Times Advocate, 1992-05-06, Page 3Continued tmm front page the auction items -this year were do- eated and not purchased. "We'll come out better as far -as `net profits are concerned," said Monk. Tammy Laye, who has been the features' artist each year of the auk - Officer on scene extiiriguistes Saturday Merin St. car fire EXE'T'ER - The Exeter Poliee-de- tachment investigated several inci- dentrs this week, including a car tire. The Exeter Police and Exeter -and Area Fina Department were called to a car fire at the Domer of Main and Sanders St. The fire was quickly extinguished :and noiltJju�: ries resulted. On SundayMidlice'anIaated' M. =s$teael Deffernan of Ailsa Craig fo etmpaired driving. He will appear in isourt May 26. Saturday, police arrested Dawson :Cella of Exeter for driving a motor ereIiicle with excess of 80 mgms blood/alcohol. His court date. beenset fo:May-26. Friday, police stopped a 'chicle on Main. St. and arrested a female' passenger .for possession of a nar- cotic. Charge is 'Brandy Devoy of RI Mu,.cey. She wil.also appear' in court May 26. Last Wednesday, Exeter Police attended to a broken window inci- Er music groups in :Canadian -birthday festival tQntFtt EXETER - -Exeter's musical groups are gig together tonight; -Wednesday May 6, to create a festi- val, of.Canadian -music in celebra- tion of Canada's 125th year since Confederation. "The free -admission concert -will •age rialheirlargeggymnasium-0f:i &mth:iitsta 1 D riet:High Scho61;1 atacting: _at 7:30 :p m. _Donations :will.be:acetipted.utiihe.rdoor.And • wi>jtgo toward:SoutihHurott-Haspi- IaL The ovening _-has-been- organized bydhe 'NeW lbuonia:Singers who ,will -.be :one : of Abe performing oupSAhi&-earanutg. .thWri,'frer- - formers inciude.ihe:SHDHS .Con- cert Band.and Choir. -the Legion Commuoity,Band,:and the primary _choir Iran Exeter Public .School. :Drr-ection Last week:the-Exeter Town Po- lice reportedahat a Martin Webster was treatedfor injuries after a, traf- fic accident in town. However, that report was intmor. The accident victim was a Martha Webster, of John. St.Eaeter. -dent at -396 Main St. and -arrested an adult male for intoxication. Fur- ther investigation into this matter revealed that criminal code charges will also be laid, against this same person. Damage was estimated at 5250. tion, ttpeke a few words at the din- ner, thanking *the€e who have ,so eagerly purchased her works over the years. Laye said she had been asked several times after the auc- tion if tithe was upset her Watershed Srene did not draw higher bids. 'No, 1 am not upset about the original, but the guy who bought it got a good bargain, so good for him," said the Lambeth area artist. "You have a really good auction and a great community," concluded --.&ye. Many seemed genuinely pleased with the evening, despite stretching out until nearly midnight. If there was a rough note with the evening, organizers acknowledge it had to he the dinner itself. The kitchen staff wore perhaps not fully prepared to serve the 4021 dimers and the kens of the main course arrived m infest Jrt. Li- ons member Tont Hirai 'the club tmderstands the ion some may have had with the $35 per -plate meal, and he -says the Li- fts promise to have the Twoblem solved for next year's dirrher-sae tion. LOEB '"'CLUB PLUS and the CLUB PLUA desidn,are trademarks pf LQEB Inc. tot4,:knr-r..oqs.444KvAv .Nr;