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Times Advocate, 1992-06-10, Page 7
Cak Children's wear • infant to size 16 or) 355 Main St. Exeter • 235-1500 Shiplaintillents enjoy visitors Forthcoming 'mintage - Su- san Dolphin,' Exeter, is pleased to 'announce the forthcoming marriage of her daughter, Christina Lynne Brintnell to !Timothy Shawn, son of Kenland Julie Easter - brook, RR3! Exeter. The wed' ding will take place at Exeter United Church June 27, 1992. Open reception to fol- low at 9 p.m. at the South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter. P*nter - Kogan Sandra L.eslie, daughter of Michael (and Ann Krajan of Don Milk and David Richard, son of Donna of Exeter and the late Ray Paynter were marrie0April 24, 1992 at the Churchof the Annunciatipn of Our Lapy, Don Mills, Ontario. The cquply honeymooned in Hawaii before taking up resi- dencerJn Toronto. Centralia by Mary Kooy CENTRALIA - A shower will be held in the basement of the United Chur:.h to honour Nancy Turner to- night at 8 p.m. A bridal shower will be held in the .community centre in Centralia to honour Carolyn Conlin on Wednesday June 17 at 7:30. The United ejhufrch women had the last meeting until September. 1.1 . group met,At Mildred McDow- ell's holm . After dinner,/ a game "bowling for Groceries" urs played as well as readings by lilan:Rook and Audrey McWalls followed by a singsong. An enjoyaMleevening of euchre at Hey wood's ;testament was held last Monday.-Ptzes,went to Ruth Shep- herd, Edith Eaton, -Marg Lawson, Betty GULL yic, Howard Dolan and Alfred Mtphers. -'Fite next ;iroutua- ment wllhbos,on',Monday at 2:30 p.m. On Sia iday Fuss' Watson -from Iixeter, *ill be, at ._$paha United Church at 8:30 ,a4n.. Note :lime change). NoxL #y;t-Rev Cordell Parsons :of ,I,asdop "ill stbO guest speaker. Aipe ial for Apt &today church .aarvice of.L_ wootopr .YID' b or 'As dilli1Plinclit g is called ,i ll atter the g 1,30.tfaiskeero0;, =Zit as Byth lsil Luiz SHWA - Recent vIMt ken •Nrter'awereltis brsthe$in-faw'Ro- lMlnd Neil, of Ailea ersig hiebn ith- erand wife, Martand Minerva flak - Cf, of Si. Thomas ltd' 4arry and Ruth Sheppard, o?•iill. Last Saturday- a 'bifdiday fly r1.as4seld for five - r -old Jeffrey leakezrat hIaitlaettis, Oary e d She- ana's, home. AtNmdingwere San- dra end 7bttyRester, iuis,Heath- er and }Jill, .of •Meant Clem nis, mitts, Van -atnd Sheaaa Miller, of London, Don, Sharon and Jamie Baker, Grandpa Ken Baker Sr, arid Marg Lawson. Best wishes. to Oscar -and Laura Miller who this week will observe a AV1 ,�fteletf' aiehiefeedler CerdRetlte 'of -fit, Veit Ballot 14theniletihrict 4Ugh �isttecst, 4br-atstsplelbgthe-il lle 13 Co - 'operative Bdueatier linegiothme. AatltJier-1estelup'oeetlnred in this tree RistatltUe_ '!'ltmoday evening, when a , aarttber of -men .and ' horses trlt>rtded .up 'some stray cattle be- longing to' Wayne' Weeds. Ross laid Jake Setvoeder, +acootn- rpsnled An -a i 11410 ma Sall, of Kin- ctnie, for a fewtoiidays on Men- -tailor Island fast week. Sincere sympathy is expressed 'to Bids Adams, of ©rand Rend, and to Iter family -in the death June 6 of ter mother, Susie Devine, at Strath - Hide -01Ind freersl S U*d +tlgin, farmed ibrtt bbrato31he`11 coon's Soak %moves by 'her `hushand'fiettryi nd'iter'sOn 2rvin. 'f Bervtere 4li41ba its *ere, nbg onlihe 441h4fltreesslon. KonlltAteri Vaig twahn-en- joyed a'bus Irip!ftistlettirdarwith Zurich Lutheran church members to Niagara Alis: Ilteralsoieured a winery andsthe Rostmlea! Gardens. Recent visitors with Hugh and Annie 9enz were Ross and Don- na Garbett, of Hensel, area, Loreen Devine, of Zurich, Rrnest and Ann Morenz, London. i FrIedsbug Days 4if1nI a go! DASHWOOD - Despite rumours suggesting that after last years -20th anniversary of Friedsburg Days the duce day celebration would not recommence in 1992, the entertain- ment is definitely being planned and the sausage, sauerkraut and tur- key burgers are already ordered. This years event will be held Fri- day, July 31 to Sunday, August 1 and is in honour of Stephen Town- ship's Sesquicentennial and Cana- da's 125th Birthday. The parade theme, "A Blast from the Past", encourages participants to bring back Stephen Township and Canada's historical past in their floats and exhibitions. This year's eager committee has managed to arrange a handful of traditional as well as fresh, new events to attract both the young and old to the festivities. Children should not miss southwestern Onta- - rio celebrity, Marg Dean, "Cana- da's Lady Magician". She will be incorporating doves and silk scarves into her half -how -show on Saturday afternoon. A children's singalong, body painting Ctarabellc the Clown and mini -tractor pull can also be enjoyed by youngsters on the weekend. Adults can -take part in the usual arm wrestling, tug-of-war and dancing in the evenings 'but can also compete in a favourite event returning to Friedsburg this year, the crosscut and chainsaw competi- tion. The volunteer committee opted against the customary Friedsburg Fair Queen because of the seeming lack of interest by the youth but have replaced it with a Baby Show for this year's 21st celebration. We.dcIi'As Flowers 9rttrodUGi r--4' 4, 4' 300. ole idol iipaumuuu, in'fre4it Orart f coL V thailitionat,touAtturer.WityreMrilt. nolwo tagAgintsoreAtztottet, r *AMnS` Carole, V dilivwl vtettip 4.nppxicabtt, Jo aanegismtt' CottalFari Leal tbuoi " tox a .... *kat tiuvtouw,f. iM, Sow,e1, $ti poivisionaiff bt dJ4 thou .aC bo.00 ynLtfrib�•@$55.ta. tos.09 b bootie ti efthA�G eatne am, , XstrAtte., 2-2co!u.04p,—Me her40Cis.eat,, m alma. stNemoithreactCC937.Goa_ 76.00 • 1 'mesa4 a. cor+rwttatioA•.,awtd, 0. 4 too •oo Dasibutt irktivaid at, n5 alta. d ore. , . MT 66rr,T wet ive• JN T� FL(WF M f MAM1,4t..EattXtlu • 2-35 -2350 IIP The next volunteer meeting for the 1992 Friedsburg Days will bo held on Tuesday, June 23 at 8:00 p.m. at the Dashwood Community Centre and new volunteers are wel- come. Tunes-Arivocate, Juro 10, 1992 fir"" the purple ie____ w summer stile begins thugs. jure `1Ith • *''"►0°-•14 off ,„\ all summer sty Pace 7 CArer 100 Channels: Great Movies. Sports. Domestic & Foreign News & Your Favourite Oldies: I rrSBAnc!Err ONLY infra. JUNE 311r+iauxxG HorFUwwTHEs! TRIMANTRUCK X1,000 -BONUS! FLUS $750 CASHBACK! NO EXTRA CHARGE BEDLINER NO -EXTRA CHARGE BOX RAiLS NO EXT CHARG RUNNING BOARD IP" ON CANADA'S BEST SELLING FSERIES AND RANGER PICKUPS $1,750 Of ADDED VALUE ON O FANNEMICKM, MUM'S NST sEumearksamours BthIJ RiGHT MERE IN ONTARIO, AND MO CM4OKSMST . VAN COMPACT PICKUP., GET A S1,000 TRIM -A -TRUCK PACKAGE INCLUDING BEOUNER, BOX RAILS AND RUNNING BOARDS NOEXTRACHARGE -AND, YOUR CHOICE Of $750 CASHBACK OR 1.9% HNANONG ON F•SERIES OR RANGER, 'e FOR UP T0A8MONTHS .' CEL RATING PARD TRUCKS' 75TH ANNIVERSARY IHE RIGHT LACE '9Aaddit.or, tono extra charge bedGner, box rax's, and runnmy boards, choose 50rashOack Of frnancmg Btfferent of 48 months, onappruved ued,t. Example f 15,000 at 7.9% equals $365A9,per month (w 48 «months, cost of bort (C •.8.) K 1 oet With C.O 8 n53.262.48. luruted erne offers available on 1992 and poor nwdel year retail purchases from dealer ,nventotoy onTy sea deafer deta.h 'R 1. Polk and Compusearch data • e,r VPs �^�, ,.' ''•• may �..., .. w,hf‘nanungterm a the amount financed' 14, ', at 12%anttequa,s $375.26 per month for 48 month% Ontario SMUA, P.O. Bos 2004, Oakville ON 16J 5sa