HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-05-20, Page 8Front our
kitclieen to .your
•By T.A. Sheet writer Heavenly Devine
In deference to Fred, Ray
and any other fitness freaks
who maybe hiding around
the office, I offer this: "If I
was -meant-to walk, -my fa-
rther would not have bought
me a bicycle at the age of
- four and then .agreed to my
learning to drive a car at the
age of sixteen."
Fitness is a wonderful thing, fur all of thein. I love to WATCH
them do all sons of fit type stuff, biking, hiking, baseball, skiing,
standing... Cutting the lawn on anything but the riding mower is
almost more than I can take. A good book, (glasses can d� a lot
to keep the eyes fit) a comfortable chair ...!
I make no bones about it. I am not fit! I really do like to stop
and smell the roses, or anything else for that matter as long as I
can pull the car over to tete side of the road... If I had been meant
to canoe, power boats would have not been invented. Participate.
in sports? The Roman-Cinars has- been upgraded to the -Toronto
Sky Dome with well paid athletes who DO just that so 1 don't
have to.
For those of you who are into fitness. "Hurray!" Me, 1 can still
proudly say I have not succumbed, I do not yet own a'pair of
sneakers, runners, joggers, court shoes, high tops, pumps...
I may not tA: a fitness freak, but even I know the value of eat-
ing right. This is a quick and easy recipe to serve that is very tas-
ty. It comes from the Smart Cooking cookbook by Anne Lind-
say, which is published in co-operation with the Canadian
Cancer Society.
Pork Tenderloin with Rosemary and Thyme
In a small bowl combine:
2 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp. rosemary
1/2 tsp thyme
1/4 tsp whole black pepper corns crushed
Spread over:
1 lb. pork tenderloin
Roast at 350 for 35-40 minutes until no longer pink inside.
Serve thinly sliced with noodles or rice and squash or a vegeta-
ble of your choice.
Book planned for Hay
ZURICH - As the result of a
meeting called by Hay Township
Council on April 8, 1992, a group
CENTRALIA - The ladies were
blessed .on Mothers Day Sunday
with the mens choir which sang,
The Lord is My Shepherd, and It Is
No Secret. Following the evening
service. there was a surprise get-
together in honour of Larry and
Linda Henderson's 25th Wedding
The Sweitzer family from Lon-
don, Ontario ministered in both
word and music on Sunday. Dale
and Brenda have been singing gos-
pel music for the past 16 years.
Their five-year-old son Michael has
accompanied them for about a
year -and -a -half now. Michael plays
the electronic drums, and has been
playing since he was a year and
half old.
The Sunday School Family Ban-
quet on Friday, May 22, will fea-
ture a home cooked meal being
served by our Sunday School teach-
ers, and Rod and Connie Bray pro-
viding entertainment. The tickets
are free and if your child did not re-
ceive a ticket, call 235-2879.
by Mary Kooy
CENTRALIA - At the Uipted
Church on Sunday the special
speaker was Rev. Gani Logo
choosing as his topic "Bearers of
Good News". Next Sunday. is Cen-
tralia Sunday School Anniversary
with a joint service at 11:30 when
the guest speaker will be Mrs. Faye
Beaton of London. wife of a former
minister. Lunch will follow. Cen-
tralia U.C.W. ladies are asked to
bring aquares and cookies for the
luncheon. On ,Sunday. May 31 the
speaker will be Rev. Cordell Par-
sons of London.
Don't forget the Neal riashiun
show May 27 at She Uaiied Church
at 7:30. Tickets from .U.C.W. mem-
bers. If you would like to contrib-
ute pictures for the hiaWry of Cen-
tralia United Church for Siepben
Sesquicentennial, please cosiest
Janet Hicks.
Next Thursday, May 21 W,Chair-
persons of all committees are asked
to met with the search ouauaiueaat
Centralia at 7:30 to discuss Stance
directions for the coming ntiaisier.
At the Centralia cuasawaity.oah-
ire euchre on May -11 primo winners
were Janet Hicks, ,Olive. Hasty.
Dorothy Bullock: Amu! Dolan.
George Cumingham, awry .Ar-
nold. Next euchre May 2$;at S p.m.
of people were delegated to begin
preparation of a Hay Township
History 'Book.
Napoleon Catin, Claire and Mar-
garet Dcichert, Heather Klopp , Ian
and Shirley McAllister and Glen
and Donna Thiel are seeking infor-
mation on hamlets and ghosttowns,
churches and cemeteries and Hay
township schools.
They also say they need pictures
of Hay family histories and/or of
farms or business in the township.
They are also interested in the
French, German, British, Scottish
and later European immigrants sto-
ries in historical events. and in agri-
culture and its changes.
With the support and help of Hay
residents they say they can make
history come alive.
Please contact any of the above
persons with your ideas, sugges-
tions, stories and willingness to
help. •
Zurich Golden Agers meet
ZURICH - 'The 'Rabb ®Oehler
Agers met Wlaadey wain -with
32 seniors eitenmtigitalutlitg
guests 'from *e Masse Links of
Vice ,president Cecelia ilsrewell
welcomed everyone and siso took
charge of the Staidness meeting.
Secretary Ina "tech and Hellin er
Gwen MaKeller gave their *ports.
Happy Btfwas «� fo
r he
Nub, Louise er, Meer 742en-
sin and'Iygil 11 shihert.
Chow speaker Sadly avidaan
R.I.. tledetiehypeke b the seniors
on PraausdNeel* Services.
A prude wiU beheld in June with
Louise layter's group in die.
Progressive euchre fbt1owrd +with
the following insults: high - Laird
Jacobe; 2nd high - Eileen Consitt;
low - Annie Reid; Ione hands -
Prieda Moore.
'nwasrld d: fAbse
: .$1190:abtuttrtils'then new
A.im'Uarspiast (NR).1* Ian
:pnie nt /rir.iln: nue
:freer Ron-Danin:art$e Zto/dsn
<:A+tsa.: '1hs e a staph will be
iteallcatad a:>tp ap.a.m.
SONIC* an llrandaylikry25.
Golden Agers
By Jean Dann
GRAND BEND - The Grand
Bend Golden Agers Club held its
regular May luncheon meeting
Wednesday with 65 members in at-
tendance at the Royal Canadian Le-
President Ron Dann thanked all
Golden Agers who participated in
the Grand Bend Pride 1992 Clean-
up. Ralph and Rita Bradford were
welcomed as new members. Mem-
berships has now reached 101.
Carfrey Cann presented trophies
to the winter shuffleboard regular
and playoff winners Ron Dann,
Nom Vickers. Lloyd Mousseau, El-
wood Lemon, Carl Rood, Ruth
.80th Birthday
Celebration for
Iva Hord
Sat., May 23
2-4 p.m.
Ilderton United Church
Best wishes only
Smalley May XS, 1992
." 10:30 a.m. - 4 pm.
(alit er Was)
• Reopening of renovated library (1030 e.m.)
• Arboretum Opening and Tree Planting
{approx. 11:30 a.m.)
• Tours of Campus and Arboretum
• Entertainment (continuous item 12 - 3:30 p.m.)
• The 4Shadow • The McQuaid Sisters (fiddle,stepla )
• Doug Lewis (old time music)
• Funbuskers (mime,magic, face painting etc.)
Family Event Hotdogs, hamburgers and
Bring lawn chairs refreshments available
For more information contact:
Centralia College
ministry or Huron Park, Ontario NOM 1Y0
519) 2288691
and Food
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