HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-05-20, Page 24Ailsa Craig Recreation
Plus 14 other games nightly.
Bingo ever 1st and Srd1
Thursday of the month.
At the Ailsa Craig
Recreation Ceiitr
7:30 p.m.
Page 24 Times -Advocate, May 20, 1992
Members of South • Ohiron's ilr bear fee Morert 'nom have' been busy of late, support the
Sleeping Children Around the World organization. Shown here are, back row: guidance coun-
sellor Carey Eddy (left), Kathleen Patch, Heather Steckle, Kerry Manders, Stephanie Cook and
counsellor Betty Janke. Front row: David Schwindt (!eft), Brian McGinnis, Jeff Lingard and
Jesse Morrice.
Guidance support team pltches 7n
By Ray Lewis
T -A Staff
EXETER - Fot the past two
years, a select group of students at
South Huron District High School
have been busy helping grade nine
students adjust to the new sur-
roundings of high school. Labelled
as the Guidance Support Team, the
group has now extended its support
to individuals in other countries
with their most recent venture,
Sleeping Children Around The
World (SCAW).
"The students have been very re-
ceptive and very supportive,"
claims co-cordinator Betty Janke.
Through various fundraising ef-
forts, the 19 -member group is pro-
viding bedkits to needy children in
underdeveloped and developing
countries. A bedkit retails for
about S28 Canadian and consists
of up to 25 items such as a ground-
sheet, mattress, sheets, pyjamas,
blanket, mosquito netting, sweater,
and other personal care items.
Last year, the support team,
along with the. help of the grade
nine students of South Huron, were
able . to provide nine kits, all of
whichwere distributed to babies.
"This year we made it a school -
wide project," said co-ordinator
Carey Eddy. "So far they've raised
about S600, enough for 21 bedldts."
For an entire week, the support
team placed collection jars through-
out the school for each grade- level,
to make contributions during lunch
hour. Students were also invited to
watch a video about the project,
and last Friday, students were per-
mitted to leave their last class early
to watch the South Huron boys'
soccer teams play, provided they
purchased a ticket. Proceeds went
to' SLAW, and a bake sale was then
held in conjunction with the soccer
games as an additional fundraiser.
"They really have been working
hard on the project," said Janke.
"It's great to see them working for
such a worthwhile cause."
The charitable organization was
originally founded by Murray Dry-
den of Toronto. Dryden's hobby of
photographing sleeping children
gave rise to the idea of a retirement
project and he decided to provide
bedkits to 50 homeless children in
India in I970. Since that time,
SCAW has-toaised over $4 million,
and distributed bedkits to over
Lucan council
attempts to get
engineering costs
LUCAN - Village council is at-
tempting to reduce the amount of
engineering fees being charged by
the firm of M.M. Dillon Ltd. for the
sewage expansion project.
Council members were upset re
cently when they learned the engi
neering fees had risen tui
$1,389,355 without -their knowl-
Reeve`7brn McLaughlin said, " 1
thought the figure of 51,200,1100
presented on November 26 of last
year was the final one. We were
surprised to hear in mid-December
that the fees had increased. That
surprise could cost an additional
365 to S90 for each ratepayer."
Dillon representatives Steve
McMinn and Hisham Slim were in
attendance at a recent meeting and
defended the increase by saying, "
We take pride in producing a high
quality set of documents. We are
competitive. The plans call for a
larger capacity system. We feel the
village got full value for our servic-
McLaughlin replied, " The quali-
ty of work is not being questioned.
I know that a design for 3,600 resi-
dents would cost more than one for
200,000 children in countries such
2,400. Our concern is that the costs
went up without us knowing about
as Bangladesh and Mozambique.
Over 80 percent of donors are them."
Canadian, followed by the United
States and Australia. All materials
are donated and all money is spent
on bedidts-which are manufactured
within the developing country to
provide make-work projects.
South Huron's involvement began
last year, after Eddy and Janke met
a fellow teacher who had spent a
year working on the project in one
of the underdeveloped areas.
"It's a great feeling to be able to
help people in these situations,"
commented Eddy. "In Columbia,
volunteers backpacked the metal
bed frames for 20 miles to get them
to the kids."
Canadian Travelling Volunteers
talc photographs of each child with
a bedkit, holding a card with they
donor's name and address as proof-
of the support given.
For more information on the prod
ject, contact South Huron's Guid--
ance Support Team or the SWAC—
program in Islington at (416) 231-"
Preplan Blood Cash Wender win -
fors, Week of May 10, 1992
10Ms* Shepley, Exeter, 00333
:50.00:11 -Bill, Darlene Hooper. Esater
$1540 $50.00:12 -Nang Hutchison,
Stradord $0550=50.00:13.loyce Pep-
per, Heluar, 50568 $50.00; 14.Lalsa
Fkud(e, Palncourt. $1484 MAX; 15-M'.
Ohs. Barry Johnson, Toronto 12277
:50.00: 16 -Anhui Vlsns, Sanwa $1071
Student employment centre re -opens
EXETER - The Canada Employ-
ment Centre for students is once
again open for another season, but
under the leadership of a new stu-
dent placement officer and in a
brand new location.
Tim Connelly is ready to assist
students new office located
at 281 Main St. in Exeter, the site
of the former Mac's Milk store.
The job forecast for the summer
is predicted by many as bleak and
unpromising, but Connelly feels
with the proper attitude and deter-
mination, students will once again
be employed this summer in great
"As in other years, the quicker
students react to applying, the bet-
ter their chances are of finding em-
ployment," said Connelly. 4
During the next month, student
placement officers will be offering
support to students through the
Outreach program, by visiting local
schools to register students with the
office. In addition to this task, the
officers will also educate the stu-
dents with respect to the rules gov49.
erning job interviews and job appli-
cations. •
The Exeter branch serves to find
full, pert -time and odd jobs for stu-
dents of all ages. and is affiliated
with the Student Employment Of-
fice in Goderich under supervisor
Donalda Thompson.
Office hours for the centre will
be 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Create your
Porcelain Doll
Beautiful "Elise" is the next doll
seminar starting
May 27th
Class 1 - 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Class 2 - S p.m. -10 p.m.
in Crediton
Beside the United Church on Main Street.
Call Marcie234-6764
8100.00 -.4 week class
(Brushes and cloth body extra)
Zurich M.L.F.G. Association
Thurs. May 21
at Zurich
Community Centre
in Dash and prizes including
• Aho featuring
Bonanza #1 in 53 calls
approx. $500
'Bonanza 02 in 51 calls
approx. $200.
No one under 16 eligible to play
Doors open at 6 p.m.
'Bingo starts et 7 p.m.
Yes- We'r'e Open!!
G..d Tees
Under New Management
Jamie -hitt
; ipen:1.3ran.. Wim.
- - -- - - ------ --
.• i .A _, :__rr. s. r•. .e •% v- .• w. -- . •
4:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m.
200 Chicken Wings
Not ;Dog 2/$1.00
U.J. every Thurs., Fri., Sat. 9 - 1
Beginning Wed., May 20
Karaoke Every 2nd Wednesday
Come in and have fun with us in Centre Town Mall
downstairs Viaeo
P00% tlbte
Any type:
- residential roof
- siding
- soffit, facsia
- trough
- porches, etc.
10% Discount
to Seniors
leave message
Against Our Will
is Against The Law.
If you're like
most people, you'll
look at this and
think rape.
Well. think agaln.
Because sexual
assault Isn't only
rape. It's any
unwanted act of a
sexual nature
Imposed by one
person on another.
And If you think
It's always a dark
alley and a violent
stranger, you're
wrong again.
More than half of
all sexual assaults
of women are
committed by men
they know.
1t can occur on
a date. Between
friends. Even
.11 lir
daohctcy:.entie:ho,nisnit: 1so1,f.,nd
a crime. And of ten
,,it goes unreported.
Elul altitudes
must change
Because against .
our will is against
lire Iaw
II your lite has
been alferlerl ht
sexual assault. find
out what can he
done. Coral ar ( a
sexual assault
st'rv,r e. (Ir talk 1n
snntenne yon trust.
Men must under
stand Ihat sexual
assault is .1 lin-.
Maybe Ih,
ahnul r
Sexual Assault is A Crime.
OA,fRI)f1i 1n)I!!
Sun•Moy *NV
.14) :ow
264 GA
61Eg Tfiigui
E-Yelf.12. M4JPKrro('J
4Aki Ok' 1 u'Juf'
(KAft1J i-ofltnolJ�cAnti H to utr. .Jt1 )
Come for
Colouring contest winners
Ages 3. 5: Denise Carnochan 6. 7: Tim Meidinger .8.10: jpny,Paraons
Prizes to be awarded May 24 at 2 p.m.
,S11111111111111M um -