HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-3-26, Page 4ever pin our bill un1e,r,4 yon ha\ 0 Quay, "lf you Ivo couriinga gi1,' Sus Cf,lifoi!ttiu por, “Stick to hr, no mat- ter how Tarp her fr,tlier's f A. r eetiet paper points out hew taste, for gomblitg, is shown in this eouniry; $0 that even in wedding notices it is necessary to fitittb that there were "no yards." Mr. Ma:rowfat ratitor snappishly re- marked to bib wife, lost b"unday, that a anon cork always ho thinking of his immoral soul, Ile limit have time to eat his 16a1s. At the laying of the corner -stone Of the ne* capitol of Iowa, no speeehes were made, except a few remarks by a workman who got his firetnrs pinched, and they were brief and Co the point. That was a practical woman who wrote :to eNangelist llammond, at St. Louis, asking prayers to lift the mod - gage of her farm, that she and her 14- tle 0120e may not be thrown out of a home. ; A WeStern paper says that the way tc off the poets when they offer' to ri pieces gratutioubly is to accept eirefforts, hand them to the worst 44.sitor and let the proof-reader orreit them according to his own 'leas of pr000dy. This is warranted destroy the strongest poetical fever ni bite weeks. shomnaker gut West, with a liter- ary t of mind has the ,following po- etical sem attached to his shingle: ,t14re lives a man who never refuses, To iteud. all sorts of boots au& shoeses" A wag" went to the station On one &the railroads here one evening, and, Rutting the best car full, sail in a low tone, " "Why, this car isn't going 1" Of course -this caused a general stampede, and the wag took the best seat. In the 'midst aif the indignation Me wag was asked: 'why did yoir say this eat" wasn't going:!' "Well, it wasn't ttlien," replied the wag, ""but it is now;'. chieaeli, parson, who is also a school teacler, handed a problem •to lus elaes in mathentatices,-the ether. day. The first joy took it, looked at it a while, and said: “I pass." Sec- ond boy took it, and said:,turn it down." The third boy started at it a while, and drawled out: "I can't make it." •"Yery good, boys," said the par- son, 'we will proceed to cut for a new deal;" and, with this remark, the lea- ther strap danced like lightning over those depraved yonng mathematicians. About a year ago the corner -stone of a new American church was laid in Rome. A good degree of progress has been made in the building, although there have been many difficulties result - in z from laying massive foundations to a depth of thirty or forty feet. The building material is cream -colored trav- ertine of the finest quality. Great care Is exereised.to have the work done in the best manner, and its construction is watched -with much interest both by Americans and Romans. Another year at least, will be required for its com- pletion. Windsor, March 18—A case of child. desertion was perpetrated here last night by some unknown cruel person who left a young female infant at the door step of the Rev. Mr. Brethour, on 'Windsor ay.'withan anonymous note, requesting he wonld take care of it as • her WS unable to support it,and to call its name Edith:'The child was Aft erward taken care' ofly the town au- 4horities Another sad. accident mewed hero this morning in the Q.W.R. yard to a man namedNed.Shinner,who,got considerab- ly smashed between the cars. His arm was broken in two places and his head jpaclly cut; he is in a precarious condition , General Sir 'Gaspard Le Marchant died •lately in London. Re was the 'third sort of Major-General Le Mar- wIto fell in the battle of Salaman- ca: Fie entere41. the army in 1851, was Governor and Commander-in-chief of Newfdundland from 1847 to 1852, Lieu- tenant -Governor of Nova Scotia from frorn 1852 to 1857, Governor of Malta . from 1859 to 1864, and was appeinted ..ConimAndevin-chief at Madras in 1865. Twd negroes Peter Blair and -Moses Sullivan, had some angry words, 4.ming which Mr. ,Blair told Sullivan he was no gentleman. The latter demanded Two negroes, Peter Blair and Moses Sullivan, had some angry wdids, during which Blair told Sullivan he was no gen- tleman. The latter demanded an. apol- ogy, or satisfaction with shot guns or pistols. Blair replied that he had no apology to make, but accepted thelehal- lenge, naminglime,place ,and weapons. The parties met at Sand Bar Ferry at 7 o'clock, On Wednesday last accompanied by their ) seconds, two megroes named Ralph Knight and Wil- liam Armstrong. '„tho gronua wits ppaced off, and. Volt's five shooters plac- ed in the hands of the principals. Knight gave the word of command :„he v said: "Peter aro you ready ?" Peter said: "Yes," Oloses, are you ready ?" Moses replied: '"Yes." Then coin- =snood/the $hooting, and both parties fired avajvartil the last barrel was discharged. The pistols were reloaded, and the prineipids resumed their posi, tions, The words of command was re- peritd. Etna tho firing recommenced, and, was continued until Blair fell to the ground, shot through both legs. The parties returned to the city innneel fliately, Sullivan fought at the same place last year, and Blair fought an- other negro near Savannah some time Q. 00Ag'SNY(41 ttiv Ainat a terrible tate Loa -oust witl he fell sensele$s aeross the podia told has been raving c ever si net) ,erfeilfifi00„ Mr. Bellows has been paying atten- tion to young Miss Hnively for some WOO, adia, nfw Oyellnigg 3440 )10 00,110d for tire purpose of making' a formal proposal. Miss Snively, it would eppear, has had other and unfortunate 1,)\ in the past, and it Inelancho'1,. enee has made her singularly eautious. After talking, with her for a while, Bellows hennned and hawed, and blushed, and then, suddenly seizing her hand, he was about to plump the question right, when Miss Snively in- terrupted him. "Alt, 0X.CUSO me for asking you, Mr, Bellows, but are you goieg to propose ?" " Well, I—that is, I should say that —that I did, perhaps, cherish some—. some—as it were some—idea, that is to say—well, yes," "0, very well," rejoined Miss "very well ; but just wait a mo- ment, please, while I call My aunt downstairs." " Wh-wh-wh-what for ?" asked Bel- lows, in astonishment. " Why, so that I can have a witness case I'm obliged to sue you for breach of promise, of course. The last man who proposed got off; but I reck- on yon won't if 1 know how to fix things. Wait a minute." And. then, as Miss Snively went out in search of her aunt, Bellows glided through the front door, and, crashing his hat down over his eyes, he diesipa- rated love's ydiiiig dreaof, stifled his grief, sIawent home to bed. Miss Snively will not, sue. Condemnation, of Maekerszies 40overapatent in Englund. We take the following from an arti- cle in the London Standard of the .28th ult. : "If it should turn out to be that the Canadian GOvernment has really form-, ed the design attributed 'to it, we co.n understand, and& a large extent sym- pathise with the position of British Co- lumbians. The suspension ,of the Fa, cific Railway is a clear bleach Of con- tract with British Columbia, of which its people have full right to complain. The alternative design attributed to Mr. Mackenzie, which aims at a junction of the Canadian with the American Trans 7 Continental system, is something still worse; of which all those who arcrifo-tr: cerned in the maintenance of the Con- federation, as well as those who desire to see Canada develop in a direction apa, t frem. the United States, are bound still more strongly to disapprove. The object which the Canadian Pacific Rail- way was designed. to serve was to give the Provinces a high road „across the, continent from sea to sea,• on British soil, which -would tend to bind together more closely the 'scattered members 'of the Dominion. It was projected by Canadian statesmen, and supported and encouraged in this country, rather on political than on commercial grounds, that it might conduce to the greater consolidation of the British poweron the•American continent. Therefore to propose not only to depend on the Uni- ted States Pacific Railway as our means of communication with the Pacific, but to feed. that railway by branches lead- ing into it from Canada, is a project not only in violation of the expressed conditions of the Confederation, but as irieems to us, un insidious attack upon the independence of Canada4 "If it is our object to maintain. the British charter of the Confederation at all, it is our policy to make Canada self-- sustaining and self-supporting. But for the amalgamation of the Canadian with the American TA:111VB,St ,syStems, and by the surrender of a Pacific line in British territory to the existing American line we shall have ai.decicled step towards that political assimilation the idea of which some of the members of the Mackenzie Government are strongly suspected. of entertaining. In any case, for the Dominion Govern- ment to contravene the conditions of a specific bargain with one of the Feder- al Provinces is to assail the very key-, stone of that edifice which we have built up with so much labor in the Con- ederation—to justify secession and break up the general unity. And it must ' be remembeied that there is a hird party in the contract whieh cannot be ignored. In endeavoring to evade he construction of the Pacific Railway, he Mackenzie Ministry breaks faith not only with the people of British CO- umbiu,, but with tile Imperial Govern- ment. As guarantors of the loan which as been raised on account of the Pa- n ific Railway, if in 'le other capacity, he British Government has a right to voice in those transactions, and. we, annot doubt that Lord Carnarvon wili ause it to be heard. We can inter- 4 frdrann Information wAs received in Pittsburg recently that a terrible hovror had just been unearthed,at Chapmanvillo, Two weeks ,ago a woman named 'gorilla Coggswell, wife of Anthony Coggswell, a drover, died, as wits supposed, in the village tamed, and was buried. Her husband, was absent at the time, frie first knowledge of his wife's death was on Thursday Iasto when he returned herne. Almost wild with grief, he in- SiSIbit on having her body exhutned, so that he could see tile remains. TI118 W11,8 done, and the coffin was opened in the presence of SOVO111,1 fl'161143. TO the unutterable horror of all the body had nod its position hi the coffin, show. in hat Mrs. Coggswell liad,been buried while 'she was in a trance. The body Was lying on its face. Evidence of a fearful strugglemadeby tin) unfortunate woman when silo Yeociveyo4 consciolis liess in the coffin were vtsxb10 The 'testi was torn from one shouhler and \end was covered with bleoa, 'When ene with peculiar ' mithority- 'the" matter, for we cannot be suspected of any other motives than pure patrietisni, 'and deilire ler the public goodin Urging. the fulfilment of all the, conditions un- der which the greet worlrof Canadian Confedoration as effected. Without, the Pacific Railway to develop the splendid reSollrOOS of PIP SaAatetteYvaT1, Volley,: and to knit together, the Easti ern and Western Pioviiidd, theCbri- fed?ration is but a unity in name, which is at any time liable to be dui - solved." PniaL (1111ritOVatt Vt TEM 1011W130 -o5 sTomr, (rArt4-s2.) kINSMAN, DENTIST, WILL I/O 'found Jai& Mike, Main Street, Exeter Ont, every Tuaslitty, and gonorally on tho other ritays of the Week, except Wednesday and Thursday. Flo "Will guarantee all work to be equal tO tilt) 4)(34 done 15 anyCityand at prlco� within the Wel) of 'all cI,no.If ' tooth *Ming on Saturday, come in the evening titer ilvo, !tented of leaving it for Sunday, as sonic do. ,AII who Ment their tlient, ehbUld eall• and have thain inepected before they footpath ft) them. AU parents' shoini call for advico about children'e first teeth,. before allowing ,ene":1.6 be ok treated, iir? great datnrige le constantly being den Olat by extratiting Sift% tooth ttie won. • 145er 00414 Thursday', gth Sipt. A ' August. 'Scotiand,TuestittY, id Irrl\.T.$„(V7rrrZiTrrrrrair....0.17'.1$ t County 0.,uort 146, County of flurott,. provoke() of Ontario, (MANDY, vANADA., In tI o matter- of J. W Qt' 1101)0N, .4.XSOL VENTS. The undersigned have filed in the office of tide Court a deed of Composition and /decluirge excuser bid by their Creditors, Mid on Tuesday, the Wet day of °I.t.reli nexttliey Nvill apply to the Judge of the 8•11,1 Court for seordirmetion of Cie Diecharge thereby eifected. • dc W. GliANDY, by Bunsen & IllETErlte, ' their Attendee, ad titer*. Datocl at Burial), this 2011 day of Febreary, 1874, 27 -td. • ,•••""","4.4,4,4400 CII4RLE S SENIOR, PHOTOGRA PFIEll, wishee to call the attention of the public to the,faet that he ie constantly on hand to take photographs, and that he will give eatistac- non to all parties who give him a call. Having had considerable experience, be is prepared to photograph. residences or do any out -door photog raphy. Enlarging old copies will receive special attention, either from old ambrotypes or daugerro- types to arty size up to life-eizo. ThOtie Wkw wish Phetos. of deceased friends enlarged, will do well to give him a call, as his instruments are as good as eau be had. Also an assortment ot oval frames zonstantly on hand. Charges moderate and work ratisfactory. 1-1ni. Ammithwrinewthwthieme° 6 6STANDABD " BOOK STORE, WATER STREET, ST. MARY'S. Rooks. Pictures, Paper, Wall Paper, Toys. Picture Frames,Berlin Weobr, and Foamy Goods ° In profution. PIANOS. W o'ber's splendidFlanos, the beet made in the .Dominiom.from.$350 to 8750 Call and examine sample at" tandard" Book store. JOHN B. BBOTT, Agent .-Picture Framing in every style to order. t. Mary's, Oct., 1873. • Mr ohailt Tailor and Ceneral Outfitter. - BIBLE' ,DEPO8ITOR BOOKSELLER Si STATIONET A- Stock of Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wesleyan and Bible Christian IIymn Books, Psalm Books for themse of Pres- byterians, -Church of England Prayer Books, Miscellaneous Literature of a non-aemoraligng' naturer and a general aSsortineilt OF SCHOOL BOOKS &STATIONERY - always on hand W. OB1GQ.. Corner. Bookstore ST. MARY'S. F. Sharp, Bookseller. Stationer. 4 - r, ' ' Always on haxia a largo assortment of "BdOKS; STATIONERY, *ALL PAPER, FANCY GOODS, CALL AND Ep H. FRED SIIARP. grata H. FRED. SHARP, _ GePeratEXChange &Mt ST. MARY'S. ' Agent for tho INMAN LINE OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. , Tickets from 5. bfarrs Qu OonetowetorAdver- poor, toorage,832.50. t ; ...Parties wishing.,tosandifor their fileindeiri tber old country can procure prepaid certificates cheap- er than by al. other lino. Agent for t e Michigan,Gentral and -Erie Hail- Tiake diethedYte any Part Of tliefF.S.•;' Odin or west. , 'AGENT FOB THE ANADI,AX iPRESS FOMPAXY. Greenbacks Bought and Sold at the Best Rates. LONDOg QUEBEC andIWONTREAL 'Temperley Line. Composed the followlug firet-class Il101•T STtAlVISITIPS SCO'I'LAND, TEAME8,* SEVERX HECTOR. The Steamers of this Lino are intended to sail during the Season 0 Navigation of 1871, front, ',144kirP,X ro#,' (PJEBte AND IVIONTREAtf Ss follows ),,--Satitlandi Wednesday, 27th August, and every alternate- WerIneeday, and gaturdaT thereafter,' And'frOnt • • •?, , A • ° • r QUEBEC FOR LONOON, AS FOLLOWS: MEDWAY, DEtTA, NYArZA, TENDklitS ,WANTE1), goatit4 tote:toll, bo reeelvoti up.tO the iltli April or 'itto otoction of a 1.1tIdk 661,160X UptftW 15 to ho eofupletet1 Oil 5h ittttb, day of Nr,)8, 1374., Pendent -Will alec, b_oviroo tea' fee the obinidetion: of its miss Hetitie'bri•thrt Mill tiny tibiely.1373, p1ttt5sU1sti�yti can be liken at the nifildelide abhiiot4ft,an tot.120, etbl, i5 Irayi Ths trts5sos .lo not bind tlimmiolvott tO ititoOnt -oti.thO 16,froot«ra,ny tender', , NV/Ent, 10. FT • Truritatiii ' IttitY,UtYLLINOS/ftlib., filaich 11,1874.. And every alternate Tileaday and Thur day hereafter, , • • Ittr.to lower that other 'Ciertiildataii 1511it5i 50Pertle'ins doisirolie of bripts.- lug out their friends, Per Vroight er Peerage, apply to 1)AV11) alaWiMeirtreal, "WU. A 1, A DIALAgeriti ifay'fl 0,05ood9-.. L CARTA 202EZTER, DEALER, 111 y-00 GROCERIES, an lipors , HARDWARE OCKER Boots and Shoes Patent Medicines, ... MADJX ALLIKINDS OP AIL EINDS (Yr rSrrrlirO4-F•IrrNrrOLSrrO8,r Ca eli Paid. tor Ilidoo Atign 28; VI ISAAC! OAIH4ING. ooltbinding,. It'ilt:gid";11TBISon''avic)dit'll'ittor“olt'i,',7oistol(TrcttftunldlY 10 ‘unndlog conntry that no, 18 pruptmd, to do Ad. 44014 of two -10)1100w in 5/0 latuot and 0100 Mon 'onablo t4(.yi,Ji,1 at bdo nindQry in tit, ,Hapy'tt. 1810148- 4110Fil.)0W1.11.4.0b0ilp,y11t1,5. 1t14, ordoro lott 4I5 tho 1.41,1013 °Moo, ),,ketor, wW t000lvdprompt 4ttqetion St )1,larY'S, Autiuet 2e. ' 1-1F, 1 attites, r iHEW,1).McGLOCI LON WAICII is the best in the market rinly Mnq FxETEIZ NOBTI1 CAIIRIAH rACTOR ,• ,,,(Nxiotkouir• <5, Be sure and before buying. SAM. All W Gold and ,fill 77 Dundee Stnik ...The largest, best Jeweirey. Clock)/ ' et the ..Ve'• D. XeD1043111 da Pirate on will have no other after seein wear them recommeud there re Lady And Gthatle8it4.'s sixes London. See the tostiutouthis and cheapest stook of flue-Oold Silver And Plated WI: Fancy sL0. L4, W. Giulli: 5Oat ditacciiti4(41 ever ) cLE Flavin & atitathintrg. NAN'S STEAM AND WA.. POWER and 'Mit. XII I ER. The undersigne to his numerous patronage in the tunity.otstating over to turn out THE VERY The mill is in the ties can generally with them. Bavi wheel, there le no Wisheirinfrethru sincere thaulre ustomers for their very. liberal twit, and also take; thii oppor- 8at1J proitirId than BEST OF WORK. est ,of running order, and par- ely On getting their grist home lately put ink., neF, Fater - an abundanceor water. IPTIr wirze.yr. HIGREST M4ET PRICE PAID ,IN CASH ,no WHEAT. _ FLOUR AND CliOinD FEEDIALW-AY ON HAND. ISPLENISAH. J ROSS PLANING iyilas J. ROSS, Builder, Manufaeturer, and dealer in &Blinds et BUILDING MATERIAL, esticeh as SASH, Doors , Olinda, MOULDINGS eta, DRESSED Axp, UNDRESSED. He has also on band alfret-olass lei al Flooring, Sidin CASINa, oro lc etc. Whieh they furnish to order. , 0 z „ Dressed and Undressed, litelfitabily On hand. Alwaye an hand. I SPeeial attention paid to PLANs & srEcIFTcATI0P'S. Thoroughly understsuding tileibeee,' treEip.. ing none but experienced' workineii, and tri;ing only first.class material, Ivo feels cenfitlelit bf giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor lthnwitli tl/eir patronage. Oral solisi50d,1 L()1$ itR traTIN *BOSS,' ARIVIVOlt, 'SAL 110 nitdotgrginA offer gtiniditnii tor 040, 15 5110 plonks, voitit . 141671 coo, 4, rhOr6 moors, OE &J.13roelts -wefild take advantage of this opportunity to inake known to the inhabit. ants of Exeter and eurreunding enuntry that they. are prepared to turn out ° Most Stylish Buggies Clatters'. th,,,ia4tipo built putsitle;ef the, eitlee. I`Tfine Put practipalForinnon a're'empleyod, and as ,thC pro- prietore aro thoroughly practical, they will have e, supervision over all werif,slene,' 4 • • POrtilandy Swell Body. andOtherstylish Cantors always ou hand at city prices. ',Rattiettlar attention paid tot 4 -TOYS° Shoeing, anerp,1 Jobbing, etc pir Bet,ro pittchasirig elsewhere, give us it Call.' Our buggies have token prizes at two !mist this mettson. satisfaction guaranteed. nemomber the plitee-Hurrie's old stand. G. & 3. BROOKS. 301155, el*dit'••" 7KH NE' B001;41,e41/04 AND Harness-- MAIN STREET. + large and varied assortment otLedies, Genie' t140ad ..0.4114retts . *POTS cr4 Silarka. ITORLATtil.„40irtig 4) B \'''"; WORKMANSIEW Kept constantlylefiliandlilAliet, cbokre,lotlof F47.7. OVERSHOES, RUBBERS, BOP- . PERS, W. =frT. having secured the eerviees of kn. J. CONIMAFORD, Is prepared to receive orders for all dcsoriptionsof 'CARRIAGE, LIGHT & HEAVY I-IAR1'17F,ISS, A complete stocker, ' ' HORSE CLOTH . ING, / BRUSHES, COMBS, ,. Theisivdthibtir`ift.keo'tios ingthnpublio'fbetheif paeesuppert axid-aesure5. them that as' nothing but the best materiel is used and none but,first7platie,workmen emploped) then will and it 50 theielacivantage tri,co.htume their support;5. P4IiibtiliAlt ATTENTION PASHTO ORDEB-WORK-AHO REPAIRING: Eketer,NOv - 13:1y. THE subscriber begs to thanlpthe people of Ex- eter wad surrognding country ler the very liberal patrpnage bestowed upon him blithe past, and now after enlarging his premises is prepared tool° work which cannot be surpassed either in or/outside of cities. Particular attention paid to the ,making And fitting of COLLARS. iHARNESS. (Sign of th& ciiit). HEAVY AND LIGHT, BLACK AND ILVER 710111ITED, most stylish and fashionathe manner ji_es- ilk Repairthg receives every, attention. The ROCKWELL BIT AND OVER -CHECK on hadd. Me would intimate to his many friends that he has lathed to their health and interests in Boots' and. Shoes.. and has lust reeeived a large and varied Stack for Gents ,"Ladiea' Misses' and 'Youths Wear: This toranch'will be found replete In every particular, and the stock will be sold at a slight advance on cost. Thecervices of MR. 1110 . ALLEN, Thither Road, have been engaged to take charge ofthis departhcent. and is now prepared to receive all or- ders for work in this line. Satisfaction guaranteed And work performed with promptness. -, 14-8ni. FA.14KPPK., ^ • gittwattil: r.,TC WOTER I ••••••••= II SIL01411 1 41.111 11 1:47010; Mt?! Witiartittilhlid lilillim8IilfiliiMIIIIIIMM111111P11111111111111141;11111P111E111111111911111f11188=m ,111, 11111111111N111111131111MINE111111, 1111' 11111104111101N9111C1111111111111i„ itafdlll 01114113111 .1 1112°111 :111i11,1: 11111b;:' 01111, ,I '114:111111,11111, o en tiO ,crs„°1 vort, 9/I 0 ti5 rt§ ' a Zer Thc lig Reed Or artix weslo net Wi$1140 4etriketfteml11e,merits ,of 'other organs by' holding ours, but are ever ready to submit them to. a fair and impartial test, feeling' confident of the result: ' ' " 5 : 1500. eatimonialg from the best inushtians in Canada can be uixn "I I It MA.BRIN ET AN • • mproved Singer Sewing Machine. tiocicziAn N IS The Best Family Sewing Mashigkin the Dominion, 1T 1S THE, Simplest, Strongest Quieiesti .Lightest RunnInG Most Oenvenient Machine Yet Constructed. its maks is tminipeachable, and ithwork most satisfactory. The IMPROVED SINGER 1 Is an excellent machine for all kinds of heavy Fork, slush as harness, boots & slob., etc. THE SHUTTLE 1S - STEEL, larger, simpler, and in every.way bettor tha. any oft* in Met 4 C. SOUTKCOTT, .Agent. •C • • M11".•S;a1liitys keeps orynind a supply of Mac&t•- • ' irfd-A.ttadbm' ents, N.B. FULL ° .1NSTI?UOTIONS- GIVEN TO EkOH 'PURCHASER. ."Southebti:is p‘repitrek o give complete and satisfactory fits hi his clothing Line. • O. B011717-EC0tT,, dies, c.tic.. E IES LIQUORS A.. MACE , Ilaslast received alarge and excellent Stock of Groceries, consisting of Green Black, and Japan TEAS, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Rice; Sugars, Which he is prepnredln P141., SELL CHEAPER TiliANER 1",t1 tt4 STORE CALI 1 R c T BISSETT , • Have now rn hand a quantity of TOVS OF IpNDON & HAMILTON MAKE, A.tati NtOttld 801101t a Call from any Wlithiag a really good article, 4. 4uant07 o,f TinWare, Copper-tvare, etc. 1, Always on hand, 3111-1.7M.,T1t01.7 MADE A SPECIALITY, 11'4000:. TA.KEN.I.N..ExosAsftE..,t0k000b$: ';.• • 04$11: fittegt. EXETER, Ol\TT. Mr. John Drew vrorild inform tho public that he lr.ts opened out 1iitrnituro WarerObine in hit new building opposite the TIMES office; and is Ml50glthOth *911 p$,E. or TEEE 13EST STOOKS tobe FOUND in N.VSTERN 01\TTAItIO; 11 eismptlsoa Chairs, Tables, Stands,13tirerns, Cupboards, Sideboards, and Bedsteads. Ile haa ttiso on hand, a ohotee aolootton itioRISOITES REP COVERED' BRAWINO .EOCM4U1TES C.> lionging in price up to 0175,, , toteinona bore eVorything usually kept In a Firetteliteriestablildfnunit. artaseds '• shortly a largo importation of the teem;!rtofi:6Aimi , vnitty DOUght from tho bast nanufacturors tit tho Unitaa. Staled, iaolo 607-XL:ti ltE SOLID V,It X, 13.-.4ovelting doll° proniptly, ),)oeittlity.,, Give the subsoribor es of every (1 ription de JOIIX IMUiIW.