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Pubic Iiiiaiting fie sU• Moan MOW iass
By Adrian Harte
T -A Pditor
EXETER - 1'wo important developments in the on-
going troubles between the Town of Exeter and its
own police torso surfaced at Monday evening's coun-
cil meeting.
-Piestly,the-Mioistry of the Solieitor{ienu+al will -he
holding a public hearing! in Exeter on July 15 to dis-
cuss both sides of the argument surrounding the po-
lice budget
licebudlget deadlock
Secondly, trnvn council agreed Monday evening t(
make good on rd1ggcstnon4 that they Lind the eXact
cost of OPP policing for k xetci
As the argument islands, Exeter council has refused
to grant the police services board more than a lMD
percent increase in the operating budget
force for 1992 in order tolanarallestersera
rate a zero peromt it0aaa0..
Molise l r hodpiepe
41n*sant alls els
Woes uo ISia395, fled wdliikay
ware wed /to spewed 210 ori
teaseling will be at the F,xeter.Mkt
tat 7:30 p.m. As mayor Bil�r
will ted iiJMi*C
nil iciffildtblen asked -ii Mien fn finding
out OMM lt; ''•Shawtl 4dresttMltk'ydkee associa-
tOn i - bt ;tel
liklit lieNMiA t`reue pt:-
dethre mopliloiwn allfill�Irtatomaj lelt�el� �allts.AlsolillholiaavaelAhreilifikowillkensomitakte
dice en �T)pdflmlalg
'Mrs ;•Insellklmi ltimeltv*by%weisottid
LI1L.e 10 yds h -a lialee tie etre 'lune," laid
13 95
Cash & Carry
6" pots
Set" fee
��rvtr,: �outr' Hum
Undenvoter hockey
Fleming returns from
• Second front
Exeter denies
connection to
EXETER - A large home built
outside.Exeter will not be connect-
ed to the town's water supply, coun-
cil decided Monday evening.
John Rasenberg made a request
to the town to hook up his very
Iarge,home at the corner of Conces-
sion 2 and Huron Street East in Us -
borne Township to the town's water
line, which passes by the property.
Council noted that current policy
only extends water to Huron Street
homes out to the first concession.
If council were to make an excep-
tion to that rule, noted deputy -reeve
Lossy Fuller, it would have to re-
consider its enure policy on not
providing water to Waterloo Street
homes outside the south boundary
of Exeter.
Mayor Bruce Shaw noted that
while Exeter had made an excep-
tion for The Usbome Township road
works shed that was a "straight
govennnent to govenunent deal".
Hoogenboom said council has to
consider its policy on water careful-
ly since they are already consider-
ing proposals costing $3 million or
more to expand the water supply
-- sys ern—for--fuure -town- devektp-
• malt.
Reeve Bill Mickle said Reser-
, berg had contacted the town before
-statiing construction on his home
and had, gone ahead with the pro-
ject .without expectation of a town
• water supply.
inti -sting
EXETER - Police have recovered
a rutotors;ycle that was stolen from
an Mm Street address on Sunday.
k blue 1972 Honda , was tuund '
aboAdoned on The railway tracks off
Mary .Street in Exeter. Police ttsty
ansttnerapt to steal a second inutor-
eyCle ,from ,the .wwtc adders. wu ,
unsuccessful. The theft is still un
der investigation.
On Sunday, the town police re.
upended 10 a domestic argument a,
a Thames Road West address. Po-
lice say they are treating tate inci-
dent as an assault and charges arc
likely to be laid within a few days.
The town police also continued
their program of no tolerance for
motorists caught with alcohol in
their cars. On the weekend, more
•titan one driver was charged with
having open cases of alcohol in
their vehicles.
Out of jurisdiction. evidence weak
75 cents
Florida coot sinisses boat fraud case
MIAMI, FLORIDA - Charges .of
insurance fraud against an Exeter
businessman were dropped in Flori-
da court last Wednesday'moming.
Lorne Keller, owner .of Exeter
Roofing and Sheet Metal was
charged last November with insu-
rance fraud and grand theft after in-
vestigators at the Department of In-
surance Fraud claimed Keller made
his $750,000 boat Promises Prom-
ises II "disappear" in order to col-
lect insurance money for a new
However, defense counsel argued
last week for a dismissal of the case
on the grounds that the accused, the
boat, and the insurance company .
were all Canadian and did not fall
under Florida jurisdiction. •
Judge Anhur Snyder.agreed with
the defense and dismissed -the case,
but also went on to -express '.grave
doubtsabout much of the evidence
presented -by the state attorney.
"...in looking at this matter-in.thc
best light to the State, I 'don't see
where :the jurisdiction is. And
frankly, 1 don't.know why this case
was charged," said Snyder in his
ruling. "I'm assuming that every-
thing that counsel has told me is
correct from both the .State.and the
defense, and it would be impossible
to -try this case in order to get a con-
Investigators at the Department
of Insurance Fraud told the Times
Advoctue they were disappointed
by the ruling.
Canada ly
frcm breakfast to
"The judge ruled _the jurisdiction
was_norin Florida, which I disagree
with, but I'mnot a judge," said Paul
Williams, supervisor of the investi-
gating unit. "We 'have no case
Williams said he still thought his
:department's case for fraud was
good and he speculated that the evi-
dence would be admissible if the
case were followed:up by Canadian
Despite Williams' assurance all
'evidence in the case was obtained
legally -and was sound, an investi-
gator ':hired by Keller's defense
counsel in Florida .called.the case
against Keller "a travesty". Rich-
ard Ashenoff shid his "cotmteintel-
•liigemce service" found that many
I X1stER - Canada Day in Ex-
eter won't be another quiet affair,
the Exeter Legion are seeing to
A three-man Legion committee
has actually put together a full slate
of events for the nation's birthday
that many communiues will be
hard pressed to match.
"People need a boost these days,"
explained one of the organizers,
Ban DeVnes. "I don't think we
have to be flag-waving Americans -
but as Canadians we should sit
back and think about our country a
If anyone needs some food for
that thought, consider that Canada risers.
Day has a right .to be a little more At 10 am. a bikeslecorating con-
ostentativus.this year. ' Not only is test will beheld in the arena park-
C-aaada -celebrating its - -125th-year --ing -lot. -Prises -will be awarded in
since Confederation, but the nation three categories for youngsters up
was recently chosen by a United to grade eight who have decorated
Nations committee as the best place their bicycles in the Canada Day
in the world to live. theme.
All events .in Exeter for Canada At 2.p.m. there will be a free con -
Day (Wednesday July 1) -will re- can on the festively decorated arc-
volve around. the South Huron Rec- na floor. Aimed -at adults and teen-
reation Centre. A breakfast .at the agers, the local band Positively
Agricultural Building will kick off Stompin' will provide the entertain -
the day, running from 7-10 a.m. ment. Younger children .can take
Celebrities, including the mayor advantage of a free swim being
and son Bruce Shaw will' be help- sponsored .at the Exeter pool in
ing serve up the feast to the early MacNaughton Park at the sante
Continued on page 2
Binger advances in Youth Talent Search
EXETER - Sixteen -year-old
singer .Bronwyn Pearson of Exeter
is hoping to make her dreams come
true as she competes in the Youth
Talent Search held at the Western
Fair in September.
The promising young vocalist
won the preliminary round held at
the Clinton Fair two weeks ago,
and has now qualified for the quar-
ter .finals which will be held in
London from September 11-15.
"I guess I've been interested in
singing since I was six," said Pear-
son. "It just seems like it's some-
thing I've always wanted tq do."
Pearson, who has taken voice les-
sons for the past two years with Su-
san Graham, perforated "On My
Own" from the nusie t'L rMiser-
abies." She says she .doesn't get
nervous before or during a perfor-
mance like most, but instead after.
"1'm okay when Ira up there on
stage," said Pearson. "les when
you finish and wait for the judges
A member of the South Huron
District High School choir, she also
sings in the fust soprano section of
a triple trio, three groups comprised
of three female singers.
Pearson is also member of both
the jaxx and concert bands at South
Huron District High School where
she plays The tenor sax .
individuals had ulterior motives in
the case. He said he was pleased
the judicial system worked in
bringing that to light.
Although the insurance fraud in-
vestigators had used phone taps to
gather some evidence in the case,
those conversations were never
transcribed nor presented as evi-
dence to the corm. The boat itself
was reported to have been seized as
evidence by Florida authorities in
November, but Keller and his law-
yers pointed out it was only held
for a few hours before being re-
turned to the defendent.
Nigel -Gilby with Lerner and As-
sociates in London who also repre-
sented Keller.said Monday morning
that "the investigation seems to
leave something to be desired" and
said publicity of the case had done
'considerable damage to the reputa-
tions ofboth Keller and his compa-
ny in the meantime.
Gilby said he was confident there
. wouldb noappeal by the State At-
torney's office.
"I would think the whole thing's
an embarrassment to them," said
Keller said he was relieved and
thankful to have been eventually
vindicated by the courts, and said
he was always certain he would be,
although the entire experience had
been very trying.
"It's been ,terrible on the family,
and the employees...tough," said
Keller Friday afternoon.
He echoed those sentiments in a
statement Monday moming.
"My wife, the boys and myself
would like to thank the employees
for staying with us. les been a
rough gb," he said.
-Gilby said some consideration is
being given to filing lawsuits
against the insurance company or
against the 'Department of Insu-
rance Fraud in consideration of the
ordeal and expense involved over
the seven months since charges
were laid.
PUC fears ministry
policy may cut off
canning plant water
EXETER - Town council will be sending a letter to the Public Utilities
Commission this week to confirm their agreerfsent with some concerns the
PUC has over new Ministry of Natural Resources regulations for dam, op-
The MNR has advised the Aussble Bayfield Conservation Authority that
dam operators will be required to make sure water flow over a dam is
equal to the amount entering the reservoir. Failure to meet this require-
ment can result in a $500 fine.
The Exeter PUC regulates the flow over Morrison Dam and the small
dam in MacNaughton Park in order to supply cooling water to the Nabisco
canning plant. PUC manager Hugh Davis told council that maintaining an
even flow of water may not be possible if Nabisco is to receive the supply
it needs in times of low water flow.
Davis said the ministry are trying to preserve the questionable value of
"shiners, crayfish, chub, turtles and carp" in the Ausable River at the cost
of a large employer in the region.
A leiter from Davis to the ABCA proposes that "in conforming to the
Natural Resources requests, especially on a dry summer, we could be
jeopardizing the water supply to Nabisco Brands plant and in comparing
the importance of the river life versus the employment of local workers
and The farming community,1 sec no comparison".
The PUC we asking that the ABCA discuss the matter with the ministry
to maitre a safe water supply .to "a customer that is extremely important to
Fss,oier and ahe.surrouttding farming community".
Crowning achiei/ements at IlensatI I -air
Vktoda t6istuack (centre) was c toren to represent Hensel! as the 1992 Fair Ambassador out MWY .rr -.� o ' - Stafta was crowned as the 1992 Hon
of a field of five competitors. At left is last year's Ambassador Wend , Setup/e. At right is the sell fair baking queen Friday ervunrrlg by last yerilr's whiner Ho
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