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Hensall Livesc es t .
lLvivissiu� �v zIr gdr J►tafi iiIr.�iiiii A'1',
Order buyer for fats; feeders and stockers
Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily. Sorting cattle for
Talbotvllfe Livestock Exchange Ltd. on Fridays
Also picking up cows and veal Saturday Mornings
FisSt lurirnt n daily 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
011100 Park Prod) 5-s Mark ting Yard
a,+MaM y eaday 7 own. -12 Awn
For more information cofY*e1:
Barry Miller, Owner Masser
Of lice 262.2831, Exeter 235.2717,
►Ki ton 229-6205 Truk 1 61.8956
Page 22
Times -Advocate, May 20, 1992
41• -round or.
,At fast Monday's mother and daughter banquet held at the Exeter Legion, Molly Dlnney (left)
was honoured for her last year as a Guide, and Mandy Rolph, Cathleen Chappel, and Meaghan
Straw received their all-round cords. Another cord recipient was Krlstle Gallagher.
Service tiel:d
SAINTSBURY - St. -Patrick's Croll introduced our guest for
held their Holy Communion service the evening Mrs. Jackie Wells, Pro -
at 8:30 a.m. with Mary Jefferies gram Co-ordinator Palliative Care
reading the lessons. Rev. Stephen Volunteer program who gave a
Emery for his childrens focus told most interesting and informative
how God's Love is like a Sparkler talk, followed by a video depicting
shining through us and for his mes- the work on Palliative care volun-
sage "Jesus is like the express im- tests. Carroll thanked ouriguestand
age of God, and so too can we be." presented her with a gift.
Sunday May 24 St. Patrick's will Carroll closed the meeting with a
celebrate the Holy Communion ser- reading "We do not pass this way
vice at 11 a.m. with Betty Johnson again" followed by a closing
reading lessons Acts 15:1-2, 22'29, prayer.
Revelations 10: 22-27, Responsive
reading Psalm 67, the Holy gospel
John 14: 23-29, Julie Carroll to be
server. The service will be from the
B.A.S. page 185,the Sunday Easter
St. Patrick's will celebrate their
anniversary on May 31 at 10:30
Tuesday evening May 12, St. Pat-
rick's ACW entertained a number
of ladies at their May meeting with
Cheryl Carroll as program leader in
the Parish hall. Carroll welcomed
everyone -and the members praYer
was said in union followed by the : ,
hymn Joyful Joyful We Adore
Thee. Nadene Bedell read the scrip -1
ore for the day.
will be articles for Daily Broad.
Suzanne Davis, Hazel Davis,
Ross and Audrey McFalls attended
the Graduation Exercises and re-
ception at Centralia College on
Thursday when their niece Miss
Nancy Simpson of London graduat-
ed from the Veterinary Technology
course. Sunday Hugh and Hazel Da-
vis and the McFalls were dinner
guests of Ralph and Joyce Simpson
at the Great West Steak House and
reception later -in their home hon -
A social time followed. Dona- curing Nancy at a family graduation
tions received for the program -were party.
presented to our guest. The Davis's returned home on
St. Patrick's June ACW meeting Monday after attending a Converted
will be held at the home of Betty Coach Owner's Rally in Amelia,
Johnson in Stratford Tuesday June Virginia, Donna McFalls of Kitch-
9 at 8 p.m. Johnson and Hazel Da- ever visited Wednesday evening
vis as program leaders. Roll call with them.
McsIIIIviay pians fotlSOth
McGillivray special events commit-
tee conducted by chairperson Jack
Donnan, together with secretary
Sharen Craven and treasurer Dick
Parkinson met with various com-
mittees in the townships council
chambers on April 15, to plan foi
celebrations of the 150th anniver
sary on Friday, July 31 through
Sunday August 2.
Drew Robertson, teacher at
McGillivray Central School opened
the discussion on having `Pioneer
Days" near the end of lune for all
the pupils tote involved. He asked
for names of people, who,anyone
knew that would be able to help get
this project off the ground. He is
looking for skills which the Pio-
neers would have dont when they
first settled here, such as bread
making, butter making, candle
making, sausage making, spinning,
weaving, wood working, home-
made ice cream, con husk dolls,
caning. quilting and even story tell-
ing. Please contact Sharon Craven
at office with any name.
The Torch Run Relay is progress-
ing. Bill Remple and Ken Larmer
will be clocking the run to see how
long it will take. The'tunners will
start at #4 highway at the east of
the township and from County
Road k5 from both ways to Mount
Carmel, then to Lieury, then down
County Road *24 to West McGil-
livray to reach McGillivray Central
School approximately around 1:45
p.m. on Friday night, July 31. The
Torch Run T-shirts are being or-
dered and the committee has decid-
ed to recognize the runners by giv-
ing them medallions with
engraving on the back "McGilliv-
ray Trust" which has donated mo-
nies for plaques etc. for recognizing
participants involved in the 150 an-
niversary weekend.
George Lee, chairperson of the
talent show on the Friday night has
contacted' the school about using
the sound system.
The !rankle mute was finalized
with it entering the school grounds
at the north gate entrance, where
there would be someone announc-
ing the participants, then antique
displays etc. ceuld stay on the
grounds and She -test--go- out the
west gate and disperse on the con-
cession road towards the township
The Ausable Bayfield Conserva-
tion Authority has donated a Nor-
way Maple to be planted on the
lawn near the township office to
commemorate the 150 anniversary.
„The dedicaton of this tree will be
during the 150 anniversary week-
Norma Wright, chairperson of the
children's program has everything
following in place and reported the
McGillivray Central Home and
School will sell ice cream during
our celebration.
Lawrence Craven reported that he
contacted Olen Stott, about particu-
lars on the 1812 Royal Scots Regi-
ment Military - Murtle Loading
demonstration: (11Cn -Wald they
would set up an encampment in the
field if possible - they would put on
drills and demonstrations on Satur-
day and Sunday.
Una Amos, chairperson of the
Registration Committee said regis-
tration is going well. She has ap-
proximately 30 people out visiting
all the residents in McGillivray
Township. Each volunteer has a
sample of some of our souvenirs
and are taking orders. The Parkhill
Lions club is organizing the Sunday
morning breakfast.
Among the items discussed was
accommodations. Colleen Pavlech
and Leona Hughes, represented the
bed and breakfast committee. 1t was
decided that lists will be circulated
in sus in the area with telephone
numbers to call.
The next meeting of the Special
Events committee will be June 9
and July 14.
Next year's Brownies, were this year's Sparks. Moving up next year will be Kristie Lee Varley
(left), Ashley Johnson, Jenny Wigle, Mandy Marsden, Justine Fusik, Frances VanOss, Courtney
Alexander, and Becky Wilson. Absent are Ashley Sedlak and Lauren Smith.
•� `O,� . r � Auctioneers
Bob Heywood 235-0874
Burt Lobb 482-9377
Thursdayvenipg One 11 at 6 p.m.
We will be offering a well kept single storey dwelling and property for
Mrs. Estrella Finkbeiner of Exeter Selling subject to a reasonable re-
serve, 10% down sale day. balance in 30 days. Known as 56 Hill St.
Exeter, according to Piart-376 pt. lot 1021 with 64.5' frontage - 2 bed-
rooms, eat in kitchen, living room, 3 pc. bath, full basement This home
is on one of Exeter's most desirable and scenic tots overlooking River-
view Park. Plenty of room for building on to the back of the home -if de-
sired. For viewing contact Bob Heywood.
Furniture, appliances, antiques etc. to. be held at the Lobb Auction
Building in Clinton for May Davis of Zurich plus good additions.
SaturdayMay.23 at 10 a.m.
GE automatic washer, RCA der, portable -washer, Thomas electric or-
gan with all the toys, GE vacuum cleaner with power head, dust buster.
3 wheel bicycle, exercise bike, fainting couch, 5 matching wooden
chairs, 4 matching wooden chairs, wooden kitchen table with 4 match-.
ing chairs and small china cabinet, 2 chesterfield and chairs, chester•
field with pull out bed, recliner chair, Duncan Plyfe drop leaf dining ta-
ble, round chrome table and 4 chairs, patio umbrella table and 4 chairs
desk, what not, humidifier neatly new, modern brass type double bed,
double box springs and mattresses, 2 single box springs and mattress-
es like new, 4 old cane seat chairs, activity centre, 2 small chests of
drawers, mantel clock, 4 handmade quilts, dresser top swing mirror,
bolt bins made from antique wall telephone cases, large counter with
drawers, 2000 Ib. platform scale, electric welding rods. plus many more
items, glassware etc. A good clean offering, plan to attend.
Terms: Cash or cheque with ID
Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898
Sat. May 30 at 10 a.m. Furniture. appliances at Richard Lobb Auction'
Wed., June 17 - real estate auction 2 properties, Pineridge Chalet
dance hall .near Hensall, 11000 sq. ft. building at Vanastra formerly
known as the Glasgow Inn Restaurant phone 482-3466 ask for Don for
Bob Heywood 235-0874
t4Miwt glibbv02--9377
Satur X23 pt 1.9 L11). -
at South Huron Rose Contra, Exeter
We will be dispersing a large offering of antiques, collectibles, fine chi-
na, glass and household effects from the Seaforth home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Hulley.
HOUSEHOLD &ANTIQUES: Bowed glass china cabinet, early ward-
robe, Berlin pump organ and stool, 2 lovely washstands, corner cup-
board, Victorian sofa, love seat, gentlemen and ladies chair, antique
dressers, spool bed, lovely gateleg table, rocker, what not,'cupboard
lop, Atwater -Kent floor model radio, hall tree, 2 oak wall telephones,
(Stromberg Carlson and Northern Electric), 5 sets of antique scales, 6
gal. churn, several crocks, lanterns, oil lams, (bulls eye), cruet set,
line china and glass inc. Nippon, Noritake, Germany, Depression, fan-
cy silver butter dish, high chair, cast iron bell and kettle primitive tools,
xylophone, trombone, guitars, pressback arm chair, wider fernery, oak
pedestal plant stand, chrome kitchen table and 4 chairs, Gilson freezer,
lamps, mirrors, pictures, antique horn hat rack, egg crate, sad irons,
washboards, air compressor, grinder mandrel, cream separator, brass
fire extin uisher, copper boiler
• (Fairbanks and Fuller -Johnson), complete an-
ue c or m an undreds of useful and collectible items. Don't miss
On line auction. Note: Sat., May 30 at Exeter Arena a large offering of
antiques and collectible items exclusively from the estate of Marron
Calwell of .Grand Bend.
-Mr. and Mrs. Doopkirts. (who*
*e are moving to -England . Main St.*
* Varna, Ont..(5 miles E. of Bay-*
* field or 5 miles W. of Brucefield) K
Sat. 23 -12x0 -.m.
O r ' • ' ros ree r •ge,ht
enmore e = is stove, small*
deep SOMA, Viking dishwasher,*
..McCIary automatic dryer, Viking*
* automatic washer, kitchen tablets
with upholstered benches, 6 pc.*
living room set (like new), cher-*K
terfield and chair, love seat, bar
guns and racks, Philips colouredk
TV, electric lap organ, 4 pc. bed-*
room suite,queen size bed, cap-*
t*=tains bed, chest of draw-:
I *asrs, wardrobe, roll -away bed,*
♦c kids toys, pots and pans, dishes,*
er small appliances, electric sewing*
machine, entertainment cabinet!
:stereo, knick-knacks. Sharpe ml.
aecrowave, Filter Queen vacuum,*
-*-tamps, plants, VCR and Ninten-e
lisdos, etc.C.; Garden tools, lumber,*
I. tncoln welder, drills, bits, bat-*
• ♦t tery charger, grinder, general*
tools, benches, saw table, J.D.*
compressor (new), bikes,. snow-*
*mobile, HBO'
trailer, askroldei
lyver tools of all kinds, etc. 44
# - Cub -Cadet 108*
*r in ,wit mower.
1988 Ford Escort
* as is.Running pood. 1988 Ford
* F 150 1e2 ton pickup with topper
* and shone. As is.
_�:I M O' A411 �1117i1 I �: l , , iL
* gilt 1/117,1t1T-14;V iru•s and.
*trees suc as: Andora, Blue*
Chip, Julet, Spreaders, Plitzer,*
Miralade, Sky Rocket and Globe*
*cedars, Purple leaf Fan Cherrys,*
er Forsythia, Tam Spreaders.
* TERMS Cash sale day. Lunch*
* I4h Filson Tom Robson
* 666-1967
*4.4 444 4=344444 t
►Thee One Brownies have earned
moving .up to Guides next season.
day's. mother ,and daughter banquet
Lindsey Green, -and Lyndsey Lewis.
their wings and will be
Honoured at last Mon -
were Katie Hefty (left),
Thames _Road by Rhoda Rohde
,. 1
THAMES ROAD - Neil Ander-
son of Stratford was in charge of
the church service on Sunday
morning. The choir sang "I Do; I
Will, 1 Do Believe" accompanied
by the organist Jean Hodgert.
The congregation sang the chil-
dren's hymn "Magic Penny" and
Anderson told an interesting story
to the children by making puppets
form a handkerchief. Anderson
read the Scripture Lesson Romans
12:1-13, and his sermon was enti-
"Why Me?"
Anderson has spent ten years as a
missionary for the United church,
five years in South Korea and five
years in Nepal. He is now a regis-
tered massage therapist working
out of Stratford and St. Marys. It
was a pleasure to have him with us
this Sunday morning.
The weather co-operated wonder-
fully for the E.T. Leonie Tunes
yearend. It wale a really go?d evc-
ning, and many thanks to Rick,
Dale, Mike, Jack, Barry and all the
wants. We are looking for a
couple of volunteers for the Loon-
ies. It is a two yearlterm, once eve-
ry four weeks from October to
April. Please consider. They are a
great bunch of youths.
Sunbeams Wrap Up Party, Thurs-
day, June 4 at 9:30 at -the -Exeter
O.P.P. Station. for a tour followed
by games and. a craft sat Victoria
Park (Huron St. W.) Exeter. Every-
one bring their own snack.
The June meeting of the United
Church Women will be hold June 1
a18 p.m.
Sunday, June 7 Thames Road
Sunday School Anniversary. Joint
service at 11:15 a.m. Service by the
Sunday School children.
Monday, June 8 ,at 8 p,m. at
Thames Raid Church a balmier/es
information meeting will be hold. If
you are interested in the well being
of the church's future pleusc attend.
Grain 4-H
GRANTON - The Granton 4-H
club "So 'N Sews" held their fourth
meeting on Thursday evening at the
home of leaderDeanna Beatson.
After opening with the 4-H
pledge, members answered the roll
call by identifying various pieces of
sewing equipment.
Next, a hem sample was demon-
strated and each member had the
opportunity to make one to be
mounted in her book.
After convicting their samples,
members continued working on
their sewing projects.
#2 Granton 4-H club
The Granton Greeners 4-H Cluf
met at Jean and Susan Bryan's
After opening with the 4-11
pledge. some plans were made for
the next meeting and flower ar-
rangements were discussed. A quiz
on different kinds of plants and
their names was completed and
leader Margaret Bryan demonstrat-
ed how to arrange artificial and real
fowers. A 4-H information scram-
ble was won by Angela Dayman.
Last Thursday, this Gramm
Groaners visited the Creative Af-
fairs flower shop in Lucan. Flonsi
Terry McRoberts showed the group
-pictures of bonsai plants and also a
terrarium where different kinds of
foliage were growing.
After browsing around vice presi-
dent Angela Dayman thanked Terry
and gave her a Friend of 4-H certif-
Last Monday. the Granton Green
ors 4-11 club gathered at leader
Margaret Bryan's house. After start-
ing with the 4-H pledge, they
talked about what kinds of bugs bet
on your plaits.
The group their carnpleled a short
puzzle in their books and an cxer
cisc on identifying terms in base
ball from a given sentengc.
Workshop held for
Women's Institute
HURON PARK - Women' Insti-
tutes of London Arca arc present-
ing a workshop June 10 at Centralia
College. The purpose of this work-
shop is W assist Presidents and
Members with Agendas and Parlia-
mentary Procedures.
There will be presentations by
Jane Mugge, R.O.S. Hilde Morden,
London Arca President, and Onta-
rio W.I. Board Directors Irene
Richardson, Marg Harris ,pad El-
eanor McMillan.
Organiuus say it promises to be
an interesting and informative day.
Registration forms have been sent
to all Branches in the London Area.