HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-4-30, Page 1teettteefine eef vPy, Thuroday Morniti AT 'rim orincni atTet oaeates J3Mux; r'Rataa $0 per annUal ptrible strietly in adYailo0 abk.sTilitten ta4en, OVIOSS t4a1/ 44 II/Mit/14, , T110 APV.rag,782Mt vet timeet aeaatainetate,,,,,e,„„ettekett...... otesttateeetkeetvamatiee pea., , ,,, Advertiseuients of Strayed cattle, at tknee lett or leeeela; litee tkot taeeeabett toe ltuee-etet ntoaat, Tale; eitOLI, Haetaeueite meette 59 emits. • A04(104 oft4s!marriages and deaths inserted Advertisentents Without specific direetien8 will be infairted till ferbid; and Charged eaaceetlieele. Advertisenients to ha ineaffurod by $0e Of *01'1 ' rzuRLY AG.REEALONTS: The following rates will be charged, for yearly ndvertiSement8 PNP VAAR. 03x08. , une. Column 83 t:tuarter '20 , „ • 25 , 8 „Aigirth, ". 12 „ . 8 5 Business cards, six linds and under, $4; six to ten lines, ;$0. Stages leave Exeter daily for Luctin. and London at 4 a.in,; arriving in Lucca a 0 am, ; iv. Loudon trt 9 p.m, Leare LondOn for Exeter at 2 p.m. /moan, at 11p.M.; arriVing in Exeter itt 7p m, Stages leave Exeter daily for Clinton, at 5 ; arriving M Clinton at 10 2,111, 1401LINClthtou 2:Sep,ni,; arrive in ENeter, at 5:80 paa, Stages leaVe 'Exeter On Tuesdays, ThureflaTc. and Saturdays for St. Mary's, at 0 a.m., arriving in tithe for 1.1404 trallgi gin(.17.1St and west, Leave at, Marv's at 2.30 p.m, ; arrive in Exeter at 0:30 treelow. R. HYNDMAN, EXETER, MEM- BER College Surgeons, Ontario. ,00n.osEn, County of guron. Office hours* 8 to aaflt; 71.t9101).3ni, 110110111 C .1.•‘? tA.DIJAttrT11 of Mccadl University. Mon- treal, P clan, s goon, & Of/ice and residence -Exeter, Ont. °Moe hours -8 to 10 am.,and 7 to 10 p.m. StgaL 'tar ARDDIGHARDING, Barris - tor a Gtorneys, Solicitors, Commissioners 13.111., ,te. OPPrcz-IL.PrTox's Bunn., Water Street, St. Mary's. /ow.," )3. HARD/ NG. E. W. ns.mirtni. ESSRS. JONES a 1.11cDOUGALL, liarristers, Attorneys -at -law, SoliOtors in nuwerry, Conveyancers, Commissioners in Q.13., and Notaries Public, St. Mary's. OopfcF.-lititton's Block, Water St., St. Marys, Ont. 1-1y. r EON M. CLENCH., laARDAS'riali ealia_e and Attorney-at-Law*Solicitor in Chancey and Insolvency and LettersPateut, home and for- . eiign, Plans and drawings executed, and specifica- tions drawn pursuant to rifles of patent Mikes, on receiving instructions or productio.i of model. Orptcp,-11utton's Block, t'jnocii Street, St. Mary's, •Oat. 1-1y. MeDIARMID, B.A., • Baii)HISTER, NaTilla:CONVEYANTER, LIMAN, ONT. TOHN M..kODONELL, ISSUER OF - Marriage Licenses, Exeter, Ont. 1-1y C. 130 CILTON, . Prot:Lucke: Law! Sarrprfoa$,. CFIRMIST AND DRUGGIST. K.--s"Ono door south of Mr. J. Banton's. sliamasorzesisi=nsarnsmainwm...-ver=anninonnomasenrin 'BRO \\TN, Public Auctioneer, Winclielsem. Sales promptly attended to. Terms re..1falle. Winehell? Oct 1871 , SPA arfirtA N, LICENIED AUCTIONEER , /LA For thb, County of Ewen. RESIDENCE, - EXETER, On +ALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO CHARGES MODERATE. UEEN'S HOLLL, LUCAN. W. BOWET, Proprietor. This first-class hotel Lan lately changed hands (from W. E. Wilkins to W. Boway), and Is 'fitted with new furnitnre throughout. Free 'bus to and from the station office for the now line Of 'InI9S09 to London. The bar is replete with tho choicest liquors and frag- rant Iravanas. Four commercial sample room, Good stabling and attentive hostlers. 32-1y 70a EVERE ROUSE, LUCAN, A. I/ LEVITT, Proprietor. Thifl Ito tel hes ' lately ciaanged hands, and the present roprietor feels , s'atisfied in saying he can givethe bast of accom- modation to man and beast. Choice LiquOrs and /eminent Cigars itt the bar. Attentive hostler employed. 27-0m VLIMVILLE HOTEL; W. MOF - a 4 FAT, Proprietor. Every attentiou paid to the travelling public. GOOC1 stabling and attentive nestler. Bost brands of liquors and cigars to be had at the bar. OENTRAL HOTEL, LUCAN, ROBT. MoLE AN proprietor. 'bus ru liS• in con- nexion with this hotel to and from all trains. The choicest liquors and cigars kept constantly at the bar; also sample rooms for ComnicreiaPTravel- lets. Good stabling and attentive hostlers. 14-1y. /Oa OYAL HOTEL, LUCAN. J. W. CARROL, proprietor. The best attention paid to the travelling public. First-class liquor and cigars at the bar. Good st abliug and attent lye hostlers. Charges moderate. 11-ly 1/1APLE LEAF HOTEL, LIMER- , 4.1.1., ICH. This hotel has beau lately built mid furnished by the subscriber and affords cvnry Mo- • dern coixifort for the traveling and. -,:iirmingpublic. First-class liquors at the bar. An attentive, host. ler, and good. stabling. M. NEVILLE, Proprietor. ;Or Wagon aud Carriage Making, Blacken) &c, fri cotinexion. First-class work at moder- ate prices. Call early and often. 14-1v. 'weercossemerommesztemIciniciniixerest nizimacracnc.rnma St• tem. J3ISSETTS' livery ancr' uc'ale Stablos corm,ecitvion with 1,1,1,6 I) HORSES AND' 'COMFORT- Vellielea alWaya On hand. 'Favorable rraifientelliade with etenineeditil travelers. Alr Oder& left at Biffyptt's elieseep wilt be attended to. • ' & T. DIaskit, ProP. etaa, kat. 4, Jals, , S iiBta 433 n18it0,t tylltii ,Dret'S Ilotelf. ' , Alt8 Prop' t.4.468;.,,iiid."•./Iteltia**:140.tiv,e1 ,itilleitego,:tolaita! 6, ,• d., tioritineraintkiai On ft 'MIL% dxfutorktig. 'ii etite',• •V,Statae ' tHHO . Mt ' Oelleger, ' rettiaa hale' StOffi 0 t Wilkiii4 ,Itetbir. 'ffteter., Vatertill 01 ki4luod, feat* aiteiiieut great, , . „ . , . . • e at id tlioirlge,iiii(tfiget, • e.• BY OP Br. AFAntiAlDTT 4. P14/34T01$ '"xfi Wan °Innnlinn$Z" ' LWo love the+ aulitilnent " BY and Been yet Pot 'veitlient sem approlunisions ef its tenoning. Whq uttlo vocal is telt of taith, but Who kilAWS 1.101ir vernbly eVen the good things ot this life may af- fect the next n iiiniatter bY and 'by 'W11'3'0401' iny pathheloir was arieat, • whether it wound tkirengli Mirk or light, Under a vay or a, golden sky, When X look back on it, by and by ? What will it matter by and by • Whether, unhelped, I toiled alone, naY Toot against tb stone, Missing the, charge of the angel nigh, Bidding me think of the by and by What will it matter by and. by l Whether with laughing joy I went Downthrough the years with, a glad content Never nil.),triOt Tema would be sweeter by and by.? What will it latterby and by Whether Wi h cheek to cheek I've lain • .4loso ,l;ly the pallid augolibPain, Soothing eieleiu themea sob alId sigh ; "All will be elsowllere.by and by,?" • What will it matter.? , Naught, if I Only am 8Ure the way I'vo trod, , Gloomy or gladdened, lads to God, Questioning net of the how, the why, • If I but reachMim, by andby. What will I care for the unshared sigh. • If, in my fear ofslip"or tau, , • Closely I've, clung to Christ through all Mindless how rough the Path might lie, Sines he."Will smooth it byandtye ? Ah I matter 14 and by Nothing but this'1' Th'Itt Joy or Pain Lifted me.skywaarlielPed to gain, 'Whether through, reek;lir smile, or sigh, Heaven -home -all in. all, by and by I. A Dark Night's Work. , . Sta'i' 91 alltOPSWeet haeiltereee : ontaof *inner ,i00, , bickYko.AlitinO by n'40,0.'" . , “:. Yen 111144-1;71onineoti,*Ve ,d "Mil 04404 Harryiintoluntarily )r•.illatttiM`Patell a 'atitted deelaCt. aVid4 a eThe name, WAS' Oita "himiliar *him, I.Itr, ' tliali441r8neA1Stiiie's. Then,eaaina ,os, theleinging - te .00 c4. the Now York ttite:'SoMidtOf a'Satifffee e, , ea , j A, ' ' glP.,4PVAIPOMPOtA. 141) W.X41. Eit SPOVOSSea ! ,4.. IWO '04044, KOW0.4A Whi011 WAS :Cry, Hi.[.' • ,,. ' ',.: 4e1E6O by a StartlederYfrem his row ', Neeeffal Ileaen l' 400,04wige. Sldaeted, to )the Oncal heaVen 1 Leek yonder. See augged 'at Witn'.41 her 'Strength, 'and '.tlittalad standing behind Vail Alstine's flung it: tvide„ She 800111&1 to forget 'oh:liar ' - ' 2 , ..',' ie' areeitbaiie door e, , hoe disguise, her owl danger, herself in Haertas •eyes were ahead turning hi every way, in theawftil fear that was that direetion. A handsome youth had upon. hefa, a , , ., glided, oda,.aaaaseeaea into the apart- Narry WaS less',. a.t.''''.41'ee. feet behina mid now ,atOed as if tianStixed, 11W wil9B.$110 ente enteia'Itte inner room. Wateliiiigthe0;Ogress of the game, ' TheY avoit,:,'Ill§i, n'tiali' a td soo two tall , , , . , , ' Haithadaaeahniid, fair faae, :delicate as figares &infonaut' baelt .other under . . • any wOniine!s,'"deeat; long -101A velaetY 'the chandelier, a bludgeon swung high eyes„, blaa' .e.sfeingeil 'gentians, a little, in the air, ,411.a ,YtiatOtine rolled upon recta 'eaiee: neciutli, ;and iii. pOksiOn. Of. kat,' the flaw like le '19,4"ata0i, still, souse. lowish hair, :444' arbOd a IOW whke. less, baew; a ,'''''' •' ''' , aTia „ , ' 'aa'' a' Eloise :darted' Rniacird. a e,I,..,t Was ft. singalar fliee tiaeneennter40 "My ,God!" e4„ehrielteea,Naleoeiting POO AI** ''7.46,aa'atfait a';43u4dn thirll hersolf UpOn the . body--" they hole of MingladOlight and pain as .he gaz- killed him !" ed ,upon it. 'Re' -recoiled, as from a "The ruffian turned and looked down , 'Sadden slick, without knowing -why. at her ,with a slow, sneering laugh. . , 'From the ',faro -table • there came an, ,,,it was hie own fault," he 'growled. abrupt ejaculation presently,. Then, in a waffling voice: " Come, don't " Lost again !". : 2 take,on so,/pretty one; you'll spoil your It was Van ,Alstine's voice. He rose eyes. Wove found you out, in spite of up, white as death,- fumbledin his Vest that clever disguise.. So look up and pocket a moment, and brought out a, smile upon upon usalike the charming gold locket, thickly studdedwith jewels. little witch you are." The. fair -faced' youth gave a sudden He leanal over, and would have rais-. start at sight .of the ,glittering trinket. a Eloise in his arms, but Harry, with " Give me ane more trial," said . Van the ,bound of a tiger, was upon him,and Alstine, in a sharp, excited voice; "luck had pent him sprawling upon the fieor cannot always be against me." , ' ' with a weRdireeted blow. This time the dealer shook hiS head. The ruffian drew a revolver where he " I can't advance you any more layeendanuttering a fearful curse, cover - checks to -night." ed Harry's heart with a deadly aim of Van - Alstine muttered all in:Tat:Int steel. But the youug man, springing curse, and glanced Wildly roned the furiously forward wre,nched the weapon table. from his grasp, but not before one of " This bauble cost me five hundred its chambers had ,exploded. The bullet , dollars," said he holding up the locket. whizeed through the air, only to bury Going ,to , try your luck at foam, " Will anybody givetne half that sum itself harmlessly in the ceiling, however. Blaisdell?" ', " for it now 2" Harry swung ihe still smoking revel - "No,", Iva§ the answer. "Never There .was • a moment of silence. ver like /ightniatg above :lie :lead, and gamble. I'm only going un to look on." Then the fair -faced youth (who had en- shouted: "Humph! I'm off. iloodnight." firdy eritaped 'Van Alitinees observe- "Now the game is i,.. my hands 7 If " (i•ood night." tion) suddenly pushed a pretty, slender you make another movement, I Will put Harry Blaisdell paused on the stone hand -over his shoulder. . a bullet through your heart !" 'steps Of a moderate4Ooking house situ- "I will,' ha said,. in accents soft as The villain was raising stealthily to ated in upper Broadway, and watched the tinkle of a silver bell. his feet, but he quailed., awl dropped his friend's manly fi.rm,until it disap- At the sound of that voioe, Van Al- suddenly back agrin wlaen he saw the peared iu., the crowd that, thronged the . dine wheeled round suddenly in his dangerous glare in Harry's eyes. brilliantly lighted 'street. There was a tracks. His face wae ghastly already, With the deadly muzzle of the revolv- sad, half wistful look in his hiiiidsome but a wild, scared look spread all over er still covering the cowardle rogue, broth eyes, seldomto be teen there. it, as he stood and glared at the youth our hero now leaued over Eloise, and "I wonder what has come over me ?" a moment, in half -incredulous amaze- raised her froth the inanimate body of he muttered, with an impatient shrug. went. He WOS shaking from head to Van Alstine. " Somehow it seems to Me as if to -night foot, and coulnearcely stand, "My poor young lady," he said in a were going to be a turning point in my " My God 1" he gasped. low voice, " bear up, for God's sa,k3. career. fean't conquer the impression Then, as if compelled by soma stern The poor fellow is past your help. any more than I could have overcome necessityfor self-control, he brought the Think of your own peril, and come the inconiprehensible magnetism that strength back to his nerveless limbs, and away before it is too late." drew my Lfeet to this place of all others." catching fiercely hold of the youth's arm It \I"..as too late already. F yen as he He 'glanced up quickly at the dark led him u uickly to ono sid.e. spoke half a dozen rough -looking 111011 front uf the building beiore which he Harry saw them pause in a recess at came rushing, into "the apartment. stood, hesitated still another instant, as no great distance. Impelled. by a feel- " Down with him !" they yelled, furi- if tempted to follow. his, frieud down- in(. over which he had no control, he ouely, "The inforual s»-! Ho can't town, ,after, ala then gawk: turned the still watched and listened. leave thi,.; place alive t" . aeof-knob, and went in. . " Eloise," he heard Van Alstine say, Harry realized his terrible situation ' He found himself in a spacious hall„12: . - shi 1 0 rll hissing whisper, "why are at a &ace. The rooms wore. now d noe. dimly lighted by a single gas jet. A 1,:„: hand in this disguise 2" serted hfr all save the proprietors and stairc,aae, heavily carved and thicIdy 1 ;-,--,...iTe'ecl,ixi'Le to l their toiils. Of course the villains rera m carpeted, led up frothe centre, and find ycu, Diek," war, tale answer, a eye', fern voice, desperate. an attendant stood lennine against the l4Jy God !" and gnat drops cfagony The body on the float- "as a tezefiele wall near a markle lariadue, a little to came Out on tha poor fellow's forehead. wi West; age inse them. Their only sate. the right of the entrance. n . Do you. :now—do you guess the fear- ty lay in a double reurder, and 'rhey Harry Blaisdell barely nodded to the knew it fill. risk you apse run in venturing into man and passed nenhe stairs, as if wellth:s place 2" " FA him ! cut hi lie throat !" they acquainted with the place, though, truth . to tell, he had never penetrated to the, The lovely eyes ilcolced straight into hissed,yenomcusly. Then was Not a inOment to lose. vile gambling den—for such in , reality his oWn. it was—but once"-bcfore in all .is life. "You were here, Dick, and I could Drawitg Eloise's tremblingfigure still more dosely to him with one hand, he Pushing open the neaeest dode upon not keep away." raisedthe revolver in the other, rapidly the la " Silly fool," he said, half fondly, minae, he entered a large, kali- dischaging its several chambers into antly iighad room, furnished with the 1141f in angev• most exquisite taste. A velvet \ pile the slrieking crowd. At ads moment one of the gamblers Grems, a heavy fall or two, and a, rose from the table,. and stepped toward covered the floor ; soft foldsaef filniV volley of the most fearful curses follow. lace screened the windows; handsbale, them. mirrors adorned the walls, and. heavily ' ,, ," Van Alstine, I would like a word. ed. In tte midst of the confusion thaaen- carved divans were arranged about the withayouin private before you leave the "sued, i shrill voice suddenly ecreanied : apartment. . house, " BetIts 1 police! They're cia,ckine In one corner stood a massive side- The young man started, flashea a boiled, all Of a glitter with cut quick glatace from the mon back to his. the °4) 1" glass and At 4at instant the scund of crashing silver and swmgiug gag -jets. Harry e ,mpe,niona,at the table, but there was er hurried shuddeeingly past it, as if it had nothing suspicious in the demeanor ea blows as heard below, and the ringing may one of them. of poiaemen's clubs upon the ilags. beeie some hutdred-headed dragon, and "Pd out the laibts 1" yelled one of 4.‘ Certainly,. sir," an turned to kat. entered the room beyeta. •de the rulante. Here the gnu.% &Irte o'!. fee° taa.e. lc0 th° ga'aa4° °Ile of the 8.'" 71 ' - -* • ' 7 ,. !„- ,.,. ...,^ 7 ping on itteand. a gee:a/A.1;C te' the upper end; The home was !eta Sad very kW persons were in the room, thaugle oceasianally a muttered curse or a discordant latigh. leetted from apartments beyond, inaicating that the placai was aot deserted by anyaneans, and that different,: gatueS *eke goiag on. Harry paused hearth faro table, and his glance at Once singled out a hand- some well-dressed young .gentlenian, who, in Conipany With two other 'men $1,50 PEB ANNUM. of quite's, different stranp, seemed to- he playing against the " The young man was frightfully` Pala ; his eyes. were bloodshot, bat learned with an unnatural glitter, and the hand resting against oae earlier of the table trembled like an aspen leaf. • et I'm jrtlinda, In he eriea eitt, siumenv, with a featful oath. Heimph !" geed the dealer, sneering' ly, ,taGet enotigh of it for one night, eh ?/ The yottng man hesitated a meinent, pressed. beth bands against his burning totnplee, aqa then exclaimed in hoaree voice holiovo yell bele $11ritN1.1$a 1.`:10 Ellt iti'S Of no• nee Complaiatat, fight it oat With yee yate7 ' Ito tore a diantoad pia from hia thirt front, and elung,it acres the table, with the words "Lend me a huildred on that." All 'right." gala MO aeltier, evith an tina , pit9$eil &Or OlitelLS fotethe tequired atnettittr Again. the gathe pree,teded, Harry almost heeld his breath as he b. '6 '6 • t V78,td e , ,giess, an saw grea beads ot perspiration. on the yonng tarrifS foehead, Lnek WaS )Aill against hire and he lest, " deniaila another clisnee to redeein myself," /le eried hoarely; ithathie tfme a handsonte geld .evateli and eliain veto pushed, into tilt dealee,8 At this instant two nioist taigas tap, lied against Rotes' elieekl and et lei' iiigeardastie fade was pnollea oldie op to his own, say, sit.," piped ashtill Yoleta'"telia tt peetions 661 that ,yetttlgater is mak, inte Ito ought to `knew he iitaying against, deeoys, and Ilia not tile host of a thailee,'.' Ito he '1" asked '/Utty, too to egeOt fathillAtitry moo apertmerrtik - • He turnec. Leek hastily &tare e''' -'644i. ing the door, however, and earning up to his recent comae -lima :via in a raDi'l whisper a- " 1 reuse ate, ae these ruffians will bold- ly down stairs. and. out of the house— Walk natnt soneethina 'marg. that is your only way. ,• For God's sake, atatat 'tepee atamse t will presently join yom4.6 thn first street -corner." atereuavith a last imploring glance,he sr as gone. ' whole piaze ase e ' Harry her ra t‘":j/rteita.°1:eice'aeLt.'nea and something eeltizzed sharply in t ah'. The doeils meant to me aatfiere 04 him, after el. He Zodeted, and spramr nanbly to one side'just ,fts a bludgeon of some sort came down apen the floe with crushing force. " That's your game ?" he cried and pashina Nolte behind him, struck out blindly to the right and - left. He could see nOthina distinctly, but Net' a word, nor movement, ef his fist fla,ttene,c1 against somebody's this had been lost on Harry Blaisdell. Here was a vomance under lais very nose, and there was the sound of a pre - nose, and Providence had called him cipitate retreat. here on purpose to play a retain it, per- The cama rinext instant heavy footsteps hope. eshing upetatee and 'through the ante-eooin, dial Several cloak lanterns At any rate, he could not adult of flashed then: light upon the scene. leaving the place until he had seen idle e ad of the affair. Scahe draw back the It was evild beybraldeseription. Har- shadowoftho drapoi,,,shen net ry Blaialellf with his precious charge, stood. leaning agaiust the wala so faint body was observing thii,,and, ceouched there close against the Wall, mentally and we'll', now that the welecane 8ight esiling himself e fool, ilea a thousand of blue cats °aid: Inass huttons met his rgeze. he eould scardely stand. ether 'tniconeplimcniarea names, fee lia Titled at tne ganblers lay upon the' goring and hiding there, ytti fooling ru floor, 461.• Aletiatee body, welter. inclination to go away. rortautately, hie' Mena or the piping big 1I1 fhotr lser,,1 - • • ey Liming ot 01:14m., voide tead entastio fttee had Vanished, had -la 6°16 *" fear of eqielli4150 tt°111 17.1.(6)%11.61, thellett't;iliecseealrIttatiel orkeatth'ingS, naa- fi, oda, 11 rtby bkonatttei'vtwhaayt athae, offbooratiplaia!f, bieheotst 1h0440whow0f;iv4e:ntia;1,8;°, t1T11.61‘°roit'e,fog)tila4itibitiblgel.'alttt had hien wottnded, but tits petite came or,that; y0.0.6 .0, toe eitieldy upon the Beene, arid' fine - „ very vretkv imhjah, alio trate' the attetript, was 'thd horoirie, itna yan W1iie lie still stood glaring around hitn i a somewhat bewildered initatiere' Ata contitdietion tate hey lever,. Eioio etepped Out of his alms an .a telt a keen pang,. villaii6er 'he thotight 6t jahltog.C.eyd, spot where pia 41' of nothing 1else while watching 'tor fo8tj r, eft! Dielt.r shser e eaniod; `8tid. th6t' aqvelt`13(0011tg•• 6:641 lig*: tlit14Ig' dent- and bttrst bete tat hysterical sale' ,tio,thodd..„tiya ,04 vitt,,giv.§, hot. ito jo "Oh, thank Ged.1 thatile.Gati, 1 S3Aeigtiogelr: 61' 1"Van Aletine hatt boon ed herself into the voinoteat,eoiter, of ariaael a SOrlielOSS. blow UNiT. his the reCOSEir and, Wafted there in ailentef 114411& tit Wag IGOytio,wly v04aio11d iiii gland** 'appithshoivoly tleinge 116110144v • lit a V6*feWBitilidOs patimetif, itveiy noee anal then, •*At nthigh to sit A fail half hone ,ent ty,, and still It • ilia appoar that the gambliiis Alstiiis dI& iibt make kisstitutteneoi. had di nvereitgloise's Ise0ofOro iohio ballet:tit tt It dida °Alettil vas denoyed it1t&i84innet: lie Itttobsdtved 'Oita oho aid iteretra. Wliat fhi arpo we are not—that the room Were total& being. 'twat o vity, .14ti1 t tltflit. atalatatett ' by all ot dept. t 6 , tight* ;her sp tig Upon Vit see :otowd balofigifig thole, otttoly aggot ..trosoutly asottish cohlasioit tosa it an but y, Continued to struggle, hoWeVer, and when one of them left the apartteg tacat Tea Iniment, succeeded in baattia- ing away frona the other. It was then he uttered the exclamation that had reached Eloise'S ears, as 'Well as Harry The rest is eoop tola. Dielt Was Eleise's brother—the looket held the piature, For months he had boon lead - fag a fast life, ana this night his loving sister 'ho,a resolved. to make a desperate effart to reclaim Hence she had followed him in disguise to the gaining dep. Dick Irate Alstine never sought the faio table after thet , Our story woteld not be camplete un- less Hairy fell in:Jove with Elite. menthe lateleelekb,ecaree his and he knew then why that night in Upper Broadway *was a turtling point in hie deethey: • ---e-aea-allaaakalreetee-e-e-eaa, rel nereestt OP '440 GT Drilikr • • The following incident is a most ex- citing and remarkable occurenee—mo re especially when taken in connection with the fact that a human life hung upon "the throw of a dicer— When William III. of England was besieging Namur in the year 1(t95, (in conjunction with the allies), some of his soldiers went on a marauding ex- pedition in the neighborhood of a camp —notwithstanding the penalty of in- stant death which had been promulgat- ed against any soldier committing this breach of the martial law. Tim count- ry people who object( d to their proper- ty babe* taken from them without pay- ment, ceught most of the marauders, and visited them with a speeay ven- geance. Two soldiers, however escaped and got back safely to the, camp., liot however, without being pursued by the peasants they had despoiled, who lodg- ed their complaiut before the officee in charge. The two soldiers were imme- diately arrested, a drum -head coulee martial was caked, and after the evid, enee had been taken, both were at once sentenced to death. The General -in - thief was deprirous of saving the lives of the two unlucky soldiers ; bat, for the sake of 'eaaanple, it was decided that the sentence must, be carried out upon one of the offenders ; and to determ- in which one should suffer and which escape, recourse was had to the dice - box. When the time of the exectition arrived, the two soldiers were led to a drum, near where the fatal pole was al- ready fixed for the carrying out of the sentence. One of the condemned, with tremblinte, hand took up the dice and threw in the presence of his comrades. "TWc sixes ! two sixes !" was whisper- ed 'round; and in all instant, his bro- ther in trouble also threw two sixes ! The officers were puzzled, but ordered the Tem to throw e second time.. Again to the amazement to all equal num- bers. we -e east—but this time two fives! Their aellor-soldiers were loud in their demands that the naerauders should be pardoned, but application VMS made to the court-martial for further instruc- tion,.; and, rftez some delay, the order was given. that eite ()fenders should throe; a third theta. Trembling from 'heed to foot, and with heavy hearts, tbs. poor for.,otes aeatin cast the dice, when, to the further consternation of all eroand, especially to the officers charged to attend the caecatioa, the re- sult was two fours ! The loud cry then arose from the bystanders. "This is God's hand! This is God's head 1" The case Waci again submitted to the court-martial. Even its most harden- ed members shuddered; and it wasam- enimously resolved to leave the dicision to the general -in -chief, the Palace of Vaudement. The two Englishmen .weretbrought before him. and told him the whole of the story, and, after lis- tening attentively, the Prince uttered the welcome word, aParden!" eg, "it is impossible in such an uncommon case not to obey the voice of ti's Provid- ree " 'I,.11 • • ,r0.0.04....)09llir0001Fr '• 14,44aSr TARX, $4*.Ton.$4 '00:rop4ors vilt remenebee *that 1147.4 lie Holbrook left Hamilten for Batfaao fallOwea by deteetivestend"Wareente.fo; day .1.tlie 7a7Selitte"f(o'lltvirinVtHli."8.' 9.f -1?4” bro".otebiom4tatc‘cveQuelolinstiltio°4 7p.oet itlij;eiel7aIrt- rbbbor, mid a member of an orgealized ganeeof thieves in New York•citta stole $50,00 0 in Chicago. She. •Made off with her•aooty and, started, as thetehief of ;police • of Obieagoafteawards eager - tabled, for New 'Yea.; • Deteetive' Mil- lor went to .that city andatefteraa .loug eettrehasucceeded ixi arreatingefiera and started toiaChiongo. e At Albany ae Made a mistake in purchasing tickets, .aud went, on the ,Groat 'Western instead. of the -"rake ShOiet,lino. When thetrain was lea'vjir inUtn»..fiatia&,. apon tite platform of the car in to the arms of at'detective claiming his protection and. stating that the United States officer was abducting her from Canada. The Canadian officer took charge of her, and she was taken be- fore a police magistrate at that place who discharged her. Spb.sequently up. on learning the facts in the case, the Hamilton chief of police gave Detec- tive Miller the assistance of his officers to search the town and, if possiblefind the woman. She had.started for Buf- falo, which fact the officers learned in time to follow her in the next -Lain. Arriving in Buffalo she walked three miles to,Black Rock, where she Maned - ed to cross over the Niagara to Fort Erie on a ferryboat. At this point the officers overtook her, and wore about to step on the boat ilUit 115 it was leav- ind the shore, when 'Red' Leary of NOW York and 'Jim' May, two noted cracksmen, aiiterfered and threatened to shoot the .officers if they boarded the boat. They dared not and the woman escaped. She then went to New York, and -from there'eame to West Troy, ort Friday last. From there she went to Albany, and at 8.30 p. ra. came .to this city. Detective Miller traced her here Wednesday and communicated with Supt. McKenna. _Miller remain- ed in the Troy Houeenntil night, when in company with Detective Ryan, he started out on a tour of inspection. Several saloons tidal all the hotels were visited, and at 9.80 o'clock they found the name, Airs. Danlass, on the regis- ter at Cozzen's Hotel. The proprietor kuew nothing of the woman, and they asked to see her, but were informed that she had gone to Albany, and intended to go frorn thence to Schenectady, re- turning at 9.40 p. m. When the New York Central train arrived at the Union depot the officere were there; but the women was riot to be found.. It was subsequeutly ascertained that she was th.olacata1 wb.rm 11 riffiO, .5; first -aP•1••• led, having changed her mind, but sbe left the hotel after she found out that seine one had been looking for her. Thursday morning Detective Miller went to Saratoga and Thursday night information was received that she had gone to New 'York. Miller was sent for and came to Troy yesterday after- noon inbending to go dir .ct to New York. As he had a few hours to spare before taking the train, he and the De- tective Ryan started out to see if they could not get some definite trace ()flier. At eight o'clock they entered Benjamin Bowles: saloon on River stra t, and the first person they saw was their victim. She was overwhelmed with surprise, and took her arrest defiantly. The de- tective took the train at 8.30for Albany and started at came for Chicago, athich place he will reach to -morrow maiming if nothing happens. The woman ise nabst desperate characrer. and ia one of the shrewaist thieves New York. Detective an deeeeees imech credit for the assistance rendered Detective Miller while in thia city. TOrnatO PSOSeft, pli4;-1741111 PweaTialltnietp"riabgo,lialtothr9egst:Z. 'mowing liovi to grow 'a few early toma- toes, 1 will give the details of how managed to raise a few bushels to my entiee satisfaction. I took 5 mail box, twelve by twoutyaapolies wed six inches deep, fillea it vat good. garden soil ana put ittoa the stove, letting it stay there 1111 the clay was thoroughly heat, ecl; then tooa a stielt and made marks four and, a half inches apart and one inch deep n the clay, crossways of the box; tbon settatered tomato seed quite thick aloug the eowe and covered them about one quarter of au inch dee?; then took a newspaper ma wet it and cover - ea the box to prevent it gettitt ,eley on the tup, ,Tattaboi as seta-ma:01)4# near the etoie4ter thelBeedo,',w " ii,14 imirtf011oveltrflarget" s again for the purpose of keeping up the heat in the soil, care being taken uot to let it get too hot, In torty-eight hours from the time the seeds were eown, they had sprouted, and many bad broken ground; a few were near half au inch high.—Gar. Rural Nete Yorker. .11e,seeding 014 Paotare, For many years the opinion waa er- roneously held that pastures shottail never be ploughed, for if the sward was once broken it was thought it would never again become so compact as to form a good grazing turf. . But this opinion was wrong. Pastures may ba broken, and planted with potatoes; in the fall the potatoes are harvested, the land lightly ploughed, amain the next spring sown with barley and seeded down with a mixture of gasses well adapted for graziag, med. a good sward at once obtained and maintained for many years. The grasses iu our old pastures aro chiefly- wild grasses, which have found their way in by accident rather than by design. La re -seeding a pasture it is very important to have a large quantity of seeds of those varieties of grasses that flower successively at aiareeent peeiceas,. and that aro well adapt- ed forg razing. The following mixture has been recommended: Meadow fox - tail, two pounds; orchard grass, six pouuds; six sweetscented vernal grass, one pound; red -top, two pounds; Ken- tucky blue grass, five pound, Italian rye grass' four pounds; perennial clover, tare() ponads ; or a total of forty pounds of seed per acre, which would give the enormous number of 54,000,000 seeds or eight seeds to every square inch of ground.. Who doubts that this would in a favorable season, produce a good thick permanent sward—aod that cat- tle would graze from it in preference to the worn out turf of the old pasture.? Cremation. THE REPORTED CASE IN PHILADELPH/A. it was the Philadelphia Presvdf Sun- day that reported that an acatal case of burning a dead body had oCeurred in that city. The time it alleges, was Friday last, the body that of George Opdyke, sno of Die Francis Opdyke, formerly of HeidelbUrg, and the place the cellar of the doctor's residence'No. 1,940 North Fourth street :—The house in which tba' &odor now resides, and which he has occupied but a short time was recently built mr-2-was purchased by hini hotbre )VilS finiSiled. Though having 'nearly 'all the inborn improve - meets the doctor a tisted upon several ng them a peculi- main chimney. was with a view 1. In tue cell open a • ' tl ideas of OW11 1.11)1ae ceeetruction of he informed ,fo what has ocenrr is eupported by, which the encl ()peas, tlio op closed with a here the his the doctor 8 8t43dy Tilore S,tWt particle of bone among them, Airing tho burning, 'wbile the ,Dector himself 'enperintended, aald whioh was attended • by $everal peemineat phyeiciane wad other gentlemen, Ulm was 11410 311y, WirlOOSeht Odor WO C01131,"4 14 iVi1;') about 7. a. 134. that the ashes eyelet, de. posited in the urn, Whni 'WO called ' upon the aoutor 1e $1201i+4 1115 libOlit 11 teaspoonfal of 04(04 tietteS, They are to the touch much iiice pulverized su- gar, and perfectly', odorless. This 'vase is shaped like a common flower -vase worked and sealed with rodeo:ding-wax and is about eighteen iticheri hi0i. M- eer bed upon it is the date of the death of George Opdykc 11 is perfeealy white. P1101 experiment was rather ea, pensive, mud), more 80 than hurtling will be when better araParatiens are Made, owing to 'the general aeeeptauee of creipatiOn. .111:14.100. When a lady faints what Agiwe does 3:7matiou about the " creinatiou Wait 0:61.102,011 ? 'You must bring her a, for A Wisconsia dairyman adlid. for in- , t Kentucky has a paper "devoted to the interests. of the proprietor." The Man 'whOf remarked that, the . .p4i0,.,:of.*-14w was born with a-erOill , On- his heed, was not aware that all children aro 80 b0/11. A haun try I i iilerya, is frightening the inhe,bitants of1VaAosborot0, Pa. YOST tan't frighten the people in this country after that rashion. Alynliecr, LU yau auowfOiaadatt•we'. call our boy Hails " Donet, really," Well, J. toll you. Der reason dat al;e call our he. Hans, thee ,ish hie name." uri a 'revival at Green Bay, a citi- zen is reported to have ariseiaand asked to be forgiven for having beeu• a sub- scriber to the Chicago Times for•nine-• - • teeu years. " Did you execute this instrumeat without fear or compulsion from year husband ?" blandly asked the judge. " Fear 1 compulsion ! - He conipel.me 'You don't know me, judge.' An Iowa judge has decided that, " a feller can wink at a *gal in spellin' school without laying himself liable to a breach of promise spit," but alas the spelling -school season has closed. An exchange says' that a Michigan man dreamed recently that hisatitint was dead. The dream proved true. He tried the sante dream =leis moth, ertiuelaw, but it didn't work. A St. Paul locomotive threw a man one hundred and eighty feet over a tres- sle -work bridge and didn't hurt him., which ie another r6comthendation. for Western climate. "0, why should the spirit of mortal be sad 2" exclaims the Milwaukee ‘S'en.: tine!, " when New Orleans molasses sells at fourteen cents per. quart, anetea buckwheat is thrown' at a man in .fifty pound packages. A North Carolina, editor thus writes : • " With -wearied brain ' ana fatigued limbs from the duties of the .dny, , ae we bend over the manuscript, the soft and soothing strains of music, such as only .,. Johnsou's band can , make, fall upon our ears, an(1 tire revivifying intineilee is aS 7ssea.°v.e:rl cynicAsietclelwtcs.:Abright ittretii.3oaiI4sooiv:t.Irouni viottboo:ht, wlin hesud1lyatised,gzedeger1y 111 to her mother's face, and, while there. shone in her eyes the light of ti wisdonj• beyond her years, snaida- [blamed if we haven't forgotten what she said] ." A man in Haverhill, -N.H., who had recently buried nis wife, on hearing of the sudden death of his nearest neigh- bor's better half, hastened. 'over to his house to console him. After he beheld the lifeless remains of the, lady he're- marked ; "Wal, we hev,bota lest our women, and all we hey .got to do i find two more." . . "How .much better been to hat it a- ty t she beau favor ne Lund mu to lapse, 11 the eyee o will be neck take the ilii estimate of by observine nificant sign her usual de matter ,of, fac your;; iady w 'flint: or ten tie Strroutided ireqUently n spaon that iti 'company, is itd, 'prim and denVi nientiOlied'pesse actease, told plays fo' tho purpose i'rittids and [retina.. r1Of Ministering timerital feeling. T on ±110 other hand, s si'vaiioi4 becatiso 81 tion to he talked. abet Confidential and larig „ general observation, s, of the fact that hernti and, perilapa,rathe • Sheritn, Pelt. .Ctilinn1111 lite 'following Teinedy lia •fatly Wed rib 11Iel0441311111 .tja as keno for with i,titatooehott Purpott togilsh ottp frooly tot day.. ,A. ,00to od 12, hours. Sltottld •tty this moody sod bo nitre *i'11e hetiefli of atitoi shit o lidt4