HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-4-9, Page 4Old yarns Darned stockings. Old amide lit 'Vit iilia aro politely called bo,lated e'.isters, A marriage on a railway train may 1lroporly be termed a railway tie, John A. Randall, of Clionangh, was. recently })eguilotl, Of it ` finger by a de- ceitful" bggz•saw.. .An exchange sty v'otnan's sphere i ^tn arriago, We never satiy, one yet that lied any fear about A. Speaking of bt eolaijnadit'e, what tit12i,3g is most lilnily to'be nne a wont til 4 Why, a little girl}, of course, Aistuen, the (Alto* took' Ave 1v ersftom a lean and then bought tate m'an'e, gloves for two dollars, Whole tlie, boyo in Virginia City wish to raise r aa ,their kites they tie a stung to a dog's tail and make theanimal tun. A hind lady in Danbury recently gave a beggar half a dozen paper, collars, with the advice to turn them and chalk the edges;, One thing, spid nn old toper, was ne- ver seen coining through the rye, awl that's the kind of whiskey one gets nowadays. When the ,Iudians catch, a bald-head- ed manthey cut oft his ears to eoinpen- eats for the loss Of scalp,'iind We about as well to be scalped, ' t'If a naughty 'girl shonld hurt you, Ante a good girl you would forgive tier, wouldn't you !" "Yoe, marm," she replied, "it I couldn't ditch her," Mr, bfaiprep declares that, for her- self her'.nel;ves 'would never bear the ehoek of` having; to do: the "electrical franchise." The Exeter philosopher observes that the placidity of expression worn by a man who is "next in a full barber's chop cannot bo counterfeited. " It is no longer the vulgar title of "drunken ass," but rather the polite and expressive title .of "dipsomania" by which the evil is to be known. A Chicago man wrote to Agassiz that he had an apple which he had preserv- ed for fifty-three years, and when Agas- eiz wrote for it, the joker said it was the apple of his eye. " " Shall I' out this loin of mutton sad (nowise,?" said a gentleman. " No, said one of his guests, i, cut it bridle wise, for then I nay have a chance to get a bit iu my mouth." The. difference ' between having ::a tooth properly drawn by a professional surgeon and having it knocked out mis cellaneously by a fall on the pavement is only a slight distinction -one is den tal and the other is accidental. An ambitious young lady was talking very loudly about her favorite authors, when a literary chap asked her if she liked Lamb, , With a look of ineffable disgust, she answered that she cared little about what she ate, compared with knowledge. It was a " crush'.', -the recent As sombly ball at Washington. A corres- pondent notes how Miss Nellie Grant went into the ballroom with a new puf- fed illusion that was garlanded with flowers. ,She came out iu a cambric petticoat from the knees down." A Philadelphia paper suggests that if they would give whiskey alvay, nobo- dy would care to drink it. This seems highly probable, and a good many people think it ought to be tried. What a horrible idea is the following considering the present sensible tem- perance movement : 1f ever 1 marry a wife, I'll marry a landlord's daughter t And then 1 can sit at the bar, And drink old Bourbon and water." There are shrewd boys in Burlington Vt. On the night of a recent charter election they got out a drum and fife, and went noisily to the house of one ,of,. the successful candidates. He thought they were the voters who had supported him, and flung wide his hospitable doors. Before he could get the boys out they had eaten most of the supper that had been set for the real voters, who found the table barren when they .eame. The .N urnet's .. toofn. You see,' said the squire, pitching his voice t4 an exegetical altitude, " it wuz sorter this way. Last Chuesday wuz a week ago, I sailed down from Gwinnett to Atlanty with seven bags of cotton. Artrs I sold 'em I kinder loaf- ed roun' lookin' at things in general an' feelin' jest as hapyy as you please, when who should I run agin but liurnel Blas- aengame. Me an' the Kurnel used'to be boys together, an' we wuz as thick as five kittens in a rag basket. We ,drunk outen the same goad,, an' we got the lint snatched outen us.be the same dandy -legged school -teacher. I wuz gitten ae lonesome as a rain -crow afore I struck up with the Kurnel, an' I was glad' to see him-durned glad. We knocked roun' town right smartualIy, an' the Muriel interjuced me to a whole raft of fellers -mighty nice boys they wuz, too. Arter supper the .Kurnel Says: "' Skaggs," says he, "less go to my room wiser we kin talk overole times +sorter comfortaole an undisturbed like." "'Greeable," says I, an' we walked a squar or so an' turned into'a alley an' walked up a narrow par of stars: The Kurnel gin.a little rap at a green door, an' a ,shock lookin' merlatter popped out and asked 'us in. Ile was the dura= dest perlitest nigger you ever seen. lie jest got up an' spun ; aroun' like a tom cat with her taiI afire. The' room wuz as fine as a fiddle an' full of picters,eu' soft' and the cheers wuz as soft as lath's wool, an' I thought to meself that the Kuruelxwuz a,ltlgstlriant cuss" Ther wuz tis, lot of mighty nice fellers scatter- edroute' un as 1 ffin and a talkie'', quite so- shabel like, •,,Aperiently, the Kurnel. 'wuzent neueh`sot back, for be sorter laffed to himself and then he says ' "Boys," says he, "I hey fetched up a fren', judge Hightower, this, is Squire Skaggs of Gwinnett. Major, Briggs, Squire ;Skaggs," au' so on all. roun'. Thea the Kurnel turned to me an' says ' " Keely, x,. wuzn't expectin' compa- ny, "Skaggs, brit the members of the Yung Men's Ch istun Sosasl un makes My room their hteadquarters`, ".I iipean'.,Hays, 1 wuz mighty glad to mee tthebo boys. 1( was a P1elYatiVe I3aptis' thyself, afore I got cussin"the Yankees,, an'.I Lev alwuz heel a sorter ]lankerin" arter pious Polka. They all Saf"fad anis shuck hail's over agin, an' wo sot; filar a via skin'art a chawin' jest zts t ittt ltttel"Y 1 ag ort ' Blease. I.I disre. 1rnethber'}iow1toorno,up hilt presently M'aalor Briggs,gits up,an'' Says: ItttiVll what, rthptit that now pat.. lel' game' yon got out the other catty?" " Oh " says the 'itarnel, loolclrl'' ,Danek ohaeplslr, i, thin ;wtfts ivy htrtaahitg., I eau' , lliiilie rlo 1leiiil`nor tail outeri L. bot .1 Lin manage it," etree Judge 1 fightower, quite animated like, ,4 f' 'lf shgw you ;flow, ,fudge, with pleasure,'' says the Kernel, an' then lie went to a table, unlooliod a box an' tuck out a dock of koords, ail' a whole let of little whatyoiimaycallilns, eiriilt- ar to horn buttons, some white tin' some xe1 , Squire Sutggs Paused and supplied. his tireless jaws with a fresh dui( of to- bacco. It ain't no also to tell you any more, When thongfellers got dello litrnin' mo that gale I didn't ]lltve money- enough to take me downstairs, 1 lay 1 looked loetle wild, for when the judge closed the box he said : '" We lie' had a pleMant evonin', Squire. 'You'll find the Kernel waitiu' for 0 9u h r` e e t t an' n it s i t lie 1 Y p , 1 �1V0 yell" your money back," ' I. ain't ever laid ayes on. the Kernel sense, an' when I do'thar's goiu to bo a ca,'o . for,. the ICurrinor---you° hind m words, I seed Rufe Lester next day- you know ltufe; he's in the Legislator now, but I used to give him papeoln when ho wuzn't so high -I seed Rufe an' he said I wuz ttiok 1u by the 'Phar oah men. Tuck ain't no name fur it Denied if I didn't go to the bottom and git skinned alive,' Irhot .i Boy Allows about Criris are 'thew xuodt uliagoountabie things in the �}'orlcl-except' a woman. Like the wicked flea, when you have them they ain't there, I' can cipher clean over the improper fractions, and the teacher says I do it first-rate, but I can't cipher out a girl prope r or impro- per, and you can't either. The only rule in arithmetic hits her case is is the double rule of two. They are as full of Old Niels as their skin can hold, and Y • they would din if they couldn't torment somebody. When they try tq`be. mean" they are as mean as pusley, though they ain't as mean as they let on, some- times, they are a good, deal meaner.. The only way to get along' with a; girl when she comes to you with her non- sense is to give her tit for tat, and that will flummox her, and when you get a girl flumniuxed she is as nice as a new sin. A girl can sow more wild oats ;in a day than a boy can sow in ayear,'but girls get' their wild oats •sowed after a while, which boys never do, and then they settle down• as calm 'and placid as a mud -puddle. But I like girls Arst- rate, and I guess `all 'the boys do. I don't care how many tricks they, play on nae -and` they don't care either. The hoitytoityest girls in the world can always boil over like a glass of beer. By and by they will get into the traces with somebody they like, and pull as steady as an old, stage= horse;, . , That .is the beauty of them. So let them wave, 1 say ; they will. pay 'fes. it.some .day, sew- ing on buttons and trying to make a de- cent man out of the fellow they have slioedron• to, and ten, chances`to one if they don't get' the` worst' of it: THE ALDINE.-Tho Aldine t for April opens with a marvellous collection of beautiful illustrations, some of which are the finest yet seen in the American Art Journal, while -all' ` reflect ' great credit upon the enterprising publishers. American scenery, as heretofore, forms a striking feature to this number of the Aldine. J. D. Woodward contributes a tender and beautiful full page spring- time view,, which is printed in tints, and has all the fineness of a steel en- graving, the block coming from the hands of C. Maurand, the eminent en- graver. Five great and remarkable pictures of Lake George,,and its glori- ous scenery embellish this number, in which the well-known artist, Thomas Moran, and the engravers have vied. with each other to put upon paper faith- ful pictures of the most exquisite scen- ery in the New World. -A full-page picture shows Lake George, looking from Caldwell and the rear of the fa- mous Fort William Henry Hotel; an- other fine picture is " Fourteen Mile Island," and the rest, all large and beautiful, are " View from Fourteen Mile Island," " Long Island," and " Cat Mountain." The moolight, rainbow, and sunlight effects in, these pictures are particularly pleasing. A. Gault gives a full-page picture of "Knickerbocker Days," which fully represents rural life in New Amsterdam, in the middle of the seventeenth ;;century, when•, New York was: but a. village. The most spirited picture which hasbeen seen for a long time is a full-page battle scene, drawn by Julian 0. Davidson, representing a eonflict at sea between an American and English ship of war, during the Revolution. The details of the ship are admirably drawn. Four other large and beautiful illustrations' represent scenes in the Old World. Subscription price, $6, including chro- mos " The East" and " The West." James Sutton & Co., publishers, 58, Maiden Lanes, New York City. GARMENTS MADE WATER -PROOF.--- A writer in an English paper says 13y the way, speaking of `cvatsr-proofs, I thick I can give travelers a hint or two. For many years I have worn India - rubber waterproofs, but will btiy no more, for I have learned that good Scottish tweed can be made entirely impervious to rain, and, moreover, I have' learned how to make it so; and, for the benefit of your readers, I will give the recipe: In a bucket of soft w Mer put half a pound of sugar of lead, and half a pound of powdered alum ; stir this at intervals until it becomes clear; pour it off into another bucket, and put the garment therein, and let it be in for twenty-four hours, and then hang it up to dry, without wringing it. Two of my party -a lady and a gentle- men -hem work 'gOe, ineette`itllua trade in the wildest storms -of wind and rain, without getting wet, The rain hangs upon the cloth in globules. In short, they were really waterproof: The gen. tleman' a fortnight ago, walked nine miles in a storm of rain anis ;wind, such as you rarely see in the south, nand, when he slipped off his overcoat, 'his Underwear was as dry as when he. put it ou' This is a secret worth knowing; for cloth, if it can be made to keep out wet is, itt every way, better than what 'We know` as most water -proofs. f 'ENDERS WANTED. Sealed tendert"' 'd ere will be reAAfVOd nit totho 8t1 y� t April .far the erection Of think SAitool linneeln S S, NO, 10,17my, and to bo oontpletod en the Itth day' of Nev,1874.. Tender's Will aloe be recei''od fer dothpietio,t of *lid, cams !Abbol'Ito the ori rye i6tl, day btJ't1y,.167G, , The Diana ith4i ein+�ooilloatlo6A Aari he poen et the retideiseo Of John •7 c73 ru"r"iy t5ii• 7,o1 2b,, i'o& 2,, Hay, Tho' trustods do hot bind theirthelvottdM1,,8o00 t of the loweptor any tender' ,1'A1ti1I+'rit lEIBi,.- dOHN"llfel::tvl>.N,rn1#fieo,• llfK N' Rat; *Oh v. � , 404s 1, ORTII m ¢ ° 24se14Mniir .$is SiCT 414 SON (L.45.% or ilAllflvTQN,) Would intimate to their numerous trlonds, and the general ,public that they aro l'rurarail tq 4111 air; orders for Monuments, Headstones, Table Tope, Mantis', +c. Granite+ Monunkeuts .tnportorf io; Ordur,, ' Work 'Of 'the' belt "Style and art, and eaunol bo st#rronsed iu this part of Ontario;, A call roepootfupy solieitod, Oppoei 9 i,ogan & Jamieson's Btore, Ii1A1N STRL1Ifl', SIt!b'ORT11 M. I,, MII$SET, 11, MME$SE'T. - !zotegi[at it> HARLES SENIOR ' , 1' -H OTOGRA. PEEIR, wishes to can the attention of the public to the fact that he is constantly on hand tC take photographs, and that he will give satisfop• *Lou to all parties who give bin% a call. Having ha4 oonsidorable experience, bo is prepared to photograph roeideneee or do any out -door photogg ra hy. „Enlarging old copied will receive special attention, Dither front old ambrotypes or daugerro. t I ue to any ciao up to life -side, Those who wish otos. of deceased friends enlarged, will do wel o give him a call, os his instruments are as good as can be had. Also an assortment of oval trainee odnstantty on }rand. Charges moderato and work iatisfaotory. Nonan & $tationerg. < < STANDARD " BOOK ,STORE, WATER STREET, ST. MARY'S. Hooke Pictures, "Po err, Wall Paper, Toys. Picture rrames,BorUn Wool,, and Fancy Goods in profusion. PIANOS. Web or's splendid Pianos, the best made in the Dominion, from 8350 to 5750 Call and examine saw pie at "tandard" Book store. JOHN B.. BBOTT, Agent. 8.•-Ploturo Framing in every style to order. t. Mary's, Oct„ 1873. TT GRIGG, Merohant Tailor and CerLeral Outfitter. BIBLE DEPOSITORY BOOKSELLEIt,'Jr ;STATIONER A Stock of Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wesleyan and Bible Christian Hymn Books, -Psalm Books for the use of Pres- byterians, Church of England Prayer Books, Miscellaneous Literature of a non -demoralising nature, and a general assortment OF SCHOOL BOOKS &STATIONERY always on hand W, GIi1GG. Corner Bookstore ST. MARY'S, 4 F. Sharp, Bookseller Stationer. Always on hand a largo assortment of BOOKS, STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, FANCY GOODS, t3-, CALL AND ED H. FRED SHARP. trace!. H FRED. SHARP, .GeneralExchange broker ST. MARY:'$,' Agent for rho IN MAN LINE OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS, Tickets from t. Mary's to Qa eenatownor Liver- pool, teorage, 53240. Parties wishing to Bond for their frionds!in the old country can procure prepaid certificates cheap- er than by any other line. Agent for the Michigan Central and Erie Rail- roads. Tickets issued to any part of the 77.8., east or west. AGENT FOR THE pANADI1t:X FXPRESS piOMPANY. Greenbacks ,'Bought -'and'- 'So d.'at the Best Rates, L ONDON QUEBEC andMONTREA,L Temperley Line. Composed of the following first -elate IRON ST AMSHIPS. SC0TLAN'D, ,4 MED}IVAY, TlAM1 s, SEVERN NYAFZA, HECTOR. dining Sttee n odeou of t. Line are intended to tall gation of 1870, from' LONDON FOR QUEHEC AND MONTt1L1:A.Lr ap'follows:-Scotland, Wodneatlay, 27th August,; Slid every alternate 'Wednesday and Saturday' thereafter, And front QUEBEO FOR LONDON, AS FOLLOWS: Thames, Thnreday, Sint Augtut. Severn,Thereday,llth Sept; 'Sealant]; Tuenday,20rd " Arid overt alternate Tuesday and Thursday heieafter: Date s lower than other , Linel 1 drtiat! tbNd allot% to, poraone iloeirotte of ori .. ll tit 'their 0 bl ilr�ende: ' g � ;"por Freight or fiat sago, apply 16 1 A''in S1TAW, llforitreaL trlit, rc+il j� f " ' , "�k>�c'.3a,Aiiant,,►�,iHerg!e nnka1 rid *Me. U T1IE t ',Otgait , "s1PFyoAL ,,ASSOC ',AMU CA..A0A ,e. DEALER IN GROCERIES, Winos and Eiguors HARDWARE C ROCKERy Boots and 81100$ Patent Medicines, ai�ALiEli 'a ' Ly] arDii oar LEA.? E' Alii SHOE -FINDINGS Cath Paid for gams I t 1$AAO ,n arra. TUE ONLY 1114DAi+l'lVB11 A,WAfDE» FOB 'nit;. 444340 DI 'MI ,Void"fo>t. es I RXTAIN AND WHEREVER spin", our Urines are pelves. sally acknowledged to be svrsnrou xo ,wx, armies Sa all ees.attals of a good ti'etrument. Ihlring the ',MAR 1871 we seoaxed es mil, FIRST PRIZE AT LONDON, GUELPH, AND INNUMERABLE COUNTY SHOWS IN AL/4 PARTS 'OF CANADA . A live Tu1rd f9UMrente OTOS' thin *ash Intim went. • tar illuRtS$ C $alogoa, " , ..aldoses! 1P.. BELL,* COMPANY, Prue L M Organ Isaudtetiererss aUE1.191, ONT` 'Ms & v l l :crines. eLENNAN'S STEAM AND WA= TER -POWER Flouring and Grist MI11, EXETER. The undersigned wlabos to return sincere thanks to his numereus customers tor their very liberal patronage in the peer, and also take tbiaoppor-. tunity of stating that ho is butter prepared than ever to turnout TNI VERY BEST OF WORK. The mill is in the best of running order, and par- ties can generally rely on gutting their grist home with them. Having lately put in a now water- wheel, there is now an ubundanceof water, TTT$ WHEAT. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH FOR TATE WHEAT. FLOUR AND CHOPPED FEEDIALWAY ON RAND. D. H'LENNAN. J ROSS PLANING MILLS! J, BOSS, Builder, Manufacturer, and dealer in all kinds of EVILnING MATERIAL, aueeh:ae SASH, Doors; Blinds, MOULDINGS, eto., DRESSED .2W ' UNDfiE8SED, Hr hie alio on hand -a If1rl.obasilot oi Floorin gSiding CASING, Scroll -Work, etc. Which they fnrnieb to order. 171413 .R Dressed and. Undressed, eonetantly on and. a igetth az shutp.143s Always h_ y anand. Speolal attention paid io 'PLUS & SPECIOICATIOITS. oTrihsoyron h1y Un d orstan din 8 blot d loop,In non ,brit etp eriencod trknreu end tieing 'hole a ttfdelli ffi Wnsentlshtlefaction lo rutty loot )111 with their patronage. A e iidlSoi arra VOA SAt ilfiti'kF,,llil }Fonlq ll?osk tleppppall>ttty iii. terrat the IOW ukf at Shutter' sena Tex aoutt4.lil FquntryY oat ie 11nil'rired..tti Ao Ai' klAdg of l'ookbindtng i' Ateet Outmost Non °o table A,telve,, Wake btualttry to 51,8fµxy'P., filar,ty�"; $thea »Anil} et o}loRp rates: 1 ordoro 1e,f et trap Aim. otiloot Vector, will 1,0061'0 promlat:etteeti tk. SttOgaky ii Alin;iut ss,. 1873, : Oxy, . `fir �tt�irCss, 111E W, D.MoOLOOHLON WATC1I is the Pest in the. Market sum ape of tun W. D. lfoglophlon Waco _..Beotore buying. You will have no other actor soein Mem All who wearthem recommend them Gold and Silver, Lady' and Gentleman's sizes 77 Dundee Street, London. eo the testimonials Tho largest best and cheapest stook of fine Gold Joweirey, Clooks, livor and Plated Ware:Fanny Goods, ke., &o,, fn tho Provinoo. Repering, of evoy desoription, W. D. M'GLOGLIN, TT Dundas et. Loudon Ont. ootsi !Yalo,atg. JOHN .TREBLE'S BOOT,, 104, ANDe • ' Harness i - Shop. :M9IN STREET. ,1 f Alamo and 4sried assortment of,T.adies, Gents' and Children's BOOTS tfc SHOES OF ITHEELA EST ANSHIP LES AND BEST RICKept gonstantlyfon hand. fAlso a choice;Iot'of FELT OVERSHOES, RUBBERS, SLIP- PERS, dC, =Mr, T. having secured tho services of MR. J. COMMAFORD, is prepared to receive orders for all doscriptions of CARRIAGE, LIGHT & HEAVY HARNESS, A complete stock of, HORSE CLOTH ING, COMBS, TRUNKS,' ;BRUSHES, WHIPS, Tho subscriber takes this opportunity of thank- ing the public for their past support and assures them that asnothing but the best material is used anwill none it to theiiraad ad vantage to continue that support. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORDER -WORK AND REPAIRING. Exeter,NOv amber 20th, 1873. 13.1y. THE L., H., & B.R. 1ltfteeeeessA isssurrrrvu THE subscriber bogs to thank the people of Ex- eter and surrounding couutry for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, and now after enlarging his premises is prepared to do work which cannot bo surpassed either in or outside of cities. Particular attention paid to the ,making and fitting of COLLARS. HARNESS (Sign of the Big Boot). HEAVY AND LIGHT, BLLCE AND ILVEE MOUNTED, la h. sit Ss mRptaryynlg hrecnedvaebybaitetemainnTh. ROCKWELL BIT AND OVER -CHECK on nand. R. would intimate to his many friends that ha kas looked lo thoir health and interests in Boots and Shoes.. and ha test rocoived a largo and varied stock for Gents' Ladies' Misses' and Youths Wear. This branch will bo found replete in every particular, and the stock will be sold ata slight advance on cost. The services of MR. THO . ALLEN, Thames Roaddepartment. and is now prepared to ed to charge ecti veoall this dors for work in thielino. Satisfaction guaranteed and work performed witn promptness. 14-8m.' W' FANSON. �jflW J�t�, c$t0V4$, WINTER Rr&P BISSETT $Cvo now ro hand a quantity of S 1 OVES OP LONDON & EAMIETON MAKE, And would solicit Scall from any wiehing a rosily good article, A quantity of Tinware, Copper„ ware, Otto Always en hand. riheAng-rritair IIXN ;MADE A SPEOIALItY, Old 0 or i Irt�I� RVier ' y lt�tlEXCH�11 E POOR 000D$ MARRIN BROS., ""'- ARR*""'UL; ONT. y" `i4 11111'1'!11111 I I " 1111 IIi 11 Il vel/r, ✓ la III�!ILI"I�,1,lillllerr .1106 -.JI 1JiIIG�.. a VIII, . Trill IV i111J611,61�t , 441';1°'i 1 • ar t00 `)ll!o 010 01.,1')'i1 it n¢m m mmmm mmmmm m moa mm m u t �1 uiul uII I I 1 u lIileIlei" --.. uumillr` 1 i, .�- � .a , 1 Ium91 u I � IIII uulo I i�iul uwlull nll IIILiII 1 I� �lo I iulu.l 111,1111 „lul teeltall1111'tI111111111111111I111111UR1111111111111II13111111111111111111111111t11 �11 11111 - - 11111111tL _ aes s,tivawnu+„ T i U!uimmimiimulmtlmd!muVIVuIIV 11m1,!Vpu!1 ulllulaIIClVlli til F;II'91j�111 I ! II' !Wi'�lup I ' ill IIIA , (; ,III, ;1,;1�;11'� ill, �i �I211111hJu��illll„I II I���i I l,i� ;, �I ,,,,;; 1.�II�dIIIVlIiI!III!161611161111� IIIIIIJII 1 I q r m ,rl ,nlllil l IVIIIIII I I I' I:J 1 ,t. i , ,11111 IIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIII.IIII�I� I I IWIIVJ�I�V�4 1 , �, I ,�, .6111 , a T Ill :' llld i�i;Iq!11,1 f ; �llll „LL .�LI 11!111 �-----n-._•-,. ,, glllhlilll!,IIII, Q , x yT1 ...hes Hing of Reed Organs,. We do not wish to detract from the merits of other Organs byupholding ours, but are ever ready to submit thein to a fair and impartial feeling. confident, of the result, test, g' PRICES FROM 55 TO ',:1,5OO. m,r ,m IirTestirnonials from the best musicians in Canada can bo seen. MARRIN DROS„Parkhill, GET" Ilii �OV�� i<oCiy OR AN Improved Singer Sewing Machine. THE LOCKMAN 18 The Best Family Sewing Machine in the Dominion 1T 18 THE Simplest, Strongest, Quietest, Lightest RunnlnG Most Convenient Machine Yet Constructed, Its make is unimpeachable, and its work most satisfactory. The IMPROVED SINGER 1e an excellent machine for all kinds of heavy work, such as harness, boots .k ebIes, eta. THE SHUTTLE -1S -SOLID STEEL, larger, simpler, and in every waybetter th.t any oche in use. C. SOUTHCOTT, Agent. MB. 8. always keeps on hand a supply of Machine Attachments, Thread, Nedles, &c'. N. B. FULL INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO EACH PURCHASER. la' Mr. o uthcott is prepared;to give complete and satisfactory fits in his cloth/11'g Line. Cs SO13'TfIy,OTT. 1 GRO ERIES AND LIOLIORS G. A. MACE Has just received a large and excellent Stock g Groceries, consisting of Green, Black, and Japan TEAS, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Rice, Sugars, Sco., Which he is prepared to S ELL CHEAPER THAN EVER. ItSr DON'T FAIL TO GIVE THE NEW STORE A CALF) Exeter, Feb. 26, 1874. OPENED OUT, F'4 EXETER, ONT. Mr. :an Drew would inform tho public that he has opened out his rnrnitnro Warerobu In Ms new building opposite the TIMES office, and it filling them' with ON OP TH 3 ST STOCKS tube FOUND in WSTEBN ONTARIO,_ 1t cotriprfres Chairs, Tables, , Stands llrtrornsr r e'nP r boards, Sideboard* and Bedsteads. also on band, a choice eeleotton of PARLO I � RsSUMTES, REP COVERED DRAWING ROOM . SUI aTEa Banging til price nil to 17i1 11 Xon.m'11' An1 eves everything ln tlrtlA]1i keptar irat•oas eetablitihmont. Hd at e 014,0010," .shortly. a largo Inipertetion of the melte VERY BEST FUNIZ'UR taught front the beat mannfaotarere i71 the t7>alted Woe' The whole lex I>�r�i 0 )3.-1topairing Jeno prolnlit! reciality, Give the subserilrter lt Platten Frames of every cleseriptie eat `tai 'cit, Jj