HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-4-23, Page 5RtsR'ivax its , cotlat nd .', On 1 coach papers, bring us. alatell R gouge oe the progress of the 'wont of rgeo gn Scotland which r$ extending tothea smallol' towns, go&srs' Moody 04'l'144/ Sttaikey, at the 'latest accounts, Were at Dundee, where the largeet bnildin 8 were crowded with the cosec g''ogations that (tally assembles, The -f're'e (March lir'aurtlsays t•—"Not the least remarkable feature of this await- !cuing ii the rapidity with which it .is streading through the country.. At the :noon meeting in the last week of the ;year one might see #isht rmeli from i the coast of Fife with their wives, and strangers from all the towns round about—Haddington, TKelso „, Melrose, 40.ides( el 'r d home file 310V3. they had seen anti heard, and on til r zbport othershastened to the scene 4' a.Otiou, in order that they alight ,roes c for themselves, Then invitation aft 7,' invitation poured in inion Jt,ressr• • 11loody_ancl Sankey, with all of which of course, it was impossible that they could comply-, But those places which were anxious fox a visit from the Ameri- can evangelists, and could not procure one, have done well in taking up •' the rUOte • for themselves. They have ro- oognizod the fact that it is the power of the Holy Spirit which has given success to -the Edinburg meetings, and .tlr4t,uu,. ghoartyin''vi.tation"addresse'd to him will fail to meet a response., From every quarter e learn. that meetings aro being held—in some oases daily at noon, in in some, in the evening,, , and the ac- counts whioh lasivta reatolied us of the at- tendance at these meetings and the in- terest awakened by them are very satis- faotory,—Glstflruer., allot KIR LIE D. 'ZE,ALAN13. HOLDIES. -On the 2nd inst., at the residence of the br isle's, fatlier, by the Reva \V. S Biaes'kstook , i\ir. S. G. Zea- land, merchant. Clinton; to Sarah, eldest daughter of E. Holmes, proprietor of the Clinton New Era. CASE STINSON.---At Christ's Church Exeter, on Monday the 10th inst. By the Rev. I. Barr, Tncniuiicht, Thos. Case son ,of Mr. Joseph Case of ITsborne to .Miss Stinson of Rodgerville. B®R.,r. INFMMini NELLES.—At Clinton, on 'the arta just„ tiie wife of;". A. Iefles, Esq., of a daughter. - ALKW1LL.—lu Exeter, on Friday the 17th inst., the wife of Dir. Jas. Balkwill, of a daughter. awiseacturnexammegammega Vii, : ii alt Ifive T1.100=1110. SEED BARLEY_ Tin subscriber has on nand, and for sale a quantity of Seat.). Barley, of his own raising, and win:muted pure. Secur egood see while you can. L CARLING, Exeter, April 23, 1874. 35-33. N ()TICE. Those indebted to the late T••. ',Vinous are re- quosted Ca call at once, at Vau,lnsen's Drug store and settle the sante, either by Cash or Nota. MRS. DR. WINANS. Exeter. April 23, 1874, 38-4t. 1.MPROVL YO Crit _POCK. The subscrib 1701.111 informthe people a t'1t9 rrer n g rb rllou.l,tu tt he has pura,raued the calchrat'd hite Boar Pig formerly owned by Sir•. W. NVood, nd whit-, has taken several first prizes. lie is now at my rosidcieo, iota, London ltoa.l, Devon. Terme, 73 cents, C' .11.1C 11.411D PEXINS. Devon April 23 1874. sr-tf. Q LEEP .EST.It'11'i.--;;tray cdint t: the 1J,anit°'8 of the Kt 'scriber, lot 7, con. 20, Ste - poen, on or al out the let of Marco last, au aged a..re, By 1rrowing tro,l!rty, and paying expenses, the Owile: Ca,n take :ter 338';3,,, RICHARD li,' ASTCOTT� Hartley, April 23, 1874.: '8s -3t* Piano, Organ, n, Violin AND CORNET. zt. II. CHARLES PALMER (OF LONDON, Fuglaald. and Ontario) has the honor to announce he will receive puiuls fur in- struction in the above in Lucan on. 'Tuesdays and" Fridays, and in Exeter, on. VTednedays anti Saturdays. Particulars as to Terms may be had at Ca, 'Ta'r'es oiEico. Loudon, Anri123, 1874. - 3c -4t. OW READY 4042 Exeter Carriage The largest stock of eagle and double CARRIACEZ a, tatlOrii2Es Which will ,be found t} he tit.. ge .. Rest' and. Cheaper ever offered to the public in this vicinity,' Now the time for bargdiirs an the inororietur hits ramie (inch REDUCTION' IN PRICES as certainly DEFIES CO.31PETITIO y An es¢mination of the stock before purchasing 'else where is respootfnlly solicited by the saoserib'r oanElts fo all kinds of Vehicles attended to WIT THE USUAL DISPATCH. ALL WealWiiu ANTE>7. Joel 'mania. . Exeter,April 23,1874 Sii•ly. oTICE. Cho 'Partnbrtihip heretofore ousting between the undersigned as xnerolrants at Centralia and Crediton, under the style, and flint of Thomas' Greenway & Company, is this pay dissolved by ottluxlon of tirnn,y THOMAS 01 _ s (}RT.p;N"wAY. ROBE1LT TIMVf4i'I.NS tVfrntftas-112, V. STTr1WAItT. Contralia, loth March 18231 Referringto the above, the undersigned 'begs .to angitic( hat ho will continue tile 'husi eee at,the' remoctrve places. All debts due tho'late firm 213 tat be pawl to him, who will also liquidate all &tots' due by said flthr. TIIOS, GIt1Ji TWAY. l onaralia, April 2S, 1994,,, • 35,,4t. TEGT IJAJ, 3tieobttfrislgd, Nils Vet :G,R''CChTlr• prier. will 12e' hold oi`lows. A cmi'- ial in4+itstion is oaten. 'wan visltTg brit Oft, Afar, a0` April 7,1i tty2G, J21nc .i,411r!o +20,1t!)y 27,hug, k, 'grit. I,im!A 131 rix r,. 21,0(3: 10,'l1'ov..'9' boo, 81011.0 28, M. Eyllr. 3ti13'1''l', F3oM'etaty. OUSE TO r,l'.PP, 1.101100 to Lot, with Stahls rili:i isr((c Crfarden, 1712 d o west sl (le ref Male Street .TSxeL or, nearly opposite the � v + oW.r 1 f. r,lr!lrch. Apply at tL1s odic( oi', to i.t.%toa1fbS Ila/171TT $:0.9n1. Oet tl tf lililt: r7T;IiI, I+A*\'OItIT'lti LIN1ti. IIa "c��7,l ta��hh,al v'�t 3 jS tcL? (�,ci ,,t 0NDOis' flood Horses, Comfortable'Stages AO: Fast hie Then stages era driven by the tai<ast smeolns o- Listing of tlravera, and loaye 414 i E$T1;1tiY'Bona,, 0 )G t, every afternoon, at 32 pm, ttrriyirl5 in Luta in timete connect with trains for the east arta west, iti4e00lteetiug in Exeter with the Winton and 4t. Mary's stages.' T,EAVI'; EXETER ABgUT 4 a.m., connecting in l:uoan and Landon with sta. gee and trains, W, BROOKS. ,TOEI'N IIAWIiSHAW, 17iivor, Proprietor. NEW PUMP FACTORY., P CFMPS7 'P T , PcMPS, BOLTON, Ay would inform the inhabitants of H 3 , Stgp7lon and 17sborne, that he nlanufactlU' all kinds . ..._ of puntr ., _moulding th .. . OntiteER,,R4, ENT_ FOR PUMA for Iv/14)1119e has the exclusive righ above-named townships.; The suns( confident - that he can satisfy those in pumps, as to workmanship ami qualit such prices that he CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD IN THE T:IAl1lTFACT4RTDOl�`I�NION. • —Ono -Fourth axile north of the village of Exeter, on Lot 7, Hay, London Road. N. B.—Repairing attended to with prompt= ness, and done at reasonable prices. CEO, BOLTON. Hay, April 16, 1874. . 34-6x31. for ' the ;per feels vaiit of , and. at OTICE. 'The Court of Bovisson and Appeal for the Vil- lage of Exeter for the year • 1874, will be held at the' Court Room, Exeter, on Monday, the 20th day of April, at 0 o'clock p.m, . Exeter, March20, 1874. M. EACRETT, Clerk. WEAVING. The(iucscriber begs to acquaint those wanting s*weaving done, that hey, may have. their wishe satisfied by calling at niy•rosiclenco, where I am prepared to prosecute all kinds of weaving, in the best manner, at most reasonableprices.JAMESON 3rd Lino, Blanshard, April 8, 1874. NOTICE. t .The Court of 'Revision for the municipality of Ueborne will bo held h1 the TOWNSHIP HALL, ELIMVILLE, On Saturday, 11tay 2ncl, 1874, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Parties interested will govern themselves ac- cordingly. SAM'L P. BALLS, Tp. Clork. Usborno, April 14, 1874. 34-31. EIiET R, CRE UTON, LIMN AND LONDON DAILY STAGE leaves Exeter and Crediton about 4 a. m., CONNECTING IN LUCAN and arriving in London at 9 A. M. Returning,,, leaves Qity: Hotel rt 2 P. M., for the above places, arrivinginLu- eau iu time for the train (G. T, R.) going west, Connecting in Exeter With the G.inton Stage. tis All parcels and messages strictly attend- ed to. CALEER & CO, ' Proprietors, London, April 16, 1374. 34.tf. FOR SALE. 1'OR SALE, ALL THAT VA.LU- ablo property on the west tide of Main Street, Exeter, with Dwelling House, Stable, &c., formerly owned by the late Alfred Charley, comprising in the whole, (front and rear,) SIX LOTS, of ono fifth of an acre each, well fenced and cultivated. TERMS of payment, one fourth cash down, and the balance at any time within thrseyeers, secured by mortgage bearing interest at 8 per cent. per an nuns. TENDERS for the purchase of the whole, or any separate portion, will be received up to the lst,day of May next, addressed to the undersigned, who ro... servos to himself the option of accepting or not. Centralia, April 8, 1874. THOMAS 7'RIVg rt, DR.S.FITCH'S " FAMILY PHYSICIAN Containing descriptions of Diseases and rules for their treatment, will bo sent free of all charge by mail to anyone sending' their address io 30-41. 714, Broodway, New York, Special notice SEEDS FOB SEEDS GARDEN SEI PLOWER ;, .. z;Ds & FIELD SEEDS, SEEES GEO." J. GRpi FiN'S C ity E[al1 Bandings --1ON D C� iNT, . 51;I;DS ib "'n place. " SEEDS Send for Catalog(: gratis. ' Solo agent for Waters' rPLk,. 1 PR,01,1 L, P2205, 52.80. . ,--N=U .: r` ....+err r. 20 Papers Choice Flower Seeds for ®ng Dollar. LONDON QUEBEC and l ON'TREA L Teisaper1ey Lige. 0:I posed of Hili following arta-d tis • 1E014, STEAMSHIP'S... SCOTLA1ND, MDWA3� r Ii.l,AMES, ' DELTA, SEVERN ' 1`T` "AI'ZA, HECTOR, Tito Stoarnors of this limn aro inteti'iteft to srtil during the Season of Navigation of 1870 front LONDON POD, ( 1,3111 1C ix'xlD 1 Ot1Irit11ll, rx'. try follower-8totic,rid', W'odnoadny, 27111 August, elect of ar'y altol'r.r(413 WOduoschty arul Soltirdoy theroaftcr,. And41,e411 Q Ut1I'C F'o tONtO/f,..rg FOLLO VS: 5)3133008, Thrm8dt'',1:, 51fitAligiit Sovotn,'! hu(oday, 1.118 Sept. e0tltn(.4P31raday +o d .And every alternate Puoadity hereafter, tT'tint dm d toy lowor tht,n, nt ,rhos, Cottiilci.irs (83132 l to per'sons'dorilrorrg of bring- ing out their trio388. 1,'m° Profglit or Paoli ti,,o, amity to IMV/5) ,1Gfont240af .r ra ha 1-714 w c4 CD l' Cin 1-13 CD 1,?:: cso h . , CD 4Pip CD • 9 CD Pte• E.14- Frnissasl cr), cz) — o 'sand lI1 JUST RECENT) _VI- I W. 23 p E wYtdg CHEA A utoo lot of Ladles' Cos' Wines, beautiful, designs and quits new, Alto, a eboioe lot 0I DresS'ocOl li, BASH Black Lnstres at all ,pzioos. A largo assortment of Prints, mil), 12, c. per yd., worthy of notice. Pall and soo tbelu.eau lful ns- nortment of�¢sr' 68018, latest styles. ,aTOME • Stock now complete. By - Cry iyili bo,uektf3i1oa4,. 's ' the Cash that Does it B'" Choke Teas at 50 c. por lb. N.B. Cash fou Eggs, T. W. BRODERICK. n2.11.ig.S9 � o STATIONERY (Sign of the Red Mortar, LUCA .N). DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Dl'E STUFFS, WORKS OF FICTION, TRAVEL, ETC. C irculatirg Library. mplote Stock l Prices Low 1 Call 4olicited, N. A,IBosworth J. Y. Savage. Luea.n, Fob, leth.1147.1. • .' 11 mad_ ,n--. ... SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNK et • <.• etc, �. EACI ETT, EXETER., Who has carried on tato liusiness:of -Saddler and IIarness :faker for thin rest sisiren year• iia vo midst, embraces this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his many cuatoiners for tee./ a liberal,patr'onage bestowed upon him. So 34s 10 retain this l'etronago ane that of his -stew a u stofha. he begs to state that he keeps on hand,ttnd makes to order a first-class assortment of HEAVY and LIGIT HARNESS which ho will sell 11.8 cheap es 00v other hones in the 1) -w ilea. 1In wnnl1 call 512/01231 attei.tlo a hislstock of TIO1tsl: CLOTHIN U, just received. IIe also keeps on baud ThE ROCKWELL PATENT RST AND CVE R-CHEC o, Particular attention paid to the fitting of collars and the facing of them. J_=•`" REPAIRING t(rn with neatness and dcspatch.g 1tL,IE11BLIt THE I'LAC II-sl:op sunth of Jas. Pickard's store. G E0. EACRETT 0. G. WILLSON'S MUSIC,- i$EIVING4 °MACHINE AND AGRICULTURAL 1MP.L1 IENT EMPORIUM, F RITE, NTaq • STILL IN THE FRONT RANK AS USUAL. SMTAFX/D' 167} MACH! rat • l'217 FLOillifllCI: 2,7 siE71(io, Bovorg bio Food Leek and Knot Stitch Family Sewing Machin she, Bongos the world in perfe0,lon and range of work, Strength and. beauty of (livability of construction . and rapidity of motion. Call and examine. Send for circulars. Agents wanted in every town in the Province, This Machine has taken fh'st rues at all tiro County Fairs, 0.0.WI,9 LSON, Oe33eral Agent Tor the A0H0CELOT01? R, 21 AT THE • j ; Dora edicaI Laboratory. ' ALSO AT THE SAME PLACE . ;. IES, L1 °OK'S, ETC C:C .L I C IC A R Vvr.AT aro now receiving au oe.n3n0 out their now Spring Goods, ;ine)udlrg e. splendid Assorting Now Prints and G-inghams New Silk Warp Dress' Goods New Silk Poplins, New Eiacc Silks New Fancy Wool Shawls t of New Colic, Silks, ,Now 'S:ilk'T:issu.o Shawls, (..'. New Lace Collars, and full liros of Gloves, Beebe, Shen', 0rocerioS3 an( l Shelf II'ali lvfti`C9, i • of alt the 2 owoot and t3ioot 15a2hio1Ctible stylet, They hale also 3'000ivo8 timet from 'tie t� .L{.Atli-cr1AS's ASSORTMENT 1 A1. L. > .. OI ��' , ,� A4 � w A11 of the �' :,Cx6o(1., �vll1 1)0 X0131. r,11en 'w. Call and G:C.1lT1I111'f; i1 1.0 a. rr i1relltts111 1,�i� � e; , 1 11v ' �.. ': 1..181( to ,. wv t.loatl:. t y i Canadian Pal* of inn a:PITA14; . .. . ... ......f, 01,000.000. 2,000.000.' 0. A )3ranoh of thio above Iiilnk has•beou oponod in Lu mu for thio troAnmetion 0100u 0 131) Baultihag. 90s1, 1. SA. ,ING 3 BANK. - E'PAI: T11IENT ' 81431,s as. low as onedoliai receivedon;tle5osit, Interest-4'and 13 per cont. allowed. No notice i f htlAra}vttl 281)u11'9,d3 a "n7oriean elirreatcy bought and soca. 1). STOW h,IF.I3D. , Agent. A.NTON' INT cQoro ' ATi; 2;. TO TTA LC)V L PRE • OO D See Them-. s Beautiful Prints,. ' " ;s Cottons, , 1 NC LIkn'e i,, 'ye' ' `Su.n. Hats, 0a 'Cheapest he Ever Solei. .f Y+ rJ[r b+aJ,1,1.7 14. Nem A �VED 1'707)1 '...'x508-411(l1ti0 ',T'P111% G. 13. 31'lzl'1k1'S buyer, 141r. i;Ibu111t a ;ear, yet 0.11(0tllast wee!( by s'tolou$hip City of 13russ911, while rho goods 1111 wets buy111 kayo boil arriving. for seine wet+lcs. past; anti the assattmeul in 11(09 al,otit complete in every ,101Atr1- 31te11t C oniprl) 111 111fytly 131'108 :fat' u(010t iht'u' ordinary t'ttlue., k"ur- thershipluenits of similar 'goods will 00381uno to arrive 109 Borne time yet, G. B. SM T 11113) clow become known i(1 the 1]utish 111331'13(15 its a cash buyer, and, when his buyer; cans .on a :naa(ulft3cturer, there the bottont 1112X03 are sure to bo quoted, !yr 1, ho knows Haat the invoice and shipping bill have only to 2(3(113 their ilestlrlai'iO3r, 3111(1 at cheque ,.. for the gold Will 1♦e tranhnutted by newt mail, and if he doe not tisk the lovest 1405314les hguie, his neigllbolifhg raa11uiseturer „ilii ; and when it is known that the. wholesale honsos sell 1\loirtrotd•or 'ioreato, win; sell alatin to ilu,au•.,30 33(6011 3211(,90 ul 81118 (101111 t)•,y„bny frcrin those . Hanle 111311111- facturots, and hardly any of thein pixy 04011, 11. is easy; to understand, hoe' 'G 13, S».i.tit eau oa22y out, so strictly )iiis sy'stoin 0£ (slung the lowest Ariel first thio veh0n be is n1 a p,lsitioi3 to pelt that o lo War than other retailers. xx ul7ord to roil. , G. B. tii�Tl`£'I1. 1 /FoLEN.NAN'S STEAM ANI) WA- ��� :dl 'tpo'1i'a2l" curing aria Grist Mill,, EXETER, The undersigned wishes to return sincere thanks to liis numerous customers for their very liberal patronage in the past, and also take this oppor- tunity pvor- tunityofstatin1',that he is better prepared tean ever to turn out T��E VERY BEST OF WORK. The mill is in the best o+' "nnniug order, and par- ties Call generally rely on g 1tthrg their grist home With there.: Having late.,, put in IL. new 1911t01- wlreel, there is now an ablxnatauoe of water. N®u�^)n' (30 to Ga Cents per bushel will bo laid for good dry peas. ' ' �'F ` 77.2"E AT. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID , IN CASH FOR FYkE WHEAT. L OUR AN D CHOPPEI)FEED ALwATI ON HAND. Choppily done every day. D IIoLENNAN. EXETER NORTH CARRIAGE FIJCTO tY Messrs. G. & J. Brooks hay; e • now CO11):1l1e11CCCl the til l,nufaC- Imre of Buggies and Wagons for the Spring and Somme: Trade. TEnirs—Cash or Shoat. Cre- tilt. Also, onhz:nd,n, lob of Scotch Diamond Harrows, of their own manilt'acture, which 'they can and will sell •as cheop ' as any one in the trade. Ple'ase to call 'jai. G. t� J,,'P.1100.irs. URSE BILLS HORSE 000001OQ00000000 00 �' .. 0.0 ;. Ot10 .000.E 4 i^hl C a�}� 000 aSs goo F tog 0'200000060000000 ,. a rP' TA, I ,cls ' T AT TEE 46 TinleS'" Oflo 3 4Vhilo 7019 wait for tlretn,1 .. 112ITo3s0 .0(110 aro of the later•`, American 0o- 83(3311. Call. mud see tam. THE JC . ES 0.E RLY SEDER: ;. AND Cultivator Improved 4racllino is now bung universally 1, t iivm,sally� arlop, toil t1u'o l&101it' Ontario, and Wherevc'i7 itso3l is ltrononfie011 to bo ot0etiy what is said of it, ' 2 iv 1 what ants ), gift a y � hitt is'regtiiratl, eta advantages over the trill are Many, and it only neeis to bo soon to make knovno'f; tsolf this fact. ' try'' Ti8s 110033 nppointocl A10,at 1'e ° th1 vioiiiily mud any in10181(ation 411131('12 it lain tris »04903 to' giOOh0 will 31011 Winii7;;ly lnrnasit. I+'3a'ntef'13 412111 11174 it to fhoic (28WII11,li1e9' l8 1 '0 31)13.'t4laehino !1 trial. Glx lir . Mik001101 Yfil DEM OltriYilktil.. ttlii TIAL i RgEr 1) 11102 '1('1311 tbbo 11Cii:oilind 133 lief 10311'94 14 154 A stated, -.1)711367 leo rehired.' 1 033 y. ,tarn T ,. ( iia '1d it i °:, � ., 8l, 017 at 111 r08ido1 oo,Lio3 °all fetltYfi )1T I fi i4 <: ANOTHER LOT' OF.THAT CHOICE , G et. TEA. AEE W 14'CRI ' 'GASES BLOATERS AT. yyami, � Qjp{r'7L' 5111T. .w„rw:'lr!