HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-05-27, Page 20k:' Page 20 Times -Advocate, May 27, 1992 ACES: Swat 14, 2 Etc thaw, 3 sr•d, $250 284-4273 wnnings. NINTENDO OAMti SYSTEM, - USW ehrame' 15", S25.00 for 4; BMX bice $35.00; Bisset rte eeksan carpet maci mens for Mop vac,176100, volt 44blD, f 10.00, mere for door of lull need van 52000. AU like new. Gall 284-215 1. OVEN READY ROASTING CHICKENS, 6-10 tbs. 1130 per pound. Delivered free. 0.412294843 after Sp.nh. CSIESTBRFIELD/PULIAVI', rose colour, Santa mations, excellent condition; Ki►gsize Mennonite quilt, tan and brown Detours. Broken Spoke patten,. Phone 284-1250. PREVIOUSLY ENJOYED SEWING MACHINES: Choose frau Singer, Ja lone, Husgsvama, Hina Suaight Sews to t bmpunen, oompkte with warranty. Priced from 559.95. Sew & Save Genre, 149 Downie St. Skratford 271-9660. Closed Msedays. • --16 -ACRES GOOD QUALITY ,STANDING ALFALFA. Phone 262-3448. (2 r) FRESH CUT FLOWERS - Prom spring blebs, nmNner delphinium and lilies to late aaasaner gads and evaiaitings, many asmssal varieties grown, Corse and on your own. We will arawge if you wish. Call Iveake (229-6464) of Oernude (229.6253) Ulan. GEODESIC DOME for sale, 58 ft. diameter, 40 fls'fisc aaading. them 482-9974. (21;22c) OLD TIME WARDROBE 60-x40"x22' 2 doors and 2drawers, 5 aomninum nomsand screen wuiodows 62`x30". Barbecue, deal burners in good wetting elder. Hume 235-1166-(22c) SATELLITE DISH Hy thresh, 3 piece -:mate iariodes amer, pp00000trooeetdeer and deaaambler 32200. Call 1Save.263-5370. (222c) XIICS1I7F WATERBED with headboard complete. Simplicity wringer washer. Bah m excellent condition. Phone 2632514. ate; URINE -ERASE manatees removal mine amine, odors. from sauces. Regadiens stain age! 24 hr. toll free information. >iaidell Chemicals Limited 1 -800 -56 -ERASE. (22c) R)RMAL.DRESS size 7, peach cdcorand boy's blazer aim 18. Navy. Both worn only ante. Phone 234.6483. (22c) DRYSDAL! Malo' Appliance Centre• Ltd. 5, Sales With Service Tne place to buy appliances - NEW AND USED hensa!I 262-2728 lag 9l 1978 PORD T4IIIRDes is, woks mallbr; 19112 650 Yatrdta mesons yak. enasarnat aaditlsf a is $1600 also.; 1Mwars.M rowing machine. Can be seen at 166 (Main &. S. F.xsasr. NO.3-MASSEY BALER asieh Brake; 4 bar tnarnwemal side mkt; 42' King Wise elevator, 100 gallon 3 .paint Moth sprayer with new pump; 12' 6 auger -with 1 hr. motor, 6 round *feeders; 4 water tem9hs; 1972 Pontiac Lemont. All in good supe. Pikes 235-0267. ELECTRIC ORGAN - avabwt - veneer cabinet with bench. Hun and Easy organ course boots included 3250.00 or give me an offer. N ugabyde sediser lair, , fair condition, god for rec roan 525.00. Phone 227-4695. 'OUR FRBNCII ANCESTRY" in 1631-1990 can be obtained from 10aer sc Dasonene, 41 John St. N. Zurich. Phone 236-4778 or Nap Contin, RR2 Zurich. Phone 236-4641. (22') STROLLER, tricycle16" bike, pe lawnmower, electric lawnmower, tubbe tired bag Darier. Wmne227-4117. (22c) TWO MR OOND111ONERS 9000 B.T.U.; child caner for bike; brass and crystal chandelier, electric lathes dryer. Best offer accepted Phone 235-3666. RECLAIMED YELLOW BRICK, approx. 4500, 300 per trick. Phone 263.2111. GIRL'S BIKE 20" master 3-yr.".id $50; 8.0000 BTU. Bloomberg)* alr000ditianen. kw aide sliding windows, Oman old 3480 -ea. Pboce 235-1958. BATHROOM VANRlES (3 ft. mime basin, Moan faucet $75) (4 ft. yelkow toxin 335), sliding tub doors $45; shower base 32"x48" 350; mahogany bifold doors 6 h. $50; garage fridge (sideby aide)$40. Make fifer. Phone 238.2320 Oeetd HsUd ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER, Buds and Decker, abnost new, used 4 Mires .385.00. phone 235-2466. 17 Wanted To Bu\ WE NEED CARS AND TRUCKS for wrecking or resale, towing service available. Brock Arno W,eckcrs, [aedieon. Phooe228-6700. (4(kfn) PIANO STOOL in aooditirn - adjusrable. Phone 234.6396 after5:0Op.gn. 1, Yvantef WANTED - 88 people to lose 10-29 lbs. in a month. Doctor 1009e natural. (604)732-3237. 23c) 1`% lionon;.tC JGI GRAND BEND Pineview Mobile Home Park. r n 1t community, paved rads and sheet lights, year round living. Hames for sale, excellent nt condition. Cable T.V., mot and cub house, pets welcome. Phone 238-5584 or 2432294. (421fn) 25 ACRES of workable land on Highway 84. Phone236.4566. (48tfn) LOTS IVR SALE - ate on Hwy. 121, two in Dashwood. . Let us build your dream home. Ted Voogei Cumuuaion, 238-2742 after p.m. (16tfn) LOADEDWITtH'ICi M ACtIER $169.900 A classic two storey home located dose to schools land downtown. Hardwood floors throughout, french doors, oak trim, European kitchen, new bathroom, new large main floor family room. Newer roof, large deck over -looking partially fenced yard. Great play area for children. Neutral decor. Lot size 65' x 265'. Just walk int Call 235-1168 FOR SALE Totally -renovated -home in -attractive -area, -1--block -from lain St., Exeter. Featuring 3 large bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, large liv- ing room, diningroom and den, large kitchen and family room, new gas furnace, attached garage and storage shed. Large deck ori den. reduced for quick sale. Call 235-1647 BRINTNELL CONST. LTD. 28 Years. of Experience For all Your Concrete Needs • Foundations • Floors • Patios • Driveways CaII Today for A Free Estimate Bus. 229.8244 Mobile 1-272-7483 Also Setvittq ihe- ; .alnule:a (,On)nlunll5 • barns • Martute hanks 8( Equipment $>C8T1k - meaisat leeellutOrdelreinsia, 3 bedrooms, 2 trahs, mit qtalleilaste family room, antral alifeso afq genes, private yard, auached gmage, aalkrep 149,900. Call 235-2774 for appsialissou. (22) COUNTRY ESTATE - RIPMEN AREin. 3.3 saes with over 100 area sunettwd Suis appealing 5 bedroom horse The lege country kitchen features new oak cupboards, tisk flax, and space galore. The completely renovated fain floor with 4 pc_ bath, heathy fac)dn, 2 air -tight food staves to mdmitee the asuman charm, and eerbtMhed anemiaweod trim, snakes this a ore fwd U it's an insulated shed, a bam, or a couple of art -bundle s that you esquire, don-shis- is a -place kr -yea. Qngfwajy Mined at 5199,900 it has Sow bees reduced to 5179,9001 Call soday. Qttltga n 1tea1 Hsatc Lad., Clinton - Prod R. Lobb, Saks Representative 5t9-482.1400 or Boa limey, Sales Rapresn asaive 519.238-$466 Res. ) ARGE BRIGHT 2 indmen,ipassueuu, Mondry hookups, paved mains 6413.00 pa month plus utilities. Etruria 2 5-1449 or 235-1950. (37tfn) EXETER - ground floor spumous with fiidge and stove. Call titan Haven •iAf mnents 235-0349.(44tfa) .RIIdT - 1, . 2 .and 3 bedrooms eapanments, available immediately. Phone 115-0537.(46tfn) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, floor, downtown Bengali, paved'dning, TV .cable, q� prate for sada eisieens. •13th Month Rent Free'. Asona2624230. (Chic) 2 BEDRMoo, gyp. PaARTMENT�wag dewt,+rasher, dryer $485.00. per month. Phone 235-1449 or 235.1950. (Strfn) LARGE LUXURY 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS mini three sppliences. Laundry fadlitiea in eat mit. Ground floor units available. Phone 235.2961. (4tfn) METTER me bedroont,verunent, hike and stove supplied. Available June 1s. Call Jack Taylor 2354293. (Min) BACHELOR APARTMENT 24 Main float 5400.00 monthly. L..1u ... heat and utilities. Please supply sefeseno s and apply in person at The Tames Advocate. (9x) ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS, availably immediately. ell Mark+nr M Parsons rotes 235.1304, Etude Realty Int. 235-162L (l Stn) EXETER DOWNTOWN apwrin motel set wWs **A Prides, cove, washer, dryer ka4 ,an s remand Phone 235-03 2. (lab) EXlrntit • lowly nnsvaled 3 balloon home with dtnaM -4 game, star schools aria downsewn. 5750.00 monthly plus ratlines. Phone 2354079 arise. (llltfn) LARGE CLEAN, one beano" aspartanatt. fridge, stove, cable TV. suitable for one business person. Phone 235-0963. (1811n) UPPER APARTMENT. clove and fridge included. Whirs .sura 5334.00/ month. AWaniac .iamsadimely. Contact Oke LOVELY LARGE LUXURY 2 bedlam 5 Seise. bpiaee aril 235-1 tha BAYFIELD - ,fewer leech, 2 :badman. +iellexsM-sit kitchen, llhe ere• afire. -Well -suited -es iers. or Available Jsnc,l,lfsiU Paul cleet23J43302. (20tfn) TWO 'BEDROOM HOUSE in Exeter. gss • heat. includes fridge and stove. fust and last •amtbsweatt.,AvadLble Jur 1, S485.00 per ei th:PimQ,235-1647. (20ttn) IWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. geoasd floor, beat inetaded, quiet ,assns location, Iaimdy and poking. Phone 235-1497. BONUS - .BUZABErff COURT APART/AMTS. Hensell..One and two bedroom apartments with fridge. stove, beat y Lsrndry facilities on premises. For More information and viewing oppornu)mities call 262-2827. after 6 p.m. LDW RATES an 3 asmaaemial awaits available immediately for sent. Suitable for efface Of mail In business Dore of Zurich. Call 1-3485. (2143c) BACHELOR APARTMENT in lasean. For more intonation 227-1567. (22c) FARM HOUSE available June 20 in Kiduna area 3.500 monthly plus utilities Phone 229-8232. (22tfn) UPPER LARGE 2 BEDROOM apartment fridge, stove included. Downtown Hensel'. 1465/month plus utilities. Phone 236-4365 «2364961. (22t(rn) HENSALL - one bedroom walk-in spa. Sundie AwlMt1Y: of 3325.r loch. ' 5'O. ) , --a e-fer-.at included at 3225/mouth. MIMElbekAsp 235-2420. (22tfn) 21 For ken' THE "OLD. TOWN 11AL1." auditorium for ran tats, including wedding. meetings. Moque% morn, lectures, exhibitions, Elms, etc. Kitchen facilities •vWable. Phone 235-0318. (1711n) 2:i Wanted io ken - COUNTRY HOME on Loge lot or small acreage..Roit with option no buy. 228-6766. (12tfn) NOTICE TO CREDITORS +ND OTHERS k ltkij Estate of MILUE IRENE LAWSON All persons having clients against the Estate of Millie Irene Lawson formerly of 459 Main Street South, Apartment 41 Exeter, Ontario. NOM ISO. who pawod away on or about the 9th day of October, 1991 are hereby notified to send in to the wtderaipaed Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 4th day of June, 1992, full particulars of their claims, thereaf- ter the undersi1aed will distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated a t Exeter, Ontario this 13th day of May, 1992. ,NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY 1 Ontario Street P.0.4ox 128 '~ 04..A0111ia likA,ass MEL YARD SALE 5IPACBS, 6y, Jus 40 as the SAAN Stere. Por s all 235.2552, ask for Mer. JA1114013 SALE - 516 Matew &,, Exeter, May 90 8 am. to 4 p.m. Teta, dsepiag batt, gas babeoue, 56 widow blind, plus many other darns. (22•) MULTI PAMiLY YARN) SALES - King St. South Creditors end •arse on King Sit. N and Csedtaan United Church. Lots of goodies for everyone. Saturday, June 6. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ATTENTION STUDENTS, articles great for mats up an apertlhent, kisdien wares, utensils, bed frame, sables, linens etc. etc. May -30 9 nim. ttc?23611Mde Elvd.-Reeter. (u`) GARAGE SALE - Su. and San. May 30 and 31. 8 a.m. to 1 pan. Mau Tssokey and Mel Geiser. 257 Lakeshore Dr. Sotrtsoou Mmmes, mnesd Heed. (22c) HUGE YARD AND BAKE SALE at Hibbert United Church, &alfa. Rain ,or shine. 8 act. to 3 pm. Sat. May 30. (22c) GARAGE SALE - Grand Bard on May - 30 and May 31 at -70 °neario &. South (Hwy. 21) across from Esso Self Save. Tools, toys, dishes, furniture, 10 speed bike, etc. etc. 8 am. to 3 p.m. Come early. (22') .GARAGE SALE - Sat. May 30 - 33 Sherwood Cres. Household items, toys and clothes. Rain or shine. (22c) -SAT. MAY .30 8.1 .2..M 28 ...Xing Si, Crediton. Books, dishes, said appliances, 18 co. ft. freezer, queen size box springs and mattress, etc. etc. In event of rain will beheld is garage, (22c) YARD SALE - Saturday, May 30 - 8:00 am. to 1:00 pin. 1 1/4 miles west Huron Street, 1 farm south. Handknit sweaters, clothes,nuio llaneousarticles. (22c) The Exeter 0,31. isitallikg for yoler In 'solving a couple of break and antes. . The first took'piace between the 151h and 22nd of March, 1992 at, Lot 2 Lake Rage West, Stephen Twp., when a thief forced a front door open and once inside stole: • Panasonic microwave oven, model NN -75060, brown mac -tack finish, Smoked black window. • one 21" colour television • a jewellery box with an assortment of costume jewellery, some in an unusual two tone gold colour. The second -break-M was -at RR 2 Zurich (Block "A" LakeRange West, Hay Twp.,) and a kitchen window was smashed to gain entry between the 14th and 15th of March, 1992. The thief made off with: • 5500.00 in American cash (assorted old silver dollars and coins). • assorted jewellery including: 1. A sterling silver necklace; 2. one diamond solitaire engagement ring; 3. one gold ridged wedding band; 4. one broach. If you have infomnation about these or any other crimes call Chime Stoppers of Huron County, 1-800-265-1777 or 524-6851 and you could receive a reward of up to $1000.00. You will never have to give your name and you will never have to appear In court. Remem�b& crime doesn't pay, Crime Stoppers does. k&Wkarg- 2gilLE Sat. June 6 9:00 a.m. to 3 D.M. King St. S. Crediton -pies sone on King St. N. %and Onttlitort1inftad-Chfnnh There•wlll be lots ofgocidies for everyone as thereare multl family yard sales For Rent Townhouse, Stmcoe St. 'Exeter - 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Fin- ished rec room, newly deco- rated. Available immediately Maples - Hensall One bedroom -apartment. $329: month heat•incuded.'t Available immediately Ducharme Investments 236-4230 235-3511 Phone 235-1331 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF MEETING OF CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OPINE BANKRUPTCY OF 935622 ONTARIO INC. C.O.B. AS DIJFF1 R1N I IOUSE A CORPORATION.DIJLY INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF TUBPROVq,jjCE OF ONTAAtO P. VJV.P.A. OF C NTRALIA Sf8PNBN TWP. OF THE COUNTY OP HURON IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO NOTICE is booby given that 935622 ONTARIO INC. C.O.B. AS DUFFERIN HOUSE Wed an aesigtunent on die 12th day of May, 1992and that the first meeting of Crediton will be held on the 2nd day ofJtme 1992 at the hour of 1:1/0 o'clock us the afternoon at One Wortley Road London, Ontario N6C 3N7 and that to be eligible to vote, cre+iitor must We with the Trustee, prior to thc meeting, proofs of claim and, where necessary, proxies. CLAIMS against the estate mast he Wed with the Trustee before - dstribu::on is nand:; o:hcmke thc proceeds of the Lstatc will i c distributed among thc parties entitled thereto without regard to such claims. DATED AT London, Ontario, this 14th day of May, 1992 /Jowls, Martl0dele & Co. Loc. Tnssise Doe Wortley Rood loaders, Odarb NeCiN7 -Tek(f19)i73-3141 Bairn no. Drainage R.R. #6 Forst Ont. Farm Drainage Specialists Septic Systems Erosion Control Waterlines Milk House Drains Backhoe Rental Basements "We guarantee you the best value for your dollar" For tree estimates Call' Days - 828-3641 - Ron Evenings - 786-4241 - Rick Wellington Notice to Property Owners ,to DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to -all -persons in possession.of land In accordance with -the Weed Control Act, 1990, Chapter W.5, Sections 3, 16 and 23, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipalities of -the Township of McGilliv- ray are destroyed by date of June 3, 1992, and throughout the season, the Municipalities may enter upon the said land and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. John Trott, Shirley Scott, Weed Inspector ClerkTownship of McGillivray tit t A well prepared resume will help you get the job you are looking for! A resume detailing an applicant's work history and education is extremely helpful to an employer who is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy. Your personal .resume should accompany your.letter of application. Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resumes: U Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and no longer than two pages U The resume should be typed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper with enough white space to prevent.a cluttered look U Start with your name, address and phone number U Next under aetib•heading' Work -History"-detail-the previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order - that is, lastjoblfirat. U Use a separate parag�h for each position and precede it with the: you heldthat'position. U State the job title,.a.brief depoription of the resppnaibilities - and the results you.aohieued. U The next section of your resume should come under the sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the name of the institution at which you studied. Follow this with previous education attainments. At the end, list any specific instructional courses you have attended in conjunction with your work. U Under the sub -heading "filiations", fiat memberships and/or offices held in professional or industry associations. U Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any activities which you feel will be of interest to the employer - such as volunteer work, etc. Your letter of application and your irosumb will be the factors that make the employer decide whether to shout list you for an interview. So make it as impressive ,as you can - but stick to the facts. We can help you get an impressive and professional -looking resume COI jt,p • j,tord at 424 Main St. Exeter (5) 2354331