HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-4-23, Page 2•
kqE)titTLI 041)4.1rUip...V..411%.°°G.Q11.,9,
114tt/tqr A;01k91.4. DT01$910, 134405. 1'113110'6%
41 ea tattelee, tate., sew :tete, la se et %tette,
sea ea tee setteateet vittett iia44eises
isterifi wet, attebee,
tielteitattvetteett of t ;toe:toes.
tesea end feate titer:tee aisetiettete, tiew
Jatebasetiatereeneeeite, eta
,Oleatelesta ;totes, , ;
13ANK PlOittatttlaT. •
neateate trail cats 'nester taxa tia setae vegeta.
• iteeittie en
D1w4 W STAATIft'
3sesteatteb..11, tea. et,
„ .
. .
I ;rotor Elutes;
. •
• VAX-WI:Tat, ijI a, 1874.
„4 I VI: fd CO.
k t1i4t Biel has been expelled
itlet Itamee by a Ittege tnajority, we
• nal(1, ittigitio it will be a, sileueer for.
1,L1luht; politiciaaa who have ased
: it MOO A$ A handle to furtim their
:, telt funliuge. But the contrary we
to be tho case hIst1 of letting
lte.niattor drop -.as,„ it settled point, Wo
And • old. sores we stifl being tickled,
told venom yet spoots forth. The Mac-
ltetsete Government Showet a very un-
‹leade'd:StUrid in the diva -lion au
sion, whieh action ie beieg strongly
condonanedby many of both parties.
Ho, Wet Thunder, elle newly-tipa
pointed Chief Jaistine ofillenitoblin has
the' ineatidS • at St. Catharilies.
Quitar+=W,raid Bit think hatiging
;capital plinislimeat if he were eondetun-
od to,die , that way Give it up,
_.- eta nater ear tree tet • Set teta "
BODWELL, M.P. for South
Wentworth, has houts taking the create
off the Government vii/k, in we shape
of the Cemmissionership of thP Vel -
land Canal. He'll bid geod bye to
„cheese factories Laid totHes. end go in
more extensively on War e priht
TM: Guelph II e i
ell. Advocate is a e,t:1;:i.o.; ii,-1,1),.!.‘"ito. It
won't do, Brother tlee cloven
hoof can • betee pie iniy seen through
the righteous veil -t +11 fol-
low the bad example of t "religions' '
dailies, the Moutreal Witness and the
London Advertiser.
TIM citizen's ball to Lord alai Lady:
afferin, in Ottawa, on Friday lest, was
the most magnificeut ever held in Can -
over two thousand persons being
present. The Governor-General wore
the uniform of a Lord -Lieutenant, with
the star and riband of the order of St.
Patrick, and the star and badge of a
hatteht Commander of the Bath. Lady
Dufferin wee. a pale green silk gown
-trimmed with floe-, of tulle. wreath
of rosebuds and foliage, - teaess
embroidered satin of 6/10 S31110 green
OG her -4e,ta a tiara of
U01i(l. stars U1I pearls, and a branch of
loess robes to match the trinnninge of
her dress. A diamond necklace; a Rh
three aatmoad shamrocks pendant fr, ,m
it, eed ear -rings to match.
1,ff ••••••••••• •
Many of our readers wilt be glad to
learn that the following geetlemen, who
are either Canadians by birth, or. who
from resideocie he e, are well known to.
a large proportion of the following dis-
tinotions and promotion for their ser -
'ices at Ashantee . •
"Colonel Sir Garnet Welsely, K. C.
M. G. C. B. to be a Kuight Command-
er of the Bath, aud promoted- to the
ra-ak of Major-General.
"Colonel John C. McNeill, V. .„I le C.
M. G. to be a Compan•ion of the Bathe. -
"Lieut -Colonel Baker • C. Russel,
13tInHassa1s, to be a companion efethe
Bath. . .
"Major R. IL Bnller, GOth Rifle, to
be a companion of the Beth. .
"Major W. F. Batter, (ate 69t1. Regie
moist to be a Companion. of the 13ath
"Deputy-Controilee .111a,ttliew Bell Ir-
ving 0.; M. 0: (sou of the late Colonel
Irving, A. D. C. to the Govenor-Geu-
eranto 'staff. Cempanien of the Bath.
"Captain -Charles •Walker Robinson,
Ride Brigade (sou of the •late Chief
Justice Hon. 3. • Beverly,. Raiuson to
be a Major.''
.0-.4 .
,t, , , , , , ' ' • „
" •
lart40 and, Inlist.
en .101 U� WMlteltt lton,t1,litt-"e7..ett;
itt e, tit too r, wn, fo# ...pnipoeet"
of'orgoatt4ing se tiretailittor7 lettgnettteY,'
. ea,
kr, (ttlIYQ1.,1$011,k 1.1.1 t,AU
1V.itteefi;IleV.; Ur, ,i,arii`4C;,•ae4 414V Pr,t.,
ii(1.1rot$4 tate fttQeticr4‘'
114- 4t. too, o100•1c to -
dill( a lire iteolte oat fl I4 resiu„01,03,
tally fla.,Prefiirr the hOqso part of
t to. ftvatiliure..
; VOyorea bfte
$ti Vit(ixnas
tInS ittoritsn. blterrin,
wOod pilor g4Eeltford Statiotik' en the
lit. Clair ntlkoolt 01" tIte 41 et-
teteptitig sit aet't;ft grayttle trittu, eat
both ttie leigs oti". to watt, !eferri,eit
to Itie ftltottt
(Alum whoro 41;4., 494 .t:vel4ty
Ire. leaves a wile kwa
11441y friok.kas" o qwu ,hts
Torento, Api1 8.et-A. young man
410741g an exorese'w a,gon had ,a very
LavlieTiOi og a adailOigio P elit:46.0t 0,1:10,34, t• „,Qoun:zrel.,
Nortneen road. The; • exorese •tri i
cause along mid before he etnikt get
oat of danaer tue cow cateliere, struck
the wagon, breaking itelo,pieeese aThe,
lanse aud mau eee.sped uninjured,
Montreal, April, 113. --At the request
of large number et citizens the
or Laeissued proetainationfOr a pub -
lie meetingto take le toConsicleratien
the presene state of thb jury' systera;
and filtt'the ii i the leer of li-
bel as rehitiutt to neWisipaPers.'„ • '
Ab thepost2otace,jtvs gLbkt
tercitty, Mr. 4. ft. Wright centtnned.bie,
evidence) in refereace tan hts, tillages
ftgaiust, gr. h,illety, Assis tox t dp,oattuaas
A pojieeman named,Breault was fired
at On Friday night by; mail man lie
takiug to the Station Hutteet, He oily
tired one eltot awl made, pea- his escape
the policeman perfereingito let hint go,
ruteniug the eis,k ot oeing shots • ,
Halifax, N. S. April, 18.---Sinee :the
23rd of March eeVenteen weeeat.18,' har-
rying 3,940 tone of Plaetta; haVe clear='
ed. at \Viudsor for United States 'ports.
Th tire' seeintit4 bo lite nb t new that
the fishing soIi>oho iin nieiountlered
during the gale on the 10th ifist, off
this IsarbOr, :tuff all'hands tYeittlost.
. Tor ooto , April, 18. -T be tin fee t u ate
family .titepute, itt which E. Wrignt
was nevnived. LI. Roddeu, his
and Willie A. ,ltoLTddn, his
grandson, whom he charged, With em-
bezzling lulu of $9.000, 1s.ben set -
"tied. Wright ev:thdraws all his charges
.and young Reddest gi.Vesup the ariee
of property whieli heciodms his grand-
father gave,to him some time siuce.
London, April 18. --Dr. Kenealey has
,applied fez a itew trial for,Orton, the
.Tialibortte clagnant, on the grouud that
Chief juetice„ Cockhurn's misdirection
to the jury interfered with the testimo-
ny, and that the verdict wee contrary
to the evidence. The applicationwas
refased te Cockbuen's ,conduct, but
efirirt,i reserved de-
• Dr..Livingetone's grave is in the aene
tre of tbe west part of the nave in
We'stminster Abbey, near, that of Ste-
phenson, the celebrated engineer.
Capt. Rosseau. et. the Auserique, in
his °nicht' report of, the disaster, says
the steamer sprung leak Mae gale on
the 18tO, and despite all efforte the,
water, coetinued to gain and extiegeish-
.1 ed the furnace fieee, Onp after the, other.
Net .day, when ,dauger of shaking be -
0,11116 evident, consultations of the
eers were, ,held ,and ;it was Apelded to
abandon tile ship hisinediately,
Lisbon, •April. 19.-A. rupture has
nocurred between the Argentine Repub-
lic: and the Government at Montevidio,
'because Preeident Sarmiento arbitrari-
ly closed the River Uruguay a•gainst
vessels tram Oriental Ports. It is ho-
ped that a _settles -neat!, will be effected.
Bayonne, April .19.a-Thel,Carliet
General Saballs and all his staff were
reeeutly captnred by the Repisblican
ti ops near Vicli; 'brit Saballs, with
sow of his effibere, subsequently esca-
ded and arossed thefrontier intolFrance
'Panaina,'Apra 12-Nett's has'been
received here of the loss," the,14th
ult., of the (Milian Coa. Ceti' at:earlier
Tacna and nhatteen lives. It iieduss
the VesSel lett Valpartheo on the 18th,
and whets ktit' to 'sea began to 'keel over,
;tfid, lt&foi'e she eMild' he rigliter,`,
op -
sized. The lode` of life is attiiboted...fo
IL panic Which 'eeleed- the 'eteWe'tste Of
Whom niatle''.off 'With the Oply boat of
the vessitl: ' •'
• New Yell', orthe
lees of the Tacra 404 eoft4 'of Smith
Aifleried .ate. CO. hand., The
the • 'liftlY passenget•S'Weee
swai,lved on being loWbred;the'foleaftrd
tackte'becciiting aid ' 'all' or
neti4 all, mi-littard perbilied.
the 'ere* i ti; t114'ntrt dingy, and
Made for Sheee despitd the. edes for lis„
sistance Of' the drat -Olin Opap t'S
the -gig. ,Capt,.. Hyde, an sovetalof
the offIcerS'reinaineil'iin beard antil'tlie
veeeel Setik. They' then out
ad after being ile,`tliSnwitter'04.nhetinte,,
sunnertiree' tlicki!'4,$).VeS' by 'Clitailtigt :to
pieces of the Wreck, the eon
liaving been blown Off istin4nelitSiOne
caused probe )la by tbs-wato rns`pind
dowi the' 'fan th cat 60. A tend tit
triad tip by other btitS; 4Iter itea,
natining at the scene a, disaster -IOW,
all hope of recovering any more allie
passenetaieS and Crew was lost, tlx beats
procclided to tots Viloe, llonty
son, purser of the,Tactet, was the only
sou of awetelthy entieeityalealer in
erpool. AS the yowl wee about to
:disk, he jumped kite the seat and Wag,
Sten. fie
• •
"'" . ' .7 , 7",, ' 7-77 ° 7 ' :
. bets 'Ioieltt 'April 111..
,,,Oyor $1,(1,00(t
)&ior„kink4 iiad'' 'utlter 4.1res4
liARIO bolong po'weAlthY 4#0*4.1444$1
pertersk:WOrn Ppited .1.11ridStf:Aq erileif,*
tika'k:ipeqt4l, &tent, pf. the, TrAM't‘gx,„ TiTwOA
,04.18)04'4 tlAv
,An attonta wAs")40.0„Evolf.O‘,1„ Poi goo 4
io tp,i'i41141trtruplfOtki, 00,hlial higg# „..
itograns wore •thersi Yeet004),,',7
three of thorn fer the Inarder.of4,,:plan,,tf
Ikie wifeViat'..slark'olihiti(i„..- .Affor they
wort), iin047the'Slitfriltatiniitta4, the
lie, ,r)Ostly liegrees, to View the ,bodies
befOto floy iVore taltoix "ao*n.;
patch from k.toini tflsSityae.,--alVeeinta
:overfloods tile entire valley through
whicq itflows.. ,, The towns Of TeentoO,
Monroe, ,Oolutitbia, Harrisonbitret aai
Trinityrf.and-irearly every Man tittintit
thato-river suffelsid 'severely. Tho river
and trIbutarieS 'are stillrriSing; 'Loss,.
one suillion dollars. .., ••• - •
, •-•
EIGIIT rsnraistS'.AurusTnn ON ORAnoror
hiPaPrtatrzo ,DAYIP coarnionnu.
*• On the .2,9th •or Janury, 1874, the dity„
whteh, the elections for .the,Ifensp
of COminone. Were hold, a man 'named
,Dayid poi:4014Mo was 4served, in one
'of the dierepntabte houses which abound-
ed in $trathrey about thattime. •
w iteeappe tea Akave eon siderabl emo nes
in .his ,possessionry and hiS a'ssoci4es
,Were no doubt of ,theact„,
Nothing was ems or In ard of hiswher&
abonts for a peripte of months, andevar-
ions snrmise.s, were ,indulged, as to Ins
fate., -On the 12th of April laste'on the
breaking up, of the iee in theniver SY- ;
bullpen it small stream . which • meau-
tiers ,near Stratbrey, the remains of
Cerkiadele were diecoveeed, Der the
,eaileyeat bridge,, in an advanced state of
decomposition„end having the, appeer-
auce of being in the watesi,f9r some time.
hole in the, left temple ledto the sus-
pieion thet fool,play had, been eusecla
whilst others accounted. for the hole by
thp deceased having struck, the
timbers of the bridne in'falliag through.
Aoeinqueet wee', hell bY Coroner Billing -
top, and. from atm evidence. addnced,
the jury, after eveigleinq ,all :the faets,
retarned a yeraict that Corti indele came
to deathatt the hands of smite pert
son, or persons unknown from a wound
over the oebit ot the: left eye..Censtable
Juay of Strathroy, and Deteptive Phair
of this, city set themselves *about forret-
ting out, the fecte of the ease,,and, from
tlieinformation repeiverl also cc:Deluded
that Corkindale WeS ,rnpreleroa, on `the
night of the 29th of Jannary, :and that
the inmates of a disorderly house, kept
by a,young man named Briton Clarke,
were cognizant of the ciremnstancee al -
tending the murder. • Clarke was ac-
cordingly arrested on suspicion, on Sa-
turday last, and remanded for a week.
Other ipmetes of the house were taken
into custody, and are now in jail on a
'tewo received a clue which, of
similar remand. The detectives pro-
conrse, they wont divrin4vjo-r.
Montreal April.; 17. -Mr. J. L. Pal!:
mer, the:cleek •duspeqad: of „parleining
titePope etcDouald letter, was suepend
•ed Wednesday by iwder's from the
Departmette at Ottawa
rMr. Pahae tine morning presented a
letter to the t'tommietioners, rktieeting
'preanisCion anerOse-exarnale, through
his (Amnon, 'Air. 0. 1). Davidson, tliose
witnesses who taaVe testifie,1 against
him. Me. Patine': elanni that ha can
elicit evidence which Will theroughly ex-
onerate him.
Sinall-pex appears to be increasing
il vmulence. Several patients tatve
beeo admitted, ill of this diseatV; into
thehespital recently, and one death lune
occurred. • '
Ottawa; ,April 17. --A lar- e 41eliata-
tion, waited on the P r end the
Finance Mtnister teelev to !age the ie.
mow,' on thwexei,, duty oit netts:demo
oil. Me. Fairleatke tilt:m(111004 tija, de.
Inttatioa and addressi d the ininieter at
some stio,weet; the depressed
state of the oil trade and the injurious
uence of the excise restrictions, and
the aniversal opitlion .the trade that,
the tax was an obnoxious one. Mr.
F: pointed out the unfairness of taxing
barhing ,oil while gas remumed untaxed.
One r twoother gentlemen spoke brief.
jy oti the subject. Mr, CarlWright and
• M. 'Mackenzie replied., bsiedY• stating
the intereat taken by GoVetemient in
• lade, state Or tattle, aud that tvottla give
jmis,14..)Aate. consideration to the repro-
. ;sweet/tient; of the deputation/ bat that
len:0411i not at present promise that
:the lt,onld be abolished, as: the ques-
e. royoatio Most be ,etinsicteea,,
bieboks thanked the fninister for
tho flatention givens, 'and ,stated that
Come numbse kvould, rettlain in
toWf -in, „ease any, other information
•,01101thi 116q44
"• :17.41:-Lart.' night gem et
Plitgfi44”'44!Ohtalit'cil; ,au,entratlel to. :Mr,
'Amairew'' ,W1Ight,'S'stOre,:hy autting off
• the ' the' loelt a0Ott,„
Sit aolfarsAa,.e,Otirers was
ittE 4,1to• al4)1;,tbsy';oott14 141,14,, notes and
•SlIVer *''''Coe.i.thietititeasottoell'hithatea
40.144 40.; 'betf ct,kaq. Oars. by
,v4I'1;4'0'f:ins 'PratOria'. annul tr,„
yitl. to e
:t1lattit •,',0 14f, &PIA '11,Y'''4"
tion le,„60; 48,11,3.0.,0,taodhot4 wod,
•nesday.,- 4)% WittOrtsji.fa' '.ge4a„ral
.1 410,4ft ik'r 'theleagt),„ •
, .
• New ,Yoric, Ma,y,18th.--Mayor Havtt-
moyee this afternoon received, a tele-
geain from the May,or of Nett ,Orleatate
. New Orleans, Apuil3.8.,
.To the Ittayoriof blow 'York itaes
Owing, to at unekampled overflo„W ,ef
the Miesissippie,RiVer raid' its tleWet,
branolles, , by • which more, than 1.0,00.0
Squitee elf one State Mee 8111)111.3es.,
ed, many thousan httilthog are .ritined
in their fortitnes and,, are, throatened
with starvation, it is boyoutl tile Meath3
of out citizens. who.. ilitAki eSpaped,,,t1118
geed calamity to give adequate relief'
to tbe sufferers, , have, therofors„,
thought :proper to dive •it,tr,•opposittliity,
to year 'citizens to'lti'd its. The poistef7-
butions the pfilisintitrapia aro
estly solioitett for the viotito of this twd,,
foicl, visitation Ot. .11,Ood d fa,min
(Sidned)- • . LUIS
Mita April Sattifk
day strght, atole 4 ',Unite ea
; fro'ra, •tritek, , tke ,tispot,
',the 'bag 4olitttinea ',,klle,;t.yaaflitoth.
. .„ • •,
• ,
tiv,*r,tittais t744‘,13,L) 5Q;,4,Fi'„ox;.30 Ngw,,,,-.410r3sta,, a, D.,. DArr g ligiiROIR E loVliVEI , IVI
• mow, o
, 7,P, ;,,,,, 74,_ )4pnllxxii70910)117,,y4 li,;(701x,Itylt„!1;1(to,11,111440:xtoQ14.1.;:irf'D4-;:" 1 ‘..0‘ Dm ,,
qoz/iq 017; 8,00 ; 1 0, ,2,,4heoxy^ Spring jutportationa, Flare ° *I)
i al ,a.ate, . a. ta, Rex. tlt ietetice Will he glitPri, vitt few 'Wee ts, ,
Getete'tV'etite'''' 1! ' 4,^Q;(ti '1'lli O'l4, „oWlyi,,toet„,,e4.fe, tfits,,G01419.t tt 111 9 : s
Inirp I
F 11""1"L'IN1C4S" t tile Iirtitiffele Pe4t. Tilt; BOAT'S OBBilr un Tyro »,4x K DEPARTIVE,YT , '
zmostk, ,A4,riy'4'14„ 3,87,„t ' Pt PO 11 .k,,,, VII 04 Q . , 4 VINGS
„:1,1,5 itiow4bvijol,t
r , , , ovli,f410,off:4.3t tik:,,b,.::),01ilt:34, (telotasilQw$11114)g.4Virif,;)0,40(14111)ur1 le 4 swylngs ok..1),ovArtnollt11.4f41)004 oilouQa iii 00440004 lyiti,i 010 uleto
xtvitis An.X.ottclott.14,..tilae....44".
41a5 et east asid. tile flonrentaoe froM At IJ,PAIla Pt it4A. ine .
f4',",4i:i4Aiit40.)'370741a i.)14r111 ).)'.4 '4'if,"00:' sitartli'farX4OVO Air:At 081 ' IlAti)0 ft, 04 4(4 ,
;:tligtiPittitobiltit(4*°1,1110;431eltkvaeg.Qtbi7eie,iicit at"3 p,a)4„‘ a!,r,'S Wtlt Oet:eel '13Pit. )? 45 11'0143 P1)14°t‘ 41/1414 ' ALTOGirlIIAR IIIAR.1) il.14.14' ' •' 4 .,-r-te'r
s ,
weet; leave Ttoadea, et 8.1, IP., ersattlitto ,e, f tOr a lt y. .... ,.. ,..,
Q ait iatiato to catelteteseatuni trtiltni; 't , •oshaL,wo weala.reaer our (1,., (t::111J ,0YQr-otitie!,.14 -1-.14:701!)41,44 !_9alif;)14.1:2Q.,.f.!•,(.: : ' 4vovs. „. 1 P.4)kj)E 0 S
to iiii omission in t 0 pini e( , r 4., "Pot t It:r1),i,e1A:e 0 -t) tr?oW IAlfitt; '111:4417:
, ,.. , „ ill
grarettne.,oftite, Y.1).0,4,,, Ythtelt SliOnla bor. oil tile aott.4 tatt,fr .teete wahil4 hpr
' 4.' 1 . • be -No„ 8, on Tuesda gvoolog, !July way nudeP 00x41444a oi1wx''Qw1;0Cap-, ,
, f'igin one Dollar ($1) .nrirttra4 l'eeelTec
To the the E4itor of the Exeter'
;DEMI Striae -The Quebec and Lake
Huron Railway Company hawing con-
templated constructinga beaneln ail-
waysfroin Beussels by. the way f See -
forth, Exeter, Peteplea, &p., to Port
Sarnia, it therefore quite evident that
the design is to stamp out the present
London,Huton & truce Railway soh eme.
Such being the c;ise, we would resped-
fully ,suggest that the .Londoit Railway
Company should. constructan indepen-
dent line of road, by the, way of Exe-
ter, Zurich, Bayfield and Gbdeeich,
'This line is nearly in g direct line from
Lonclenalevel, ,and htg-lely adatited for
such au undertaking, having .no diffi-
cult or expensive work to speak of; and
iij tiine;'if 'adviiable;'inight be extended
to KincaMin'S ana Southarnpton, and
acrbae theJethmne to, 'Syeleithana
or, to Owen:Sem:Oa. • This. Reheat@ is
doubtless it haturatdirection, and
Welild, If ,adiried thtffeffe` ct, greatly exe
tend'tilie relations an(1 inter.
este elf LoucloneRd. tat tiO4e, iej pay
hag investanehteneteonly to the city but
alsoetoethe sections oftemnitry through
which it, worild:6paset' • The (2iiebec
bralich thee Would ofeetiree lie intereec-
anklienee Loudon -tvoald
thereby have ,the, advantages ..of :two
lines instead of rte. '.-Asperhaps funds,
at present; ratty be 'difficult'to be ob-
tained kir such 'an eXiended route Bti,y-
4f,eldovith its ine' harbor '(wIstch ,the
,Doininion, 'Goyernme,ut , will ,„,withOut
tidubtf,,shortly,make It:harbor of refuge),
• Might judi'diongly be blade its torisans
fo'r a ttuie Much'. of the western traffic
cotildbe diverted to pass over it .to,the
• eastern, Cities by the Great Western
ltailway:'•rotite.' This condition being,
the faCt 'there Cart be little orno ddut
.it Would be as good If iiol` a better pay-
itig stock than any in the ProVinee. 4.
kw ;words mato „lard We •have done.
Railwayanals, harbors,
qu4StloilS Clearly Of corm -nate'. Theis,,
if Of ednitnerce: cenimereial gen tlereen
ar,e ,the Proper Parties 'tpIsamile ,stich
bntseine may gay whatof tho produc..'
er Well; ,the...paddifeeir Old the 'ben.'
SUM cr Must go haltanti, iiand hi, the
work, and hence conitnerce itailid tiro.
motor, to actiowitetlit inatter, Let its
tarn for a while, to •poopis without„"coirt.
,Inerce,., and. we And but little more thalit
state, of eltistenCew . . the : other
hatid,,natiOns ,intving•foreignc014-
thSlcee are,: groat i „proaperous, rich afid
• happy, stitudttgitt the bead of ,itatiouS.
;Conathereo, tlien, is. , the ,sorikee, from
:which,W0-,. may look, fur greathess oth,d,
proapkritY,. : Perhaps" others,;mity.,,,eon..
tend thiht:'t110.00,Vorninentia the proper
satires 014 wealth. anti (tteattiese,,, AV&
irtt114.,o0111ees (6011:, is , partly ,the Case,,
Gotertiritente'rof etttiree, tatil inakeaW4Se
and latt8 ,fok tbel)il)tee"tibt,
les.toting 06.0004 iitivansornsitt of conii,,
ntoreo, that' Is 411.-4 With thesol
.tow totriarke 'On it very Intian.tunt
.fee,t, we, bog :to 'pities' it, 'far tii4 presont!
tbe bands; of, the pr11ppr4u01ti6s,'to
(laid 'with it its ,tlisy
fitgAlott ttospasssajoa molt
an yottr tiny -band spite, eirt
yante vsty tritiy„, ,
• ,
• i„,j4,41,4:a:,L,...'4,W,.,',5,..,_,_,1.110. oVt,:oftilis, 28th, ,Mrtet .$9tillteette.Willgreesa rend, tinu S., 1.'0/Asmara, and silc' mon, , Pitt AA:
spolety, rpooiVed toe late for tis .satie... lialpatrielc aivossaY, " bt'PttItt.9 It',' ., . some, fish-ne e, And, le ttt We trkonlen.t,gt
respcndence left. °yet till hext.wtelt,"' ' bar readere te We attveTtisenlent'iri ime.'/.49111 tasynettl, ,..1„t 48 ,IhtpcostP1?1P fpr
'tOokupeeoNniassea,,-liodgetwille: , cots . •q.10, ..ae lye would refer writing hi on ice -thrall about two miles
,. . . , , , •
, , , .i. ,,., „ „ . „„, , , ,
meGl:tlii:).1g'1"T.a-t Itthe0111°°'il°10)-etY'rFait'li:x4 '111-i.,('Cl4.::' iis,' ' :Thia. '''i'ontroli.41.;1'i4 4 if'ars,:iNil'e'011t;;111ttri,e(11 tilioltili:te'14:tiCi btti;e7S§::eanlin'091:44t C111.:'41)A:;;41°.;foer
other co tiniziA Svea ,,ing o Tiie', g7''' either, one way or the ;other, , ,There,is
evening next. ', e • • , , the storm for a lopOinie: an1. now the a
, , ,__ , , i !.. , as . o ,oyo, ,o4o 1e,4111, SO 3.roPp reit .er9
S. B. Subw:-1The attendance 0 fbis colitAs tia:4o Work. as Aletit, comPAet,, may, fArtn sue opinion of the position
isii;i61v1:x.ete,1•everd,ktly:. 7aer very tar -7,a , 4 i,pe Ana. hriald$01110 a:$ tliY iil the 11'n'i,ni°4. Of A vossal Whim siirroundeti ,*jtll iqe•-
41,:• )1‘'‘1....'::11,G, Z'I,\;.'e,vi' ; '1.; 1:1 ;e‘ !rel.; i,' eliii. ieft'a.: ,/i‘1,1ans'isteilzfo liNitintIlibLliannikw3. Skin.' No ,
f.1 li.,.tsi r„;;eicriitply,tionasi;neilleliae02.!.ve olcdcutieia4beli..: 111;1: yWeilt.1; hsitill.14anglae : I), :::00.11tril-::(1'.11.)4.4trei9s'sre.enn;ttia,211:4:. cigi:) e:isttike n: in:a .efet fi.: ei,:sv 411, iii1;,t;4:1319t rtl.tn4en,fi:161:1:11t7' pe :(1S9bil igt: 1:
' ') l' ble Means of rendering' assistance At
. • .. ,
O4rud.a,w cis. ilsiernt,ston1Gadood,e;iicileinofitthwealsi
eilml.iili'aii:4(1)0,1.E.I.h.,riite,.siti.,;;:;ciclri...,1::'el;ipp,1,7sciioili:no:tiis,e0,e,bili:ni,a6coi,ig,ytehe;:.(i, fg, i i;texdha:Ft.,;:, je aft:i::4301;iuti:lieiitafit I. albdy ,yiiiat,/la inouie,. iiiiiet; eg. tin:1;1:60:i 1116:.:1, , ..iofit...10'.:;:f'410::eitt, ,e...pvtriatts:vbt,onotieee,11)ehi, e,ing. 1, itii..?:6450405 ii.u,.itiiianie:uinyi ‘‘.,, i,, ta..tht.i ei :0;t4i ecitaht:aes ipon44,.,:4041)14111 a;oet,dey:i4w, swill triariit, 4:ni Isle? ,fi.;::,
d, and three '
itill'hang around thialitchen14 "en c.. a.•
NE:rLY .1. .ilt,•'77(211.1 •,Yc edirs4V muted supply of feed, which 4e.set
Gni.-We haveJ,received,'from Mr, afteriioost.heit Mr. II, Olan*ille Olil, es- here.by stage. It was the intention,t)f
Bosivortb • of Lucan It late' - copy'. of gaped a severe loss by; the narrow: es- those philanthropists when opposite ,to
' ing '6' The, basyliody aild .:Mr„ JA140. to the la10. the nut.'poS' 4 spttiiig
, ,
FaEA Peart No little citemelit, was caused on
a few de, s ago, akne into our office and, 81101e when tlie -erilous position of the
"Grir' the "Oomic, tiehichis' fully'`UP to
previous numbers tn point of humor,
Y,P;J.A. Socx.kr.,-Itis the in te utio
of the Y.R.C.A., of this village, to hold
a' grand social, 011 Tue iday Pvening
the 12th da st of Ma/ next A good time
May be expected. 1.
" Tferns."-Wo Will send the
Maas to, the eacl of the year for .$1
each , single, subscriber. Induce your
Moods to take it, and tell them you have.
given np.the habit of lending, e.
• Fanners buy Mc'Dougall s sheep dip
thebest in the market, at. Vandusen's
0.1.yriol,(1,0 April Si, 10
Dna Trete:S.-Our merchants are
coMplaining' ey the tunts,ual quiet wh.
prevaile ,this is
due, lo.,the fact that "bustle " is going
oat of faelion this season.
QUID Pao Que.-We are pleased that
the corporation have taken the matter
of planting shade trees in their bands,
and now offer 40 cents per tree for all
planded on the rear treets, and intend
devoting $150 to that purpose. on Main
TWENTY-FOTJRTII MAI. ---,T110 Fidelity
Division S. of T., intend holding thole'
17th anniversary onthe 24th of May
next. A large crowd is expected. We
understand several emment speakers
/137(3 to be engaged for the occasion.
• A Choice t of perfuming and toilet
articles at Vandusen's. • 13
• RKIN AND SXow..----Itronday evening
last, the rain came, down in toreents.
Towards night, the weather became
colder; and the rani terned to snow,
end the streets presented no very de-
lightful appearance en titabsilarhiorna
REFUSED A Peizii.--We understand
that Messrs. Olte &,Bissett, proprietors
of "Bank of England," refused a prize
itt Kirkton Spring Fair, on Wednesday,.
the 15th inst., as they think they were
unjastly debarred from the 1st prize.
How's THIS' FOR WEIGHT ?-0o the
day f the Spring Show here, Mr. R.
Manning weighed his one-yemaold bun,
" Loudon Duke " and found him to
turn the scale at 1,140 lbs., Mr. Man-
ning, is a man who latows how, to raise
seock, and we hope to hear of others
ensidating him.
Fellows' Compound Syrup for coughs
Odds, Consumption &on at Vaudusen's
Cur HIS FAcE.:-OnlItonday, the lath
inat., as i in o Nr. I. Bowerman, Of
ifsbeene, waeadaying with some schod-
niates,, he : fell: and cut oren his face.
He Washrintediately brotight to Exeter,
heie Medical aidtVas et Once tendered.
Hd idhow progaeitini 'favorably,
CAUTION -Mi ,as Goldie Moller
writdS7ie•the Brussels
to the effect that theaRedeChaff Spring
Wheittisiitt. very , Ptier ' kind tei sow; 'and
warns faxittei:d' itkame nit, g as' it
. , .
not sell oar s isiell'US other kinds;
041611r made from it bein6 of an in-
fditiee quality. ' '
„ • ta
• PROCLAMATION.• -;1.13,e, present ititv. (of
. '
ceurtesy) eettaires, tidi peerona who aro
manufacturing sugart. to make :annual
return of at least a tkvb pound ' cake,' to
the °/.4ritaier, 'for' .,testing,parPoses, and
COrtitheiit; fvt& hopo each farmer in the
ndip'.;hborlibod'' protiitstly
With the law in this Matter; • '
!, The :,geeat,131eoil Parihetts Pierces Dis--
elevery, Depetys Medicalyictory, Ayers,
Rad:way:8 SeBriettils Sasparillias itt
dti• Vaal -
sea's., „
ova litt.itnottlt have :received it,
'Moe bpok &tantalising ilieStiitiates for
,the year. endii4 «Tithe 1.016 and in
i,f1611,38.,We find 'tile -following., uppropria--
:dens for ',harbors reti..1Lakelittron
•Godsralli, $17000"; ,13ayfn5le1, $36,000;
Port Albert; $6,601c11lca;til1ne,':$7,..
500 ; inverlturein 5,000;$ChatitrY, /S1
land Brealcwateis $100,000,
. will now be fa-
vored by the '4'.teltell'er
Initsic,par extiellea'pe, ,in 4ho: p 0,400 0(
Mr:, R. ;Chas, Palmer of Landon, End-
ioaliseYniiatt eotroei'Vdahbad1
0011slli8tri0.,„:' 1,1 au fitri:rhth
, t:ir;
rvision Ofiltheili(liblIst
It46'a-cfSII:ser'SMith' to ttib 'Soiltli,'•,11%clItigt ail •
to tuake±110 UuII Boad 'from Clinton
( Iola lit 61)1
- 1 t
'boilisditry: of '.,tho ItOing,„;, giving to ,th
Centte 1idtig, l. f0caba1gant.Taelt0
43inif44 that Dation ,,Of tliO; kiatlerieb
tawnisbily, north' of the line hiehtioh(
• H and, 0,bae4ph town .
crape of his dwelling from the flames.
His father, Mi. Glanville', had been at
his residence,apd was abbui: ten rods
away front the hotise,,wheulle heard
Mr. Glanville, jis, 'shouting. On look -
Mg. around., he espied, flames shooting
forth. t He sprang off his horee, and
Weist to the .house, 'Whme his Son had
already, arrived, and by :their united
efforts soon subdaed the flames.
' ADDRESS AND PensENTAnox.---Con he
evening of Satnrday lastale v.J.HOL-Pes,
B. C. Minister, Of this Ode°, was made
the reeipient Ofa handsome purse of
over, $65, and an address by the mem-
bers of the,bible Class, the congregation
ittid 'the circuit. generally. Mr. lieres-
pondedin a suitable reply. ,For some
time past Mr. Holmes has been labor-
ing under a severe pain in one of his legs
aZd now finds himself entirely unable
longer to continue in his mission of
good. He intends therefore, taking
his departure in search of recruit. Dar-
in.. Isis stay here he has made many and
lasting friends and has been an assidu-
ous worker for Christ.
village youths are not quite so sharp as
they probably think thenaselVes. Onl)
the other day, lite heard of one of our
country cousins "coming the yank"
over a few of them in a very laughable
style. It seems a number of the gentry
above named made' a raid upon a bush
near Mr. Heyman's, in Usbore, gather-
ed a quantita of sap, and, after having
built a fire, boiled it ctown. • When it
had formed itself into delicious molas-
ses, the owner himself came along, And
the perpetrators scampered off, 'eating
the proper owner in quiet possession of
his syrup, withcut any of the accom-
panying trouble.
Y..P.C.A.On Tuesday evening last,
a highly interesting time was spent in
:the .rooms of this Association. The
place of meeting was crainned to the
frill. Mr. Wm. Grigg, jr., read • his
Maiden essay, entitled "Hope," which
was, to say the very least, a masterly
production, when we take into con-
sideration the shortness of -the time de-
voted to its getting up, and bespeaks for
Mr. Grigg, at po distant day the position
Of a taleuted essayist. The slightest
fault could not be found with the pro-
duction. gr. II C. Boulton delivered
a preduCtion on " Englith History,
to the reign of John. Instead of
leading it, Mr. Bolton undertook the
very laborious task of committing it to
•metnery: He made scarcely. a mistake,
&fanatical" or otherwise, during the 30
minutes recitation. He • afterwards'
(rave il; reading from' Shakespeare.
. Gtranso temottott A Chent.-This is
an 'entirety new game, and one which
reqUires conSiderable practice' to %deem-
plish it :With e qt. , It "%CRS .our .very
. li, , ,, , .. ,
,p1pasq,nt iiiity,te, bp piesent at a perfor-
mance,where crawling 'through a chair
'veaa the pi/Missal feature -if we except
:tlid'feet of the actor: ' A large Office
steel, *as , procured: which mea,dured
about8 inchee between the legs. • The
: ,„ . , , :
actor . conld net have been less than 12°
inches diametrically: HavingbY a very
'skilfill • unificeuvre, dot , his feet iii: the
cheir,inext operation Was to pas S his
plaricallianie through that Of thechair.
To, Thave observed the elongated,expres-
'Sion Of countenanae which „itiii bestow -
:ea ;Upon that elsetingt,:as ,,Ins Vainly,
fritistically, and ' ett6 getiCally Wbrked,
inch by : inch, ,hie '. ay.thiorigh the
ehair, ;0,01114 have bee Worthy the brash
'of ,an artist. 4, ,blo!') erashitsgeheart
beating, and, 6.14.160;. Cling bespolled.
tlie audience, and the' kuhair was Passed
may he good . for edge tion,but he'd
SafelY.,over. . That yoU gmansays,„ 4 4 it
rather it didn't squoze so witch," '
6414.11:Attn., -t15Bibrr.-7-N0rth , Haven,
',-, -roe ' a t rrxi
ntok uounty, me.; Jtirio'n, 18,e,E. o
Itt'., Joillog - 1., .rolloWs, 0'6n -fist, St,
John, INV.& ' Deaf Sir;L-Thiving used
yotir'ehemicarpreparation,o p espintos
which WA'S ieeeirinieirded to ' the ,by. gr.
'131agth iii ap,othetavy of lipekloa., f. hit,
'tridy stirliSi$CA'at'itS WOI41,E10111' 'effects,
, because for SeYeral reitr,s'iny. health Ittos:
been declining, nothWithstandiug:Pvory
mcane. Per o.ible, Which off:ered en COMA,
get -Vent „ WO' -Used by MC. Setreral,
alarming. eyuiPtemS antaitea , itthoi,lst.
WW1 Were ly"e,PSiti4 VO'pitititiott,of Um
heart' , initnrwishect b1ood:614 ,' otki, , , • , ,. , , „ ,
ptositoti,on,' ' :.8inee' 'itittitia31) , When I titerrikiti/e/ii,itt: lat Saitos 1111100
began 'the use t)f'yont syittr, toyhTealth .dhaties bitstitnioni
. .
bas, ,Stotdity pit ,it140111* *proved,. ' • reartinasi, let, Si , tandfatiff •,1114,,
Ste, 'that ft zow,givos hid gefit, iteastife:
to roortifoola it to,etheksi, ,ana, ig Al& • ,. („hyttiesi otgeay„,' 1Sti 1:teitiPe11 $WAteii';
WAY, 'to show' htly gratituaelor *dill% 1i.4 Pao Gtiliti;
Of healtI6 'TO all wha rovite ttit„reit.. ,1/-404'04-'14,401i1'Wiles; :20tirt 'A:.,
Oak for 68444, 1,4W0nia soh: they ',will kirk •
,filid , yetis' '004,044 Syritil niutlypoli.„ - Eitttoto-f.ti litstAtteit'S Cefrespett,
kn0iy11te8,higt4* . Ott say It, leo: 1 bd. 0:1erite..tho, .V.to, Made tlic say Nightly"'
11.0Yitle, 14:o ft.tAtIolt IP ItSdi Or 4.1 d
Ittilts,," „ whieh filateW isr altete
. 101 ., 1:1 : )
' ' atko 4,1,, •4h4 'sense' ,of tha ravapoPhi
'' t1$, 7H6S1 '
where the tug lay te take a skiitand
work then: way, out ,between,the floes,
but when they arrived at the beach.for
of the tugs orews had worked their ,waY,
to land, looking very careworn • and
tired, whets they related the, following
facts, with those ;given above.' They
had been two da,S,fs nitt on the lake,,and
having ea,te4s whatever they had .on
board, :were forced to ration themselves
on tallow, which they boiled in soup.
The quantityallotted 'to each man was
one cupfull night and morning. After
refeeehing:themselves the mete started
b •••4
S.* U. Sp' rt.isg Show. '
The Spring Show of the Stephen &
Usborne Brandi Agricultural Society
was held. at Exeter, On Friday last. 4.
large concourse of people were present,
and all were highly satisfied with the
result of the 'show.In point of num-
bers there, was it falling off from last
year, but 'as to quality of stock, it was,
if anything, superior. The following is
the prize list :
. . .
E°ter, pil 1, 1874,
:•(17rOat One own Corre5pe1t1en .)
• ThBUA:#14(1 1,1;41e ItL'anIg tAt!'hneg wRaesy
al Lote1,
afotrtatohce ,r
PuraPi7de acil?fc twenty oblal esde
ball PhO entrance fee 'Nias placed
their is roes a inendiers,c
ing 001 ors *ere 11te45 chosen :--4ames
Wattsi president;- Chas. Mattel -lima,
• vice4 esident; A. McLean, secretary ;
Thos'„ Clattethana„, Captain; Caleb
-quig y; Cornelius Gleeson, and Chas-.
Stanley, DireCtors, • •
•ASSESSMENt Ifor.n.-The' asses` sment
• real of tie village has beencompleted,
and the roll is being daily scrutinized
by the assessed. •
• ,
Texsoat47.„.-Linican now rejoices hi
being the c.bode of two toi;Sorial artists,
mad both seq business is rushing. Is
it a fact tbat hair grows fitster here
than in other localities V We sincerely
hope not, -for some physiologists say
that muchair denotes little brain,
The population of the village is under
1,000 -fact No. 1. Two barbers eay
their razors and shearsare kept busy -
fact No. 2. What a horrid inference to
be deduced from those facts. No, ,we
won't, believe it; we dispute the theory
of the aforesaid physiologists. It may
apply to other places, bat who that
knows Lucan would dare to say that
its hair exceeds its brains.
• FIRE -Early on Monday morning the
pars nage adjoining St. James' Church,
Biddulph, was burned to the ground.
For the last three years it has not been
used as a parsonage, but rented annual-
ly to the highest bidder, and the pro-
ceeds handed to the clergyman to pay
house rent in the village. John Hod-
gins, the late occupant, left the premi-
ses about a week ago, being overbid by
others. Patrick . White, the present
lessee, had not yet moved in, and as the
house had been so long tenantless,
there is little doubt of the fire being
the work of an incendiary.,
Heavy Drevught-lst, Oke & Bissett,
"Batik of England ;" 2nd, W. Hodgson
"England's GlorF ;" rd, P. MCE w en,
" Enterprise."
Carriage ----let, Jos. Kaiser, "Coach -
moat ;" 2nd, Max. Innes, "Coachman."
. Bloodlst, .L'avid Grant, "Captain
Jack ;" 3nd,' P. McPhillips, "Orphan's
General Purpose- 1st, john Riechbiel,
"Farmer's Glory ;'' 2nd, R. Pollock,
" Catlilaby."
1'hree-year-old-1st, Thos. Elston,
" Glennifer:"
1&'y -year -old -1st, Thos. Werry.
General Purpose -3 years-old--lst, S.
Geiger, " Canadian Farmer ;" 2nd, J.
Simpson, " Hard Fortune."
Best Aged Bull with pedigree,' ist, J.
Glen, " Sultan;" 2nd, Jas. Loadman,
" Artemus."
, Best two-year-old, with pedigree -1t,
David Annan, ," Baron Grant ;" 213d,
R. Sweet:, ;" Galaxy."
Best une-year:old with pedigree -1st, R.
Manning,, " Loudon Duke :" 2nd, R.
Hunter, " Duke of Usborne."
Best Aged Grade-lst Thos. Russell,
" John Bull."
Exeter COU14CLI.
•The' Court of Revision for the Village
of Exeter for the present year, assetn-
bled in the court room, April ' 20th.
The Reeve and Councillors Trick; Pick-
and Verity present.
Mr. Gee,,"Iiilpatrick appeared against
his assessment as being tee high in con-
sequence of there, being More cleared
laud charged' than he possessed.,
• Moved, by W. II. VerIty,,secoruled by
J. ,Picluti,l, That 'Mr. 'Kilptetriclee ae-
sessment be altered to 70 acres Of Un-
cleared litna- and 10 acres' of cleared;
and rated at $20per acre for cleared
mad $15 Per acre for iiiicleared.4.3ar.
lied. ' ' •
' Moved by 3 ..Piekard, seconded by
W. H. 'Verity, That the assesSmentrall
for this village for the present year,
having been revised according to law,
be now flintily passed. -Carried.
' The Court -of Revision was then dos-
ed; and thct' Coundil proceeded with
business according to notice: tile mi.
nutes of the previous meeting were read
and confirmed.
Moved by W. 11. Verity, seconded by
J Pickard That Mr. Boulton bo in-
structed t� igievttle a Snap of this vit-
'age; shewing tl e original lots and pre-,
sent surveys, w' th a funning number of
the several lots ae,Caeraied.
'Moved by W. ti.;: verif4Y, seconded by
J. Trick; that •0 is Council adjuurn un-
til Monday, t10 -4th day of ,May next,
at lialtpaat :eei, en, o'eroale pf.rii.e.r-Caf-
vied. ik,.,, , la lilAPREITT, CLERK. ,
• Si.esNo Sisow,---LThe tliinsharcl Agri.
'cultural' Society's Spring ' .Show Was
held ittAirktoii �n 1,Ve4nisclay, 'lath
hist', 'rile following is the prize
• iietiv;49'12.1' 13'1E11
oko & Bissett [the eihibitors !to.'
fasetl'to accept this
• Oea yearpid, lst4 ttiward •StiBel'‘,
viteeitt, 'ry).poie. 1st o 4.3436. .1.111,6t,l,
vire' ;yea). 644 1' IL; avid
• goeittslirgiSt 12tid; itolland;
sicAr,.-. A musical fever of a Very
proncunced type is raging in this vil-
lage, and although it is not fatal to life,
it is very fee .1 to the comfort of those
who are fie e from the epidemic, that is,
if discord be a source of annoyance.
We have four music teachers who givi
instructions to between forty and fifty:
pupils, as well as a considerable BUM-
1?er who don't take lessons, but who
are ready at it moment's notice with the
tOsebud. Quickstep, The Battle of
Prague, or to scream " Oh hear me,
Noinea, in pity bear me!" when really
pity shofild be asked for the bearers in.
stead of from them. But the pupils
will no doubt improve, as the teachers
are saieto be efficient, and then we
may expect an advent bf harmony.
MATRIMONIAL. -Several newly mar-
ried couples from the country have vis-
ited our village lately, and have afforded
considerable amusement by their ap-
peerance in walking hand in band thro'
the street in the anost approved Darby
and Joan style -hands invariably en-
cased in white cotton gloves.
;of P,4140c erV,
BoYal late' a few eVenings, Since
xelsolej reititsogai nwr g: 701 oaayo 311. tyenx, night,eaP,171.1ewy. itte citizens's:,:i:elirrvoceent31:eypio. .=I.1
olity arld.
evillago, nit e, up; ttisiseeiwt,Ir voicarnanttri;ryreyeosi c,ts Iv; ion:0;0p, e,os rot. 301
It is Said there are no less than seven- ,
elsinlimnogham,,where intox/-
itg •
CO ir-Vir ITEMS.
X-PRESS.-Wingham has an express
offices • •
BASE BALL.1--WiI18111plil rejoiceth. • It
has a base ball 'club.
Ctucicar.-And Goderich is peaceful.
Theyhave a cricket club.
FBEE4Taana.-The New Era is an
advocate of Free Trade.
• 11,ma.=The New Era says 'the Fe110h
Canadians will Oppose the.Governrnent
to a„ manif Mel is not granted an am-
nesty. We'll see.
' Benny CLOSING. -The merchants of
neighboring villages have signified their
tentiOn of dna-nig, itt ,7 p.m. on ancl
after the 1st of May.
Eiitn Sates.-Ancl the' people of
Winghain hate titoSe high steps. Wen-
der if,11iSy lido their 'neighbors when
they get lofty. •
established in Kincardine, on Tuesday
evening last, having for its object the
promulgation of horticulturel, The
Officers and members were elected.
Susrnrintn.--the ebswater salt
Wolcs: are ansPen'ited for the present.
In it Short time the directors will held
it mooting for consulting as to future
working,, •So saye the ;Yews.
Thebody of john I-Ialey, shoemaker,
Was fotilla near Colborne, on the 19th
itist., in 0 grove. He had been lately
thought to he insane from driok. A
bottle labelled lauds:nista was found by
his side,•
L. 11. & B. B. -P11 t1 Arm .71:Yrt says:
--.),Ve le.= from the best authority that
the Directors of the L. H. & B. Rail -
Way have no intention of 'surrendering
their bointsbs on beitalf of Mr. Fowler's
scheme, as they are fully determined
that the foga shall be Carried throtigh
by the existin route.
, mimod iqephow,
O resident of kinettialinet Who has been
The Goderich Town Council have
pass'ed the by-law to gratit a bonus of '
$100,000 to the Huron & Quebec Bail-
.rough committee, and resolved
to submit it to e peeple on the 21st
ATrwytgo Stactrif Saturday
night a man by the name of Jos. Wheat-
ly, living on the Bayfield road, attemp-
ted to take hiS life by chinking a quan-
tity of laudanum, but fortunately by the
early discovery of the fact by his friends
he failed to accomplish that result. It
appears that he has for alength of time
been addicted to excessive drinking, so
much so that he has gone blind two or
three times. Onhis friends finding
him under the influence of the narcotic
they immediately called in Dr. Worth-
ington, who succeeded in neutralizing
. ,
the effects Of the drug by keeping tl„yt,
man awake. He still threatens to tails
his life.-Nea Era.
' L., H. & B. R. -B. Wilson, Esq.,
one of the Committee appointed by tho
Winghamites to watch the new move-
ment iu reference to this Road paid a
visit to London last week, aud called r
upon the directors who informed bito
that they had given no enceuragemeat
to, Mr. Fowler, implying an abandon-
ment of this road, ut that they were
bound to build it d ni the event date -
Great Western di 'etors failing in their
ting of the Cityeand
s coucerned will to
day aucl meansde•
rork should be pro -
proposition, a in
other mumcipalit
be called at an eat
vised whereby the
ceeded with.
The LanTer and he Shawman3
. —
'Mr. Geo. M. Clark, (now of 'Willi-
Ai:16re, and Clark's 11:thistle, and lately
ittEitiley's Circus,) was en t lOtit of
Maatch last, it witness in . law -suit
%vision was going, on in the
his 'troupe was °then platin
was a witness for the defen e, and the
proseeatitig lawyer, wishing to Lit:stater
his eVindence, and make little of him be-
fore WCourt, because he was a com-
mon ihowman, tried to be clever on
him, but only came out second best as
the following will show :
Lawyer. -I believe you are a Clown
or Fool of a Cireus during the summer
season, and a Nigger singer, during the
winter 2
Clark, -Yes, Sir, thatis my vocatio a
L. -Now Sir, is not that a very low
and degrading way of making a living.
C. -No, Sir, that is far from my opin-
L. -As a nigger singer, what songs
you ft common shownsan to -day,
yeoatLititi:1-ifgather waS engaged in and. Which
thought to low and. dielatiisrable'to fed -
think I did wrong to leave,mylittheee'• -
'hough perhape abine 'people might,
continued in it to :this clay, and]: have
this evening, and bear me sing, youcan, 4 ,:.
Mess, fiud follow some more honorable
took to the Show business, and , have
judge for yourself.
lower myself, much less my family, by • '
come teilaiicing such an entertainment,
think you would have been it tench
,of making A, living.
you followed rstaa more honorable way t-,- ,
I was employed till I was 19 years •c.f"
::,1,:yinoyfe.:Inuidntgo llenayv els:lei: and:.left
mere reepected' member of secietye bad
age, wished me to continue on aad sac-
ceed him nt his busiaees; But from
the ex.pereime 1 had with him,' I made
lever \ et reeented for ,doing' Se; al -
family. Come up to the Opera House
but Sir, now to the point. Do you net
do you sing? Are they not low and yolk
C. -Well, sir, my father with whom,
L.,. --Thank you, Sir, I would not
0.---llere's a ticket for yourself and
Well S'i.sj., what was the business
not like it•,. ' . '''''
don't think.i shall 'tell you,r,
the:Court 0011 Alto you:710
tell 1330
0„-Woll Sir, ,I Wili. tell yeti; my
father :40as ,a,LaWyer.
It is needlesste say, thernWas a roar
of laughter' in the Cottrt at therlawyer's
expense, and George waS itsked'xio.'frierei: : ...,.:;.
questions, bat allowed tol000,tho' wit,. ,'•:.•:.b
iles-btrk, This lawyer will perhaps'net
be so particular about the pedigree.' et ',:,,,;'.
the next clown he gete into thp eititnesS-S •,,,,,'
boX.--elitterieens Paper,
' . . 0411'illifITO'i
l'ho.fottowiiitt am teorttla, mailer hatili
, Goorg
sailite N'Vlietit,itotv .„.„ . , , ,“,,,,.,..,„A 1 13 (6 118. .,
spring NvIloatt Ise 1 as,
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known to th
tit ettr readers', left tl
of litany people', Wlia will tiogiail teibill: ,$,326.6 to, ,.$,,z1',6,Det ,m,;t; Ti7eitaweii,11406
litfti.6.‘ 6* • .$1,01 to ''$1,,Ill
etteeeSa kola of 1 springy *atm. ta $.204 peas,