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Exeter Times, 1874-4-23, Page 4
{ SAVED BY A HAIR. It was a hark, storiuy alight without, itndl 1 drew my chair closes to the fire aks 1 sipped ►uy t��a tad xogtt1e4myself Voll the lreai!s of the looitl, "storm of • the evening paper. As the storm and the sleet rattled fnri.,usly`i>trlinst the wKilidetl°, and pe,lestraius hurried by, anxious to read; a place Of shelter, 1 felt thankful that t was not obliged to leave azy comfortable home for the night. "What's. this ?" I said, as my eye 1 r r alighted on a stai'tln:t, paragraph. "MYSTraUQUS MURDER !-John Ran- dolph, one of old and wealthy yourv y citizens, was this umrnillg found dead in his room, having. been murdered dur- ing the night by some unknown person. Edgar Mortor r 1 clerk i leek ill lig: 15 em to F y, and who, reports say, Was soon to be .marri'otl to hie daughter, has been ar- rested for the murder, and circuulstan- oes are said to be ' strongly against Now, although I s,in 'nilnally 'among the first to hear of criminal news, from the nature of my business, this was the first intimation I had received that ouvla°N° anu..aoa.. lao.l. .1,0.pF#_done— .,�T11as seemed very strange, and as I was on the best of teems with Mr. Randolph and his whole family. "And so this is the way that Edgar Morton repays the benefactor of his youth and soon-to-be a father ! Yet no," I cried, "I will stake my life on that young man's innocence," As I spoke there came a gentle tap at the door, followed almost immedia- tely by the entrance of a lady, deeply veiled, who at once threw aside the veil disclosing to re the features of my de- ceased friend's daughter, Cecile Ran- dolph. "Excuse me, Mr. Ferguson, for en - term,, uninvited; but :urgent business must be my only excuse." "Be seated, Miss:Randolph," I said rising and handing her a chair. "Oh, Mr. :Ferguson !" she sobbed forth, burying her face in her hands; "that I should ever be obliged to come to you on such an errand at this!" 1 endeavored to quiet her, and par. tidily succeeded, when I drew from her what few remarks she knew regarding her father's death. "He retired last night et his usual hour, apparently iu good spirits, andino sound was heard during the night. to cause any alarm. In the morning as he failed to appear at breakfast, a ser- vant was despatched to summon him. Knocking at the door and receiving no answer, he finally opened it, and ad- vanced into the room. What a sight did he behold ! My poor father lay up- on his bed, with his throat cut from ear to ear 1 Death must have come to him suddenly—so suddenly as to pre- vent any outcry—and the unknown as- sa-s'on had no trouble in making his escape." "But," I said "I can't see why any- one should suspect Edgar of the mur- der. "That is the most mysterious part of the sad affair. This morning, when Edg.tr was told of the murder, he turn- ed very pale, reeled and would have fallen to the ground had no support been given him. Some of the ignorant beholders of the scene thought his ac- tions denoted guilt, and an officer was summoned, who at once insisted on searching his room. A i azor, on which were several spots of blood, was found 0 th nt e y 11 r t m r e e y concealed under the carpet, togethe with an otd suit of clothes belenging t Edgar, which was bespattered wi blood. This was considered sufficie evidence to warrant his arrest, and h now lies in jail, charged with the awfu crime of murder. Oh, Mr. Ferguson if you can do anything to save him and at the same time bring the guilt perpetrator of this deed to justice, I;w1 amply reward you." "Do you know of any enemies of you father, or of Edgar, who would be like to commit such a crime, either for rob bery or revenge ?" I asked. "Oh, sir," she replied, "It was no for robbery, or anything else in the roe that father left it for the night before His watch and pocket -book, the latte containg a large sum of money, wer found under his pillow, where he al ways placed them ; so that the Crim must have been committed to gratif a fiendish thirst for rev •nge. "Now, then, who of all your acquain tames could do such a thing?" "I cannot possible say. Father had not an enemy in the world to my know ledge, but my father's book-keeper and trusty -clerk ; but it would be impossi- ble for him to do such a deed." "Only this, some time ago, Conrad whom we have always regarded as one of ,the family, ' rr. eposed for my hand, and I told him it wat. not nine to give. 'I suspected as much,' he muttered. and when, whilst his face grew dark at night, and his features assumed an ap pearance perfectly fearful, he continued; "But you shall never become the wife of Edgar Morton, whilst I have life to prevent it." He then wheeled about and abruptly left my presence. I was considerably aLtrmed, and thought of speaking to my father about it but during the after- noon, he returned and begged my for- giveness for the words he had used, and made such professions of sorrow in regard to them, that I freely forgave him, and have since thought no more of the matter." "The faotds quite clear to me," I said. "I know this fellow well, and the sort of company he keeps, and I should not be surprised to find that he committed the murder. Now, then, I want to see the body of your father, and the room in which the deed was done." Well, sir," said he, raising and pre- paring to accompany tae, "you will find everything as it was when first dis- covered. The officer concluded not to. disturb anything liniil after the inquest *'high takes place to -morrow after- moon-" Wrapping myself up in my great oat Vs set out, and after a brisk walk of ten minutes, reached the palatial residence of my companion. I: was sit once shown to the roots of a murdered iliati, and then began making such examina tion as only a detective knows how to Make. Circumstances of tho most tri vast elifteacter, which would .tae over lookM r I 1 ode no iti t er y g person, ars often seined upoti by a skilful detective, and somtetitlies constitute the West damning evidence of guilt. In this crier~ how. evet, etervthing lied. been done an the most skiUtiC na.anilet, and, t could not succeed in malting any discoveries: was about to leave the reoni irides- r r when, glancing toady sthe f41 'lt' dr,, bed I noticed what appeared to tle,.aa erateh' On the neck Of the Murdered Maris, just Japan the gaping ;Wound Which hail `so le calf Ina �1 ` trolly t 1 s life � cod Cin isx anti ation I I'ototl i It ,to e r othitig, more .than rl hair which had, nt 901i1Q ;Banner, probably became loosened from the head of the assassin, and had set- tled ou the neck of the victim, where it now lay, a s lent, yet truthful witness pointing out the guilty to the eye of justice. The hair WAS a deep red eolor which was yet totally uubke that of any of the household. It was., indeed, the saute color shade gf that of Conrad: Snlithers.. I placed it carefully `lu Illy pocket- b- and pocket- book. a i_1 sa 11 nothing to anyone of Til discovery, started ed fo r the h.. l r U S t e of y J hoe se ltets, intent on do 6 alit le action. I found him, as his attendant said, ill in bed, and no account mast be dis- turbed. "The sickness is buta ruse," I thought to divert." Telling the wo- man that I wanted to see him for a moment, on the most urgent business, she finally re 1 l lctatuly consented to my elitrtalld,c. I found him lyingou a bed apparently ill great pain. Iniy youth I had studied medicine, and conse- quently well informed on such matters, and I saw at once, with a quick glance that he was only fciging sikeness. He started up somewhat angry, as I enter- ed but I silenced him with a motion of my hand;. t`,l1,Nii'led Smitbers, this it a.desper- ate game year atre-eaa it:b; lees•-„yt,. eee1,. avail you nothing. "What do. ou mean ?” h© exclaimed springing to his feet, his sickness all gone. "I mean that the game is up, and the murderer of John Randolph is dis- covered;" Thrown completely of his guard, as I had anticipared, he sank into a chair and burying his face in his hands, sob- bed out— "Lost ! lost l" "Do you confess the murder, then ?" "I uo," he answered, "now that con- cealment is no longer of use." I took him at once into custody, and had the satisfaction of seeing him change places with Edgar Morton, who was overjoyed at his release. Conrad Smithers was tried for the murder, any defence would be useless after his confession to me, pleaded guilty, and threw himself [down on the mercy of the court, which sentenced him for imprisonment for life. About a year after, I received an en- velope containing an invitation to the wedding of Cecile Randolph and Edgar Morton, who lived long and happy to- gether, and never ceased thanking that Edgar was ,'saved by a hair,"—Key- stone. A QUAKER PRINTER'S PROVERB,—Nev er send thou an article for publication without giving the editor thy name, for thy name may perchance secure publi- cation. Never do thou loaf about a printing office, ask questions, or knock down type, or the boys will love thee as they do shade trees—when thou liveth. Thou shouldst never read the copy on the printer's case, or the compositor thereof may knock the down. Never inquire thou of the editor for the news, for behold it is his business at the ap- pointed time to give it thee without asking. It is not right thou shouldst ask him who is the author of an arti- cle, for it is his duty to keep such things to himself. When thou dost enter his office take heed unto thyself that thou dost not look at what maybe lying open and concerneth then not; for that is not meet in the sight of good breeding. Neither examine thou the proof -sheet, for it is not ready to meet thine eye, that thou mayest under- stand. RESULT OF THE TEMPERANCE MOVE- MENT AT THE WEST.—The Cincinnati Gazette has returns from sixty-one cit- ies, towns and villages in Ohio and In. diana, showing the results accomplish- sd in those places by the women's tem- perance crusade up to about the 26th of February. The returns comprise fifty-five towns in Ohio. In these pla- ces 245 saloons have been closed ; 91 drug stores have signed the druggists, pledge, and about 15,000 persons the total abstinence pledge. On the other hand there are 556 saloons still opeen In Indiana 9 saloons and 9 drug stores have been closed, and 1283 persons have signed the pledge. There are 53 saloons still open. In the aggregate 254 saloons and 100 drug stores have been closed.; about 16,000 persons have signed the pledge. There are 612 sa- loons still open. RUMOR. "Who was the meekest Riau ?" ask- ed a Sunday School teacher. "Moses." 'Very well ; who was the meekest wo. man ?" "Never was any.,' "You look like death on a pale horse," said a gentleman to an old toper, who was pale and emaciated. "I don't know anything about that," said the toper, "but I am death on pale bran. n y A lady was recommending to n gen. tleman a medicine for the gout. "I know many who praise into the skies," 'she said. "No doubt madam,"she said "for it has sent many to the skies to praise it." A young man was conversing :in a tavern of his abilities and accomplish- ments, and boasting a great deal of his mighty performances. When he had finished, a Quaker quietly observed. "There is one thing thou cant not 'do' thou canst not tell the truth." A tutor of e. college, lecturing a young man on his irregular conduct, added with great pathos, "The report of your vices will bring your father's grey hairs with sorrow to the grave." "I beg your pardon, sir," replied the pupil, "my father wears a wig. A pair of San Francisco chartered a tug end steamed outside the bar, with the romatie intention of having the wedding ceremony ptrformed on the bounding billow. It is comforting to know that tney were very sea sick and were obliged to return unmarried. When it good wife had prepared an excellent dinner for her husband, and he declared he was pleased with it, she said, "Well, kiss me, then." "Oh never mind that ply dear," was his re. ply: " the necessary of life we m+st have, but the luxuries you colt dispense with, marimilidisommorni AGENTS WANTED. Wanted IL for goad eanVashers to selicit erderh Ser Fruit anti . mental Trees, IO1i, .A FIRST,CEASS AMDKYGA.N N�)SSEIt'� • 401A, t$1tAtitolttlISOtO P Attii)Wlaf1. 1F'or partlotilart fi ll t V1t..lA1Vipi (41t ��? ttttxon r GitIGC Morobe..t Tailor and, Ceneral Outfitter. BIBLE utf ,tter- BIBLL" DEPOSITORY .BOOKSELLER & STATION11 A. Stook of Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wesleyan and Bible Christian Hymn Books, Psalm Books for the use of Pres- byterians, Church of England Prayer Books, Miscellaneous Literature of a non -demoralizing nature, and ag entra1assortment is or s t OFC O , S H 01. BOOKS d�:STATIONRY always on hand W, GR1GG.. Corner Bookstore ST. MARY'S. 115 TSI.arp, Bookseller Stationer., Alwoys ou hand a large assortment of BOOKS, STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, FANCY GOODS, S tag CALL AND EE - H. FRED SHARP. "STANDARD " BOOK STORE, WATER STREET, ST. MARY'S. Rooks, Pictures, Paper, Wall Paper, Toys. Picture Frames,Berliu Wools, and Fancy Goods in profusion. PIANOS. Weber's splendid Pianos. the best made in the Dominion, from 8350 to 8750 Call and examine sample at"tandard" Book store. JOHN B. BBOTT, Agent. —Picture Framing in every style to order. St. Mary's, Oct., 1873. gram!. Mata=411MIM H FRED. SHARP, Genera/Exchange broker ST. MARY'S. Agent for the I.NMAN LINE OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. Tickets from t. Mary's to Qu eonstown or Liver- pool, tecrage, 53250. Parties wishing to send for their friends'in the old country can procure prepaid certificates cheap- er than by any other line. Agent for the Michigan Central and Erie Rail- roads. Tickets issued to any part of the U.S„ east or west. AGENT FOR THE pANADIAN XPRESS FOMPANY. Greenbacks Bought and Sold at the Best Rates, LONDON QUEBEC andMONTREAL Temperley Line. Composed of the following first-class IRON STEAMSHIPS. SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, THAMES, DELTA, SE VERN NYAFZA, ±HECTOR. The Steamers of this Line aro intended to sail during the Season of Navigation of 1873, from LONDON FOR QUEBEC AND MONTREAL, as' follows :—Scotland, Wednesday, 27th August, and every alternate Wednesday and Saturday thereafter. And from QUEBEC FOR LONDON, AS FOLLOWS: Thames, Thursday, 21st Augu. Severn, Thursday, llth Sept. Scotland, Tuesday,23rd And every alternate Tuesday d Thursday hereafter. Rates lower than other Lines. Certificates issued to persons desirous of bring- ing out their friends. For Freight or Passage, apply to DAVID SHAW, Montreal. WM. A. GAYLY, CHANGE OF BUSINESS. The undersigned having purebahed the entire ntorent of the late Dr. H. B. Winans in the Drug business,' is now proparod to accommodate the public with:a well Selected stock of DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, DYE STUFFS; PATENT MEDICINES, &e., AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETI 'ION. C. VANDUSEN, Chemlet & Druggist. Exeter Apri11.1876 u1-tt. SEAFORTIIAND . HURON Marble Works. 2.2.L.142CS ET & SOS" t'tATE OF IIAldttf"itON,i Would -intimate to their nuiaerous frien(IS and the,. general prtblid that they aro prepared to fill all ordorefor 1V[o>iutilelt4e, Hoad tones, Table ' Opoi, , Mantlottf etc CLrnflit it)dlitu»tenia Imp. eZ to Ordef, worts 6f the hest Mtyytea ht fart' and eanifot 9ro hnrpahhed in title pert of ontdrle nilly Oott et! d A !C . pap ullrs pito oppoeifit,It Ah.(4' J6,1'060 011( f`ltoro, I. ARCING DEALER IN Di`)-- Good�! GROCERIES, Winos and Liquors ! HARD WTARE CROCKERY Boots and Shoes Patent Medicines, Also, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF LEATHER ALL KINDS OF SHOE -FINDINGS o.�i WiY14`�� i �r ISAAC CA1tLING lzutu#911,1tu, 1SENIOR, 1F oTor�RA � s � PRIM, l �to mt tip r of the �? 1 T It visit cull the ten a !.J osl c i11[ to public to the Met h 's or stY t l 00 lit 1 ofatbliat of e i rityr take photographs, and that he will give satisfac- tion at s1 c - tion to all parties who give hien a call. Raving bad considerable experience, he is prepared to photograph rosidonees or do any out -doer photog raptly. Enlarging old copies will receive special attention, ember from old ainbrobypos or daugerro- types to any sine up to life-size, ?hose who wish photos. of deceased friends enlarged, will do wol do give hima call, as his instruments ;aro as good as oidia. bo had. Also arl assortment 01' oval lrarnos :onstantl 00 baud, Charges moderate nd work atisftorv, e w MITOMMUCIMPINIMIlla en.ta1. (EncOvED TO TH1 1713Br I{.4N81v1AN 1A--••�/ be found at his Out„ every Tuesday, days of the Y week, Thursday. Tae 1vi71 'g equal to the beet do within in the reach of NTiw DOOR STORE) :DENTIST, WILL Cc, Main Street, E:xetor Duel rill � on the ether g } �., ,t wyodrleeda • and ,Lutes all work }to be h :10 any city; atm acv yaau . classes, If any have a tooth arching uu Satura y coln0 in halo evoning after five, iustoadof lear,iug it for Sunday, as some do. All who wont to s v0 their tooth should call and:havo thorn ;nape- od before they foolpain in thorn, All parents s tu.-.. -.,,ai. s__ •,a -.i.., .,,hn,,. ellildrolr's first tooth, b fore allowing one to bo ex- .. i acted, as groat damage is constantly being done by extracting such tooth too soon, tl i aI jmitljunt nth. BUY TIIE Best Organ ,Made. THE ONLY MEDAL EVER AWARDED FOR OR- GANS IN THE DOMINION. IN BRITAIN AND WHEREVER SEEN, our Organs aro univer- sally acknowledged to be SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS in all the essentials of a good Instrument. During the YEAR 1873 we secured as usual FIRST PRIZES AT LONDON, GUELPH, AND INNUMERABLE COUNTY SHOWS IN ALL PARTS OF CANADA A Five Years' Guarantee given with each instru- ment. For Illustrated Catalogue, Address W. BFr,T,I& COMPANY, Prize Medal Organ Manufacturers, GUEI" tiIth S• a tachineri. �r ROS S PLANING MILLS ! J. ROSS, Builder, Manufacturer, and dealer in all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, snceh as SASH, oors, Blinds, MOULDINGS, etc., DRESSED AND UNDRESSED. Ile has also on hand a first-class lot of Flooring, Siding CAS NG, Scroll- ork, etc. tt) '117"1, they Arnica] to order, Dressed and Undressed, constantly on hand. Lathw Shinp1.. �s Always an hand. Special attention paid to PLANS 84 S PtCIP/CATIONSa, Thotolighl`y U1itleittalfdklig his Business, Beep- 'frig trona but eitparioilooi'I rl'orltiiloit, antirising. only first-d1tase s nttaterial, lie feels en Y tfident of giGingentire Satisfaction. to all who may favor )iuinsitli their patronage, li CO, cit, tci. Ltr.hltli. , t A" OTS P011 3/int,'. u�ttbinditi • LISIIi'FFFills. wouta zaest rgsasettany to ferfg the inbablt8Thtt. 01 ,E*OfO1' aria our rounding coutitry that he prepared to do al Mari§ o bookbirt(dtni; In the latest and most rash 'onablc styles at.l►ts 04.008Y it St. i40fry's, maga. aisles bound et cheap raw,ll ordelu left at tlto r41S8 olltee, ltxetor, will receive prompt attention St, Mary's, A.ullaat2l314870, �rl iIr W, ll, dC1 Gl1 ON WATCH.I 1 is the best ler the market De sure and ` et the W. 1.MeGlochlon Watc (0fore buy ung. ou will ie•o no othorafter socia eat: Al wily w• m, rootrnnleI <1 them Gold and;or. Lady and Oentrernans 51708 77 Dundtas.litr et, 'London. ee the testimonials st and cheapest stock of fine Gold 5, ilvon and Plated Ware;wnno'{ Tho largest, b Jewelrov Clo Goods, &c„ in�tth , P i uf,I,IN; s evey deserlpti i w. L: la1 G 77 Dundas st. Loudon Ont. -) Dint i , N doth & ,1oq , eta, JOHN :TREBLE'S BOOT, SHOE, AND Harness Shou, MAIN STREET. A largo and varied assortment o1 Ladies, Gents' and Childron's BOOTS as SHOES OF ,THEELATEST STYLES AND BEST WORKMANSHIP Kept constantlylonhand. [Also a choice lot of FELT OVERSHOES, RUBBERS, SLIP- PERS, cfC.1 "•Mr, T. having secured tho services of MR. J. COMMAFORD, is prepared to receive orders for all descriptions of CARRIAGE, LIGHT & HEAVY HARNESS, A complete stock ot; HORS CLOTH COMBS, TRUNKS,' :BRUSHES, WHIPS, The subscriber takes this opportunity of thank- ing the public for their past support and assures them that as nothing but the best material is used and none but first-class workmen emplopcd, they will find it to their advantage to continue that support. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORDER -WORK AND REPAIRING. Exotor,NOv Rube: 20th, 1873. 13-1y. TELE L., II., B.R. THE subscriber begs to thank the people of Ex- eter and surrounding conutry for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon hint in the past, and now after enlarging his premises is prepared to do work which cannot be surpassed either in or outside of cities. Particular attention paid to the ;making and fitting of COLLARS, HARNESS (Sign of the B:g Boot). HEAVY AND LIGHT, BLACK AND ELVER MOUNTED, In Le most stylish and fashionable manner i)os- sir• -n. Repairing receives every attention, The ROCKWELL BIT AND OVER -CHECK on hand. He would intimate to his many friends that ho has looked to their health and interests in Boots and Shoes. and ham just received a largo and varied stock for Gents' Ladies' Misses' and Youths Wear, This branch will be found replete in every particular, and the stock will bo sold ata slight advance on cost. Tho services ;if MR, THO , ALLEN, Thames Road, have been engaged to take charge of this department. and is now prepared to receive aTl'or- dere for work in this line, Satisfaction guaranteed and work performed wan vromptnoss. 14.3m. W. FANSON. Zrmrnl[11,tor�,t>, R. 8e T, 13ISSETT Have now rn hand a quantity of S TOVES Or LONDON & HAMILTON MAKE, And would solicit a call lroin any wtehlag a really good article. A quantity of T1r mar°, Copper -ware, etc. Always onrola. mAVio.oritoV zionVo MAb'E p 6PL'CIALITY, 01(i Cop erf I on Rags,a,, � TAKEN 1N EiCHAN"SE FOR GOODS AT CASH .•.. . S� oe, October le lilt, I3%8 GX 1y[ IVIAItR11§11 IL 0 NT'. . I I, II{�bI IUljhl'ul"Ilril't9lW'ii ones( y ` � IIiI�N 111, lir L flirIli, hd :.(align joi ,F 1119111 Iill I 9 n ,1111 IVIIVI I IIhIIIII„pWilllllf y I I 01 I I I ui N lel i ;, Q ,00 114000- � 1pI161191N1I!IP.YII01 111 II amliinunl v®vyvvnugum. g.au. iII IIIIrrIIII 111- r""fi -g "Nl"vcr7". - INIIU1�u6uiur�lfi�d� uuufimwlunis' laum nl I_P ;•I lai �NIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111U11lllnllh,.... I I U 11. ° I. tl IIII � 11(illl ILII � ,11111(11 � ' µ.®•I I I. u I ' i lI o I I !' I' I,. i I II ( VIII I l �t 1 VIII, _l_I N1 III M tee - I i Ii n `ry �I I Iii -� I 111 11� , �IIiIii1�1111(III!I_I_' II lilllll r e Hing of Reed W -e clo not wish to detract from the merits of other Organs by upholding ourt, but are ever ready to submit them to a fair and impartial test,feeling 4, �U1 fxdent of the result. ult. PRICES FROM $55 TO $1,500. M—Testimouials from the best musicians in Canada can be seen. MARRIN BROS., Parkhill. _a.u. IO\TQF1 i<o&-via-V OR AN Improved Singer Sewing Machine. THE LOCKMAN 1S The Best Family Sewing Machine in the Dominion 1T 15 THE Simplest, Strongest, Quietest, Llghtest RunnlnG Most Convenient Machine Yet Constructed. Its make is unimpeachable, and its work most satisfactory. Tho IMPROVED SINGER `1s an exeellent'maohine for all kinds of heavy work, such as harness, boots it sb»te, etc: THE SHUTTLE ,IS SOL1D_STEEL,larger, simpler, and in every way better tint: any ethe in use. C. SOUTHCOTT, Agent. MR. S. always keeps on hand a supple of Machine -Attachments, Thread, Nedles, &cr. N, B. FULL INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO EACH PURCHASER, t; Mr. outhcott is prepared to give complete and satisfactory fits in his clothing Line. A C. Ej O'O'TIIICOTT. GROERLES AND LIQUS G. A. MACE Has just received a large and excellent Stock Groceries, consisting of Green, Black, and Japan TEAS, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Rice, Sugars, &c., Which lie is prepared to SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER, DON'T FAIL TO GIVE THE ,:YEW STORE A. CALL. Exeter, Feb. 26, 1874. OPENED OUT, •:...= .000 EXETEI, ONT. 0 Mr. ,john Drew world inform the public that ho has opened out his Furniture Wareroofnll in his new building opposite the TIMES office, and is filling then with ONE OFTHE BEST STOCKS tube FOUND in STRrr ONTARIO, It oonll,rlses Chairs, Tables, Stands, Bitterns, Cupboards, Sideboards, i u'd Bedsteads, Ho ham also on hand, a choice solectton of PARLOR SUITES, REP COVERED:DRAWING ROOMAITES Ranging in prier) up to $176, Yon will find hero everything usually kept ih Virst-elass catalll shncutaso oxpoct Shortly a large impartation of the VERY RST 1 U . I RN TURE'r. &eight l"rolil the best inii.ntlfacturdrs is the tItited States: the *tele N 13a its laltlll tlolle promptly,. Picture I' ante n ) . f eve('. e dill . t i � . � �d� ;011 triads' 1 ;�`s .,.y 1 peeiality, `Give the subscriber a call, 17 J01?.N Dlt1W svftsl) AT Ct st,''I'llltotid I1: along °exten1ive alterations in my btlslndass.' and I sit �tliiting° to SYI11 itt r it all my stook a furnittlro is sold oft., ria