HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-04-29, Page 3tnratr.ofiOrand Bend." iti relike to think of: ourselves as a tourist facility...but.pight now we don't know. enough," rsaid Ivey. "It's something we -could .consid- er—and right now we don't have :enough information....We don't :mow how far they .tthe.provincej ;®ming to go with gaming." J.iawson suggested when the pro- -pixel . is made public the clerk ::aouldaet a date to discuss it at a -public meeting. ""'Ehe':)govcrnment's history in .ibasimmascrjres me to rk ath,"..added 4Maguire. Lawson .said he could aatim .np ..council's.,fedmgs by :saying :they would cry to-keep.:an :open :mind, .but would not:be in.favc ur of any proposal without:publicinpin. "If we don't Jake a - look, we might get bypassed." Maid -Ivey, noting many municipalities are lob- bying.ltard for a casino. "Id like to _-keepAhe options open_tor_the vil- .clage.- If at a .later date.we:can.say ':this isn't :our.cup :of tea' -then say .goodbye." Maguire -repeated his position he .Lasseriousmisgivings about pursu- ing a casino proposal. "I think you:bave to look at the social problems...what's down the back street," said Maguire. Lawson agreed and said council has to think of what is in the long term benefit of Grand Bend and not to be trapped into the plans of a cash-strapped provincial govern- ment to boost tax revenues. "What is the best in the long term? - recognizing that the prov- ince is looking for a short-term fix," concluded Lawson. Times -Advocate, 9Apr1129, 1992 50L, beia Ino*garflbtWI Ofteltflitimlifikair What do you think' Jlm.and l �iNiit#r�ila — Ken -Pet ie Grand-00dd Thcii��lie�on the street t find out ytiaurinObion on varlousissues. • Yes. We are favourable -to jt.'Wewould like to see it reserved to border communities like ourselves. Grand Bend's tourist season is three months long - it needs to be extended.,The amount of U.S. traffic has really declined this past year and we eerrbleme it on our high costs. ��. Yes, it would affect Grand Bend for the worse. We would end up having ' more people, Summer. is bad enough. Jeff Connor Grand Bend Absolutely. It will bring a lot of business Into town and jobs. There would be a lot of problems though eg. parking is atready•bsd and it would certainly triple. Alsottte-highways`- are not wide enough. It would turn Grand Bend into a year round community instead of just a summer resort which would bring a lot of money Into town. kr Barry Deneau Grandlsend Yes. 1 don't think the town has the parking or the roads for this Targe centre. I feel the local bars and hotels should be' Mowed -video slot machines and leave it to the locals instead of major corporations or govemment. `jtir3 Peter OH! "t`Peblsr:8. Yes it will affect Grand Bend. I'm not sure if in a positive or negative way. It will cause a lot of jobs and a lot of construction. The way the economy is right new, • in ten years Ave won't have enough moneyto pay for our social system, hos- pitalization, old age pen- sions, etc. It's time we started looking at other ways to generate money. Council cautious to slippage +casino .Britclidinkitarte GRANDBEND -Village council will not be offeringrifficialsuppon for a proposal: to :bold a casino in the .Lakeshore more :.Council agreed at -last Tuesday's :Meeting that limed gambingwould.have a profound effect on :Grand Bend, and snch a -p oject ishould.liotzbe ptusued wiithout:public_aupport. Mayor Tom lsawaon -revealed that council .met ,behind .:closed doors with. two of the-ptoject'spro- :> s, U yd Qtrillfteand Keith Hpggard,.atan April 15 meeting, Lawson noted the proposal An - .eludes a one -acre building needing five or six.acres of parking - a:ide- mand for land that might affececur- rent boundary negotiations. .Lawson asked council whataheir -position was on whether licensed -gaming -was something _Grand Bend should pursue. "It's something that's going to take a lot olf discuas,onend a lot: of thought -before 1 •would _support something ,like this," =annealed council•Phil'Maguire,'who said:the public ought to be brought in .on it before .council formed an official opinion. l -would like more public opin- ion .on the issue as well," agreed councillor:Ed Fluter, describing it as a "significant" issue that could affect the village's revenues and employment. Deputy -mayor Cam Ivey cau- tioned againstaaking the province's notions of casinos too seriously and said the government's posture is very "nebulous". But Ivey agreed with Maguire and Fluter that gaining "could change the t'9 ti Thi .. .0 ..ltvi� �7 Uri You may have notkaed SIGNS AND SHIRTS is closing it's retail store in Hensall• ::) htr's 1, (IMPRESSIONS) ,We would like to take this opportunity �6. L --patronage thank you for your past _'-patrongge and to assure you that we • ere not going out of business. All of ( ourbtlhiness will be conducted loom ,;i put shop at 103 Richmond 51. S. Hen Ball. Your screen and artwork will re- ft main on file and any future printlrlg3 „ // needs will be our pleasure. 4.1 6 We hope in this way, we can maintain our low prices to you, our customers. For a great deal on our instockti* inventory, visit the store at 109 King. We are closing the end of May so come early for selection. ]hank you once again and we look t ward to serving you in We future. 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