HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-05-13, Page 91?iIi S'l 'xl11 W1)T'1 111 map,: 11 .Sntiti Beef? Mtn By Ray Lewis EXETER - Entering the farad week of preparation for South Huron District High School's an- nual spring production, 'the cast and crew of Magic Moon arc busier than ever. While it will be a welcome surprise for audiences t.; see a homegrown, Canadians production, they may also want dick spent three years playing the pipe organs, another three learn- ing guitar, and somewhere in there managed to dabble on the drums. Because of his backgrmund,110- dick feels the transition from trifle. instrument to another tor him Ills been easy. "My background first of all to pay particular attention to the was in piano and voice," said Re- - ptay's•mitsical'aoaes, written pri---st> ick. "So t -guess awe acquired a marily by grade 13 student, Craig Redick. Redick, who also has the teed role of Magic in the play, is no stranger to the music scene. -Be- ginning at tfge four, the Zurich native has since developed a rap - or with several instruments; and for the pastellouryears. has been -wonting feverishly with the trombone. "Nowxhat I'm a little older, the motivation is there," ,said Redick. "I want to play:so I skip from one instrument to -another." 'Redick :has 12 yearsh ofirano land gazz *man, .and •spent}five snarsreaeringrshe former. Ile .,1uit3azz Agan two lears::ago, • tut:mani has hiateaching level for ahesdteestment..1n:addition, -Re- bit of an ear for it." Redick began his musical inter- est with. five years of singing les- sons when he had a tenor voice, followed by another five other years after his voice changed. Last year he was busy at an inter- national voice camp tor singers and began to plod hard in his et forts to compose his own music. Redick actually started writing about three years ago when he :got his first keyboard. To date, his favourite piece is:theitherne song for Magic Moon, ?which he said began with a few shnple chords before he structured the music around the play. The theme song opens quietly, is slowly accented .with -trumpets .and then builds out along the keyrange ofd 1351ybeard. Front [herr it til it fi- nally tnsr tratrrw- ny and solos. "lt's not very long, and in haeme Ines it's not very hard," agreed ick. "But I'm hoping it's tiabiletured to make the audience *want to hear." Redick hopes to eventually at mend university at either Windsor -ver- McOilt'where,-of-tomrc, tic ?dans to study music. 'While his Zllrst love seems to be piano and ticeyboard, he has been working shard on the trombone to hopeful- "ly land a scholarship. "There are too many piano ap plicants," said Redick. "If 1 try trombone, 1 have a better chance of picking of a scholarship." Using the trombone as•his or- Itehastral instrument, Redick in- valids to follow up on it while AIniting music on the side for oth- • er instruments. Magic Moon runs from May 20.23 in the small gym of South 'Huron District High School. Tickets are on sale now at Oreet- ing Card World and the school Office. Musician Crab ReidlCM,ofZuricirmakes minor adjustmantslo:theamCOEexo'fMagic Moon. EXETER - President-elect Jim Mem/lees resigned .this week -cit- ing personal reasons for doing • so. Comrade Merrylees has been very active in the branch and. will be missed. Merrylees was fundamental in starting the weekly meat .draws, re -activating the Children's Christ- mas Party and starting the Services Uniform Display, along with his regular duties as .property chairman and leadership officer. At the Jest gene- 1 nteFatin• •"n April.28:many prev 'usly:;into :ed members dropped .out of .wc election; leaving a serious pcnblem for tie :Branch. Many offices -4e - main vacant,and if the Legionaato survive, :the members are going. to have to.help:out Branch 167 has helped out many it by Anni .Morenz Personals SHIPKA - Michelle Vincent, daughter of Harold and Lucille, has completed two years at Windsor University, and accepted summer employment in North Bay, at a Trading Post store. Connie Russell, daughter of Doug and Ann, has completed one year at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, and accepted sum- mer employment at the Barefoot Pedlar store in Grand Bend. Angie Zielman, daughter of An- nic and the late Dick Zielman, is finishing Grade 13 at South Huron High School, also working as a co- op student at the Zurich veterinary clinic. Lori Finkbeiner, daughter of Bill and, Nancy, is finishing GB* 11 at South Huron iHigh School, and has a rummer job at Fisherman's Cove in Grand Bend. Jason Fink - Winer has completed a two year course, at Sir Sanford Fleming Col- lege, at Lindsay.; Clark Adams, ,son of ,Don and Elizabeth, has completed one year o: a three year Chef school course in Stratford, and ,Started working as • an apprentice Chef this month at the Church Restaurant in Stratford. groups in the past and during the last year donated over 580,000: to community organizations. Now. the ;Branch needs help itself in order to -.continue this important work. rB .iesigns Martylhogion .activities are .wind- ing:rdtrwnrfor the summer months. Thereetill>be a Legion Golf Tour- nament this Saturday at Exeter Golf Course..Details at tihe.Braitch. • �ttto+dithcchosiriair ImorrienaliowyvaL S 424 Alain St. Exeter;Y (519) 235.1331 Sot. May 16, .Sun. May 17, Mon., May 18 After 15 years we're Moving our Retail Business to St. -Agatha (5 miles west of Waterloo) to make room for our Wholesale Business. lhat means.gteat buys on existing gift Items. Outlet,prices on Homespun fabric and,ecoessorles. Remember... this Is a one time rale t.-Russeldale - alter 15 years at this location - don't miss it -bring a friend. The areas largest selection of homespun plaid accessories I to create a warm country home. rt4 Times -Advocate, May 13, 1992 C.ieme, ZuTIch Bownhs By Carettellereeney ZURICH - Members of due Zu- . rich Brownies held their anneal fly - up ceremony 1heeday in the St. Boniface school gyne. A Brownie revel will be held in Mitchell on Saturday, June 6 along with the Hensall Browntes and leaders. Bake Sale Many iedividuals were out to support the bake Bele at the glue Water Rest Honie last Saturday. Ann McBride was the winter of the strawberry flan cake made by -Mary-Lou -4Brb. The baby -quilt made by Ina Neeb was won by Blanche Bechard. First Communion Congratulations to grade two pu- 1 pits Melissa Meidinger, Lance Bed- ard, John Jacobs, Megan Swee- ney, Adam Ferguson, Malin Oingerich and Lee Ftnkbel i f St. Boniface Church who -filers made the Sacrament of their illtst Holy Communion. Personals Tim ur and Rita Bedowere blessed with the arrival of their first child, Tyler Isaac, and Tammy and Rick Smale were blessed with the arrival of Ashley Marie. Michelle and Steve were blessed with the arrival of Kelsey Kathleen. Our sincere sympathy is ofitted to the family of the late Oord Hess who passed away last Monday. Birthday wishes go out to Sylvia Mittleheltz, Heather Klopp, Stacey ► Ovearh t Marvel Oelinas, and the was Shelly and Sheni. A surprise 50th► birthday was -held for Paul Steckle at home Sunday. Centralia by Mary Kooy CENTRALIA - On Sunday, a large crowd gathered at the United Manch when .a former minister Rev. Deb Carter :did the service. NextSunday:the.guest speaker will be Mr: hien_ azara. On.Snmday,"•May 2A, :the :Sunday School :anniversary Will -be :bald with guest speaker Mrs. Paye Sea- ton. It will be a joint service begin- ningat 11:30. Do i't.'forget :the Bridal Fashion show on May 27 at 7:30. -Tickets tatrbe obtained=frommem- bers or the president:at228-6702. -TfhereIre .zseven seats 1efcrontithe bus.for the>dinncr theatee!vipaci St. -Thotaas. -For tickets and rinforma-• tion :contact Jean Rook at .228- F393. irs.l:oisWilson attended servic- es.at "swan linked Church when her:-grandson,;aon of Norman and Cindy►'Wiitottatras baptized. .Mary Kooyeatertained at Sunday . dinner for a1 iAday4Mothers .clay celebration. -Those present were Bonnie Kooy tofLondon, Clayton, Alice .arid -Clyde ::Kooy of • kfuron Park, Barb .Smith, - rMary Walker, Jeanette and.Sarah -of .town. Clay- ton _was celebrating a birthday. Von Overholt was a_guest at the wedding:of her granddaughter Me- lissa Moore to John Van Roestel on Saturday, May -9 tat ,Mt. Carmel R.C. church. 1ny his • Hart and Doreen newt recently returned from wintering in Florida and a visit to see daughter Wendy and hushend and new baby In Cali- fornia. Carmel Sweeney retooled home Friday front a two -'creek holiday in Aeworth, Georgia iNhere 'Zhe visit- ed daughter Carrie and Den Eyber- gen and their daughters Tiffany and Brittany. IWE-IN EVENT! Trade-tn your .ofd watch for greiatIvtngs an your newButova :or Coravelle. MAY 1 -31st •yDUrDtd ticker (watch 'that is) is _worth s1 a'new-$utova or Oarovelle watch. Now's-the Prime Time to "retire that odd 'ticker' (watch -that is) and -take hold of your new .Bulovo or Cnlravelie watch with precision quartz. Style -and :accuracy has-rnacie-Sulova aworictwide4earter t r over 100 years B JL VAC iast�l Y ANSTETT JEWELLERS LIMITED 6 Convenient loexttions to serve you: CLINTON. EXETER. GOI)ERICI I. SEAI'ORT11. ST. MARYS and now KINCARDINE *115161C. MANUFACTURERS • DISTRIBUTORS i VA' HAVE IT ALL. GREAT *CASUAL LIVING'. OUTDOQRS • SOLARIUMS - POOLS' • GARD&V AREAS P. V. C. TUBULAR FURNITURE RESIN FURNITURE FOLDING — STACKABLE WICKER- f*I)il(1NTLIRE ,4S T A Li'► DDDR Lalf a WOOD BENCHES & CHAIRS UMBRELLAS ACRYLIC DRINKWARE ARTIFICALPLANTS& TREES FLJA/t ITORE.tOVMS 11 n'411111111,1 Great PKiGes All Year Jong TOsar/ate TQjrtQ/� TOASIMIA Grand gond, Down *away 83 gast _(519) 2313.2110 y age • �fr oil :. MELAMINE DINNERWARE UMBRELLA COVERS OUTDOOR CUTLERY PLACTS kgeidanffilertaliSiliONS HIMPAIPOWNrigif r • iii. .-T �/ 11i',, ���i k I : ' 1 rfi . Imam CaMal L0 Lx w }l'. - 1 t _ f ' ;� rrt_ le',i1 4•( Aiw, ,� '' hk I .+ 1.i .,r • a ,1 ,�,i I ' f� !kw_ _4*