HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-05-27, Page 21Third annual co, on dinner is successful in raising S28,000 EXETER - The third annual con- servation dinner held April 30 in Exeter was the most successful one every held. Sponsored jointly by the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation and the Exeter Lions Club, the din- ner is ;spatted to net in excess of 328,000 mdng to Mew= SharonRomphf. The previous two dinners brought in net returns of about 520,000 each Co-chairman Tom Hertai said this week, "I am very pleased with the end results. The main reasons for the increases in profits this year is the fact most of the art work and auction items were cost covered by a large number of businesses throughout the watershed and we certainly appreciate their support." The -S28.000 will 1f It Vie- tween the two sponsoring ?groups. As was the case last year, the Lions again agree to use at least 75 per - cern of their share for continued beautification of MacNaughton Park and establishment of the Exet- er'Marrison Dam Corridor. The ARCA Foundation's share will be used further improvements to the White Pine Woods outdoor education area clasrrooni at the Parkhill Conservation Area and continue barrier -free trails at vari- ous locations. Bidding was brisk four the 25 live auction times among the 408 per- sons who attended and this portion of the night's activities brought in 310,905. Kerr Hamann of Exeter w- ebs od the feature original an,ri Watershed Scene, an original by Tammy Laye for S1,600. Tammy Laye, who has been the featured artist for each of the throe years said she wished to thank those who have so eagerly bid on her work over the years. She added, "No, 1 am not upset that the paint- ing did not draw higher bids, but --yhe guy who bought it got a great bargain." Another Laye item the remarque print of Horse and Buggy went for a final bid of .5675 and a L- LakePon Fhwilcs original .painted by Patricia Downie went for 5725. It wasn't a painting, but a hand - carved duck -by Mel Gainer that Letter to Editor 1111111.11taliNitlitunaost *Wised and atdtMYMIdMIIf:lluldy DeHoer, one of the Met hmd-working members of the dinner committee shelled out SSW for the duck say- ing, "I just INN to have it. Maybe, I wee wearing a duck - ..AltetiUent altilharglidelco in luded a number of paintings real- itad a4a0M of 37,000. The top item Ohitilhatilillat auction was a Patricia 'townie limited edition print which %told for $475. The general rattle was also very !popular with a siNe variety of 100 ttrtletes it ids ndise, all corn- pletely deer»! •by businesses and aindividuals poen all points in the rrge watershed of the ARCA. •-lritinenonasber one in the special IiiineWahled at S2,200 'trench in- mbe- tte,-pottable te14am_ .. ter of beef, acrylic getisware and /emery stock went to Liz Acton. •'!'he next two prizes were won by IEaren Tuckey and Sally Lou Ray- anond. The wining ticket in the special canoe raffle valued at 31,400 was Lonilon annexation concerns MPP Dear Editor: I am writing to let Middlesex stents know the steps that I have.takenbefore-ard since the re- lease :of ..:re Arbitrator's report. on April. .3, 1992. I have discussed this report with the Minister of Municipal Affairs, the •Premier, Marion Boyd, . David Winninger, and members .of the Government . Caucus. Juan of these .discussions I have communicated your con- cerns around the size of the -pro- posed annexation, the kind of •planning.that is important, the lack of detail in the Arbitrator's report and its apparent contradictions, and -my _determination that Mid- .dlesexemerge from this process a financially strong County. I be- lieve that a healthy County is also in the best interests of the City and constituents I serve in the eastern part of London. When it became more and more clear that doaally cleated liti- an agreement to -resolve the'Mid- dleaex-London boundary :dispute, Minister David 'Cooke :appointed an Arbitrator to hearthe issues and make recommendations regarding a solution. I met with County ne- gotiators while they discussed the approach that Middlesex would take during the public hearings. I also went to a meeting of Mid- dlesex Board of Education to par- ticipate in the discussion of con- cerns around the impact of boundary changes on the school system. Although I could not at- tend all the public meetings be- cause of out of town committee work, I did go to ten or twelve. I wanted to hear fust hand what my constituents had to say. Since the release of the Arbitra- tor's report, I have spent a consid- erable amount of time posing questions to staff of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs regarding the problems I believe exist with the jurisdiction andlacement of the. buffer zone, the Mplucation of .the Farm Practices Protection Act on thefarms that could become part of the city, effective Live plmming to hmit the annexed area that could be de- veloped, protection of agricultural land, as well as the macer of can- pensation to the Cotmty. On Thursday, April 23 I was present at a meeting between Min- ister Cooke and Warden Frank Gare, a meeting between the Minis- ter and Mayor Tom Gosnell, and a later meeting that in- cluded Dave Cooke, the War- den, Loudon's Mayor and the heads of Cotmcils directly -affected by armexation. This is the first of a -number of meetings .the • Minister will bavesin sloe Laden I have also made a presentation Ito the Rural Advisory Committee of Caucus, and most recently .the Planning and Priorities Committee of Cabinet. At the Planning and Pri- orities meeting I was once again able to express .to Cabinet and ;the Premier my cancans and reserva- tion around the Brant report. They listened openly and responded most positively with support for my posi- tion on your behalf. I am confident of the determina- tion within the government caucus to find a resolution to the Middles- ex -London boundary dispute that is in the interests of .all constituents and that reflects the best solution in terms of planning and preservation of agricultural land. The Minister of Municipal Affairs has been re- ceptive to the point of view that I have expressed and to my many questions. Auctioneers Bob -Heywood 235-0874 Burt Lobb 482-9377 Thurada wnlpg rhe 11._ 6 We will be offering a wall kept single storey dwap and property for Mrs. Estrella Finkbeiner of Exeter Selling subject to a reasonable re- serve, 10% down sale day, balance in 30 days. Known as 56 Hill St. Exeter, according to Plan 376 pt. lot 1021 with 64.5' frontage - 2 bed- rooms, eat in kitchen, living room, 3 pc. bath, full basement This home is on one of Exeter's most desirable and scenic iota overlooking River- view Park. Plenty of room for building on to the back of the home if de- rtiited. For viewing contact Bob Heywood. Auctioneers Bob Heywood 235-0874 Burt Lobb bb 482-9377 atrioKffy n aYe Cnter We will be dispersing the entire Grand Send estate of the late Marion Caswell including many exoellent antique & collectible items. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: 6 matching pressback chairs, Targe oval dining extension table, sideboard with pillars and bevelled mirror, hall stand with mirror and umbrella holder, hi -boy chest. with oval mir- ror, 2 door wardrobe, fiat to the watt cupboard, bonnet chest, antique dressers, 3 old ice boxes, corner what not, several washstands, press - back arm chair, buffet, corner cupboard, several crooks, toilet set, roe water crock, misc. granite ware, bridge lamps, violin and bow, ornate leather chair, stent wooden boxes, wicker, 4 pocket watches, sev- eral dozen hooked and braided mats, treadle sewing machine, "Orange Kier thermometer, balloon -tired bike, old tins, bottles, tools, post cards, hat pins, cast iron bank, Orange Lodge Mernorabelia, quilts and tops, linens, doiliies. jewellry, fine china and glass incl. R.S. Prussia, carni- val, depression, pressed glass, oil lamps, incl. Cobalt Blue miniature lamp, folk art, 1906 Goderrch souvenir, old bead purse, and interesting items too numerous to mention. IMAs ,i eInpliks,cestc refrigerator, silver (2 yrs. cad), Zenith sawing ng ma - err cast, exercrae bike, chest of elver Kenmore sewing ma - loured chine, 22 rifle, shot gun, (FAC required), 12 ton hydraulic jack, elec. drills, drywall gun, dartps, vise, planes, ceramic tile cutter, walking canes, logging chain, hand and garden tools. Don't miss this excellent collectibles sale. • I believe that Middlesex can emerge from this boundary dispute the strong .rural community it has always been. 1 reject entirely the proposal by some, including former MPP Doug Reycraft, that the solu- tion is. to amalgamate Middlesex and Elgin. Regional Government has been rejected as expensive and lethargic in meeting the needs of in- dividuals. Mr. Reyenft's proposal is simply Dave Mwray's Regional Government idea, . by by another name. The needs of Middlesex County residents could too easily be overlooked in a combined County structure. I have also been in communica- tion with the Minister of Education and attended a meeting with Minis- try staff to reiterate with Mr. Siiipo and those who will facilitate the current discussions between the London Board of Education and Middlesex Board, the expressed wish of marry County, is ire- -gelding e- .. Arlin Middlesex -County Board of Education. A transition temp comprised of the heads or their designates, asp l Councils directly affected by the proposed annexation,hasrbeen put in place to address the immediate issues and problems arising from the annexation process. The transition team will be chaired by Assistant Deputy Minis- ter, Brian Riddell, Municipal Oper- ations, loth floor, 777 Bay Street, Toronto, M5G 2E5 (416) 585- 6600. I would encourage anyone with specific concerns regarding issues like split properties. affected build- ing lots, etc., to contact the appro- priate township representative on the transition team and Mr. Rid- dell. This will assist both the pub- lic and the transition team in the next few weeks. Draft legislation will be prepared over the next few weeks. Both I and the transition loser► will have an opportunity 40 .Mte put and make teconuuopdliitpft dt°g the legislation before aims to the Hoare. No date has been set for the introduction of legislation. For the last nineteen months I have advocated for the people of the riding of Middlesex and I shall continue to advocate on your be- half. Sincerely, Irene Mathyssen MPP Middlesex RICHARD LOBE AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Saturday May 30 at 10 a.m. Nursery stock, power tools, an- tiques, furniture, at Lobb Auction Clinton. Wed. Juni 17 at 1 p.m. Rea! es: tate auction, 2 s, ap- prox. 11000 sq. ft. ooncrste a steal buskti g. 7th Ave Vanastr Industrial Park, formerly known as the Glasgow Inn Restaur RR 6 Clinton. Wad., June 17at 3 p.m. Approx. 8200 sq. ft. dance hall with taohed brick home, above ground pool, approx. 4 acres lo- cated 2 corners west of Hensel and 1 mils (mouth formerly known as Pine Ridge Chalet. Both prop- erties being offered subject to a reasonable reserve bid. For infor- mation call the Clinton Credit Un- ion 482-3487 ask for Don or Steve. -Mad by 111041111111well. The eoatiblift of 'Me 'OM were Torn Hinidiad Mac -tt INh- gall. John INIPRIM is ,alineief dee ExWer-L411114111641adatillialn of the don Itsw lldon is DattilNlw. In - figs remarks Woad said, 1 weuid lice to thank again the many volunteers nom the Foun- dation and the Lions for their dedi- cation in attending weekly organiza- tional meetings for the last two months before dee dinner and of course, the 408 people in attendance who with their generosity made it all possible." Concerns heard about street lier blame EXETER - At the May 19 meet- ing of town council, councillor Bob Drummond voiced his cancans * * * * * ** * *�t� ���r��y� ** * ****Mr** about the actions of skate bosnderrs * to OMMLNT A� ON It and roller, blacfers on town meas.'* Fumlture, antiques, farm machinery, vehicles, etc. From London,'Nelsr.. Ditmnmotnd said, "I was W ton, Strathroy, Hyde'Park, Lucan, Ailsa Craig estates and homes.11a-*( * riety of shrubs. * One night last week when I saw * hlderton Curling Club, Ndarton, Ont. Oust north of London) four youngsters roaring down the * Sat. Mev 30 -10:00 a.m. * middle of Sanders street on their * FURNITURE A ANT[O�=�ekreral automatic washers and dryers, 4( roller blades. They were side by ,* f, , different sizes of deep freezes, stoves, dining room suites, ♦t side.' It's also been on, * room suites, gas dryer, f.p. chestertield and chair, antique wooden ♦t g #'flame, couch, desks, chairs, love seats, buffets, vacuums, kerosene ♦t Main street." * haater, rockers, blanket boxes, hi -tis, real nice antique dishes, lamps, 4t He continued, 'If this practice is"'*' roe box, chests of drawers, elephant collection, cups and saucers, 4t allowed to continue there is going * �. dishes, all kinds of pots and pans, small appliances, garden .tt to be a B' a riders don't * tools, roto titters, lawn mowers, bikes, etc. etc. may tcygl * MACHINERY: Which will be sold at 1 p.m. Int. H. tractor, gas, escape my wrath either. Somebody * N.M. -717 harvester with hay head, Fox harvester with hay and com with authority should =force the * head, hammer -mill and belt, Tumco forage box and wagon, J.D. 4( rules." as ground drive manure spreader, N.H. mix mill, FarmHand mix mill, 32' * Cheek -treasurer Liz Bell said Ili** elevator, water pump and motor, post hole auger, Cub Cadet lawn • mower, gas weed eater, general farm tools, antiques etc. * debmition of roller blade's should*. VEHICLES: Which will be sold at approximately 2 p.m. 1972 GMC be inchided in the town's bylaw. * pickup, automatic, 1971 Cutlass Supreme, automatic, 1987 Hyundi XL, . * automatic, 1983 Plymouth CaraveUe, automatic, 4 cyl. All sailing as is. ,,* DULLDOZEB; 18 H.P. diesel, with backhoe angle blade, only 30 hrs. * (new), float. This is a partial list only, due to advertising costs. Consign- * * mints accepted if brought to fair grounds Friday May 29th. Plan to at- * * tend this large interesting sale of a variety of items. 4••TERMS Cash sale day. Lunch booth. 4 Auctioneers -,a High Filson Torn Robson 4 666-0833 666-1967 Fax666-0833 w r****a********************•*******xt Tlrnes-Advocate, Ma/ 27, 1992 Nee 21 ' .t Hensel) Livestock : les Ltd. Order buyer tor fats, feeders and stockers Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily. Sortl 6 oetfle for Talbotvllte L(veetock Expltange Ltd. onnPh$tlSys Also plotting up cows and veal Saturday Mornings ReetaureM_open_dalty ?_a.m. - Ontario -Pork Producers li rkstIng Yard Open weekly Tuesday 7 a.m. -12 noon POr more Into/oration eontact: Barry Miner, Owner Manager Office 262-2831, Exeter 235-2717, yjaw n ijob,, c i - v AUCTION SALE To be held at the Lobb Auction building In Clinton for Howard Harris of Goderich plus several addhlonys. SHRUBS SELL AT 10sAtin Nurse- y NookinT s 80 roses assorted, 30-50 emerald cedar 3 ft. high, 50 oolenester (ground cover), 40 assort- ed flower shrubs, 8 Nape loaf Lindens, 10 shade master Locust, 10 Van- ggeNd maple trees, 10 - 2 ft. blue spruce, 5 mt. ash. POWER TOOLS - Craftsman radial arm mitre saw, Power cemlrntTnrw- el 36", Seaver Rockwell table saw. ANTIQUES FURNITURE, APPUANCES - spinning wheel, 3 rocking chairs, childs pressback rocker, antique shotdder cradle, antique gun, 22 rife, shot gun, milk can, wicker doll cradle, wicker doll cart, coffee grinder, sad Irons, small iron kettle, railway lantern, Ibriff table, open washstand, spool bed, treadle sowing machine, Dunoan Pfyis drop {ant dining table wfth 2 loaves, parlour table,electric stove, chest freezer, al- mond clothes dryer, chestriNMd WMh ull out bad nearly new, swivel rocker nearly new, modem 16sByM0ychair, chesterflf ld end chair, 2 old dressers wfth mirrors, old N .__ epee, 2 pedestal end tables, 2 port- able colour TVs, lawn 4 as at chesterfield, baby carriage, gas barbecue, patio umbrella , 2 TV Converters, dishes, glassware, lamps, et.c plus many Nems too numerous to mention. Terms - cash or cheque with proper ID Auctioneer Rtohard Lobb 482-7898 "Is 'Pier Fone Number Not Kurently Listed or listed Inkurectly?" Due to overwhelming response... once again this year we will be pub- lishing the Exeter and Area Phone Book. It is our intention to publish a Telephone Listing as correct and current as possible. So, If your business or home phone number is not listed or is incorrect, we will •be :happy to add or correct your number. dust— Complete the handy coupon below and make sure itis at our office no later than Friday, June 26. Clip and Bring to Times Advocate by June 26 crew 100140 Name Add MINI Phone Please Change r If listed previously piaase clip old incorrtict listing and attach here. We will delete it. ATTENTION B USINESSES If you have not been contacted for advertising space in our book please call Barb Consitt WATCH FOR IT... Your personal wpy coming won! \__ 23 -1331 ore l