special night are back 1 to r, Matt de Jong, Simon DesJar-
dine, Troy Stellingwerff and Travis Shepherd. Front, Don Dickout, Makaysha Wilde, Jesse Wa-
• 'ters, Tracy Tumbull, Mandy Jennison and Adrian Tost. Eric Clay is In the foreground.
L+7 l�7 L7 1+1 Fell Itl iiii�i
I,Wednesday July 1992
Sponsored by the R.E. Pookw Branch .167 Exeter Legion
Supported by the meter Rec Centre
Shuttle Service
for Seniors
Seniors in the area needing a ride to
Canada Day Celebrations please call Gerald
Keyes at 22&6271 by June 30
Teen Concert featuring
"Positively Stompin"
7:00 - 10:00 aan. "Breakfast -
- pancakes. sausage, juice/coffee
10:00 a.m. /Bike Decorating C c:utast
Pre -kindergarten to grade 8
1:00 p.tln. Hot Air Balloon Tethered Rides
2:00 to 4:00 p.m Teen Concert
"Positively Storr>1Pirt"'
2:00 to 4:00 p.m Free Swim
0:00 p.m. , ,Hay Ride
8:80 p.:tn
9:80 p.m: (+)
Alt _,
, ,,-:::
Exeter Legion Community Band
Silver Collection
810.00/family - $3.50/person
Agricultural Building
Exeter Rec Centre Parking Lot
(Weather Permitting)
Exeter Rec Centre Ice Surface
Exeter Public Swimming Pool
(McNaughton Park) - FREE
Start - Exeter Rec Centre and proceed
around kcNaughton Park - FREE
Agricultural Building - FIEE
Exeter Ball Diamonds
Proceeds to Stephen and Exeter &
Area Fire Depts.. charitable cause
SAT. JULY 4, 1992
£txeter Lions Fifizi.draisirAgCkup WWII will be o.n location
n Contm[tt a ld3bers:
• Bart DeVries (Cly)
235-1298 Bus. / 23641949 Res.
• Rick Smith 235-1033
• Paul Dougherty 235-2419