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Times -Advocate, June 24, 1992
Omduete - Ken VanWleren
has successfully completed
an Air Traffic Control course
at Transport Canada Training
Institute in Comwall, Ontario.
He graduated .on May 8,
1992 and has recently ac-
cepted a position at Pearson
international Airport -West
Specialty in Toronto. Very
proud of him are his wife Kar-
en and two children Vanessa
and Brendan. Picked a.great
day to graduate Happy Bth
anniversary. Congratulations
honey, daddy.
Graduate - 4t the June 3rd
convocation- at Brock Univer-
sity, St.. Catharines, Karen
Schade received .her Bache-
lor of Arts Degree with dis-
tinction and her Bachelor of
Education Degree. Karen
graduated from Lambton Col-
lege with her E.C.E. Diploma
in 1989 and is a former stu-
dent fo S.H.D.H.S. She is the
eldest child of Bill .and Anne
Schade of Dashwood. Con-
gratulations from your family.
Oxide light graduates of 'the J.A.D. 9Nceu dy-eohoo/ were honoured with a ceremony at the school Thursday evening . The
class of 1992 are Gordon Wood (front left), Tom Connor, Matt Wurm, Bryan Jesney, Terry Price, Lee Brldeau, Sayaslne Chanse-
mone, Khanxay Chantarath, and Chad Kinney. Back row: Principal Don Finkbeiner (left), Jessica Harris, Teresa Cooper, Patty
Wegg, Michelle Cniikshank, .LeeAnn Fester, Tracy Smith, -Bobbie -Lyn Snell, JoAnne Morgan, teachers Dorothy Coates, and Mary
Anne Topp. Absent was David Robinson.
By Rhoda Rohde "
THAMES ROAD - With the
singing of "Praise God from Whom
All Blessings Flow" the Sunday
morning church service at Thames
road United Church commenced
with Irene Richardson in charge.
The choir sang "It's Beginning to
LLC. looking dor volunteers
Rain" accompanied by the organist
Jean Hodgert.
The congregation sang the chil-
dren's hymn "Can a Little Child
Like Me" and Richardson told the
children a story "The Giving Tree"
Richardson's sermon was entitled
"The Gift of Determination".
EXETER - The kixetcr and Dis-
tnct_Hcntago Futtadauun--aro stn- -
tributing then -part to the upcoming
local heritage celebrations. This
Friday evening Juno 26 at 7:30 they
will be presenting the much ac-
claimed drama "Tiger t)unlop.Thc
Canada Company and The Huron
This play was commissioned by
the Huron County Board of Educa-
tion last year to be written and pre-
sented to every school within iltc
system. Paul and Marylin Ellie and
Dave Kemp. all educators, keep up
a fast paced and tumourous dia-
logue throughout the 40 minute
presentation depicting a very Col-
ourful "Tiger Dunlop: and other
characters and antics from that peri-
The cast have been careful to en-
sure the preaeatation is historically
correct and informative. If the
weather permits, the play will fake
place in the open .sjr square adja-
cent to the "Old Town Hall", or in
case of inclement weather, a stairs
in the auditorium.
During the month of July the
Foundation will sponsor a Histori-
cal Exhibition of portraits of .the
.&ea'; founder* and chanaciers,.skil-
fully recreated by.Jhe epableAsad
of Harry Stolt •65
Portraits. along synth eta'
and .+tntitacts ctesl>oi1Fd - by • Tim
Burke, ci mcselag • Banner's ;ypst.
.will :ar b. iicv1 w
stisealipawly. fanny.
Welch foro-teltireeasemmemism
ccaalsaittg =tuts ptlgapAMivn..-,6ob
Heywood, 2334 174 ;air *sone
.iwvteen 23s-I020,are -she 011118Ct
From our
kitchen to yours
By T.A. ghost writer Heavenly Devine
I realize that the tempera-
ture and weather do not
change instantly when the
seasons do, but really,
April temperatures during
the first two days of sum-
mer are almost more than I
can stand.
'Thestm mer solstice oc-
curs every year:on or -about
June 21. and I really look forward to the official first day of
summer. I feel that all the terrible winter weather we have had
- to suffer is finally behind us and we have good things to look
forward to. This is the day when we. in the Northern Hemi-
sphere. have the longest number of daylight hours during a 24
hour period. Of course. the further north you are, the more
daylight you have. hence the teen the Land of the•Midnight
Sun. referring to the extreme northern areas wherethey may
have a full 24 hours when the sun does not directly over the
Tropic of Cancer. and from now on, the days willhecome pro-
gressively shorter until we reach the winter solstice. on or
about December 21. the day in the year with the shortest num-
ber of daylight hours. (What a thought, Can't a year pass quick-
We are bound to have many more bad weather days this
summer. and for those of you who have small children around,
this recipe for play dough can keep them occupied for hours. I
used to take a supply to the cottage for rainy days. in case I
wanted to sit by the fire and read instead of playing Snakes
and Ladders or Go Fish. A few cookie cutters and this can
keep them happy for hours.
Play Dough
Mix together:
1 cup flour
• 1/3 cup salt
2 [bap. cream of tartar
1 tsp. cooking oil
I cup water
You can add food colouring if you wish to vary the colour of
[Wake it more interesting.
Stir over medium heat 3-5 minutes, just until dough has
thickened and is not sticky. Refrigerate inan air tight container
and it will keep for months.
iteniember, this weekend is the Homecoming Weekend cele-
brating Stephen Township's Sesquicentennial. Etiljoy a parade.
Firemen's Brakfast. Ski -pitch toumament.-daticeend sporting
events for'all ages. There will be historic displays all weekend
long. Hope to see everyone there!
Wed d ii119 FI owe rs
oftt.4.166 c? . %ii, dr Nkat awl
+pansAin" /Mit
fir9f�.f/s1aaMAy GtppNLipM�
The Thames Road United Church
is looking for volunteers for the
E.T. Loonio Tunes. It is a two year
term, once every four weeks from
October to April. Please consider.
The areagreat bunch of youths.
On Sunday, June 28 a service of
Praise will take place. Join in many
of the old familiar hymns and learn
about their background - or just en-
joy listening.
Anyone with memorabilia or pic-
tures related to the history of Elim-
ville United Church please contact
either of the Shirley Kerslakes or
Beatrice Dawson for Thames Road.
Any past or present members of
the Elimvillc Kitchen Band have
been asked to perform.at the Talent
Show for the Sunday afternoon pro-
gnun. Help make history with the
Elimville ladies. Contact either
Sharon Lynn or Shirley Kerslake.
The sympathy of the congrega-
tions lis sent to Esther Wilson and
hci•,:fNnily on the -recent .death_ of
her husband, Jack Wilson, who
died last Tuesday, June 16,at South,
Lucan Seniors
LUCAN - The Lucan Seniors met
at North -$tar Restaurant .at Eigin-
field for their lunch out. Returing to
the Scout Hall, Liman games were
played. Winners were: euchre la-
dies high - Marion Noels, low -
Helen Cunningham, lone - Mary
Scott. Mens high - Murray Carter,
loco - Wilmer Scott, lone - Harry
Noels. Cribbage - Mary Davidson,
crokinolc - Gote Wennestrom.
Next week lunch conveners will
be Jean Hodgins, Jean Miller and
Murray Carter.
Installation of officers for the /92
'93 season will be held later in
Huron Hospital.
The ladies and men of the con-
gregation catered to 625 people at
their annual Strawberry and Ham
supper on Monday evening.
Page 9 •
Legion news
EXETER - The R,E:; Pocky Br.
sneeetteteily filled all eledblen for
the f94243 Executive in ahoy
were imbibed on may 29th.
president BM 'Itselt A�bt.1
Greg Pfaff, Tilt vii
sec. Lloyd Webs, Aeon
Robinson, Sgt. �at �'y
Greene, Service tlth'iebr ydlanOttn-
ness, membership 'Veto AVM -
strong, Poppy ohelm in Ateig
Pfaff, P.R.O. Dave Rayne, Ntiedh
I dueetbrr ► ulurre ; tesdertedp-
Bob Snow, -seaters Gerald Keys,
sports Monty Scott, etteitaNmient
Dave Grundy. property Mtn Snow,
Nevada Ban DeV 'rtes, sick and
welfare Dave Prayne and chaplain
Pay Patterson.
Thc Exeter Branch is sending
Jim 'Merrylees, Bill Wilds and
John Ounness to the Dominion
Convention in Quebec City this
The Branch will be holding -a
Texas Scramble at the Exeter golf
Course on Sunday, lune 28. De-
tails are availab r the Branch.
The R.E. Poole) Br. 167 is invit-
ing all members .,f the community
to attend the 125th Canada Day
Celebrations being sponsored by
the Legion and the Exeter and
Area Recreation Board.
This event will be held at the
fairgrounds and at MacNaughton
Park and ends with a fireworks
display at dusk. Plan to attend and
look for more details in this paper.
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Repairs and sales of all major brands available.
Financial assistance available
Location: Exeter, Big V
Date: Thurs., July 2
Time: 1 p.m. to 3 :p.m.
Fair =s Heating Aid Service
240 Ontario St., Stratford
Registered vendors for Ontario Ministry of Health
assistive devices program
f arcs tita
G.i. furniture
We have 3/4
beds to stock at
all times
Glia rs, Rocker
Reers, Card
Table Sets
Cottage.. Specia
39" Mattress $89.
54" Mattress - $99 •
For Did Fashioned Service Call George at:
2372881 or 238-2077
barLor ue.f 6-o,t ., ,
2� Mots�wr4e4164A,. -
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14. b
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t tUftli rituittsdll(i iltt)U&' • /1io1 AU1 dllti4Ulul7(i£Jil}liV�►tdtlusu,+,
` tt,uutolier 11 to ti ideucipiter 11 Plus Upgrades trail for service information
Radio dispatched teclulicjtUls serving South WI cit, Ontario