HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-06-10, Page 6ti r41elit 110,14102 •tadrrate - Rosemary Janice Regier, daughter of Karl and Mary Regivi, recently graduat- ed from the University of Wa- terloo with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Develop- ment Studies. • effiff ate - On 'Wednesday, June 3, 1992, Darren Sean —Tinney, 'received 'his- Bachelor of Applied Science Degree In Chemical Engineering, at Convocation Hall, 'University of Toronto. Darren -is a gradu- ate of South Huron District Htgh School, Exeter. He has accepted a position with No- randa Minerals, Bathurst, New Brunswick. Sincere con- gratulations ' from mom, dad and brother Herten. Graduate - Julia Ann Hen- drick, daughter Alf Howard and Yvona& a, k, gradu- ated May 30, 1992 from Wil- frid Laurier University in Wa- terloo with an Honours Mathematics _rlRgr+ e. _Julia graduated on the Dean's Honour roll and will be at- tending Althouse College of Education in September. Con- gratulations from your family and friends! Graduate - Ken , VanWieren has successfully completed an Air Traffic Control course at Transport Canada Training Institute in Cornwall, Ontario. He :graduated on May 18, 1,992 weed >s, veteentty• .ac- cepted a position at Pearson International Airport West Specialty in Toronto. Very __prcud.of.him.are_his wife Kar- -en and two children Vanessa and Brendan. Picked a great day to graduate Happy 5th anniversary. Congratulations honey, .daddy. Graduate - Steven Beane, son of Lawrence and Ruth Beane, RR1 Brucefield gradu- ated with first class honours Bachelor of Science - Engineering from Queens Uni- versity. At convocation, May 23, 1992, he was presented with the George Christie de- sign award :and the Colin T. Bayne memorial award for in- novative design. Steven has accepted a :position with the Ford Motor.Co,npany at Dear- born •Michhan in Car Product Deveeiopment Graduate - Shawn Ida Willis Wurm received her Bachelor of Social Work (Honors) from King's College, U.W.O. Friday, June 5, 1992. Sharon is em- ployed by Huron Safe Homes for Youth and is a candidate for her Master's of Social Work at Windsor this Septem- ber. Congratulations, Mom. It was a long haul, but because of your dedication, you are an inspiration to us all. Keep go- ing, your very proud family - Scott, Shawn, Starr .and Todd. `06101NOrllans on your grad- uatlon. We know you'll be a groat teacher. Love, your 'In- t*s. • eassivawavimilairplans ISAL1- y l - y Sietlanallay Alro vlbw +spetividag edits. y Jilee ibdltlttg ibt d -to aleedithrieut for litbir ttttntsal Siva bbflylkselal June 17 at 7p.m. `i'his iis`ihe•lnineal Potidraiser torahs AhlheiMers Asso- °W cin. With -so many 1pedple af- fect* by f- fe d_:by this disease, both 'the per- son ei h'the'per- son afflicted and the eanegiv►er, they feel'ihis is an impatient cause. Baking Clubpvndueed scene deli- cious molasses, ginger cookies Monday -evening. They were firemen in preparation for the Canada 125, Celebrating Seniors program with Henson Public School June 15th. Rev. De(3rttw of Centralia Faith Varria by Joan Beierling VARNA - On Tuesday, June 2, a community bridal shower for Lore- lei Robinson took place at Goshen Church. The evening had a Shake- spearean'theme in deference to the bride's mother, a former English teacher, and was based very loosely on Romeo and Juliet. A short trumpet fanfare played by Julie (Healy) McBride heralded the arrival of a page (Linda -Linfield) spouting blank verse and dressed iri "sixteenth century garb" (including a "plumed" velvet hat). Blanche Parke gave the address to the bride to be who then opened .many lovely gifts from friends, neighbours and family. The "page" then, in iambic pentameter, invited everyone to "remain to have more talk of these glad things", over it delicious lunch prepared and served by the women of the Bablyon Linc. Charles and Bernice Reid, Ralph and Mona Stephenson, Elmer and Nonene Hayter, and Bruce and Anna Keys took part in the Hip Hip Horray Walkathon held in Spring - bank Park on Sunday. People -gath- ered in 56 locations across Canada to celebrate Knee and Hip Replace- ment and to bring in pledges .and donations which will fund patient care or buy equipment. Over $40.000 dollars was brought into the London location. Rev. .Craig Railton was guest _speeker.at both VamaancLGoshen -churches on Sunday and spoke -on the stewardship of time. talentrand resources. On this Pentecost Sun- day he had the children :singing HappyBrtthdayto-the chute h.- ext Sunday, June 14 Confirmation and Communion services will be held in both churches. Guest speaker at the Varna U.C.W. meeting last week was Barb Hicks, overall director for Camp Menesetung. Hicks spoke on the camp in general and showed various slides. She also mentioned how the camp is in great need of fi- nancial help. They had 90 appli- cants for councillors in training so this is a very busy time of the year for Barb. She also made mention of the single parents camp held for a • week in the summer for anyone in- terested in it. President Carol Simons made mention of the Communicants class and the session of both churches enjoying a pizza supper and good fellowship at Goshen Church. Plans for the Fall Rally October 19 at the Wesley Willis Church in Clinton were made with speaker being a police woman from Kitchener. The Summer Event is on July 25 • and if anyone is interested they should call Carol Simons. The United Church Cookbooks are still selling. Sincere sympathy to Allan and Audrey Remington on the death of Allan's mother in England. Mary and Sandra Coultis both sang in the Search' for Talent Show held at the Clinton Fair and Heath- er, Valerie and Andrew Laurie.all ., did:the Highland Fling individually ' in their categories. Sandra placed third in her division and is going on to compete at the Western Fair. An- drew Laurie is also going on to - compete -at -the Western -Fat r. Pentecostal Tabernacle anticipates large crowd 'EXETER - The congregation of Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle anticipating capacity crowds once again during the upcoming dramat- ic presentation. Heavens Gates, Hells Flames. The producers of this presenta- tion, 'Reality Outreach'. a Canadian based corporation with over seven field teams in operation simultane ously. have conducted this realistic depiction of the moments after death in countries, worldwide. 'The response has been overwhelming. In a 'went production in Ft. -Myers, Florida. a scheduled three day stay turned into an, unheard=of 29 n.•+, holdover with over 1.000 people desiring to 'settle their account with God' before the production ended. Having just recently had such a uernepdous response to The Living- Last Supper' presentation; Exeter Pentecostal is anticipating many will be enjoying this upcoming dra- mane presentation as well. !leavens Gates will be presented on Sunday evening through Tuesday evening, June 21, 22, 23 at 7 pan. Atten- dance each evening will be limited to 500..people. Both a nursery and kids. pwgtarn will ; be provided. Be- cause ofolhoaralutic nature of this prbesglltion,-dhilken ages three to aver are IPS" lied 10 at - lend IM ebilketts.Progptm.provid- ed. Admission is free. All are wel- come to attend. 'ihbet+teele pled dip -wire Meek AiReltidon •with his wife 'Phyllivas pianist. Ala etedents had many tesidems elutalbranileeiehair rides Thursdayslat-Qaea sway serving their Adam a1 btaidrtee. Everyone %eneffeed'11itent *ite'btltar- tlft l"M eaMpc, _ Seeftd bf '^'llriitic 'irt :II wets vleipedbproddiesits'Nna+stlay cr- nalon: It-heelbleen ailtvetttite. c . * mots Jtme 15, -1730-p.m., -oda 125, Celestirothlg Sealers et -HM*0 Pub- lic Sobnot; late 17, 7 pan. Straw- berry Social on Qeteensway Lawn Fundraiser -for -AltheIMers, enter- tMitne% 'Mom !Baa 1, 2 p.im. 4zOs s :flinty Tea; Jae 25, 7 pin.,111011ily iParty ente$sintweht /DSc Sime 3tts -wed 'Band. • ktfratotltilgt 43011 Jt►NtbMal int% tiff New TeCtIMOR gy'9kin Gare Sun Protection System OM I Sten Harris �$ k (Lease has Expired) up to 5 off Everything Must Go Including all display -units 0 Cash register, • Telex Machine • i .Coolers l 4 1 - 21/2' x '9' display cooler /i :1- 8' x 12' x 8' walk in cooler ramarAndranimarawNsunraninnindminrauvaundraursinramiairdrara 0 \• Closing June 30/92 345 Main St., Exeter 23S-0221 DESIGNER CLOTHING �YVA& . Adoinialerroffsehmenis R INRIONNS ' i :*1,. ginseAraWor 2retfT e.T#titsty-Fyx gollifieste 1,)tete, 483 Math S' 23(..) 22 Thurs. - 1(1:3(.) - Lat: pal , I -r :,,+ I t, Baybeiti IVlatn St, 565-2030 ►villi+ Uue;iNtt Wesin+uunt Si+u sp ; (.untrf Stun+: Huaci iv,dic b41. -b95, 837-30fli