HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-06-17, Page 25DOLMAGE - Lany mad Lamle (Ilei)
thank God for the ate snivel of Lay
Jswtattc, born June 5, 1992 weighing 71bs.,
2 IA ozs. Spoiling privilegea go to Jerry and
Carol Mills of Hueter and Ralph and Pior-
anct Warms of Seeafortr. 25c
LOVE -GRAY • Helly is excited to tell eve-
ryone about her new baby brother, Christy.
pher James, born June 2,1992 at Si
health Centre, London. Qui
weighed i at 9 lbs., 6 ons. Proud parents .it
Wendy and Jon. Happy gnuidparents are
Helen and Charlie Love ofGoderith and
Dorothy and Ed Ory of Ottawa 25c
MARTENE - Jason and Brian are pleased
to announce the vrival of their new little
brother, Dewar Anthony Maters. on Friday,
lune 12, 1992 at 1:30 am, weinhi -g in at 7
. Ikea 2 am. Stearin tbi ,,ey eta_ proud pu-
nks All and Jnu a- t6sisite,`aloag with
a�tu Anthomy,ad Shirley Marcam
aItd P�+t and Pat Hendrick and greu-
=radmother Lar Sillary. We would like
to thank the third floor staff of St Joseph's
Hospital and a special thank you to the staff
at South Huron Ho at for the care and at-
tention Mom and Devon received during
their say. 25'
MOYER • David and Suzanne and Isabelle
ave blessed with the birth of our tittle blos-
som Madeline Marigold on the man of June
1, 1992 at Clinton Public Hospital, weighing
a healthy 8 lbs. 6 mus. Proud grandparents
are Carol and Robert Saville of Landon and
Norma and Alvin Moyer of North Hay. A
heartfelt thanks to Dr. Hay and Mary and to
the Burke family for all their support 25c
Grand Bed ow®amuty is a great
OS= to live because of its people. Larry,
Paula, Carla and Ryan wish to thank every-
one who supported and helped than through
epastseveral months. The cards, food and
bourses were gay Nested. The neigh -
and friends who helped on the farm.
drove to the hospital and provi&d encour-
agement are special pwepfr. At tines like
this we realize how important friends, fami-
ly and neighbours are.
25' ' Lary and Paula and family
ADKINS - Thank you Howard and Joyce.
Everything you did for our 40th Wedding
Anniversary was really meted,
25c - Howard and Joyce
BROWN - I would like to thank aur friends
and relatives for the calls, floral tributes and
memorial donations received storing the re-
cent lou of my father Irvine Kramptai. Spe-
cial thanks to June and Glenn Stewart, Den-
eo-nis and Sade Rowe, Den and Janet
Coward, Pete and Paula Scrods, Spec Ker-
slake and Mag Atwood for all the help they
gave Carrie and Chris and all their support
and casing during my fathers illness and
since his death. Also thanks mimic and Pail
Stewart for helping out so Mike mild be
with me. It was all greatly app.
DEVINE - The family of the late Susie De-
vine wish to thank friends and relatives for
their beautiful floral trip les, cards, and me-
morial dominos in the recent loss of our
dear mother, mother-in•Lw, grandmother,
great and great -great-grandmother. A special
thank you to the nurses of the third floor of
Strathroy Hcep xal for the wonderful are
thanks Hofhes fman Ismael Home, Pastor' a:* six yeas. Also h
Colin Stover. and the ladies of the United
Church for the lovely hinds. your support,
thoughtfulness and kindness will always be
25c Elda Adams, Hedy Devise and families
77Nfa ik(0 laake this
ratty soltatlt res those who made our elm'
ft,e(yjem lankiest and food drive s 40C-
4044. Sive Sae U' psMt sealers
APO* and Huron t ear'lledmss
T`Nriese (Hx. ee j amid Bier
"edam for thcsaeroua donations of rein
weenieras feed drive. Laebtwaa
east w all the individuals who donned
money, clothing, and feed for ties food drive
and for cowing out to our breakfast, a sin-
cere thank yeu from all the members a the
Exacter and Area kire/Reseue Service.
Thanks again!
25c Danny L &with
President, Exeter Firefighters Association
GREB • 1 would like to thank my husband,
family, friends, neighbours for treats, flow-
ers, cards, phone calls, while in University
Hoital and since returning hone. I want to
titan]k Doctors R.W. Read, W. Davis, W.V.
Wall. and Pastor Lany for his visit. Thank
GODDARD - We wish to say "Thank you"
to our familia, relatives, and friends who
came from near and far to help us celebrate
our 50th wedding aahiversary; also to our Il-
daton U.C.W. ladies wino served. Thank
you for the many cards, gifts and flowers.
You made our day a very special occasion.
25' Ted and Jessie
HERN - The family of the late Gladys Hem
wish to express our grateful and deep appre-
ciation to our relatives, friends aid nesgh-
boars, for the maty expressions of sympa-
thy, floral tributes, cards and memorial
donations and food seat to the homes, during
our teomt bereavamatt in the loss of a
mother, grandmother and g�rreeaatt
Special thanks to the Bxaer
VEL, South Huron -Hospital, Dr. Swank,
fad Hanel Wescott for their care and kind-
ness, Rsv. Hilbert and Hopper Hockey Fu -
natal Home and the ladies of Zion U.C.W.
Your support, thoughtfulness and kindness
will always be remembered.
25' Harry and Clarice,
Bob and Mabel
and families.
HERN -1 would like to earnest my deep
peecianon to my relatives, friends and net
hours for the many expressions of y,
ands and phone calls since the loss of my
sister and stmt Edna Anderson
25• Rets
MORLEY - We would like to say 'thank
you" for all the cards, gifts and best wishes
we received for our fortieth wedding anni-
versary. A special "thank you" to our family
for the get together they planned for tri with
friends and relatives. Thanks again.
25' Ted and Florence
SNELL - To all our friends, relatives and
neighbors, we thank you sincerely for your
cards, gifts and ben wishes for helping and
sharing with us our 50th wedding antuver-
ury. Special thanks to our daughter Darlene
,and her husband Bill, granddaughters Lind-
sey and Kendra for making it all possible.
• Chuck and Lids
- WOLFE ' Thanks •to• inmate for • good
wishes, cards, plants dc. while a patient in
Si. Josephs Hospital, also for prayers which
were much appreciated and for those that
heed and sant food since returning home.
25 ,Aldose
Sunday. June 21
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School
1190 a.m. - Worship Servioe
Everyone Welcome
Huron Street East, Exeter
Sunday, June 21
10:00 am. Worship
• 11:10 am. Sunday School
Nursery available
790 p.m. Worship
E►erybody welcome
Come and Worship with us
Main St. North
Pastor Rev. Sleds Vander Meer
Worship Services
June 21
10.00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 820 a.m
CKNX 920 1020 am
Daily T,V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
When 8M looks hestoless.
look to the God of hope.
• "bid Mr -a, fame".
University Howled. Landon,
leas 3, 1192, fsliewiag a terles Md coura-
geous sight-reseiabaf*e withl1 , Pa-
aieia Dianneri ) 42 of
1059 Sheffield St. Semis. elm Minn was
a member of St AM rws ligesyserian
Mural. Dearly beloved wee of Stu -
an Mitchell, Sarnia. AsalAad deepuer of
Helen (Mickey) amdyf dwsianu-Bridg-
es, Exeter. Lowing mocha of Holy Mitchell
at home, Krista of Sarnia end eon Robert,
Hassall. Grandmother of Hillary and Alei*ia
of Sarnia. Treasured sister of Donna and Jim
Smith of North Vancouver, and Aunt to Kari
and Jodie Smith of North Vancouver -Niece
of Dais and Douglas Hunter, Orangeville.
Sister-in-law to Kathy (Mrs. Rick Drennan),
Wakes and Brian 1►Oitdsell, all of London.
Hawoa of Harold and Dorothy
Bkdsr, . fad Mrs. Katherine Sne1-
grore, -Liald atrldenbetuy Mother of Laura
Wilson of SMALL She will be missed by her
many friends and acquaintances whose lives
she hes deeply touched (in her all too short
life) through her loving and dmerful ways.
Panel services were held Friday, June 5
with Rev. Ron Archer and Rev. B. Dins otfi-
ciating. Rev. Steve Moore sang "When a
Child is Born." Service held at 1:30 p.m.,
Smith Patent Home, 1576 London Rd.,
Sarnia. Imasrne nt at Lakeview Cldnetety.
Pallbearers wen Jade Roberts, Doug Chard,
Paul Withesidgc, Paul Douglas, Guy Abbey
and Jeff Rottman. Honorary bearers were
Ron Mortimer and Gane McCaffrey. In lieu
of flowers fm family requested that &na-
tions be given to "Tie Leukemia Research
Fwd", Sano Iambton Brandt, 216 South
Vidal Sneer, Sarnia, Ontario, NTT 7H2. 25c
POLLEN • At South Huron Hospital, Exet-
ereo Saturday, June 13, 1992, Tanie M. Pol-
len (McCurdy) of Exeter; in her 92ad year.
Beloved wife of the late Edwin Pollan.
Daughter of the late Thomas and Annie
(MacDonald) McCrady. Dear aunt of Anne
(McGill) Mclean and her htnbend.Howard
of Melbourne and Freeman MdGlll of Pon
Albert. Dear great atm of Shirley and Paul
Fulda springfield;
fain and Lorne Hay of
Bothwell, Dr. KeithMcLean and his wife
Debbie of Brantford and 'Kann and Gerry
Balanky of Bothwell. Deafly loved by five
great -great-nieces and nephews. Friends
called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home,
William Street, Exeter for vnitaticn Motnday
whore the funeral service was held on Tues-
day, June 16 at 11 a.m. The Rev. Fay Patter-
son officiated hnermau Kirkron Union Ce-
metery. Donations to the Heart & Stroke
Foundation would be appreciated by the
family. 25c
WALT ERS - At South Homo Hospital, Ex-
eter on Smday, June 14, 1992, Frederidc W.
Walters of Exeter: in his 78th year. Beloved
husband d Marion (Wright) Walters of Ex-
eter. Dear father of Jane and Bob laird of
London. Wilma and Ian Cowan of Landale,
Sandra and Lee VatDoagen of Grand Bend,
Judy and Diens Kios of Lethbridge. Alber-
ta. Bob sod Once Clarke of Belle River, Eu -
byand e (lance of Pctrolia. Loved
12 grandchildren and 6 great-
granddnildren. Dear brother of Anne and
Bill Yomof London and Gladys Hellman
of Colorado. Friends Bled at the Hopper-
Hodtey Funeral Home,' Wiltism Street -,Ex-
am for visitation en Monday where the Fu-
neral Service was held on Tuesday, June 16
at 2 pm. with the Rev. John Hilbom offi-
ciating. Lsermaggn Exeter Cemetery. Dcea-
tionsatted by ibe to the WalanionFamiwould be sp-
Comer of James and Andrew St.
The Rev. John C. Hilborn
Mrs. Bev Robinson
The Rev. Grant L. Mills
(Minister Emeritus)
Director of Music
Ralph C. Topp
June 21. 1992 - 1190 a.m.
Second Sunday aher Pentecost
Speaker. Bev Robinson
Sunday School -
Open Session Grades 1-6
July 5 -Sept 6 Age 9 and under will
have Junior Congregation
Courtesy Car: Bill Brock 235-0323
Everyone Welcome
68 Main Street SII
Minstar: Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Organist: Miss Carokyn Love
Sunday. June 21
11:16 a.m. Worship service
Everyone WeJCiome
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, June 21
9:45 am. Sunday School
1199 a.m.Moming Worship
790 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Bible Study
Everyone Welcome
90 a.m. Sunday School
10:30-1190 am. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
8:00 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
7:30 p.m. - Bible Study
All services are held at
94 Orchard Street
Everyone Welcome
For more in/mullion please
cud! -221
670 Mein St. S.
Pastor Vernon Dean
Assistant Pastor Kevin D. Rogers
Sunday, June 21
1090 a.m. Sunday School
1190 a.m. Worship Service
790 p.m. Celebration Service
7:00 p.m. Fondly Night
Programs for all apes.
Nursery available for al services
A place to meet God and is friend'
264 Main Street,
Exeter, Ontario
The Rev. Fay M
Second Sunday aper Pentecost
Jaw 21, 1992
11:15 ant. Holy Eucharist
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
COu(HLIN • In loyht�+atlstraty d father
Jack, who passed away 9�tnss'ago. June 19,
Beautiful memories are wonderful things,
They last the longest day,
They never wear out, they never get lost,
They an never be given away.
To some you may be forgotten,
To others a pan of the past.
-Hutto us who have loved you and lost you,
Your memory will always last
Lovingly remembered by daughter Jacqui
and son-in-law Charlie. 25c
COVERS - In memory of our Dad, Ken Go-
wen, who passed away four years ago, June
16, 1988.
When I come to the end of the road,
And the sun has set for me,
I want no rites in the gloom -filled room,
Why cry for a soul enthem
Miss me a little, buttarTal6'tong,
And not with your head bowed low,
Remember the love that we once all shared,
Miss me, but let me go.
For this is a journey that we all must take,
And each must go alone,
ICs all pan of the Master's plan,
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick at heart,
Go to the friends you know,
And bury your sorrow in doing good deeds,
Miss me, but let me go.
25' Kim, Dave and Greg
GOVERS • In loving memory of a dear son
and brother, Ken, who left us 4 years ago to-
day; Jwte 16, 1988.
Them is a special comer in our hearts Ken,
We keep it just for you,
As long as life and memories last,
We will always think of you
We seldom ask for miracles,
Today jun one would do,
To have the front door open and se.
You jun walk right through.
Loving you always and forgetting you nev-
er, Man and Dad, Rick and Merg, Mary -
Ann and Mike. 25'
McCLINCHEY - In loving memory of a
dear father, grandfather, and father-in-law,
Frank McClinchey, who passed away June
19, 1991.
You can only have one father,
Loving, kind and tine,
No other friend in all the world,
Will be so true to you,
For all his love and kindness,
He asked nothing in mum,
If all the world deserted us.
To our father.we could ;um.
So you who have a fatly,
Cherish him with tare,
For you'll never know the heartache,
'1111 he's no lomer there.
Sadly missed by June, lloyd and Scot. 25c
MOIR - In roving memory of our dear
mother and grandmother, Olive Moir, who
passed away 4 years .go, April 3, 1988 and
our dear father and pats, Game
Moir, who pined away 5 years ego, June
20, 19S7.
One by one they go before us,
They ase fading like the dew,
But we know they're watching o'er us,
They the good, the fair, the true.
They am waiting for m only,
When no pain can ever ma,
Dear ones who left m haply
Watch us through the pees ajar
There a father, there a mother,
Gone within those gates ajar.
'Lovingly ranembered and sadly missed by
your mom and daughter, grandchildren and
gieatinedchildren. 23•
Buck & Doe
Jeff Slaght &
Ruth Petzke
Sat., -June 20
Crediton Community Centre
D. J. Lunch provided
Strawberry & Hain
Brinsley Anglican
ThurS, June 18,
Adults $7.00, children 12 &
under $3.00, pre-school free
Takeout available
--Buck ODee
Scott Pincombe
& Audrey Kiley
June 19
Exeter Ag Building
Happy 50th Anniversary
Congiatulations to our won -
1 parents celebrating
their Golden Anniversary.
They where married June 20,
1942 in Lucan, Ontario.
Lots of love from all your
children, • grandchildren &
great one/child.
s7�tAwfrll1,101m111.bNlt3r 1i►11D pit �ttllol.
fres. 24.25,f26k
771E MARTENE REUNION is being held
on Sunday, June 21 at 100 p.m. at Dash-
wood Canunenky Path. /Wag food, bever-
age and dishes for potluck dinner. 25•
Information and Service Development for
Seniors and Physically Disabled Aduhs pro
`run will be meeting on Thursday, June 25,
1992 at 1:15 p.m. at due Home Care Office,
80 Mary Street, Qinton. Meetings are on
to the public and any interested person is -in-
vited so attend as en observer. For further in-
formation call 482.5666 or 1-860-26735
SOUTH HURON Big Brothers/ -Big Sisters
Annual Meeting, lune 18-9:00, Exeter Le-
gion. 25c
PER, Exeter Oddfellows Hall, Tuesday,
June 23, 1992, 6:30 p.m. All Oddfellows
and wives invited, also all Rebekah, and
husbands. Bring first course only, balance
will be provided. 25'
OPEN HOUSE for Mabel McClinchey,
75th birthday on Sunday, June 28, 3-5 p.m.
in Wesley Willis United Church, Clinton.
WOMEN AGLOW, Monday, June 22.
Speaker Doreen Phanridge, Landon. Zurich
Public School Library. Social Time, 7:30
p.m. Meeting 8 p.m. All ladies welcome.
Buck & Doe
Ted Oke and
Leanne Barnett
Sat., June 20 -8 p.m.
Dashwood Community
Lunch provided D.J.
Sat., July 11
Vommunity Centre
to all students,
lleagues and friends
in honour of the
on Sun. June 28
2 to 4 p.m. at the
White Carnation
in Hoknasvllle
Best Wishes Oftiy
Wedding; .Rnniversary
The family of
Ray and Mary Ruston
invite relatives. friends and
neighbours to come and so-
cialize with us at the
Friendship Centre
219 Park St. St. Marys
Sat., June 20 2- 5 p.m.
No gifts please •
Dion Dam_
Sun., June 2
Join our Ecumenical
Service at the Stephen
Township Community
• Park
Chicken BBQ
Sponsored by Motherwell-
Avonbank Presbytenan Church
Kirkton Community Centre
Wed., July 8
5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Advanced tickets only by July 3
Take outs available. For tickets
Kevin Doope 229.6605,
Gordon Nethercott 229-6659
4 Holy Trinity Anglican
Church'. Lucan
-Wed. June 24
5-8 p.m:
4 Adults $7
4 Children 12 & unde'
Preschoolers free
Open Wedding
Bonnie Billon &
Rob Adair
Sat.. June 20, 8 p.m.
North Middlesex Community
Centre, Parkhill
for Ann Vanneste
& Dan Rooth
Fri. June 26-9-1
South Huron Ag Building
For more information
235-024 7 or 262-2944
Entries are Invited to participate In
McGillivray Township Sesquicentennial Parade
i Commencing 11 a.m.
August 1, 1992
For a spot in our celebration, please
contact Township Office 293-3686
or evenings Marg McAlpine 293-3200
Thank You Stephen Township
for your support and generous donations to this years Canadi-
an Cancer Society Fund Raising Drive 1992.
I would like to say thank you to the following volunteers who
helped make this years Drive a successful one:
Jayne Hayter
Mary Pavkeje
Margaret and Dave McClure
Mabel Hides
Mary Muller
Yvonne Hendrick
Deana Govers
Angie Desjardine
Thelma Finkbeiner
Lois Brownlee
Sig and Bud Durdin.
Nancy Michielsen
Jean Fleming
Jean Clarke
Mary Dietrich
Gwen and Pat O'Rourke
Mary Lou Evans
Joanne Hodge
Barb Steeper
Theresa Kester
Shelley Van Oesch
Tina Vischer
Marian Pfaff
Kathy Gielen
Janice Regier
Judy Palsa
Martha Pfaff
Rose Neeb
Jean Rook
Nathalie Mason
Maxine Hyde
Marylou Becker
Linda Oliver
Pat Glavin
1992 Captain for Stephen Township