HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-5-7, Page 2ier
Eve‘ry Thursday Mornin
AT TUX once,
PP 9411"g ill Ota,S9N/ PAli
yer,'MMura, P8,y010 *treaty, in. etivietee,
SUDgcrirtikat tuk0u101'1004 'OAR AlAzeoutet.
JUITS. Or Any vinnswo.
PirA 11114040n vey, Rue,.
T.)194 Olibliintle-Pt eneertida Per , . see
eayertisemouteQ strayed cattle, m110104104 or
oiu..te„ not exteediw ten iines-first month.
14,00; 080k buloi8tment month, 50 eents.
Notices of births marriages 4nd deaths Inserted
advertitteMents Without' Specific directions will,
;to ineertld till•lorbW,'sud'atterged accordingly.
Advert; cm'Onti t,9 be eteetteed by MOS Ot
ao noupariel,
YEA ear GREENE ree'S
Tee tonewiee retteewlit be chargeor aparty
taavarnamaeuts:-. '
exa 8 mos. MOS.
One Ooluxan 860 ...88,5 .....,......423
Half 33 • ;23 , 16
Zighth N„,...„.
n tuaA,300,rds, six linos and. under, eti;ste to to
er .
EX,E,T440,, , 1874
,ket in GIA Senate.
How nice it is fornsen lzi the posittim
of our, senatoas to make laws beaiittki
•upon the sale'of liquors -what mann*,
:nimity theie Senate/et possessr They'
legislate for'oUr benefit, ma look after
their countrywelfare. :When asked
to take steps towards the, abolition of
liquor, we ate'teld it will receive their
hearty ettentisiin led when asked to
conerneoceethe ,griate work themselves,
by Abolishing the bar of tbeir chambers,
they sing a ,inedley
„ Not for Toe,
Heigh hi ho
Attie more cider we namii have,
And whiskey t, our throats to lave,
RE .111.11.310.4' 01' 11U110.r.
Like many other bilk now brought
•up in ;the House. the one brought in by
Mr. Caneeron, for th&re-division of the
CountytOf Huron for electoral purposes,
;need which has yet to rieceiv.e - its third
mading, is net without its faults. To
Mr. Cameron himself, in whose inter-
est peineipielly the bill bag been brought
.befare the Heuseaevery word and every
:seeetence it contains is full of indispen-
;sable conditions. Mr. Cameron, fully
aware of the 'fact that the law's strong
arm is now Stretched, over his being,
wishes btr seine raeans to so arrange
matters that in case: the .protest now
entered should tell unfavorably for him,
he or some other gentleman of like po-
litical faith might run the gauntlet with
less risk than at the late election. What
we mean els simply this: that should
Mr. Cameron be unseated (and without
question he will), the bill he has brought
before • the , House does not provide
Against Tackersinith voting at the elec-
tion which would then take place. The
priyiteget of one municipality being eh-
franchisa ta vete. Air two nembers for
the samk'eleetioo, end .for the same
House;lias no precedent whatever. At
the late election for the Dominion
HonseTuckersmith was in the Centre
Didinge and its people voted for either
Horton Or Mr. Crabbe, and now
they fetree represented: by the former
nenteenean. .The bill spoken of is
brought ett this early stage to no
other end than the enfranchising of
Tackersmith tte rote at the election
whick wilt .perforce of circumstances
take place:in a feiv Months at least. In
the name of all justice, we ask, is this a
Air or in honorable way of dealing?
f the battle is to be fought neer again,
let ithe 'fougat with the Same forces
And on the: Same' groand :as the one
was which will shortly be declared void.
If Mr. Cameron eould teat Mr. Green-
way en easily att elest two elections,
befaia means, why reed he be in such
alaste to:have the Township of Tucker-
eraith brought' to his aid? As to fu-
eureelictieba; We; of course, have to
submit to' the majority, and let the bill
passebut Ytertihould' see some
nprovisciireade"ae to the late election.
tkwt btve of bolauptcy. 8,,000,000
ituut ),)(1 Ackied 'tti that l'ettentlel And
thou how eicely aitialgegy the mouthe
ot the imPOrtenime aftetehei who had
a road, e ditch, or anything worth pro,
usieina, tpronneed them would be eile
encea, But the Oen wee pearcely
that maturity o duel elone. When
anewaddled our merchants our brew-.
era, our irooniongers awl dealers ef eta
ery politicel shade, crowded arouod,
and pointed, with nieneeing ileger, to
the defects which covered it (roue Op
to bottom,
_ 1u the eecond plea% Certwright pew
that he had no other, alternative than
to reanoe the.tariff, which was accord-
ingly (lonet not on everything but On
the majority, and raised oe others, If
there was a deat to the amount 8aid,
'which required to be paid, how is this
oow to be raised if the amount imposed
was correct and it is now lessened, The
difference between the rise on some ar-
ticles aud the those wham' have been
lowered will not such a Medium as to
espial the rate before revieion„ On the
contrary, it is lunch bele*. If the
teriff only met the eatenKits of the
debt, it doee not eliolK ,eein ,full of
wisdom toles/ter it, ancithus keep the
isometry in debt,
The Garnishee RM.
he following is the text elf Mr. Mer-
edith's Act to amend the law relating
to the attachment of debts as respects
:the wage e ahd salaries of mechanics
Why e ni
et as an nterrogateye,but as
ten 4ffiereation, ten assertion if you
please,' ki3lere. )12,14 this article thus.
. We intendeshowing why an impost du -
was placed upon almost' every area.
scle of, coastunptiont ad the coarse of A
few 41a reeeiilsd , stab and reeled
back again into ita fernier state.; or, at
,least the greater part of it. Taken on
the whole; thane is true little in its fin-
essing, Which We as apeopte ha,ye to be
„Iirst pia e, things have been
: ordered got go'it•is said,' by the defeat
of the John A. Goteeithment. 'Allowed
But why all thig silYstering ? If we
have ben (sensed tereuble by the,alleged
recilogiess oi a defeated minister: is it
not wise to eoeconclucit'ahe 'affairs of
EitiA181164” 3"Vrli) *SOP , not he 'plaised in :a
worse TPOS'itiaa, The " &MOUS budget
spee,ph." ,recetvea.eulogy upon eulogy
I •
at the hataleeef grit editors. Was it a
geSepling speech P In so tar as ore-
, .
tory and CoMpettition are concerted it
wake. Met ea, sucoeas Nothing cause's
a mnt'e ,notie'eahla Sensation than an in.
, Creased And direct taxation, and Why
Iteeti attetiv‘woridered to heat of dept
intetiatt. (40, Oepittatiort interViewing
ahe Vitianealiniater, seekittg or a rei•
modelling' 'of the tariff. 'There was a
neeesSitY tor the irierease Of 'taxation,
ahOugh, • triAo present Goverriment
aiaya padelitninberlesst oveitiaree and
omisee,toeonsteente in all parts of
the Donsmion,, eine ot theSe were
made in3004,1itith'i,whilst °there Were
,Mado atIl*OMp '110e to satisfy the
egtile i'40g,fitlifile1t1t job than
nisaiterortaiAintInnOe., in 'feet, a
tplos 4414040 *4,1eft by .lehh
for tlitiposit 1)30. wite4,040.,
pot', *hat •Siat4 tettiiit4 hot
only a 4to: brit g,the est0Aates,
*tpeuditutesoitc., ,41Ofie to a broaVii,"
Wei the nett littl OPeratiora The botle
get *AS illbsti with 'glaring disolosureel
444 :0,00.00401A tla„ootintry
andeethers »; '
1. Xo deat due or accruing to a me-
ehanic, workman, laborer, servant,
clerk or empleyess for, or in respect of,
his wages or eatery, shall after the first
day of October next, be liable to seizure
or attaclunent, under the provisions of
the Common Law etrocedure Act, or of
the Act passed in the thirty-second year
of Her Majesty's reign, Mauled, "An
Act to ameed the Acts respecting Divi-
sion Courts,” or under the provisions
of another Act relating to the attach-
ment or garnisbeetnent of debts unless
such debt shall eacned tlee suin of twen-
ty-five dollars; and thee only to the ex-
tent of such excess.
2. Nothing in this Act contained shall
affect or inapair the rig,lat or remedies
of any eteditor whose 'debt leas been
heretofore contracted or shall be con-
tracted before the saidfirst day of Octo-
ber next.
8. All acts inconsistent with this Act
are hereby repealed.
THE conventionalities of Montreal
society have received arude alma. Two
boxes of tea were stolen frono. a etore,
possibly on account of the high tariff.
It seems to require an invitation to
"take tea" down there.
A LARGE party of agricultural labor-
ers have left England for,Canada by the
Allan steamer, and every week will
send more on their way to the Domin-
ion. On the 7th inst. a party of labor.
ers, with their wives and families, num-
bering 150 souls, leave for this Province
by the Caspian.
HERE is another case. A. woman in
Omaha committed suicide just because
her husband got mad and. swore at her,
and all the reason he had for doing so
was the finding of a horse -fly in a pan-
cake. Merely a dead horse -fly! The
unfeeling wretch 1 Had he found a
dead horse without the fly, he might
have had a tair cause for his unpunctu-
ated remonstrance. Such men should
not have sensitive wives.
JACK SULLTVAN, hailing from Hamil-
ten, was tried on Thursday before Mr.
Justice Wilson at Guelph, for rape com-
mitted on the person 'of a little girl nos
five years old, daughter of Mr. Robert
Crawford, watchmither of thatgplace on
the 18th March. Sullivan had no one
to defend hies, and the Judge appoint-
ed Mr. j. P. McMillan to conduct the
defence. Mr. Fleming acted as Crown
prosecutor. The evidence was much
the same as given at the examination
at the Police Court, and fully establish-
ed the prisoner's guilt. He was found
guilty, and before being sentenced
made quite a speech, pleading for xner-
oy. The Judge sentenced him to be
hanged on the 29th Of June.
IT was a grand thing for Canada that
the present Government Were forced to
abandon their intention of building
public works with the aid of Chinamen:
Living, they are a nuisance; dead, a to-
tal loss. In a cargo' brought from' San
Francisco to Portheed, some days ago,
,was nneee than a ton of deceased Chi-
nese, en route to the islands of the blest,
via the Flowery Kingdom. Just as the
pagans of Honaer's time believed that
the soul of annnburied hero wandered
naked and unbound upon the Stygian
coast, so these heathen • Chinese hold
that in order to have eternal repose,
thetr remains after death must lie jn
the bosom of the land that gave them
birth. Reece we have no phosphates
from the bones of the buried Chinese
enriching the vegetation of the Pacific
coast. ' The almond -eyed Celestial is a
thrifty felleve hat he would spend hie
last marervedi to sebure #4 lateen of a
friend's rtns China, 'It fs expena
sive too, tnera preparation 9f the
cadaver'foiiransPortation costs $25 at
least. whilie the peeking, ete., tteldgrbat-
ly to the expense.
Thigeelay pfl
Another conviet lute walked oil frOne
Sing Sing.
Port alope has e1eeted its base ball
()Moore, end feels relieved.
Royal George won the Metropolitan
stakes M Epsonyesterday.
Stephen i-lood, a nuirdereat Woe
hanged at Cleveland yesterday.
A eixty-eight pound maskinonge wait
caught in Kirgston harbor yesterday.
1).r. Masson, of Montreal, has ;et in.
to trouble by testing up a legal ducat
' A Weereer Snots' te Berieseei.-The
New Orleans Ilepiublican says that a few
nights ago' the yeeidence Of "ItIre'Weige;'
in that city wee eetered by two berg,
tars, 'The gentlealan we:whet et IMMO
and 'hie 'wife Was In- • bed:. The-felldwe
handled her renighly, Wuding-lier and,
threatened to kill het' if she did not int
steritly inforM theni where' the valua-
bles 'were, stored: She reluotantly ooni
plied, and °the resettle .stole abont $809
tvoith f tikepeety,- Havitig' progueed,
the Minnie ehd 01/10; HiOney,' One 01
theta:unbound the 1ady hha the r' two
tobbers hastily retired, hut their motet -
instate Were not eie tepid as "thelady's.
The laetaht their 6010 Were Italia
V1`f3 WPi811 secured a pistol and, de-
liberately fired "fit blade at the retreating
figetkes,:firid het hitt' was good, as seln
(Sentient ;Areas proved; Oho 'of the
lams retitrued 4; fired" and fteized
held. of heie 'hatted 'clot/Meg &Aug, thitt
she suceeeded la releasirig herself, then
ran t� the trout, dear anttoriei or help.
Oa this both' burglars escaped. ,Oii
Making an etateMatiori Oftbe peemnseit
Ditte,etnee" Neel% diseoVered filet the
pitothad lute its titttynn blood teae
foam] .tt several placesi 'and the were
signs fleet the Wontided Man ittattibled
eiree the etetere, eitheeintoneegaithee of
'IS wound � 660,1146 of hig hipto.
1"Sliet‘yoral attempted rohlJerios have
been nipped in the buddit Hamilton of
oPalle stole $30,000 worth ale:aids
from his uncle iii Westchester pantry,'
A. branch of, the Liberal,Consereative
Association has been formed at Cense-
Young Kenney lz Coritiog, of Yar-
mouth, have failed. to the tune of $400,-
000. .
Niegara aspires to having a fruit can-
niag company With a- capital of $25,-.
The sehooaer Witevanesh ran ashore
near Milford while trying to save
man's life.
A. New York lady was robbed of $5,-
000 worth of diamonds by her servant
John Given, wile shot a: policeman
on Saturday night in New York, has
been arrested. '
Rev. Mr. Spring, of.New Hamburg,
was presented with a purse of money
by his flock.
Part of a human skeleton was found
in a house In Hamilton yesterday.
Another vote lost.
Thirty tee nf the London
Board of trade have -withdrawn from
it in high dudgeon.. Politics.
Fonr rafts -men were killed about,
twenty miles from Philadelphia yester-
day by a Pacific express train.
It is rumored in Ottawa that Mr.
Blake will re-enter the Cabinet, and
that Sir. A. T. Galt will be asked to
Keating was sentenced to three years
imprisonment at London yesterday for
stealing a watch. Time is money.
Gelatin' Murray, of the confiscated
Canadian schooner Mary Merrill, has
sueceeded in securing her release at
Bishop Crinnan will leave Hamilton
for Rome on the 23rd May to pay his
reverence to the Pope in honor of his
own appointrcient.
i The Grand Trunk railway employees
between Kingston and Belleville gave
a supper and a present to D. Menish,
at the Kingston works on his departing
from there.
Onllia is to have a fine hotel shortly
and a 'unique and handsome railway
station has been lately built on the line
of the Northern Railway, about half a
mile from the hotel.
Hon. Mr. Crooks, Provincial treas-
urer, and Hon. Mr. Frazer, commis-
sioner of Public Works, visited Lon-
don Lunatic Asylum yesterday -of
their own free will, of course.
A new schooner was launched at
Port Burwell yesterday aud named the
Lewis Ross, as a compliment to the
member of the House of Ccmmons for
East Duiham. Such is farre.
Friday May 1.
Ottawa has been visited by anether
Forty emigrant boys have arrived in
'Quebec had five inciaes of snow yes-
Mrs. Blue's barn wasb urned at Wood-
ford yesterday.
Boiling soap in a back yard caused.
a $50,000 fire in Peterborol yesterday..
McDonald arid Miller, the two burg-
lars who were arrested and -convicted.
in Berlin, broke jail and escaped.
Three boys were buried, by ',a bank
falling -upon them at 8t. Catharines
yesterday. They were got out aliv e.
Johnny Irvine, son of a St. Larabe rt's
hotel -keeper, was accidentally shet by a
oorapapion while out sheeting..
The Baxter -Brooks iMbroglip in
leapsas &still continues. There. -were
nine men killed yesteaday, and about
thirty wounded.
W. IL ,iIarrison, arrested on suspi-
cion of having fired a theatre of which
he was treasurer, has been honorably.
Three men, of the engineer cops of
the New . York and Canada Railway
Company were drowned near Port
Fleury, N. Y., yesterday.
A. ied named Hayes feltfrom the top
o i eget atHamiltett station yesterday,
and has had. to "havelhis leg amputated
Rev. Mrellunter, W. lef. minister
of Ottawa, has received a call from an
Ainerica,n congregatiOn, -offering' $4,t
000 and a free parsonage.
Te population, of liamilton
withio feection a thirty-two thouse
A laalk Poinlei Siupeoi ee tn. tail at
Niagara for 1)igamY, and tried to fire
tit() place.
lottiebY, no't to be belind the age,
had a fire yesterday' -W. E. Foe's'
1,101180 being barned.t '
Tile worknien on the Welland Canal
, .
have struck work fofinoee. pay. They,
want $1.50 a. day.
Mrs, Halliday's betas° in Aurora, and
the W. X. Chttreh;ladjoilting, liatre
been burned (Iowa,
A "bloodleis amputation" has heete,
joe Waite, a naurdeter who was seri-
teemed to, be hangial fa -day killed , his
keeePer at 'Catskill `bY'sinashing,in his
skull. The popotece .,threaten to lynch
Inns, ; •
Stelae ,Sonator Berbee end it .naan.
named Davis, both colored) Inteetsuaa
'the lamisiana .loeliey: Club for ;$5,000
tor tefusing tojell theni badges for a
late intl. Meeting. '
A. man named Ilammet,,t4,Wife two
children, a hired inar,i and boy,,were all
'burned to death near,,Pittsbarg, Pa.,
yeaterda,y. It is, suspeeted that they
were first robbed an. the nouse fired to
cover' the orate, •
• k peeson named Eaton propetee to.
prove that 'another pereen by the name
d Webster defrauded him of $275,000
bya fradutnit, patent right. The par.,
,ties live hear Montreal -the hettet at
preseat residiug iri jail, , '
Satu111rday ity' 2.,
,Nevigation is new open at Penetaen
girtliadk‘H�rne liote- near Ayr,
wits batted dowa yeeteedaytr
A London 'Yontlit$4,4'4fit *10410
tie leank---ean ievittieZtioei Ift
Atlantle steamship lints are re/1040g
their ',rates on aeoonit f eeroppAtiollo
performed at Hamilton hospital, for the,
first time there.
St. Catherines'police force have got
new uniferms end iho rest of 'the in-
habitants are jealous.
The suspected'enurderers.of Terrance
Need liana, at St. Catherines, have been
arrested at Uxbridge,
Canadien veterans who fought intthe
wars of 1812, arenow entitled to a per.
=need pension' of is. 6d, per day.
Two small houses were bornednn
Hamilton yesterdey by , an incendiary.
One woman escaped by jumping out of
a window into her husband's arms.
Another ' prisoner climbed the jail
yard at Hamilton and escaped. Alt,
they have to do there when they grow
restless is to get over a fence landtfonnt
The police have been called in token"),
order in the House ef Assembly, Nova
Scotia, as a reault of Mr, W odworth'e
expulsion for "speaking out in meet-
A man in Boston picked up a parcel
of $10,000 at the merchants' Balla
walked off. Sonte men are born rich,
upon them. This man hurried his:for-
tune along.
day left Pine Bluffs onboard the steamer
tie' attack Deeds, ref erving the 3teanier
at New Gascony, His force was 40
Mounted. mon, with horses from plun.
&red atables, 200 foot soldiere, well
armed.; while Brooke' numbered about
100, who were poorly armed, and were
using birdsbot for enutlaaition, atolonel
White sarounded the atore whieli they
occupied, an etteagemeet opened with
a voley of ballets. 33roolcsinienreturn.
edtJ fire,but were soon overpowered,
taken prisoners, and all diserened. On
Brooks" side there were ten negroes
killec), and twenty wounded, Of Bea-
tere' force hr if of whom were whites,
there were three allied and severel
wounded, Capt. Vandesand, one of
Brooke' leaders, was dangerously
Wunoled. The wounded were left at
New Gasconyeandsurgeoes went to the
village to attend to them.
The Democratic Oons tryative C'entral
Committee call upon the people to stand
by Baxter. About fifty of the old Con.
fdeeate comrades of General Fagan,
who has assimied the, command of the
Brooks forces, publish an address de-
nouncing the General's course. About
25 Democrats publish an oddress advis-
ing the people to steed by Brooks.
Monday May 4.
The Brown -Schaff race ha's been fix-
ed for the 8th of July.
Five hundred immigrants have ar-
rived at Kingston eince Januray.
George Buchanan stabbed his broth-
er in Burlington on Saturday.:
The ten-hour system is once more
agitating the workmen of New York. a
Ann Hunt, for poisoning Eliza Beate;
nen was hanged at Augusta Georgiaeue
The inquiry into the death of Cork.
indale at Strathroy is' still in progress.'
An insane man murdered his father
with an axe in Portland on Saturday.
Steerage passengers are now carried
from Liverpool to New York for $15.
The Hudson policeman who was as
saulted by a condemned felon, is still
alive, but failing.
The steamer City of London on her
way to Collingwood has got stuck in the
ice at Thornbury.
The steamship Waldensia,n, from
Glasgow, 16 cabin and 886 steerage
passengers, has arrived.
Mr. N. F. Patterson, of Beverton
met with a serious buggy accident on
Saturday, while driving.
The brain of the murderer Waltz.
who was hanged, was sent to Albany
for scientific purposes.
A horrible crime has been commit.
ted near St. John, where a mother sold
her daughter to the keeper of a brothel..
The Bostons and the Mutuals, of
New York, have had their first base -ball
tussel. Score 12 to 3, in favor of Bost.
About $50,000 worth of blood horses
were burned at New Bedford, Mass.,
among others Heenbletonian, valued at
THE CASII STORE.--13roderiek
says a
word in our adv'g columns.
GOOD FOR HUNAEB,.---7L. Hunter'S
hem " Yoang Coachman," took' elsa
prize at the Chatham' litre and. the.$20
prize at Thamesvillet. , , ,
MATRIMONIAL. -Issuers of marriage la
(senses must render up their accounts,
preparatory to the operations of the
new law, by the 1st of July next,
Liver.,e.-The Termite Sun is thelive-
linst of our exchanges. Its editorials
are -written with a masterly pen, and
di la s the cl it d t f th
y re
The murderer of the Hammet faintly
has been arrested, and made a full con-
fession. His name is Mentzenge and
his object was plunder.
C. F. King was shot at Indiaaapolis
by Adolph Wurgler, who has been ar-
rested. They were both agents of the
Singer Sewing Machine Company.
Chicago has two, murderson Satur-
day -John Hulbert was found murdeen
ed in his bed, and Thos. Braddon was
shot through the breast by.a rival. lov-
Two negroes , perpetrated a fearful
outrage upon ahoy at Baltimore. They
scarred him with red hot, irons, and:
then poured turpentine an him and set:
him on fire. ' '
A committee has be appointed in
Ottawa to examine into the methods in
-yogue in Australia, the United States
seed other countries in compiling offi-
cial reports of the Parliamentary de -
The amount ofdluties colleeted in Ot-
tawa (Airing the month of April, 1973.
$15,907,50, in 1874 it was $25,940,04
showing an increase over last year of
$13,012,44. The imports for' the past
month reached. $89,258, and for the
same month last year $114,767, show-
ing a decreaste of $25,508. The late-
nt es of the spring and the opening of
nayigation: accaunts for thie decreaseet,
s ie. 4
Despatcheenp till ntidinght, May, 34.
contain the following:-- .Sheriff Vaughn
was 'aerated' to -clay' by King White and
his command left there t this afteie
noon to attack Brooks' force orgabieed
in Arkareses County under Shiltman
.and Savage, amounting to 800 men,
partially armed but not 'well supplied as
regards aernnunitien. It is'stated that
White's command has :been? ,Eatcliing
plantations and impressing hoireeta'
guns; etc, . Majoit. Gee eral Fagan t has
been assigned tooumand all 'State
gaards and Militia in the Stete: Ile
hap appointed his gaff, all of Whoa's. ex.;
bev,t tWo'iaie, like himself, prominent ex-
Confecleratee. The gazette aereerks
edttoriallY that War: ihq4pened hha will
extend .thteugheitt the tais unless the
President takes speedy actioft in the
matte', 4f3rooks and 'Beater fight,' a.
few' mad Xitig Whites *mild Settle the':
present trouble,. Late lest night sevea
ra anherenta of Baxter advanced to
13roo1al 'ling, end fired pistol, 'shots at
his advaueitig' p.ic` gets, Nobody ',was
hart,imd,.strayed pistol,and gun shots
vseies hid At, all behte ,i4the
A number of pettiainent Denioarate, ini
0,11 edit/1582 to the people, say AM after.
tt, 'Arsenal eonsultation with. Brooks
they (teemed the gitizeng Of lus
delity to his ,platferpi of 1872, arattlitit
the elittagc thatal'ao han,httatoba to;
principle for office is utterly ggpmidless
Coloftel King Whiblidendetetratuati
te betty of eavaltraii4infatitty $ester.
ay w an tan 0 0
qle reason he is " digging the patch,"
Senior is in good. humor, His gal- leaelei6It'se gardeu seeds.
All the popular medislues of the day
at Vaii4L10041',W.
Dee= AteoNotee Inn Boansise-We
learn that a aumber of cattle in tale
townships around are dying from the
°fleets of some disease, whieh has, as
yet, net been thereughly understoed.
It is thought that the etettee is A look of
good nutritious food. The grass was
poor last eummer, and the cattle Came
up in the fall en bad coechtioo, and, be-
ing poorly fed this winter, frem the
scarcity of food, there has been e great
numbeeloet-tnoetly cows in calf. The
first symptoms thay present axe an in,
ability to get up and ittel ',apparent
weakness in the legs, but, in reality,
there is a weakness of the whole ner-
vous system, which ie most frequently
seen in cows heavy in calf, from the
extra dritio on their system.
Hot -SE CLEANING. -The time of the
year of grace 1874, has arrived when
the huisband of many woes takes his
weary,limcs homewards, in anxious ex.
peotancy of hot mutton chops and green
peas. Instead of being greeted thus,
he meets a lady called his wife, brae -
dishing sticks in the air and thumping
at the parlor carpet. He makes for
the dining room, and finds the carpet
lifted, and the table, chairs, etc.,:cover-
ed with dist, the dishes still in the cup-
board, and the fire out. Puffing like a
pet lamb after a race, the dear little wife
comes in, lopking, for ail the world, as
if she had undergone a year's bondage
amidst dust and dirt. She gazes at the
blindless windows, and proceeds to blot
the fire, with a mingling of " terms ",
from the Lord of the Manor. Dinnei.
over at 2 p.m., he retires, inwardly vow-
ing never to set foot on such territory
for a week to come. He now is vexed,
and won't go near the house. That is,
lery is second to none, and customers
g0 home satisfied, Change of adver-
tisement next week,
BRONCHITIS. -Unless anested, will
terminate in consumptisn. An almost
never failing cure for this complaint is.
found in Allen's Lung Balsam, which
cep be ead Of any druggist, price ene
dealer per bottle.
Snens.-We must say Mr. Back,
whets° advertisement will readily be
noticed; should receive credit for his
efforts in procuring seecifor the country
astound. Mr. Beck is a, faithful con-
noisseur in this matter.
THE SPORTING " TIMES." -This jour-
nal of the field and flood arrives regu-
larly, and always find a ready perusal.
It columns are crammed with excellent
and interesting matter to all.
" Geir."--The last number of Grip,
the comic paper, was an excellent one.
There were two pages of cartoons in-
stead of one, as formerly. The enlarge-
ment will be permaneet. Bosworth,
Lunn, takes subscriptions.
laesn.--Something of an unusual na-
ture sets the wits of our friends near
the lake all awry. They have caught
white fish some distance up the river, a
thing never, known before. Herring
also have been caught,
THE 'WILD:Av.-A meeting of the
Cricket Club will be held to -morrow
•(Friday) evening, for the transaction of
important business. Members who
have not paid their initiation fee will
please pay the same to the Secretary at
A choice lot of perfumery and Toilet
Articles at Vandusen's. The Council met pursuant
THE THREE Lnees.---The Odd Fel- journment, at the court room,
May 4, 1874.
The Reeve and Councillors Verity
and Pickard present.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and confirmed.
Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by
W. H. Verity, That this Council agree
with the Couucils of Usborne and Hay
as to population of 1871, and that a
by-law be submitted for that purpose at
the next meeting of this Council.--
Moved by
J. Pickard, seeonded by W.
11. Verity, That the clerk be instructed
to communicate with the Government
concerning the agreement of this Coun-
cil and the Councils of Usborne and
Hay, and also to intimate that the
Council of Stephen refuses to accept the
statement of Mr. Tache, of the Census
Department, concerning, the census of
Moved tar J, Pinkard, seconded by W.
H. Verity, Thet an order be granted to
the Treasurer of the School Board for
the sum of $140, being the local grant
Of this village, equivalent to the Gov-
ernment grant of 1873. --carried.
Moved by J. Pickard, seconded by
W. H. Verity, That the Reeve, Mr. Ver-
ity, and the mover be a committee to
superintend the performance of statute
labor foe the present year. -Carried.
On motion theCouncil adjourned un-
til Moeclity, the 18th inst., at half -past
seven p.m. M. EACRETT, Clerk.
lriiInge Council.
ows, of this place, intend holding (D.V.)
their anniversary, on the 2011i inst., 10
the Wesleyan Lecture Room. Exeter.
Jecsok out for a treat, as they intend
making it an interesting time.
LOOK -A -HERE 1 -It cannot be denied
that the TIMES of thirty-two columns is
tb.e BEST (without exception) local paper
in the County of Huron, and the pub-
lishers are bound to make it second to
no country paper in Canada. You can
have it to Jen. 1, 1875 for 75 cents.
Come en t-
-Go to Vandusen's Drug Store for
ure braes Dyes, etc., directly oppo-
site the Central Hotel.
,ItUNAWAY.--011 gatnrday last, a team
belenging to Mr. Ballantyne, Biddulph,
ran away in the village, and before they
cold be stopped by their owner, did
considerable damage to the verandah
in front of Percy & Browning's drug
store, tearing two of the posts out aud
frightening the inhabitants.
. NEARLY A Fine. ---On Monday morn-
ing keit, as the workmen in Mr. Verity's
foundry were casting, some persons
outside noticed flames issuing frem the
roof of the woodshop. Assistance was
at once to, hand, and with some little
inconvenienees and a good deal of hard
work from those present, the flames
4:et:sealed a cheek. Had it not been no-
ticed for a few minutes later, nothing
would bave saved the building.
t Get Dr. Sage's "Cate rrh Remedy at
V aridusenee
Accionene-A horse belonging to Mr.
T: Willis, of Usborne, met with a paint
ful accident a few days ago. While Mr.
Willie' son was harrowing Witli the
team, he turned the horses quito
tale upraieing the harrowg on their
side. Ono of the span, a beautiful ani-
mal, valued at $150, caught its'foot
and fell on the harrow, imbedding into
hie flesh as many teeth as covered the
surface of hie beder. He may ocover.
gob$aoopteet.op,--le0onf Fthriisdanyele;Lnglast,thesinthoociwere
enteetained by the Ladies' Aid Sbeiety
Of_the W, M, Church to a social. After
tea, which was prepared' by Mrs. Mc,-
Nabb,, Mr w Lund took the chair, and
coannionced the programme by a speech,
followedby a chorus from the choir, an
, _
'eeettet 5r01cri Mr. Renton quartett
pndered n good style by Misses I3issett
and Vielier, and Messrs, Aosebrugh and,
Brodermk ; a humoroas reading by Mr.
M.,taerett, a sok by Miss M. A. Void.,
ty, .,TOttding by Mies Itattle Verity,
whidli*was delivered with great preei-
AiOnand bespeaks no Mean abilities"; a
rocit'atioti by Mr, Itt j, White, arid a
duet by 'tcwegirle-the Mittgeg
13rodetielc. the pieceeds artiounted to
::`;404uk140961:1.i1:. CAWS reecleti
Spice and all 'Condition Powaers at
o adj
ItEolsons Ba
The Exeter Branch of Maisons J3an
York, U.S,, St. John, N.B., and all the
an Qi,tchee.
Makes advances on Produce. _
Buys and sells Sterling ,Eachang'a
Discounts Notes.
A Sayings Bank Department has been
Branch Moleons Bank,
from one Dollar ($1)
Payable on Demand with Interest.
Exeter, May 7, 1874.
Gortio EAST. 12.47; 805; 1200.
A. M. e. le.
GOING:WEST 505; 1"11; 5.12.
Luoan, March 14, 1874,
' Mr. S. S. Armitage would inform the travel-
ling public that his stages afford eery aocom-
,modation. They leave Taman at 3 p.m., ar-
riving in London in time for trains east and
west; leave London, at 8 a. m., arriving in Lu
oan in time to catch stages and trains.
30-tf. 8, S. A1M1TAGE.
13,.. A. 0. G. T. -At the last raeeting
of this society, held at Iiirkton or.
Thursday evening, the 80th ult. the fol-
lowing officers were elected for the en-
suing quarter.
W. 0, T. Bice Wm. Stacey.
W V T Sister M, Gould,
W (3 Thos. Tufts,
W 8 D. Dawson,.
W F S Jos, Kirk,
W M A Callender,
W 1 G Sis. M. A. Kirk,
W 0 G A, Hunt.
W F Sis. Baker.
This society is at present in a very
healthy condition --recently its mem-
bership has been greatly augmented.
The roll new numbers forty-five. May
it eontinue to prosper and ultimately
ttecomplisn muen good.
few evenings itiace, one of the 3ed Line
swells "just a muekle bit afoo," we
Siouid imagine, and who since the per-
iod of his birth has been brought ttp en
Scotia's noble shores, :mice:took to es-
coet it damsel lattne from death. Who,
thee from the honeyed blies whielt he
that night partook then her raby
or from disgust at his peeeetit state of
" single humbug" we omelet gay, but he
wandered through bush, throtigh 1110a,
dONYt and through several concessions
in his bewildornient, 110 arrived itt hie
boarding hottee at Cho 'very early hour
et e sten. 1de avers atilt he was "loot
a" mon, and eouldtutt at e' mak' histneer
ithowe to the coat -Ail abbot," and voevs
" ne':er gang swa haino WI* ony
mail. 6' ye Oanaclian getter" SO 111.04)
It 4.
Nw Hoeere-Kincaldirte is to have
a new hotel.
THEATRICAL. -011 ! oh! Kincardine
papers are overwhelmed with -pleasure
'eat taoup6.- '" - - -
LAMENTS. -The Review matt laments
because' -somebody's cow deliberately
and knowingly did eat 4 4ths of a cure -
position roller at that office.
Buy McDougall's Sheep Dip; at
How NICE.-Winghaan people have a
very pretty way of putting it. They
now call one of their streets Minnie
, ,
BALL.-And. they are satisfied.
Wingham has a clipper base ball club.
AHEAD. -The Wingham Times says
Teeswater will have a railroad before
VVingham yet. •
Prescriptions and Recipes aecuratelt,
and quickly dispensed. at Vandusen's
Operations are to be commenced im-
mediately on the Goderich harbor
It. R. M. -Brussels was Fowlerized
on Friday evening last.
PHEW. -The Bible Christians of Mit-
chell have purchased a, pipe organ for
their church at a. cost of $2,000.
LONG Wooe.-Davey MConnel, of
Morris, rejoices because his sheep grow
wool 12 and. 12e inches long.
CHINNED. -Mr. Jno.. Amley while
chopping wood in Bussels opened out
his chin with tee ax, so says the Post.
THUBIBLESS.-Mr. Jas. Bennet, of the
Brussels Planing Mill, had a thumb
and finger taken off, on Monday, the
28th: ult.
DINED. -Mr. Jno. Stewaxt was dined
by his friends at Parker's Brussels
Hotel, on Tuesday evening, the 28th
CRAZED. -The Morris correspondent
of the Brussels Post says that Mr Thom -
k jAistivs Drafts en London, Eng.,. New
PrinciPal eitiee Ana towue in Ontario,
New Yorlt Exchange, Geeenhaelispain.
opened in conneation "Nettle"' the: Exeter:
upward e received.
Thitt Wrn, guintOn's assessment for the,
north half of 8, 1 5 0 7 and 8 in the
5th concession be reduced to $1" per
acre; that John Keys be assessed for
north part of lot 4 in the 7th eon, -;-that
John Owens be assessed for the Devon ,
hotel in plaise of Thos. Potts, and that -
the Court of Revision be now closed.—
Township hell, Usborne, May 2.
Ceuncil met pursuant to: adjourn-
ment. All the members present. Min-
utes ef previous meetine rea and con-
firmed. Moved by J. Elder, Seconded
by J. Hackney, That lot 23 on the let
concession Usborne be removed from
School section No. 5 to School section
No. 1. -Carried. Moved. by J. Elder,
seconded by L. Minter, That Mrs.
Clack receive $8 for relief. -Carried.
Moved. by J. Hackney, seconded by W.
Brock, That Mr. Hardy's tender for
abutment of bridge be accepaiel„ and
s-pect-or tantistrtne wont at. nr,,Zra
thinks necessary. -Carried. Moved by
L. Hunter, seconded by 3. Elder, That
in compliance with the request of a pe-
tition from the Exeter District Teach-
ers' institute soliciting aid towards the
establishment of an Institute Lavery,
this Council grants $10 towards said.
purpose.-Carriede On motion Coun't
cil adjourned te second Saturday in
June. S. P. Heaes, Clerk.
son, the assessor of the township, is
crazy, and as substantial proof, says he
killeth chickens and wisheth to kill his
fellow -men.
Auerrious.-Our Seaforth friends
have resolved to take to themselves, not
a wife, but a village, aud propose to
swallow up Egmondealle, and thus
have a population of 2,600, when they
hope to become a town. •
UNDERT1K1NG.-IS the Mitchell Advo-
cate man an undertaker or a sexton?
He says "a new doctor is coming to
Mitchell ; the more the merrier."
TARE 'Era UP. -And now, it is
rumored that Hendrie will take up the
rails on the Southern Extension, in
order to pay himself.
NOVEL. -The Brussels Post man has
given up "boarding out," He is now
being fed by the farmers around, who
bring him loaves of bread for testing
purposes. As a judge thereof, we be-
lieve there is no better. He uses his
sanctum as dining room.
GIT OUT !-The Lucknow Sentinel
wants the village Council to follow the
example of the Exeter village Council
in the planting of shade trees. Why,
your village is already in the shade, and
is being treated very coolly by the
County of Pruce. Not a bad thing this
hot weather.
Pawn -user. -The Advocate says Mit-
chell rewdies are rampageous, and they
tear down signs, etc. Wlikey,ibeays,
was at the bottom of the affair. Now,
were these young men drunk 'it If so,
we say whiskey was on the top.
NEW MILLS. -On Saturday last Mea-
rs Ogilvile, of Montreal complicated the
purchase of propel ty in Goderich on
which to ereet their new flouring mill
and elevator building. Operatious will
be commenced at once. The building
will cost at least $60,000, and will have
a, papacity of 400 barrels a day.
BURON & QUEBEC R.R.-A meeting
was held in Brussels on the 2nd inst.
in tbe interest of the Huron & Quebec
Iteilvvey, when Apeeches were delivered
by Mr, Fowler and leading men in the
locality in favor of the scheme. At the
close of the meeting the following res-
olution was earried unanimously: -
Moved by John McCrea, seconded by
James Johnston, that, after bearing ex,
"donations from Mr. Fowler and others
respeeting the construetion of the Th
ron & Quebec Railway to Goderich with
a branch from Brusads via. Settforth
to Sarnia, this meeting, believing that,
if the proposed Inc of railway was Istillt
and running it evobld be a great boon
to this section of the country, would tee -
titer the County Celled! of Hilton in
subinittiog a bp -law in aid of the eater:.
'seise at the junts meetieg if pogsible.
Comm or Ilivisto.a.--Tcwiiship hall,
TIsborne, May 2nd, 1874, '0otiet ofIte,
visite% opened according to 110t100 ahly
givo, All the rnembera sivorn before
the Clerk. After hearing appellants
and examining the 'roll, it Wag 11105744,
by 1.1.1a0kri6y, 86441140i bY3 DidOry
L uc.i.r.
(From Our own Correspondent.)
COURT OF Bet/tame. -Tbe Com t of
Revision for the Purpose of revising the
assessment roll for the year 1874, was
held in th,e Council room, on Monday,
May 4th, at 1 o'clock p.m. All the
Councillors present except Mr. Porte.
Moved by Mr. Dight, seconded by Mr.
Robins, that Mr. Goodacre be chairman
of the Court of Revision. -Carried.
Appeals against assessments were made
by the following parties: Alex. Woods,
R. II. O'Neil, P. Mcllhargey, Charles
McRoberts, John Farrell, J. It. Armi-
tage, R. adteLean, S. C. Hersey, and
Joshua Thompson. The assessment of
Alex. Woods, Daniel O'Neill, John Far-
rell, 3. R. Armitage, S. 0. Hersey,
Joshua Thompson and Robt. McLean
were confirmed. John O'Neil's assess-
ment was reduced from $170 to $70,
and name changed to Daniel Whalen. .1
John Piper reduced from $200 to $125.
Martin Omelia's name taken oil roll,
and preperty'assessed to T. OtErey as
householder. Edward Wright reduced.
to $290. W. R. Knowlton rased its
$290. John Cain reduced Via Ber-
nard Stanley raised $100. Moved by
T. Bight, seconded by R. McLean,
That the roll as amended be confirmet
and received. --Carried. The Court
then adjourned. Council to meet Mon-
day, May 11, at 7:30 o'clock p.m.
GAMBLING. -A public lottery or gam-
bling office was in operation in this vil-
lage nearly all last week. The author-
ities made no effort to abate the nuis-
ance, and it flourished at the expense
of the unsophisticated.
VETE1i1NARY,-A veterinary surgeon,
James Churchill, has arrived here, and
commenced practice. Adv. next weel,.
Sate Register.
Saturday, may 9th, -1mplepmentr, etc., pror-
erty of Mr.W. Magee,ElinivMe. Terms, 7
mos. Sale to ,commenceat 12 o'clodc
Noon. A. Bishop.Atus,
Saturday, May 16th. Household funsiture,
etc., property of Mr. J. Goiden, Exetel ,
10 o'clock p. m. J. Speakman Arm.
Wednesday,May 20th. Buggies, Wagons, etc.,
property of Mr. D. Braund. Exeter North,
Terms 8 mos. A. Bishop. Auc.
Corren-Hemese-On th- e 291h ult., by the
Rev.J. Wakefield,at the Wesleyan Parson-
age, St. Mary', Mr. Ambrose Cottel„ of
Exeter, to Millt3 Matilda Jane Heamaxi, of
Latrir.-In Granton, at 3 - o'clock on the 29th
inst. after 4 days illness, Sarah Patience,
the beloved Wife of Samuel Levitt; aged 19
yrs. 5 mos.
The follovring are reported as per bush
$ 1 15
1 10
40 u.S
White Wheat, new
settee Wheat
Flour, per barrel
.......... .. . .. ....... -. 1 30 ,
Potatoes . . .. . .. .... ..... , ..... 00 04 72
14.00 10 18 Oe
Butter, iceg 18 0 20)
" . . ,„... 20" 211
1 I&
1 15
Egg§......,. 10 dv
laM ....... .. . . . .. . ........ . . ..... 6 7610,, 6 0100
111506 -
Sheep S1dn6
Calf Skins " .... " . ":" . 1000 100
. . Setiti
;Wvistril;Id:s,, nor bag .
Pall wheat, per dental 84 10 tO 16
Bran„., . . .........
1)8 011 terlbt f 01" k" 0" m" 2.0.":;4"'39";','"p"er"p'iti4r5.06' r0o!
era load, $3 (x) to $41,00014. tom,
2 o
69'to 2 10
Spking Wheat ,„ „, „, to 2 70
1 es /0 125
. 75,0 1 00
. 060 00
6020 '15
60 0 75
t)n,ta . ----------------12810140
Poll]0,..." 1 0,3 tO 1 07 '
por dozoil io to 11i
buttat, Vbr 2S to 81
Deihl'alteat, pot 'Centel ... 4 08, to,'I 111
TS'OSaweil 4 03 to if 10
Spring' wheat 2 00 to, 2 08,
107 tol 08
Oatir 1 23 to 13
I5ggs, per doten ... 10 to 3la
Butter .,, 19 to 2,004
Vhito 1 08 to 1 10,
... . . 1 15 15 1 18,
... . . „ . ..... ,,„, . . , 1 08 to 1 la
Oats- . . . ... • . . .. 0 84 to 0 ler
. • ... .. . . 011 to 0 00
Harley 1 40 to 1 42,
1404, .... ie to is
1iihog kn.... s
Spid 10
100 10 1 08
0 86Harley89
to to 1 86
n, 0 58 to OM020
010 SO 0 IS