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found guilty
of arson in
GODS RIt2H - Former Gode-
rich resident Gabrielle Bell was
found gullty of anon and has
been remanded in custody until
June 26.
Bell was charged after fire
broke out m January, 1990 near
the intersection of Hamilton and
Navigate Sweets in which three
businesses and a second-atoey
apartment were destroyed.
The residence, which was the
Bell home, and the businesses
amounted to about'5500.000.in
St. Marys
girls saves
ST. MARYS - Kathy Bell is a
local hero in this town as she
rescued a tiny fawn along the
River Road.
Bell who was riding her bike,
noticed the tiny deer stuck in a
groundhog hole.
M1TCIV..LL - Police in this
Perth town are keeping tbeir
eyes wide open following an at-
tempted abduction.
Accordjgeathoilitchell Ad•
,vacate. -both a nee black sports
.car with raised white lever tires
-asked a- young boy to get in the
car but the boy said no.
Two days later. three young
boys were approached by a man
30.40 years old in a lime metal-
lic green car and asked the boys
their names and addresses.
GM passes
SEAFORTH - Ed Byrski, gen-
eral manager of the Seaforth Ex-
positor passed away suddenly on
June 9, at the age of 47.
He was a long time employee
with Signal Star Publishing
Limited and also acted as the
company's advertising director.
Byrski, is survived by his wife
He passed away at the Alexan-
dra Marine and General Hospital
in Godcrich following a short
battle with cancer.
party elects
of Seafm
Riding u, u1t. .
- Harry Deathaan
• been elected
' iuron-Bruce
..,urn Party of
A financial consultant, Den-
ham has been working with the
party for the past year.
The Huron -Bruce Riding has
tyet to elect a candidate.
BLYTH - After being the
voiseef,the Blyth Festival Thea -
Are tar An imams, Jame Gard -
ser IOU be leaving her position
Tea Ditrotor;of
Mang With ,wadtiag with the
,theatre. she was a founding
,tiwmber of the Godetich Cham-
berof Cstasaasrre.
Mee er i*te aswwfeles37eestriNIslLwn c6ragl etultetes the
winners of -the ,June 3,4;5 6loytole eetdeo-held in conjunction
with the Optimist ckab. Exeter Nubile . 3ohool =winners Include
Tyler Blue (back Jeft), Dave •Parrguher, :Lisa C' iia slemone, Jeff
Jarrett, Jenna Rader (front left), JasonrRoy, Josh torn, Jenni
DeB/ock, and Matthew Johns, whbwas r>absent.
1 Wingers of 'the Monk rodeo from Precious Bbod Separate
School were Amy Regier (left), Jason Fach, Megan Geiser, and
Natasha Duckworth.
Her►sall compnster
stealing county's thunder?
Continued from frontpsge
publicized wed neeztain aspects .of it
had been discussed with county
Henson reeve Cecil Pepper said
he too had considered that building
a six -channel composter would be
of more use to the county, but was
told by the province that a three -
channel was adequate until it is a
proven system. He was assured
that expending the system can easi-
ly be done at a later date if needed.
As it stands. the current project is
expected to turn up to 7,000 cubic
metres a year of organic waste into
useful compost.
Waste management committee
chairman Tom Tomes wondered
how the Hensall project could be
approved by the Ministry of the En-
vironment, without- coming to the
.attention :of the Huron Mather Plan
albecaaaeche name t nistrY j44 w rk-
ing with both.
MPP Paul Klapp, who also at-
tended the --meeting said he had
faith Hensel' and the county would
beable to work together with the
Reaburn said after the meeting it
appeared to him .that many at the
county level were unaware of the
Heasall composting project, and
were perhaps concerned it was
stealing some of the thunder of the
Waste Management Master Plan.
- But Reaburn also said he was con-
cerned that .the .county wants to
view ,the Heasall oomposter as a
real waste .diversion plan, even
though the province still sees it as a
rah and development project.
Fad statement
renv COlilt
EXETER - Justice of the *toot Karen Sturdy
1♦ semoneed.an Ailsa Craig woman to a $750 fine
with X90 days .to pay in Justice of she Peace court
in Esaoler:iast Tuestday,aftersh° made false state-
ments so police for en .incident occurring on
March 27.
Delores Guiadat of lot *12, concession 14,
Ailsa Ctsigplaadguilty.iothe charlge. Tits court
heard dietetic wsa stopped for speeding on con-
cession -atatd 2.3..in ,,fittitian 'Towaakip Mod al-
though she couldn't produce .proof. Amid ,she .bad -insurance with a
company in London.
She produced a photocopy of :an insurance _policy to police a
couple of days later. The court was .told ale bad.uover been insured
and the photocopy was false.
Thomas Gray of Main . tS Diashwood, was vieted_tor making
an unsafe lane vbeal ;antd of riving whine ander suipensionsad must
perigees lauding $1.B7SanstppRes elion• -
Alma WesNmke of 39:(dsascilior'.SL. Zwich old she ocwrt, in the
of the agco+sed, *too, Petoiery 12. Capty. atirbile Ms* ber
. ear tbn 1 ighway 4,m Hessen j o od,to.csortAber:out other lane
causing damage Otter Wt kos i iot~asd imam.
The constable stalled to;ti>,e2aaoiaartc. found Ale tiatay.bed a aus-
peade d licease:and,behedenede nikapsuper,Jwe:oltsgge. '1;l c ac-
cused 10W told ilestflawriliethebedlositAnw imclmid-rots,ataaagpt-
ing to poll into aha ro Cam& Sauce soilwa4Kieod a,plcfor
trailer in,biementisw at mer.xamiai iibeaaoeident•
Jmice :of Jive -Aimee xmsu.s6ttmly��wk�iaw
ray . gtlt�ttilon: u
G.Mgts tatith rlpWM[alial AimoAE itc-
aidant .whoa: fittieJ4iNvrb ilii ter fki g ivaaer s`rilpapaion
and the S75 for 1hn urwfejsnefa e• •
Parr Visscher of Lot 19 StepharrTimiam.
iiD jst+sd, a;B,ipa Mf
guilty for having his validation sticker on his front liesnapepylnmr-
er than on his back plate.
The court was told that on March 18 an officer stopped the ac
cused who was driving on highway 4 in Stephen Township beeausc
he did not have a validation sacker on his rear plate. Visalia mid
-lie did not realize it was to be on a particular plate.
Justice of the Peace. Karen Sturdy, fined Visacher 575.
Mike Stahl (centre) "sad Jake 'VJlstcher (right) and the JChrtstlan Service edge a boys
wivsffe with dented b/eyaNs Jos they package them up for a voile, to lam.
Bicycles on way to Cuba
EXETER - The boys of the Christian Service Bri-
gade of the Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle were
helping their leaders in packaging up donated bicy-
cles last Tuesday evening - bicycles for Cuba.
Transportation in the communist regime is be-
coming increasingly difficult as the country's fleet
of 1950s American cars ages beyond repair, and
broken ties with the former Soviet Union mean the
parts for the Russian automobiles are also increas-
ing in scarcity.
Consequently, Fidel Castro has initiated a pro-
gram to get the country rolling on two wheels. Bi-
cycles are still expensive; however, and priced well
out of reach of Christian missionaries who am still
trying to keep ahold of the remaining religion in the
The Christian Service Brigade received 15 donat-
ed bicycles, repaired those that needed it, and pack-
aged them up for delivery by a Brigade team going
-to Cuba later this summer. The team will be help-
ing out at mission construction projects, and will be
dropping off the much-needed bikes.
Mike Stahl explained that this is the first time any
chapter of the Christian Service Brigade has taken
on such a project. He said he hopes the bikes -for -
Cuba program will be undertaken by brigades at
other churches in the region.
Lelia Way and .Steve Yorke star in the Huron Country
Playhouse's season opener, The Sound of Music.
ase opens 1992
With c/asrTc
By Adrian Harte
GRAND,BEND - The Huron Country Playhouse bas. chosen to be-
gin its 1992 season with a musical with which everyone, everywhere.
can ging along.
Absolutely everybody /mows the story_ and songs of The Sound of
Mrsstc. isvecyase,lcapws the tale of the drawatic escape of the Von -
Trapp family. Everyeee kouws how to solve a problem like Maria.
In soup respmts. "dime. might be just a little too familiar with
the Julie Andrews ®pvie. but the stage production has a few surprises.
Few expect ibe.cumarin to rise on ibeta Gene of the convent at vespers.
The hillside wrap of Melia (frAlayerd lir Leiser Way) coates a law mu -
menu later. providing a, contrast and reaming die point that
Maria sloes atot<godly fit rt as a ton. Evan Way's "bruttdtvay" voice
stands out as aoastetbiagshen to the woven.
The Suwad *Mink has Algae liveliness the Audience might expect
of it. The algaaed backdrops (sae Aiistrtan atuwUains rusily•thal craft-
gy?)are imPsst slue• 1ytos4411r f4at oldie Von Trapp mansion which
drew a round sttiatpplwiao from ibe*Awe when unveiled.
The Captain Von Tapp.played by Mew Yorke (you may r tem-
ber Lyjtn 4n 1Jte Jayttte�iise's ,yet ➢wldsis1ign Of firigadSon). MYas the
mtrptoamtalon Iron torn andee meanie Leo a Nam and loving father
very obviousksdakitiSPL .
-The Von Tapp olikkeoarajilayad -byAiwa' legal Y!e curie s, sd .
the *soler Ofdirecaor Tony loluvel. They ktpt;fdte siseaY.pBwdOlive
even tlinctliSh *Wksand. iiphisril •lltel-liMie rd Abe -abeam ow -
NW sn gpeoi ig eight.
No :doubt the provmcisl Sent many will go a long way to prevent-
jpgfibe_iritalik of rainwater that made its way to stage right.
ant hoof one of. ler musicals of all time won't want
to miss The Sound o/ ' i,04s.411.Abe Meeh ciaStrY p'iaY-
huuse until July 4.
meeting in
Strath roy
:STRATHRt ' - The 'Larttbton/
Middlesex Federal NDP Riding As;
sociation will hold its nomination
meeting in Strathroy, Ontario, at
the Lion's Club Hall, 432 Albert St.
on Friday. June 26.
Registration begins at 6:30 p.m.
and the meeting will commence at
Featured speakers will include
Irene Mathyssen, MPP Middlesex
Riding and Paul Klopp, MPP Hu-
ron Riding.
Seeking the nomination in Lamb-
ton/Middlesex is Jamie Hamilton of
Parkhill, Ontario. Hamilton is cur-
rently the President of_1he Riding
Association. The nomination may
be contested, but this has not been
confirmed. The elected nominee
will be the next NDP candidate in
the upcoming federal election.
OPP charge
two with
EXETER - 'the Exeter OPP re-
port that they charged and removed
from the highways two drivers for
driving while impaired this week-
Last Tuesday, police responded
to a traffic accident an Highway a3f
at Stephen Township road 2-3
where ibe vehicle of Wendy Gre-
goire of Exeter slid off the road.
No injuries' were reported, say po-
Last Wednesday, Tony Meaner
of Grand Bead collided with a deer
on County Road 5 i4 Steptoe
Township. Damage to initticie wee
light and no injuries were *rotted.
On Thursday, the OPP respO0000
to some information *belga $9A110
Lasorplarte stolen from a coops,
in Michaele' area two
Follow> ewta rho
Poor Wawa of Zack* bas
ciiiirs.d wish poseoraloo Milo
Police are Mao Nokias infix*:
than about the thpf t'1t re a Minolta
bArusrs from a May Taltnuahip
pint's vehicle. If anyone gen help
with aahang tie theft, they are in-
vited to gall the dew:linrent al 235-
1300, or Crime Stoppers at 1.800-
265-1777. In both roues, you can
remain anonymous, say police.