HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-06-10, Page 26Times -Advocate, June 10, 1992 Sims Ra<i,emsm House fur Dana Web stet, Monthw, Junes 15, 3 p.m. -6 p.m. at S.H.b.H.s (Room llo). 23,24c BRIDI:AU • Ken and Roxanne (nee Over holt) are posed to antennae the safe arrival of their lust child, Joshua Anthony, boon Juts 4, 1992, waighing 7 los. 10 ou. Proud ase GI= and Laura Overholt (Zu Larry and Claudette Br dsau (London). Special thanks to Dr. Hay sod O.B. floor staff of Clinton Public Hospital. 24• CONSITT - A baby brother! Brandon and Ryan are thrilled to announce the safe arri- val of their brother Sean Leslie, been on May 25, 1992 at Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario at 3:17 pp. -man. weighing in at 8 lbs., 1 ate and was 20 112" long Proud proem are Mark and Sandra. Spoiling privileges go to proud grandparents Ray and Marg Conlin, Ktppen and Tom and Jean Tower, Hensall and great-grandparents�Percy and Emma CamA Haines, Seatoeth Special Dr. B. Mack. London, and all the nurses on 4 north and 4 south and in the delivery man. 24nc JOHNS - Murray and Ann are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Lura Charlene on Wednesday, May 27, 1992 weighing 7 lbs. 15 ozs. A sister for Adam and Sarah. Proud grandparents are Lome and Arnie Jean Johns and Gerald and Jane Dearing, Exeter. A great-granddaughter for Dave and Pearl Spence, St. Marys and Mar- jorie Dyk nonan, Exeter. Special thanks to Dr. Gans, Dr. Steed and the nurses at Clinton Public Hospital. 24c recientseFinowWq BALLANTYNE • The family of the late Roy BaU,artyne wish to thank our many friends and relatives and out kind neigh- bours for their beautiful floral tributes, ands and memorial donations in our recent loss of a dear husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. A special thank you to Hopper-Hodtey Funeral Home, Rev. John Hilbom and Bev Robinson for their words of strength and to the ladies of the Exeter United Church for the lovely lunch. A spe- cial thank you to Exeter Villa and all those who sent food to our homes. Your support, thoughtfulness and kindness will always be remembered_ 24nc Bra Ballantyne, Ross and Anna Ballantyne, Gerald and Carmen Ballantyne, Helen and Eric Kine -CENTRALIA UCW - Thank you to all the models who came out and modelled wed- ding gowns for us on May 27. Also.* thank you to all the ladies who gave us their gowns for the evening. Thank you to the la- dies who donated and helped serve a won- derful lunch, to Judy Mills for being M.C. that evening, and to the committee for all the work they have done. Thank you. 24' HODGINS - I wcsaki like to thank my rela- tives, caokinole friends, Whalen and Wesley friends and Rev. and Mrs. Pocock for mak- ing my Surprise birthday party such a de- lightful event. Thank you for the lovely cards, flowers and gifts. Special thanks to my family, especially Sharon and the girls for the delicious cake, ice cream and poach they served, and for all the balloons and dec- orations. It's great to be 70. 24e Audrey Hodgins, Lucas f!), MOORE - Thanks to our neighbours, (needs and relatives for the beautiful cards, flower, gifts and beat wishes we received for eur 25th anniversary. Special apprecia- tion to Tim and Cindy, than aunts, macaw and gmn ndperenu far penning and a great sysdOg on the 30th.9 o everyone who at- tended, u was a celebration we will never (erect. 24' Lloyd and Carol MORENZ • I would like to thank everyone who helped end up my cattle last weak. Special thanks to Louis Dietrich for the use of his loam, and to Steven and Dennis Die- trich for their took and trailer, to James Snyder for his uudk and to the Kinsman men and their horses. Your help was deeply sp- ied. 4n Hugh PASSMORE - I would like to express my thanks to my family, friends and neighbours for the flowers, mom, cards and vista I re- ceived while in the hospital and since return- ing home. Special thanks to my sister Feme for keeping me company. It was all greatly appreciated. 24' Audrey ROWLAND - We would like to thank our relatives and treads for helping utato cele- brate our 35th wedding anniversary. You made our night. 24' Noah and Dolores BATHS DEVINE - At Strathroy General Howisal on Saturday. June 6, 1992, Susie Ella sjar- dine) Devine of Oratd Bend; in icer 96th year. Beloved wife of the late Honry Devine (1960). Dear mother of Mrs. Elda Mims of Grad Bend and mother-in-law of Mrs. Hedy Devine of Exeter. Predeceased by her son Ervin Devine (1986) and son-in-law El- gin Adams (1985) and an infant daughter la Odera (1924).grandmother of of Elaine andVendee/tap Bill V of Yvonne and Howard Headrick of RR 2, Cre- diton, Pally and Lanny Scrimegour of Lon- don, Pauline and Don Hendrick of Wyo- ming. Also loved by 13 great-grandchildren and 2 great -great-grandchildren. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood with visitation on Mon- day afternoon and evening and where the Funeral Service was held on Tuesday,.Jute 9, 1992 at 2 p.m. Pastor Colin Stover offi- ciated. Itnerrhent Grand Bend Cemetery. Donations to the Hears & Snake Founda- tion, Grand Bed United Church Memorial Fund or charity of choice would be appre- ciated by the family. 24 BERN - At South Hatton Hospital, Exeter, on Tuesday, June 2, 1992, Gladys L Hern (Earl) of Exeter and formerly of Usborte Twp. in her 84th year. Beloved wife of the late Harold Hem (1969) and dear mother and mother-in-law of Harry and Clarice Hein, Bob and Mabel Bern, all of Usbome Twp. Dear grandmother of Ivan and Brenda Hein, Nancy Knight, Sandra and Marty An- gus, Linda and John Wueth, Fred and Mi- chelle Hem and Rob Hexa Also surviving are 10 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Hem was 1985.predeceased by her Dear sister °f 'fano Derek in Hazel Pullen of St. Mar- ys and dear sister-in-law of Mumma Fid of Exeter. Gladys was predeceased by her sis- ter M r} rile Brock and her brother Angus the St., Exeter for Funeraln Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9, where the funeral service was held on Thursday, June 4 at 2 p.m. with Rev. John Hilbom officiating. In- terment in Zion Cemetery. 24c EI\TTS htk CRAWPORD - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, who passed away 20 years ago, June 12, 1972. Softly we of eine ow we loved, And think of the past, Memories deepen as life travels on, Love and iemanbranoe fait Lovingly remembered by Basil, Phyllis, Darla, Dennis. 24' CRAWFORD - In loving memory of our dear father and grandfather, Ozzie, who passed away 20 years ago, June 12, 1 . If memories were a stairway, we would fly up to mminisoe, the good and the sad times, if only we could hug you - We see you in the sunshine in early morn- ing. We gear you in the breeze, we watch the sparkle on snow - so like your sparkling Remember little Shim Shay. Oh Dad and Grants% we heye tried hard, to keep the promises ttaestlds you, but it is not easy - Your wisdom was great, if only you could have stayed longer - You are in our hears, in every breath we take, through laughter and teen. Love u strong, it never fades. Life is only a whisper in time. We miss you deeply, but your spirit is alive and sirens in each dm. You are with your dearest love. Rest dear Dad and Grandpa, we love; you. Remembered with love, Roe, Pat, Sue and Bill. 24c HACKNEY - In loving memory of Lloyd J Hadosey, who passed away 5 years ago on Beautiful memories are wonderful things, They but the longest day, They never wear out, they never get loat, They can never be given away. To some you may be faugouen, To °then a pan of the past, But to us who have loved yet and lost you, Your mayynory will always last Lovingly and sadly missed his wife Doris and PASSMORE - In loving memory of Dennis Passmore, who passed away 9 years ago, June 12, 1983. A bouquet of roses just for you, Slprmkied with teardrops instead of dew, And in the centre a forget-me-not, To let you know we havent forgot Dearly loved and so sadly missed by Mom, Gerd and family. 24' RATZ - In loving ca=nny of our dear son and brother, Glen, who passed away Jute 14, 1970. Time slips by, but amarines stay, Quietly remembered every day, No longer here our lives to share, But in OUT beans, 're always there. a Lovingly remr, embertd by Mom, Dad, Larry 24 TURNBULL - In loving manory of a dear mother and father, Ida and Max Turnbull, who passed away Jane 9, 1976 and June 3, 1981. It's sad how we take life for granted. How we never know what lies ahead, We often think and wonder, About the words we should have said. Even though you sadly left us, Life for us must still go on. But we'll never forget you, After all the years haveone. Lovingly remembered by Elva and Lloyd Lampert. 24' 4. (NUIICH D1REITOIW EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge 235-2661 Sunday, June 14 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m./doming Worship . 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday, 7 p.m. Bible Study Everyone Welcome EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main St. North Pastor Rev. Sieds Vander Meer 235-1 Worship Services June 14 10:00 a.m. 790 p.m. Nursery Available Everyone Welcome Sunday Radio CKNX 920 10:30 am. Daily T.V. Fait 20 Global 6:30 a.m. There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching down and lifting some- one up. EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30-1190 a.m. Fellowship Time 1190 aim. Family Bible Hour 600 p.m. Communion Service Nursery Available Tuesday evenings 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study All services are held at 94 Orchard Street Exeter Everyone Wel oma For mora inkanation please oaf tri14981 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Dashwood Pastor LARRY STOJKOVIC Sunday, June 14 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service Everyone Welcome BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East, Exeter Minister REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN Sunday, June 14 10:00 am. Worship 11:10 am. Sunday School Nursery available 7:30 p.m. Worship Everybody wekome Come and Worship with us to EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 670 Mart, St. S. Pasbr Vempn Dear( Assistant Pastor Kevin D. Sunday, June 14 10.06 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 790 p.m. Celebration Servide Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Family Night Programs for all ages. Nursery available for all services 'A place to meet God and a blend' • TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH 264 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario The Rev. Fay M. Patterson First Sunday atter Pentecost Trinity Sunday June .14, 1992 11:15 am. Holy Eucharist Church School Nursery Available Everyone Welcome EXETER UNITED CHURCH Comer of James and Andrew St Ministry The Rev. John C. Hilbom Mrs. Bev Robinson The Rev. Grant L. Mills (Minister Emeritus) Director of Music Ralph C. Topp June 14, 1992 - 11:00 a.m. Trinity Sunday Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Meditation: 'All Things Hold Togetherl' Sunday School - Open Session Grades 1-6 Jury 5 -Sept. 6 Age 9 and under will have Junior Congregation Courtesy Car: Bill Brack 235-0323 Everyone Welcome CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 68 Main Street South 236-2784 Minister: Rev. Mark B. Gaskin Organist: Miss Carolyn Love Sunday, Jute 14 11:16 a.m. Worship service with Sacrament of Communion Everyone Welcome PARKHILL OP77MLS7S SA'a 40'a DANCE with SPLASH, Saturday June 13, 9-1. Padchill Arena. Ages 19-90. Dress code: 50s•60s. Tickets $5.00 advance, $6.00 at the door. Gll Wak 294.6360. 22-24c STRAWBERRY AND HAM SUPPER, Thursday, Junc 18, 5 p.m. to 7 pm., Brin- sky Sr. Mary's Church. 22.24c HENSALL SPRING PAIR, June 12 and 13. Parade 12 noon on Saturday. Midway, Western horse shows, sheep show, 40th An- niversary calf club, show and sale. Breakfast Saturday morning, 7 am. -10 am. at Hensall Community Centre. For mom information 2344213. 22-24c USBORNE SESQUICENTENNIAL Oar Rally. Sunday, Junc 14. Registration from 11-2 at Kirkton•Woodhan Ccn munit Cen- tre: S2 per registrant Bnundt from 11-2, $2 per person. Prizes, fun for the whole family. 23,24c LAMBTOW HERITAGE MUSEUM Doll Show and Sale, Saturday and Sunday, June 13 and 14, 11 to 4 pm. both days. Porcelain dolls, mop dolls, ribbon dolls. Something for everyone. 24c TRIVTIT MEMORIAL, ACW are bolding their annual October 7 and the ba Saturday, rar No- vember 21. 24• HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNTI' Adult Health Clinic. Location: Hcadh Unit Office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Date: Tuesday, Jute 16, 1992. Time: 9:00-11:30 am.; 1:00-3:30 p.m. 1. Health Counselling; 2. Foot Care (fee); 3. Blood pressure testing. 24c BLYTH RUTABAGA FESTIVAL. Tum up in Blyth with the entire family for les of fun June 26-28, 1992. Rutabaga souvenirs on sale this Sataaday to Blyth. Saturday, June 27 promises a fun -filled rutabaga pa- rade at 11 a.m., midway all weekend, family games, Xyo,craft show and much more. Cao 523-4545..,g24c STRAWBERRY AND HAM SUPPER, Holy Trinity Anglian Church, Lucan, Wednesday, June 24, 5-8 p.m. Adults $7.00; children 12 and under 53.00; preschoolers free. 24,25,(26)c FUNDRAISING AUCTION. Town and Country Homemakers is holding a fundrais- ing auction Saturday, June 13, stetting at 1:00 p m at South Huron District H Sd►ool in Exeter. Proceeds to assist clients with the costs of services. 24c HURON BRUCE Federal PC Association Annual Ron Night, Tecswaser, Culross Com - amity Centre, Thursday. June 18. Social 630; Dinner 7:00. Speaker, entertainment Tickets S15.00. Call Steven Spading, 523- 4256. 24c McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP History Book Launch, Saturday, June 20, 1992, West McGillivray Township Hall, West McGillivray (Middlesex Rd. 24). 2 p.m. Souvenirs and extra books available. Re- freshments. 24c OLD TYME FIDDLE JAMBOREE; Country and Western singing and dancing, Atwood Community Centre, Sundayy, June 14, 1 p.m. -7 Pork barbecue, refreslamatu. Proceeds to the Canadian Cancer Society. 244 STRAWBERRY AND HAM SUPPER, Greenway United Church, Saturday, June 13, .1992 Supper served 5 to 7. Adults 58.00; children under 12 $4.00. 24c Granton Mud Run Sat. & Sun. June 20.21 Registration 8 a.m. June 20 County Rd. 51, 1 km. north of Granton Entry fee $30.00 Weekend pass is $12.00 General daily admission $7.00 Kids under 12 free Fun begins at noon ' 200 ft. mud pit • 300 ft. sand pit • show and shine dash for cash • camping available Prospect Hill Campground For information call Kevin 225-2824 Dashwood United Church Ham & Strawberry Supper June 17.5 - 8 p.m. at Dashwood Community Centre Adults $7.00, Children $3.50, pre-school free Take-outs 504 extra Buck 83 Doe Gerard Regier and Lisa Ziler Fri. June 12 For information call 236-4701 or 237-3487 1 1 1 1 Or REWARD Yourself With Travel DAY TRIPS 1 1 1 It 1' 1. July 15 1 rneatre1 X- Joseph and Amazing 1 1 Technicolor Dream Coat Il 1 ' 8 seats left 1 1 2. August 20 1 1 Theatre 1 1 ' Evka 1 3. - Garth Brookember s Concert 1 C.N.E. 1; 14. November 26 1! 1 NFL Football 11 1 Houston vs Detroit Lions 1 1 - Tailgate Party 1 1 5. September 15, 1993 I' 1 Theatre II * Miss Saigon I 1 OVERNIGHT 1 ITOURS 1 1. August 21-23 1 1 Chautauqua N.Y. 1 Featuring Ray Charles anc4 1 Tammy Wynette ' I 1 2. September 12-25 1 Atlantic Provinces 1 APlus Montreal, Quebec w City and Lake Placid �b 13. November 21-22 I 1Festival of Lights 1 Victor Sorge and The Statler Brothers SUMMER HOLIDAYS See us for details on ac- 1 commodation in 1 VERMONT 1 QUEBEC ONTARIO X MICHIGAN • For further details call Doug Ellison Happy 55th Anniversary Harry Ruby Beaver June 10, 1992 ELUSON TRAVEL Old Town Hall, Ex** 14004654022 or 519-235-2000 nni? HURON COUNTRY PIAYHOUSE T IILATRE•IN•rIL•i ol'NTRv Come and celebrate the 150th Anniversary of STEPHEN •iUWNSHI{' Three Tures Fifty Stephen It Township •a e At a special preview performance of Rodgers and Hammerstein's The Sound of Music Sponsored by Friday June 12 8:30 p.m. Adults - $20.70, Youth - $13.95 General Admission RR 1 fagind Bond M041000 1 4 M1 The Congregation of Exeter Bible Fellowship Cordially invites You, our Neighbors, to two informal evenings of music, testimony, puppetry and refreshments. Sat. June 13 at 7 p.m. at the Blyth Christian Puppeteers and Sun. June 14 at 7:30 p.m. the Bantseen Family - native Russians who have made their home in Lucan, Ont. will be ministering in music and testimony -skoMrsa-Sisaron-Parker Bring the entire family or bring a friend and come see our new facilities at 94 Orchard St. Exeter For more information call: Dwight Kinsman 229-6588 or Dave Isaac 234-6709 A CAPPELLA SENSATION 4 SHADOW Live in Concert • One Night Only • All New Songs Also featuring the Jazz talent of DAVID JONES TRIO - at Althouse College Auditorium, Western Rd. just South of Sarnia Rd. London Sat. June 13,1992 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets available at the Grand 'Theatre Box Office 6724800 or 229-6608 Tickets $6.00 all a es