HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-4-16, Page 2QVN BAN 0A11,a,,,.A4,000,000. 1."10 P'Not9r Droaqi/A .134elsope Ruh, iseeee 1 eteitti. v1t Lot,itas3aithasta t t, , e se; „neat peeieleuteltiee weeepele eieteele atet9itebee, • eteitee eaveaeett en 13040 004 )4)44egetettigeneeettege. NeWcJuny' terrelebeekte, eke, leseelette 4004, S VINGS .BANK Dopoolts ()))0 11011thr 1.0111 voaaritt ass saa51(15 oa dolmoui With in torpfit, EdWd, VT, 31RA„T,HY, itseter, vet), )3_1874. A.Mutimer Rao y• trtgrt ataay, ,o, o874 '44.1'424tz coo oro4.14.1rE4 have ,witbbeiti say refereitee to tin) pseeenti113 nove thou :view ef affaire As they we adtr.' eyes by the.liglit ofei Oar reasou ter actiog as I Allow the ',natter every op investigation, and to let the effeets. We allowed tage to the present Achill prove, as they have titue an asserted, that an annteSt promised itsel by the late is A discerning publie thot could suah a thing 1124 veto no time would be losti such proof. Poi is it lilt power would 'allow a mat Thal and weighty iniporta present one to iet3t languiel its ehouhlere ? 13y uo mew oranteat would be so prowl nos (?). But is it not likely existed which. would act t prop, lever and fulcrum, to perplexing weight to the one a stone be left untamed to the purpoee ? Is it not a 'fact tout, whether it be Op Gc vernment, if anything ex will tend to lessen or hi strength, circumstances scare able to prevent its being, • feat and disclosures made known 2411 aviare that it has been hei length aud 'breadth, of the John A. promised an aninest The men who made such s were uoite otherthan :Messrs. zie & Co. Why did they do this? Were they laboring wader the vague conception that such was the case, and then us al their vocal abilities to trum- pet it? Our opinion is, that such toe- siniog was no more nor less than an effort to gain support. Why was it not denied? It was denied times without number, but these gel tienieu had be,eu famous for their life-long career of " straightforwardnees and manly abili- " ty," that such a sin as beguiling the unwary elector would not be imputed t) theist. But, might not illaelteuzie in his innoceoce, have heared of such au . amnesty, and considered it his duty to inform the people of the fact without judging of its correctness or not? That query may be answered by propounding, another. Was it good grace in certain parties doing their best .to circulate the report that Sir John Macdenald hadcom- „Earned suicide last summer, merely be. :0241150 they heard such was the case 2 These, we think, are strikingly parallel cases. In both, the rumor is diseenai- noted. without a particle of foundation. When 'asked for proof of existence of a promise of amnesty, it was said proof would be forthcoming in due tizne. We thinkthat time has now rolled on in its unceieing flight, until the word:” did" Lai completely revolutionized itself twice or thrice ovei, and we look 'aux- tiously but vainly for the proof. No proof to be had, eh! Then what we avant, what the people want; what we crave for, what the people demand, is an investigation. This Canada' of ours is populated with a',61.aSs- who have not served a Iffed.ont in darkened and be- nighted ages. No crime wig.he,allowed to go unpunished, if ..the,. 'perpetrator Can be aerestod. If SirjotitilIatidont-' aid promised an areneetty.to.334c14t:'aa: hear of it, lk us knoW•dbf it,"tilail the .soorier the man who woOld thus dare to screen the murderer from the lagv.:'s av- enging hands is cast aside, the s.00ner will the country be purged of a scoun- drel no° lese guilty thao the person whose sin he attempts to disguise and shelter. The more so, do we say this, when we consider it to be done by one whese aim and duty it should have been. to Make, if' possible, purer our already pure enacinfeuts. But On the other hand, were no St1Ch promise ever Made andsuch impeachmeuts thrown out, let 11E3 know of, it If the man is not guil- ty, why not cur rulers inform us of the fact: Let us not be allowed longer to turti ourPacks and shun the innocent; ' When. We think him:guilty. Ifitfac ien- ' zie eaidtho lessei refulgeocies of his Adrninistratiou who Peva made theint SelVak bust,' Pa turvacang Sit Jahn's !guilt have closte'r10 wrongfully, let them sufter such ignoniinyps is certain to be .heittied upon'thetal. Why, we ask, did 40t Edward 14144 otthvass the issertion Mit de Use Of by his' bretyer4dininistra; tors' SinaPly ,hecange the faets •weeLi ,known te hfre ,eis won as to Itee'e, Itenzie, hut Ids higher and suibler fol :ing's of right, and Wrong', Wer More ij havinotay: anti .11hisottWith.eanSfSfeha,,y than Were theao otthe Premleat ' ilOtedPerflOnage---liel-eleaS /IOW 01.1$131 the, idair to- such 'a point ,that uidoelted,tor sepaatieh bet z ore,% tea 114 the., Govetiriteut,, 1t5was,,al. 3wu,1 311entet the halls a ,,tntr joseirt,', hly, triad ftg dorridorg, and ,even, take !lowed presence lite the pre. oiticts the' sanctity a the4ek,eleek's ester his table, anti take the 6° $o0uv4 'very atrattge ifiat t ingt1108.6 halla at thThtsa Mid, fit, Olen till VMft o S qtliethila6 4:161.1,4 1111 4toiaLrt that sa0101-tile eNifa fakett a hie ,sighfttige ing aught in tnis 111141 the 11)1 oecasional L'0 opened to reunistatteee. re did was to portimity for it Italie base every advan- nietratiou to d time again y had been overnmeniit at once Hee ve been pro - is disclosing ely that auy ter of swill nee as the lillgly upoo 18 • 110 Gov• of swill ho - if anything he pak of throw this side, wouid accomplish vell-knowo pesition or late which uder their ely will be .etted out, S • We are 'aided the land that y to Riel. tatemente " Hocken- " y the eleelt :nowthu had wieided has teit„y oilithtgaih ; Or that the lion. AleXO W1tstzb1.101.0)2 0Q.41(1 110thik ie wkte Leine. 40,01, the etttlew„ ' egain ette', 1,0 US ittiNe AA let (tiP 444. Pf ibIStlee-VOneintineate , obis et, vete tit i Trine caotiou is a true one, but iu who reepeet? 42001e otbex 14,44 tbat au antnesty was proinista co Lows iteil and his asssociates, At the time 01 pit 12 Uo1 tI t1)el.'roYiSiOnal,(1 0 vorn- 22)0031 ..\.laniteba, with Mr. Louis 1;011 VA'OS1aent, if they a uuld at 1100 lay 21QW03 Lb ei ThiS 1114y did not do, hence the prumise could not Le carried into, f.t \vas after the promise had been made that 80e3131 112114 foully iitur,dered for, having bestowed 0merit- ed punishineut upon the present no- torious ontiaw. ',Mite° 410 the Lets which have already been disclosed in the lien amnesty affair, and all which ale Likely tithe, judeing tor the,informa7 thin to be pitied by perusing another aatiele 102 oitt columns. MI,•••••/MM.M1.,••••••411•0•MNI,IMMIN.,•• ./Intnesio Peanased. The Government organs of tbe day appear to be aeting L0 (Urea opposition oue to the other. The, Earmitor of last week, avers that the Govermiseht are plaoed in 6 peculiarly dnlicult peeit limo We rather think as he does, But on glom:log over the same article we find such ambiguity of language as to lead us to thihn that an effort was being made in the first part to convey tte Mew of the Governments ill positiau ; aud, in the second part to do away with such idea, and to shield the Govern- ment. 1± 1(14 lie says, an amnesty was promised to Roil , by Jno. A. how can the Government experience any dial - outfit, in the matter ?otLf alluding to the pampiet published l'sy Archbishop Ta - cite the Eapositor says : "From a par- , tial review of the documeot, we must confess that a very strong case, in support of the position lie has taken is made ou.t by Bishop Tuella. He produces evidence which, if true, proves conclusively that ttll amnesty ie fthrsal, gtivene ne (int al.ti \tin itio iteettre 120$3.1tetatel',Geitereti, tbat Shtt Venie 'kite 41)41143h Of title tttN- .0$ livable Won. tte • OtIrSelVee and , lerPfeaelen. • ~• 4' Tug Eletneen lteeeeemee Cometeralteae Arita 1a•-•04 Sataidar 1s3t, the Ceetelittoe SITointkO, y the Oteat Attatteta Railway ie hooka feet repeet ,on, the Tee viSited this Pio isat• ott ttfendesditete and were °inertias:ea by it laaeit et tlie hateolsal 400," No intorno,- Gioia tot iiitposimiee cellaa be obtained hue 1110m, as their (luta is o revolt board We do net with to mita Any linpetnI Seeliees, iertet they. Ameba be blielitoa The .16th, or itlity whited, • . lissam :tits Tessa -sae, Ur. 114,011€4Jtttt. tor •Cliateet was on/tie:way,' on kritlity ,te tenti Mr, fineitlee loweship) sale of eteelt, he met with e eeiioue atet,t tip. peeve that when 'near Mr. Aniara 71Siden2te the hain wee somewhat slaelenied ia pace, so 00 to alleW.Mr. Maailateniid 011101.5 WhO were in Mr, MeTaggart'e pompttny to (Tying:LW, wbee the hater fell, and brokehil lee. 'All the assis, tame) possible wee rendered the .geetleman, Ana W5 endorstand 120 14 now proeressing lave- ]. ably. A mq01.118: of the ,1J.10211120r$ of the Cotonsil eesesai 4 the 140101014 311022 (111.Yiliglion, was liehl ou Vriday Iasi in the couneil roop. AVilson, tieeve annois, mid Mr, Jae, Siotas, Co u ci 1 1 or inn berry, weae all p.o-sui,,t, tine Ctiahiinaii 'having kztatkRi, ihat the object of this meetiog was to eosisider whet eliould be done restirditig a ruiner larch:oleo to 'the litatedsoolert 01: the L. Id & 13. Eoad, called n Mr, ',Kelly who said that 2220- ctirsition was being gotten up for tile purpose of calling a special Leecting of the Colin ty Council, ashing tlion to pass and submit a By-law for granting 400,000 aid of the Ontario and Quebec ltailwa,y, with a clause inserted allowing the abandonment of the L. 1/. & 13. It, and building a branchfrom 13rusells through Sarnia instead. kb thought it would be better to grant an additional bonus, and running poWera, be given on the :L. 171. & .13, Load as' far as they desired towards ;Sarnia, Atter discussing the question from various points, it Was inoved seconded and re, Solved, that a Committee be appointed cdnsisting of Messrs 13, j. M. Leot, and T, Gregory, to attend to. .tho matter, and. if neeeeeary to 'send 'one As 'delegate to meet the Londou Beard. - klearteli alive. A sad calamity occurred On Saturday afternoon las at the farm of Mr, t1 oe 11 Black, the towoship of about four miles east of Port it/21(3y, by which three young 111011 t their lives without a monieuts trhiug. Ma - Black being abeeet at• rt, two of his sons-Johusaged about (end only a few months married), tee a young lad aged about 17 ---and ihed mail mimed John McDowell, married, aged between 25 alai 80, .e engaged in cleaniug and eepairing 'ell, which caved in, laid in less time ost than it takee to describe the ac - (int ail, Were buried alive. 11 2431). 214 that the well was from 25 to 30 deep, and welled up with brick a Away from the bettozu, and the of the way to the, top curbed with ilt or loge. These had been l'OMOV- OWn to the brick work preparatory emoval, and John Black decended. lean out the debris that had fallen 'tem the bricks. lie was holding OjJ 121 St; 11)2'1,8 Po 27 le a / 21)1 'Si 61 a, a caildrn pea feet slio test plea' ed (3 to r was promised, verbally, ifnot iu wait- 4 tt)oteNN " to the delegates of the Provi sional G.overoment." Now collies the difference of opinion, the Globe in an ably written article on the same pamph- let says On Thursday " we analysed "sixteen columns of Archbishop Ta- " che's pamphlet on "Amnesty." " There are five and a half cohunns "more devoted to The Authorities of " the Pi ovince of Man Hobo and the " Amnesty.' The remark that an am- " nesty requiring sixteen columns to "prove its existeuce is as good as dis- " proved to exist, is of' course stronger, "if possible, when the number reaches tweoty-one. Nor is there a single "tiling in five columns and a half be. fore us that could be regarded as "evidence in the most strained accep- " tion of the word." Thia is the first of the 'Globe's paragraphs on the docu- ment in which the Expositor sees so plainly traced the words "amnesty pro - wised." Then; again, after further comment, the •organ at Toronto says :--" It should be remembered that "Sir John A.. 11.facdonald had declared "that Louis Reil was a murderer, and "expressed a wish, in language which "would bear being d.escribe.d as fervidly "pious, that they should catch him. "It will be. seen that the more that "18 written on this question the more " clearly it is proved that there was no "promise of amnesty. All the Arch- " bishop's witnesses are against'. him, "2421(3 it is a rule oilaw that a man is " /sound to his. own evidence. With- " out even hearing the other side,' "therefore, the Archbishop is non -suit - a' ed." • ' We think as does the ',G4io5e that no :ableieasseeiate Can be found than the !Archbishop; if he has failed to estab- lish the existence of annamosty .and. a ,grievence affecting Reit, we doubt if any good can come of placing an impossible' task in less skilful hands. One is strongly remembered in reading the 'Archbishop's pamphlet of what a law- yer 'once said to his junior. " We have " no case, therefere the less we say the hhetter; for if we say anything we shall "only make notie clear hew coMplete- '' ly we are without a leg to stand on," We should not like to throw cold water upon the, 'voracity of the Ea)posi: tor, and make it wane in its warmth in, the matter of the editor , reading the pOmphlet ; or, as' he says, glanoing at hitt seems .atrange that .such wide- ly different views can emanate trent 'the same :source, and that One man. void persist in black 'when the other as positively affirms' that it is white. Pal raXeg tbOt alreteSidaPtrAti • We,fully endorse the sentitneirts of Ibo gobourg aentinel bo its remarks 011 newspaper postage. The sooner souli a law is repealed the sooner 'will the, country at large the hninense ben, efit to boTieriied from' 131, The &kap ei say "Wepay. ft tot on each paper et half 24 penny.. 'Then ±22 addition, ,ottr paper ig take& at the mill, our. prosSes are tak, ,ea, and 'out' types ere faked, ',Ent the post'oillee tax is the host ,veatibtie. and 0,Ppressiia, of 2411 • it. interferes With trade 16t 1le31rtleta in1s00.01,116/1314 and 'enhances 11 a proportionate degree th• e price of the tiaper to subscribers; tid. tied to all this, the tat retards tit& dlr.' fusion, of Itnowledge,W (lb not ,tif eourge say that the bostill tte.% is Unittsti but this We. 'do aas4 and: we appeal tit 411 .of Ott notitattiporaritte •&rite that opeitittce agaiiist tha: oduatt., 3131 613 or the- people, egainst that'geneig ettlightehpieht ahd. soteaetolif1rl Onetlittte t AO best Seen* on by a chain made fast at the top of the well, and had hardly reached the bottom when the sueroundiug earth, consisting of twee, dry sand, caved in on him, het, however, eutirely covering him at first. His brother mid McDowell decended to his help. The unfortunate 1112111 saw their danger and called out to save themselves, but had hardly spOlien the words when another slide took place and all theta.: were buried out of sight. Mr. Black's wife had got the alarm an(3 reached the brink of the well only to see her husband and the others bur- ied out of her sight. The neighboring farmers and their hands gathered to- gether as soon as the terrible affair be, baane known, and as many as could get around set to work to recover the bod- ies. Owing to the loose and treacherous nataere of the soil it took ,six hours be- fore.' the bodies were all brought up. T116 younger Mita was found only a short dsitance from ille surface, Mc- Dowell and the older black beiug near the bottom of the well, and when tiound wete still retaining their hold of the chain. All were dead The accident occurred about 8 or 4 o'clock in the af- ternoon, and it was 10 o'clock before the last body was reached. The sad event has caused much excitement in this quarter, and much sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents and widow under their 52411 2211(3 trying circumstances. saatelmeeeeteeneera-aereeeeetteteadeeraweseeressemees Viduitg. FAner Some -One day last week, one of Hay's old ,esidenters, Mr. Wnl. Case, sold his farm to Mr. A. MoTaggart, of Ribbed, for $5,500. No snaall sum, that. Smile Seteeve.---We would remind our read- ers of the Spring Show , to be held at Brueefield, on Wednesday next, and of the one to be held at Exeter, to -morrow, (Friday,) the 1731h. , CRANGILD, ClintOtt .21Ionitor has again reverted back to it* original proprietor, end will assume its old name the "New Era." Mr. Grigg give* very saLidactorY reasons for SuAnn T residenta i mented the be sorry if ample. Ti er the work REVIVAL'S weeks there in the 13. C number of c atia spiritual selves (1)1401)work still co To Leave 311021 01 311r. L °Jelin) horee season, to 33(32212282 year. 1 bore° of his a TgE OLD tean.--ittr,: John ItImyksliaw say& hewill spare' neither 12152(3124 1100' trouble hemakilig hie stages the feetest and most:cent- Sortable in the province. • Mt, II and his dri- vers haVe been blown le our readerefor anent. her of yeii,eti asi;behig extetinetY attusteoue and Tie hag put 'a handsonte eide:seatect syug,e naouthe'route, *islets adds greatly tettet etindost traiellets. , nres.--We notice that some of n the suburbs have already c planting of shade trees. We 6 there are not more follow their me is quickly passirig and the so is eiXected the better. envieese-Baring• the past haks s been a eorof revival se . Church, in this plade. A gr utiversiens have al; eatty 1)000 11124 workings eppear to menifeet the gs 0131 ±11 the church. illee go ntinues, .-We malerstood 18 ±6 the inte . Ifentee, 01 Ueoorne, to send 1 to the County of Middleeex 231 vel over the stone route:as he 'here is, eve believe, M� motif lass in these parts than Mr..flu the ball ex- on- fe'w rice eat !Jo, od 11- 118 28 id er 11 - dopttositiori i 1141; et:itadeat. if-tbiaaiiiotivis!",sietoit. take:it:1er geauted tlittta' '..e'intEliVely ',trade' Will hotiteriett-';'01t.', betWeen . , plaae,alict:.tteadon tit lattteterseee" toitt *tattler. tol1n1e will be essn'tbrit,:ktesettietithles• &."-,601 , , . 114,tya ,t‘teSy,ott;.tt, 1fb Of otsgc ot thitsitstr 83324geS iti.eteionfiatable, ;46004 Otlighigi tilattiasi Cattata Steeesdiitt isterilaaef pereetie Meet attitoj 072 FriditieeefiltigleSt,:ferjhanartiose...otlastiii, tag' ia :Cricket tJiob.:, 'theireatnes'ettrolted,as.nteeibertt, ,rPhe Weee'.:31jetited.nifeeaeboaoi, Or, the gotseh„ dent Olen 1ii3i 1I4 21� W, : set21213', M 3%.• Treasuratt, e313 M5533(3131 I(33112)((, 1310341 Itist ariggett)', 'with '41(414-titjroli',6141112t5,, .'40.,eaptaineacten ,ter, 0124±SeaSon :wait etith Itt * Shot thne,Ittinatto atm issitathkatittet Oat; bt 00400tbok1fliiiplity.kv; beu lhuee.--The borer: ',Bank of England" late the property ef Mr, tystaaltison, has been sold by that geetleman to Afesers;Oke and. Ms, sett. The enormous price of $13,000 was paid 102 him by these eentlemen who intend travel- ling lam over tlo) route taken by A' Scotch Mir - tole last yeae, The o Beets and his steelier° now ea well end .favombly kumeit as to require no comment., Mr. liodgeon now owns 14(1's Glory," which is coneideredto be one of the beet.Canatilan Draught horsee in Canada. Mr says, although having parted with the ,413aillt et England," he doet. noteheaitute Silyiug he think bini thebeetimported draught & Q. R. IL -While we believe there is a Possibility of overdoing the matter of IlailwaY building, still if the majoritweill it and the un- aortakine be feasibile, we shauld be gtad to eee the 00224r30 te Quebec Railway built ; and al• though 131 1)12281 be confessed that hitherto very few have heel •any faith either in. 111r,:, Rewler or his proect,'netentlieless the agitetiOn 'seems to be aseuming taugible 'shape, at least in refer- euce to this County, which may have the effect of postponing the bulking uf the L. Ii12&ix. Road to en iudefleite period. 1 t seems to be Mu material to the pmple of London what direc- tion northward their road should take so long Ile they get one, and Mr. Kelly suggested the other day, it would be.better in the interest of the villeges mad townships along their line, to great an additional bonus of say $50,000 oven, and allow the Sarnia branch of the Cutatio & Quebec Railway, running powereefrom southward BJyill as far as they desired. This would enable the couutry to grant both ComPenies all ail asked for, at a saving of about 150,000. in the meantime we await further develOpements rie Connell. Council met pursuant to adjouro- moat, in the Court Room., Exeter, on April 1 3th, 1874. All the members present. The iniuutes of preyieus meeting read and Isaac Carling, Esq., addressed the Council on the propriety of , planting shade trees on tho streets of the tillaga, and recommended that the sum of :$1‘.00 be appropriated for that purpose. Moved by W. Verity, eecosided by 3. Ross, that $125 be expended in • planting shade trees On the front street, wider the directiou of the Road Com- missioner, in the present year, and that the sum of 40 cents per tree be given to any person for plauting the same on any of the back streets and putting such means of protection about them and plauting as the ltoad Commitssion- er directs, trees to be not less than two and a half inches in diameter and to be living in two years after planting, when the said sum will be paid, parties in- tencliag, to plant to notify the Road Commissioner, Mr. .I. Virbitlock.-Car- ritived by j. Pickard, secondefliy W.s II. Verity, That $10 be granted to Mr. J. Ross, to be expended in benevolence, and that Mr. AV. E. Wilkins' account of $10 for entertaimneut to Direetors of L.,H. St 13.It. be paid—Carried. The assessment roll, duly cettified, was received from the A ssessoy Moved by W. H. Verity, Seconded by J. Ross, That this Council adjoura un.. 11 after the Court of Revision, to be held on Monday "next. -Carried. M. l4ACRETT, Clerk. Steaaideaa Comsat. Stephen, April e, 1874. All members present. Minutes of previous meeting confirmed. Moved by 3. Parsons, seconded by J. Kuhn, That this Council defer decision res- pecting the'populetion of Exeter in '71 until next meeting. Petition agaiust there being three taverns in Crediton. Moved and carried that the prayer of the petition connot be entertained in consequence of a: resolution of last meeting: 'Had the petition been hand- ed in at last meeting it Would have been successful. Moved -by W. Pullen, Nee- owled by J. Kuhn,- that gravelling on Centre Road commeace on 21s31 con., running east. Moved in amendment by J. Parsons, seconded by A. Leaxey, That gravelling Coinmence at both ends of 'mad road.- Mitin 'motion. carried. Clerk t onotiy ht1fteWea. en of' Huron t gairs8941e'reNevt°°41;'s4;jt'all ()use, (5w,, 8ttital))o lora tansit4tii, shoe, inakor,,er tailor, there being att,o;eellen t opening here for theso and oiler trad0A- mon, ;fames Titioning, from Dan.' (lot,13,1,s00/Mntiot-t,y,,,b41t1);(islitisuistraelit,:li.ttise4 31115) p202113., a:i4 18 211201331 to tAnild and carry on the business of wagen and earriage 13o,•!' fhlakiing. great atteratione biS, ri'en.li80.4 WO 1108 01), Lana the matorlal Lor oreetiog first-elass sttibles; tleidiog house, Ana, elieds for puhlic 1280. 1111'.. .00tt011, 1;2'0211 St, kary'S, has alroadt' liew dwelling bowie and sbor311 ward state, 1)1 11113)242 lie inteude to open Plit tlie business of saddler und ltarlwss' 1nak0V, £28 sooti 111418140d. Mr, Joe. opli Anderson lois benne of' brielis and other materials, intending to matte eon- eicierable temente and to his house. We notice oleo a coneidera- ble autoont of buihling material on the promises of Mr. Riehord Bolds and Mr, Thomas Mitelaell, hich 140 doubt they NVilj 121111 to, good (1000)1111 t.ts 80011 as the weatiler permits. Last and not leaet is the probability that a litualsoine. clitirch, with otlier public bitilditigs, aill breeted here before long, wiliell no doubt will be both an onsametit to • the place 8,8 i28 useful to the coin - inanity. a lovaY '1011 tlabottio, 'had. tlio Eeterly Seeder nn 0)3 '33iiielt is roally llt0a01 of per, fection,, ..and we thinig fully sustahts all the Agents elelia for it, Mr, Coiling, agent for Ct'a,wford's "1004(1.1 Voiuldry, wfts present, ttn,d iota with lam one of their Contbined 1.0apint-.,* and NowiAlg 1,40so 1112kobie0s appear: to Pave gained a firm thoti1014 stshamodst the farming eotomiinity, and with Mr. polina 21 agent, inlay of tile nIttehineS. will be dispoeed 5)1 ,11443 Ifousk; fighte aro of lin raSe occurreoce aad other 004111r1ee where tournn,y sttay. [31ie very' seldom that it is env inivitego to ivitness horee fight, but such !Was the pleiteure-if 130 it itoty calletlaeat the ihir here, on Mooday last, Mr, Eturiter'e horse, " Ceachniaii," ititd T. Culbert 8 horee Tuvalu " io, tlulged in tide aot very agreeable pas- ttme. ltIr. Hunter not observing for the crowd that intervened that Mr, Cul: healPs horse W118 WitiliD a tea,. feet11102), of led his horse farther on, when, very unexpectedly, " Coaatiman " gave a neigh of defiatice, which, was intniali• ately answered by " Dick Turpii, nOtil Itoiees eitrang on their hind 310 and before either ownere eould into fere, ilunter'e. 11orse had dealt 1116 9p porient a 831'010 blow ()11 the side of his heacl, tabicla it wasa.umored,liad smasls- Tbe temperance cause appears to be making considerable progress in Edeu, as ItIonday nights are the usual lodge :nights.' A goodly number of Members tuned out and exhibited their interest in the epreadMg. cause. We, hays, in- troduced into our soda 'oirele a Sell, 'Pf 'literary arrangement, consistiag of mita- ings, repitations, billet -box and debatiog which oecur altegnately; after the gene- ral renting. of business conuected with the soisiety'is performed, Last meet - Mg night the billet Pox was placed at the tiook, so that each member could drop into it their letter or cemposition. A number were found therein and read in the hearing of the *members. They were well written and. evinced a very good knowledge of composition, A i�w of the subjects mitten upoil 11 0120 'Exa- mination Day, The Difficulty of Know - 21144, Tempel ancea jealousy, and The Love of Nature. The members pur- pose having a public debate in the sehool house on the 27-th April. Ques- tion-Tesolved, that education should be compuleory.-Cosr. .q.4 F. SUALL-PDX.---A rumor reaches that this dire disease, sinall-pott, is' spread- iug itself and its loathsome accompath- nteuts, on the 1-1th COIL, of this town- ship. We learn that Mr.-- and family aro attaulted. Means should at enee be adopted to prevent ite farther spread. Tem FALL WI:mtg.-In some places this cereal looks quite healthy, out' may prove' an abundant crop, while iia others the opposite may be said. A few fine clays may have the efteet of iaecuscitat- ing it to a great degree. Eista Coor.-rile draught colt which Mr. Brown imported from " Auld Sco- tia," is 1101V a perfect picture of beauty wad -well-develeped symmetry. KIRK. zo OPEN LODGE.— The open, lorloe,, held du the agricultural hall -Pere en the come of the 91.13. inst., under the anspicies of the 13. A. 0. of Good Tomplare, was a grand success. The •spetiltora Were Rotate. Mes'srs Haylock, Gracey and Reid. Mr. Haylock gave a detailed ac- count of the liquor crusades in the United States and dwelt lightly on the Christian courage and perseveranee displayed by the stmerican Sisters., Mr. , Gracey spoke on Temperance: in general enferced and illustrated his ar- guments numerous anecdotes. The duties of the chair were very acceptahly discharged be Mr. Harry Baker. ----Com. READINGS.--Cht Monday , evening Mr.' Gibb of St; Mary's gave some popu- lar comic readings, in the agricultural hall. The audience was small, but Se - led,' the pieces were all appreciated --Com. • • • DEBATE. -IS is reported that two gentlemen the neighborhood of this villiage of eminent logical attainments, have made arrangements for a public rsleliate to come el On Friday evening May 1st. Subject: Re,solvetlftliiit •nioneY has more iittluence over man thitn wo- man." , I trust the Subject Will be Cred- itably handled by both person. May they both win. SPRING Suow.-The Spring Show o Lucan Atinicultueal Scociety was an immense success, when we take into consideration the fact that thii is but le second year of its life. Great tcialell dainspiattreintbreattsice.enatimleletelonoilitiivrxegaayrc14iliilg and members of' the committee, for the eredit must be given to the SocretarY Stephen, as this Council abandons the •manna in which they have so pushed fdriner attatrd. W. Pillion to •see t tills SceletY lhat such a diaPlaY 01'86001c opening out a ditch near S 11 No 11• was shown its on Monthly last The • • • • • ' and Mr. Enlist to see to openinout following ig tb° i)ri-4° Li$t'' • . toad ou :atn eta. :neat N.B.. R.°13110- B/eoci But.seS.-,-lst, W. Flanagan, . Eachen and P. Neil requested to be aia- "Beaeen f." 211d$ Y. II9dgills' " Bre' 'flexed 60 S. S. 11.. To. be consid- tender," 2 entries' oeta at 4•1ily meotitig. A petition .60 be intportecl Draught 2L-lst, Olco' & Bissett, forwarded to GOvernment respecting the *".13111114 of E"gittl-u1". 1 ailtrY• basiS or distribution of surplus motley 64/14(11;°11 brillif.A1-t'4' W. ' Ec'dg8an' between Stephen ova Exeter, The Court of Revision to be ,firs6 Monday ted :-Gravel, Andeeson bal. Arra,y, Tlia following ordera were 'gr112 ast Once of Cott., 1$7,p2;,11, 1:1:0 Elston, '11.0„,, ;, sem, eeroe 'stattit,e tlabcal ; J Biesett, corn" 6-8 ton, work on 122It con., t51,08 IL ' • tigl d 's Glory ;" 211d, mt, )valitar., " Sir 6114)r306; or Champion ;" 2rol, 'L. floater, "-Yeti d afttetelithero/--lst, 'Walk C(itioilinan,' 4 Oltr.108.: VOSh`S. 1,j0i.'t 'and! Siliip8011 24310iVed fiNO thisn 'class--" Dick Turpin;" a d Hard rortune." ea • ideeseh ss ,o...1 ,4 Fitzgerald; 711. '1 rat C leant for roatL 0100; G., :P 0 31 db9itelt wile- 0.60; 1 Vahner,. drawing'graitel, $'10; " • CI, ruoual, etePtliatit,Ait, oittah • recording the •subs'ittittial •progress taking plaeo' this Sttihgr little ,lage,' 4.11'..tfreentvt-ty; has tha hie totials 'ott the' patina and 46 abOtti3 ttt erect tt, saperb fesidinitte tittit rattlet thia,sitinittert Whitai ffitildea 'iefaSt Iltet11434(411Ort Of $8t500, We' innlera,tand. Mr. It 350't Thet tor, !re Vet : priftoipal ,0elittastot lq":6 rtrivla oreste nonv 'fora lier.tad Oh 6, boltik hatettlenty tejlatit,e eelitTastor,• Also a, large hetet additi,04 the s,tIro,i, ost riii113680 br "titifib )ottle, trorli Olt .12th coin; $801 I've ntihinglatin; biidge 12th $12 11 ho, eitlyeitt (5,eiltre 1,110 A., Ittist,; dr,awilrg gravel,. $4 1,411,1fyi,.$is b'aint)bniL o 2th .,.eoneesst611 t: $8.; , IvItitlieWst).n llisSett' &;.116glittl 'Work' on .0th con:, $19 ;22 ettlVert Ott' con.,, $4 ; W 13c:al optJ:14;NV:arti ;" W. 'Walk6r; SitiOe 2. etitties, , • ' E31 ls- 0] W4 Loix N.:107-11:1 64, :Ii:6?'$1114.r,'..:).14:..*:),1:1)411h1-11 :it' Cray „yettr..oief * 11' ' ,4d0r(t i)?/Pha4)' ' "v) t110 Weat, Esalo!', Tivo'..:9,eiii,olit eirtide-7-tA,, J., •td,slcet,t, , Lod raittavotthi od, Mid, X, 'Itpani 6 01,41 • .0:fiht:t.tmItthattliftateP. ovrosittc;talTeil)ac i!sietil(01.611866,st iv,0011,1:0,1teov,tiottl, t'. byway 'Of tlnait agents and t telt nitt. Waned iff`t aiteltson, of dile plaeb 1101 f On okhihitieit hig„ renowned Cotribined 110240i' and lq Werf Which itiip orec , to , 1” 0 . ,t 0 a t/ htton, ' Iletr, actokson 1 'etaitinf ler' this truchillue inany advan, , taks'' ever othott 110,1,11itto,,, •,t4tmeirit linpartatice is chit.,' ul for the third boar, Sort itg wiikli is ,mv,', /thine,/ this slitvo; Ali ple-piece of 41 ,1.1No.,111(16)(4,.. ( i ittp folly to s ,40i) , his tiaallit 7 ,• tr lici „t et, Properly Of Mr. Ilugh Thompson, St, llifitry'e, was decidedly the most sue- Oessful of the series yet helcl. The at- teutlance, notwithstanding the almost impassible state of tlie roads, was large, mealy of the buyers at the Edmoaton sale of the preceding day being preeent. 11'..Tost of the animate offered were eitla r itapOrte(1 or the offspring of imported stock, and consequently eold The flolowing statement of prices, &c., will be interosting:-- BA SA VING8 134 N/( DEPARTMEIVT, vinge 13attk Department has been Branch Molignie Bunk. 1) 0 from Otte DO1111,1" ($1) .1?ai able ON De124 WW2 bitOre,St, 1322 031031, April 1, 1874. firweizar Farm 8/tort-Lwow 414, The third hort--horn sale of the week, thot of the Kinellar h • erd, the ed hie jaw. : Colitient Mintaitics,-A special meet- ing of the Counil was held on Tuesday evening, April 7311), in the ponnoit Chamber, at 7.30 o'elock. Present, T. Dight, Reeve, in the chair ; Count:More Porte, Geoilaere and Robins. Minutee of last meeting were read and aPprov- ed. Moved. by A. Goodacee, seconded by 0. Robins, that the resignation Of Mr. J, C. Frank as Treasuret' of this municipality be, and is heeeby accept- ed, tut(' that Leonard'. Fox be appointed Tseasiirer of this municipality at a 3a1- 0ry of $5 per £211112111)2, and the security offered be ;asset:40cl, and that the Clerk prepare bonds to the antetult of $5,000 .foe the same, tont that a by-law be now passed Confirming his appointment. --- Carried. Aleved by 1V.Pc4)-31e, secoliclecl hy A. Goodaere, that the Clerk is here- by antharisecl to give an order to Leon- ard Pox to receive from J. C. Freida the late Treasurer, all the monies, books and papers in connection with the office, as soon as he, the said Leonard; and his securities, have executed the necessary bonds enabling Inin to assume the du- ties of his office, and subscribed the re- quiei to deciaration.-darried. No. 340 appointing Treasurer was read three tint is and passed. Moved by W.. Porte, seconded by A. GooOacre, that any young man, residing in the muni- cipality, who eorolls himself in the Lu - can Fire Company, on or before the 1st day of May next, and continues ft 12111 111112n11012 Member for one year, be exempt trom Poll T1022 or Statute Labor. -Car- ried. The Connell then adjourned to meet ±111831 141011(30)' 112itlay. Goitre TIME TABLE, P. N. EAST. 12'47; 8.05; 1200. Goma 1VRST A. M. P. lef. P. 3F.. 505; 1.11; :. 5.12. . F. R. :JENNINGS. tucan, Merch Li, 1874. 6714.ie LOVE .kND AVAII-Oreditall W118, on Suuday last, the scene of a tilting en, counter beta -4n two love-eiok youths . of Bettye Lange, Young met Stable as the latter witsicoming out of ,church, and ,,,chniniste'recl condign punishment on him for some suppusecl wrong, and. for the pleasure received handed over $7 50' SPRING- GOODS- --111es.srs. J. & W. Grandy, Zurich, have paid 0410 114111(310(3 'cents 031 the $ and have received an excellent stock. of Spring goods, now show as complete an assortment its ally in Zurich. Granion and SPRING SHOW. -The annual 'spring show of Blddulph og,ricultural Society was hela Granton on Tuesday last the,141h, inst. There was quite an at-. tendance of spectators. , The., show. of horsewas over before we got :AO, the fair ground, and we are 'therefore un- able to say aught in regard to them. The show of bulls -wits very good, 'and goes far te establish the 3152031 0± a great improvement in, ,stock.. Owing to. com Inirry in. getting.to press we ,aie, unahle te present our reoders with, the prize list. • IMPROVEMENTS.--',Eabh suceeeding week brings its qapta of improverhente. This week, we notice a new side -walk gra,ces the 'tillage of Awmik, from the railway track South to the school house Building opeaationS appear ta be pro gressing favorably, . • cotriantinxittage--Th is very plimentary notiee of one of aur to ladies came to onr notice in, the Wi ham TinzeS of last weel;.. We alw like to hear of the prosperity of any yur villegers. "'The quarterly exarni tion of the puPils of S. 8, No f) To berry, tpoic place on Tuesday 31st ±1 There was a, large attendance of fmi 111(.1 'unusually htrge attendance ?aren ts &pun p eople of th.e Secti r_elle pupils wore examined in the v ells branches usually' taligli in -,.t ttblic btit 'their teacher .tvi )owell asSisted by ether teachels;in f which they' exhi biteda de'gt f prof] con cy. The Pen dln g was p cularly good ; they also' desplayed ery perfect kno 'sledge of Geograph pecially Canadian. The 1111041101'' hich they acquitted tliemselveS ±111112131, ie2111:iingilitilllt 41, ri\s'a8q ii6egsrtuiLTIYs th an aptness which prOveg Miss well to be t,horort 421 practical' teach- Okamination ro ugh t to a 10 ninnber of corigratulatin,,c, flat -11'08r' fri1111 the ViS11;01.8 oti tho suceesS 2114(1 osperity, of ±1i 1)3311o1 °after which. ail 1846167161ditih%111fit hitiClat\ys) p o) teeeaosSi,tgldv,141!: corn ma's ng- ays Of na- 18(1.' )ila of • cows AND HEWERS, Raspberry, red and 'white, c'lvd• •Mao, 1809, jelm•.Collarcl„ 30 212), $10,10' Cowslip, roan, calved Match, 1870, W. Laing, Downie-. 895' Miuio Italkerston, roan, calved. • May, 1872 J. 'Whetstene, St. ........... , . .......... Minje Esliclale, red, calved Arai' 1860.j. R. CrOits;..t.... GOIcleo Drop 2nd, Zothu, calved April, 1868 Richard Gibson. Maggie iiii, roan calved Oeto- ber. 1872, Pingrey & Son, Iowa •350 Miss Ramsdell 4th, roan, calved , January. 1871, 13. Groom', Winchester, Ey. . . . . . ......... 450 Miss Ram 631314121 trth. red, 'calved Jasittary, 1878, j. R. draig 575 Minnie Ditaby, roam calved February 1872, :tie. Whet- stone 407 Sanspariel 101.11, red, : calved January, 1867, 3. R, Craig. Sanspareil 1211.14, red calved' March, 1873, Jail, Craig.., 900 Dueliess of Greenwood, dc'lvd October, 1872, A. Ludlow, Wisconsin 300 Madeline, roan calved January, • 1872, john Thompson, 'Whitby ady Bertha 2nd. red, calved Jan:nary 1873, Hugh Mc - Artily earlette B utterfly 2nd. roan, calved hi: fah, 1870; Wm. Brow .0 NViscontio Xford, Queer, red, ,citived April 1871, j. R. Marten Cayuga 160 ulna, nall COVE:a 3,1211'811 1871) 33. Summer Connectiout.., enevra 211(1, roan, calved Octo- ber 1672, Mr. Oliver Dow- nie alffia, roan, calved -DecOoxiber, .165, Robert 525 Ily Gr6y • l'0311, calved July 500 275 1,005 (Tolled 0024nootiell witl4 fLo Fmter SITS upwards received, E WD. W. STRAI'HY. manager,. 'astatsterias_ P'OR LONDON, Mr. S. S, Armitage would inform the travel- ling public that his stages efford eAery mem- modatioe. They leave Lucie' at S p.m., ar- riving iu Londoe thne for ttains east and west ; leave London, at 8 a. rue arriviegin L u can in thne cateh stagee ;tad trains. 304f. S. S. AllM1TA.GE. `111AttiatiMtill T-011014, _1. The °C• ntriII:f)OtzLVVIIIbit)91;0t1.91LT1110.1iCi94litY 01 TO'WNSHIP PULL, ELIMVILLE, On Saturday, May 2ncl, 10' o'clock in the forenoon, haa- Parties interested will govern ta.ravr a0- coritizigiy. SAM% P. BALLS, , taork. Osborne, Apri114,1874. 84.et. 11folliAllA111), B.A., BiltitsISTER,,NOTART,",CO.NECTANCER, ZiUCL1N, 0NT, EXETER, CREW TON, LUCAN AND LONDON DAILY' STAGE leaves Eaeter and Crediton about I a..m., CONN,ECTING IN LIJCAN and arriviug its Loudon at 9 A. M. Peetilriling, leaves. Citfliotel r82 P. IL, for the above places, arriviriginLn- 925 cau in time for the train ((k. 0,11.) going woos, Conn.eoting 122 EZeter with the Ganton Stage. e." All parcels aud messages strictly attend- ed to. 34.tf. CA.LEER &I.CpOri, tors). P o e 200 London, Apri110, 1874. 110 THE FAVORITE LINE, 0 Ne 400 i-ia-wkstia,-vs Stages ! LONDON & EXETER. ____e__ 200 C'eaa Horses, Comfortable Stages and Fast The. Ba Go Lo 180 1870, Mr Langfoot BULLS. nen Cecil, red, calved . April, 1873, A. Ludlow, 'Wiscon- sin lden Duke, 1-021/4 calved May 1873, ,TCollard ..... ....... rd Ramsdell red, calved June • 2873, J. It'. Craig. STSUINIARY 22 females, —0 -- These stagfni are driven by the 7iioat accoinnao- Qating ot drivers, and leave TIIE WE'STERNIIOTEL, LONDON, ) 283) every afternoon, a 2 pan., arriving in Lu6n,n thno to CellIlliet 'with trains for tho east and west, (1114) connecting in Exeter wita the Clinton and St. Marrs stages. LEAVE E.T2TER ABOUT gin; and trains. W. BLOOXS 40.112., eon:D1510.ityi6nrg. in Lucau and Loudon with sta- TORN ILAW.KSRAW, 500 399 200 -1 NTEW PUMP FACTORY, Averages. Total. $491 00 $1 0,790 863 00 1,000 ,25 bead. • $475 00 511880 Forfaa•Chief, a hand some five year old Clydesdale stallion, brougitt $1,250, and two other animals of the same cless'over $14000 each. A very fine span of young mares of the same col - 01' and breed was purehased by Prof. McCandles at $475. '.'iriairearz D. aorrire--' eVranternu-On the 8th inst., at the real - donee of the beide% father, by the not. Mr. Hamilton, leaved. Johns, of Exeter, to Annie, SSOOLla daughter Of ,70012WItilastor, St. Alary.'6, Proprietor. PITMPS, PIT:NIPS G. 1301.11110N, HAY would inform the inhabitants of Hay, Stephert and Ustberne, that he manrafttetures all kinds of pumpe, itcluding (he ItIONSITTGER PATENT FORCE PUMP for which he has the eqolusive right for Mthe aboye-nbened townehips. The subscriber feels uhnfident that he can satisfy those in want of pumas, as to wakmanship and quality, and at such priees that he CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD INPHE DOMINION. MAxtreAcrroni.--One-Fourth mile north of the village of Exeter, on Lot 7, Hay, London Road. , • .D0.174: N. B. -Repairing attended to with prompt - nese, and done 24t. reasonable prices. IlonGeort—In E.xoter, 012 the 8rd inet., tau wife of• CE0,.• BOLTON. mr, w. isoa lams, er a daughter. Moalthlal.t.lia•M*711.1,1[0/10,3•11.....111 ,sale Register. Saturday, Apri125.-Varm Stock and. Implement the property of Mr. C. podr, enst part et N.B., ewe. 0, stepitert, 1 O'01000 1,)71 8 vuout116 cre.dit. Henry Ort, auctioneer. lionday,20tn Apri.1.--Varm Stook & Imphilnents, tho property' ofW, Case, lot 10, ton. limy. Ono ecloolt pan. Terrns nanaths. nishop, mac. , 8iii,lL323; T'. 011. 011,i1.7:111:isnt oul.„,;Vv/toottatt, p sv . .......... ........... „ , 11 3150, al 11 18 Ir our, per barrel 1 00 CI) 2 75 '1'1.10.tollowl0g are reported as per hush 1(2 ....''' 0 . . ... . .. . (10 6th 21.15 ' alloy , „ , • ..... . . t. „ .... . „. 3, 35 2) '00 1414 a 111 111 , Wag lieldon. '1611ater,VO4 63tOli3 ethitisCthe :befit ,Peitilyrr.,: Barr in,the„.eltine'Cllinro14 Wt0'4e,3i4r 118Q531 Was ' toad:, 01114 4.46043f33 3Y04i11a1i Of;the Ohlitch • the', inOst 'tia,fstaCtery;'' lSteggrg. 044:elected (104 WOrdenef, ittldVC 4:41480411/st3' .1i;elloate.te,thediodositi, sylted 2411 Cbii31�i8 uoshtye .4:1111,01 43t.1017,y: 14 1000lIgher#4,,0il31,.:.,141444k1' , kit IT Shia tott he Potetoete., .. . ...... ..... '852(3 .. , .. , . . .... ...... . . . 14 (10 tm) 18'00 131.122er, „„ ... ... . ... 18 (5'h 20 10 '' 10 .. .... ,.„....... .... 75 't (3 00 Shoop . ..... . . . . 1 ea (te 1 25 Lan.1.1) . : .. : . 75 2341 a) 0114)1 1 (30 'Weed, ... .... e 05 s tto A1,1,10.11, poi% pag. .. .... . .. ea (0 75 50 5,00 et) .22tnky ±1016 . Ye'eone, 800n1( 1)or ; eicitells, free) 20 to 556. ' rtor pair: Strum pot iottil,13'50 to S; 0e, , le „ ,,„ 20 221 Mgg02%., .. .. , .... ..... 102) I 1 '14 fl'h _trxr,kr.o, Do. . e receipts to slay wet.° 086 head reo taking thettotal supply for the week tithe fai. 0,464 head, or.492 ettre, against 514 Care fel' tile wane titne,last week. , "Atip reeeipts to, (141)73 ilfefodirig repeated artivals, were 1,000 ttad,. waiting 11/6 tetel eupply fee • theweek ±11)18 ±52)2 1,1.4800 ,hea.el, against fin .,i'sa61,010;oftorii01.81e4dsthittoitaf,v;iinlIttsolt6tv 15isoet;k-'1,11c.)‘ Cawe,...The i,eoelPte this week 'Wen about 800, !Nit marltst:i'ims attivey and, price.g ranged front .$'831 $50,per, "MI ri) Hey, April 16, 1. 34.0m. Special Notice I. sEtps roll SEEDS GARDEN FLOWER c'EEDs &FIELD SEFDS, •SEES GEO. GRI1FIX'S, City Heal Buildings, LONID ON, SEEDS a its elate, SEEDS S. oncl for Catalogue gratis. Solo agent tor Waters' TIZEE BUN REB. price, 6,160 th_h_ht '20 Papers Choice Flower Seeds for One POICir SALE, dit'1011; SAL/ii, ALL THAT , 44 taad pro on the west slat) of Main Street, aeeter, with :Dwelling 110,180, 43203316,&o, formerly owned. by the late Alfred obtieley,tennerisit e 111 AM Whet o, ont and nar,) E111 1118531`8., of Alm afth of an %pre eaeh, Veil 10810 and teltivated, TTIPITS (le payr0502,- 01(0 (02)181) cash &tit, and tho hal-mice at any time widen 610oeyee1'e, scoured by mortgage boatieg iuteeest at 24 pee omit. pee en . tam. Teentes for the petehase of the whole, 01. 14713/sepneate poetioe, win be .reeeived np to 200 182 day of linty 1(0)233, add reSP.e() to the 216552252g9(8d, o(h)4 It. 001000 46 himself the option of easeptifie er0101 Centralia, e mei 8, 1874. ea-te, •N&TIG-B, The 'Comet ()ft./arts:tem and Appetit for the • te*i Of Exetet rot the 350(3 1(94, will he beld et the Court, Aoetee Exeter, OA 1101al213/4 the 'Wni (TOT Of APIA. 526 ceeleek pee, '43te26ee liteeched, 1814. fe:31200 CO Leif With 811131) 611)1 !age moil, Ile *sat elite -el Vela 83150e223 Iketert *Arts,' oatte Ilia "CV*13±. 01103012, Apply 2431812344 br; to ' tirOltt.*33 '1111tirit, ddi Cot )stt aolisere, the St tihee teee to it.isettiallettheire Wentleit: . , tialog 04'0,411 -at 222s311116,,Y' hieve rtlielie Wiebee ' tlifflottr'bWoillitte' tte ety reeldeitee,Aelititel: hut topitied to 541552)n 3(2 all kilitteefweeking,,lietlieve )0.0,11104164 at Meet re5ee14l531vpi34r302)itiaii, 60.tititf'131(t i rt1,4011,6e197.43., , ., . '.."