HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-5-7, Page 4V.....ich,,''t:":":40,:ilif,Aik,47,:i'44;64;-.1 "a' • .4r04?4.50,0P:',," A44,441' • IA hi ehelitliag ink ate the lmsy wield:mot' pencti or ' ratt.kaatra as neweprittee 1 4`Al tther,""lti. kteuerat," ",iiwivo of 'Cave' Vatatt:ar," and 1'UWI, 'Wet Notee" and Saittl4iiPPNY3, ,0$0:tei paragraa'as," to otrgme., Z:ttir.et re: eial tlitattarS, • 3'effe pils. att4,ptlttont Pisntl.”,% t • New At the theAtor wnitt, eartieetz' • caaw-tuunieer eeet (pal ojtea bat; Then ta tile prize-rlitg, where yott 'kite Sieltenhakeactitila of a bloody kiebtee, neck tat) the eity, lug in time revert the;eettuon of soma ‘11-4,00t ieiebeitt (*.Olden, enteebelip Of trains, ' timretarna to bother yon beaite, t Aeente drotiatie, with lorta-witeled atery, 'so write uP bie star wait theatrical •glory - Deaths At maeidagee, mardere rove Italie alai pira.s, iniUntrel shows titeek speeulatioes, bubble.; of air, vessed about bnlieind beat"; l'reis,itig the flb ia tint daneerts poso, Alla next the et& s in the chow; 1?eitei1 intuited at tiro „r CAtiitt4t1 ti Xk O±LU tt thetas' /terse ; eittee, down each stroke tout cliteh de ifl t amoas oateli; ow (4 a street raw teling note- . nd tlati of R row in it conoge boat 11-0 a few of the many things t 0 tireless .noil swings. .11U.NOR4- • •„• "t, . • • ' % ,• to•ed AO wpm morri„94, IlVise per, 14=4 1A0 noltrria0,44,eretnoOt Ana ur M4 us swititeaeses, , S•thaPanealv tiquitioa told Anti OM Viso Nvoll416t t'(/11$1,100 •Of lho relee, and that 'the wit(*) affitireW#1,4'' It her.• WetitherbY eitid tit& eero-, ,Mony was all right, het, Vigtor •WI him the .noxt Mgrpilw Ana,. 0,amo hack to Grand :thtvou to werU.,•• Last. wkfek $he consulted Prosecating Attar,,, • Per L9wit'W'0 Who issued warrants tor the arrost: 0 ' 'Mteatiterby, Mr; and, nrs, Squrires, who,w4h the exception of •Urs. Squires, have s,11, Don in jafl stuce last Konday' morhing, 'rho aefeowtathi•itP.,tho roKfigm.m9; 4!.r the ceremony,. and Plaines that although Mee was not a ,Tustice of the Peace the parties consenth g to and consuMmating the tuarriage inakee if valid, 1.Vhey 0150 lain the ceremony was performed with- ont previous' Conspiraey ;, that ' it was done On, tile itulnlItee 'of the moment ; that Weatherby wee willing to live with Mrs. Porter, but she deSerted him. After listeninet to the arguments on the part of the afence, Recorder Pagobion held them for trial in the Cireetit Court. Squire and wife gave bbn bail in, the, suin of $100 each. 'Weatherby and Wise were eommitted to goal to await • 'Tea) heads are better than one -es- trial, • peeially ia 41, barrel. • 4. Georgia editor wae bltten by a dog, t"bei 1g eta tently mistaken for a bone." The Brooklyn Argus is of opinion that a kind word will always go further than a flat -iron. • A western paper announces the death aif a lady celebrated for the •'purity of her character and complexion." 0, bother cremation! We have to • earn our living -and we don't want to Le compelled to urn our dead. A man woting poetically of the wea- ther says : "The backbone of winter is broken, but its tall wags yetocce,sional- ly. bootblack paLited in rude letters upon his box "Centennial Shine." That boy is both patriotic and shrewd, aud he sets au example. Iuscriptioa on a tombstone in Col- umbia, Tenn. : "Escaped the bullets of the enemy to be aasaesinated by ardly pup -a hind husband, an affect- ionate father." "You must be a quarrelsome fellow," said a phrenologist to a man whose bumps he was examining. "Say that again and 'I'll kneek you down." was the response. If the cause of the redness of a Cer- tain Chicago deauon'S nose were only discovered a very theological question in that city would be at once disposed of. Sixteen years ago Tom Renyon went to KansasUity with a cent, and the other day he signed it check for sixteen thousand dollars. He signed with an- other man's however. The Chicago Tribune prints a poem in which the weiter wishes that she had "a heart full of sweet year-lings," How the persecuted author must have yearn- ed to fumble among that compositor's hair. Twenty-one freshmen were lately sus- pended from an English college. because .e, professor couldn't find out who plateed a ten -ounce in his chair. He, bowever knew'all about who sat down on it. .A gentleman was complimenting it pretty young lady iu the presence of his wife. "It's lucky 1 did not meet Mith5 Hopkins before): marl led you, my dear." •'Well, yes, it is extremely -fur her," • was the dry rejoinder. The'rulingpassion strong in danger. -Ari alarm of fire was, the othet day, given in a NeirYork hotel. "Landlord," said a guest, "is the house OR ire?" "es sir." "Well give us one more, if you phase, and. we'll get." The quickest way we know of to :make a man believe that there's nothing in the world weeth living for is to ex- cite him into chasing a cat across a yard where;two or:three clothesline:: :are innocently sawing in the evening breeze. Type -setters .should. be careful to dip -their „fingers into the right, boxes. Out "West an editor has been sued for libel, in having published that, a certain Mr. 'Harrison was a v€11 -known house- breaker., The defence of the editor is that he wrote horse -breaker, which the • plaintiff is by occupation. "-Nothing." said. an impatient hus- baud, lreminds me So much of Balaarn mid his ass as tiro women topping in church and obstructing the way to. in- • dulge in their everlasting talk." "But you forget, dear," returned his wife, meekly, "that is what the angel who etopped the way, and Balaain and his IUDS who complained of_it.• ' • Married- or drat. - A correspondent of the Detroit, Free Press, writing from Grand Haven, M;ch. under date of the 10th inst., gives the folloiving account of a very complicated case, in which a sham Justice of the Peace is accusedof conspiracy in de- ceiving' by a sham ceremony, a woman who had already been twice, married: • 'The., ease of Mrs. Annie Porter vs. Geo.. Weatherbb Honery 'Wise and • George Squires and wife, all of John- sonville, Ottawa,.COurity, a small station on the Michigau Lake Shore railroad charging them with beguiling Mrs. Porter into a sleam marriage, was ,brought before Recorder Pat.3elson on The New, Haven d'outhat of Monday afternoon for, examination. *ads as follows the case, of, 'a •youn Presecuting Attorney S. S. Lowing ap- lady in that City, about nineteen year peared in behalf of the people, and B. of Stge, who had bon lying in a eatalp Huntoon for the defendants. The pie since the: nightof Wednesd4y p afternoon was occupied in examining last week': "She retired on that nigh , the, complaining witness, Mrs. Annie in hill passeSilini Of healthYand the ,Porter. Although apparently under interning he was fonnd, body an • ,tweriey, yeara' of age; Mrs. Porter-, has limbs, 1)eifee4 rigidand she remain has experieno in getting manioc), afia ca So ever' Sid*, '9y8nipg 'sho;toil • ought to have known In w to do it pro n6 change in tier situation. &spirt), verly. She testified lbat she had. mar- tiOn and prdSation are regular and. iitt Tied twice, besides perticipating in this tairal,fiat'sisetinte been Uneonsciocts at shun' affhir Her maiden name valeS' has taken hut Et very trifling anionnf,p Martin: She Was ,firettuareied in Oo- nouishment., The '.1,1:cts. bee Usher,' 1811;•111 Spring, Lake. Mich:, to, 'subject • to*, catalepsy: •,for eighteei Samuel Porter( She haying had Port. Months past, andhas, at dines, with • Ardin0,4tOned Lor bastardy, ,he gained out a thcateiltg ,WarithIg0 , become per Lis ;liberty ,by mathing her, and a ftw fot1y rigd and remained SG ftir • Minutes' later left the towili. She has intervals, eornetitnee, .for 110tIffit' '801116 heard that he, is, dead., In Kay, 18,7g,- times -for only a, ew moinents.,.• i4heirieoTohn Neelein Neelerviffe, has been' 'seized ',When. reaching- lie xtb 'and happily with him. un; hand for Ohject,' and' in ,roomen • „ ,• 'ill' the ateit" Augiist, When, learning wotild: IOSe all Control ,Of ititteele that he had had. 'wen wives; ;font, �f Another:singular, circumattinec•.• altem 'Awn vere (lead she ing this' ease iS Ilea about,' a :3;eat ttg ,inal4hatit1y left.hina: 'ate ,affair,'whieh .ehe ,16at' all:ppWq 4404 ,..for' twent 'she ,claims was censpirack tat, thq lotir bottr4.but, beleg Old' timeott • part .(?i! the 'defendants, ,tooi<:' Otto on*/ 4,01oneirriakuig irni heir wetde ..,ganday, air& She had :been to, ,sigtis.': When regaining:her sPeOli sh it Oie 4deitiht44,:(borge. Weatherhy,, ,attienfate,lothing, but tite , .41,:ga Min; ilia vt Stparog, whelp 'she' inelkiatiguage* laligAttgd Which, sh ionle itrenth8; She had not Dottin the,habit.of ushigon ..4tatefi thal !she tient there hck 'ParelitSe who '11fid ie :Deetatiot ofindmingWentherby; While heard ha oge.the luaguege to;Any e :he anti Weitthekbrmiere .egen in the keit. The 00118d eatiffefsy, or' trim Wisp, it: fs 'Oct kiown to'llOdfettlthee, It; Who lit ttar ihsio ct 1 d Wise tdiaease,, of the, nerVens; system , raid • • „ elotheabe 'tD jtWd.°6' POACCI. .i120t WM4 .1)101f6f etee0artraNil, 1dig.Nroq wi1thg tedo iittiit 4 'utter the ,k000;00, .41,11,4o o&og i Li J Wo4y 1timeloty " There lives in the city of Elinira," lady :Solo for thirteen years has been dumb. A few days since she returned from a woman's prayer -meeting, con- veued in the mud in front of 4 lager beer saloon. As one of the results of the exercises while kneeling on the cola, cola ground,, she eanght ,cold ip in °tie of her IcheeePalAtAieli,'1.7,0soitoil, in the neuralgia of her patty -pans, the horse distemper in hor tym-pans, eom- pelling her"to take u sitz bath in ono •of her milk pans, where she sat until words came to her relief, when she greeted her husband, who was satinet' by the stove eating pop corn auddritAtc'- ing hard eider, as follows : "You are an abhorred, barbarous, capricious, detestable, envious, fastidi- ous, hard-hearted, illiberal, ill-natured, Jealous, keen, loathsome, malevolent, nauseous, obstinate, passionate, quay- evilsome, raging, saucy, tantalizing, un- comfortable, vexatious, abort -linable; bit- ter, captious, disagreeble, fierce, grat- ing, gross, hasty, malicious, nefarious, oatee,perous, peevish, restleSs; 'savage, tart, unpleasant, violent, worrying, ac- rimonious, blustering, careless, discon- tented, fretful, groWling, hateful, inat- tentive, malignant, noisy, odious, per- verse, rigid, severe, teasinge,unsuitable, angry, ooisterous, choleric, disgusting, gruff, hectoring,. finicorrigible, mischie vous, negligent, offensive, pettish, rear ing; t sharp, sluggish sidappith;' snarl ing, sneaking, sour, testy, tiresome, tor wonting, touchy, arregant, austere, itWk. waek, boorish, brawling, bullying, churl ieh, clamorous, crabbed; cross, currish dismal, dull, dry, drowsy, grumbling horrid, hvffish, insolent, intractable irascible, ireful, morose murmuring opinionated, oppressive, outrage,ous overbearing, petulant, plaguy, rough, rude, rugged, spiteful, spletie, stern stubborn, stupid, sulky, sullen, surly suspicious, treacherous, troublesome turbulent, tyrannical, virulent, .wrang ling, yelping dog." • He proceeded to inform his spous that he was not aware that such wa the case, but he did not care to disput his darling lest she should continue he conversation and perhaps call him som hard names ! , _Love lionor..and Obry. On the whole, married women, tha is, real woman, prefer' 'being -ruled' t ruling. It is natural to woman to see advice. It is egere,ly in, her nature t go speechlessly on doing what 'she hi to do without aid or council. Almos any one of -our Sei.' is' happier if she. ea "talk things over" with some man up- on whose discretion she relies ; and itt married life mostwives do, even,in th smallest:things, what '"he" likes an fancy that they like it themselKes Since independence has become the fashion, and strong minded have ,sneered at there more gentle sistere there is a great affection of despising the opinion of the men, but it is a sheer pretense. , Almost every wife chooses her &yea and'hot Own ribbon for the tint that her husband admires and the one she loves almosteinevita,b1 gives her her political opinions, and her religious' :views., Her Speech , and her. dress, her manners 'change undei his influence. What be desires her t do sliti does, inninenases Of 'ten The tenth case we find in.. the divorc couris., You may rule your,wifeaa you please, good :married reader, if you only love and pet her:enough. It aughtines and fault-finding alone will Mak her restive. And you, Cleat: :girl, ro• member that it will be well to Choose: husband goOd and noble and upright so that 'Yeti 'Moyebey him to his- hear is content without losing) our o wn pelf respid 'you:,•willl •01)6yr leve Win; and if he. be. low and meat you WM sink 't� " his 'level,' slowly bu surely in the course of years. -M. K Dallas. • eastztrptic atic.e A youio WOMAN UNCONSCIOUS roat Fry •VOIthl At; .0,1)4g .24ergiha, - noolisia.a.,1,1 Vatuily , ,, byterians, . OF 01.gf,-+0 .. sAlor a onQral cfAtattor. , , , , BIBLE- TORDEPOSIY 4,7 STX,PIONEIt 13114os, :Pocket ihles, Weslepot and Bible Ciltrietian Hymn Books, Pealm,BOolue fOr the use 0 Pi'eti- Church of Lngleaul. Prayer Books, Mieeellaineous Literature „of a non-46`aileralizing hature., Awl ft general aseortruent SCHOOL BOOKS SOSTATIONRY • plwtws an howl' W, G1110G. Corner • . , Bookstore , ST. MARY'S. F. '' 'Sharp Bookseller Stationer, Always on hand a large assortment of BOORS,- ., . . STA.TIONERY,.. WALL PAPER, FANCY GOODS, -e- 1,..- OA.LL AND ED I-1. LIP-rD SIT. IT. 4 Ir0011, Hooks, ' Weber's Dominion, sample 4 STANDD ')... STI ''4'' E WATER STREET, ST. MARY'S. Pietrixes, Paper, Wall Paper, Toys. Picture Frames,Barlin Wools, and Fancy Goods iu profusion. " • PIANOS. splendid Pianos, the best made in tho from 0550 to *750 call and examine at "iandard" Book store. JOHN 13. BBOTT, Agent. -Picture Framing in every style to order. St. Mary's, Oct., 1575. ' , , ,• grattl. , :LA, , 4 , : . ) pool, , , old .1 er : roads. ) Or ; / Greenbacks . TT FRED. SHARP, , GeneralExchange broker • . ST. MARY'S. _____,. Agent for the INMAN LINE OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. , Tickets from t. 'II xry's to Queenstown or Liver t eerage, 8,82.50. Parties wishing to send for their friends in thi country can procure prepaid certificates cheap than by any other line. Agent for the Hiehigan Central and Erie Bail Tickets issued. to any part of the 11.8., eaa west. AGENT F011 THE FANADIAH XPRESS peMPANY, § ' Bought and Sold at th . Best Rates. ) ' sr ., ' . • ,'.. ' SEVERN , l duriug . LONDON , as.follows:-Sootland, 1 LtItedreenIgi L QUEBEC . hereafter. , • Ing I 4 ONDON 1 QUEBEC andMONi, EAL Terajoerley Line. , Coni*Posed Of the following first-class IRON STEAMSHIPS SCOTLAND, MEDWAY THAME 5, DELTA, - ' NYAFZA, • 'HECTOR. The Steamers of this fAnc are intended to sail the Season of Navigation of 1873, from FOR QUEBEC AN1) NONTRp,L, Wedneesdaay,an27tlistiagast ailntedi:itiAtue, W e du sd y d F01? LohgN, AS FOLLOWS: arahva'Lia°80.1ruarcia;,Yiit: Sept.ugu s sootiaad,rrneaday,T3ra . And every alternate Tuesday 4 Thursday Rates lower than other Lines. Cortifilatee i4iiecl to persons deilrous of bring. out their friends. For Freight or Passage, apply to ' • DAVID: SHAW, Montreal, Y WM. A. BA LY , ....„......._ • : I interest b buoitless, publie.Wrth I '• . I f 1 1 $‘6., . ,, e,• , . ,watutilittinfit6 . 6 a ,0 ' ' ey r* CHANGE OF BUSINESS. The undersigned having, purchased the entire of the late Dr. II. 13, Winans in the Erng is !lbw probated to accomuligtata the a well selcoto,d stock of 1)RTIG-S TOILET ARTICLES, Tlit8SES ' ' SIIOULDEll, 1113,ACES ' 'DYE STUFFS,: ' • , , , ?„,k'I'Ll'IT. ME1)ICIXE8 , ' AT ritICESIVIlltilt ntry conreri. . ' .V.AVIY,t1Stil; - • „ dherilisit ifr brtitist. SEAFOIttli Al0 11111tOlg , Ittletrble: Works mitiatz s It tit g024 or aAmittogf , to`thett.ntinforduefriciiaa and tie goneeal tefe le that they ate prepared to illi al . , 1/0111iiileilf,gf itettdoodev,,•• 'Obi* Too , oteditiie Mootottettit lotpotted to Odes' , " .wo*,Offlys bat ttyic and atk arideannOt 401Intilfiedin thlii Pare Of Ontarie, " ' ' b A ?Jag tospoodelly d011eited, ,'" ; ''' Opt:estate tbgibi 4, itanifeaere's stovco . "- ",,MAN, Stit'arte SI4V011,,T1,, f,, iur itts,titais.* „, ,•,,' ,ii listfists.to DEALER IN GROCERIES, Wino: an Iiitgr: ELARDWARE C ROCKE Boots and Shoes Patent Medicines, Also, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF LEATH I SH ALL KINDS OF Oath, raii• tot ititite$ti IsAic c,uttitxd, 4ttglf • UVLL5 Jog:, ' t • , • '40471'111lB ),VOW4 11100iTr00e99g44 44' et Mee Itatt, our oueutile, oeuntre vnat„,ne fspeeearea to .49, Xinde Of 1ati,0111 atcvologgit vont ottosic etyleaatme biedery tit1440,0,..,,N5g14 wee boned at eliettp ra5s 41 94 ciors loft At the .P.XIMAPI:nee,‘ 44g41ert irj4l rogokyg, mono attentiAai t, garY'fi,..A.Ugnat 1P33, wIlmolfmnwermsTerommtrerer,Tremplir, Lts •„ .„1\1•00001),1401N1 Nsr,A.T.,0It• is tiro beSt. ^ 4441 „ „ 4 1, r-tr12,,i rmigtmniiiK€6„, 21 ,P E1014treilitifirfr"1 " 111,N1 i 14,1111.0.s it r all fillip II 5,1 11111041 MI ,uoileihymourAintimmoryntooll I 11111 I 4.tt II III IN11110161 OLNI 1 „,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,•':'11Mill'1111111 Bo sure and get the W.:, H. 'LloGloonlon Witte before buying. 'You will haYe no other after so e in tat= All who Wear thorn recommend them Gold 431a Silver, Lady and Gentleman's sizes 77 Dundas Street, Landomoo the testimonials The largest, 'best and elicapest stook of flue Gold ,10.welrey, Clocks jiver and Plated Ware:piney Goode, 'esc, , m the' Province, Roparing of (Way^ do seriirtion, , W. Ix VUOLOOLIN, . 77 Dundas et. Iiirtalon Ont. .00/017170.104111110•••• Noets LAholy,i,(614. JOHN ,TREBLE',S, , BOOT, SHOE, arrie! MAIN STREET. h A largo and ;ried assortMent of Ladies, Gents' and Children's ZOOM'S ed SIZOES OF ,THE LATEST STILES AND BST WORKIIISISSIEw constantlyon. hand. Also a oireid,o lot of FELT OVERSHOES, RUBBERS, SLIP- , PERS, c00, Mr, T. havine secured the services of LIR. J. GOLEMAPOP.D, is prepared to receive orders for all descriptions of CARRIAGE, LIGHT & HEAVY •• A. complete stock et HORSE CLOTH 1NG, , :BRUSHES, COMES, WRITS, T7.11TNKS,I. Tho subscriber takes this opportunity of thank- ing the public for their • past support and assures them that as xi ethihg Mat thobent material is used and none but first-class workmen einploped, they will find it to their advantage to continuo that support. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORER-WORK AND REPAMIN. Exeter,Nev umber 5011), 1873. 13-1y. THE L., &.; B.R. n•s4,',...t\kwiaigAN 1 N.5Se.11,441,_ Vit • . THE subscriber begs' to thankt.17 e people of Ex- eter and surrounding country for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, and now - after enlarging his,promisesis prepared to do work which cannot be surpassed either 111.05 oufside of cities. Particular attention paid to the making and. fitting of COLLARS. HARNESS (Sign of the Big Boot). HEAVY AND LIGHT, BLACK AND ILVER MOUNTER, In ,IIO mostAlish and fashionabie manner Repafting re'ectves eVery-titterition:^+. ROCKWELL BIT AND OVER -CHECK on hand. Ito would intimato to his many friends that lio ha % looked te their health and interests in Bbots 643(1: arid has jugfrooeived a largo and varied stock for Gents' Ladies' Misses' and Youths Weer. This branch will be found,ropleto,in.,,overy particular, .and the stock will .be 'ebld at a Slight advance cm 000. ThcherviceS „egret:TH.6 „ALLEN, Th am 08 Heal; have boon engaged to takb charge of tins departmont.,itrid is now prepared, to receive all or- ders for.WOrlt in this line.' 'Satikitetion guaranteed and v. ork performed wita oromptness. 14-3m.' W. FANSON. cg.intuaitti, fq, : 'AV -INTER ! 4?, t ISSETT 'f rit'iisi tttt qtittritity of S 1TV.S Ole tONDON tr,. HAMILTON MAKE, se'lleit, it call from am*: wishlat5 really , geed article, A quantity of Tiniwtro Coploor;wzro do r;.,L„,t1 zAvin-or;tcycritctruto •111A1)E A 815ECIALITY, ' /NIA 1,s wiu ‘ooppet.,' Iron, • Rags, 810.,' YAKEN111 EXCI1AN$t POO 116008 CASII PRICES* „ 11,18sgIV Et ter'o. October 9S,18113, exP 4' $1 <v, P;f4t,L3* 0 0.sa ,, .• , • ; , ,, ,F5.1,,,,,t1# -,, ,e,.: ,,::, 1,,:...t11,4,,,_,,,,,,,,,,, :;,;,,,00”,;4•,,,„ • , i e ans. We dd not, wish to ctetract froin the merite 'Of of.her'Ortifilir bY tiiiholdirie '''" ' ours, but are ever ready to Bubo:Lit tllop.), twit fair and impartial test, feeling confident of the result, • ' • t, t , „ ) "ID,T-11.0E,S Flloi . $55 TO .$1-500 • - , • r...-Testimenials from the, best musicians in Cox.a4s can be seen. , , , .• -,., -1 , i , .2 , ,, , , , ,I , MARRIN I3ROS., Parkhill. 1 Iii,H17 ; en: „ I m proved .• • • OR AN • .1" Singer' Sewing Machine. . THE LOOK1NIAN IS . The Bst Family Sewing Machine ,in the bominion 1T 1S THE • Smplest, Strongest,, Quetest, Lightest ,RunninG Most Convenient Machine Yet Constructed. lts make is unimpeachable, and its work most satisfactory. The IMPROVED SINGER is an excellent machine for all kinds of heavy work, such as harness, boots & sh-,6., etc. THE SHUTTLE 1S SOLID STEEL, larger, simpler, and in every way better tha any othe in use. C. SOUTHCOTT, Agent. . Mit. S. always keeps on hand a supply of . Machine A_tiachments, Thread, Nedles, N, B. FULL INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO EACH PURCHASER. Mr. outheott, is prepared to give oomplote and satisfactory fits in his clothing Line. C. SOVTI-IC,OTT. &c.. SAMWELL &• PICKARD are now receiving and opening out their new Spring Goode, includirg a:splendid Assortment of • ' ,Nev' Prints and Ginaharns New Silk Warp Dres§ Goods New Silk Poplins, New Black Silks, New Fancy Wool Shawls New Silk Tissue Shawls, New Lace Collars, and full lines of A ' New Col'd Silks, • Gloves, Hosiery, and Corsets, , • . ^ • ; Boots, Shoes, Groceries, and Shelf;Hardware. „ 4,4 ainTaxammitV of alt 'the, isTety,ilst tn,idlinost:FdililOrfahle styles.1They hacks also reacived direct frem England, .„A.BSORTUENT OF AVAIL.PAP'EIt All nE tl ea'boVe: Go"ocli Wilrbe sold.`dlioap.!, eapnnebefor piirdintsinb• elaewlatere ,,No trenble to. showGoods. , 'TN:4e„, „ .nee, euilaine qppdliitA the,a)?alitg effisel atta.,10'411410 thera,with ' ONT., 16 hie_ , • , 11 6 ' • as eriee'L'ela. g"' a„„„ OVEEfI RAWIG ROOM SUITES f „. , Itra& ti111111Viiiitt'ef ollthit11t0ta g ligii411POttirSt.htts ee, Shortly nisigsithI&1atiett of thee" "". v,nItt,st, 13 8 JA,,,,,t(tlif„,/tor'n'tlin 1)086 i'litirtifitettiltefe itt tlie United .States, t`Theathefe 21Z SO= Nyil..-it ohititig, etOiNd prrnaptly, riettOtiii.Yiiiti$4.1AtAY:011:;.401,s5,x1PNPA:',' ' i it epeeialit. Give' 'the, $ritheeriber a 1 .17 , , ; ,,.,... , ,,, , , , ,„ ; . ",:,',.":,.' /1014$12)40,,W••!•'••^'''.',•-,, : Siffitt At. aost, oitoilitgat ing oitoligtvd - Itetatiotii3, 4ii, tris,,,,tttsr.1;' ttintiiitto at 06*th:tit itit s:toeit ot ritthittnA • . , 1.A.ATAI;45, SZNIQB,. 11413 lately irTerldalled Ilb plietograPh g11.110;TIAlt hi' 41 tion, arid placed in itepreved light ,therelat. is now .fell,Y, prepeeed to eXeell GO in a, lift,A, iler highly creditable, :Haying strifikAd , wrth , diligenee for map time past the dillerent efe feats of light and Wavle, and taken inetraetiens front the best artigte in the dominion, lie- ' toaohing and enlarging read° it speelailitye (avid awl ether picture fremes on hand. Call in he'll guarantee to suit you', . reaettot*saavautepeteasesetaistartareasenaccetemeavvitere . , 4'.. , :' , iii (ilLrovno rtli, KINSMAN, ..11_, be found Ont., every Tuesday, dap, Of the) Thursday. Ho soma to the Withiu tho roach tooth Frehin,, Liter five, instoad do. ma who Liarhave thorn thorn. All parents cotaly2-thi eohtle,,ct'emstsilizgitgraet:ititeocoli:ttbtt . . , .. X W - v 34,4N. "'-• -,-,-.....V1.1.. - laill'illikaa :so T,11111i101, 'innUr $wear* , DENTIST, WILL at his °Mee, Alain' tree, ExP.,tor and generally on the ocnor )reok, O.N.q9pt WeclueSday and Will guarantee all. work to WI best clone in any city, and at prices of all elasso, ' If any have a on aturday, come' in the evening of leavin...^, it for Sanday, as some want to save their teeth should call inspected before they foolpitin in shond eall for advice about ehubt !tit: Fos constantlylsbloioOnitIgOnbeetoi gb at) 00te,... . . ' , , alt,fithitiat 3115trittinots. BUYTHE . , -Zest Organ Made. e:, ,a... ' .. .," - .., • - ,.. 1 :c ''.'4'..,.:',t, k c,,,,,/,,,._,.-1:...-,:, ,,,, ..,,,,.,,,,..,,,..,... I .,, V.47.;• ' ,:-...:•.- ,,;', • '-:i'.4...---,-,,, 'f! '..": ...,,,44 y, , , THE ONLY MEDAL , IN AND WHEREVER sally acknowledged in all the esseiLtials During the vinsT LONDON, . II' ALL A Five Years' Por Illustrated Prize Nedal . EVER AWARDED FOR Oft- ciANs IN TUE DOstiNION. -0- 111..-;,,ITAI,"' slr.UN our organs are univer- to be svyknucat To Abr, 0,211.EREI of a good Instriunent. . , ' YEAR 1373 we secured as usual PRIZES AT GUELPH, AND IN.NUMERABLE COWITY SHOWS PARTS OF CANADA Guarantee given with each install morn. Catalogue, Address V7 BRI,T, & COMPANY, Organ Manufacturers, GUM' 11 ON' ,............._ ailiiiii & atintitilterA. PLANING J. ROSS, 13uilder, BUILDING ,,,,... ,.... _ *- ors MOULDINGS DRE SS4D He has also Flooring, „ 'CASING Scroll Which , Lit' Dressed and Lath , Special tr1AITS ,,±1.61,61161s, I'M hello bet ,ori y fiestdsifteamatetial,, ' givnigetitiro r ' Libra' A Ciailcolleited. $1.Atgluti, , • ' J ROSS' - Pt/ILLS! . , Affumfacturer, and dealer in all kinds of MATERIAL, suceh as SASH, . , . .A.!1",;., IX t''lln.- . . , , et I CI• J . . 4 4 ,, • . .. . AND UNDRE S SE D. , , • ,.. , . . . on hand a ffrst-class lot of • • . .. , Siding • - , -Work etcI . they furnish to order: , , ' ',".^..:,`„ Virdtessed, Constantly on band, ' 4"' SinnWle S Alwaye an hand, att,:st.tt.i,o,r, I paid to it SPECIPtiTiOtTS. , .. triutu.stoutirips Ids latsfuoss, loop - eipetietteed workman and tittieg lie, feels eoeftdett of ataisfatitioft to all wile may toot th 6 it P Of Oil gig& ' 1 ' 41L1'3Aqt WI% ' int t Att. ' , ‘ 44...,.,.. isAt... , UVLL5 Jog:, ' t • , • '40471'111lB ),VOW4 11100iTr00e99g44 44' et Mee Itatt, our oueutile, oeuntre vnat„,ne fspeeearea to .49, Xinde Of 1ati,0111 atcvologgit vont ottosic etyleaatme biedery tit1440,0,..,,N5g14 wee boned at eliettp ra5s 41 94 ciors loft At the .P.XIMAPI:nee,‘ 44g41ert irj4l rogokyg, mono attentiAai t, garY'fi,..A.Ugnat 1P33, wIlmolfmnwermsTerommtrerer,Tremplir, Lts •„ .„1\1•00001),1401N1 Nsr,A.T.,0It• is tiro beSt. ^ 4441 „ „ 4 1, r-tr12,,i rmigtmniiiK€6„, 21 ,P E1014treilitifirfr"1 " 111,N1 i 14,1111.0.s it r all fillip II 5,1 11111041 MI ,uoileihymourAintimmoryntooll I 11111 I 4.tt II III IN11110161 OLNI 1 „,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,•':'11Mill'1111111 Bo sure and get the W.:, H. 'LloGloonlon Witte before buying. 'You will haYe no other after so e in tat= All who Wear thorn recommend them Gold 431a Silver, Lady and Gentleman's sizes 77 Dundas Street, Landomoo the testimonials The largest, 'best and elicapest stook of flue Gold ,10.welrey, Clocks jiver and Plated Ware:piney Goode, 'esc, , m the' Province, Roparing of (Way^ do seriirtion, , W. Ix VUOLOOLIN, . 77 Dundas et. Iiirtalon Ont. .00/017170.104111110•••• Noets LAholy,i,(614. JOHN ,TREBLE',S, , BOOT, SHOE, arrie! MAIN STREET. h A largo and ;ried assortMent of Ladies, Gents' and Children's ZOOM'S ed SIZOES OF ,THE LATEST STILES AND BST WORKIIISISSIEw constantlyon. hand. Also a oireid,o lot of FELT OVERSHOES, RUBBERS, SLIP- , PERS, c00, Mr, T. havine secured the services of LIR. J. GOLEMAPOP.D, is prepared to receive orders for all descriptions of CARRIAGE, LIGHT & HEAVY •• A. complete stock et HORSE CLOTH 1NG, , :BRUSHES, COMES, WRITS, T7.11TNKS,I. Tho subscriber takes this opportunity of thank- ing the public for their • past support and assures them that as xi ethihg Mat thobent material is used and none but first-class workmen einploped, they will find it to their advantage to continuo that support. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORER-WORK AND REPAMIN. Exeter,Nev umber 5011), 1873. 13-1y. THE L., &.; B.R. n•s4,',...t\kwiaigAN 1 N.5Se.11,441,_ Vit • . THE subscriber begs' to thankt.17 e people of Ex- eter and surrounding country for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, and now - after enlarging his,promisesis prepared to do work which cannot be surpassed either 111.05 oufside of cities. Particular attention paid to the making and. fitting of COLLARS. HARNESS (Sign of the Big Boot). HEAVY AND LIGHT, BLACK AND ILVER MOUNTER, In ,IIO mostAlish and fashionabie manner Repafting re'ectves eVery-titterition:^+. ROCKWELL BIT AND OVER -CHECK on hand. Ito would intimato to his many friends that lio ha % looked te their health and interests in Bbots 643(1: arid has jugfrooeived a largo and varied stock for Gents' Ladies' Misses' and Youths Weer. This branch will be found,ropleto,in.,,overy particular, .and the stock will .be 'ebld at a Slight advance cm 000. ThcherviceS „egret:TH.6 „ALLEN, Th am 08 Heal; have boon engaged to takb charge of tins departmont.,itrid is now prepared, to receive all or- ders for.WOrlt in this line.' 'Satikitetion guaranteed and v. ork performed wita oromptness. 14-3m.' W. FANSON. cg.intuaitti, fq, : 'AV -INTER ! 4?, t ISSETT 'f rit'iisi tttt qtittritity of S 1TV.S Ole tONDON tr,. HAMILTON MAKE, se'lleit, it call from am*: wishlat5 really , geed article, A quantity of Tiniwtro Coploor;wzro do r;.,L„,t1 zAvin-or;tcycritctruto •111A1)E A 815ECIALITY, ' /NIA 1,s wiu ‘ooppet.,' Iron, • Rags, 810.,' YAKEN111 EXCI1AN$t POO 116008 CASII PRICES* „ 11,18sgIV Et ter'o. October 9S,18113, exP 4' $1 <v, P;f4t,L3* 0 0.sa ,, .• , • ; , ,, ,F5.1,,,,,t1# -,, ,e,.: ,,::, 1,,:...t11,4,,,_,,,,,,,,,,, :;,;,,,00”,;4•,,,„ • , i e ans. We dd not, wish to ctetract froin the merite 'Of of.her'Ortifilir bY tiiiholdirie '''" ' ours, but are ever ready to Bubo:Lit tllop.), twit fair and impartial test, feeling confident of the result, • ' • t, t , „ ) "ID,T-11.0E,S Flloi . $55 TO .$1-500 • - , • r...-Testimenials from the, best musicians in Cox.a4s can be seen. , , , .• -,., -1 , i , .2 , ,, , , , ,I , MARRIN I3ROS., Parkhill. 1 Iii,H17 ; en: „ I m proved .• • • OR AN • .1" Singer' Sewing Machine. . THE LOOK1NIAN IS . The Bst Family Sewing Machine ,in the bominion 1T 1S THE • Smplest, Strongest,, Quetest, Lightest ,RunninG Most Convenient Machine Yet Constructed. lts make is unimpeachable, and its work most satisfactory. The IMPROVED SINGER is an excellent machine for all kinds of heavy work, such as harness, boots & sh-,6., etc. THE SHUTTLE 1S SOLID STEEL, larger, simpler, and in every way better tha any othe in use. C. SOUTHCOTT, Agent. . Mit. S. always keeps on hand a supply of . Machine A_tiachments, Thread, Nedles, N, B. FULL INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO EACH PURCHASER. Mr. outheott, is prepared to give oomplote and satisfactory fits in his clothing Line. C. SOVTI-IC,OTT. &c.. SAMWELL &• PICKARD are now receiving and opening out their new Spring Goode, includirg a:splendid Assortment of • ' ,Nev' Prints and Ginaharns New Silk Warp Dres§ Goods New Silk Poplins, New Black Silks, New Fancy Wool Shawls New Silk Tissue Shawls, New Lace Collars, and full lines of A ' New Col'd Silks, • Gloves, Hosiery, and Corsets, , • . ^ • ; Boots, Shoes, Groceries, and Shelf;Hardware. „ 4,4 ainTaxammitV of alt 'the, isTety,ilst tn,idlinost:FdililOrfahle styles.1They hacks also reacived direct frem England, .„A.BSORTUENT OF AVAIL.PAP'EIt All nE tl ea'boVe: Go"ocli Wilrbe sold.`dlioap.!, eapnnebefor piirdintsinb• elaewlatere ,,No trenble to. showGoods. , 'TN:4e„, „ .nee, euilaine qppdliitA the,a)?alitg effisel atta.,10'411410 thera,with ' ONT., 16 hie_ , • , 11 6 ' • as eriee'L'ela. g"' a„„„ OVEEfI RAWIG ROOM SUITES f „. , Itra& ti111111Viiiitt'ef ollthit11t0ta g ligii411POttirSt.htts ee, Shortly nisigsithI&1atiett of thee" "". v,nItt,st, 13 8 JA,,,,,t(tlif„,/tor'n'tlin 1)086 i'litirtifitettiltefe itt tlie United .States, t`Theathefe 21Z SO= Nyil..-it ohititig, etOiNd prrnaptly, riettOtiii.Yiiiti$4.1AtAY:011:;.401,s5,x1PNPA:',' ' i it epeeialit. Give' 'the, $ritheeriber a 1 .17 , , ; ,,.,... , ,,, , , , ,„ ; . ",:,',.":,.' /1014$12)40,,W••!•'••^'''.',•-,, : Siffitt At. aost, oitoilitgat ing oitoligtvd - Itetatiotii3, 4ii, tris,,,,tttsr.1;' ttintiiitto at 06*th:tit itit s:toeit ot ritthittnA • . ,