HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-5-7, Page 3NEW DRESS COOPS NEW DRESS SILKS. EXETER NEW LACE CURTAINS. CHEAP I+ADI4S' NEW 'COSTUMES CA.SH NEW READY-MADE CLOTHING STORE NEW ,CHOICE TEAS , , ALL AWFULLY CHEAP. It's the Cash that Does it Choice Teas at 50 a. her lb. N.B. Cash • for Eggs. J. W. BRODE'IICK. OTICE. 'Those indebted to the late Dr. Winans are re- quested to call at once, at Vandusen'e Drug store and settle the same, either by Cash or Note. MRS. DR. WINANS. Exeter. April 23, 1874. 95-4t. IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. The subscriber would inform the people of this neighborhood that he has purchased the celebrat'd white Boar Pig, formerly owned by M.r. W. Wood, and which has taken several first prizes. He is xiow at my residence, lot 5, London Road, Devon. Terms,, 75 cents. RICHARD PERKINS. Devon, April 29, 1874. 85-tf. WEAVING. The sucscriber begs to acquaint those wanting weaving done, that they may have their wishes satisfied by calling at my residence, where I am prejared to prosecute all kinds of weaving, in the best manner, at most reasonable.nrices. JAMAS ATKINSON 3rd Line, Blanchard, April 8, 1874. li,;S.FITCH'S " FAMILY PHYSICIAN Containing' descriptions 'of Diseases and Tales for their treatment, will be sent free of all charge by mail to anyone sending their address io30.41. 714, Broodway, New York, THE 1'EGTJLAR Meetings of.Lebanou Forest Lodge, No. 133, G:R.C., Exeter. will be held as follows. A cor- dial invitation is exten- ded to all visiting bre- thren. Mar. 30, April 27, May25, June 24,J mai 20, July 27,Aug. 29, Sept, 21, Oct. 10, Nov. 23, Dec. 21 and 28. ' ' M. 'L8AC- RETT, ccrthuy. Organ, '�Tiol ss' :kNf CORNET. R. FI. CHARLES PALMER (OF LONDON, England and Ontario) has the loner to announce he will receive- u its for in- struction p n etruction in the above in an on Tuesdays and Fridays, and in Exeter, all Wednesdays and Saturdays. Partteuld'i•e as to Ternisrmay be had at the Trains oiflLvtl% London, April 23,•1874. 8G -4t. OTI The Part Ship' heretofore existing between t rnuudersignod'as merchants at Centralia and C, 54iton, tinder'tlle style and firrn of rrihomas Ore nway':do Company, ie this pay dissolved by • eitt, ion of time. TI1O MAS' GREENWA' , ROBERT Tild'l1Z1NS 89=4r. F. STEWART, traits, l4thMaro1i 1874, •Referring to the' above, the tnidereigned begs to aunounce,that he will continue the business at the respcctivoplat:e1, All debts''dee the late firm Must be paid Id him, who will also liquidate all „debts duo by said firm, TEi08. GI EENWAY. .. Centralia, April 23,1874. it, s iFiE FAVOLINJ . ti Sts • est LONDON & EXETER. 006a 16110s Comfortable Stages and Fast, Time, xheso stages aro driven by the most tiocoinmo• dating of drivers, and leave TJB WESTERN DO 'E1jt,1 ONDON, everyafterfiobn, at 2 p,m,, arriving hi Ltitlaii.fff' tmot(lrlaiindot with trains for the east and Atillt, tIdellitietitingin Exeter 'With the Clintbif and 8t, gro S a ge& ram t,w,Yr 4tm onedt ,n.., t, l gin Liken and /Aden with eta feadnd trains, AR0O1 8 Joint gAwica1L W, Urivex„ PrOPriete," grand :literary Sud. dramatic entertainment was Lela at this place, iu- the Sebool House, on the 29th nit,, under the auspices of of it Oak Ridge" Lodge of 3,4.0,03., It was beautiful evening,'tit1'e roads were very good and great numbers ealiie to assist and enjoy thenseive9 by reciting and exhibiting them abilities for vocal and instrumental music. Mr, Robert Mc- Arthur, W,Q.T; of this Davison, being appointed Chairman, made a few re marks as introd.uotion, after which, the called upon Miss M. A, Lennox, of. Whitler Station,; to entertain the meet- ing by playing on the organ, one of her select pieces of music, white she did veey sttis£aetorily. A reading was given by Miss McArthur, etitled " The Gambler's wife," a very excellent piece for the occasion, and it was read very intelligible. A. recitation, on the bad effects of rum, was given by Miss Mus- tard, Teacher, and was loudly applaud- ed. A duet was sung by Miss Dalziel and Mr. Wm. MCArtller, entitled ' Huntington Tower ; or When Yo Gan Awa'J'ainie," This piece was well re- ceived and applauded, especially by the Scotch, people who were present A short stump speech was given by G. G. Meldrum, Teacher of Grand Bend School. Miss Mary Cornell, of Widder Station, sang "Annie Darling," and was, ati!usual, appropriately applauded. Several dialogues were performed very well—one entitled " No Rose without a Thorn," by Messrs. Fallas and Mel- drum, and 1Vlisses Mallard and Wade ; another entitled " Lord Dundreary," by Messrs R. & W,'MoArthur, and Misses Mustard and McArthur, Both of those dialogues were well received.. Mr. Woods was present, and in in his usual style sang and played an accompani- ment. ent. on the Dulcimer two songs, each being loudly oncorred. Several read- Turnbull and Fulton. Mr. Fowlie gave a short address, which advocated Tem- perance in everything, and talked of the beneficial results of such entertain- ments. The meeting closed by singing " God Save the Queen," and the people separated to their several planes of abode, all well satisfied with the night's performance.—Com. Buffalo, May 4,-Oattle-Tbereoeipt of oltr,. tle to -day have been 400 head, making the total supply for the week thus far 8,5$4 head. The fresh arrivals were all through consignments, The yards are clear of stock. Hogs -The rebeipts of hog for the market to -day have been 4,800 head, making the total supply for the week 23,500 head. The market was active »d higher_ Yorkers are quoted at 45.25.to$5.65 ; heavy hogs at $5.75 to $6. Sheep and Lambs- Th, 200 head,f sheep and lambs to -day have been l'oreoe iptsmaking the total supply for the week 6,600 head. The mvrketsclosed firm at 1-c advance on last week's rates; 46 to $7,50 for clipped, and $7.50 to $8. 251or wooled sheep; the only sales zeported were 375 head OhiO clipped sheep, ranging from 105 to 106 lbs, at $7.12 to 07.25. glut ak,thivetiontanto. NOTICE. The Court of Revision for the municipality of the Township of Stephen stands adjourned until • MONDAY MAY 18 at 10 in the forenoon. C PROUTY Clerk. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN That eligible Lot and Building situate on the London Road, west side, Exeter North. the prop- erty of Mrs. J. Milne ; suitable Dither for store tavern or private dwelling. Price, 4000. Apply to 37-4t. • J. MILNE, 31 Dundas -et., London. RUPTURE SCELEY's HARD RUF,'BEIt Trusses, Relief, comfort and TRUSSES. cure for Hernia or Rupture. +u id ,1� Fine Steel Spring polished. F_ee from all sour, rusty, chafing, Strapping or Birthing unpleasantness. Cool, cleanly, light safe n.td durable. Unaffected by bathing. Always re- 1'able, Sold by all dealers. Estab'ts 1847, Chest- nut St., Phila., and. 717 Broadway, N. Y. BEWARE or imitation. Canadian trade supplied by Messrs. Kerry Watson & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Mon- treal. A !IAN OF A THOUSAND. When death was hourly expected from CON- SUMPTION, all remedies having failed' and Dr, H. JAMES was experimenting, be accidently made a , reparation of INDIAN HEMP, wh,ch cured his only child, and now gives his recipe free on receipt of two stamps to pay expenses, HEMP also cures night -sweats, nausea at the stomach, and will break a fresh cold in 24 hours, Address Craddock & Co., 1032Race St,, Phla., naming this paper. F o r Consumption AND ALL DISEASES THAT LEAD TO IT, AS Eoughs, Neglected Colds, Bronchitis, Paiu in the Chest, etc ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM Is THE GREAT MODARN CURE it is WARRANTED to break up the most dis- tressing Cough in a few hours, if not of too long standing. It is WARRRATED to give entire satisfaction even in the most confirmed cases of Consumption.I It is WARRANTED not to pro- duce costiveness(whioh is tl,b case with most remedies), or affect the head, as it contains no Opium in any form. It is 'WARRANTED to be perfectly harmless, to the most delicate child, although it is an active and powerful remed for restoring the system. There is no 'real ne- cessity for so many deaths by Consumption, when Allen's Lung Balsam will prevent it, if,. only taken in time. Price One Dollar perBottle, For Sale by all Druggists (Foi Sale at Vandusen't. pasture wanted for one horse for the min - mer season where a good supply of water is accessible. DR. MOORE, Exeter, Q i'ED BARLEY. The subscriber has on hand, and for sale a quantity of Seed. Barley, of his oivn raising, and wairanted pule, Scour egood 800 while yon can. I. CARLING, Exeter, April 29,1174, 95-3t, goon & hitt tianrrgr. y' - corner Bookstore o store ST. 'MVMARY'S. H. F, Sharp Bookseller Stationer. Always on hand a targe atsortmont bf BOOiIS, •" •STATIONARY., WAtit •FAP E, VAXOY GOODS, O"ALL PIVD iii I� 6 F'LO'aR L 2"Z10711. If you want GOOD FLOUR, and CHEAP, call tut McLerlllfln'3 Milt; Twen ty-> ivo Cents per 100 lbs, will be saved by going to the ini1). for yowe Flour. Note the followino, FACT, ari,(d. profit by it Flour can. be bought cheaper at the mill than it'riywfiere else, as the profits of the flour stores are saved to the consumer, ' Gristing will receive careful attention, and Chopping Done Every Day. The highest price in Cash for FYFE WHEAT, PEAS, &o. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS G. A. MACE Has just received a large and excellent Stock, of Groceries, consisting of "1r t 'ax$a� naw n T85, Prunes, Rice, Sugars, ago-, Which he is prepared to SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER. IC'DON'T FAIL TO GIVE THE NEW STORE A CALL. Exeter, Feb. 26, 1874. SADDLES, HARN ESS, TRUNKS &G, G. EACRETT, EXETER, Who has carried on the business of Saddler and Harness Maker for the pass sixteen year in yo midst, embraces this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his many customers for there liberal patronage bestowed upon him. So as to retain this patronage and that of his new eu sto me he begs to state that he keeps on hand and makes to order a first-class assortment of HEAVY ancILIGHT HARNESS which he,will sell as cheap as any other house inthe D-!ninion. He would call speoial attention hie stock of HORSE CLOTHING, just received. He also keeps on hand THE ROCKWELL PATENT BIT AND OVER -CHECK. Particular attention paid to the fittingof collars and the facing of them. 1 REPAIRING dor with neatness and despatch. REMEMBR THE PLACE -shop south of Jas. Pickard's store. G EO. EACRETT Stock CHILDRENS CARRIAGES GARDEN & FIELD EnSularranioi Pure Red ortar - Clean. N. A. BOSWORTH MUSIC AND ENVY= Z1riACIIINES. 0. C. WILLSON'S S MUSIC, SEWING MACHINE EMPORAND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT • IUM, SEAFORTKSTT STILL IN THE.FRONT RANK AS USUAL SEWING IVIACIIIIVES. THE FLORENCE Nosielss, Reversible Feed Lock and Knot Stitch Family Sewing Machin eha- llengos the world in perfee ion and range of work, strength and beauty of drrability of construction and rapidity of motion. Call and examine, Send for circnlars. Agents wanted in every town;in the Province. This Machine has taken first rizes: at ell the County Fairs. 0.C. WILLSON, General Agent for the Donlinia. RE MOVAL i RE MOVAL ! ►'*4 4 FRANK MIDDL.: uTON Has purchased the stock of Mr- J. A. Ne1les,and has removed his stock of BOOKS rand stationery to the stand ately occupied by Mr. Nollos, aria a ORDERf8 ARE PROMPTLY FILLED IAMEIV113111.11 TIIE SPOT , :NOT 1 1500R To Kat"' SP1 .,13L1a' c SEEDS t TUST RECEIVED AND IN STOCK A'GOOD SUPPLY OF Flab, gARD.ECAND •FLOWER SEEDS ' ' HORSE TOOTH CORN limns PLASTER AND SEED' POTATOES 1 JOHN BACK, FLOUR & FEED STORE.. Exeter, May 7, 1774. 37-3m. flttnn . Othemir t1 DOMINION LABORATORY. A choice assortment of pure drugs and (Menai. oils, and where will be found all thedatest and most popular patents of the day, a few of which we may mention. Tonics, Dyspepsia Remedies, &c. Buchu Bitters, Vinegar Bitters, Planets' Bitters, Caldwell's Celebrated Dyspepsia Remedy, Simp. son's speoillo Pills. Alteratives, &c. Ayer'ssarsaporina, Bristol's sarsaparilla, Rad - way's Resolvent. lode Bromid Calcium Compound, Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Depew's Medical Victory, Shoshonees Remedy, Hembold's Buchu, jMedicanrontum. &o. • Coughs, ,'olds, consumption, &o. Ayer's &Merry Pectoral, : Allen's Lung Balsam, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Ransom's Hive syrup andToiu, Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers, Brown's Bronchial Troches, Winer's Hoarhound and Ele- campane, Fellow's Compound ' Hypophosphites, Parnsh's Chemical Food, Easton's syrup, Fir. quir. et Strict Phos., Peruvian syrup, Campbell's Codliver Oil. with Pancreatic Emulsion. Pills, &c.' Dandelion Pills, Ayer's, Herrick's, Bristol's, Mor- se's, Indian Root, Judson's Mountain Herb, Hag - yard's, Ra¢.way's, Brandith's, National, McLoan's, Shoshonees, sir James Clarko's,-Sweet Castor Oil, Castor Oil Emullion, &c. Ointments, &e. Trask's and Wilson's Magnetic Ointments, Pettit's Eye salve, Victoria Carbolic and Soper's salvo, Holloway's Ointments, Depew's Humor and Kennedy's Humor Ointments. Pain Killers, etc. Perry Davis' Paiu Killer, Radway's R• R.,Boyer'e Galvanic Fluid, Victoria Electric Linament, Thomas' Electric Oil, Winslow's soothing syrup, Depew's Rheumatic Comfort, Kennedy'sLinamont, Dolorioide, &c. Worm Medicines, etc. MoKetz p's Dead shot, McLean's Vermifuge, Winslow s worm syrup, Freeman's Worm Powders. Worm .Tea. One door North of R. Davis' Blacksmith shop, Mainstreet, Exeter. A call solicited, 'satisfaction and value for money spent guaranteed. Come one Deme ally Diarrolioea & Dysentry Medi- eines- Hair . Dressing, Plasters, &e., Catarrh Medicines, Horse Medicines, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal use, Dye Stuffs, Aneline Dyes, &c., at the DOmix .iOxi` Medical Labatcry. NOW READY AT THE Exeter Carriage W0RE:s. The largeststock of single and double CARRIACES & BUGGIES Ever. exhibited in this Vicinity, Which will be found to be the Best and. Cheapest ever offered to the public in this vicinity. Now fa the time for bargains, as the ptoprietur has made such REDUCTION IN PRICES , . as certainly DEFIES COMPETITION b .• Anoxen>Eiption, of the "stook before purchasing elsewhere is resliectfttlly solicited by the eubecrib'r ORDERS for all kinds of Vehicles attended to WITH ' THE USUAL DISPATCH. 1' ALL,' WORK WARRANTED, JOHN TRICK. Exeter, April 23, 1874. 95.1y. EXETER NORTH CARRIAGE FACTORY Messrs. G. & S. Brooks have 'vow Commenced the manufae, tui. a Buggies and 'Wagons for the Spring and Summer Trade. 'rms.—Cash or Short Cre- dit. Also) onhand,a lot of Scotch Diamotld Etarrowsf of their own manufllrcturof which they can slid will soli as ohoop as any, one in.'he trade, 'leash to call in. & .1. BiloGicS. anattiali aalik of Comp:tore 041411:AL) •1.•R...4;p. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$0 0001000 2,000,000 fr, B each of the shOr4 88404 bar•bdeaofiezad is Lno*n for the transaottan of Gene Bauklrlg h us A: .YING BANK J✓ I4 a i flume. ae low as one dollar received on doposit. Interogt--f, 444 If per Dent, allured. No noti of withdrawal required, American currency bought and sold. 'D. 87'0W hEDDIN, Agent. EA.NTON' S PRINC COOLS ,ARE TO HAN D. LOVELY DRESS GOODS.:. See Them. tseautiful Prints, New Cottons, New Linens, New Sun Hats, Cheapest he Ever Sold. ANOTHER LOT OF THAT CHOICE 66 ct. TEA. A FEW MORE CASES BLOATERS AT. RANTON'S JAMES PICRAR Begs to re turn thanke for the patgonage bestowed upon him for the past twenty years by the people of Exeter and surrouding country; and now opening -in all departments -the Largest and Most Complete Stock OF GOODS IN THE COUNTY. COMPRISING DRY GOODS Ready -Made CIothing Millinery Hate & Caps, Groceries, Boots & shoes, Harbware, Creckery DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, TO., TO., All of which will be found to be as low as any other reliable house in the country. Remember this is the Oldest Established House in the County. Opposite the Post Office. THE NEW TARIFF! LAY IN YOTTR SIIPPLIES BEFORE the GREATRISE IN GOODS. THE NEW TARIFF WILL INCREASE TRE PRICE Off'' Every Article in Dry Goods & leading Articles in GROCER. T. G. WILL SELL AS OLD PRICES FOR A SHORT TIME Take advantage of the Chance. ZillIELTSE STOCES ,T OtITTF,AL A and 011EDITO1 N. B.-1500 Tinnets Butter and 100)000 doz. Eggs wanted.---- Highest Price always paid. - THOS. GRR EENWA-Y. orediseommarlanummnnownrsauso Special Notice! EXETER, CREDITON, LUCAN SEEDS von SEEDS GARDE ` •. PLOWER SEEDS d 'E ,D SE DS sritES t 'EO.. GRIT FIN. S, laity Hall Biilldinge, LOND ON, SEEDS is tilt shoo. SEEDS gond for datalogtid gratlt, tsr sole agent for watersi 1A 1;1 RtrfE trice . $2,50, e repots Chula otVer See, tor OLIO AND oND I ALY STAGE leaves Exeter and Crediton about 4 ar CONN`EC'.ClNG 1N LUCAN and arriving in Loi;idon at D A, M. Retur ng, haves City. Hotel rt 2 P', M,, for the above plaeea; arlivinitin Ltix can in time lot' the train (G, '1Y, lt,) g61ng what, COlitlebtirig xl. Exeter With the Clinton Stsge- All paro6ls and fnesaagea etrlotlY attend• e�to, CALi±1.Ext t CES I roprietor,i, Leitaofi, Allam lid, i$14a - 84,t1, F,roni Trans-Atlantio Tor,ARiVED' O.':E. SAIItTll'S buyer, M ..', tIeniierron, returned 3 t t:. eekby , steamship City.ofT3russeis, wbile''r' the) good's he was linying kayo' been arriving for some weeks past ;.,and the assortment is now about'complete in every" 'depart- ment, comprising many lines far under their ordinary yalne,' Put... ther shipments: of similar goods:. will continue to. arrive for some time yet, C. D." SMITH has now become known in the " - British markets as •a'oasli buyer, • and when his buyer calls on a. manufacturer, there the "botto'n prions aro surd to be quoted, for he knows that the invoice and shipping bill have only to reach •. _ their destination, when a cheque for the gold will .be transmitted by next mail, and if he does not ask the lowest possible figure, his neighboring manufacturer will ; and t kn' th whelelalwhene hi uses isoto own14lontreal atahse do '.d'oronto, who sell again to;:the:. general retail trade of this coun- try, buy from`theso same mann faoturers, and hardly guy, gf,thena . • ; pay Dash, it is easy'to understand how Cf•. B. Snaith oaa carryout ea strictly ,his system of asking i the lowest price first time -when' he is in a position to put,that • Pria ower than other retailers u afford to sell. G. 13. MONEY TO LOAN. ' - COUNTY of , PERTH LOAN & SAVINGS • SOCIETY. _Board of Directors: G. 13. Smith, Esq., President ; Jas. Trow Esq., M. P., Vice -President; , R. Hilyard, Esq.,, Age: t Bank of Montreal; Wm. Veal Hutton, Esq.. Geo. McIntyre Keg.; • John Sanderson, 10 eq. ; R..1Tarstone, Secretary and Treasurer; .Bank- ers, Bank of Montreal; Solicitors, Jones &Mo- .' Dougall. The advantages this Company offer to Stock holders are:- lst.-Tne most undoubted security, as the Con stitution allows of no investment except on;Beal Batate. dad.=.Tho continuous investment of monies. c• 3 d. -That as' soon as Savings•B4,nk is of ea eioh Stockholder gets hie proportion of the pnidsa In- addition to dividend on his stook. ' ADVANTAGES TO BORROWERS. lst.-Tse system of re -payments by yearly,'half- yearly, quarterly, or monthly instalments falling due at auol d r , . in tee year, and extending oyer stasnobudlmena scaSutsla ,tru , ire as may suit the borrowers. S - .y; :ail bo allowed Interest on any sum or. spm t o may deposit to meet their"in- 3rd.-Tne expel- SO of examining the Title and drawing t e ortg. +. is regulated by a modoi'ato tariff, not alioei, g t:.e borrower to be overchar- ged. Ch. -Tris Soci et ,' does not sell mortgages. Sib.--Agontr, : r•a r ::, 10.1 to regard all application's for loans as striexly costidential. 0th -Mortgages purchased on the most reliable terms. 7th, -The h •ad oticio is established at St. Mary's. N.B.-The Soetety will commence on the let day. of May noxi to loan money at the Secretary and Treasurers office, corner of Queen and Water streets. St. Mary's, April 21, 1874. S7-ly jIORSE BILLS 1 H-ORSE BILLS 4 SAS 0000000000000000 00 c 000 000 00 0( 0a 0(D oo._, �� - -oo 0,.00000000000000 .c P R I N TE D• AT T:'H " Timesl" Office While you wait for thom.1 nr Horse Cuts are of the latest American signs. , Call and see them. . flo- NEW PUMP FACTORY PUMP$. PUMPS G. BOZ;TON,'HAY would inform the inhabitants of Hay, Stephen and Usborne, that lie rnannfaotures all kinds of pump,., including the MONSINGER PATENT FORCE PUMP ' for which he bas the exclusive right for tbe' above-named townships.' The subscriber feels confident that he can satisfy those in want of pumps, as to workmanship and quality, arid at such,prices that he CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD IN THE DOMINION. MANurAcronv.-One-fourth mile north of the village of Exeter, on. Lot 7, Hay, London Road. N. B.-BAptiir:ing attended to with prompt- ness, and done at reasonable • prices. CEO, BOLTON. Hay, April 16, 1874. ' ' 34-6m. THE JOS. ,WALL, ESTERLY SEEDER AND Cultivator Improved This Machine is now being nniversrllyado;f ted throughout Ontario, and whorevoa used is pronounced to bo exactly what is said of it, and positively what is rtquirod. • • Its advantages over the' Drily aro Many, and it only nue ds tb be even t8 Ymake kno itself this fact, wn eP' 3.114.‘ Wer ry has been apptinted Agent for thin a'ieinit7 find any information which it is in his power to give ho will most willingly furnish, .Farmers will find it to -their add'Ventage to give this achine a trial.,' THE MACffl E 13 F EINI. OFFEREii FOR 111AI fittEi if t for trial the Machine is not roans to rr+ ' • tis stated, it maybe returned., plop Sten a sen p y Z tItkeiltral146 tel, er at iny,�frre�rsidennnoo IC eytot I,�7ytiVi ttibeltfi3 April ; is7;