Times Advocate, 1992-05-20, Page 26Madeline Hardie led an interest-
ing contest and cards were signed
for several church members who
have been indisposed.
Unit two met at the church on
Thursday evening. The president
Penny McRobert led the discussion
on some upcoming events includ-
ing Canada Day and the Mudrun.
Additional cookbooks are to be
ordered and prices were set for
luncheons and dinners. Cards were
signed for some people who have
been ill.
Unit three met at Margaret
Bryan's home last Tuesday eve-
ning. President Elizabeth Garrett
opened with a reading from Ann
Landers "To Mother", and also led
the business discussion.
Ruth Cook and Marion Thomson
continued with the program on.
May and Mothers. A dialogue on
Family Talk was followed by a
hymn "Happy the Home". Cook
road All Occasions and Mother's
Day, a May reading and one about
Thomson road Stitches in Time.
Each one present had brought pic-
tures of mothers, children and
grandchildren which created an in-
teresting social atmosphere.
Unit five met at Florence Bryan's
home last Tuesday afternoon. After
a dessert tea, the president Marga-
ret Spence read Blessings of Con-
science and the hymn Saviour like
a Shepherd lead us was sung, fol-
lowed by prayer. The devotional
was a reading "A Third Grader"
and a poem entitled A Good
Ina Harlton's program took up the
theme Mother's Month. Eileen
Crawfbrd read the scripture from
1st Samuel and Ina told about one
of the women of the bible named
Mary Wallis read A Mother's
Prayer and Ina read Somebody's
Oet well wishes are extended
Rom the community to Alma Nich-
olson who has been confined to
hospital in St. Marys for the past
Nora Wissel, Elsie Dann, 'Jean
Walden and Muriel Lewis enjoyed
the Kirkton Horticultural Society's
bus trip with Highland Tours to
Ameriflora in Columbus, Ohio last
The mother and daughter lunch-
eon Sponsored by unit one at the
United Church on Saturday was
very successful.
Kaylene Roloson was honoured
with a shower of gifts at the St.
Thomas' Anglican Church on
Thursday evening.
Kaylene was assisted by Michelle
DenOtter and Pam Waters and ex-
pressed her thanks to everyone for
the lovely gifts.
EXETER - The Exeter Sen-
iors had their May meeting at
the Exeter Legion Hall.
Anna Eberhart had a birth-
day and Bill and Mary Smit
celebrated their wedding ate•
niversary. Ruth Arthur re-
ported on the sale of Bring
and Buy Sale:
An invitation was received
from Huronview for dinner
and program on June 4 or 12.
Ruth Arthur was in charge
of the program, opening ,it
with a poem. Mary Neil had a
reading, "rm not old just ma-
ture to my mother".
Pat Skinner and Mr. Mills
sang accompanied by Maxine
Sereda on piano. Alice Bow-
en gave a poem and Mary
Smit sang a solo.
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Page 26 Times -Advocate, May 20, 1992
North Middlesex Women's institutl meet
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - The 89th district
annual of North Middlesex Wom-
en's Institutes was hold at the
Bryanston Community Centre last
Tuesday evening. Thq theme was
"Say it with a smile" and Merton
was the hostess branch.
The president Evelyn McNaugh-
ton commented on the theme by
saying everyone smiles in the same
language. Smiks is the longest
word in the dictionary because
there is a mile between the two s's.
R.O. Specialist Kim Hamilton re-
viewed the *unions and turnoffs in
belonging to an organization and
listed some alterations and small
Entertainment was -provided in a
skit by South Lobo members enti-
tled The.Board'Meeting and a sin-
galong ted by Coldstream lightened
the program. It was decided to have
an evening meeting again next year
to be hosted by Granton and Pros-
pect Hill.
Attending from Granton W.I.
were Nora Wissel, Florence Bryan,
Muriel Lewis and Florence McRo-
The Anglican parish Bible Study
group wound up the season with a
noon luncheon at the home of Mary
Jefferies on Thursday.
At the St. Thomas' Anglican
Church on Sunday, the Reverend
Stephen Emery's message was
about being created in God's !mese
in an environment of conditional
love covered in sin. Muriel Lewis
was the reader and Kaylene Rolo-
son assisted as server.
At the Granton United Church on
Sunday, Pastor Normalic Voakes
chose Tough Love as the subject of
her sermon.
The choir sang the anthem Haven
of Rest. Altar and communion
cloths were dedicated in memory of
George and Minnie Mardlin given
by their families,
Mother's Day Baptisms last Sun-
day were: Brandon James William
Heming, son of Carol and James
Peter; Alicia Jane Finan, daughter
of Jane and Brad; Thomas Gregory
Harlton, non of Darlene and Thom-
as; 'Carol Homing; Allison Grant,
daughter cif 4rcnda and Scott Chan-
Vnit one mot at Dianne Blake's
home on Thursday afternoon.. The
leader, Doreen McRobert, cave the
lesson thoughts on the theme "We
celebrate life". A' hymn was sung
and plans were completed for the
Mother and Daughter luncheon, as
well as arrangements to meet at
Craigholme in June. .
Dianne Blake was in charge of
the program and gave reminisences
of her childhood after which Au-
drey Harloff joined her in a vocal
duet entitled "Memories".
Varna by Joan Beierling
VARNA - Stan Lee Club mem-
bers met at -.the complex for their
April meeting yt►ith 24 members
President. Anna Keys opened the
meeting with a reading entitled
"Life" and the minutes were read.
Anna gave a brief report of the
Spring Rally held in Goderich on
April 28.
The annual convention will be
held in Windsor on August 11. and
• Senior games are to be in St.
Marys June 23 and 24. -The group
hope to have some members panic-
A letter was received from Hu-
ronview inviting then to .attend
their annual June ltmcheons. The
group decided June 9 to be the
most suitable date for tbeir club
with June 12 as the alternate date.
Floyd McAsh announced a varie-
ty concert to be held in Knox Pres-
byterian Church in Goderich on
May 13. Several groups including
the McKay Chorristers entertained.
The group spent the rest of the
evening playing euchre and shuffle-
board. Euchre winners were Marga-
ret Hayter, Dorothy Ostrom,
Charles Reid and Floyd McAsh, a
pot luck lunch brought the evening
to a close.
Sunday May 24 the UCW's flan
both Varna and Goshen will be
conducting the Church Service -at
regular times in absence of Rev.
Phillips at - London Conference.
Sunday June 7 Rev. Craig Renton
will be preaching at both chutrhes.
Many people in the Varna area
attended the wedding and or recep-
tion of Julie Healy (daughter of
Lynn and Lowell Moons) and Peter
McBride (Son of Mary and John
McBride) in Brucefreid Church
with Rev. George Phillips perform-
ing the marriage ceremony fol-
lowed with supper and a reception
at the Stanley Complex.
Once again the annual communi-
ty yard sale was very successful
and everyone looks forward to an-
other one Labour Day weekend.
A very successful ball clinic was
held at the Stanley Ball diamond
last Monday for the second time.
All participants received their lunch
and a T-shirt. Baseball practice has
started and scheduled games should
be starting very shortly so check
you Varna News for upcoming
games so you come out and help
support your favourite team.
Awn and Devon Wolfe from Seaforth try out a couple of new
toys they found among the bargains at the Stanley Township.
Community Yard Sale on Sunday. sera, in fact, found no bet-
ter place to try out the toy road grader than on the floor of the
township garage. Parents Darryl and Carol found a few bar -
galas themselves. About 10 families participated in the yard
sale on Sunday and Monday.