HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-06-10, Page 18Your Pontiac Buick Performance Team's Best -Selling Car. Page 18 Times -Advocate, June 10, 1992 Track athletes do well at OFSAA Johnson. recaptures bronze_ medal TORONTO - South Huron Dis- trict High School athlete Randy Johnson had a successful weekend at the OFSAA track and field meet held at York University in Toronto Friday and Saturday, again captur- ing the bronze medal in junior boys' javelin. Johnson, who wok second place at the regionals held at Parkside in St. Thomas last week, improved upon his regional throw of 53.80 metres by tossing for 55.90 at OF - SAA. "1 was second until our last at- tempt," maid Johnson. "Then a guy Also at OFSAA, speedster Molly from Cobourg threw four metres McClure ran a dazzling 300 metre over his personal best oar his last hurdle race, placing fifth with' a throw." time of 46.21. McClure steadily Johnson, who has captured med- improved her times over the sea- als in all three of his appearances son, running 46.7 at the regionals at the all -Ontario level, vowed to and 46.8 at WOSSA. hit the weights over the summer to Newcomers to OFSAA this year make a bid for next year.- were midgets Danielle Miners and "1 didn't throw as well as 1 could Jeremy Home. Miners placed a re - have," said Johnson, who had a per- spected eighth in javelin with a sonal best of 56.90 at last year's throw of 27.96 metres, white Horne meet, but has thrown 58 metres in also placed eighth by equalling his practice. "But 1 guess I'm happy 1.75 metre regional high jump With what I've done so far." mark. South Huron District High School held its annual athletic banquet Wednesday evening with the presentation of athlete of the year awards. Chosen as the top athletes for 1991-92 were: Ryan Stuart (left), junior male athlete; Molly McClure, junior female athlete; Becci Farquhar, senior female athlete; and Pete McAllister, senior male athlete. Panthers honour outstanding athletes By Ray Lewis TA -staff EXETER - South Huron District High School held its annual athlet- ic awards banquet Wednesday eve- ning at the school, saluting both athletes and coaches on a success- ful year. During the school season, 231 athletes took part in 14 sports, claiming several individual and team championships. Huron -Perth titles were won by senior boys' cross -county, junior boys' basket- ball, junior boys' soccer, senior badminton and field hockey, while the latter two squads also capulred WOSSA championships, advanc- ing to compete at the OFSAA lev- el. Individually, four Panther ath- letes advanced to OFSAA in track and field with Randy Johnson claiming a bronze medal in the jun- ior boys javelin. Wednesday evening also marked the 33rd and final year with Ron Bogart as Athletic Director. Bo- gart, who appeared as guest speaker AIWA i�i+ for the evening, spoke on the high- lights of his career, but devoted much of the evening to the impor- tance of high school athletics in every day Life. Much of the evening was spent by Bogart honouring the coaches who have been a part of South Hu- ron during his own tenure, and Bo- gart stressed to athletes the impor- tance of geeing involved. "Being part of a team, you'll al- ways remember that goal, that touchdown or that basket that made -the difference and won or lost the game, long after you've forgotten who you sat beside in class," said Bogart. "Don't let high school sports die." The evening closed with the an- nouncement of the athletes -of -the - year, along with the presitigious Panther award. The Panther Award is presented to a graduating athlete who has best exemplified outstanding achievement and contribution to athletics at South Huron throughout high school. littsde MVP senior triLP Killer 'B' Bookie MVP RASKF.TIAt.1, midget MIP MVP junior MIP Big MVP All-star rept senior MTh MVP All-star rept juntor Rookie Offensive MVP Defensive MVP MVP senior .Htnde Sporisrnenxhip Offensive M V P Defensive MVP MVP Mark Lynn CROSS CO f ' Y RIJNNINg MVP ruruner•up Brett Rideout MVP B ,an MftAlIister D McCann Greg anewnew Jeff Lingard Jesse Morriee Chris Angerman Chris Gardner Mau Lansbergen Colin Bowers Marty. DeBruyn Denis McCann Keith Crawford Ryan Ag Greg Stuart, Greg Agnew, Keith Crawford Mark Lynn Mark Russell Peter McAllister Pate McAllister. Brea Hideout San McCann Bat Kline Jeff Lingerd Mark Brintrtell Pete McAllister GOLF MW MVP CURLING MVP TPNN15 MVP J- IE:LD mow MSP Rookie MVP MP MVP). 1 ADMINT H Nmmor hll P M VP senior MJP MVP Dur Vanderlaan Dave Schilbe Jim Ahrens Fred f:odbolt Shawn McFafls, Ore Fred Codl7alt Jason Hem apt Gardner Bert Guenther Hymn Stuart Jason Coo Int an Chris +Gardner TRAM AND ESLD Top Track Athlete Molly McClure Top Field Alt/este Randy Johnson M'IIKLPRj,ND G. MmicK U.myARQ its Vico i>• ,CW x ,i R ' liet�iier1C�tSes. Jana Webster Jen McLean Kerri.Lynn Case JoAnne Kerslake Teresa Petch (D) -Christie Bedard (0) Heather Stcrkie S tacey Rader deist lq'.Steckle Stacey Spicer kichelie Elder Heather Davies Candace Miller Jen Rornphf Christie McInnes Amy Campbell Sheryl Oke Came Oke Kristen Strang Jen McLean len MacNeil `Brenyn Baynhsrn Becci Farquhar Jenny Wareharn Sharon I eBruyn Sarah Penetrant Molly McClure Bocci Farquhar g Agnew Itrenyn Bayrtham Carrie Simpson Melenie Jones 'etc c inter 'tett Hideout jaTHLETF4 OF Tljr. Yp,AB junior Byars Molly olly c here senior Pete. McAllister Buri Farquhar "iftaI fa yan wart • • .".+r..raw0•s1Is Last year, the name plate was bare as coaches were [arable to find an athlete worthy of the award. This year's award went to Becci Farquhar, who was also selected senior female athlete of the year. Farquhar was voted as an MVP of both the girls' curling and soccer teams, and was captain of the field hockey squad. Also nominated were Chris Gard- ner, MVP in volleyball, badminton and hockey, and Pete McAllister winner of the sportsmanship award for soccer, MVP in basketball and senior male athlete of the year. Athletes of the year in the junior category went to Molly McClure and Ryan Stuart. South Huron District High School Athletic Director Ron Bogart was honoured Wednesday eve- ning at the school's annual athletic banquet. Bogart was awarded a plaque bearing the names of coaches who have worked with him over his 33 years at South Huron. Shown here are: Terry O'Rourke (left), Bogart and Pat Rowe. Sunbird's pulling out all the stops! NLOW PRICE 3E11399 EW 4 1101 with 5750 cashback and no charge air conditioning applied Stopping power! Pontiac Sunbird features standard 4 -wheel anti-lock brakes. No import in its class gives jour family that security. 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