HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-4-16, Page 3ZGiJI421. teet.inC4 9.f L03)+ PPS PerOlit L d gse $0,100, (l.li (i,,,Exeter )6J11, b4 held as Echoer S rtialiatxitaticit 4.*'94'94, flexr to alt ', ditrrr� 17rt throe. 2.ier, NU `pkU. f7, lti y t9, illus , ,ktne.. it ,) t. le, Cog 28, Pee, 21 and 22. AQP: ltl '1"i; itooroter . ISSO iu`T`1'N 01? l)AT1r1 TL1t13[P. The na:lei-signed have, this clay, dissolxec PartuerShiilbeMutual corjsent,, J'hcbusbzosgj,� will hoxeafter be Carried on by lufeeszs lt�;lien- batrnz itixd Ball; all aeeon is must be piiid to. Jelin 1ltiteliell, M Dashwood, Tceb 11IITOIIELL,' 1` T11E1). i' °Ult`lL ons FIA�r wit rebs; Deelxryood, Korai i 12th, 1574, 80.4t, HANGE OF RUHOESS. The undersigned :having purchased the entire interest of the late Dr, kT, B. Winans in rho Drug 'business; is now prepared to aeeomniodete the.' publio'slttlt a well selected stook of DRUGS, 1Y ARTICLES, TRUS SES, SHOULDER BRACES, DYE STUFFS „ PATENT MEDICINES, AT MINES lti1[TC.Ei DEFY CQMPETI • '1'I011. C. VANDUSEN, Chemist tC Druggist, Exeter April 1.1874 of E XET9iTORTH CARRIAGE FACTORY Messrs. G. & J. Brodks have 4r. commenced the manufac- -lire of Buggies and AVagons for the Spring and Summer . Trade. ' TERars—Cash or Short Cre- . dit. Dinond Harrows,,of their own.1Also, ouhand'� a lot of Scotch '.n manufacture, whih they can and will sell as cheop as any one in the trade. Please to call in. & J. BROOT, S. SEAFORTIL AND HURON MpaableTo a 21Mcmw,,y::J'.,tJ :TT cfcf. SON ► y '^:,«'v - (LATE OF HAMILTON,) Would intimate to their numerous friends and the r• era' runic thatrt:.ey are prepared to ,ill all a'd re tor onumeuts, Headstones, Table Tops; Hanties, &c. Granite Monuments Imported to Order. Work of the best style and art, and cannot be surpassed in this part of Ontario. A Call respectfully solicited. Opposite Logan & Jamieson's Store, MAIN STREET, •,SEAPO11TH M. L. MESSET. H. MESSET. piillto,c�i phi fH, RLES SENIOR, PHOTOGRA ) i TIER, wishes to call the attention of the abli`C to the fact that'll° is constantly on hand to a kd;plrotographs, and that be will give satisfac- ,,ien;,to all parties who give him a call. Having tad considerable experience, he is prepared to photograph residences or do any out -door pnotog ropily. Enlarging old copies will receive spacial attention, either from old embrotyYpes or daugerro-. types to any size up to life-size. Those who wish photos. of deceased friend enlarged, will do wel o give him a call, as his iustr unents are as good as can be had. Also an assortment of oval frames -zonstantly on hand. Charges moderate and work satisfactory. 1-1m. OoTIi EC frttionergj, STANDARD " BOOK SYy \WATER STREET, ST. MARY'S. 'Rooks, Pictures, Pni er, 'Wall Paper, Toys. Picture P'ramoe,I3er1in wools,. and 1' aracy Goods in profusion. PIANOS. Web,er's splendid, Pianos, the host made in the Dominion, froin A856 'to $750 Gall and examine earn Oa' at'vtandard" Book store, JOHN R. BBOTT,.dgent. Picture Tera ng ,rn every .style 'te orders 11 fury's, Out, 1 3. 11.4 "DON" UEBEC end MONTREAL •e erre ' • T p y lee. Composed of the following8ret-class' )N°S OOTLAN1 , HAMS S, EVERN M S' HT a S., MEDWAY, DELTA, Nl PZA, ..The Stoarrttl!s Of thisare intemtotl. to esti tiring: the Soascn of islavigation of 1573, Pruni Olghei 1.wO11 guttiE(Sr Ago litOlv',t i t11ritf, #o1#o e; a otltlanci, "Wedneafla+r 27fh htt rst, rdffver;y alternate Wednesday mild Saturday creaftor Atrtifrorri LG 1tl A . ��L"C L, C�sY r , r., 4flrt nos lriirrirtaty1St Jirlgiis 5ovn u,'',trkiit>riday, 'tiff Sept,' ti0tlttrrriY ucadityigrd Y • fill, ovo)"y irltorractd. T'ueadi y ri Thniraday. 'rennet.' hay other Lig tifiCatedieecied eraofia `rleslrotts 0'6411 itt'thi ti? 3t° friend& 1i'r(33gltt 1 egitg'ai, apply.trt i3 v x) 'S W llf6a JUST RECEIVE 3. B O CHEAP A trice lot of ,Ladies' Corr tames, beautiful designs and quite new. Also, a Choice lot of Drees Goods, CASH. Black Lifetree at all prices. A largo assortment of Prints, only 140. per yd„ worthy of notice. Call and see them. A beautiful as- aortnient of _Parasols, latest _styles.. STORE Stock now complete. Ev- erytiling will bo sold Cheap It's the Cash that Does it Se." Choice Teas at 50 c. per lb. N.B. Cash for Eggs. J. W. BRODERICK. Shrugs, Yarug . STATIONERY! (sign of the Red Mortar, LUCA1). DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Dim STUFFS, 'Maas OF FICTION, TRAVEL, ETC. I i ating Library. Cmpl etc Stock i PricesLow 1 Call solicited N. ABosworth J. Y. Savage, Lunen, Feb. 19th. 1874. 26 - WOMB SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS & G. EACRETT, EXETER, Who has carried on the business of Saddler and Harness Maker for the pass sixteen year in y e midst, embraces this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to. his many customers for then e liberal patronage bestowed upon hire. So as to retain this patronage and that of his new customer he begs to state that he keeps on hand and makes to oder a first-class assortment of HEAVY and LIGHT HARNESS Canadian lank of Commerce. CA1'I �� MiA • 5, ,ar„ne.A$6 Q D,040,. ,. BBN #B 11 ,•r,.r.e,,,,,r,L,.en2,000,000, A Aranoh of We ohate Bank haslboen opened in Lnc{tu for the transaction",of General Bankin :bust. noes, Banking SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Same so sow as ono dollar received op deposit. Interest -4 and 6 per cent. allowed, No uotioe of withdrawal t'equire4. American currency bought and sold, D. STOW EPDDID, Agent. RANTON'S SPRINTG coons ARE TO HAND. LOVELY. DRESS GOODS. See Them. Beautiful Prints, New Cottons, New.Linens, New Sun Hats, Cheapest he Ever Sold. ANOTHER LOT OF THAT CHOICE 65 et. TEA. A FEW MORE CASES BLOATERS AT. BANT N' JAMES PIC t A Begs to:retnrn"thanks for the patgonage bestowed upon him for the past 'twenty years by the people of Exeter and surrouding country; and now openiug—iu all departments—the Largest and Most Complete Stock OF GOODS IN THE COUNTY. COMPRISING- DRY OMPRISING DRY GOODS,5 Ready -Made Clothing :Millinery Hats Sc Caps, Groceries, Boots it Shoes, Harbware, Creckery- DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC., ETC., All of which will be found to be as low as any other reliable house in the oountry. which he will sell as cheap as any other house in the Do+ninion. Hs would call special atteation Remember this is the Oldest Established House his stock of HORSE CLOTHING, just received. He also keeps on hand THE ROCKWELL PATENT !HT AND OVER -CHECK. Particular attention paidto the fitting of collars and the facing of them. 1 REPAIRING dour with neatness and dospatch.gtREMEMBEla THE PLACE—shop south of Jae, Pickard's store. G O. EACRETT Zoll7f3X0 AND SEWING:.C1-1INNTES. O. C. WILLSON'S MUSIC, SEWING MACHINE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH9 69 ONT STILL INTI -17, FRONT RANK AS USUAL. SEWING ACIIINES. THE FLORENCE Nosielss, Reversible Feed Lock and Knot Stitch Family Sewing Machin eha- llenges the world in porfec,ion and range of work, strength and beauty of drrability of construction ted rapidity of motion. Call and examine. Send for circulars. Agents wanted in every town in the Province. This Machine has taken first prises at ell the County Fairs. O.C.WILLSON. General Agent for the Dominion. A CHOICE LOT OF JEWELRY! AT THE Dominion Medical Laboratory. ALSO AT THE SAME PLACE WATCHES, S CLOC S ETC -AM :LL S WE Si PICKARD are flat receiving and opening out their new Spring Goods, inoludirg a splendid Assortment of New Prints and Ginghani;s New Silk Warp Dress Goods New Silk Poplins, New Black Silks New Fancy Wool Shals-'• New Col'd Silks N e'er Silk Tissue Shawls, Neve Lace Collars, and full linos of C�o�re , Hosi'e nd' Corsets $octet Sheet, 01'66.40 6k' and Shelf Har&u''ite; tit y�y( . Of afl'tite l rs dot and molt tathlotfstsls ittyft lids t aqs alio ealseif' alyddt fiord n4, 1 Pr � yw� A�TI/E . Or A.C. All e flee ahem doatg will b0 sotto Ilrl E1. v �:' . '. r.', ,, llasrtl else .LicioA l�� it rr .: show 1llitiG' �i~ 1�'>�1 to si o , 1 g . `� tV' i�bb(1sr o2 lMe be Opposite the Post Office. T GREENWAY in the County - t begs to announce that his Stocks 'U$J,3Oi:'1NEI T. ASU:hE.B ..000vli ' waxxir� 1878 Cit, Mar era 7, Plan etilic(1 on1Ta11,,.:,,,. $0.00 Morel8, Jas, 13outI Qf, Aualtol 5,00 May 3, Plans i S110o, for Dag() Ii, of 131ata.sliard.,.. , ,.,,.,... 50Q.88 . May 8, Mrs, 014ok relic ., 5,0. 141:011. 8, ars, Hannah,, Oulyert., 4.00 May 8, Matthew Eolland, build- ing eavert ...,,,.n.., 4.00 May 3, Mr, Hutchinson, relief,.. 2.00 May 8, Jas. Pickard, gravel,,,.,,, 13,00 May 8, Jno. Hunter, wood .,. 2,f0 May 5, Mrs. Clack, relief,”.„,,.. 10.00 May 5, Jas. Rooves, gravol 8.00 May 5, A. Bishop, Jury list 1,872 8,00 May 5, S.P. Halls, Treasurer.,,. 27,00 May 5, Jno. McGee, keep of child 8.00 May 5, Thos. Horn, cnlvort,,..,, 14.00, May 31, S. 1lolton,drawfng pl'ns of bridge. .2,00 May 81, 1VIrs, Smilie, relief.,.,,. 5.00 May 8, R. Blachford, . repairing 3.00 May 31, Mrs. Clack,relief 10.00 May 5, Mrs,Swilie, relief..,,,5,00 June 20, J. Bray, job of gravel'g 12.00 May 3, R. Sanders,tavern license 18.00 July 5, John McGregor, gravel.,, 7.00 Jelly 5, Mrs. Clack, relief.,..:.5.00 July 5, Mrs. Hutchinson, relief25.00 July 6, Jos. Beattie, b'd'g bridge 29.50 July 5, W. Hooper, culvert 3.00 July 5, W. Birrell, rep'g bridge. 7.00 July 5, John Gough, bridge5.00 July 5, D. Mahon, ditch 4,00 July 5, John Gourlay, gravelling 3.00 July 23. Jno, Bray, gravelling,,. 6.00 July 18, Philip Ryckman, lumber 10,00 Aug. 2, Win. Bowtley, assessor. 55.00 July 14,T.Ballantyne, b'g bridge 45.00 July 14,L. Hardy, build'g bridge200.00 July 21, W. Carrick, lumber 5.34 Aug. 12, J. Bryan,build'g bridge200.00 Aug. 2. Mr. IVlagee, D. & D. In. 15.00 Aug. 2, Mrs. Clack, relief 5.00 Aug. 2, Mrs, Smilie, relief 7.00 Aug. 2, J. Bryan, build'g bridge200.00 Aug. 16, L. Hardy, b'd'g bridge:550.00 Aug. 13, T.Ballautyne,b'g bridgo100.00 Aug. 2, J. Bryan, build'g bridge 104.40 Sep. 3, J. Balsclon, rep'g bridge 71.00 Sep. 6, Mrs. Clack, relief 5.00 July 7, T. Pollard, lumber, nails and Teaming 7.50 Sep. 6, David Birk, gravel 4.75 Sep. 6,T Bugg,embankment on L 18 57.00 Sep. 6, R. Delbridge, drain 2,00 Oot. 4, J. Hodgins, cov'g cross'y 13.00 Oct. 4, J. Copeland, stone bridge 16.00 Oct. 4, Jno. Henley, embank't45.00 Oct. 4, 11Ir. Magee, rep'g bridge 8.00 Dec. 4, John Hunter,rop'gbridge 18.00 Nov. 4, Mrs. Clack, relief 5.00 Oct. 22,S.S. No.:10, use bf S.H4.00 Nov. 1, W. lliddleton,repairs on road 5.00 Nov. 1, Jno. Keys, repairing two culverts 6.05 Nuv. 1, Small and Coultice, plank and lumber 2.50 Nov. 1, Mrs. Andrew, gravel 16.35 Nov.1,11TcLeau Bros.,3 Tinting23.75 Nov. 1, W. McGee, cupboard,10.00 Nov. 1, John White & Sons, printing 3.00 Nov. 1, Alex. Hackney, ditching and culvert... 6.00 Nov. 1, S. 'McCurdy, Ditching15.00 Nov. 1, S. McCurdy, turupikulg38.85 Nov. 1, Robert Cann, gravol 17 00 Nov. 1, Mrs. Clack, relief 5.00 Nov. 1, John Jaffray, relief 10.00 No. 1, Mrs. Smilie, relief 7.00 Nov. 1, John Peart, repairing bridge ... 4.50 Nov. 1, Tilos. Casey, culvert 2.50 Nov. 1, A. McCurdy, culvert 20.00 Nov. 1, W. Horne, gravel 23.70 Nov. 1, Jas. Lang, drains 5.50 Nov. 13, R. Kydd, fencing and stonework 6.50 Nov. 13, W. Kydcl, embankment 89.00 Nov. 13, T. Ballantyne, building bridge 500.00 Nov. 1, John Marralt, gravel 3.55 Nov. 13, L. Hardy, building bridge 868.00 Nov. 29, W. Carrick, lumber 11.66 Nov. 29, George Armstrong, S Purposes 35.00 Nov. 29, Mrs. Clack, relief 8.00 Nov. 29, Mr. Bay, plans and in- spection's 28.00 Nov. 29, S. Wilson, account for George Lindsay 9.00 Nov.29, Chas.Washburn, bridge 13.00 Nov. 29, Mark Makens, bridge and plank 11.00 Nov. 29, Jas. Ballantine, gravel 17.90 Nov. 29, Henry Francis, timber 1.00 Nov. 29, Thos. Smale, embank-., merit 18.50 Nov. 20, Richard Johns, timber and culvert 5.00 Daviel. Kirk,Kirkton Agricultural CENTRALIA AND CREDITON Nov.I29, Win. Webb, drain X2.00 Nov. 29, R. Copeland, roadway 6.00 Nov. 29, Samuel Davis, repair - bridge 4.00 Nov. 29, Jas. Walker, gravel7.55 Nov. 29, Win.Easterbrook,gravel 3.70 Nov. 19, L. Hardy, extra work on bridge 140.00 Nov. 29, W.' McGee, culvert9.75 Nov. 29, W. Wood 24:70 Nov. 29, D. Carmichael, Statute labor 2.00 Nov. 20, John Mc gravel C,iavcl 1.80 Nov. 20, Wm. Sloe, gravel 8.25 Nov. 20 G. Monteith,lgravel....., 11.80 Nov. 29, W. Pollard, Stat, labor 2.00 Dec. 1, Thomas Slnale, em, bankment ..... 40.00 Nov: 29, John Allison, embank- ment .. ........ ...... 01.00 Nov. 29, D. Turnbull, Glitch. 5.00 Nov. 29, R. McGill, drain 2.29 NOV, 29, George Godbolt, gravel 14.75 Nov"29, J. Allison, draiu:,a ,'.., 2.00 Dec, 8, 11. C Bolton, running 5.50 Dec. 8, James Kyle, dlain..;4.00 Dec. 8, Jaynes Rowelite, drain2.00 Dec. 8, wThomas Barman, stone are now complete. He is now prepared ared to offer Great in :all kinds p p Bargains.. of Goods. THOS. GI4r4,E:NWAY. • REMOVAL ' RE MOVAL ! FRANK 1VLI1T L.I TON HasIlirehased the stock of Mr= ,7, A. Nellesand has removed his stock of p , 1300 . S and stationery to the stand lately +coati: ietl by 11ir. Nelles and all gg 4.11.4..PROW:t.L.Y e14•4 3Irss Dec, 8, Alex, ?razes, ditch.,.....1.00 Doc' 8, S. P. ills', t'p clerk:.. a 11'5 Orb Doc. 8y John Baliaritiue, gravel 5,05 Dec. 8, S P. Rails, jurylist ,., 8.00 Ddc 0, A.11i8h6p,. eoun. servitos 40.00 tr 15ee. . � James , , Yiitiol Yzti , 40.00 fiefs, 8, Tilos, ftoi'nielt,ybritt'ge:r. 28.00 Doc. 8, John: Roweliftc, tltvern i hh inspector....., rrF'ri Y,r. LYYwNrlrMik.uJ.0.0,J Dec. 8. Thos. ] aliltnt lxe, hiedg e120Y00 , Doc. 8', W. Brock, council sor, Viedrr+YYrifif vry Y.,rrY v 4040(1 1)660 8, Cir WiffsYrsrivs, Cottni'I ser14ee40r00• tide. 8, l'110St Welty, ly, oVorptlatgc v til tfFtViS, ..t' 1,80 'Dale. 8, Sitnll.Witson. fol' schools 6.00 Doc. 28,pTThoi , l3a11aiitii!(7y e1i1 �µ /� ba1:iltyt.n rYt q YravrrvYvvvv,r r„rvr 40 00 Doe. 28, yAr'Bfsl,ioliq,y; tt yryiiat'..... �!rL�i0�0 Dau, 20, Tito, • 1lanalitlne, t1rtdn ,vl'YOI/ r fear 20, 'Tetley Eot pn, rn' oL. 10.00 Deo. 20,. illornas itil'n �+aveT;°°'t�'L.03 l)ec.20,, Y 4.4W,tt tueod,'� la el.,Y Y.60 'D65. 20, 3at�les fitlstldnr school • 11,p111111j0$000111111j0$00wavrw YOwrr�Yr viriv ywtl Uet)O) Pee., W. MCtpe, 2 ellsllla tr 4#p13),PQ',. ,e., ,.,n n„nnr,.,",nn, 1'i3O Poo.. 20, W. ,root , oirlvplt Ar 4.0u ;[)eo, 9,;40„, lgeOullolagll,eulyort 8,00 og5- o, CGIoOagpll.alx�,�. yr,1, {,s�4(1Gt :�2,rQQ, o r.-{F�+((O�, k7n orniglr,, o}4#{i(1 M' INE, na. '2,00'. pf2,'2.9, Mn lfor rontlot,,,n„ „ �2,0Q Deo.' 20,'M, ,1i'leteller: platll , ',,.r l X10,' 1?eon ,Jno. Goulltty, etil�;elt.,, 1„i0 •Dao.,'' 29, tiiarn, Wi:lso , grt1,xel•„ 1,00' Doo, 20, ]3pu.'lslorley, oaryort,n 0.00 Doe, 20, W. llo'wtley, jury list.., . ,3,00 Dee, 20, 11, A:lonteith, Azletlding Dec. 29, Junes Kyle, dr.aiu,,,,,. 2.00. Dee, 29, S, P, Halls, postage and stationery •.a.,.,,.,,,.n 7;0,8089 :Pee. 8, 1lobort Cheery, council services ,. „ ., ,.,,,. 40.00 Deo. 29,Win, Gardner, work on road,,,,, **VI •• .6.00 Dce. 29, Mrs. Clack, relief 6,00 Dee, 29, Wm. Harding, tavern ii ispectol , 10,00 S1714. 1874 , all. 5, George Willis, note ..... ,400.00 Jan, 24, Henry Cathcart, repair- ing sc,aper 2.00 Jan, 24, W. Wiseman, gravel 8.00 Jan, 24, 11Ir, Pengally, culvert,., 5.00 Jan, 7, J. Irwin, gravel..,..., ,12,80 Jan. 24, Reeve of B1anshard,sup- erinteuding bridge,.,...,:22.08 Jan. 24, Joseph Poart, repairing bridge' 8,75 Jan. 24 Mrs Sniffle relief..,.. 7.00 Jan. 29, George Willis' note... 1100.00 Jan. 24, S.P, Hales, returning officer 8.00 Jan. 24, Mrs.',Clack, relief 10.00 Jan. 24, Registration of births marriages, etc 16.50 Jan. 24, D. Miller, gravel 3,80 1873 Deo, . 29 D. Miller, Gravel 1874, Jan. 24, George Low e,Return- ing;oflicer 3.00 Jan. 28, George Lowe, libra'n 1.4.00 Jan. 24, John Creery, return- ing officer 3.00 Jan. 24, John Creery, use of house 2.00 Jan. 24, N. J.Clark, returning officer 3,00 Jan. 24. James Davis, use of 1873.house 2.00 Jan. 24, Wm. Carrick, lumber 13.32 Jan. 24, James:Murray,culvert 5.0,0 Nov. 29, G. Hackney, gravel 1.62 Nov. 1, G. Hackney, gravel & 1874.culvert, 19.87 Jan. 24, Interest , n Note 52.55 11rS a 1 ra. �riti116 ,atlazttla ,aur,. f 13. Slit 'Tit 8r buyerr Azr, 1leudersort, ria!rriied Hist weoby r,. gtoeu 8111p City of J3ratio ls, while. riot g oaa bo wµe 5jiyiog ave eori ' U3 for' r iotiio lYaohs, a,at , Weil iso aSeortzlie it is Prow olzt eoanpiete jln (every rlepar4r ;14t1)41:,1.ast, orrrrrprituag many linee'ftar fuler dicier ordinaryv slue, Fur - Q. of sitoSar cods g wn oontiuiro' to arri•'vo for $Sing nyet, Q, 0, SMITH Inas now beoorain Iwo vn in the 13r�itish markets as a,'C'asb Wpm, and witon lila buyer -calls ori a manufacturer, utero the bottom.. prices aro sure to be 'quoted, for he knows that the invoice anti irhipping bill have only to reac/. droit ilostirtaiton, whet ' e chorus for the gold will be transmitted by next utile, and if rte door ut t ask the lowust possible &pure, neighboring manufacturer will'; and when e nh wholosuie 1111aulwoskofown Dloutroaltatthe Toronto, who sell again to the general retail tr axle aaa. Ibis conn try, buy from those etnuo manu- facturers, and hardly auy of them pay cash, it is els to understand husv G. B. Smith can carry out su strictly itis system of asking the lowest price #crst tints when ho is in a position to pet that price lower than other retailers can afford to sell. G. B, SMITH. 10,95 r EON M. CLENCH, BARRISTER and Attorney -at -Law, Solicitor in Chancery and Insolvonoy and Letters Patent, home and for- eign, Plans and drawings executed, anal specifica- tions drawn pursuant to rules of patent offices; an receiving instructions or production of model. MOarr spyi,eaO —utHutton's Block, Queen Street, St. Total local expenditure... $6597.00 LOCAL SCHOOL GRANT, 1873. CR. Mar. 15, School Section.No. 1$ t, t' '.' ” 2 J " CS 3 CC 't ” 11 'I It t' 41.55 47.55 46.30 " 10 23.15 1.85 160.70 LEGISLATIVE SCHOOL GRANT, 1873. CR. School Section No. 1 (I 67.15 " 2 47.30 tI " It 3 ” " " 4 53.25 tI " 555 44.50 `' " " 6 73.70 t` 44 " 7 51.45 " " " 8 87.30 "" " 10 24.40 I' " 11 ... 3.25 S. T. Fand to inspector 16.00 t6 AGENTS WANTED. Wanted a few good canv- assers to solicit orders for Fruit and Ornamental ; Trees. FOR A FIRST -CRASS AMERICAN NURSERY. 1S' LIBERAL COMMISSION ALLOWED. For particulars apply to WM. CAMPBE.LL, 82-4t. Goderich. LIORSE BILLS 1 .44 HORSE BILLS 0000000000000000 00 000 ° 000 ,rn 1000000000000000 00 000 0 000 PRXNTEzv AT THE CCTimes" Office While you wait for them. » m▪ iC Our Horse Outs are of the latest American de- signs. Calland see th.:n. BISSETTS' Livery and Sale Stables,: (In connection witlithe Central Hotel). v x ; '� 417.10 (i.:.,,_.,,,...n17 ,:_,a „ .Yah, °17 LOCAL GRANT. ▪ °d •tI :� CR. OOD HCRSES AND COMFORT- ABLE (i 5.05 ABLE vehicles always on hand. Favorable School Section No.1 arrangements nutclo with commercial travelers. All orders left at' Bissett's Tinshop will be, promptly attended to. R. et T. BISSETT, Prop. Exeter, Sep7, 4.1878. 2.1y. S. " 'I 4, " " 3 " /' " 4 " " " 5 'Y /' " 6 " " ti 7 tt " " 8 "10 " 't .''11 T. Fund to Inspector 53.25 54.65 74.50 44.55 35.35 28.35 1.20 16.00 $ 424.00 SCHOOL TRUSTEE RATES. CR. School Sec. No. 1, paid trustees $508.44 2 " " t' 't 't " " " 't " 3 it 40 4 't 5 " 6 't I' " '5 7 8 9 " 10 " 't t' 'I " " '4 800.00 400.00 850.00 575.00 530.00 400.00 •168.00 • 43.00 800.00 $4,575.24 1873. Jan. 27, Paid County Treas.... $800.00 RECEIPTS, 1873. Dn. To balance from 1872 $660.21' July 25, to Legislative School Grant 479.00 Julr 14, to Money borrowed G. Willis 400.00 August 16, Money borrowedG Willis 1100.00 Sep. 6, Circus License......., : 12,00 Sep. 6, to fine from D. Kirk, J.E' 3.00 Nov. 29, to fines from D, dirk, J.P. ........ ....... 8.00' Sep. 9, to Clergy Reserve...... 21C'.70 1874. Jan. 27, to Local School Grant 479.00 Jan. 27, to R. Iydci, note due lst Jan., 1874. 100,00 Jan. 27, to Collectors Roll for; 1874..........-- 18923,84, EXPENDITURE. I3; Local Lxpense $0507.80 Sy Legislative School Grant. 417.00;, 13y Lostal School Gr .: 424.00 Sy School P,rostoo Rates:.Y,..,. 4575.24 13y County Ittites: IY.,rr,w...:ay.. 800.00; 13,y LoofaSchool Grant,' 1872..' 100.00' . 1 ..Eto,,g'tl�Lr�t�}lenclltyl$tea"r .rtag�/�tyY)4 TotalR (oipt�rv.r.,.....10928Y34y Total Eklreriditur=e...4.12014.04 EXETER LIVERY STABLES (In connection with Drew's Hotel), E. Christie, Prop. Horses and first-class conveyances always on hand. Commercial rigs on a moment's notice. ED. CHRISTIE. (8xuter,Sept. 4, 1878. Mat (nnIovrD TO Trip 1415w BOOK STODL) DR. KINSMAN, DENTIST, WILL be fouud.,tit his office, Main Street Exeter Ont., every Tuesday, and, generally on tiro other trays of the week, except Wednesday and Thursday. Ile Will guarantee all work to be e5ual to the host clone in any city; and at prices within tho roach of all classes. 11 any have a tooth aching on Saturday, come In the evening after five, instead of leaving it for Sundayy, as some do. .A11 who want to save their teeth should call .. s ud have them inspected before they feel pain in ulnen. A11 parents shoud call for advice about children's first teeth, before allowing one to be ex. 'ranted, as groat damage is constantly boing;done by oxtraeting such teeth too soon. T��E JOS�e MALL ESTE IDLY SEEDER. AND O u v'a�or improved —_o 'Chia Machine is now being universally 8c'lbpu tett throughout Ontario, and wlterevex used is prolrorurcyld to ;bo exactly what: is said of `t, and positively what is despaired. i rth . oS over the ri aro litany,' audit only hosts to 'be soon tdi itself this fact. aho known Of h - _ las boon appointed Agent �p p t for tbia rob, 28, Ealanee oft hand....'. 049.00,, m1tr1 aray 1'nforirin,tlon. which itisin his- is An otibt�yot ctiti b Colieetor for 1070; givChd twill mr)sl will n y fnthfsk, a v-. ori to11:114,,27:, Y51 - iltno'i nb of to`170 alb ria mors illi' LIhd it. to thew a u1la Oil Sr IIoc1t . 4120.25 amotitt1 dl,ld gt°c'' srilcobiae a trfr{1.,',' s on Countyates"fort 1878 r1$2 5882,28. J r � r Audited. iafotinddotte t. tat CfiRR, ..QR'�ii�A 111r,G d°A:S,13� r i AtlYtorSY C �1.HE1G� Usborne 'li ebt'ttal 28,,1074.' . f mLyGG�i i r ir:' •.1:11t t+ 1 i` 'Arial` PAWL MAN Colltaillill tl60031.jltlorrs o1 Diseases arld lirld�r fel' tlterl traattr eht, will litf echt Octet all shinty hyauaiT td itt'oflo #6uitrifigillef� Address lo.• lsrr�cz11�t3 THEI' �yy� u � YII INR OFFEItED Fltf, rtFtol~°, t frill t' e 1VTiaclririe ,e not found to as stated? it may be i'atlitlie t tiY Oltifilslbs rlit he' tsisit at 11 � e eeirtra%,�y td, of at rIIy 1d8i4611d6,10t 16,66lir7, tYila411i4