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2rl Times -Advocate, Apdi11:2;11142 7t TTr- —. •
The • Precious'llemod:CIA/L.celebrated lts'lettthynniveaeryTest Tuesday evening at Trivitt Me-
morial Anglican=Chtirdh ffFExeter. Itrliv -:eft, are 'president elect Melferle
-bili°, ry Anti tie C000k, p ONer1 ofhey,'treesut
Smits, recording sea -eery Mary Korlcina, •and Father Joseph Bagatto. Behind are past presi
dents of the CWL Rita ,Winters (!eft), Esther Rau, Gerry Gregus, and Willie Verberpe. Absent is
past president. Barbara Sheeler.
IL acre
_MEIER - The Precious Blood Mission Church
.12otitolic- Women's League celebrated their 10th anni-
versary Tesday, April 14 at Trivia Memorial Church.
Celebrations began with mass said by Father J. Ba-
.gatto, followed by guest speaker Father.G..Ooyeau.
'Presidents who served duunglhe rn'r-trs.werc.Es-
xher-Rau, Barbara Sheeler; Willie Verihe Gerry:ere-
. gus, -Rita Winters and -ptasently- hie rlene ltffr.ry.
Lucan :choir
members win
LONDON - Members of a Hainan
church .choir ..participated in -Me
_London .Kiwanis MusicStival
last week, winning a tel: of 12
first place awards, five :seconds,
.and five thirds.
:33bven . members of Me -Holy
Trinity -,Anglican Church junior
.choir.sang a total of 19.aolosrand
.tbreeidhets at:the festival :with rex -
ne lent miults" deports. Beulahliar-
• Participants ;included Jay, .Joel,
Katelyn,.and :Allison _Squire nom
Centodia;kiindrew,and Timmy
can.,Ifflai ir1y oULu-
can„and . Lisa, .ndsay, Lemke,
and.Loni Hardy of_Lucan: They
tens aa cached by-Beulah1iatrdy.
Mt Carmel
MT. CARMEL_ - The Apnl meet-
ing of the Mt. Carmel CWL opened
with prayer by the 22 members in
Guest speaker for the evening
was Louise Merner. She showed
pictures of homes she redeoarated.
The CWL :are invited to Precious
Blood's steeling on April 14.
Gary. will be guest speaker.
First communion will be on Sun-
_ dayavlay 3, The quiltls:allliniahed
and it looks many nice. Mary Ho-
gan thanked iall.ethe woolen who
worked so Waco it. Ten had per-
fectauendancc. Tire Day of-MIvo-
cation will continue,. for ,aftp{her
four months.. It will . be. 'Ittngfry;first
Friday of each month.
The CWL are going to have .a
bake sale after each plass on May
17 . and 18 weekend. Diane Kaak
will speak. on her trip to Peru at the
neat meeting.
extends bulb
TORONTO - Ontario Hydro's $5
rebate program on the purchase of
energy efficient compact fluores-
cent lightbelbs has been emended
w the end of this year.
Since the inception of the ,pro-
gram in late • 1989, sales . of the
bulbs Have contoured to climb.
Sales in 1991 were more than six
times higher than the previous guar.
To date, 925,000 o he,uilha,baye
been sold. •
' Corupact fluorescent bulbs last
up to 10 bines longer than
• lienal bulbs and use only a
of the .energy An(
Thanks wrw:, given to those who served the _OWL.
during the past ten years.
The only fund raiser for the group, the annualpenny
sale has been very successful and has supported many
-•worthwhile causes in theparish and the community.
All women 16 and over am invited to join the'CIML
membership any time.
oorRr. r 8275
wire,s r too.
Osman) Stela.
".Beginnings -tot endings!”
For.Chiiitianpoople.ihis isiheneason known.as Eastertide. This is a
_lime of ,btape, promise, Heebner -and new beginnings. Some might
.t1 nkihatEaater is shard subject to.talk about. it need nottbe:so,!1st
of usaremonditioned to look for•evidence. Christians bave.iheltible
;and -more.:c'J sanity began in.the .New Testament; it:did-mot Arid
(there: The bnre_lfacts are that Jesus was executed for treason agaiinstart
oppressive occupying army in his.cauatry. That Roman Empirepasa4d
away. bruits Jesus lived on. Helivadoamttu.lives of .those who Judi
known flim in ihe. flesh :on earth, 41e. lived -Awn through the centuries
in.thousands of lives;who:ahowed nus:apirit,tothe.World in which they
dived..Jesuajiveslodayin:thousandslwho practice hisieachingsand fol-
low his example - not always inatructtmed.and formalized religion.
Thebodily veattrnetion of Jesusmnans.irgoeatdeal to many. people. I,
i5or,one, would respectihatbelief. 1t is.hard to,understand.-The:impor-
4iant;thipg is:that the Spirit of mus wassnaurrected on.Easter morning:.
I have stood rn:wonder inihe_Garden of theTvmb. I have looked at the
-reputed-execution. s;tte..Likesnar►y of you, I.bave touched those ancient
,stones.and turf -.and:haveremembered the. story. My heart beat faster
.as, like the women ollaster morning, I looked into a tomb ,with :the
atone rolled back. Jesus was not found there. Nobody really needs to be
"hung up" on what happened. We can all see for ourselves_thatdrsap-'
monument and ,alarm that must have worried the authorities, :too, on
Faster morning.
Apparently there is an alcoholic beverage available in the distant hills
>r of southwest China that is reputed, after one drink, "to .allow a rabbit to
'apit in the eye of a tiger". _that .power was artificial. The "something"
that enabled a group of dispirited weak followers logo out.and face the
world was "for real". The resurrection of Baster mooing entered the
minds of weak. dispirited .people..and sent them out into an apathetic.
hostile world -- to change it with a message of faith, hope.and love that
could never be suppressed by hopelessness and death. It worked! The
Roman empire passed away. The Spirit of God revealed by Jesus lived
on! It inspired litre, fearful people to .change society .and reshape the
Today we face an apathetic, hostile world. For many people today the
iexecution of Jesus worked. His strange thoughts about God and.people
and how they should connect - worked. The vision of the new world is
clouded with mists of doubt. The Gres of enthusiasm .burn low - or are
mere embers of disappointment. Was the resurrection of Jesus Christ
mere history.. or can we catch the message from an empty tomb? Like
the small gawp in .J;ppppr m...an;we go out and facie the world filled
_ , withtheSpitit of.the Risen Christ--;o1ive.witbtn out hearts and empow-
ering us to move out of ourselves and show this love and power to the
bruised, the hurt, the grieving and the marginalized folks to our com-
munity and in God's world? It is that Spirit that oven;omes despair and
Heyl It's time to celebrate lift's options in the paxnise of springtime.
The time is for listening and watching - remembering and dreaming - to
putinto action our seas° of gratitude for life and.for lovel Happy Easter
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