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Times Advocate, 1992-05-13, Page 3
Times -Advocate, May 13, 1992 f_ hie %Qi of -Emote r stands inside what remains of his camper after a fire Thursday evening es ft sat in his William Street drivewtay. The Rre Department, who were just finishing up their practise night routine when the fire broke out were able to quickly extinguish the blare, but not before several thousand dollars damage occurred. The fire is believed to have started in the trailer's heater. Boyle said he had looked forward to using the camper this week, but is now thankful in- surance will help repair the damage. CTosswaIk an 'accident waiting to happen' Continued from front page is also likely to solve vehicular traf- taken by drivers who believe some- fic problems .at the intersection. one is making a left turn. Should a traffic light be installed at The crossing guard does write the Wellington Street intersection down the -license plates of offend- instead, as some propose, the Vic- ers, but as police chief Jack Hark- coria problem would still exist. ness notes, laying charges is diff;- "I think invariably they're istu- cult. dents] going to cross at Victoria," "For us to enforce, it's a night- said Harfaress. mare,". said Harkness, explaining The crossing guard could be made many charges do not stand up in unnecessary, but Harkness thinks court. one might still be needed to help in response to the concern some smaller students use the crossing elderly drivers may less aware of anyway. the crossing, Harkness said he had "I just sincerely hope we don't considered making presentations to have a.tragedy before the lights are local seniors groups. installed," said -Harkness. But for the 105 students who use When asked if she thought lights the dossing four limes a day, Hark- would solve the problem for pedes- ness i 8h11 wnattietl; triims, _ Humphreys replied "I hope The best solution to the problem, i so. We need something' tie believes, is a traffic light, which 1 Lucan taxes increase Welfare costs up 70 percent in Hume VOI]fCH - A -fie Hh ibdigy�scial 4101 - wink dart iswera eieerwlilline qoalplant 4110eyed-ided aPd "111111[. , jolt" ellikebluman Mid -481/My Amnia 't> vwidh'She$'i &gibe e ullasy mre-telugeidisMissiteollifratesst a guwanteed However, ,in an minas to 'the legiSocial Services an � Marion -Boyd. said there are iagn_y chows . a- ing to the current welfare situation. Those include role changes which will make it harder for peo- ple with ntadente incomes to col- lect welfare, as 82,000 do now, and those who do qualify will have re- duced benefits for dee months. In Huron County, the number of -peoplenegeferal ambianceeenlin- ues to grow. MacKinnon pointed out that in 1990, the average num- ber of beneficiaries in 1990 was 412, a year later it nearly doubled .to 804. die said that 1991 -was the bewiest 1nia39711111u p4l19t-*el of ancone, from the coolly. 11111111411111911091111111111041941111114s 'For the low wage owners, 11Ws a t •' deed program," said MiedChuna. VolvNetreilsebdigisPireillallsd' �e 1091 imolai Vie CMv alfa 4*-M11MT was le county w mod ibYye lbeel 'l!D gum mew. IN actual 1991 ` d yrwtemptoy- oasts. 7t cost the 1Nlnnty an addi sea niiMittti upallanttrlfti sawessee *nal $157,734 in 1991. and collect .Me vestries Isuramied 4iMtlln 1eually is not the ally, cig..u.daft .inwv WRI(H - _Tim ire li so Muds Into list week's loser k int st the 'lendsanpot gteoery stare in Zu- rich. The Easter OPP says the May 4 break-in which sew thieves carry off 300 canons of clgaeues worn, 312,0001s sell wader investigation. Sufi sergeant Al Quinn specuMt- ed--thardie theft is qutte'llkefyeen- nected to the break-in at the ©rand Bend Loeb IOA store on April 29, which also saw S12,000 of cigar- ettes taken. `He said "gangs" of thieves specializing in cigarette Continued from front page serve fund for This year is S7,500 for a new street sweeper. ' Reymer pointed out that garbage collection and -recycling charges are as- sessed separately on the tax notices and will be up sharply from a year ago I because of the need to deliver waste to the Laidlaw landfill site at Watford since the Biddulph site was closed -early in 1991. Nurses taking time out to celebrate their profession EXETER - Nurses in this area are taking the time out to give themselves a pat on the back this week. May 11-17 has been rec- ognized as Nurses' Week across the province and will be marked by celebrations of the nursing profession. Mary Lynn Hetherington, president of Local 112, the un- ion which represents more than 30 nurses in Exeter and the Blue Water Rest Home, says that nurses often don't get the recog- nition they deserve, especially those who work outside hospi- tals. "The hospital nurses have the best recognition of any class of nurses," said Hetherington, add- ing that public health nurses and ose in homes for the elderly e often viewed as being "see- d class". But "a nurse is a nurse, no matter where they work", added Hetherington. The nursing profession is also coming under fire these days as hospitals face severe budget cut- backs as the province rolls back health care funding. Often the first staff members to be laid off are nurses, explains `Hethering- ton, although she concedes the cutbacks have not yet affected Huron County where nursing staffs are already running near , the bare minimum. The provinces hospitals are still experiencing a demand for more nurses to keep up with de- mands placed on the health care system, said Hetherington. The only problem is they cannot, af- ford those extra nurses with bud- gets limited to ane or two per- cent increases. "They just can't afford to hire more," said Hetherington. Even so, she notes that nursing staffs, the ones with the most contact with patients are being cut before the "behind the scenes" health care professionals like lab technicians or others. But in light of all these trou- blesome -Wends, Hetherington sgys tate 30 er immerses in :the area will be getting together to - celebrate` their profession and to boost what they see as a "very low morale". Hetherington said Nurses' Week used to be marked with events such as blood pressure clinics and the like, but has since been revised to place more em- phasis on the nurses rather than health Dare issues. eta have bsen lama to work *sir way through certain meas. "We've no `Watson to suspect it [connection], but it is quite likely," aid Quinn. Quinn said the OPP are hoping a member of the public who may have witnessed something near or arotmd the 'lbnderspot store may yet call 'the -pole. He said int hoped people would also be on the start for any suspicious activities around other local stores. "la's the neighbourhood watch philosophy," said Quinn. 'They might think WYs insignlficsnt, but that's what we're here for." area having its problems with Kt- cial services. A document received from lite Regional Municipality of MOM is a resolution resolving del So province be petitioned to 'Item applications for parially property tax funded General Welfare Aasia- tance in cases where applications with family incomes ranging front S30,(X)0-$65,(XX) per year are using General Welfare Assistance as a form 01 Guaranteed Annual in- come." 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