HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-4-30, Page 24.• ULSON$ DAN4i. 9114114 colv47.„...v-Arawa •r!, The statetse niatica Q, UO3,10101 B41551t. i.,011‘,101A t, 1 054 fr)4a0411114, NOV ):..1„0 k.;„ t41., 4.Ohl• AtaAL 't.pe psecuxAu 9uiu, Auktzwriolu, Clitatteinatasneena sane* en %twee Produees Pliv g Iltknistie .Tlse'llesiest. VOW Tete eSecieesiste, -reoiseeeltecte. enieseeete age* SAYMPS 3AN1 OrsPARINENT. Vutossits frees 9).1,0 nonet tart tfaverds mete, td.naattineea donated, ana atterest. ' TILT, xxoer,ret),.11,404 eteetteet rio seta ,iines. EXETER, 0 1 De .3 1, 1 TIVOIPEE.irxer, seleiria T4twijIMPO OVA A piece f jobbery luta just aeett t to light. The word jobbery i o very Leila eobriquet, bet 00 lenient Word for elute on (-epos%) owl we find. 'What we ave eboat to Mete ie hued upon toe riga of Atom, In the first place, the Pepartenent offablie Works eavertileed for teedees for Weeping, peeseuget and baggage eare for the intercolonial.-- The advertisement is dated April the 7th, the tendere Opened on the SSW of April, the award cannot possibly be inede before May 1st, aiel the eoutrac- ter, be has FOUR solitary weeks foe the beildieg of two sleeping cars, and EIGHT weeks for the completion of the contract, No establishment in the world eau construet the Oen in the 'Never, since the inception of drinking time alleWed, for tile Simple reason usages,liasthere been Buell sa,t engem, that considerable thee is required for dryitig the several coats of paint and varnish with which the wood is treat- ed. No Canedian builder would un- dertalte to do the work in less then six menthe. And yet the premier Asked for cars to be delivered within four weeks of the time of awarding the eon- trects. Now why gra Canadian build- ers invited tobuill. ouiespeetible tersiese As this•is a rational query it would be ,well to answer it as each. No govern- ' mit organ Sian gaiesey it, 'The De- . Piriment, in Pursuance of the. policy that purchased a eumber of cars iu the effort pat forth to annihilate the de- tesoyer then is being put forward at the e-eiient time, In the Sta,es un- ilincliingly tied nudividedly have the ladies have the ladies carried on the work. They have even go ne so far as to allow themselves to be martyred for th9.cause by being oast ineo prison, - Of course, the good accomplished has been of no small momeut but what of the moans? The result was not ate complishe4 without means. And these were bands of ladies formed in a syste- matic restienee, wader their various ]orders. Wending their ways from sal - en to hotel and from 'hotel to saloon, these ladies presented no very present- able se,ene. We do not wish to stigma- tise these lady -workers as being at all indifferent in their good work; but we 410 not hesitate in se -Sing that more ap- propriate places uoula be found for -these Amazons than the streets of the cities of the south : eiz., at their own firesides, there to look after the inner workings of their own household. The. work which they engaged in was not at all suitable for women to engage in -travelling the streets, and shiver- ing with cold. Were the saloons which emptied their wines in the gutter forced to this by persuasive influence brought to hear upon their masters ? Yes; by such persuasive hifluence as harricad- • ing the doors with praying gangs, and where that did not have the desired ef- fect, purchasing the whole steck-in- trade of the seinen-keeper. No doubt there were a few whose hearts were eofteued by tears and entreaties of the ladies. We will find in a very short time that these hell -hounds will again • engage in their nefarious traffic, and the .re -action will be worse than many nnticipate. Tt may be asked, who more interested than our mothers, wives and daughters could be foun d to prosecute ihe work of suppressieg intemperance ? 3n this matter, however, they have ov- erstepped tete bounds of propriety. Vis- iting the vilest encl most loathsome deus ea the city, and gravelling at She feet of men who are blear of countenance, sour of aspect, and hlonted and blind with .xjzk. The language which such men •delight in -even in the presence of la- . dies -is not such as would recommend itself to use in the family cirele. if the ladies are resolved touproot the evil eto -which end, -without doubt, the amid lend a heed), we would say hold A° our position in society and Chug to -that p1iere where you will receive the ion and respect due you. By ns whatever descend from it, to t the feet of thee bzute bave no other " • stm- A.ousaa sa,ry is told teuteerning the editor eif COunty of Bruce, paper, mede it wager of $100 thet ledyesethi not Mann Isom speaking during ea en- tire week. Ae the Mory goes, lie Wet iste mewl, The hely enprobelde thing about it le the k3.ee, Nett au editor he Bruce should letve thee neteh money, meresseirreesees------es eoun Vo0 liberelPeople live et Muir, knehe where the seinister is ee beeevo- heet Wit whet) he, hes more cake then hi weeded :le hie donetion party, he gives the remnants to the Otter. There- fore the editor ' pf the Herald givos theolts for a splendid mike which wee reeeived by biro tiehrolien. just think, An editor with a wleole cake, 1l to huh - self, ` what woks like inflation 1 IWBSSR$, 14.AWAY Ranson, of Guelph after a number of years experimenting, have succeeded in perfeeting and dispoe ing of an atachinent to sewing nuteliines for making buttonholes, The Howe Sewing Machine Company, of New York, are the purchasers, uud the priee paid is $60,000 for the exelusive United States right. This speaks well for Canada ingenuity, as there were over 100 different machines in eompetition. The privilege of wearing button -holes in one's clothes is not necessarily in- frieged upon. States without asking for tenders at all -in pursuance of the policy that ac- cepted. United States twidere that were a few cents lower than those of Caned- ans, the digerence being much less that would hey° been paid by Cittladiuns on the materials used -privately order- ed these cars months ago, and now, when they are nearly ready for deliv- ery, tenders are asked for, and there can be no competition, either in Cana- da, or the United Stites, with the con- cern that long ago was warned to be in readiness to supply the cars on short notice. Tbe transaction admits of no other explanation -the advertisement, was used merely as a ruse. We should probably have Dyed wheel the matter, had not our attention been drawn to it by seeing reference made to it in the St. John, N. B., :tribune, a sheet of true Grit advocacy. AIM 11.,f, xx.c1#441* v Tioareday April 20. A wordaU ittjnred at Osha Ka by ft rellwey aecident died yesterday, I The Ithiglisil alesetore of the Great Western 'Railway have returned home. Petite]; egedeAtej now exehenged be- tween ehe United Stetee end• Switece- I TY1 A:13' 171 , P. g„ P, GOlue It: -47; 8.05; 1'(.10 A. N. v, At. 1,11; ei^12. E, Jlq3SNINQS, jUGUt,March *0 l?04, LONDON 18,nd: '04 And now the people of dIalifax aeli lie , „1,,‘ fee: en ineree,50 of duty upon coal fom the IL S, 3, Gould is stele -lily, A suit has ,been Sdiiiihenced egainst him for tea million dollars, Ar4'.nitao vottla infodit the trawl - that •tos stoiNs anord e.kery aoconl- unalation..-The.leaNf3 Lneau at'3 p.m., ar- riving in I.)01111011151 tiw or tikine out awl ; loa-0 London, at 8 a. 44-,", arriving I4,1,0A (an in time to eaten, stages nail trains. 30-tf, 8, S. ARMITAGE, Hose Mn. enswer hem emeeea sneeeee the House a bill reepecting voter's lists which contains some improvement over the present system. it requires that the municipal clerk shall have printed an alphabetical list of voters and that the municipal officials, county officials, members, and defeated candidate for the Riding shall be furnished with copies, and that notice of the posting. shall be published in the newspapers. For thirty days after posting, the list shall be subjected to revision before the County Judge, but after that time it shall be confirmed as the voter's list. It also contains a clause against the colorable transfer of p,.operty for? the purpose of qualifying a person to be a voter and prescribes a penalty of $100 for violation of this section. AXEL ail rum^. A. very.sorry appearance is presented by any country when an inflation or over, issue ie adopted as remediable means. ln some cases such a course might with justice to all be adopted ; but these are merely exceptional. To many of our readers this article might at a casual glance be of no material in- terest, but when we take into cousider- aeimethe glaring fact that the Domin, ion Government have put an impost on 50 malty necessaries, and are following up the course taken by the U.S. Con- gress of a few years bank, and which has now worked itself into such a lack of specie, that they are forced to ,float hither awl thither Government bonds as security, -probably more attach- ment to thee interesting and prophet- ic items may be made. It will, of course, even should such ever be the case, be a leng time ere this country would be under the necessity of issuing an issue like our cousins, of $90,000- 000. From an analysis just pub- lished, we glean that, taking the returns of last Septeinhas as a basis of estimate, the country (or 15 pet <t.nt.) banks am be required to held $28,0(e),000 alert legal tenders than thy now held ; sup. posing them not to htld a dollar beseed f be legal requiremens, although taey elways held seveal millions more '-sanded by tw. This money lran from their re- `ew Yorleand at We find, • of Mr, Week, of Montreal, says the rolling milis of Canade will be iejured by the new tariff, Captain Smith and three of the crew were (homed at Cape May by their boat eapsizing. PreeidetitGrant'slaetion.le. vetoing the Ournsucy Bill is highly appeovea of by the New York press. The roast beef of old England suf- fered yesterday, St. George's dinners being very generally held, Tile American 0 eographieal Society have held it memorial meeting, in re- menibrauce of Dr, Livingstone. The anniversary of Odfellowship ec- curs on Sunday. Preparations are being made by many lodges to celebrate the eveiltPeelf ••' • - • Louisiana is suffering from inunda- tions. Three hundred families are des- titute and animals are' being drowned by hundreds - Kingston St. George's Society went to church, but St. Catharines, Quebec and Hamilton's went to dinner. ,The skeleton of an infant was found in an old closet in Halifax, where it had apparently lain for ten years. It was deed. Maurice Armour, an ol.iTorontonian committed suiciee in Guelph yesterday. He was a watchmaker, and broke his -niain-spring -with a revolver. At a long Island Wedding a part! sa- lute was fired as the bride wss entering a carriage. The horses ran away, smashed the carriage and killed. the lady. A prohibition mass meeting was held in Ottawa last uight. They want a Royal Commission to report on the pro- bable success of prohibitory Friday April 24. , An attempt to get up afire in Ren- frew was a failure. A half -million bond robber has been arrested at Denver. Three more artillery men have des- erted from Halifax garrison. London has a. Young Women's Christian Association of its own now. More manufacturers have arrived at Ottawa to see about that tariff. Mr. David Burn, one of Cobourg's foremost men, died there yesterday. Mrs. Archibald Holiday, of Parrsboro N. S. hanged herself in her bed -room. A .1\11Ar Yura cremation society says it is not illegal to burn deceased per - Sons. Keating and Sharp, natal ions thieves for stealing a Mienaes, FINN, charged with as: ault- ing his wife with intent to kill, on the 6th of Novnaeber itt Thorold was found guilty of murder, in a legal sense, at the assizes just dos, d, and to- day was sentenced to death by Justice O'Reilly, the 4th of July being the day fixed for execution. Whule paesiug the sentence, His Lordship, said he would represent the case to the Government as favorably as circumstances would permit. The prisoner thanked His Lordship, bnt expressed the wish that the sentence would be carriAl out. Finn was Convicted, mainly on the evi- dence of his wife, who has recovered. The assault complained of, was owing to an insane jealously on the part of the prisoner. "BRICK" POMEROY thus exhausts him- self on the Ashantee war ; "john Bali is glorifying herself over the success of Sir Grant Woolsey and her conquest of King Koffee and other Ashantee Ivor_ riors. The expenses of this little kad- aadle are officially certified to be $4.- 5000,00. This war is a big thing. The Englanders and leighlandere, with the other bush whackers and hang -dans glers, destroyed by fire several clusters of pelm-leaf huts, scared about three hundred of King Koffee's wives from their roosts, and captured his big um- brella which is now on exhibition at the British Museum, and said to be a booster. 'When standing under it, an ordinary man resembles a small main a very large shed. It is made of sticks whalebone and cotton cloth, and. is looked upon as one of the greatest re- lics of the war. Several returned he- roes are now employed marching up and down, around and about it, to pre- vent curious vieitoss from touching the phylacteries of its cotton roof. Total numbezs of niggers killed was mere than of the white troops lost, while the glory no.culanlating to English arms and Hi.ghlandees. legs is about four inches thick. Some entity old bunions, after looking at that unnerella, insisted that $4,500,000 is a little to highto pay for e thing of beauty, While others in - 1q 7- Are to show for. 4., J111144,3. ' jilautec ()Lomas -Our readers will please remember that the stores in this village have eoreseenced dosing at 7 Tim Tertner.-The new Tariff 13i11 will immortalize its maker. TWO men in this village are known to have sworn off already. Yorkshire Cattle Feeler, Simpsons Spice and ell kinds of condition powd- ers at Vandusen'e, SPRING.-Fgr a few slays past we have heard several betting characters trying to ply their tradewith seemingly veitattot ones, on the probabilities of swing. Nut a stray (natter would be risked oh a prognostication. were arrested in London watch. Hamilton Police Court was enliven- ed yesterday by the ravings of a whole fatally. There was a railway co1li8ion itt Parkhill yesterday -two freight trains being demolished. A sailor somnambulist was drowned off Niagara,. Ile walked overboard while asleep, Xavier Paulen, believed to have been murdered, was found dead on Caroquet Island, N. B. Dr. Wiggins, of the Brantford Blind Asylum is writing le life of the late Sandfidd Macdoneld. The Police keep right on arresting people suspected of being implicated in the Corkendale murder. A railway meeting was held at Lea- mington and resulutions passed in fa - 0 , vor of the South -Western Railway. M. Fowler is the chief agitator. Saturday April 25. , it 14 ALL W 4ENfe---Wo oro sorrY jo lwtro, that all aeoeupte frout the ow - rounding country speak respondiugly of the wil.es3 crop, and repol t that pore than 011e quarter of tilo 'nrottud will re " - quire to he re -sown if any kind of cropS, is expected., There is groat dliforenee noticeable, m that which has 1.)een Sewn lq hand, and that winoh bus been drill., ed, the' latter benign:mon bettor, hay. ing escape:0in it greater degree the destructiVe efforts of _the' fro The early sown Lae also a better appearanCe then the late, giving- eyidenoe thee the etroner the root the move likelihood thereis of resisting the °fleets of fsoet. A choice 1, G of perfumery and toilet articles at Vandusea's. 500414 -OA Ithidey evening next, Mrs. j. McNabb, under the auspices of the L. A. S., in conaeetion with the W. 1+:0 n . selia-tiTomeu. esliitenn ds giving a social o Tere will also be a presentation made of DO ordinary na tilre. The fellowine programme speaks for itself: raocalsatme, ONE YEAR'S GROWTH. -Mr. S. T, Percy, .Druggist, showed us the other day, IL end year's growth plum tree limb which exceeds in length anything of the kind we have seen fcr a long time, be- ing 7 feet 10 inches. RED CHAFF WHEAT.-ThiS wheat wlaich we spoke of last week is common- ly known as the Farrow wheat, and farmers who have ground it or their own use, says it does not make Ss sweet bread as other varieties. Fellows' Compound Syrup for coughs Colds, Consumption at Vaudusen's a • A MASS OF isteowsetenne.-By e, glance at our advertizing columns it will be seen that the Dominion Medical La- bratory dispenseth knowledge to our readers in no limited degree. PRO BONO PUBLIC0.-Mr. McLen- nan tells the public through our adver- tising columns that if they call at his mill and purchase their. flt ur, he can sell it per 100 tbs., for 25 cents fess than it can be purchased for in the stores. Read his advertisement. The grea t Blood nuriners Pierces Dis- covery, Depews MedicalVictory, Ayers, adway's & Bristols Sasparillias itt Van- dusans. '-iPelte. THE Rms.-Now that the small birds are beginoing to make their appearance, we trust that our sporting youths will bear in mind that there is a law against their wanton destruction. The feathered race i4 of incalulable benefit to the farmer, mid shouldnqt be ruthlessly &strop, a. Boys, spare the birds. Preues.-We would refer our readers to the adv. of Mr G. Boltee, whose fac- tory is a short distance North of Fran- cistown. He has the sole right for the manufacture and, sale ef the Munsinger force pmnp in the townships (if Hay Stephen, and Usberne. These rumps are cheap, and ell thet is claimed for them. Call and see how they *work, and you will be satisfied. Farmers buy Mc'Dougall s slirip dip the best in the market, at Vandtsen's SODA WATER. -The sodawater mason is about here. The fountains will pear- ly all open in another week, and inview of this fact, the following simple re- ceipt for the temperancee beveragemay not come amiss :-Disolve it querns of a pound of common soda in a gallm of water; afterwards bottle for use. Mestenme & BANKER. -We ha re- f neived from the publisher a copy the Merchant (.6 Banker, a weekly puhshed in the interests of those interestid in Finance. It is replete with ite4s of interest to the bankers and mordants. Tbe subscription price is $2.50 pe• an- - . Sees,' , in currency, and. pepisb- . .- York be - I'',: :".". 'York ' ' 6,eir-1,..1111111100011.,, ti'd' gr , - s, OR Ir• , reet. eaestens' INSTITUTE. -The next meet - of the Exeter District Teachers' In- ute will be held in the schoolhouse, ter, on the second Saturday in e at 10 o'clock a.m. The following tie programme :-Writing, Mr. Sel- st ; Grammer, third form, *Mr. Hus- on ; School drill, M. Rosebrugh ; Or. der and Punctuality, Inspector Miller. A. full attendance is requested. Pressriptions tin 1 Recipes accurately Mid quickly dispelled at Vandusen's. y rail- Attrdry. ecretary is dead. . off the n, Satur- were held and Ha - a terri&s damage to Igo:Castle," 'cliased, for it And Beals, for. a years each at .0 f age, and )arties wanted for xitirder. as been sentenced ting his wife with without inalice," is oy an excellent jury, ratford. a a large fire. The feature, about it was` yers were burnec out: on were drowned by the ice on 0 lake near y weto found in ,each ell's frsbIittnieli of the sea- ce Saturday. It Was a frill. V0SSO1 haViled ,t110 1. Opening Chorus, - - - Choir. 2, Speech, - - , Clutiritan. 8. Essay, - - 5. Reading, - - - - lass 7.Bissett, 6. Onartettel Nous, Bosebrogh 0 B 4. Soprano Solo - - - Miss Vority. Aliases Fisher end Bisset and -• Mr. 11antou.. rod'orlok 7, Essn,y, . _ . - Will J. White. 8. Vocal ct Instrumental Music, . . Ethelda a H. X. Broderick. 9. Beading, - - - Mies H, Verity. 10. Musical Recitation, - - Prof. Palmer. 11. Speech, . - Rey.', ICStatlho:renial: 12. Presentation la. finale. 13 . Ax Apvaxxerte.-An adventure not marvelous in its enactment nor thrill- ing in its reeital, but entertaining in its detail, took place on Monday night last. It appears that one of our vil- lagers enjoys himself imniensely while sojourning ia undefined peace through- out the land of nod, and soloing him- self with divers thoughts of hottgliblins 'attd, creditors, ghoets and bailiffs, due- Ih'S diem= of undefined repose, It is 'thus with him so long as it tUte of peace ' is not denied him. EN faiing, the divesting himself of his ,kedgar- ments, came over him on the evenhg in question. When dreaming of " 0, Dyn. • thia, 1 leve thee 1 " he heard it nth* in the street beneath his bed -room wizioW. ,Stealing steathily thereto, and sm eh - lug upan his way, it billet of wood,Und with thoughts of burglars, mardenrs, etc., incomtruously crowding themsdves upon his bwrain, he beheld it very latgh- able scene, indeed, Ho describe it t that two village bonedicts, havim, to judge from appettratees, imbibed too much tonged, wore making the ray spouseward.s. Tippler140, 1; had delliSit- ed himself npon it wheelbarrow, andrip- Dler No. 2, glad to embrace any °Pet by which he might sustain' an eqilib. i.i.urn, Was staggering' along, winging t Mg -hill much beloved. comrade. oth weeeh l ighly elated with theii: po8 Um. Our 'hi. tut of the window inforn us that the nost feelings of hiend less appeare( 'st, with the oxera011 Of 'R fe‘ --Or, as it Was 50011. light, M ' 1, he inOre pre priato- tiO fO The 0,10r and tl 'N,LOLSON f4;.) SAVINGS BAIVK A ;*t*Vinp,'s Bank Department has been 43raud1 Unisons 13a1*. co ust-Tr — mARTNE.—Goderich harbor is ppen, and business is lovely. CLOSED. -The B, 0. Revival services in Mitchell have been closed. POSTAL.-Wingham claims a prece- dence for postal arrtuagements. FAREWELL.- Rev. M. Kellog, fare. welled Clinton on Sunday evening, the 19111 inst. FLAX. -Tho Clinton fax mills have been purchased by Mr. Forrester, of Mi •'frour ()11Q Dollar ($1) Payable on DpaeliiZ triat Interest, Exeter, April 1, 1874. Piesesansiona-The members ef the Brucefield Commie Preebyterian Church a few days ago, presented their pastor, Rev, Mr. Ross, with it handsome bug- gy and 'set c)f harness, accompanied with an appropriate seldress. Aocueveseer, Deeseu.-On Saturday night a fetal accidoet oecerred in God - °rich. An elderly man, named James Ross, previous to retiring to bed, weet out doors for some purpose, when he fell into a water cistern, receiving such injuries/as to cause almost immediate death, He was able to get out of the cistern unaided, but expired in a few minutes, no medical aid was on hand, it is doubtful if a docter could have been of any service, Cominnueseraan Stiena.-0,1 Friday evening last, the personal friends of Mr. G. Edwin Oresswell, to.the number • f about 40, entertained him at a coinplimentary supper at Knox's Hotel, Seaforth. The spread was of the best, description and did the greatest credit to the host.' The chair was taken by r. Coleman, and the vice chair by Mi. G. E. Jackson, both of whom Occupied their positions with ability. In re sponce to the toast, " The Guest of the Eeening," Mr. Oresswell gave a lengthy and very interesting description of his recent. trip to Colorado, his expenses while there, and his opinions of the country. Mr. Cresswell enjoyed his trip very much, and the object for which it was taken -the improvment of his health -was, we are glad ta know toa very great extent accomplished. Colorado, ho says, is not, ancl never will be, a farmiug country, for the reason ,that cereals cannot be grown unless the, soil "ie 'irritaCea. The ex- pellee and. attending this.process is so great as to render it impraeticable to any extended degree.-Eteposinor. MELANCHOLY SOTOIDE.-Mr. Owen Lyons, an old and esteemed resident of the township of Hibbert, committed suicide lat cutting his throat with a butcher knife on -Wednesday last. Mr. Lyons lived ou the 1st concession of Hibbert. Nothing was noticed of him by the family Until about 10 o'clock in 'the forenoon, when his daughter fom d her father lying on the floe): with his head under the bed, with his head in a pool of blood, with a large butcher knife lying close beside him. Dr. Ring, of beaforth, was et ouee sent for. The Doctor beint. a Coroner, summoned it Jury and heli an inquest on the body. After examining several witnesses the jury returned a verdict that the deceas- ed eaMe to hiS death b-118 own mot; 1,y cutting his throat with a knife. No reason can be assigned for the commit- tal of the rash act, and the family of the neceased never noticed anything in the conduct of their father which could lead any person to snppose that he .at any time contemplated self -destruction. -a Expositor. • EDUCATIONAL.- The Gazette says there aro 400 scholars attending school ia PROLIFIC. -A ewe belonging to Mr. Bengough of Marnock, gave birth to four lambs on the 9th inst. STABBED. -A farmer near Paisley was stabbed a few days ago by a, tailor named Smith. --Whiskey. PENNY READmos.-The populace of Wiugham are beiug entertained by Penny readings, so says the Times. A SUPPER. -Mr. E. Geo. Conklin, Reeve of Forest, had a svpper tendered nim on the eve of hie departure for Manitoba, it short time ago. SECO:431 MILE. -The Wingham Times has passed the second year of its grow- th, and starts a third mile with as much of a business like appearance as ever. Draint.TIC.-The Teeswater Tempqr- ance people get the Winghamites to play "ten night in it bar room" to them. Would go there themselves but .it's too near home. HURON, AFTER ALL.-Lueknowldelights in elections. They have now had one to decide which county they should join. Great excitement prevailed in Lucknow during the voting which resulted in a majority of 2in favor of Huron. Huron I 55 Bruce 53. A GOOD IDEA. -Rather it suggestive idea :- erecting buildings -both brick Park- hill.frame -aver the village. The Gazette says this is being dune in Park- . ACCIDENT. -A Mooney tinsmith in Lucknow, christened Charles, ventured too near one of the stallioue at the Spring Show held in that village, anda now says that horse's leg is worse then an electric battery. FREED. -The tug Susan C Defy made her way by the assistance of a;souther- ly wind, out of the ice floe in whidh she was situated 'last week. ' PRINTING. -The "ecosumical" Grit GoVernmenttt Ottawa advertise in the .1Virtglfl1an-Anes for tenders. for print- ing. Probably some enterprising in- dividual in the badk woods may think of taking the "job" in'Ottawa. NEARLY DROWNED. -On, Wednesday last, a son of Mr, John Newman, of Listowel, was playing around the yard, he fell into it well, and would have been drowned had not his father been pass- ing by at the time. Mus. HALL -Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, the editress of Godey's Lady book, is 85 years still vigorous in body aria in mind. Her maiden name was Sarah Josepha Buell. She has been it widow ever since 1822. -American Exchange. [The above-mentioned lady is mo- ther of H. Hale, ]lisq. Clintond PERSONA re -In 011e item the Parkhill paper records as a sign of honor to the village, that Mr. John Bryant, of Park- hill, signed his name on the register of an hotel in Port Huron ; and, in an- other, says that gentleman' went `'where the woodbine twineth," because his credi tors wanted their little bills "square. ed.up." WE uouvr ,re learn that Mr. John Etherington, formerly a resident of Tuckersmitli, but lately of Abelone, mot with an aCcident a few (lege ago which resulted in his death. He Nas engaged in killing it sheep, and slight - cut off his fin,,,itts, but took no no. tie° of it at the timo. Soon after etp sipelas sett.; in, which was followed by inortifleation, and resulted in his death about a week after the accident. He Was about 60 years of age, and leaves a line family and many friends to mourn his loss. -Era. 11z0AWID.-11, lloth, a German employed by Mr. G. M. 130yd, of bardine, as it sttwi g machine agent in the eastern part of the county, has ah. scowled with about four hundred dol- lars worth of notes which he has got cashed, and a horse and rig, It was full a week totem it was knoWn tliat Iio had loft. There is no clue to his Whore. abouts, The loss to Mr. Boyd. is $700. Such is life, friend Boyd. Now were you a prie ter, you woulki be free from all those troubles and cares, no xnan aould possibly rob 'eon of seven lred emits S. R. Saw. The South Riding Show was held at Brucefield on Wednesday last,' a great concourse of people was preseiat, all evincing great interest in the show of horses end cattle. The following is the prize list :- • AGED DRAUGHT' HORSES. -5 entries- lst, “Aasslts. ni 'Angle:11cl," Oke & Bisset ; '),sel" "Lord HacIdo." T. Colgulsoun ; 3rd, "England's Wender," Chas. Ma- san; 4th, "Enterprise," T. McEwen. GENERAL PURPOSE HORSE UNDER 3 YEARS -4 eutries-lst, "Phenomenon," W. Hirbison ; 2nd, "Conqueror of the West," John Reynolds; 8rd, “High- land Rover." H. McDonald CARRIAGE OR ROAD E.ORSES.-7 en. tries--lst, “Peacock," j. Fisher; 2n11, "Pride of England," Rich'. Hot - Earl ; 3rd, "England's Banner," J Peak. , BLOOD HOUTE5.-2, entries. 1st. "Sportsman." A. Innis; '2n11, "'loyal Arch," S. Scarlett. , • ,P1111,POSE HORSES OYER 3 ynatts.,-4 entries. : , 1St, , •sFarmer's Glory," John Riekboil ; 2nd "Young Matclienn'. Thos. Robinson; 8rd "Young Ploughboy," john Mcillvers. Special,prize for heavy draught' der 3 years. 2 entries. "Wellington," Messrs. Lov'o & :13i -own. Speciat prise offered by A Bishop, Esq., for the b.est horse of any elasS.- 0 entries "King' of.the Dominion," J'. j. Fisher. THOROUGHBRED BULLS, ---1St, "Baron Alymer," M. MoTaggart ; 2ild ",Sir Pat- rick," H Chesney ; 3rd. "Sir Arehy,'" Geo. Herta 'THOROTJGHBRED BULLS UNDER 2 nails. =List, "Royal Prince" John Kitchen t 2nd "Sir Rodger." Thos. Nicholeson; 3rd, A."M. ,Graut. ,..,. , U -RADE DULLS,- 1St, "Duke of Cleve- la,nd " A. Elooat ; 2nd, "Rodent.' Tii08. McCash. Jurams,---Ilorses, 'Jas. Mc- „ r rip Ft 4-44 DEPII 1?1- ENT . openell in connection with. Jic Vacto: ; Robt. „Garner Hibbert; Ja- cob. Wilson, Colborne. Bulls, 1st. Pet. ty y ; John I -tauter, nshorne ; A. Mc -Laren Hibbert. • Eilbbert Spring Ailo otO SITS upwards receiVed- The IIibbert Spring Show was held at Stain:, on Thursday, April 28, The attendance of spectators was not large, on account of farmers being so busily engaged at prestmt with their ,spring Work. The show Wag quite equal to those held in former years, and the entries in horses slightly exceed those of last year, The following is tile prize list :- nousEs. ,Drayobt; frorses-5 entries -18t, T, Colquimun, " Lord Iladdow ;" 2m1, Oke u Bissett, Bank of England," Affricaltdo James Colquhoun, " Young Netherby ;" 21n1, John Melva, " Plowboy " ,B0othnet8.-.41 einries-45t, Richard Pride of hugland ;" nd lItigh Brown, " Sir Arthur." , CATTLE, litonnobred johnGlen. . EDWD., W. STRATHY, iesseseee, 82 -yl. • Grade, -aged -1 entry--ist, Butler. Grade.--eunder 2 years -5 entries -- 1st, 'Wm. Smale ; 2od, Wm. Page. .Indees,-Jolus T, Elieko, Mitchell ; John Ballantyne, Downie ; A. Bishop,, Usborne.-Exstositor. (From Our own Correspondent.) COW KILLED. -011 Thursday last, it. cow, the property of Thos. 'Robinson of this village, strayed on a railway traelt, when a passing train, streck and killed her. • POISONING 90GS.-S01118 Mae ill the village has been poisoning dogs lately. SATISFACTORY. - Opposition between the rival stages is very keen, and lan- guage the reverse of parliamentary is sometimes freely indulged in by the re- spective drivers when canvassing for passengers. Sometimes it is said that passengers are carried free rather than that they should patronize the other line. This may not pay the p rio- ters, but the travelling public ap r to be satisfied. Note EST IeveNeus.-Last week our villagers were considerably excited over the disappearance of Mr. Manly, head teacher of the public school. The school was kept open, as usual, on Mon- day, when he announced to the pupils his intention of going to visit another school on the following day, as, howev- er Tuesday and 'Wednesday passed. without his return, people began to feel uneasy, some thinking he had been murdered for the.sake of a gold watch which he had purchased only a few days before, and a sum of money whica he had received from one of our villa- gers to whotn he had hypothecated his salary; but rumoQhen had it that a person answering to his description was seen at Stratford station on Monday night, or ra,thec early on Tuesda,y mor- niug, getting a ticket for Buffalo, and leaving it black valise checked for thus city. Then the dry goods dealer weo sold the valise remembered with a sigh that he had not been paid for it; the watchmaker agaiu looked at his invoice to see the cost of the watch, and suspi- cions of murder became fainter, while suspineions of cheating Demme stronger.. Over a week has passed Since his de- parture, the trustees have advertised. for another teacher, and the prevailing impressiou among the people is, that his actions are not in accord with his. name. , CRICKET CL1313.-Thare is some tam: of forming a' cricket club in Levan this season. There is good =ten. for the purpose, and now is the time to or- ganize. boeseseev or FODDER.-Farljer$ aro - compladuing of the scarcity of ed, anti large numbers of cattle have died this month front starvation. Dues.. Nothin,,o• of consequence brought to market, buyers have little to do and business duil generally. lia SOME BETTER. -We are happy to learn that Mx. Themes Curry, who has for some time past been ailing under a painful disease, is now somewhat recu- perated, owing, probably, to the balmy influences of spring. The body of a male was found in Bay, near Lelleville'on Saturday. It • is supposed to be that of Jean Bonche of Quebec, drowned tast fall. „DO Mir. CLIFFE--On the 22nd inst.,the wife of Mr. C. Cliffe, Editor and publisher of the Kincar- dine Review, of a son. DIED Usborne, on the 24th inst., Thos. M. Taylor, son of John Taylor, aged 14 yrs. 7mos. 28days. .41.411E.E E'S. The following aro reported as per bush White Wheat,new 1 lo 1 I:, 1 15 ® 1 1S 18 Burley 1 [001- t•1011 2(1.4 2 141 6010o0 ®ti4° 1 113 l'1111(it'ttya.tte°re, Bite g 128061' 22( ‘ 5)' .11.31girgles's in r°11 • 5 75 " 6 (AI, • I0 1,1 Lurd SheepSki 1 1.10 60 1 V, Lttall) Sk1118. d 1 Oo 1,C3akitSides o . . .................. . ..... 200(0°861 °L) 20) Y Apples, 'par ............ 60 011 i0°'-..........".. . ‘'-.... ..060d th!8 :) 5:°°e00!;.... .6060,5 pe:;01eken0r90 ppaiitr04 p1101:1,63outo 400. :1111:Leta: pper0 cibe t, NI D, 2103 t 2 115i Spring whoo,t „, „, 00, 0 15, tcfr, to id 00,1,13 . , to 140 , .„ oS to c7 Egg-, per dozen .„ , 10 to 1.2i STMARI'S. Dahl wheat, per contal 00 to 2 13 , Ttelenten. e 08 10 2 11 2 01. t) partis'\ pc 1 8 t 1 ,207) i Eg 1 08 E „.„. ... „„ , .„..„..,. 1 15 to 1 10 notgalgttlit,,e,:per d,'ven too 251.-1 White wheut..\.. „ra, Tj„C,A, .. Spri 'W. . ..... 1 06 to 110 Trat1 08 to 1 10 r451143 . . .. .... ..... ..... 0 3,,1 00e 0 0 0 0g 0t1t Hurley ... ....... 1 10 to 1 43 Buttor Eggs, poi j., 10 to 12 sy 0rvr Pall wheat,. " ,„ „. ..... 1 10 tO 2 16 , 100 to 1 08 %ming Wheat 11000, per Wirral Outs Peas Etttot ..... ........ . 0 50 1.0 0 28 010 to 0 14 Ilttrhi10, April 24,-O8tt1e---Tliettecipt Of eat - tie to.tlay have Leen 880 headrrtakind' the total supply for the week thus far 9,917 bud. The . fresh arrivals were all thretigh eonsipArnents, and MI the cattle in 11u-4 yards triSold .W00 lldp- pod to the Bastormarltetsin first hando, Tho news front the ;Eastern markets S bad, per8 to 01.01,0 points antieipaLe heavy 105005, Slleep and Larabs- Thorecoip(s of (P00 911011 . lambs te•atty 00(1 been making .tho total strelay .fer the tetht 1,,600 heath Tho yaras are We of steak, awl the markets elot,ed,' Uttu nt 8 to $6.101 0)191 d( 0,4 d to $7,t3O la 'wooled sheep; Connuen -shop negletta. reecipts of hog, for Ilia market to.day haVo hoes 4„tieft head, ui1diu3., the total supply for the w0611 18,800' head,- Tbo niarkot I,W0:4 holt, 'Yorkers, are tnbod Itt noavy hogs arty $045.