HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-06-24, Page 25'l,Dp ttv I0, Rt 2-2 BEDROOM APTS NOR RENT. 1 -ower, 1 upper, fridge and stove supplied Punt and Ile mantis's lent le advance. Dapwu 'squired. Retaliates essential. Apply to Boa 49P, clo The Exeter Times Advocate, Boa 850, Exeter NOM 1S6. (26dn) For Rent TawfhOute, Shwa* St. Exeter - 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, Fin- ished rec room, tenant choice gas or electric heat. Available Immediately Ducharme Investments 236-4230 235-3511 EXETER -Just Iistdd. Immacu- late 3 bedroom ranch, backing onto an open field, great starter or retirement home. EXETER - WANTED Small acreage for local professional to build new horde. LUCAN - 3 miles north, large ranch , trees, 15 minutes to Lon- don. Water and gas at line. Try your offer. LUCAN - Split level home on large lot in Lucan ELGINFIELD - Large ranch on over sized lot, 2 car garage ST. MARYS - 120 acre farm, Gcod building site. RAND BEND - 50 acre farm, older house and barn CREDITON - large lot, water gas AILSA CRAIG - Large lot plus sewers CLANDEBOYE - New home, pick your interior. Plus several lots. When you list with us you expose your property to the local market plus the London market and It works. Rome Life/London Realty Inc. Sales Rep. Ron O'Brien Res. 2344281 Office: 045.6445 (24 hrs.) COTTAGE - Grand Band and Gibbs Pert sear bead,. Sleeps 8. Phone 236 7209. (26e27c0 cOUNtRY HOME FOR RENT -Hansell area on 04 highway. large treed kit, Fbosain tiviagrocan, 4 bedrooms, nu n 07. $400 plus utilities. 1-23 -2i 6.4096 (26:27• HOUSE ON HWY. 4, 2 ion. north of Bnsodield, 5 bedrooms. Excellent condition, insulated new stones. Double ganigc. Separate insulated shop *510 per month. (416) 332.3556 ar 263,5413. (26t[n) 21 Vol Rent THE -OLD TOWN HALL' auditorium for rentals, including weddin s, meetings, banquet room, knives, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Phone 235-0318. (1711n) FULLY ENCLOSED electric sugary charcoal fired pig Molar, also beer and poultry. $70 per- Qty delivered, $70 par day you pick t :_20 km. radio', of Parkhill. Phone 294-0267. (24-27c) 23 Wonted To Rent COUNTRY HOME on large lex or small acreage. Rent with option to buy. 228-6766. (12tfn) Open House Sun. 28th i - 4 p.m. Just an old beauty Mostly renovated, full of charm and elegance. 4 bed- room family home, large for- mal dining room with natural wood, targe living room with fireplace, newer roof, fenced yard, 3 Victorian screen doors, new double deck front porch, new 100 amp service. Most economical gas fired hot water heat. Approx. $800.00 per year. Many ex- tras, maintenance free exteri- or. Asphalt drive. All this on 55' x 144' lot. Don't ,com- pare, just come In and stare Meet Culbert Sales Rep. 21274710 or 227.4766 L.A. Waghom Real Estate Ltd. Realtor • GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK OK GK GK OK Gi and Insurance Inc. 284 Main St. • Exeter, Ontario Grand Bend, Ontario REALTOR (519) 235-2420 (519)238-8484 UNDER $100,000 Neat 3 bedroom bungalow with wood fireplace and cool pool on approx. one acre. Call Al Vastly. • ,‘c • •. NEW USTING RARE FIND Three bedroom house on 1.5 acres in Village of Cromarty. Three car garage and excellent well. Priced to sell at 592,500.00. Call Bill to view. EXECUTIVE HOME Main floor laundry, central air, central vac, oak cupboards, huge kitchen with formal 'fining, double garage, over 2,500 sq. ft. living space plus basement. Built in 1987 at approx. listed price, $259,000.00. Call Bill Gitillan. ^'' „. .+'';t, me -' 0 �• r---- . R: 52 ORCHARD ST. Three bedroom home in desira- ble area, huge family room, cen- tral vac, nice yard with privacy hedge. Many extras included. $139,900.00. Owner will look at all offers. 579,000 Quiet residential area with a 77 x 132 ft. landscaped lot and immaculate 14x1Oft. - 3 bedroom 2 storey home. Add a shed. HOME AND BUSINESS Spacious 3 bedroom 1 1/2 storey with a main floor family room. Great 12 x 24 ft. sun drenched deck. Run your business from the 100 amp serviced garage workshop. Asking $99,900.00. LAST LOT IN SUBDIVISION Surrounded by new homes. Priced at $35.000.00. Call Bill Gilfillan. 74 ACRES - BAYFIiELD Picturesque wtth stream dose to Bayfield. $79,000. • COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL/INVESTMENT Hwy. 4 between Exeter and Hennsell'. W Exxooellent property for your busi- ness lotus land to bulli your home. Purchase bebw construction costs. CaII 8i11 to view. - BEST LOCATION IN TOWN 1,150 sq.- ft. includes two offices, 2 pc. bath, a work area. Prresd to sell at $64,500.00. Call J Bill Gilfillan. APPROVED INDUSTRIAL CONDO. ACREAGE Agro product condominium development tract of +/- 33 saes into 2 and 4 acre parcels. Plans, survey available. Call Al Vasily/Bill Gitfillan. • FAST FOOD OUTLET with living gOarters. Call 8111 Giffillan. • FULLY SERVICED 1.25 acres and 1.0 acre industrial land. Call Al Vasliy. FIVE FLEX Fully rented in Brucefield. Priced to sell at $124,000. Call Al Vastly. .. w Bill Willett 235-0118, Mu Keys 235-2898 Al Vastly 23 , _ MEMBER • ROYAL LEPAGE E ,F . Asoate Broker Network -, - - .--i4;1"--7.11.--. ooeie e. • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM CECIL MOODY Late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on the 10th day of April, 1992. Creditors and oth- ers having claims against the above es- tate are required to send full particulars of such clauns to the undersigned on or before rho 25th day of June, 1992, after which datable estate assets wiU ba: dis- tributed havingregard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, op. Barrister & Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of FREDERICK WILLIAM WALTERS Late of the Town of Exeter,. in the County of Huron, who died on the 14th day of June 1992. Creditors and others having clairns against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of July, 1992 after which date the estate assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. 417 Main Street P.O. Box 100 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of AUDREY VERNA BOLAND Late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on the 7th day of January, 1992. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particu- lars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of June, 1992, after which date the estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. Barrister & Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Executrices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of RAY EMERSON COTTLE Late of the Town of Exeter , in the County of Huron, who died on theist day of March, 1992. Creditors and oth- ers having claims against the above es- tate are recinired to send full particulars of such chums to the tndersi ned on or before the 25th day of June. 1992, after which date the estate assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. Barrister & Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Executrices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ROSABELLA ANNA BUTLER Late of the Village of Zurich , in the County of Huron, who died on the 27th day of February, 1992. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particu- lars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of June, 1992, after which date the estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, O.C. Barrister & Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of SHARON MARIE FINK Late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, who died on the 20th day of March, 1992. Creditors and oth- ers having claims against the above es- tate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of June, 1992, after which date the estate assets wiU be dis- tributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, O.C. Barrister & Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter,'Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Executor eALTERiATI0NS� to BROOKSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL for HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Sealed tenders addressed to The Huron County Board of Education will be received at the office of Kyles, Garratt & Marklevitz, 516 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario NSA" 5T7, until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 9, 1992. Bid Bond in the amount of 530,000.00 is required to accom- pany tender. Successful bidder will be required to provide a 509. Performance Bond and 50% Labour and Material Payment Bond. A limited number of tender docu- ments will be available to General Contractors only from the office o1 Kyles, Garratt & Marklevitz, upon deposit of a certified cheguflin ><tje amount et 550.00 per set. LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. Bea Dawson 44;bt �► B. Allan Chair A r recto1 rALTERATIONSN t0 VANASTRA PUBLIC SCHOOL for HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Sealed lenders addineend to The Huron County Board of Education will be received at the office of Kyles, Garratt & Marklevitz, 516 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario N5A ST7, until 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 9, 1992. Bid Bond In the amount of 110,000.00 is required to accom- pany tender. Successful bidder will be required to provide a 60% Performance Bond and 509'. Labour and Material Payment Bond. A limited number of tender docu- ments will be available to General Contractors only from the office of Kyles, Garratt & Marklevitz, upon deposit of a certified , cheque In the *mount of $50.00 per set. LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. '4444.N Bea Dawson rt1'B. Allan Chair A r Director Times•Advpcate, 29 Garage & Yard GIANT STREET SALE - en Riven Blvd June 27, 8 a.m. Everyth and �+ythin for young and cid. Door, lial►t flaunt, dishes, toys, linens, books, s, fabric, garden tools, crafts. Also 1986 Plymouth Reliant (one owner), antique Beauy washing madufne with copper top. (25:26c) NEIGHBOURHOOD YARD SALE - 10 11, and 12 Norwood Village south end of Exeter. Sat. June 27 and Stn Jute 28. $ a.m. to 4 .m. crafts, cods , toys and misc. Sometl tust8 for everyone. (26c) 'YARD SALE - 113 King St. Hensen. Saturday, June 27 - 8 a.m. to noon. Washer and dryer, furniture, miscellaneous, min or shim (26') MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE/Moving Sale, beside OPP station north and of Exeter. Sat. i Sun. June 27 & 28.8 a.m. to 7 Household appliances, oars, motes bike, furniture, dishes, clothes, toys, something for everyone. Good old fashioned yard sale . You wont want to miss this one. MULTIFAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. lune 27 - Comer of Ante St. and William St 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Waterbed, stroller, vases, kitchen appliances, dishes, roller slates, ice skates, air conditioner, clothing, 35 mm camera, Wrap, microwave -stand, etc. (26c) YARD SALE - lune 26 and 27.8 a.m. to ip.m. 139 GidleySt. W. Buds:. (25c) June 24, 1992 Papt1 !6 29 Gartl.!t . 1:rrtl YARD SALE - Sat. June 27 - 8 -7 Mala Str e* Exeter. (25c) YARD SALE • 32 and W John St. W. Exeter. 8 a.m. l0 7 Sat. lune 27. (25e) classifieds Phone 235-1331 Yard Sale Multi -family yard sale, . Sat., June 27, Sun., June 28 9 S.M. Dalton subdivision, 3 miles south of Grand Bend on Ju- lie Ave. Just past the flea market. Antiques, furniture, tools, etc. An Appeal of Support BLUE WATER REST HOME, ZURICH Is planning a YARD'AND BAKE SALE on Saturday, My 18, 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. (rain date July 4 & 5) All proceeds from the sale will go toward the CONSTRUCTION OF A SIDEWALK from the west end of Zurich to the Blue Water Rest Home. Estimated cost 1s 518-20,000. A grant of 50% of the total cost will be received from the Provincial Government. We need ARTICLES AND HOME BAKING ( no clothing please) as contri- butions towards raising funds for the sidewalk construction. CASH con- tributions will be acceptable In lieu of articles or baked goods. We en- courage Huron County Residents to come to the sale and enjoy the bargains and refreshments. Articles are welcome up to July 15; baked goods July 17 or very early July 18. We thank you for your anticipated support for this worthwhile cause. Arthur Bennett, Chairman Josef Risl, Adminlstator County of Huron Highways Department 1992 Tenders and Quotations SEALED TENDERS will be received at the office of the County Engineer until 4 p.m. Thursday, August 6, 1992 Forms and envelopes are available for the office of the undersigned. The lowest or any Tender or Quotation not necessanly accepted TENDER HC -92-106. INFRA RED HEATING SYSTEM - AUBURN GARAGE. Denis B Merrell, P Eng Huron County Engineer Court House Godench, Ontano N7A 1M2 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BiLL DOES iT ALL. • COMING EVENTS S.W.O. 9th Annual FIDDLE & STEP DANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS. Stratford Fairground Coliseum. July 3, 7:00 p.m. July 4, 12:00 noon, finals & show 7:00 p.m. Tickets at door. Advance tickets/camping information: 519-271-6115. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Auctioneering. Next Class: July 11-17. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programs (Federal & Provincial) for your new or existing small business. Information (514) 937- 2422 ext. 98. AMAZING GOVERNMENT GRANTS (free money) monthly benefits and low interest (easier credit) loans revealed. Canadian residents only. Business or personal details explained 1-416- 482-3000 copyright M214. STEEL -BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32x54 $7344; 40x72 510,276; 50x90 $15,882; 60x126 522,972 - other sizes available -Spring Clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1.800-263-8499. FIND OUT WHY MORE AND MORE PEOPLE buy and recommend Future for quality, integrity and service. Introducing now the 'Hay Master" Call 1-800-668-8653. BUILDINGS - SIDE-BY-SIDE comparison is what it takes to pick out the best and lowest...we're all for it. Now for a limited time - Factory Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Example 25 X 30 Value 52,310 now $1,898. 40 X 120 Value 512,528 now $10,788. Many sizes and types available. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. HELP WANTED We need you to sell toys & gifts for C & M Gifts. NO INVESTMENT, NO DELIVERIES, no collection. Call 519-258-7905 or fax 519-258- 0707 for free info. MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY FOR HOMEOWNERS. Pay Off B1113, Credit Cards! FI ante New Business! Examples: Borrow $10,000, Repay $100.00 Monthly. No Qualifying Hassles. Intransicon Financial Toll -Free 1.800.288.1429. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT,,.9EIZEWSURPLUS VEHICLES U.S. and Canadian low as 5100. BMWs, Cadillacs, Cheve, Fords, Mercedes, Porsches, trucks, vans, Amazing details revealed 1-416- 482-3000 copyright V014, CAREER TRAINING TRUCK DRIVER training AZ and DZ courses, also air brake, dangerous goods, defensive driving, log book and border crossing. Rodgers School, Ontario's oldest. Call 1-800-668-0031. ARTICLES FOR SALE INVISIBLE FENCING - The original and proven dog containment system. Over 150,000 dogs stand behind Invisible Fencing. Indoor and - outdoor systems. Guaranteed. 1-800-661-6286. HOT TUB KITS from Canada's leading manufacturer. Factory to you save dollars. Call or write for video 519-745-1651 Canadian Hot Tubs 1585 Victoria N. Kitchener N2B 3E6. EDUCATION OUT OF WORK? Trained Building Superintendents needed across Canada. Government • licenced, correspondence certification course has assisted thousands to find employment. FREE brochure 1-800-665- 8339. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES EXPERIENCE FARM LIFE in Europe or Japan, all arrangements made for you. Contact the International Agricultural Exchange Association, 1501 - 17 Ave. S.W., Calgary AB T2T 0E2. VACATIONfTRAVEL -RENT: FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS, minutes from Disney, Epcot, .Sea World, golf, shopping, fully equipped. 2 baths, laundry, heated pool, spa. tennis. 1 hr. Busch Gardens. Weekly/Monthly. (613)646-2030. - SOUTH CAROLINA MYRTLE BEACH Resort. Oceanfront condos, housekeeping included. Indoor/outdoor pools, whirlpools, saunas, tennis, putting green. Summer rentals from $505/week. Free brochure: 1-800-448-5653. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NOTRE DAME COLLEGE. An independent residential Catholic High School is accepting registrations for boys and girls of all denominations. Grades 9-12. Contact Registrar: Box 100, Wilcox, SK, SOG 5E0. (306) 732.2080. EXTRA INCOME' Grow baitworms in your basement or garage. Odorless operation. Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology, R.R. #1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (418) 643-4252. MAKE 555 driveway sealing units for spraying asphalt, interlopking br4C Acrylic sailers. foundation coat) gs. Line •p�llnters, lowers, - heated tanks. Cor *merel& Iavfn) Spray a uipment. Information call 416.3724902 ADVANCE OPPORTUNITY. Revolutionary 80 channel mini -dish satellite system will rapidly expand home entertainment and communications industry, Network Marketing. No Inventory. No Investment. Call 416-622-1810 anytime. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING TRAILERS, hardtop foldown, fifth -Wheel, travel, park models, truckcampers-caps, Fibrellne & Leer Fibreglass & Aluminum truck caps. Parts -Service for most makes including Bonair-Lionel-Lextra, Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre In Teviotdale, Ont. 1-519- 343-2122. Your ad could appear In community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today!