HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-04-29, Page 9GRANDFATHER CLOCKS Reduced to Clear 11 3 OFFS Tlmes-Advocate, April 29, 1992 Faith Tabernacle news Rain didn't dampen the spirits of the Grand Bend Scouts and Cubs as they planted 300 trees on the farm of Norm Hodgins north of Corbett on Saturday in their annual Trees for Canada drive. A tarewel 1 column from Grand Bend's correspondent By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - This will be :my -.last official column as your .Grand Bend correspondent. I've been sending in news for over 10 years now, through the previous correspondent Lynn Desjardinc. For about the last eight years I have served as your faithful reporter and town tattler, covering Winter Carni- val activities, Sand Castle Days, 'Thunderbird rallies and antique car shows _at .the Lambton Heritage Museum and Farmers Markets. To- gether we've enjoyed "As Tho Bend Turns" and "Re-Turns"_and-th an- nual Grand Covelistatesmvue,ond going -back a few ycars,Ihe Youth and Music _ Concert :series :at : the Uniited Church. The activities of -Boy :Scouts and Girl Guides, .Brownies and .Cubs, -4- H Club members and school.:sci- duce at Farmers' Market and praise their ingenuity, and "there's always next year" for the family farm. The town chronicler has a unique opportunity to observe the life and history of a community, whether the seat is dead -centre or at the pe- riphery. In our moments of triumph and grace, of silliness and poor judgement, ofl :.nd•of.joy,'the correspondent hitters -to -record the '-events. It's'been alreal learning ex- perience for mean so many ways, .:and I'll miss .it. You'll still hear ifrom me occasionally -in -the news. -Good lack to -my successor - a -:wealth of experience awaits. Editor's note: Roberta Walker is .taking over as chairman of South Huron Community Living and is no longer able to serve as full-time community correspondent. We wish _kerwell. the stories about it being thankless work for little pay are true. However, we invite anyone inter- ested in serving the Grand Bend community to call the Times Advo- cate collect ot -235-1331. We will be glad to offer tips and assistance to prospective candidates. A.D.H. CENTRALIA - The Youth Group met on Friday evening and enjoyed Family Feld, Wheel of Fortune, and Win Lose or Draw. Teams were made and at the end of the evening, the Maroon team came out on top. The Youth Group will be going to Youth for Christ in Rrucefield on Saturday night to hear "The New Vision Band". Pick up at Theo's at 7:15. A 10 k.ni. Walk-a-thon has been organized for Saturday, May 30. All monies raised go to the building fund program. The Youth have in- vited anyone who feels young at heart (or feels young in body!) to participate with them. Let's support all those who will be walking. Rev. Bob and Kay Hoover, who have recently returned from India. ministered in the morning and eve- ning service. They -founded - support a -home for -4-3 bo 's- in- dia, called the Home of Hope. They have spent -many years spreading the Gospel throughout India. When not in India, they travel across Can- ada and the U.S. 0 PITCH -IN AND RECYCLE! TRADE-IN EVENT! *03--010-'t?- (►3-®11- 1113.:2 erediton mw 334-6464 CO Sem Greenhouse & Nursery Now expanded to serve you better once winners have been duly noted TheTimes Advocate does want to for posterity: Theamou nt of volun- continue the time-honoured tradi- teer time donated by local 'service tion of community correspondence, clubs and organization is stagger- which we believe is a service to ing when you list their cantribu- both community groups and read - tions over -the years: proving. to be truly iniraluab1e members of our Jnfortunately, we. have yet to community. Their selfless work find anyone prepared to take on the adds immeasurably to the quality of task of being Grand Bend's media life for all of us. representative, probably because A town correspondent gets a ring -side seat to everything that goes on, and if anyone from Twort- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • to ever asks "But what do you do ink Used Grand Bend after -Labour Day?".rat i BEDS just steer them in my direction. se New Iltlat4reeses We've watched the Huron Coun +a 9 try Playhouse grow, mature and; • A L prosper into a regional theatre, at• real asset to Our community. I ' Reg. 449 The duces of correspondent also include recordings of life's mile- stones - births and deaths, wed- dings and First Communions. Bap- tisms and funerals. Businesses open and close, grow and renovate, relo- cate, expand and move out of town. Oakwood Inn keeps expanding and the golf course turns emerald green • • Breemore • • SOFASED • 64' Mattresses, Floral Print • s • A • L • E • Reg. 663 • Complete 499.00 .each spring to welcome a new crop • All White • Juvemh of golfers. • The farmers plant a season of • BEDROOM hope and reap drought, flood, low • SUITE prices and abundant crops, waiting • for higher prices in compensation •DRAiSTICALLY for the •labour. We buy their pro- ,; REDUCED TO • CLEAR ! •• • FLOOR, LAMPS Dashwood W.I.• elects new executive DASHWOOD - The April meet- ing of the Dashwood Women's In- stitute Meeting included the annual installation of a new executive for the organization. The new president of the W.I. is Katlrrync Becker, with Martha Weigand now serving as past - president. Florence Martine is the first vice-president, Dorothy Reste- mayer as secretary, Kaethe Freiter treasurer, and Martha Weigand as district director. Maud Hoffman will be the Tweedsmuir History curator, . with Edith Baker serving in public rela, titins and Alice Tiernan as pianist. The W.I. also nominated eight new conveners for the coming year. The meeting also included plans for the district annual meeting, which will be held in Dashwood this Year on May 21. A patch quilt was shown to the group at the meeting. The quilt will be hung in the administration office of Stephen Township in cele- bration of the township's 150th an- niversary. • limited 8 Supply • • 4995 • A L • Reg. 67.00 • Pnoe does not include bulb. • Burgundy SOFA & LOVE • SEA • 8 Wood Trim •• • • AL E •999.00 •Reg. 1,469.. • • LOVE • • SEAT A • • 299.00 • • • "��Voltel Wal away RECLINER • R • •• A� • 499.°° • Reg. 694. • • i (lnly -Sapid Oak • • ARMOIRE • • Light Bridge & Mirror 416 Mon. --Fri.-4 -Japan.; Set. - Sun.,aimn.frio -Holidays 9 a:m. Annual-ltetennlal*oXPlants &eat for flowerbeds and rock gardens indoor tropical and flowering plants, rose bushes trees and shrubs. Selection of hanging baskets "No GST" N EXETER .: All N cuovo E Your aVf` Xardening SUSAN'S re• Needs GREENHOUSES 1 1/2 mlies south of Crediton Trade -In your,old watch for great savings on your new Bulovo --or-Getravelle, -FRIM MAY bS'1.t • your old ticker (watch that 1,0.1s worth OP trnewBulova or-Caravelle watch. Now's-the Prime Time to retire thatold "Hiker' *wet ctt-is-)-aid-toles-hold( - your -new -Butova or Caravele watch with precision quartz. Style and accuracy -hasmacieltutova a worldwide leader for over ;WO years. BU LIWVA CARAVELLE by BULIMIA` ANS1ETTJEWELLERS LIMITED 6 Convenient locations to serve you: CLINTON.' EXETER. OODERiCII. SEAt:ORTII. Si'. MARYS and now KINCARDINE •••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • .••••:•-•.•••••••...1..••,••:•••••••••••• 1 WEENTRECOMANNUAL STOCK REDUCTION fi%OFF From Thurs. Apr. 30 EVERYTHING to Sat. May 9 NOT OTHERWISE SPECIALLY MARKED Up To 500.0 OFF FEATURE VALUES Specially marked by yellow YRa for your couveale tee. 5 Piece CHROME DINETTE Oval table, 1 leaf, 4 caster chairs s A 499 499.00 L Reg. 6811°' Cherry CORNER CURIO S Glass doors, light bridge, A glass shelves L t 899.°° Rett. 1,2`21 m .2 Piece -French Provincial SOFA & CHAIR sA LE Reg. 1,018"" 649.00 Large Selection of SWIVEL ROCKERS Variety ofitgaties & colours Startitig as low as 159°° 7 7 Piece - Oak BEDROOM SUITE Queen Headboard, footboard, ran s,8 drawer dresser, wing mir- ror, armoire, 2 night tables A L 99.°° Reg. 3,674.00 toLti AS SET ONLY 8 Piece - Oak DINING ROOM SUITE 1 -Arm chair, 5 -Side chairs, double pedestal table, (40x60 with 2-12" leafs), Buffet & Hutch (Glass Doors) 339.00 --too AVOW AS 8 LACE003. Ian ORY - 2 Piece NG ROOM SUITE Sofa & chair, pleated skirk A •99•00 � E Reg. $1,149 °' B Braemore -(2 Only) SOFA BED 54" Mattress L .499.0° Reg. 619" • A • • F. • • Reg. 1,016" •••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 99 .00 SALE: HOUKS:Fridays till 9 16% OFF ALL SPECIAL ORDERS fURNITIIE KEMLMBI;K: .111 i gul('t in ii tit, lair 11111 piitt" 11111 ' BRAND NAME FURNITURE FINE GIFTS ;.,1 l;, i,, L Mon.,Tues., Wed. Titers. &Sat. 9-5:3(1. P.m, PHONE 3484851 Main Street, Mitc, ll. luts •••••••••.•4,q. • •.•••„•,•, •+•*• All In Stock • JEWELLERY GIFTWARE• 10% • s or Oak Double Pedestal ROLL TOP. • DESK •• A 2 file Drawers LE 99111 Reg. 1,470." A11.l*tiMek !A 15%0FF 11. MIRRORS 6 hec., CARD TABLE matc lreurCchoice ronal or.gUAt # 1.593* 0 6 Piece Mapk DINETTE SUITE • 4 Mate's chairs, 40' rotund table & 1.12' mid • A L E 5793 • 0 Reg. 679."• 6 Piece ivory DINETTE SUITS i 4 Upholstered chau, & rectangular table B ,&Meet 0 A L 49.00; CHERRY • COFFEE & " END TABLE$ i • AL 79.O� i 8 Sold as eel o• nly Reg. ,122. 30 54" MATRESSES i .rfect for the cottage or spare room or A 99.00 r 68x. 3 Piece French Provincial