HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-4-23, Page 3:rept /Oft P011,04 Onacetch Men, Wing us .;genee Ot the progress or the work of gil^aoe int 800 444 wl Ola is 4:Wending to that smaller towns, AleSsrS,, 11i(lody 4148411/key, lLt the latest accounts, were at coulee, where the largest 'buildings WOO crowded with the eon, - Ovations on, - g bglatio ns. that (tally assmiabled, The; G+'irr(� '�.Tcrca'cTa neemi says, --"Not the -least reMaarlaable feature of this aavak- .ening in the rapidity with which It is, spreading tlxrola . rho -country. At the noon meeting in: the last week of 4ibae ;year one might see tishea"xnaai from the coast of Fife with their wives, and. strangers from all the towns round' about l ddington, Kelso, Melrose, '&3. These carried hoiie the, 'n,e s of what -t7 " 144-Seelxm4"Milieai , and on tla" r vbport others hastened to the scetic',of action,' i lk order that they ani ht 'tk'' ,e u*lit ,. for themselves,' Then invitation aa; invitation poured in upon J ►'arq,ala, Mgody,and Sankey, with all ofwlifj'r, of emirs°, it was impossible that tiaa' could a°I tply. But those plaoes tvlilulei, were anxious fora visit from the Ansel.' eau evangelists, and cpuld not procure' one, have done well in taking up ' the natter for themselves,,'' They have re- eeg iced the fact that it is the power of the Hol h" Spirit which Y 1 i h has given suooess to the Ediulyurg meetings, anc?,.ttlatiuu. "'hearty in'vitation'-itddlesseCd"to him will fail to meet a response.. From every art r learn qu e zvgle n that meeting are lleng. .held—in 'some oases daily at noon, in in some, in the evening; . and the ac - 'counts which liti've s :lied us of the at- teudance at these meetings and the in- terest awakened by them are very satis- factpry ,—Cl bwrx r... 'ZEALAN11. HOLM,ES.--0n the 20(1 inst,, at the residence of the br isle's, fattier, by the Rev%'W, .S 410k -stook , Mr( S. Q. Zea- land, merchant, Clinton; to Sarah, eldest daughter of E. Holmes, proprietor of the Clinton New Era. CASE STINSON.--At Christ's Church Exeter, on Monday the Loral inst. By. the Rev. I. Barr, lliapnnli(4n4 Thos. •Carse son of Mr. Joseph Case of 1Tsbornea to Miss Stinson of llodgerville. i's'isA E'�dm"r NBLLES: At Clinton, on 'the 3r11 inst., the wife of,J. A. rules, Esq., of a. daughter. 4LKWILL.—ln Exeter, on Friday the 17th inst., the wife of Mr. Jas. Balkwill, of a daughter. .wn. >,.._. rri SEED BARLEY_ Tin subscriber has on ()aril, .and for sale a quantity of Seed Barley, of his own raising, and warrnated pure. Secur egood see while you can. I. CARLING, Exeter, April 23, 1874. 35-3t. OTICE. Those indebted to the late D'. .Vins' r eri re- quested t`.) call at once, at Van•lusen's Drug storm and settle the same 'either by Cash or Note. MRS. DR. WIN ANS. Exeter. April 22, 1874. • 35 -it. 1 2110VE YOUR 620Jh. The subscriber would inform the people of this ieig.iborauud.tu at ha has pure. lased. the uelebrat'J rite Boal. Pig. formerly owned by lir, W. Wood,d which has taken several first pries, He is now at my rosidc.l e, lot 5, London !toad, Devon. Terms,re cents { _RICIiARD PERKINS. Devon, April 23, 1871. 3F-tf. :EP iS:11E i itray aciint i: tlw 1... 1.1enl it9iof the art scriber, lot 7, sou. 20, htct- Peen, on or Omit the lot of Marcel hast, au eg•.•d ews. By pro vpl e o,l' n ay, and pu. iag expeLsca, the ow:len eau take her an•ai. RIC HiRD EASTCOTT, Harimy, April 23 a74.. aslta •r.7 •NI b 1 t? 9 AND CORNET. 1 R. 1CHARLEP: LONDON1., F uglu.:rl aSnd fllttario)LL hirERas(OF the Donor to annoanee he will receive pupils fur in- struction in the above in Luean on Tuesdayys, and. Fridays, and in Exeter, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Particulars an to Terme may be had at t„o T„tFs office. Loudon, April 23, 3874. - ai-4t. \Tow READY 'tSTTIIE Exeter Carriage Tho larges t stock of e-,glo and double CAP,RIAC S & , 23,7CrCiES Whlch'wi11. be found to, be til , Best and Cheapest ' ever offered to the public in this vicinity.' the time for bargdins, as the proprietor has made such REDUCTION” IN PRICES as certainly DEFIES COMPETITION' An oxitrnination of the stock before purchasing (elsewhere is respectfully solicited by the s+roscrib'r OR mfrs fo, all kinds oL V0111cties attended to *ITA'' Tilt USUAL DISPATCH. ALL WOItI W Il,RAN'i'ED. - JOIN TR CZi,. Exeter, April 28, 1874. 38:1y. OTICE. ue -Partnortship :horbtofer4 oi0istting betwon the undersignocl as merchants at Centralia and Crediton, under the atyfo, had firm of.. Thomas' Gree way & Company, is this pay dissolved by affluxion of time. THOMAS GRHENWAL. 1tol3EWI' 1tIMMIriS WV.tTtrnes-1\f, r. ST13WARP, Oontralla,14th March' 1874. Referringto the above, tho tmael'signotl boos to announce that Ito will continuo Oho business ail the io4poetive litncoe, All dehte duo tho Plato firm nr.tst bo paid to him, who Will also 'liquidate all debts due fly said firm. THOS. Gran WAY. Ccutral'aeApril 28, 1874, . 8540. TIfl :C; E GTJ.L..AI:t' Ir'O0o80l;oa8o,lNn,a 31, .GJi,3,r 3D)tetor, elil lyd' hold as follows. A oenr 01101 invitation is (uteri, rred to all 'visiting bre' t'hr08. Afar, to April 2(i, Jiily 27,Attg 57 PdP6,, 21Ort M1 r al�and 28' No111,aJ o, . t. lid It/DTT; Seefetary. Ot,IS 'o 1'at.TC'e. -iotlfle to fret, with ;Mahle aitd Togo Ottr(Yei,. On the woof side of i4iaiff. Street, )'t;20te0, nearly dpporait8 thhii 1V, M, hlltrcll, ' Apply At this Ate; or, to T'II0311`.� 5 TitnrC'lv't $(54r1 i 01101 ruin, 7 a1'r,i. , r tI1 Tnt t1t,1� f rna � a A7Q14111 4rN1: ,1731%-4W1g,'51)131WIS ()V4 Lt .l>7D 004a. ':frOrg001 Comfortable Stages Fit rima, `1'llege stegoa are driven fly the most :wept/one• dat3rl of clriugrs, 8gd aeaye' 14031)0R, every afOo7eoQ11, ate bl.iu•<'arrlvillg tit I.lutaftn, in %MAto peinlpet with tre44e for the east and west, al.xl Qolt eating 1n 12xetg3: \vitlt the Q1$ ,atoll 41E1 St, Uows. 80a3os. Z 4 a.03., 00nn0atfn8 in Lumen and, London with sts. gds all(ltrains. ' W. BROOJOS. 3OR1 'AWIi3IIAW, I)rivor. k'1'onaricter. EIV rtim' FAmo PT_, MPSI, ' P'U'MPS T ~ ask Cr. BOLTON would inform the inhabitants of H and ' Usbor e that he naui fa tl i. Of 2?u�p., Including tit' ATO _:. rtl NSk11T ,,`LATENT FOR „- forwhich he: has the e l siy whichAC1 P \3 (; y, Stephen 11.1 it kinds a FII0 for -the 1,bove-named townships. The albs° bar feels oonfidodt"tIiathe can satisfy those in wit of pumps, as to workmanship and'qualit ,' and at such prices that he CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD IN THE DOMINION. • 1(ZANIIFAC uTORT.—O ne-FQurth mile north of the village of Exeter, on Lot 7, Hay, Loudon Road, N, B,—Repairing attended to with prompt= ness, and done at reasonable prides. CEO, BOLTON. Hay, April 16, 1874. 34-6m. OTICE. The Court of Rovisson and Appeal for the Til- lage of Exeter for the year 1874, will be held at the' Court Boom, Doter, ou Monday, the 20th day of April, at 6 o'clock pan, . M. EACEF TT, Clerk. Exeter, Mareh20,1874. WEAVING. The sucscriber begs to acquaint those wanting weaving done, that they, may have their wishes satisfied by calling at my residence, where I an, prepared to proseoute all kinds of weaving, in the l ost manner, at most reasonable prices. JAMES ATKIN S014 3rd Lino, Blanshard, April 8, 1874. NOTICE. : Tho Court of Revision for the municipality of Ueborue will be held iu the TOWNSHIP HALL, ELIDID'ILLE, On Saturday, 11Iay 2nd, 1874, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Parties interested will govern themselves ac- cordingly. SAM'L P. HALLS, Tp. Clerk. Usborno, April 14, 187.4. 31-30. EGET R, CRE01TON, RICAN AND LONDON DAILY STAGE leaves Exeter and Creditou about 4 a. m., CONNECTING IN LUCAN and arriving in London at 9 A. M. Returning, leases 'Qity: lintel rt 2 P. 11., for the above places, arrivingin Ln- eau iu time for the train' (G. T, lt.) going west, Connecting in Exeter With the G.inton Stago. r All parcels and messages strictly attend- ed to. CALEER i3 CO, Proprietors, 34.tf. London, April 16, 1874. FOR SALE. 'VOR SALE, ALL THAT VALU- able property on the west side of Main Street, Exeter, with Dwelling House, Stable, cCt forrnorly owned by the late Alfred Charley, comprising fn the whole, (front and roar,) SIX LOTS, of one fifth of an acre each, well fenced and cultivated. TRIMS of payment, one fourth Caell. down, and the balance at any time within three yam's, secured by mortgage bearing interest at 8 per cent. ger an 11111.11. TFNoius for the purchase of tbo whole, or any separate portion, will be received up to the lstday of May next, addressed to the undersigned, who re- serves to himself the option of accepting or not. THOMAS TRIVITT. Centralia, April 8, 1874. 33-tf. DR.S.PITCH'S " FAMILY PHYSICIAN • Containing descriptions of Diseases an d rules for their treatment, will bo sent free of all charge by mail to anyone sending their address io 30-40. 714, Broodway, New York, Special Notice ! SEEDS 1011 SEEDS GARDEN FLOWEP.i: Y. SEEDS FIELD SEEDS,- SEEES GEO: J. 'GEIli FIN'S, City., Hall Buildings, SEEDS-LONn 0 1' "'n place. SEEDS Semi for Cataloegt,, „ratio. oma' Sole agent for Waters' 'fYlua pn,UNEIZ Price, 82.30. moo - 20 Papers Choice Plower Seeds for .,Ong TDelhtl ONDON QUEBEC andMONTREAL Tenperley Line. ,(i01nipaged pf ilio following lrat•clails IR:O 7 ' STE.A,N.tSHIP .. SCOTLAND, ' MEDWAY, rTi{A1t/E S,DIt,L'I'rL, S'E"V'EZtil 111E' CTOReN` i'AI GA, E1 Tho Steamers of this Lino aro intended to sail iltlrin3 the Season of Nawigatiori 031876, from LOSIS)(POH 441314JEC A1'10)1 X0r('y.'1.l Art, n,s 1.01 IOWA -•1lontlancl, Wednesday, lnesday, 27th August, and ovary alternate Wednesday and, Saturday thereafter- And from • QUEBEC POR''Lmithor AI'`PULLOWST "f'lrnth eft, ' !'lrtllasc1ttp',21irt'dtlg3ls r Severn, i'hilt•silay, tlIh Sept, And every aldio.td fa oscTrt yd ThatBeetllnclLneada,rJ6z d a ` df hereafter, atteslower t'h ,n, ether� t rr ( 9l'Ll(laatee issued to persons clonirel,s of irl~ixio. iftg out their friends, i far F1 iii' rl t dip EX 88 88, apply e e; i rl to ii DAVID SI/AW,18enti'ett'1.: CD rzgal CD cito �race� e • CID ;. DRODEZI CHEA A nine lot of Laxttlios' goo, beautiful designs ttitn0s, bQa t 1 1 sig as and ((cite tlew. Also, a choice lot ekDress Gods. CA81. :(:?lack Lustros at all pr10011. A largo assortment pf Prints, poly 12;1. c,' per yd„ worthy of notice. Cla11 and 80(3 0110111. A beautiful 8E' aortfl1ont of ,A','DBaril,30 , latest stylus. STORE Stook nowLo to e. v-^ a lu t p or'ything will he_spld (113e11p. It'N the Cash that Does It IRO.– Choice Teas at 50 e. psi' lb. LB. Cash , . for Eggs. J. W. BRODERICK. Fl STATIONERY (Sign of the lied Mortar, LUCAN). DRUGS, PATENT MEDI('INIE"S, DYE STUFFS, 1)Y0518 OF FICTION, TEASEL, ETC. C irculatir)g Library. mplete Stock !Prices Low 1 Call ,goltcited.. N. A.IBosworth J. Y. Savage. Lucan,1 Feb. 19th. 1073 26-y SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS G. E.13_C-11, ,TT,XETEPn, trai n Who has carried on the businessof Saddler and Ii tt Hess ..lnker for the rust st xirrn year 1 v midst, embraces aces this opportunity of retmning his sincere thanks to itis titan{ c lab eitltl t t (;,10', 0 liberal patronage bestowed upon hhn. So as to retain the Patronage and that of his. 11(„+ 0) 90)1_1) he begs to state that he keeps ou hand, and makes to order a first-class assortment of HEAVY and LIGHT HARNESS which he will sell as cheap 09 any other hones intim D'r'nittio t. H•: w.)(111 e,ill spacial ettei.i io i his stock of II0It5:. CLOlIIINh, just received. IIo also keep; nn hand TKE ROCKWELL PATENT CST AND OVER -CHEM Particular attention paid to the fitting of collars t ld tiro facing of them. S n7:PATI'�1G rlfn with neatness and despcatolr.i "1iEMEAiB1hlt '1111: PLACE -shop south of Jas. 1 iekara's at)oc+. G E0. EACRETT 0. C. WTLLSON'S 14IUSIC,- ± •SEWING" -'MACHINE AND AGRIC>r,TLTURAL IMPLE)IENT EMPORIUM, • STILL IN THE FRONT RANK AS USUAL. bG_ WM Gad'ITrB_r•. Y'40 Vr l NvS ACTEEMIT -^ Su CD , ( tc-f- • s" • V'' 3 • -rim 'FLORENCE Nosiolss, Bovor,ible Scot Lock and Knot Stitch family Sewing'Machin ells- ' llengos the world in perfeo,ion and range of work, strength and beauty of drrability of construction and rapidity of motion. Call and examine. Send for circulars. Agents wanted in every towit in the Province. This Machine has talent fret prizes at roll the County Faire, 11.1'.9 'IL a;O't, General Agi ilt ihr the Dominion. A CHOICE LOT OF EIT1 RT! AT THE .Derail .io.n Medical L aborator e ry ' ALSO AT THE SAME PLACE ,, PEES CLOCES, ETC ,PICIct'ARD are now rocoiving autl%oyenln¢ out:thcir now Spring Goods, inclnclhg a splendid Assortmo 't of New Prints and G-iughams New Silk Warp Dress Goods New Silk Poplins, New Black Silks, New Fancy Wool Shawls, New Col'd Silks, .., Y ,,N ewy,{,..Silllc.Tiss��uler� Shawls, ptr .kx• :,k' '1)�,,", e e't,V .'Lace Collars and full lines of ..1 Glovesy os er�� ad Corses, %7 B3oots, Shoos, (3rocories, and Shelf Hardware. VIITALZITZIttr L of 1011 thei`Td'W'est 0,1M Mett tarflilon1018 ttylot. T'hoy hatpo 0,10 roaciwed (trod rim 'trig! A' ' '1. ;St `-(1:4 S kl`Sboir WALL? e? Al at 5n'lte sllts`iorl, C all arid e� �'llttrf Ala o' slloWlGObds. ,1 tiltt18 t8sr 018 W • t)1' 141'4' IF e,r.yn.e,r..a,, e,..,n 5,.q rd V$ti'p0005.9 t:t� A Drench of the above llanklats'itoeneponoclbo1 ucan 3Qv ne'trarniaetlon of Gena )'al 11988. 1 6 n r. 'TINGS Nh. DE . 1 f -:lE ,rf1 e a w S �� a� a 2.r as dxrlo d ;O }tat r.ogoPod t"tst Atnd aooato 9lrre ley 33033 `ht slid ag41 ;r 1'188 ndopp.sit, Iu to}ost--4'4ndGparca t.Mglowed. No notice D, now 3t3+1737.14, Agont, ,<eJ` i Z ZT C O O D Aft E `b:'o HAND. LOVELY DRESS GOODS:. • Seg) Them.. r. Beautiful Prants r^' totton , . eWILmens'.. .e'w. 'Sun, c'11ts, theap st 11..e Ever Sold. ANOTHER LOT OF THAT CHOICE G5 et. CASES' BLOATERS AT. TEL A.EE W ACBE I iiAR ' 8' • ,.; Begs to return thanks for the patgonago bestowed upon him for tho past 'twenty years by the peopje of Exeter end'surrouding country; and now opening—in all departments—the Larst:ai Most Complete Rock OF GOODS IN THE COUNTY. COITPRISING DAY 00DS Iloaly-Made Clothing Millinery Hats & Cops, 'Groceries, Bo'ots Li Shoes, Harbware, Crockery. DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC., ETC., he country. • any other r liable house int found to bo as low as reliablo which will be f n 1 All o remember this.is the Oldest EStablishecl House in the County. tine Pc7zt THE • E V ''� : T A.11I. F P !, IV 1 (iilR SY I'PLIF 77771 A REA , IN G ➢ �, ,, . „..NEW T 1 I F •r'i r,,zibees.°: '�a«�i'ld„mt oq�r: F,lh .ore, di M:1 `hmd,cM1idB Orousamatmormarasamvaced� nermscm,e Eve Y Article ,4 Deny Geo `a -- lcacling Articles in ii., ,,aELL ,A$ OLD PRMilta' FOR A 'S SORT MITA BXB�4ii• Trke , advantage ofth Chance. ,L1S,.610. rill N. i3.-500 TOGES ;' OINTILAWA ` and 'Tinnets Butter and 1.00,000 do Eggs wan.ted;.•c- Highest Price` always paid. ' T:tI0S, G-1, RENw _ -. 31 t ,OVAL R E MOVAL Dirt` e (.- PR.A.N1BDe.li Has T)dlrelltl' Lg. ••,V•:44,•••`.4 tin: t 0d Ilam 3toe1a: of.gr. A: Ne11iIs,,aild has removed his, stool; di tt id alatiol'i id brill , ttWy tSO01pfO'ld by 11i- 11e116g, at1(,'lltl 'TL Y FILL ld, ' SPOT”! i'o1 4 '[3 -rem Trail s=i tlat4tle . l>MZi` F Inver): At flella0r,1'0i(3t130±1l188wer,)31 '> $tofal?lsllip CSity: b3f l#'ussAltll yrliilp the gcodlo he acus buyiu8 .1 mu,3 1301311 40iiuiit ,'001' spine wo0118 Hast ati(1 tite ,888c.xtt3013t 3s .110Yr, ' about.eomp10(10 in ower,), deport, 33101111, l Orr prioitd(3 ploy ,14.108 flair, . uPdoO their crillilaly V81,3c , iV err tlf0r'€3llip10033(18 of 81niliar goo(18. 3ritl oniltiltue to arriydl fora spine tiitto yet.' i-' r.�`' (las now 11000100 known 111 ilio,' 131.1(111+4 111t11'liet8 ae is 0(4811 1)atyer, 4_1111 whoa his buyer{ calls o33. 1a' 7Lllannfilptur'or,. there 1130 hotiAnu, + prides are sure to bo 013100041 110 knows that. the irivtitoa slid sliiPpiuig bill 1181331 or31)' t("3 roach ' tltor (1estivalloal, when ;xa elreque for the gold'wi11 'be trn¢ilarhiat0O by next mail, and. if be doss u¢t ask t130lOWestpos01b10tigur0,his neigllboti3g ruanutaotlkrer will .and when it is know!), that tile" whelesale houses 0f Montleetl„,*.' 'l'orputu, who sell again. to tide. , sot1ecul retail trade, vk this coati try„b'iiy fret 0lxese 90137Oe pks1 awl. hardly 11113315? r h d faster f. them Y an y o a 1 1 )r cash, 1 is ass p ut d stla d` 1Y� rG easy pr n how G. 13. Smith can carry out, t so strictly his syst0m of askaxlg, the loiyesl prime first time when 110 is M a position to put t111at 0 10 war- dean other' retailers n afford to sill . G. B. S ii.T.I7. 1%ITcL1 PQ'wL +T'+AN,B'S STEAM AND WA - 'Curing and. Gr istt Mill, The undersigned wishes to return sincere thanks to his numerous_custoinors for their verylibontl patrooppor- tunity unityoffstatinage In tg : tlh4e better prepand also take red.tI tan ever to turn out THE � %M U OF WORK. RK. Tho frill is in the bast or -miming order, andpar- ties eau generally rely on g •(ting their grist home with them. having 11100,, nut •xn a heti Wate - wheel, there is now au abbu.tauceof water, rearia GO to 05 Cents yr bushel will 'bo raid for good dry peas HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH FOR FYFE WHEAT. L OUTP, AN D CHOPPED FEED ALWAY' • ON HAND. Chopping done every day. , D McLENNAN. (relllil`111�i•fi EXETER NORTH s4 `hl id 1/ 2e, CA RIALj FACTORY Messrs. G. & J. Brooks have now comthenced the mznu ac- Lure of Buggies and Wagons. for the Spring and Summer Trade. TEn Is -Cash or Short 'Cre- dit. Also, onhnud,a lot of Scotch Diamond Harrows, of their own manufacture, whioh they can' and will sell as cheop ' as any, one in the trade,. ” Please to callin. G. J. '.B, i00';a 7. [jORSE BILLS P ' HORSE.B tLSy, • 000000.3'000000000' . 00 00 re. �. o. Vii 0.43 0330 .000 a 000 �i"� et ' 000 00 -,00000000000000 cam-. M, ' I LT M D AT T1313 " Til'ae g99 Office While you wait for theln.1 11r HOree Cote are 00 the latoot ltuoriaan do 91315.,• Call mud see thane. HE 105. HALL AND' Cultivator Improved `I'his:41achina is now being universally ad(3p ,. tach throughout Ontario, xalltl wherever i used i .' pronounced to be exactly what is said of it,,' and: positively what is required. �t advan;6a,ges:.ovex the rl11 anti i3 (3111)' linens to i o seen to make kriown'of Itself t1138 fact, —e,1--- - ro 31817 both n3reiilteci Agealt for ±13134 �: aitd'itn)' information ivllic it 1G is in hes 1)0'03 00 gi3e'hlo' it 111331030 willil,(#ly ltti'iilalt, Voxtri30rs 3w111 lili1' 00it,0I81i lt(haanuh a tri' 313o.031311 la:Clfinb a 8:'lai,. °4.°1'1-0V1 UAL•tw' it, ,ttor leg h tlltl� $:t3331ti118Y fa' a1ot f51I0Y 1 t0 ii'i w 10 Nil b(l 1 lttlifX111t1r'. , Sl3ltlj'31t' fslt r n bdrl 13, t)tr1 (11.0tlrii7t) :1'3 3 ,yr t., . dh Uf 010,111 it fit'leu8b .,Fist i U e Y 8.:01