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The preliminary steps in creating the 'panels .1s done while
the silk is still stretched into a wooden form. Here, Jeanette
is painting a panel of lilies in a pond -she originally sketched.
By Mfebelfe Raison
.GRAND BEND - Not everyone
is lucky enough to have a hobby
they could easily turn into a profit-
able business. But, Jeanette Hayter
of Grand Bend has found herself in
just that position.
Hayter has always had a flair for
an and now she bas developed that
talent into a unique hobby and po-
tential business. She creates hand-
made, dyed -silk room dividers.
She learned the an of dying silk
•in a two year program at Beal Sec-
Aindary School, a London school
vapecializing in fine arts, and says
the idea of incorporating her les-
sons into room dividers "just came
-oto me" when trying to come up
°with a year end project for the pro -
The process of silk dying the
panels for the divider involves ei-
ther tracing a pre -drawn design
placed wader the silk -or free hand
drawing an abstract motif using
water soluble "resist". .Special silk
dyes are applied to the material
with normal art paint brushes and
the colour "spreads" through the
fabric to the boundary created by
'the resist. In order to fix the dyes
the silk is wrapped in newsprint
and steamed.
The end result is fit into a wood
frame of an unlimited range of
shapes, sizes and wood types
which is built by Hayter's boy-
friend, Darryl Rimmer.
"I like doing the more intricate
drawings, otherwise it's just a piece
,The new: l" r*iM:.iljsrwas , 99e/lNly peened Monday-srlight. Shown at the ribbon
cutting are, ateeft, Stsanon ,MoNeI ly, manager -of .Customer Service;;Robert Fisher, warden of
Huron .County; Don l eahy, contractor; Mike .Captista, Senior VP rind General Manager Ontario;
Pat-P.almer, VP Retail Banking; Brerit:Wilson, ManagerofAgriculture:* Sandra Reinhardt, Man
Jager -of Personal Banking; mayor Bruce Shaw; .and Garry -Hartman, -area manager for Huron
Business group promoting
Exeter through new flag campaign
EXETER - Ute business In -
movement Arad .association hope
more people than ever are going to
"Discover Exeter" this summer.
The BIA installed 39 Canadian
llags:and 19 "Discover Exeter" ban-
ners an .lamp standards on Main
Street and -Thames Road last week
as pan of a'new campaign to pro-
mote .the town's retail and service
"We felt it was time to address a
couple of problems," said BIA di-
rector Terry Schwartzentruber.
Those "problems" are cross bor-
der shopping and the effort to keep
customers in Exeter.
Schwartzentruber also said he
wanted to point out that the $7,000
Bag project is being paid for by the
association of retailers and services
who are members of the BIA.
The Canadian flags also tie in
nicely with the nation's 125th anni-
versary. Schwartzentruber also
notes that 1992 is a year of local
sesquicentennials and parades.
Arany Sabwntniber , • - of the Exeter BIA
lthow one of the "Discover ' .s that were installed
by the gentleman above last Weak to promote the town's re-
tail and service sector.
The flags replace the BIA's tradi-
tional flower baskets that graced
the town's lamp standards in past
"Flowers are preuy, but we're af-
.Ier a 'lengthier' statement," said
Sc hwartzentruber, pointing out that
the flags will be flying until Octo-
ber, and may even be replaced by
more weatherproof banners for the
Christmas season.
Town retailers will also be re-
ceiving a promotional package
from the BIA this month. It will in-
clude smaller Canadian flags for
-ailaco_display _or -giveaway prizes,
"shop Canadian" shopping bags,
and stores will get window decals
to echo the "Discover Exeter"
The "Discover Exeter" barrier
was designed by local artist Lisa
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A "Mad Ira n:figgiims was do -
at isad /or ell Icy hoiden
who quNUy, .aro on re pard and
ill good standing as at Damn*
bar 31, 1991.
of fabric," says Hayter. "It's more
substantial." She also tends to em-
phasize Dolour -blending techniques
using salt and wether rather than just
flat colour in her hand peed de-
signs which so far have included
stunning floral and abstract col-
oured prints.
Working out of her parents' base-
ment, the entire process takes two
EO three weeks depending on the
detail of the design, the size and
number of panels and the wood
working that must be done for the
Hayter points out there are a
number of uses for the dividers.
"It's endless," she says, "With tiny
ones you can hide old radiators or
fireplaces when they aren't being
used," she suggests.
Wall decorations, window hang-
ings, table ornaments., duvet covers
and clothing can also be created by
silk dying but Hayter says she en-
joys making thorn on occasion but
focuses on the dividers because she
doesn't want to neglect what she
does well and because of their
uniqueness compared to regular
wooden dividers.
"I just started with them and eve-
ryone wants one. They're so unusu-
al. (Other dividers) are just painted
wood," she comments.
Interest, demand and encourage-
ment from family and friends has
prompted her to consider turning
the hobby into a money -making
"I want to have people come to
me and I71 design it for them," says
Hayter. If a client produced a piece
of fabric, the type of wood a room
centers around, a theme or colour
of a room, it would be easy for hen
to custom design a divider. She
also says she's willing to do person-
al consulting as well.
The specialized custom .design-
ing, time and fabric awed for the
room :dividers-all:add arp so apace
tag of $400 - S600.
New ideas are constantly being
invented by the gifted art student as
well. "I see something and think,.
'If only I had the time I could do
that," she says. Some secant
thoughts have been of a two -layer
screen padded with cotton -batten,
wooden legs and detailed wooden
trim on the frame.
Although interest has been high,
Hayter is stilt apprehensive •to turn
her interest into a full-time business
bemuse of he., need to fend her
aehtxeNng. Presently, she attends
Sheridan College in Oakville for il-
lustration and says that if the divid-
ers sell well she would consider
changing her major from graphic
design to textiles.
Hayter says that she will have to
remember that each beautifully de-
signed piece, custom designed for
someone else, will no longer be
staying in the fetidly.
"191 have to keep in mind that I `
can't keep it!"
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